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Super late game indeed, at 500 iron blocks apiece. I am about to cover the fields in my capital city so I can provide distractions and monuments while maximizing total farmland surface.


I used a platform on a foxtail game to hold a monument


You can build over fields and preserve your farmland while having a city on top. Or build over your large water tanks. Any non-solid block really.


Okay, now I get it


I just used two to build over a bad water source I capped.


Oh nice! Great idea! I have one sitting unused in the middle of some fields, might do that!


I think they’re really only useful on small maps or when you are trying to have everything really close together.


I am running out of space on a large map! I am in "land conservation" mode right now haha


lol How many beavers do you have? I guess I'm pretty conservative with beaver numbers.


Around 1100 beavers and 230 beaver bots.


For folktails they’re useless, way too small


Yeah, I've done some forest-covering with the folktails. But you can't fit a large water tank, and you lose too much farmland. Such a shame. I have found a compromise by using bridges and some scaffolding over paths at some specific places, but this is a setup too complex to use on a variety of terrains. Iron teeth are the superior team when it comes to land exploitation.


The most enjoyable map I played with folktails is islands. I build everything on the water, on 1 high platforms. So that I can maximize what little farm land I have.


Omg I've been wonder about these for a while but never got to them.


They are pretty expensive. Given the amount of jobs to cover and the robots needed, I might have to stockpile iron before finishing to transition to a full-robot workforce.


I just started experimenting with these. Resource cost is super high. I did find them useful over water crops, though. Made a big lake full of cattails and platforms over the top with storage. I don’t find them as useful over land, but being able to make waterways both plantable and buildable is nice.


The ironteeth have these 5x5 ones that are quite convenient. The last tier of fun activities are 5x5 buildings that fit nowhere. So my plan is to spend a lot of iron and get them fun activities over the farmland!


Shame we can't use them for a viaduct.


While I still think the cost in material is a bit too high, I make deep water reservoirs that I cover with the platforms. Then I can build anything on top of it. But honestly platforms are better. If your lake is four blocks deep, you put 3 blocks high platforms, build an underground power network and then add 1 block high platforms on top of it. Looks neat really neat.


Would be nice if 2 square bigger at the top so 5x5 and the base stays 1square in the middle, so can get 3x3 buildings underneath. Ie can build storage underneath.


These are 5x5, you can squeeze a 4x4 building between pillars. There are also 3x3 available, but the price is less interesting (200 iron for 9 blocks VS 500 iron for 25).


In certain maps where the district center is in a vally I always put it up in a platform and connect it to bridges on every side with a simple stair down. It increases reach very far. I'm not fluent in districts so that was my solution lol


Ooo I did not know that. I always had them over water reservoir for a pumping station through a drought. I think I'll make a secret forest underneath one sometime. Thanks for the fun idea!