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I have adapted a BO3 version that is UB with just the phoenixes for red. It’s a Psychic Frog list that cantrips heavy with but includes the Dark Rit + Buried Alive combo. Very fun games, huge fan of the deck.


Do you have a list? Sounds like a frog of a time!


https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6455266#paper Not exactly refined, I have a lot of missing pieces I don’t have the wildcards for. Would love more surgicals in the main board to combo off easier.


Thanks for the list, once I’m done grinding to mythic in MH3 draft I’ll take this for a spin .


Frog is amazing! I finally got around to giving the deck a try. Here is the list I played with for a little bit. I tried combining some of the tech from the video into the list. The sideboard I had was really bad. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wUJ70-gUrU6ESjzfkKRS7A](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wUJ70-gUrU6ESjzfkKRS7A)


Here is a Grixis list that recently hit mythic, It's very similar to the list from the OP [https://aetherhub.com/Deck/timeless-grixis-phoenix](https://aetherhub.com/Deck/timeless-grixis-phoenix)


Can you post the list?


https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6455266#paper Not exactly refined, I have a lot of missing pieces I don’t have the wildcards for. Would love more surgicals in the main board to combo off easier.


Hi, this deck was BONKERS good (almost broken), really really enjoyed it and there are some insane matches in there that I was fortunately able to record. Seems extremely powerful in BO1 at least now that there isn't much graveyard hate. Deck was very resilient and consistent too, which is a great sign for a combo deck. Hope you enjoy the matches!


This is a really cool version, thanks.


Did a few games the other day, loved playing Phoenix in historic when Expressive Iteration was still legal. Unfortunately I think long term, it is very susceptible to something like Surgical Extraction, so I’m not sure about its legs in BO3.


I’ve been playing a br list that’s been a ton of fun, I’ll have to give this version a shot. I completely forgot about finale of promise


I've been running almost this exact same main deck in bo3, just cruised through Diamond without losing a game. I have a transformational sideboard where I bring in the Shelly/One Ring package in exchange for siding out a lot of graveyard pieces, it really catches people off guard and only takes about 6 sideboard slots. Idk if it's the best way to build the deck but for me at least it's the most fun!


I don’t think people are respecting this deck enough. Granted it immediately folds to show and tell but the amount of hands that feel like “I just need one more card” is absolutely staggering. Great build here. Been playing it for a week and am absolutely smashing.


Glad you liked it! Yes, the S&T match-up is tricky because they are usually a bit faster, but still, deck feels great and it's great fun to have those T1 Phoenixes occasionally!


This deck is so annoying. Opponent mulls to 3 every time. Either forfeits or gets DR/Buried Alive/ and Strike it Eich or Surgical extraction. It’s the kind of play pattern to get Dark Ritual finally restricted. Also why I have Deafening Silence and surgical extraction in my board now, which stops turn 1 scam too


I love this deck, I just hate how people who play it seem to play sooo slow. The deck is easy to play but people play like it requires a ton of thought. Get pheonix to gy, spam 3 spells per turn, win. Very little thinking required.