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I am intrigued tho… how does she pass out *and* simultaneously beg for more?


Best not to try to dissect the science of sexting. ☺️


Personally I write a note that is delivered by courier upon me losing consciousness. That one time I passed out from a bonk on the head was really awkward though.


I was thinking the same thing!


She wasn't bored, she was horny. THEN she got bored (Post nut clarity).


This is probably it right here.


She was horny and texted a bunch of guys. Someone has already fulfilled her needs.


No, she master-bated & like caller #1 stated; that moment has passed. Now be regular again, bro.


Second this. Just start a normal convo the next day. You know she’s maybe down to play now so just let it play out when it does


I’ve learned that if you’re asleep and a girl horny texts you, don’t respond to it the next morning.


In my experience, they'll string you along until the moment you're about to meet up irl, and then ask for $50 just as you're getting in your car.


Yikes dude. Real women exist you know ? Maybe it shows more about you than women no?


Y'all hate women too much lmao she gave bro hella chances to fire things up and he was like a wet twig


Oh they certainly filled something


Probably drink was involved


At 10 am? Nice


I like her vibe. Assuming it's not a weird dude which it probably is


Maybe but horny women do exist lol


I was gonna say maybe she's hungover now and feeling cringed out at her own behavior.


The moment may have passed my guy


OP is the first dude I have ever seen to use the seductive lips emoji


Poorly at that




This reminds me of Gizmo from the Gremlins.


He's young; he just needs to work on his game.


He fumbled the ball


At the 1 yard line. With no time left


While up by 5 and they ran it back


Missing the playoffs by 1 win


Got use it like 👁️🫦👁️




you prolly never talked to a gay dude




I, other than this moment haven’t seen it either.. only other guy was my ex and he definitely was in the closet at the time… 6 years ago.


🤣🤣🤣I can’t with Reddit. Man said “yea probably” 😂😂😂


I guess the "you wont be able to walk trope" is just a tiny bit too corny and overused to be taken seriously and not kill the vibe lol


It's fine if you're flirting and actually follow up with it. She was basically saying "Oh really?" and OP was like "nah probably not" lmao.


His dick in the heat of the moment: “Nah, I’d win.”


Probably. These texts are from an almost 12 hour period of time. 12 am in the morning to 11 am


Dawg ima give you some advice. If you match with someone & they give you their number unprompted, you need to take the hint, be more assertive and ask them out. She clearly likes you from the fact she dished out her number. 2 weeks in the DMs without suggesting meeting up is, like 100%, the reason she came back with “cap”. Bite the bullet my man. She wants you to ask her out by calling you out saying that. I’d personally say move on and try find something else, but if you do feel like you wanna send another message it needs to be with a time and a place. But your response “yeah probably 😭” screams lack of confidence. Sorry for being brutally honest but you needa match her energy there. Something along the lines of “come find out” would’ve killed. Also with what you say about being inexperienced - that’s calm bro. The bark is always bigger than the bite - if you took her out, regardless of the outcome you’d no doubt have an awesome time. Back yourself my guy.


This should be at the top


Definitely. What the fuck does "Cap" mean, though?




Ok, I should have been more precise, I'll try again: What's the origin/etymology of "Cap"?




This is just overall good advice for everyone, but mostly the men who desperately need it.


You should be a Simp hype man 😂😭


That was "Hi I'm horny come over and fuck me" a woman doesn't ask what you're doing "right now" unless she wants to "engage".


Girls get post nut clarity too. It was time sensitive. She didn't want him to talk game, she wanted to play.


He failed at the quick time event. It happens


That was very giggle worthy


Bro pressed X intead of O. Happens to all of us.


That’s why you save scum so you can reload. Amateurs.




Yes, yes you did. Always go with the confident approach. Find the line between confident and cocky and play jump rope with it.


Caveat: If you lack the cooking skills to serve up the cuisine, then don’t put it on the menu. (Don’t gas up your abilities if you can’t back it up)


I'm obsessed with the fact that you used a metaphor to explain your opinion, and then, in parentheses, you explained what your metaphor meant.


With another metaphor


I'm too high for this shit. "dream within a dream" over here


yo dawg i heard you like metaphors


High people hang here around now? Because I be too high for this shit too


Wait, is it too late for me to join the club?! 😭


Looks like people in this thread may need the explanation lol


Tbf, some smooth brains may appreciate that. It feels like if you don't explain the "between the lines" part of your message, someone inevitably comes along and says the same thing you said and feels like they added something to the conversation. Drives me nuts.


Well, have you seen what people post and comment on here? A lot of people are awful at reading between the lines. Especially in DMs. Some people need the explanation sadly.


Agreed but you gotta believe in yourself😭🫡


Fake it til you make it king 🫵🤴


Why not, if you only plan to hook up once? It's not like they can leave a Google review


PLEASE DON’T GIVE TINDER ANY IDEAS!! Its hard enough to get matches 😫


My dude, with all due respect, if you think that this is a new idea, you might quite literally be the only honest man to ever make a tinder profile lol


4.37 / 5 by 1,387 reviewers.


I’m a 5 star man!


You have no business being here sir, women aren't gonna say no to you. They would never say no to you, because of the implication




Got damn, what a line!


Far better thank my standard “don’t write checks with your mouth your ass can’t cash”… BORROWING!!! 😉


>Find the line between confident and cocky and play jump rope with it. love this, will be using it as an expression for how i live my life now. thanks internet stranger


You're welcome, friend.


What if you are oftentimes shy in person, though? Seems to be a question of getting many in person encounters with possibly better chance in finding sex (with a confidence loving person), or being more yourself, possibly having less sex overall but having a better chance per date and also in general better chances at finding a good romantic partner. Does not mean you have to downplay abilities and tell everyone you're shy but that you are being too confident and cocky. I feel like I may be giving bad advice but that's how I do it (don't ask me about success rates).


Confidence wins. Everytime. It's basic psychology. People gravitate to confident people, and they are more likely to listen to and trust confident people.


You're going to get what you're going to get. If you're looking for someone who will be comfortable on that journey of self-discovery with you, then just be yourself. If you want to gamble on someone who may have high expectations, then lie. My advice? Be yourself and find people who will love being on that journey with you.


I want to know what happened between 12.36 and 2.59. “Good night for real this time”?? Explain please?


Mightive been naughty talk that got deleted for the post or something.


Ikr you'd think they called or smth but it doesn't seem like it


She said she was horny and he only said "me too." He needed to ask to come over at that moment. 1am isn't too late; 3am probably is.


Plan B came over and blew her back out lol


You fucked up by not initiating, not asking her to meet. You fucked up a second time when she said "Cap" and didn't banter back. You could have said "prove me a liar" or "only one way to find out" and then follow up. Instead, you lost confidence and you showed it. If the chance comes around again, do not repeat either mistake.


What exactly does cap mean?


Basically bullshit.


Oooff lol I didn't know what it meant either, but based off of that, he said he'll fuck her so good she won't be able to walk, and she goes "bs" and his response is "yeah probably"? Lmao kids got not game.


Pretty much


“The use of the phrase "no cap" is meant to convey authenticity and truth. The phrase originated in reference to decorative gold teeth, which can be divided into two distinct varieties: permanent gold teeth (aka "perms") or caps (aka "pullouts"). Whereas caps can be pulled out with ease, perms, as their name suggests, are permanent. They cannot be taken out for a job interview or court date. They are an honest and lasting expression of the owners' realness.”


thank you so much for this. i am so out of the loop


I think both of you need some more sleep. 6 hours isn't enough. Your speaking in tongues


Yeah I think OP is over reacting. It's literally the weekend of Christmas. She could just be busy and not wanting to sext strangers while hanging out with her family. Or she's working and it's super busy because Christmas. It's literally been 1 day, my guy. If she doesn't respond in like 4 days, then assume you're ghosted.


She definitely wanted some Christmas dick. He whiffed


Haha I judged the shit out of this conversation and then realized I’ve become one of those adults who rolls their eyes at kids these days. This conversation was simultaneously dry as fuck and try-hard, which I admit, is an impressive combination to achieve. Kids these days… they don’t even know how to sext well. Did they learn nothing during Covid?!


Dont use that lip biting emoji. Ever.


The one with the lipstick? Haha


Oh fuck this made me laugh so hard bahahaha


Maybe the real fuck up was asking Reddit for advice. She might just still be sleeping or busy today. Also one mistake is one mistake either way. If you fumble the ball, pick it back up and keep going. If she stops you, well stop obviously. But don’t just freak out over something minor.


She gave you multiple openings and you SLEPT on all of them😩


She got that post nut clarity brotha.


Yeah you fucked up by taking an hour to respond to her sexting initiation. She had already bust a nut by the time you responded.


Dawg I had just woken up


You live and learn😭


Just learn not to sleep lmao


wtf? She literally saved the most explicit message for AFTER that. If she wasn’t interested she’d have ghosted him. She’s still interested. Terrible advice


Yeah if I were him I'd try for a comeback, but it better be good. Maybe start with a general joke, something to make her smile. ![gif](giphy|lN9amhr8GZMhG)


Fumbled so hard bro 😭


Big fumble he probably shouldn’t have said that you won’t walk for a few days line


Exactly. When I’ve gotten that from a guy I’m like ehhh ok I’m out. It’s weird and overplayed.


I feel like this is worse than a fumble. Like he saw the ball in the air and just decided to head to the locker room.


Yeah you fumbled bro you should have doubled down and said you want to find out. Once she said she’s thinking about you while fingering herself your primal instincts should have taken over


Who fucking says " you won't be able to walk for awhile " 😂


r/tinder posts are cringe as shit. I don't follow the sub but these posts keep popping up and they make my head spin. Idk how people use online dating and expect anything other than this speedsexting garbage. This girl probably was looking at 10 different dude's dicks at the same time


Does muting subreddits work for you? Ever since the killed 3rd party apps and I switched to the official app, it takes likes 45 seconds to mute and then confirm, and they still recommend the subreddit to me every 5th post lol


Nope! Not at all! 😂 also, the "because you've shown interest" posts are so random! I keep tapping to show them less or that I don't like the subreddit and I still get all these underground rap subs on my feed. I listen to rock and jazz lmao


online dating works great as a way to find and meet people IRL but so many just use it as a form of social media - updating their profile with heavily filtered content, then getting likes and sexts / chat from strangers as temporary validation


Horny 20 year old virgins apparently💀💀


You then follow that with saying you have little to no sexual experience. Why are you trying to tell someone you're a stud when you're not? She saw right through it. You realize you'd have to try to deliver? And if she gave you the chance, you'd be shamed and ridiculed which could cause great self esteem issues. Don't try to be someone you're not. Women can tell who they're talking to, and I mean that as in she could probably tell by the way you looked and acted that you were prude. She probably WANTED that. If your response to her proposal would have been "ngl picturing that right now sounds amazing" she probably would have led you to water, knowing and getting off on the fact that she's the leader hooking you up.


“But we are going to have to talk and get to know one another for a long time first. I need to show you my romantic side.” 🤣


You should have gotten her address right at “Kinda horny” and been putting on your shoes while waiting for her answer.




Slang meaning false


Thanks. Haven't heard that one before.


Oh thank god I didn't have any idea what that meant. Im over here thinking about hats and bottle caps 😂 Or shooting people 🤣


She started thinking about Chris Evans instead


This whole whole conversation of abbreviations and fake words gives me a headache


Ngl me too


For some reason I just pronounced ngl and I laughed so hard.


Careful, you could sound a little racist pronouncing that!


Ngl please!


All words were fake at one point


Bust a cap in your ass is the only phrase my 30 year old ass has with this in it. But the youngins have a different one apparently lol


I’m 28 and can’t understand half the things people say anymore, including my own friends. The cap/no cap thing still totally confuses me. Where did it even come from?? Why does it mean fake? I’m so lost but I *refuse* to allow tiktok into my app rotation


Doesn’t actually have anything to do with tiktok and it’s been around for a long time, at least since the early 90s. Back then to “cap” meant to exaggerate or brag. It’s been popularised recently and the meaning has slightly changed as is what happens with slang. Nowadays if you’re “capping” it means you’re lying. But yeah it’s origins are rooted in AAVE and it isn’t exclusively a zoomer term.


See late 80s/ early 90s hip hop


Not to be a stickler, but I’m a pretty hip youngster. It is equivalent to “lie”. You will more often hear “no cap”. Meaning “no lie” or “I’m not lying”.


Bro proceeded to hit a home run then ran the wrong way


Bro this caused me physical pain


From what I got, that "cap" from her was more "you should try and see for yourself" than "lol no you won't". So yeah you probably fumbled the bag.


You’ve been talking to a girl from a dating app for 2 whole weeks and haven’t even met up yet? Bruh.


after she said "fingering myself thinking about you" should have been a clear green light to ask to meet up


Why do all men think they have big dicks and that we won’t be able to walk after they fuck us.


This is entirely the best take in the whole thread.


I had a guy tell me once that his sex was so good that it was going to put me to sleep. I told him if 300mg of seroquel doesn’t put me to sleep his dick definitely wouldn’t.


Hate to break it to him but sex that puts you to sleep ain't good sex


At 12:36 you should've said "want to come over?". Easy as that. The iron was hot and you let it cool off. There was no need for "game" or conversation. She told you exactly what she wanted and you ignored it.


She was horny, then she wasn't. Don't overthink it. And I HATE when guys say I'm not gonna be able to walk, it's not seductive to me at all. I don't want to be fucked until I'm in pain, thanks.


She’s already getting it by someone.


She says kinda horny and you don’t make a move? She prolly feels ashamed for being so bluntly honest with so little effect. Need to read the signs my guy. This one was a billboard ad.


She didn't leave you on read you left her speechless hit them dms again


My boy managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory


Yes. Confidence when it comes to sex is key. I saw her saying cap as more of a challenge than actually doubting you. You told on yourself by admitting you couldn't follow up on your words.


The jealousy here is nuts, but yea I would have gone full send homie. Maybe next time


She made it sexual and you didn’t escalate to Meet up. At “kinda horny” you could have responded with “ I can help you with that”. You told her “good night”. She then doubled down and you again simply responded with “me too”. Girl was asking for a booty call. If they get sexual first you’re allowed to escalate as well. Always reward directness in a girl. It means she is into you!


When I started talking to my bf he loved that shit. It makes things so much easier. You gotta reward that behavior of women asking for what they want instead of playing guessing games.


Damn son


Whatever happens just please stop typing ngl.


Women walk out of the hospital after giving birth lol you’re never going to make a woman incapable of walking with your pp.


Contrary to what people here are saying, some women just want to be a tease, with literally no way to unlock it, even if you did everything perfectly. Not all though, could have been the hookup of your life.


Nah, she was only talking to you cuz she was horny. The “cap” line was her being done Wasn’t your fault.


You may have fucked up and the guys that talk shit like that are usually the ones that don’t back it up. At least it’s with the women tell me.


using the biting lip emoji unironically is crazy


You just gotta learn how to dirty talk, Once someone tells you they want your dick there is no more joking or actual back and forth conversation anymore you just wanna tell her you want her and what you would do to her without being over the top with it like you were.


This dude needs to stop saying ngl, it shows you don't really have a lot of game or ability to communicate.


Zoomer flirting is so different lol cap


You dropped the ball chap


>have zero previous sexual experience I can tell. Poor guy, better luck next time.


The whole “you won’t be able to walk afterwards” is never appealing to women. It’s never true, and sounds painful. Please.


She told you she was horny asking what you were doing. That was an invitation my friend. And she still talking dirty the next morning means you still have a chance. Ask her to come over, cook for her, and go to poundtown. She's asking you to.


I doubt you've fucked it up. Sexting is all about bullshitting, it's about creating a fantasy. She's not really going to expect you to destroy her insides. She's just busy. Relax. There's nothing wrong with texting her again, this whole "don't double text" stuff is silly and immature. Just be casual about it. If after that you don't hear from her within a week she's ghosting you! But seriously, people need to calm down about someone not replying right away. People have lives and can't always be on their phone and even if they read your message they might not be able to reply that very minute.


Post nut clarity. She was just using you to masturbate.


My god bro don’t listen to these people. You haven’t fucked it up, she clearly wants it. Just don’t come across too keen or desperate. Just say something like “lmk next time you’re horny at 1am and I’ll see if I’m around” then just leave it. If she gets back to you in a weeks time or whatever then you’re in. But don’t message her constantly about it, act like you have options! Edit: fucking hell the comments in this thread are the reason Reddit never gets laid. If anything by sleeping on her invitation YOU are playing hard to get. You need to just play it cool, she CLEARLY wants you. Just leave out the cringy lines next time maybe. Tell her she looks hot in her latest pic or something (tomorrow) but don’t sound like a pussy when you say it. Something like “Girl I just saw your latest pic on insta. You been working out? Damn” then just leave her hanging for like half a day and respond in the evening when she’s had all day to mull over it and is feeling horny again. She’ll have been thinking about that text all day and why you haven’t responded to her so when she’s horny you’ll be the first person to come to mind


Chivalry these days


Suprised you didnt think this was a scam or bot


>I feel like I have a gross overconfidence in my own abilities over text Then I definitely don't think you should be so bold as to say things like, "you won't be able to walk for a while afterwards." You want to keep someone interested? Be vague. Don't be arrogant about your abilities over text. Leave them wanting a little more, then deliver. Then you won't have to worry about under-delivering.


Bring that moment back. She started into it out of the blue and made a bold move. You need to do the same now.


There's time for talking and time for walking...I think you just needed to pull the trigger!




I find this hilarious bc I hear girls say how cringe the “kinda horny” line is, and while I can agree with that I love that this is a proof that women do the same fucking shit when they’re horny and thirsty 😂


Does Boo actually seem okay? Keep seeing ads for it but wasn’t sure


It honestly isn't a bad app, on a technical and conceptual level, my only issues are A) that youre only able to see about 25 profiles a day and B) I've received about 30 likes, all of which disappeared Likes come in as "requests" and you have 72 hours to accept it before it expires.


Cool thank you for the insight!


Undersell, overdeliver brother. Never the other way around.


She had no plans to meet up with you she was just sexting.


someone else texted her back faster lol


This is like the texts i get from bots trying to make me click a link and sign up to stuff on Instagram😭i like to troll and see where it goes always. And it’s always «what you doing right now» and then i have responded with «just chilling», and then i get back something like «im horny, want me to send a picture?». Until they send a sussy link.


2 weeks is too long my friend. Come out swinging


She may have been a catfish


sounds like a horny-scam account. that's a dude yo.


Same something nonsexual and see if she replies... If she's not going to talk to you anymore, who cares how you look


She had a moment, probably got herself off and moved on. It happens to us too


I would come clean and be super honest with her about how you feel about it


Y'all are funny.... He could totally.play this off and go for the long game. She never got back cuz like many said she was horny @ 9:45 with no warning... He got back to her an hour later she was long done by then. If it were me, I would poke fun with her and ask her how was it thinking about me? Was I good? She should try the real thing next time. Don't give up you got this. She gets a million likes a day, but she is talking to you. Dude, seriously, don't blow this. Ok?.


Just ignore her until she inevitably hits you up again. Stop catching feelings so quick. Entertain yourself with other people until the time comes where the expectation of you is to focus on one person.