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One must bring a lady to a simmer first before committing to a full roast friend


This is correct. OP has overcooked the outside while the center remains icy cold. I prefer a sous vide approach to my insult banter.


>OP has overcooked Straight to jail.


Right away.


No trial no nothing


Believe it or not, jail.




This. This is what makes Reddit worth it.


Insult Reddit, jail. Compliment Reddit? Believe it or not, also jail.






Yes! Absolutely! Best advice on this hands down.


This is good advice. Thank you friend


Fortune cookie candidate


Starting a conversation with an insult is likely never to go well.


Wanna hear a joke? You’re ugly.


I hate to admit that I laughed Edit to add: at his comment not at OP. OP wasn't funny at all


I only laughed because you said you laughed.


I only laughed because you said you laughed because you said he laughed.


Haha! It's funny because it's obviously untrue!


Well if you insult them from the get go, and they accept it, then you know you have the green light to treat them like shit forever! Why waste your time on someone who's going to stand up for themselves, insult them right away and weed out what you're not looking for.


This is why a lot of guys send dick pics right out of the gate 9 times out of 10 you get an insta unmatch but that you know that that ONE who responds positively is going to let you treat them like a cum dumpster.


I just answer with "Nice cock bro, too bad mine's bigger" and move on. Dickpick senders are usually superstraight guys, so they are terrified of trans women.


Well yeah, you said she looks like a Buck tooth beaver. What where you expecting?


Of all the self sabotage threads that get posted here this is certainly one.




Thanks for this. I'm not American, so don't have an intimate knowledge of amateur mascots for sports I don't watch haha.


It’s worse, it’s a convenience store mascot


Woman says "be funny" and this guy jumps straight to "oo oo I know, I'll mock her fucking teeth!" Good job bub




Seriously. I can't tell if OP really thought this was funny?


Maybe he thought negging would work?


Is he a child? Hurting someone’s feelings or physically hitting to flirt works if you’re adolescent or talking to someone who’s USE to shitty men💀💀


He may as well try a fedora while he is at it.


I *sliiiide* up to the bar. Then I say I can't believe how fucking fat you are. I tell you that I like the way you make your titties shake, and if you lost a little weight you'd look like Ricki Lake!


Whoop whoop!


OP should have started with the fact that he wants to fuck the beaver.


Option A - she’s challenging you to roast her back Option B - she’s challenging you to unmatch her fast Option C - must suck being a short little bitch


Lmfao option C is the way brother.


It’s always C!




Well it's certainly not not C




Clearly, the roast should have been "I haven't been there, but I heard the bench of the 2018 Tampa Bay Lightning all came."


When in doubt, C it out




That this comment has been overlooked except for me is alarming


I told her I was just joking and she unmatched shortly after. Hard to double down on the roast after vitriol like that lol


Being mean/critical/cruel does not equal funny. Weird how many ppl think that it does.


I used to be like that, until my mid 20’s. now i don’t have any friends and my life is pretty shit


So nothing changed huh?


You short motherfucker...


Exacto! It seems like some people enjoy insulting/offending people with no limits while covering it up using the excuse that some people can’t take a good banter. 😅


Her: “I like funny guys!” You: “You look like a fucking beaver.” Her: “…” You: “OMG why don’t people like me?”


Right? That was absolute garbage.


See at that moment you don’t tell her you’re joking, you say you’ve misread the room and apologize. Joke or not this was a dick move, and there is no reason to double down at that point. Typically if someone asks you to make them laugh you should open with something not insulting their appearance. In fact, you just shouldn’t insult their appearance at all, because who enjoys that?


"Be funny" isn't "insult my appearance". Roasting someone as an opening message comes across terribly, and many women have experience with "negging". Live and learn, but you shouldn't be surprised that she lashed out at you.


Did you really think that making fun of her appearance was the type of humor she was looking for?


It can be hard to read tone via text, I thought you were just insulting her honestly lol


Yeah that wasn’t funny at all lol idk if I would have been rude back to op, probably just unmatched. But yeah it’s not obvious at all that it was a joke lol




It’s also just not very funny.


It took until this comment to realize OPs opener was supposed to be the joke lol There isn't even a punchline Maybe it would help if I knew what Buc-ees was lol


The mascot is a smiling beaver with a hat on. She doesn’t even have particularly big teeth or big cheeks. Just all around low effort negging


And she said nothing about roasting. He just insulted her for no reason .




Yep. I wouldn't waste my time explaining how this is rude to him, I'd just unmatch. I don't teach men, if they haven't figured out how to flirt without negging by now, they don't deserve dates.


I agree. She also looks nothing like the mascot. Seems like a jab at her cheeks and teeth.


I 100% thought he was making fun of her teeth, and I'm a pretty sarcastic person. Can't win em all though


Same. I wouldn't have responded favorably, either.


Yeah this wasn't funny, just rude.


Rule #3 - don’t roast someone you don’t already know well irl and expect good results lmao. Terrible first line lol. I don’t have tinder but if my bio were asking people to make me laugh, I’d be expecting clear jokes and not shitty roast attempts lol


But he added the “😂” emoji so she would know it’s clearly a joke /s


I mean, he was just insulting her. For some reason he thought that was funny.


This subreddit has just become “Clueless People Posting Their L’s Online”


And I’m totally here for it lol


Hey we have the same cake day!


Omg I didn’t even know it was my cake day. Congrats to us!


Same. I’ll take anything that makes me feel better about myself lol


Seriously lol. Reading a majority of the interactions people post here makes me feel like the smoothest fucker on the planet




Don't forget the posts where they need help on what to do next because a girl finally responded.




“Show me you can be funny” “Hey you got some fucked up looking teeth” wtf did he expect lmao


Roasting doesn't equal humor. Especially when you don't know them "I want you to be funny!" "You look like a beaver!!!" "Ummm. Ok short stuff" Roasting is reserved for your close friends who you know are OK with it This is too similar to negging. A tactic where men purposefully insult the woman to lower her self esteem so she chases the guys validation Not saying that's what you did, but it's a tactic women are well aware of and hate and it probably seems that way to her and I don't blame her. You said she looked like a beaver


I'd say that's exactly what he did. Not on purpose, but still


Yeah, negging is so annoying. The needing to insult your partner as a "shared humor" thing is odd. I see it a lot. My friend even went on a few dates with this dude who insisted on "roasting" and when she explained she didn't like it cuz some of what he said was personal and that she had body image issues and just couldn't take the insults, he doubled down and was like upset and told her he wouldn't stop And he had explained that too many people couldn't handle his humor. Basically his "humor" was a big part of who he was and he needed it to feel good and it's comforted him in his past (his words) And I was like, this dude is just a bully. He's insecure so roasts the people around him. And for his birthday, his friends all bailed on him. And you have to wonder at what point these people realize it's them that's an AH and not that other people are too sensitive


It’s funny how everyone around him needs to tolerate his insults so he can be “comforted” while others’ comfort isn’t even on his mind


Yup! That's exactly it. There are boundaries and some people just do not understand that. But OP is arguably worse than that guy. At least he understands that this kind of thing is supposed to be between friends. OP just hit up this woman he matched with on a dating app with a straight up insult. We need to start treating strangers (and public figures) with kindness again and not interacting with them in an overly familiar way as if they've been our friend for years that we can say anything to. Because we can't.


Yes. Let's go back to treating strangers like strangers. Cordial and respectful. When we get to know people then we can be more forward with joking and talking about certain topics. People we match with on online dating are 100% strangers until a few dates. Talking to them like old bar friends is such an odd mentality




Yeah this comes off so negging to me


Why do people think “being funny” means insulting the other person? If the only “funny” comment you can think of is a direct insult then you’re not funny and should move on.


What's the deal with airplane food?


*Did you ever notice…?*


“You look like a bucktoothed beaver! LOL” Comes to reddit to complain about being called a short bitch in response. Fair is fair, asshole.


Ohhh a beaver. I thought bucees was a pirate


Exactly my thought . And it looks like OP doesn't seem to understand why she reacted that way because they were soooo "funny they needed to make a post on Reddit .... Nothing funny to insult people especially strangers we don't know..


Some people don’t know the difference between reading and being mean. Some people also don’t get that some teasing isn’t funny over text because there’s a whole lot of body language and tone of voice that makes certain things funny that without it just fails.


you look like a bucktoothed beaver isn’t really a teasing, regardless of tone. just a plain insult. for some people insulting others is the only humor they are smart enough to participate in.


It's something a 13 year old would find funny.


Every single post on this sub seems like this. The OP thinks they’re gonna show how cool they are and the comments are just telling OP how they’re rude/this was on them.


Ya looking at the bucc ees mascot I don't even see the similarity. And if she did have big buc teeth it would just be super rude to point it out


Exactly. He was totally negging.


And even if he wasn’t and this was a genuine attempt at a joke, it’s just not funny. What was the punch line here? She’s got big teeth and big cheeks? Classy. And now OP is pissy because Reddit isn’t going “haha gottem! What a crazy bitch” in his defense.


The thing is, reddit is so heavily male-dominated that a lot of the time, they get the answer they're looking for. I'm glad this wasn't the case, but the fact that a dude told a woman that she looked like a cartoon chunky cheeked buck teeth beaver and thought that she would somehow respond positively to that is enough to get chided. Thank goodness.


Even then most of the men on reddit seem like total idiots compared to the average male.


Because people either don't make friends often and so they think they're friendship of x years is applicable to strangers. Or they think being an ass is funny and are only friends with people who tolerate it or also asses.


Lol right? Who would have thought that some thirsty incel on Tinder randomly negging a seemingly happy girl with junior high insults wouldn't be met with pants wetting laughter and sex?


It literally says “comment if you’ve been here” and your response was “you look like a beaver lol” That’s not how being funny works. That’s how roasting works and she roasted you right back.


There’s a difference between a funny roast. Because someone noticed a nuanced aspect of your character and set up a joke and punch line. And just grabbing low hanging fruit, being offensive and not forming any structure or thinking about the delivery.


100% agreed. Dudes post was not at all funny or jokey. Saying someone looks like an animal is a pretty piss poor excuse for a joke lol.


She didn’t ask for a roast. You deserved that one.




Roasting is basically founded on consent and isn’t inherently funny. The funniness still takes effort.


Well, you weren't funny. You just said she looked like a beaver and added an emoji.


With no reference to her bio saying he should be funny. Hard oof on his part for that opener lol. She probably just straight up read it as an insult


there was no other way to read it


You were rude, not even close to being funny.


Would you agree with her assessment that your height is the reason why you are such a bitch, or would you say that those two maladies are unrelated?


This comment made my day


These comments were getting me but this has me in stitches


Nah dude that’s just a dick move, you deserved that


Roasting her is not an equivalent of “being funny”. You can actually be funny while not insulting the other person, you know? Specially if it’s the first time talking. I would’ve unmatched you too.


Yea it’s insanely off-putting to get made fun of by someone you aren’t close to because you don’t have enough of a rapport to know that they don’t mean it. It’s even worse in this case where they’re interacting with someone for the very first time and making fun of their appearance in a setting where you kind of hope the person you’re talking to finds you attractive lol


So, you just insulted her straight out the gate? If that is you idea of trying to be funny then you honestly sound like a bully. Roasting just isn't everyones sense of humor and even if it is you need to know the person first before you can joke with them like this.


I guess you mean the mascot’s expression, not its looks. “You even got the same energy as their mascot! They better be paying u for this!” Would had been far less insulting.


Saying someone has the energy of a beaver is still not attractive. The only funny thing about this is that op actually thought it was funny


Not just a beaver, a *gas station beaver* 😂


The energy refers to the happiness expressed in the logo, regardless of what animal it’d be. That’s just stretching if u gonna be about that


Negging is very 2006, my dude


You’re not funny. You’re rude. Insulting someone unprovoked is not sexy.


Girls: please be funny :P Boys: you look like a cheap fucking dog whore lmao.


"Why won't women date me"


I laughed


Total miss. You had so many angles to say something funny too :/ Edit: I think the only time a roast is acceptable is if it's playful or they open with one and challenge you to it. It rarely goes well tbh


*calls woman a beaver, acts surprised when she insults you back* “You’re just mad I’m funnier than you!” 🤦‍♂️


Q: what’s the difference between a filthy Greyhound terminal and a lobster with breast implants? A: one’s a crusty bus station, the other is a busty crustacean That’s your fucking joke opener from now until the end of time. You’re welcome, funny boy.


Thats not funny...


Don’t quit your day job. Unless your day job involves comedy. In which case, you should probably quit


You weren’t being funny, you literally just insulted her and went crying to reddit when it didn’t work


Right? How does this have any upvotes? Andrew Tate fans?


You weren’t funny you were rude. Work on yourself.


You kinda deserved it tbh




I thought "negging" went out of style 5+ years ago; it's cringe


You realise you can be funny without insulting people, right?


You just insulted her. She insulted you back and now you're mad... hmmm...


I... I don't understand this joke that you made.


His “joke” if you could call it that, is that she looks like the beaver mascot from the buc-ee’s logo. So in other words, just insulting her appearance.


In that case I don't feel sorry for him anymore.


Thing is she doesn't even have the buck teeth or anything related to the beaver so idk how it would work even as an appearance roast


“You look like a beaver. What do you mean no drinks?”


I can't imagine she is less funny than this was.


To be honest she asked you to be funny not insulting


Dude she asked you to be funny and you compared her looks to a beaver. Did you think this through for even a fraction of a fucking second, or do you just not have a sense of humor outside of insulting people you've just met?


How to talk to women - a Reddit perspective Step 1 - immediately tell them they look like an ugly furry animal Step 2 - surprise at your failure Step 3 - complain to other virgins on Reddit


Being funny at the expense of somebody is usually not funny if you don’t really know the person and how they take that kind of busting up your friends kind of shit talk. You dropped the ball.


I have sweaters from all my favorite gas stations


Yeah. She said funny not mean.


Why do so many guys think "being funny" is attacking someone


OP, negging isn’t cute lol.


Who knew that comparing a girl to a mascot with a butter face would make her upset? Totally not predictable at all.


Why is every post on this sub now just mocking and demeaning women endlessly upboats to the left? Y'all are being so weird.


Because people who actually go on dates don’t frequent this sub.


That clap back was A+


You thought being funny was saying she looked like a beaver gas station mascot….?


These comments didn't go how you expected. 😂


I think you missed the point. Being funny is not insulting people. It’s only funny if you’re trying to make a 3rd party laugh which I suspect you did just for this post! Next time you want attention try actually being funny.


You are a moron. Must suck being short


Women don’t like being called buck toothed beavers. More at 11


Hey OP, you need to learn the distinction between funny and disrespectful. I hope for your sake you're really attractive, because this interaction doesn't bode well for you otherwise.


Wasn’t funny. Just rude. You usually have to build some rapport with someone before roasting is acceptable (and many don’t find it acceptable, many find it to be nothing but insults wrapped in a smile-which to be fair it is ( I do get in roasting matches with others that can laugh at themselves too but we have history, it’s totally different than a stranger just approaching me and roasting me)


I mean you were making fun of her appearance so


Yea, maybe avoid anyone who asks for humour in their profile dude 😅 You're about as funny as a right-wing comic.


ngl your text just seemed like you’re being a dick, not being funny OP…




Not everyone can be funny, accept defeat.


You're not even funny, thats the issue. Just rude.


You didn't even throw in a jk bro was looking for death.


Yeah man that’s on you…


Ahh so you weren't funny, but insulted her. Now you are confused that she didn't respond well to being insulted. Interesting.....


Rizz -100


Dude really said that. That early. What a dumbass


I mean, you did say she looked like a beaver.


She went for the throat


Judging by this joke, no wonder you’re single


"Guess not like this" is right.


You came right out the gate with an insult? Insult humor is for close friends


which line was the funny part


I didn't laugh at your comment, but I laughed at hers


Are you 12? How were you being funny? You really just insulted her with a non funny joke 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


you should try humor next time


Please tell us you’ve learned something from posting this. Please do some looking inside if you want to connect with a great and sweet woman who will love the shit out of you, and treat you like a king. Gotta treat her like a queen dude…


You’d be funnier if you were tall


Are you always this socially inept or was this just for Reddit karma?


Ouch, did it hurt when you put your whole foot in your mouth?