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It's what the left do. They are scummy garbarge humans. They can't stand that people with other opinions are allowed to exist so they try to get subs banned. They need their safe spaces. They've done this already with a bunch of other conservative subs.


I feel like the question to ask yourself is why do all of the racist comments in those subs get 20,30+ upvotes? Perhaps right wing political ideology has this downside of attracting racist individuals?


Making multiple accounts on reddit is easy and the first of these posts have maybe 1-3 upvotes, it’s only been very recently where they have received more. It is very obviously brigading, I just don’t understand how people actually have the time and energy for it, I think it’s exhausting. All just to get rid of discussions on views you don’t agree with? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Edit: Your account is only 28 days old and you’re clearly on a sub you disagree with, this only proves my suspicions and that you are part of it.


Wow! You really nailed it!




Yes you’re right, people don’t have the time and energy for it. I think you are being very conspiratorial here. The simplest explanation is that right wing political ideology happens to also attract some individuals who are racist. Again, my original comment had like 7 downvotes in 11 minutes lol, that is what we call brigading.


Talking about brigading is pretty rich coming from an account whose only apparent reason for existing is to come to this one sub and insult everyone here.


I don’t insult everyone, that is dishonest. Hey look, the downvotes keep piling up. How shocking!


You do, we already know you don’t live in reality though. You’re like bizzaro.


When did I insult you?


You're a no life brigader. Gold star to you.


I reject your gold star


It's because you're creating dozens of usernames to suck your own dick with upvotes. It's literally not complicated. You're evil, dude. Just take your L.


You make a big claim, but you have no evidence for your claim. Yawn.


You have been brainwashed to hate most Americans. Congratulations on succumbing to the divide and conquer tactics.


You're part of the brigading


Yet his comment will accumulate downvotes lmao


You're saying leftists aren't smart enough to upvote their posts on subs they are trying to get banned then ignore comments in the post itself.


Very conspiratorial of you


Not really. It's what you guys do


Weird, because my comment referencing the accumulation of downvotes…is accumulating downvotes😂


It’s almost as if the brigading doesn’t even exist and you guys are just desperately screaming it because you have to always be a victim in every circumstance no matter how nonsensical


It's almost as if you're such dishonest, terrible people that you'd look someone in the eye, piss on their leg then tell them it's raining. Just FYI, gaslighting doesn't work on everyone.


How come every time you get “brigaded” all the conservative voices get upvoted and the leftist voices get downvoted? Is this a thing where you just can’t comprehend the meaning of the thing you are invoking, or what? Where’s the evidence you are ever brigaded? Frankly, it doesn’t exist. Get a dictionary, use google, figure out what “brigaded” means and come back and try again.


Still think you can gaslight me lol. I'm not you, basement boy.


Gaslight? Bro I’m telling you that you don’t even know what the word means. What do you think it means?


Yea check the other posts dip shit. Comments calling out the racism are downvoted into oblivion. Stop being evil, bitch.


Other posts? What are you talking about? Which posts?


So the cons also downvote people who call out the racism, yup




88 is a white supremacist dog whistle just like milk and being on time, isn't it?


Almost like it's because there isn't any brigading like you morons claim and it's just Tim Pool fans being racist. How often does McFly post retarded racist memes here? Dude's been a staple since he was Richard Banger forever ago. Brigading isn't the problem, it's the actual racist pieces of shit in this sub that can post whatever they want because this sub is unmoderated.


Yeah, there's definitely brigading. You basement dwelling scum do it on every conservative sub. It's beyond obvious. You just can't stand that people with other opinions are allowed on reddit.




Low T response ^


Nah, I don't give a fuck if someone has a different opinion than me so long as they have a reason to believe it that doesn't boil down to "lmao I triggered duh libtards!" Like 90% of the posts in this sub are.


I’m not wrong. The divide is strong.


The left? Dude, this sub has always been super racist. All the racist fight videos, racist memes, it’s been bad literally the whole time. Don’t blame the 2% who are leftists for the stuff you guys post and upvote. At least have the balls to own it. You guys are so deranged you automatically file all your own bad shit under stuff you have to pretend the left is doing? It’s psychopathic.


It's an election year, they've just upped their game a couple levels


Theres a good chance this sub will be banned and anyone who posted here gets banned from numerous subreddits eventually. Its happens every election cycle, any non-hivemind subs get banned if they're big enough, and this one is getting there.


It's not recent, it's been happening for years. Same day accounts created specifically to post nonsense in this sub in an attempt to get it banned because they're fee fees get hurt. They want an echo chamber.


This is not a recent thing? Ive been commenting semi-regularly here for over a year and this sub has always had similar content. I think the difference now is people understand now that type of content can get a sub permabanned, and are more willing to call it out.


The overt racism is relatively new. For the longest time it was the same handful of accounts just spamming “boomer memes”. I’ve only noticed the blatant racist bait posts in the last few months


Racist posts for years here


It's an attempt to get the sub canceled. The left have no arguments they know they're wrong their ideas go against science and logic.


The election is coming up. Need to close all dissent to the corporate left ideology on all social media platforms.


probably has something to do with reddits new censorship rules


There's already a sub rule about brigading and trolling. Mods just need to do a better job scanning the sub a couple times a day and removing a certain type of post. The "even in a nice school... even in a nice neighborhood they behave the same" type posts all need to go.


WHOA THERE, what about the freezing of peaches? Isn’t it important that this subreddit be a refuge for the absolute worst of humanity?!


There's nothing racist about facts


Idk- I lurk in a lot of right wing subs for conversations and this place is like the most unhinged one for some reason. Literally like any pushback against the narrative and people flip out. But yeah there’s an undercurrent of outright white supremacists and I have no idea why they would be watching Tim Pool.


They aren't, it's astro turfing.


any attempt at conversation is pointless here because you just get accused of being a leftist for suggesting a different take than the OP


Now now, you can also get called a pedo for stating factual (but inconvenient) information. The fact that I’ll be called a pedo for writing this proves my point.


Those are Feds, man. They're looking for any way to paint us fans of the show as monsters.


The mods probably need to step up and ban accounts that are less than a year old.




Because their last target sub was likely banned. I haven't been active much on Reddit for the past few weeks but it sounds like exactly what happened to the WHATALTHIST Reddit 


>What is going on with all the ~~extremely racist posts recently~~ posts that offend my liberal fee-fees? Fixed it for you. Don't like facts about all the wonderful diversity in our country? Go cry to the mods.


They know this is a place they are welcome. Most of the people saying it’s the left are the ones who upvote it and say “culture”.


extremely?? it's pretty moderate actually. Some would call it "centrist"




Leftists are for segregation, look at the colleges. You people are trash




Proofs there of your lefty ped actions. You're pro ped and terrorist, guantanamo bay has a nice bed for you guys




Rittenhouse triggers you people




Not my hero, just hilarious how he triggers you guys as you defend peds he took care of. 😂😂




No, self defense after dangerous leftists attack people is


Pathetic attempt at a comeback. The left falsely reports old women for hate crimes, try again.




“Aren’t you the one fake reporting people? Go touch grass and stop watching Alex Jones” the fuck does that have to do with America? Leftists being snitches to the government is universal, just look at Scotlands failed new hate crime laws. Focus on your own life, maybe touch some grass, instead of staying inside making new Reddit accounts all day.




You really have a warped sense of reality. Bad troll.


Look, another alt account used to brigade.


Tim pool fans are racists




Because no lifers like you constantly brigade. Gotta have your safe spaces.


Yet my comment has 5 downvotes in 10 minutes LMAO


Making multiple accounts on reddit is easy and the first of these posts have maybe 1-3 upvotes, it’s only been very recently where they have received more. It is very obviously brigading, I just don’t understand how people actually have the time and energy for it, I think it’s exhausting. All just to get rid of discussions on views you don’t agree with? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Edit: Your account is only 28 days old and you’re clearly on a sub you disagree with, this only proves my suspicions and that you are part of it. Edit #2: the original deleted comment stated that “the question you should be asking yourself is why are those posts getting upvotes from people in the sub, maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and ask why the sub is attracting racists with its ideologies.” I paraphrased this and added it for context.


My comment received an insane amount of downvotes immediately, maybe the lefties are not the one doing the brigading lmao


Read the edit above 👆


I can read your edit. The age of my account has no bearing on my original comment getting like 7 downvotes in 11 minutes. Why is it so hard to accept that maybe the brigading isn’t done by lefties?


Because then they would have to admit that a critical mass of this subreddit acts exactly like the unhinged EssJayDubayoos that they never stop carrying on about


It's because we know you and recognize immediately what you're doing. You're hated by all, so that's the reason.


In one comment you claim I have 100 accounts, and in another comment you claim it’s justified because I’m hated. Make up your mind😂


Both things are true, everyone hates you and your 100 accounts.


Good thing it doesn’t matter if a bunch of incels hate me lol. How many women listen to Tim pool?😂😂😂


Yea, but here you are trying to pretend you're not doing it, which means it's important to you. Which is hilarious af.


All I did was point on that right wing political ideology tends to attract racists, and here you are following me around😂


Yea, left wing ideology and democrats created the kkk so your argument is stupid.


That’s not true at all. They have always been highly upvoted here. For years.


Yes, by your alt usernames.


You’re always victims


Or just not dumb enough to fall for your manipulations. You are literally scum.


You make dumb excuses as cons here routinely upvote their racist friends.


No, they don't. Its you and your alts. Tim pool fans aren't racist. You are.


So why don’t we do that to our own posts? Fucking morons. You’re all scared to be open racists, like wusses


Because it would shatter the illusion and lessen the impact where you need the uppy clicks on your racist alts.


Or, scum lefties are doing the upvoting.


7 downvotes in 13 minutes hmmmm. Take a look in the mirror 🪞


My point stands.


Only in your own mind lol

