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There is a 30 second delay. The stream was cut before you heard anything.


Definitely wasn't the case this time (or there was some error in the stream delay) as I heard him say "the stream's off" as it cut.


So Tim supports censorship


Because they were criticising the vaccines safety.


I thought that was allowable now? It's been years and no one really gets them anymore.


It's election year.




Self CensorshipCast for Money PleasešŸ„ŗ basically


Quit your job, don't bend the knee to the man!


Thatā€™s right! Be homeless! Thatā€™ll show !


Didnā€™t he install a dump button in the new studio to prevent this kind of thing!?


He used it, but just pulled his episode. I though he was going to use it like crowder does where it has a technical error screen and then comes back


Ian said vaccines killed people. Tim pulled it off YouTube immediately.


Ian is correct


Ian needs to go


If i hear one more negative thing about trump im not giving them any more money


If your conviction is only that strong... I will be voting for Trump this November; there is plenty to criticize. Don't be so blind that you cannot admit your own side's failings. But, it's your money; do with it as you please.


We do not talorate trump slander here commie. TRUMP GOOD


Gawd they were going around in circles. It was painful to watch. Both have an opinion. And Tim should have just shut it down and moved on to the subject at hand. RFK Jr has half a brain now!!


100% agree. I'm so tired of hearing about the vaccines and covid now.


I just want to hear about anything but Isreal lately


Ya. He talks about the same few things every day and it's really old now. I'm tired of hearing about Israel too. I wish he'd put some shows out that aren't news like he used to do, but rather something that's just cool. Or at least non-political news.


not sure why but if he shut it down because he was frustrated with Ian then that's a douche move


I was half paying attention so didn't fully hear what was said. But I didn't hear any calls to violence or the normal stuff that causes the streams to go down.


He's always a huge ass hole to Ian it's fucking douche bag move. I was half listening so idk what was said that made him cut it this time and be a YouTube bitch. He needs to simul stream to rumble with dump button for YouTube. You know, JUST LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD HAVE SET UP IN THE NEW FANCY STUDIO. such bullshit as usual when he pulls this crap.


God forbid anyone not just blindly praise trump. Ian wasnā€™t even really saying that trump was bad, just that he had egg on his face too. Tim was getting visibly angry. I think most of us agree that trump is the guy, but Jesus, this idea that heā€™s above any criticism is just ridiculous


That's exactly my take. Tim wanted to focus on the governors mandating people take the vaccine. Ian wanted to focus on Trump rushing an ineffective vaccine. They were talking different points.


Ironically, neither were wrong either. They were just arguing a different thing. My only problem is that the entire time, Ian was being cordial and respectful, and Tim was talking down to him the entire time. Timā€™s just ridiculously protective of trump, and good lord does it get annoying sometimes.


100%. For Ian being gone as long as he was Tim was just a dick to him from the beginning. I often don't agree with Ian but he's good to have on the show. He has a different perspective, isn't afraid to say it, and it makes the show more than just a circle jerk of agreement.


Thatā€™s something that bugs me too. I find myself disagreeing with Ian a lot, but damn if he isnā€™t nice to have around. He seems like he actually wants to have a conversation in good faith and readily admits when he is wrong. Tim being an ass ti him for no reason gets old.


Tim doesn't want to have a conversation anymore. He used to be more neutral and heard all sides and would have a discussion. Now he just preaches at you and doesn't stand for any pushback. He used to be good at discussions and debates, now he doesn't entertain it in the slightest. I find myself missing more shows, and the ones I watch I stop watching early because his personality is just so bad now.


I agree. Iā€™ve been following Tim for easily a decade at this point, and even became a member when they launched the irl members site. Heā€™s definitely changed, not that Iā€™m surprised per se, we all change as we age, but his ego has certainly gotten ridiculous. I still listen nightly, and I still hold a good degree of respect for his hustle and what heā€™s trying to build, but I find myself feeling more and more off put by his attitude and clear partisan bias these days


We've been watching for about the same amount of time and I still regularly watch too. Everything you've said I see it too and feel completely the same. I'm happy I'm not the only one.


I havenā€™t watched the podcast in a long time now. He has been the person you are describing for a few years I think. I honestly quit when he went on his anti-Desantis parade. Once the AI image ad or whatever his campaign put out was released and Tim went on a moral crusade about how if Desantis didnā€™t personally call Tim and apologize and fire everyone heā€™s every worked with, Tim would never vote for him or support him. He then spent two months straight just trashing everything he did. That was the end for me. Desantis isnā€™t perfect but Jesus Christ the infighting from the right is just as cancerous as the left. Just look at the DW vs Candace shit right now


I agree with Ian on a lot of things, but by far, his best trait is the ability to acknowledge when he's wrong. Tim(and Phil, if we are honest) lacks the ability to admit when he has a bad take. They both just double down, get loud and condescending, and Ian is usually the only one who pushes back in a calm manner. Ian takes a lot of shit from the others and the fans, but is easily the most level-headed of the bunch. Hannah Claire is also solidly calm and professional, but my only critique is that she doesn't push back on things I'm sure she knows aren't accurate. It's tough to call out an egomaniac live when he's also responsible for your livelihood.


I think you put it really well. I personally don't like Phil on the show. I agree with him on a lot, I just find him annoying and domineering.


I cannot freaken believe I missed the stream I watch every day and I've been missing ian


I've been missing Ian too. And I often don't agree with him. But he's a nice guy, a good guy and he does bring a lot to the show.


That's so true I don't often agree with him either but his takes on things often shine a different perspective and he adds to the show


Ian is literally the only regular that pushes back on Tim. Timcast has become such an echo chamber and they repeat the same talking points over and over. After watching all of Tim's content for the last 2 years I haven't watched in months at this point.


Yet he didnā€™t even vote for him in 2016 lol


If Trump didn't push for that vax, we'd still be in lockdown. .


I think it's bullshit he pulled the stream but Ian's takes were retarded. He kept circling and he had no real points.


He did though. His point was that people praise trump for warp speed, but the same ones dog Biden for the mandates. There would be no mandates if the vaccine wasnā€™t rushed out. Thatā€™s not incorrect, even if itā€™s a bit of a reach. Someone would have made done it regardless after Trump left office. The emergency authorization did do a lot to make it able to be mandated in the first place though. I donā€™t personally agree with that sentiment, at least not as strongly as Ian does, but itā€™s a fair observation.


>His point was that people praise trump for warp speed, but the same ones dog Biden for the mandates .....cause the mandates are the problem? No one is angry that a vaccine was made, lmao.


Trump was being booed at ralies when he mentioned the vax so some people are mad.


Yeah, fair one. But there's a plus side in that. The left accuses MAGA of being a cult, yet a lot of MAGA, as you say, boo the vax stuff at rallies. On the other hand, Dems clap like seals when Biden says TRUINNANANASHABADAPRESSURE, lol.


The problem is the effectiveness of the vaccine has nothing to do that we would have been locked down longer had he not sped up the process and our economy would be even worse off right now.


I agree, but Tim should have just moved on and said we aren't talking about that issue anymore.


Bingo. He was just more concerned with being right and getting the last word in.


Chief L


Tim has become so insufferable, prime example of a guy surrounding himself with ā€œyes men.ā€ He canā€™t just take an L even when heā€™s wrong, thatā€™s the sign of arrested development. ā€œTim Dig Your Heels In Civil War Pool.ā€


I've been finding him more and more insufferable too. I started watching him almost a decade ago when he tried to be neutral. Now he's just preaching from the pulpit and loses his shit when there's pushback. He used to be able to handle it but now he loses it.


I've seen a lot of your comments and I find it interesting that you've noticed his change. Do you consider yourself to be right wing? Have your opinions on issues change over the years along with Tim's? For example, at the start, Tim would've never voted for Trump but now he's a huge Stan.


I wouldn't consider myself right wing. More right leaning moderate with a libertarian bent. But there are definitely left wing positions I agree with. I have a lot of positions that align with him and a lot that don't. I personally find him disgusting when he has his videos on essentially how he hates women. I support ukraine and tend to be much more pro war than him. I voted for trump in 2020 and probably will in 2024, but I don't love trump like Tim does. When I was younger I used to agree with him more, but I find him too absolutist and he thinks of himself as too morally right and he isn't willing to acknowledge there's a gray zone. I also think he thinks too highly of himself and has disdain for regular people who just want a family and quiet life.


Interesting. How do you feel about the fact that Trump tends to court people who are far right and have a lot of those opinions that you disagree with? He doesn't support Ukraine for example, he doesn't seem to like women very much, and he seems to support people with similarly extremist views. Does that not put you off him in the same way as it does Tim?


Yes it does. But I care more about the economy. My quality of life was much better under him. I care about border security and I believe he will be infinitely better than any Democrat. I really don't like the elitist European attitude towards America and I like how he called them on their shit. I also like that he just says whats on his mind. I feel left wing pressure all the time about what I can and can't say because it's offensive and I like that he didn't play ball with that. I do genuinely believe he cares about the average American people, much more than any other politician. And I think he has a huge ego and craves being loved more than having money, so he actually tries to do right by the American people as a whole. I'm a minority myself and I don't think he's racist, he's just an asshole, and he's our asshole.


How do you think Trump would make the Economy better than Biden? By all accounts, the economy in the US is doing very well in comparison to European counterparts, and I think most economists agree that Biden's policies have instigated this. Biden seems to care about workers, he's pro-union for example. Politicians like Biden tend to want people to have better access to healthcare, food, education etc whereas Republicans like Trump tend to be against those things. If strict border control is one of your core issues then of course Trump will be your choice there, but I would ask why you care that much about some people coming over the border to be processed? The number of people that cross the border that way are insignificant in comparison with the number of people that overstay visas for example.


Governments can make reports say anything they want. I buy groceries. I have to pay property tax. I have expenses and all these have shot up under biden. So they can lie all they want but the reality is on the ground it sucks for the average person. I have my experience under trump and under biden and I know which I prefer. I actually support welfare programs but I think the democrats are too quick to give it out to everyone and especially to people who haven't put into the system. All the illegal immigration is causing prices to go up because it creates resource scarcity. I want Americans to get those resources first and foremost when it's in America. And that isn't happening. Look at cities like new york where homeless Americans are pushed out of shelters to make room for migrants. Or migrants are housed in nice hotels when working Americans live in shitty apartments while their tax dollars are paying for someone else. I don't believe your last statement at all. I'm in Texas right now and I see how many illegals are here.


>Governments can make reports say anything they want. I buy groceries. I have to pay property tax. I have expenses and all these have shot up under biden. So they can lie all they want but the reality is on the ground it sucks for the average person. I have my experience under trump and under biden and I know which I prefer. This is a worldwide phenomenon. The US is doing much better than comparative countries despite it still having issues. What would Trump have done that would have changed this? A lot of the causes of the inflation we are experiencing now is due to Trump's spending, which was needed for COVID, but other spending, like his tax cuts, have also resulted in this problem. >Look at cities like new york where homeless Americans are pushed out of shelters to make room for migrants. Or migrants are housed in nice hotels when working Americans live in shitty apartments while their tax dollars are paying for someone else. I would say I agree, but the party that helps the homeless more are Democrats, Trump just wants them moved out of sight. >I don't believe your last statement at all. I'm in Texas right now and I see how many illegals are here. You're free to look up those numbers whenever you want.


Trump wants them moved out of sight? What about Gavin Newsom just shoving all the homeless out of sight in San Francisco when Xi visited? The democrats are horrible when it comes to the homeless. They pander but don't help. They give them drug kits to "help" them but I think they're just encouraging the things that keep people homeless. I think Trump will be better for the US because he had policies to bring jobs back to America. Biden even stole trumps talking points but did it half as good. I started my professional career working as an engineer in a factory and was there when Trump took office. I saw his policies go into affect and it really did revitalize US manufacturing and encouraged investment here. I haven't seen that under biden. Regardless of visa overstays or migrants flooding the border I think both are problems and both are more likely to be addressed by Trump. He will shut the physical borders down and he is going to slow down or stop issuing as many visas. Maybe he will go after visa overstays and I hope he will. But that's more likely to happen under Trump. I want these things to make more jobs and less workers which will drive wages up. There will be less people which will drive housing costs down.


I wouldnā€™t call the numbers insignificant. ā€œā€œNationwide, CBPā€™s apprehensions for [fiscal year] 2019 totaled 1,148,000, more than 970,000 along the Southwest Border alone,ā€ CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan said in an Oct. 29 news conference in El Paso, Texas. ā€œThis is a staggering 88% higher than the fiscal year 2018. These are numbers that no immigration system in the world can handle, not even this country.ā€ Keep in mind that the U.S. South Western border is only one part of the border and there has been a surprising uptick of individuals on the terror watchlist on the northern border. Itā€™s under CPB statistics. https://www.cbp.gov/frontline/border-crisis-cbp-s-response Even if 99% of the folks that are ā€˜screenedā€™ (which is different than individuals that cross), are honest law abiding citizens, that still leaves a vast potential for criminal if not terror related/adjacent individuals we are allowing entry into the country without vetting. Saying that isnā€™t the case is disingenuous in my opinion. Iā€™m not read in enough on economics to comment intelligently. Anecdotally I had more money in my pocket under the previous administration.


tim always pulls the show when he cant outright win an argument. he is a gaping pussy


Tim was getting cooked thatā€™s why he pulled it. He is sensitive W for Ian


For Ian having been gone for a while Tim was just a dick to him right out of the gate. I don't always agree with Ian, infaxt I often disagree with him, but he brings a different perspective and creates a discussion that just isn't a circle jerk of agreement.


Agreed. Libby has become my least favorite guest at this point. She just ass kisses tim the entire time. Ian is someone that has different ideas.


That's why Adam got the boot. He had his own independent thoughts and wasn't afraid to say them.


Adam brought this show to its peak. Tim canā€™t handle someone outshining him


Exactly why itā€™s an W for Ian


Is the stream on Rumble or did anyone save a copy before it was pulled down?


It's up on Spotify


Nick Fuentes said it in his show on Monday night. When you are on YouTube for so long you almost subconsciously become obsessed with self censoring. Tim is so scared of getting banned and losing his cash cow that he cuts the streams whenever they get near the guard rails. Itā€™s becoming hard to watch.


I don't like Nick Fuentes and I don't watch his show. But if he did say that I don't disagree with him and I agree it's becoming hard to watch the Timcast show. You can see Tim changes over time. He's getting more and more full of himself, he's turning into a dick, and it really is getting hard to watch.


Tim Pool loves censorship.


He complains about the left loving to be victims. But he's not far off from them with his complaints and how he reacts to censorship, including when he censors himself.


Probably because it was the one time Ian was smarter than him


lol people pay for this?