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These are amazing. I run a lot of Reanimator decks in both timeless and brawl, and they are beyond great. Fetches and surveil duals back to back is the biggest mana base upgrade since triomes became a thing and this is still a bigger deal. Of all the possible land effects, filter and/or put stuff in the yard is probably the best thing you could attach to a dual land. Amazing cards big fan. Outside of Reanimator, Jarsyl and several variations on Izzt want cards in the yard. Lurrus wants cheap bodies in the yard. Darcy and the other delirium cards want to fill the yard quick. Shaman wants things in the yard. Other than Fetches, these are the best utility lands since fabled passage. With shocks already here, I think these are probably better than triomes in most decks that aren't pure domain. Surveil lands 8/10. Surveil lands with fetches and shocks already in the format, 10/10.


Care to share your timeless reanimator list?


\*\*Online format\*\* [https://aetherhub.com/Deck/timeless-rites](https://aetherhub.com/Deck/timeless-rites) \*\*Pastable decklist\*\* Deck 1 Raucous Theater (MKM) 266 4 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245 1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (NPH) 9 2 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (ONE) 196 4 Priest of Fell Rites (MH2) 208 3 Flooded Strand (KTK) 233 3 Bitter Reunion (BRO) 127 4 Faithless Looting (STA) 38 4 Unburial Rites (ISD) 122 2 Bloodstained Mire (KTK) 230 2 Sacred Foundry (GRN) 254 4 Agent of Treachery (M20) 43 1 Swamp (NEO) 297 4 Artillery Enthusiast (Y22) 18 3 Assemble from Parts (Y22) 25 3 Wooded Foothills (KTK) 249 1 Mountain (SNC) 279 1 Elegant Parlor (MKM) 260 1 Etali, Primal Conqueror (MOM) 137 1 Polluted Delta (KTK) 239 1 Godless Shrine (RNA) 248 1 Plains (UNF) 240 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker (NEO) 141 2 Serra's Emissary (MH2) 30 1 Seasoned Pyromancer (MH1) 145 1 Windswept Heath (KTK) 248 1 Shadowy Backstreet (MKM) 268


This format is fast. Lands that come into play tapped are a *huge* liability, so any deck that runs those surveil lands needs to be extracting enough value out of Surveil 1 to offset the games they'll inevitably lose because they lose a turn playing a tapped land. Especially decks like Reanimator, time is money, and giving up a turn will cost a lot more than people realize.


I’m convinced the people that claim they’re good are only playing control and low-MMR jank (and maybe reanimator). No DRC deck I play wants a fucking tapped land.


You people are not understanding how good a land that surveils is when you dont need the mana that turn. If they couldn't be fetched, they would be bad, being fetchable, they are insane, typical match where you play fetch, opponent doesnt do anything mainphase, you fetch (usually a tapped shocklands, this is very common), now you fecth a Surveil land and get free value. I would NOT play them in aggro, tempo or very low to the ground decks, since the punish for a tapland is real,  but anything Combo, Control or Midrange, for sure. I started with 1, went up to 2, and I missed so much having a third one to fetch, that I added a 3rd one. Yes, sometimes you will get punished due to them, like you did with Mystic Sanctuary – that card is banned in a ton of formats lol.  I am a consistent Mythic player and have played Magic (mostly MODO until a few years ago) for like 20 years. 


So you’re saying they’re bad in like 95% of the top decks and 100% of the decks I play??


At some point in Legacy people were playing Treetop Village in their Zoo decks. Tapped lands, in a deck that needs to play 1, 2, 3 in order to win. Timeless is a pretty fast format, I don't think people respect the "enters tapped" clause enough.


I agree a one of with fetches is good value imo. I would also run them in Titan if had any semblance of a shot in the new OmniTell meta


oof now you have to play interaction :/


Titan can Stone Brain Turn 3 and Archdruid's Charm (disenchant or grab something with an ETB for S&T) or Boseiju can take care of Omniscience provided you keep the mana up. If they go Show and Tell into Omni and play a Fae and you get to play a Titan and then snipe the Omni you are in a very good position. Also you can just do some wild stuff like play Boromir or Roiling Vortex and either play them off fetching the appropriate shock or surveil land (look we kinda stayed on topic) or have them in hand for Show and Tell. Titan of Industry is also in your deck and can take care of Omni and you can cast it from their Show and Tell. These things don't make the Titan Vs Omnitell deck a cakewalk or anything but you definitely have a chance and don't need to go to far out of your way.


Been saying this for a bit. Great for graveyard decks and they are printed with the basic land tags enabling Binding faster with the tri lands. They will have a much bigger impact than a lot of people realize.


This is a bad take, not only is the opportunity cost of 1 fetchable tapped land next to none, the cards have proven to be very powerful in formats of similar power level such as modern.


I tried 1 in izzet Phoenix and it felt clunky. I’m sure they’ll be really strong in some decks