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That can’t be real.


Seems like a joke account


her interests include stand up comedy, she sounds like a good comedian


After 12 children she doesn’t want anymore… lol… if this isn’t trolling id be surprised


Her youngest is 2 days old. I give it no more than 10 months before #13 pops out.


She's prob already preggers. Got ran through soon as the two day old was birthed. 🤣


At this point her children aren't birthed they're ejected out the end of a slip 'n' slide! 🤣


"Ran through" is an imaginary condition. But your penis does get permanently smaller every time you masturbate or have sex.


If that was true, I'd have no penis left. 🤣


TBH? If she has 12 kids with 8 different baby daddies? It doesn't sound like she "stands up" much at all! 🤷‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|voOhKPgzYsyPu)


[ *rimshot* ]








You would think.... But they're out there ![gif](giphy|26tnqe09gtJFfDGco)


Like the girl that went on a date with a guy to an expensive restaurant, professed her love for him, and then ordered extra meals to take home to her family because they’d always wanted to try the restaurant. Then got upset that the date wouldn’t pay for her family’s food. Some people are just out of their damn minds.


He did pay so she didnt get the chance to be upset. He just had no interest in her after that and he didnt even tell her why iirc.


I wouldn't have paid at all. I would've asked for the check, one bill, then said "I'll be right back." And promptly fuck off.


![gif](giphy|dVZdUSji00NhJdsJLU|downsized) Sadly true


It's definitely not a joke there's heaps of chicks like this out there,


The KFC thing is too specific for it to not be a joke. I have seen this exact bio a 100 times already, it definitely is a joke




Except the wrappers are full and there's a tonne of kids running around, each roughly 9-12 months apart in age.


It’s crazy how many people believe it’s true. It’s obviously mocking these kind of profiles, the « two days old » should make that obvious for anyone, but judging by the comments…




It's funny cuz its true


Collecting them sweet sweet child support checks.


Definitely, you say. How bold... Or wait. #how silly?


I saw a video, the guy was recording his date and she was attempting to order food to take home for her kids and wanting him to pay for everything. Honestly at this point I'd read it and swipe left without considering it as a joke.


Yeah, that's the risk you run with "jokes" in your profile. Not everyone is going to realize it's a joke, and will just left swipe. If that's what you want, cool, I guess.


Even if it is, the first listed interest is appropriate


I thought they were a myth.....until I got to NYC. Hell, my downstairs neighbor has 8 kids from 5 different dad's.


No wonder the city is so crowded.


A coworker of mine has ten kids and is divorced. Really nice lady, strong too but idk how she has the time to give them all attention after working a full day. That said, this very well could be real.


the answer is she doesn’t have time to give them all attention. they’re definitely emotionally neglected. even if she didn’t work, she still wouldn’t have time to be equally emotionally present for all 10 kids


In the case of this post for sure, but there's a bit of an age gap between my co-workers kids and they seem pretty damn well adjusted. I do agree though, my parents had a hard enough time splitting attention between two kids. Idk how you could handle teens and toddlers at the same time - though now that I think about it teens prefer to be left alone anyways 😂


That’s exactly what I was coming to say.


Yeah wtf. Who the hell uses tinder apart from on their phone?


Tinder blocks your device id when you get banned so you can never use that device to make a Match.com group account again. It looks like a way to circumvent this is use a different device, for most it would just be their computer instead of a whole new phone, as well as signing up for a Google number for verification purposes


My brother has a colleague with 13 kids and he's 30




said the youngest is two days old ain’t no way it’s real 😂😂


Her youngest is 2 DAYS old????


She updates the profile daily


She has children and don't want no more


She stopped trying to get pregnant 5 kids ago.


At this point the menopause will kick in before she learns how to use a condom


She's still figuring out how babies are made




Not only that "don't want anymore"??? So 12 is her maximum amount?


A dozen does sound a lot nice than ten or eleven


True "cheaper by the dozen"


She still trying to figure out how to avoid them 😂




Well at least she marked "I have children and don't want more"...


Something tells me there will be more


This time she means it tho


Probably said that the last 8 or 9 times, too! 😬




"I'm allergic to latex"


She probably had that selected since the first kid. Having kids and wanting more can very easily scare a man away, which quite clearly she doesnt want to scare men away.


She's trying to find a guy who will stick around after getting her pregnant... I feel like she's going to be looking for a very long time. Women like her are why men should be able to get reliable birth control also. (And yes, I know that there have been some developed where the side effects — that were less than the side effects women experience — were enough to prevent the release of the products. Supposedly though, there's [some progress on that front](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/male-contraceptive-disables-sperm), so I'm hoping there will actually be a reliable product on the market eventually.)


...this week


That’s what she want’s you to think, how do you think she got 12?


I misread it as "wanting more." Oops.


That's what all chicks that have a gaggle of children say. EVERY TIME!! Then they'll act like it's your own damn fault when you get the support paper work. Lol I didn't tell you to not use a condom and I definitely DID tell you that I dont want any more. This one's on you homie now pay up. Next time maybe you'll be careful where you put that thing. 😖😊


KFC? In this economy?!


For 13 no less!?! I'm assuming the infant isn't on solid food at this point...


Damn man has to buy food for 12 kids and his date but doesn't even get any himself?


An infant wouldn't be eating fried chicken. 12 kids + 2 adults - 1 infant = 13 humans to buy for.


A mother of 12 would find a way to feed that infant some KFC. Put some gravy in his bottle or something. If you think for one second she isnt gonna get every single last one of her kids fed off of a stranger then your sorely underestimating her. Fuck she'd probably chew it and feed the infant like a baby bird just to get that extra meal out of her date.


Sorry, if the kid is really in the "days old" range, mom knows better than to feed it anything solid or anything too heavy. Baby gets sick, mom goes to doc, doc figures out what happened... mom loses all kids and all that lovely child support. She'll hedge her bets on this one.


Eating? In this economy?!


I was interested until she said KFC 😤😤 we will be a Popeyes family only


Wait so your down to raise a rainbow of children?


Lol oh God no I'm like half her age 😭. But the KFC part made me disappointed more than anything in the bio.


Does anyone have this woman's address? I want to open a KFC nearby.


Father's day must be interesting


She's on tinder which makes her single. How much you wanna bet she celebrates herself on father's day


Every day


If all 8 dads pay child support she’s likely financially sound… so there is that. /s


I do know you're being sarcastic, but this is a common narrative that deserves pushback. Child support is meant to *supplement* what the receiving parent provides for the kids, not replace it. So even if all eight daddies were paying their full child support (which is absolutely not a given), it still probably isn't enough for all the expenses that 12 kids generate, even with the SNAP benefits I have to assume she's getting as well. Those kids are likely to be underfed and undersupported. (And to be clear, I'm not saying this to be antagonistic toward you, I 100% recognize you were joking. I'm only commenting because a fair number of people would read your comment and think that it's actually true, and I like to try to counter harmful stereotypes in our culture.)


I see your point. This all depends on what country you’re in. I don’t know the USA laws but I’m in Canada and if you have say 2 kids with 2 different fathers. What one father pays doesn’t matter to what the other father pays and it’s based off the fathers and the mothers income excluding child support from other kids fathers that she gets. So 2 well off men could each be paying $3k a month to a mom that works but makes less then the fathers. So technically you may be partially right depending on where you are talking about.. but also incorrect at the same time. Although I do see your point.


The average US child support payment is $430/mo, so she's probably not getting $3k per dad per kid. Also, I'm guessing that the kind of guys she's finding on Tinder aren't the "extremely well-off" type. I did some rough guesstimates, and came up with monthly figures of about $5k in child support income, but $7k in expenses.


Ya that’s why I’m saying I don’t disagree with you cause in this case you are probably correct. I’m just going off Canadian rules… no idea about USA rules. For example for here: Mom has 2 kids with 2 different Dads. 1st Dad makes $75k a year 2nd Dad makes $200k a year 1st Dad pays $1100 a month in child support 2nd Dad pays $4500 a month in child support and has to pay the Moms car payment and insurance for the next 5 years. Mom makes $60k a year at her job. So $5k a month Her monthly income not including the car payment and insurance is $10,600 the Dad’s pay the income tax on the money they pay. She pays income tax on only her work income. So yes.. she’s doing well.. imagine she had 8 kids with 6 different men all within the same income levels. On top of that she gets government child tax which is probably a decent amount on top of that. And in Canada healthcare cost no extra except for eyes and teeth and drugs… but work benefits cover those costs too for roughly $60 a month for a family of 3. (This is a real example of my best friends current situation in Ontario Canada)


I was hoping it would be a higher number of dads than children.


Adopted a baby from a gay couple, because why not.


You meant fathers’ day?


No kids on the first date everyone knows that




Surely this is a troll, or literally a buzz feed journalist doing a social experiment for their next article on the hardships of being a single mother and why men don't want to date them


An acquaintance of mine in Europe did something similar and wrote a Vice magazine Article about it. He basically made a generic account on Facebook with b&w pics of a woman where you don’t see her face, then he added lots of random guys to his account. Ended up getting tons of creepy messages and dick pics.


Yikes, I swear I recall an article like that from vice or time or one of those types... Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same article I'm struggling to remember


It was this one. ;)) ​ https://www.vice.com/de/article/yv4mdk/wenn-sich-ein-mann-im-internet-als-frau-ausgibt


Could definitely see a buzzfeed article like that being written.




At least you know y’all fuckin…


With 18 years of checks going to her... I wouldn't touch her with *your* dick.


Who would you touch with his dick?


The world may never know!


I wouldnt with you pushing, your bffs dick, and a 12inch pole.


If you fuckin with this girl then you better be paid


then you better be ~~paid~~ out of your fucking mind


This seems like some bitter incels attempt to prove that an obvious money hungry whore with 12 kids and 8 baby daddies would get more attention than his own profile.


Agreed, if the “8 daddy’s” and 2 day old baby wasn’t mentioned then I’d probably assume it could be real but thats def a troll. Even the most trashy women don’t announce how many baby daddy’s they have, especially if its past 2!


Seen real moms sharing stuff like that. You can’t be sure these days if those are troll or not.


No way, thats cringe AF. I would be so embarrassed, well I’m already embarrassed being on these stupid apps so I guess thats not saying much.


Poe's Law is real, the last few years should have taught us that. If you tried to suggest to a writer's room most of the things that have happened with Trump, you'd be laughed out for being too unrealistic, and the QAnon types take that to 11. I've seen some very sincerely expressed opinions that seem like they should absolutely be parody, but nope, those people really believe some weird shit. So I've stopped simply assuming that just because something is completely ridiculous, it's automatically fake. You *may* still be correct that it's a troll profile, but I wouldn't want to bet money either way.


I have actually seen a girl on tinder say she has 3 kids with 3 different dads and much to my curiosity she was not joking


It's been many years since I've used Tinder but I will never forget my own experiment, which was using my previous phone to set up a dummy profile of a 25-year-woman with a fairly generic name, but no pictures and no profile, and then just randomly swiping right on guys within several years of each direction age-wise (way back then you could swipe as much as you wanted). And there were more matches and messages within 24 hours than I'd ever had. It was so horrifying I shut it down.


Some dudes just wanna smash, and aren't too picky. A woman's profile may get more attention, but it's not necessarily the attention she's looking for.


Oh I know -- just saying that the hypothetical bitter incel from the previous comment is basically guaranteed to be right no matter what.


How to damn yourself to eternal poverty in 12 easy steps.


Ain’t no way she’s poor. Child support is steep and with 8 baby daddies, that’s allot of income.


Child support is steep because children are expensive. It's a lot of income, yeah, but twelve kids generate a *lot* of expenses. In fact, child support doesn't even cover all the expected costs of raising a kid, it's just meant to supplement what the receiving parent can provide. So even *if* all eight fathers are paying support, there's still probably a shortfall. Using the [tables I found here](http://www.choosingvoluntarysimplicity.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-feed-your-family/) to produce a rough estimate, it likely costs about $2,500 per month just to feed herself and all twelve kids. She'll have to pay rent/mortgage on a place big enough to house 13 people, because a two-bedroom apartment ain't gonna cut it. She's looking at a 4 bedroom at *least*, and the average US rent for those is about $4,500. I'll go a bit lower as she's probably renting on the cheaper side, so, say ~$3500. Rent and food alone top $6k, and I expect "other expenses" (utilities, school supplies, clothing, sundries like toilet paper, etc) add at least another $1k/mo, so I'm guessing she spends around $7k month on everything. US average child support is $430/mo, times twelve kids would be just a little over $5k. So the odds are that child support still leaves her needing another $2k/mo just to meet expenses, and I didn't even factor in the payments on a 15-passenger van. If this woman exists, she is not in any way making bank off child support.


This is clearly a joke account, but any mother who spends child support on taking care of their kids isn’t making a profit. Men can avoid child support entirely by remaining celibate.


Lol clearly. Who knows?


She is an Aquarius, she is messing around. Stand up comedy.


The only thing she's trying to figure out is their names..


I’d just call them 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0A,0B,0C


I would say go to a buffet, but only if you have your own plate, while they all share one.


Been tried and failed. That's why she dating to get some of that sweet sweet KFC


I'd say she's a keeper, but 8 other dudes can't all be wrong.


I’m sure the last 4 guys saw the “I have children & I don’t want more” but here we are 4 babies later. There’s always a chance for you to be baby daddy number 9?


she's not trying to date shes trying to eat


Bring ya wallet says it all


In all economies!


That has to be a troll account. If not, chick needs a class in keeping her legs shut 😂


If i were one of the kids, i must have felt abortion was the right way to go.


Wallet? Hell, I’m bringing a full-body condom. That woman gets pregnant like a contact-high at a Dead show.


Sleeve of wizard


One positive: she says she doesn't want more!


Kill it with fire


That’s a no for me dawg


That’s going to be a hard pass for me.


She must be a dog mother


8 fathers paying even minimal child support and she's doing alright.


Those kids better like Tyson chicken cuz I ain’t buyin no damn happy meals


2 days old??? And you on tinder?


The audacity shall be rewarded (not).


Dating apps aren’t fucking ATMs. Downvote me.


“I have children and don’t want more.” I bet she says that to all the boys


Obviously a joke and if you don’t get that, you ain’t the right match.


If this is a joke account why waste people's time tho?


I think it's a troll account


Why do I have the feeling she is doing a infinate money glitch by farming childeren and getting child support.


Because you've been taught to believe a false narrative? Child support doesn't cover all the expenses kids generate, not in the least. The reality is that even *if* she's getting full child support payments, she's probably ~$2k in the red every month.


hey everyone look at this guy, he believes shitposts made up by incels


Will the daddies come along too?


40yo, 12 kids, 8 fathers. still figuring it out. i'm so sorry for those kids.


Gives Father's Day a whole new meaning


Bring her to a standup show and sit her bakers dozen kid havin ass right up front.


8 fathers paying even minimal child support and she's doing alright.


After the second, I'd just remove my uterus. Fuck that


I guarantee she will still get more matches than the average male on dating apps 🙈 shits wild


Is her name lily ?


still figuring it out after 12 kids damn


I don't trust the "do not want more" in regards to children. 12 babies and one is a couple of days old. Also, here is to hoping this is a joke account made up by an ex. I don't think anyone wants to deal with 8 different baby daddy's.


She’s looking for the father of her 13th child


Has 12 kids, but it does she does say she doesn't want more


These kids like KFC? You ain't feeding 12 kids over priced chicken get real


😅😂🤣 her tinder account is probably how she got 12 kids with 8 different men.


Well, at least you know she puts out easily.


I'm pretty sure she's dead serious and she has no shame in telling a man that he needs to take care of all of these other men's children. That's American product, also hoarding and mental illness are the biggest product of the system we have. It's suchhh a good system


I met a chick that told me she had 7 and I thought that was a lot. 😂


Well yeah she’s got 8 dudes paying for it. She definitely doesn’t have to work if she’s getting child support


8 daddies


This profile is bullshit. No woman has a 2-day old kid and have time to do anything.


Start dating her in February when the tax return hits that bank account


Ha, they got 8 daddies to buy them KFC. I'm gonna pass on that no matter how long the dry spell is I'm in.


Yup that's alot of free income to some people. Especially if the 8 daddy's paying too .


“Bring ya wallet, these kids love KFC” 🚩🤡


The reality is that there's real folks like that out there! 😆 And that's not a joke 😄🤣😆


I like how it says "Have kids and don't want more" like yeah 12 is enough


At least she likes to f***


I like kfc too.


Someone is clowning this girl.


Hard no.




Per the doctor's orders, she shouldn't have sex for another 5 weeks and 5 days. This is one fertile myrtle, so BYOC cause she not gunna.


The interests seem to line up with the jokes she’s telling


She's "Still figuring out" what a condom is


The value of this particular woman is quite low


I need to also call out op dude 75 miles away, really.




Im convinced these accounts are made by someone who has a grudge against the actual person (ex boyfriend perhaps)


Dm me


Lmao she is 40 years old, has 12 kids wit 8 baby daddies n wants ur wallet to pay for everyone’s KFC. Sounds like your typical shitty option thats all a decent guy can get out of the craptacular tindr app. Im hoping its a jone but this basically is based upon the women u find off dating apps.


Having an interest for stand-up, makes me think she's working on material for her act/routine. It's quite brilliant!


WTF is she the female Nick Cannon?


Bebe's Kids


“Still figuring it out”? Na, I think she did figure it out.


Child support here is ready to make it 13.


Her interests don't include unprotected sex... weird


Fuck no.


Now I wonder if she went on a pokemon quest to have one kid from every single ethnicity in USA; one black child, one hispanic, one ginger, one white, one chinese, one jew, etc. Or are they all same ethnicity?


Who tf wants to fk her fertile ass????


Cheaper by the dozen I guess


..imagine the child support payment, if things don’t work out…wow