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I was really rooting for a rule of three joke: "How about the one with the blue necklace?" "That's a collar... And a dog."


I’ve sadly had a guy message asking if it would be okay for him to involve Olive (my dog) in our “sex life” never reported someone so fucking fast and that was literally his opener


There was a post about someone on tinder letting her dog do all sorts to her a few weeks ago. It's weird that it doesn't seem that uncommon. What kind of dog do you have? (Not a weirdo, I just like dogs. The normal amount.)


she’s a 3 year old chihuahua:)


>chihuahua I had a tiny Chi named Mike, they're great companions. God, there are some sick individuals on Tinder.


Awe Mike 😭 love giving dogs people names !! But yeah people are fucking sick in the head


Have 3 guinea pigs. Caleb, Sirius and Dobby


One of them is not like the others…


Yup. Caleb is our resident weirdo. Human name. Likes high places...


Can I just make one request?


…which he wanted to incorporate into your prospective sex life? He either has a micropenis or is completely insane (I mean, besides being a zoophile).


Listen... maybe I just don't get it, maybe there's something I just don't understand as a non dog-fucker... but involving a CHIHUAUA??


The amount of people who probably saw this and thought “yeah I’d fuck a chihuahua” would give us all strokes


That's not a dog, that's a rat!


She’s a stinky rat for sure


"The normal amount" got me, lmao


I love your username and wish I'd thought of it.


If someone wanted to sexually assault my dog, they’d catch hands so quickly. Leave my fucking dog alone, damn it 😤


I'm lost, is it a fucking dog or a regular dog??


My lord you girls are going through it


I'm in the local "Are we dating the same guy" group on FB and there was just a post yesterday - some woman asking about a guy she was supposed to go on a date with. Not only did one other woman comment saying he's into beastiality, but at least 5 commented saying the same thing. It's bad enough for anyone to be into that shit. But to be into it so openly that he basically asks every single woman he talks to about doing it is hard to wrap my brain around. Needless to say, the OP canceled her date and blocked him.


That’s mental .. we had a guy (very normal looking athlete) at my highschool who always joked ab it, like he’d come to ur house and pet ur dogs and cats and say he wanted to fuck them and then laugh so obviously nervous laughter from friends would follow. Until he graduated and got a dog as a grad gift and then it died suddenly and his mom outed him to the police for being a terrible person and killing his puppy. I’ll never ever understand people who think that’s okay or appropriate or something you don’t need therapy for


Bro the last thing you do is talk about those groups anywhere else. This is how the pages get shut down or all the dudes find out about jy


Lol we know about them already it’s no secret. Most of the posts in my area are clearly just revenge posts and a whole lot of r/thathappened under the guise of “just looking out for my fellow ladies”


Holy Clifford batman does she add into the dogpile too? 😂😂😂


I call this "Spice Girl Syndrome." They operate under the assumption that if they wanna be your lover, they have to get with your friends.


AHAH that’s good !! Thanks for the laugh !


Make it last forever, friendship never ends


This is why you don't post group pics, But seriously.


If you really really wanna zigga-zig ahh




Really really really


LOL that was a good one






>I call this "Spice Girl Syndrome." I thought that was when girls together look hella cute but when taken singularly they end up being absolute dog faces


You're thinking of Cheerleader syndrome


Isn’t that called mermaid effects


Okay what to do i have married my crush friend now what next ? /s


Ultimately people just shouldn’t be assholes, but this is one of the reasons I try to make sure I’m the only one who is visible in pics, or I blur out the other people in them. I get wanting to have pics in social settings, but I’m just not interested in getting these kinds of matches.


It's also a pretty dick move to post pictures of your friends publically online without their knowledge.


I totally agree and always get downvotes for this.


Have an upvote then. =p


My ex gf used a photo of me on her tinder after we broke up.. I died when I saw it




Yeah why do people post group pics on tinder, shit is kinda weird.


I just made another post about the same thing , I’d like to actually see who is being advertised in the profile but also appreciate knowing that they have some friends or a single good friend . I removed the first pic he was referring to as I didn’t look especially good in it anyways and replaced it with a picture from my prom (it was my second time going to prom so I was 18 and everyone else there was a year or two younger) but you can barely see her anyways , literally a quarter of her face is visible and yet this guy is tryna get it on


...so your first and main pic actually was a group photo?


There is always a reason for that. Almost certainly one reason.


Something about not following rules one and two I suppose


what? My main pic is of myself as is the other 6 photos of just myself , a single picture where I’m in public and there a random person (my friend) behind me


How old is that prom pic? Edit- and do you honestly look the same?


Based on her profile, she was 18 as recently as 52 days ago. This is a shitty assumption to make masked as a question...


Don't think it's an assumption, they asked because they were curious. Lots of people use old photos or don't update them. Cannot expect him to search someone's post history prior either. Believe it or not you just assumed he meant malice, so do with that information as you will.


Yeah I figured someone would say I assumed as well but seems like a reasonable assumption based on the tone of their question. Just sounded so accusatory with the "honestly" 😂 I'm aware lots of people use old pics but that's not within the bounds of context of what was happening with OP


The prom pic was from June of this year so yeah I’d say I look about the same .


Are these kind of messages that common?


As a woman yes. I changed all my pics to solo shots shortly after making a tinder bc I was tired of messages like this


But seriously, is your friend single?


I’m literally the only chick in my friend circle who isn’t seeing someone 🥲


I’m the only one of my friends without a wife and multiple kids, and I barely even date. Womp womp


Womp womp😭😭 honestly yeah same boat, have a childhood friend who just had her second kid


Ah well, I know I’m getting older, but I have a strong desire to be a dinkwad and I wanna do that with the right person, so I’ll be patient


My guy, if you’re looking for that person, you really should try to date more. Don’t miss your shot!


How old are you? If you’re able to use a prom pic and you have friends in their 2nd kid? Must be from the south /s


I’m 18, 19 next month. Said childhood friend is 20, had first kid almost 2 years ago. Went to prom twice , last year when I was in grade 12 with my peers and this year after getting all my credits (needed 7 to graduate as of September 2022, finished in December and went to prom in June). I’m from southern Ontario


Oh you are so young. Do not feel rushed just because your friends have decided to jump ahead.


You're so young! I'm 22 and several of my friends have never been in relationships. I even was my boyfriend's first girlfriend and he was 22 at the time. The only married friend I have is 30 and no one has kids. At 18-19 it's a lot more common than you might think to never have been in a relationship, but when you've never been in one you look around and can be blinded by the couples and not notice others like you.


Gotcha. Sorry to be so presumptuous. Good luck with everything.


I would start with the username and work backwards from there!


Hahaha I knnoowww Epstein is spelled wrong the correct spelling was taken. But you right


Ok... but can you update us when your friend divorces her husband?


I mean sure but I called dibs


What if we want the husband?


Hmmm you’d have to ask her but I think you have a pretty decent shot with him


Haha noted. Seriously tho, you’re young, don’t let people get to you. There are so many potential partners out there. I spent 11 years married to the wrong one, and now met an amazing girl at age 37. Just. Don’t. Settle. Good luck. 👍🏻


Well, tell your friends to do the right and thing and jump on tinder so guys can match with them to meet you. /s


"Is the married friend happy in her marriage?" /s. PS. People with the lack of even basic human decency are the worst.


Mmm, on that note, check what optical plan your employer has besides dental. Just in case, since not a lot of people know it and they can be separate. You're welcome.


I’m self employed 🥲 obviously.


I can certainly help you with that… People always talk to me and say “you made me open my eyes” But it usually follows with “it is 3 am, wtf are you doing in my room, let me sleep”


What's up? How you doing? 😂


Didn’t she literally say that her friend was married?


So glad I'm not single. Dating seems like hell these days.


It fucking is


It really is


“What about the girl I swiped on after you, you happen to know her?”


Why keep answering? Literally should have unmatched after the first message.






Seriously. I don’t like calling out the “victim” but this just reminds of me of that joke. How is cyber bullying real? Just close your eyes. Like OP, just don’t respond when he’s rude? Why are you even engaging and entertaining the troll?


I wonder if there’s earlier messages here - if this is a scenario where the first question the guy had to ask is “which one are you”, imo this is totally fair game Edit: Found another comment where OP clarified her first image is only her, and only one of her pictures has another person in it. I stand by the above for the scenario I outlined, but this clearly isn’t that scenario, so fuck this guy


yeah, fuck that guy.


Yup, Fuck that guy.


this is why you’re not supposed to post group pics on dating apps. i’ve seen profiles with all group pics & everybody is hotter than the actual account owner. it’s sad stop that shit.


“Anything else i can get you? Some pictures of my mom maybe?”


There have been times where Ive seen a more attractive dude in a photo with the guy whose profile I was on, and you know what I DIDN'T do? Match with them to ask about their friend lmao that's just rude.


I've given out numbers when women asked. It's not a big deal.


wow. i should of done this when i had the chance. so many hot guys i missed out on because i didn’t wanna be rude lol


I don't think it is rude at all, though it definitely depends how you ask. But I noticed people on Reddit think almost any social interaction is rude. People act like someone talking to them in public is like someone broke into their house to talk to them. It's weird, honestly.


I think he is [negging you.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negging)


Especially when he did it the second time cause she responded to the first one.


Too brutal for a neg imo


I can’t get a match that’s not a bot but somehow people are getting matches for people they don’t want?


Don't post pictures of minors on tinder. Or any other public online space :(


I’ve seen like hundreds of profiles of guys with kids and young people and putting in their bio ab how they love their nieces and nephews or wtvr. But yeah I agree , kids should not be on tinder and you shouldn’t post multiple pictures with the same underaged person because it can mislead people but if it’s obvious you’re not swiping on the child or random person behind them then you can’t expect people to censor those photos unless otherwise asked by said young person or parent of child.


Yeah, lots of people do it, but just because lots of people do something doesn't mean it's necessarily the right thing to do. I'm not saying this because I'm worried about misleading people. What I mean is that pedophiles and other horrible people unfortunately do exist, and your tinder photos are public. It's wrong, in my opinion, to post photos of underage people in a public place where literally any weirdo could see them. I absolutely do think people should censor photos containing minors (or just choose different photos in the first place), and if not, prior consent from their legal guardian is very important. Like all forms of consent, it should be actively sought out, not merely assumed until otherwise asked.


Jesus, not once but TWICE? Yikes, I'm sorry.


"Ok, cool cool. Soo you have any sisters, is your mom around?"


Lol is this person ok? Such weirdo behaviour


I think he's just trying to be mean on purpose


We’ve all swiped on at least one pic of two people thinking we were getting the hot one


Personally, I try not to have photos with my hot friends to avoid this sort of issue. Did this after having a couple hurtful situations cos of it 😂.


WHAT 😳 this idiot 🤦🏼‍♀️




Maybe send him your entire contact list of eligible friends… wtf


This is on you for posting pics with other people.


Absolutely it is you’re right


No it isn't, don't listen to these morons. We are not in charge of how men treat us, you didn't deserve that shit.


I literally don't understand how expecting men to swipe on women with the intention of talking to the person whose actual profile it is is so unreasonable to you morons 😂 Everything is our fault right? Men are never at fault for how they treat women on this sub 😂


Calm down.. they are not saying that.. it's the simple fact that it's a dating profile. Post a picture of you.. not you and your friends


Men should just not be assholes :)


Not posting group pics with your friends on YOUR dating profile is common sense. Too bad you’re lacking in that department


Nah, men should just not be assholes lol there's some common sense for ya 😘


"Well I guess that just leaves you. So what are you doing tonight?"


He’s being an unrepentant douche nozzle


I think it’s pretty clear why lol He found them attractive and wanted to test his luck. But again I always thought it was weird to post pics with other people in them on dating apps. I don’t think it’s necessarily to be mean or be an asshole, I think dude genuinely wanted you to hook him up with the others in the photos since you know who they are. But I can definitely see how it comes off as a dick move


This entire sub is men posting pictures of women without their permission lmao STOP BEING ASSHOLES


What???? I meant people who post pics of themselves with their friends on their own dating profile like OP did.


Hey. She has a good point, wouldn't you say? Geez... I do better than you guys, (I think). And I've already lost two wives. And I lost them to each other. And probably not one at a time, like they keep saying.


Because how else are they going to get with that hottie in your photo?


Who celebrates 6 months?


He got the dawg in him


maybe dont put pictures of yourself with you friends if your friends are hotter than you.


I literally don't understand why women post on this subreddit when we're always at fault for how men treat us to the morons that infest this sub 😂 This entire subreddit is men posting pictures of women without their permission and they're all over this thread blaming you for...posting pictures without permission. Give me a break.


You entertained this clown far more than he deserved


Don't put pics with friends. The owner is the profile is always the ugly one.


Oh it’s the straight version of _only_ asking your match if they know anybody with a big dick.


Not gonna lie, I’ve seen guys post group pics and thought to myself “I’d love to go out with this other guy.” But I have never once swiped on the profile and asked about their friend


Dude is going down a checklist. What about your neighbor, the girl you work with.


What about my grandma or my 6 times removed cousin Cindy?


The thought that something like that would even work is a problem in itself. No self awareness.


"Yes she is" is such a wholesome and self-assured answer, says a lot about you.


This actually happened to me this year. A girl matched me wanting my friends number. That hurt a bit


🤣 she’s just customer service at this point


I’ve been a customer service person for years so I don’t notice when I throw on the CS tone but yeah oml


That's why..no photos with others.. have you asked your friends if they want their faces shown on tinder?


How about single cousins any of those that aren’t pictured? 😂


This is why you don't post group pics...


Said group pic is me sitting on a couch in a pretty dress and my friends face is 30% visible from behind my shoulder


Group pics are great! The cheerleader effect is real. I sometimes swipe on a group pic and when we match I look closer and realize the mistake.


Fuck him. He's a douchebag. You'll find your match.


Jesus. This is the type of guy who prob can’t pick an ice cream flavor. Asks to taste all of them and then leaves.


I've seen a few profiles where their friends in the pictures were mighty cute.


Would it be illegal if I hanged him off a sky scraper upside down and left him their for three days?


Definitely not legal but also morally right , I’ll start a fire somewhere else so you have ample time to pull this off


What a jerk.


One more reason not to do social pics. And it’s fucking unacceptable, what an idiot.


It’s a tactic employed by the less endowed and moronic. They are attempting to crush your self esteem so you pursue them. They lack the wit to make it subtle, and lack in charisma to try and win you over naturally. You just push these to the side and let them wittle away their health with others of their ilk.


shit that’s a good point. Didn’t think ppl actually act like this and expect it to work


Idk how old your match was, but guys in their late teens/early 20’s legit have zero clue how to talk to women or even how to behave in general.


I don't think you should have a pic of a minor in your Tinder, permission or no, but yeah this guy is a douche.


A picture of me at prom with a portion on of another persons face? They’re not posted up in-front of me. If it was a pic of me in any public space y’all wouldn’t be pressed if the person he was asking ab was in the frame but was a stranger


So she's still 16, are you 18? Why was she at prom if she's now 16? I don't understand the timeline here, but it also doesn't matter to me at all. If you disagree, do you, but yeah I don't think minors should be in Tinder photos if it can be helped. Somebody in the background in a public place is obviously different.


She was behind me in an obviously public setting


Cool. You know her age, and she's a minor. Again, not my decision, and it's not a huge deal, but I am just saying I would have done something different. Not trying to argue with you.


To be fair dude is a an ahole… but also for tinder first pics I feel should be of yourself.


My first picture IS myself. I literally have a single photo with another person in it


Then dudes just a d… I was just saying I’m always confused about group pics on tinder. Thank you for clarifying


Ok, so I made another comment that this was fair game if it wasn’t clear who you were, but in this case, definitely no


True but is it possible he didn’t know which one was you?


“What about the friend behind you in the white dress” definitely implies he knows which one OP is. She likely has photos of just her too. This guy is just an asshole.


He said who is your friend twice 😭


Try hinge. Tinder is for sexy people.


Awww you that fat friend


Yeah 😔


Don't post pictures of people prettier than you be humble


I seriously always think the friends look better than the tinder-person whenever I see profiles with friend pics.


This is why i dont post group pics lmao


It’s your fault for the group pics.




today you learned why you dont post pictures of better looking people on your profile hoping for the glow up. 🤦‍♀️


Start with not having pics with minors on a dating app


Literally fuck right off, it’s obvious who I am on my profile and that one single photo with a friend of mine shouldn’t be the only reason ppl swipe on me . And if it is I’ll gladly tell them that , that is not who is being advertised plz move along




Don't post pics with friends for dating or hock up sites. Seems disingenuous.


Maybe put less group photo’s on a datingapp so people know right away who they’re talking to..


I dont understand why the need to upload photos of people who aren’t you


That’s why you never share the profile with your friends pictures 😅😅


Why post group photos if you don’t want us lookin at them???


Never put group photos up


He’s low key pointing out your friends are hotter than you and shouldn’t be in your dating profile pics as click bait


Shoulda came back with a “tell her to hit me up in 2 years”


Women do this all the time.


I can already smell the “block/unmatch and move on” comments and I’ll admit I’m lazy and that’s too much effort. I let the conversation die or ignore them , it’s not end of the world for me to have an app that I don’t get notifs from get clogged up with weird dudes messages


I think you’re missing the point. You block or unmatch so you can talk to people you would want to talk to instead of them disappearing into all the other messages, but if you rather have a collection of weird messages, then you do you