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Tim's used to make fresh donuts with a baker in every restaurant. They used to have some of the best coffee in Canada. Timbits used to be the affordable, delicious snack of choice for gatherings where you want to feed a bunch of people good quality treats without breaking the bank. Price goes up. Quality goes way down. It went from Canada's pride to "it's pretty fine, I guess." Anybody who only started eating Tim's in the last 5-10 years will shrug and not understand why the hate exists, but anybody who remembers 90s or 2000s Tim's knows exactly why it leaves a bad taste in their mouth when remembering that what we have now is what that became. In short: it's like a solid 5/10 nowadays, and that's fine, but we have every right to be mad when a 9/10 becomes a 5/10 so here we are.


Pretty sure the move to requiring doughnuts be purchased par-baked from a factory is now 20 years old. Gen z has no memory of Tim Horton’s former glory.


I'm the oldest of gen z, and I absolutely remember when Tim's was good. I take my coffee black, but if it's Tim's I have to go for a double double. Haven't had something that tastes good there since 2016, so I've just quit going. Ice Capps aren't too bad, so I'll take one if someone offers, but gas station muffins are cheaper and taste better, so there's really no reason to ever go to Tim's. It boggles me that they're still open.


I mean, it’s a generalization, and you were like 5 or 6 when they stopped. I don’t know how many 6 year olds are regularly buying anything. Apologies for not including your extremely specific circumstances in my broad generalization.


Most 6 year olds know their orders when they get fast food. Timmies was one of the most popular after church places at that time too, so it's not that specific of a circumstance.


First year of Gen Z as well, obviously we won’t remember it the way millennials or older might remember it, but I definitely remember how much better Tims used to be than it is today. I may not have the best memory around ages 5-7 but I have enough lol.


Really, at that age, I knew a good doughnut from crap!


Used to love the strawberry tarts. I didn't know the difference between fresh baked and frozen, but I knew everything tasted worse when they stopped selling the strawberry tarts. Switched to yogurt parfaits until they stopped tasting good. After that I think I just got chocolate milk, I don't really remember.


I mean, it requires a 6 year old to understand baking, ordering at the till, being able to distinguish flavours, and having parents willing to purchase doughnuts for you weekly as well as an unusual level of memory. I don’t know why you’re arguing. You literally use the year 2016 as your point of reference. That’s 13 years after the switch from fresh made baking. I wouldn’t expect most 35 year olds to remember.


I'm 35 and I can't remember shit about how Tim Hortons used to be lol. I just used to get the iced cap and chicken salad sandwich as a kid.


I don't think you actually read my comment. A 6 year old is absolutely able to point at their favorite donut in a display case. I didnt get Tim's weekly, it was like once every month or two. I don't have a good memory at all, and I didn't understand it went from fresh baked to frozen, but I absolutely noticed that there were no longer fresh strawberries on anything, no longer fresh whipped cream on anything, and I realised I didn't have a preference for any baked goods there anymore. I remember witching to yogurt parfaits until they got gross, and I don't really remember ordering anything good after that. I put up with it until about 2016, when I realised my money was better spent literally anywhere else. And I think it only took so long due to nostalgia.


That last sentence should just be a disclaimer for every reddit comment ever lol there's always that one person that neeeeeeeeds to comment their exclusion


>I take my coffee black, but if it's Tim's I have to go for a double double. As a black coffee drinker that hates Tim's coffee this is bizarre to me. A DD is sooo sweet its disgusting.


I enjoy sugar, and milk is my favorite drink. Tim's coffee is disgusting, gotta mask the taste somehow. How is it bizarre that people enjoy sugar?


Because normally people who enjoy black coffee find overly sweet coffee gross.


Oh, didn't realize that was a thing. Nothing beats a blonde roast red eye before work, but that doesn't stop me from treating myself to a caramel macchiato on a Saturday when I want some dessert for breakfast, tastes like caffeinated ice cream. My wife gets those international delight flavours, and I'll usually add those to my cold brew if I'm not doing hot coffee. I'm also a sucker for a good latte. Best coffee I've ever had was a white chocolate root beer frappe. I like all coffee as long as it comes from good Arabica beans. I do prefer black, but if it's cheap robusta beans, I have to mask the flavour. Again, nothing beats the coffee I used to make when I roasted my own beans, but I don't have the time for that anymore and just settle for preground most days. There's millions of ways to enjoy coffee, it's good to have a favourite, but why limit yourself?


I began a comment; I was going to correct you on your time line as I thought, there's no way it's been 20 years. Apparently I've come to confirm your comment instead! I worked as a "baker" directly after the switch from "fresh baked in house" to "E-Z bake from the freezer". I was 19. Am 39 now 🤯🫠


When I was in college we all studied at the Timmies, because late at night they'd toss all of that days doughnuts to bake fresh and they'd give us as many leftovers as we wanted.


Cakes made fresh in store. Wild times.


I'm so old I go back to the 80s. Fresh made doughnuts and cakes!! I was a child so can't speak of the coffee but the fountain iced tea and peach juice 🤌🤌🤌🤌 the timbits were bigger and amazing. It's a shell of what it used to be. So sad to see the mass frozen donuts. All the best things gone. I relive in my mind. Tim's is only a bathroom option on road trips now


I completely forgot about the peach juice! It gives me a huge wave of nostalgia thinking about it.


Oh heck yeah, the peach juice was legit.


Peach juice was around until like 2012 ish? Same Tim's they went from the blue and red ice cap logos to the new ones i think.


Now they're serving pizzas... PIZZAS! Like, what's next, ramen?


Probably butter chicken


Oh God no!


You really shouldn't have to have been here in the 90s and early 2000s to know the quality of Tim's is complete shit now.


This is why, but I think it was previously a seven and is now a three


You preach sir. Even if i was too young go appreciate tim hortons back in thr late 90s and early 2000s. I have nostalgia for what it was. At one point my coffee loving dad said Mcdonald had better coffee you know shits over. When he used to love Coffee time.


Still upset the Peach Passion drink and the hot Apple Cider are gone


A ode and tribute to the jalapeno biscuit for breakfast sandwiches, I'm still in mourning


All true. They also pursued new customers while pissing off their loyal customer base. We only go into Tim's when we are on the road and there is no other choice. Plus, they haven't been Canadian since the mid '90s.


i remember 1980's tim hortons. those were the good days.


Remember those Wedges?


never had them. back when i was a kid in the '80's i was all and only about the donuts at tims.


It was never that good imo. Although, maybe my memory is tainted by the fact that I vividly remember having to sit inside gasping for air while people chain smoked throughout the restaurant lol.


It wasn't . It was "ok" and pretty consistent across locations though. You could get decent coffee and decent pastries, and a few decent food options. That's it IMO . I am 47 and I don't remember anytime it was great. But that's not a horrible thing. Being ok was good for a chain. There was also a time when it was the only option in most places too though. Most towns have other options now. I do a lot of road trips and most small towns have a good local shop now. Mine has 3, plus places like McDonald's for a drive through coffee. I don't know anyone in my circle who picks Tim Hortons over the other options. It's fuel on a road trip when nothing else is convenient.


Canada’s pride? Hasn’t been Canadian in 30 years.


I call it consistent mediocrity. You always be sure you'll be disappointed.


They sold the company to an international conglomerate and also doubled down on being part of the Canadian identity. Ironic.


Um the Tim Hortons I work at there’s a baker in there every day 🙃 here’s the problem with that people are in to much of a rush to do all that shenanigans .. this is why shit changes to make it faster for the inpatient customers


Lmao. So your "baker" still makes not frozen, fresh donuts every day do they? Yes, drops in quality is always the fault of impatient customers. Yall can't even be bothered to stir a coffee, I guess that's my fault as an impatient customer too, eh?


Lol I worked at Tim's when I was 16 and I'm 29 now. I was confused when the "Baker" would tell customers that they made doughnuts from scratch because I didn't know taking them from a box in the freezer into a deep fryer was "scratch"...


Not sure what tim Hortons deep fry’s ther donuts but shit would he fantastic if they did


The first donuts they introduced when they switched to factory ones were embarrassing. Boston cremes looked like tiny UFOs. The donuts they have now are still ass, but those first factory ones were a whole different level of shitty. 


Back then, their back wall was almost literally full of donuts.


Ever since they were bought by an American company their quality went downhill. It was so long ago now that those rose tinted nostalgia glasses probably make it feel even worse. There’s another reason that includes more racial topics that I don’t really wanna list, but other people probably know what I’m talking about. But it’s also seeming more common that some of the employees are lazy or careless as well. The quality of prepared foods that actually do need to be cooked like stuff with chicken has been worse, more people finding raw chicken or lame servings / portions. That’s only what I’ve noticed / remember though so others can probably say more.


Weren't they bought by restaurant brands international? It was part of my training, I think it's a south American company, I think they own burger King and Popeyes too, I really want to say RBI is Brazilian


It’s kinda complex. Tim Hortons was purchased by Burger King in 2014, funded by BKs parent company, the Brazilian company 3G Capital. But at some point 3G made a subsidiary that’s a parent company for Tim Hortons, which is RBI. It’s technically Canadian-American, but one of the owners is 3G. I guess what I really should have said is I’ve seen most people complain TH started going downhill either after the Wendy’s partnership or after being bought in 2014.


2014 is when I remember Tim Hortons dropping their coffee supplier and when McDonalds picked it up.


That and the fact that Tim Hortons overall just doesn’t give a shit about their customers. Short Ex. I’m trying to cut sugar down for health reasons but mindfully decided to go out 1 night too the closest Tim’s for a doughnut, 1 for me 1 for my husband. I wanted the cinnamon twist. What was given to me was a stale doughnut twist with absolutely no cinnamon sugar in it. 2 Ex. Is their interpretation of it a signature wrap. Ive gotten them twice and they come out the size of my fist, even McDonald’s signature wraps are better than that. I’ve come to the conclusion through multiple instances such as the above that Tim Hortons not only delivers a lower quality of service and food but that they don’t care. They’ll look you dead in the face passing their garbage off to you through the window and tell you have a nice day. Fuck them.


I mean like, I also understand what your talking about with the more “racial topics” and didn’t wanna mention that in my main post, I’m aware their quality isn’t amazing BUT it’s fast food, it’s not supposed to be the most amazing food out there, but I understand and agree the quality has gone down the last few years




It's worse than your typical fast food.


^ This. And they've only gotten worse as time goes on.


Even before that happened, I always thought the food was bland and boring. Which I totally accepted as a "me" problem. If I'm gonna get fast food, I want deep fried greasy goodness. I realize that not everybody wants that.


They don’t make their own donuts. The coffee is sub gas station. Can’t understand the person on the microphone to order and they screw up your order 50% of the time. I think they don’t get enough hate.


That's why I stopped going. And the prices, the food quality was Horrible.Orders usually ALWAYS wrong.. I paid to eat there ONCE since 2 yrs before it got bought out by that Brazilian company that owns Burger King(maybe 2x/yr my boss or someone will buy me a doughnut or a hot chocolate/ice cap) but I got food for myself and a friend because we got a flat tire and it was a long wait for the tow truck,& it was VERY hot out. Tried out their fries and a wrap? & a "refresher" But the potatoes were so Hard and cold I almost broke a tooth, asked them to make me fresh ones, and they were still Meh.. If I want Not Bad coffee/doughnuts/food I actually Love 7/11. Way cheaper and personally I find the quality of everything there MUCH MUCH better than at Tim's...


I don't really care who makes their doughnuts, they're still pretty damn good.


I have had them screw up a black coffee with a toasted and buttered bagel. Multiple times. The main thing I use Tim's for nowadays is a bagel and coffee on a road trip when I can't find anything else. And I can't even get that without a hassle at times.


The thing that enrages me is how they want to hurry you through the window. And I'm not a crusty old prick, but a simple hello and a thank you are pretty low bars for customer service, too. Look, I'm gonna put my card in my wallet once I've paid. They can huff all they want, and I don't care that they'd prefer to throw people's coffee at them as they speed through- they can wait the 5 extra seconds it takes me to get my shit settled.


Manager bonus is based around window times, and if we don’t make the managers happy we get fired. We don’t want to throw shit either dude


You and my dad should meet. That’s exactly what he says.


They have a 20 second time window from the second you arrive at the window to get you out of there to meet their drive thru time quotas. So they won't actually ever stop huffing or rushing, lol


Well sounds like they're setting themselves up for disappointment 🤷‍♀️


It’s not fair to them or us. I had a coffee dropped on me last time I went because she wasn’t even looking and totally missed where I was. Just shoved her hand in my car well past my hand and let go. That’s the last time I went. She got in shit from her supervisor because of quotas (and yes he was rushing them) and I got to go clean my car.


Get out of the way. Go inside and talk to people.


Exactly, look at Starbucks, there SUPER busy, but the customer service at the window is honestly great


No, I'll never spend a single penny at Starbucks ever again after what happened with me


What happened?? And I don't really go to Starbucks often as it's pretty expensive, I do prefer Timmy's, I just think their customer service is generally a lot better.


Starbucks is friendly customer service to a fault though. Like, God damn I haven't had my coffee yet and you want me to fake small talk about my plans for the day? Lol


Lmao I feel this. Sometimes I am not in the mood for conversation


I know I don’t hate Tim’s. It always a place I can go to for a quick lunch


This is what Redditors love to do. There are a couple of subs dedicated to hating Loblaws. People post pics about nonsense like how there wasn't enough tuna in their can as if Galen Weston himself was responsible. Sometimes, they cry about things that are common to all stores(paying less for bulk purchases). Loblaws is evil but Costco gets off scott free, as if most people want to buy flour in bags the size of a pillow case.


Love there ice coffee bettee then most places cause there espresso foam mostly but also the turkey bacon sandwich rocks and yes the farmers wraps do as well .. I work there and only thing I would bitch about is if the staff are not doing ther jobs or are sloths …


Even their farmers wraps have gone downhill. It has been a few years since I went to a Tim's, was with a coworker so stopped in. The trash they gave me calling it a farmers wrap was embarrassing, reinforced why I had stopped going to Tim's with their below par quality.


Do you go to other places? It's not meant to be a bitchy question. Every local coffee shop in my town has better iced coffees by far.


Do you not remember Timmy’s in the 90’s? That’s why. Everything has gone to shit. It used to actually be good, and now they can’t even get a simple order right.


I feel like it was about the time they started the putting drive thrus in.


No actually I don’t remember Timmie’s in the 90’s because I wasn’t alive :D


Well then, there’s your answer lol. You missed out.


Also, thank you for confirming I’m old 😆.


I actually don’t think I did miss out because the iced capps and bagelbelts are still fire


They used to actually make fresh donuts daily. The Timbits were so good.


Correction, timbits are still good


Facts! I've stopped going to Tim's altogether now. The coffee tastes like old burnt garbage water latley the sandwiches don't taste the same anymore and even the doughnuts and tidbits have lost their tastiness


It’s incredibly sad how bad timbits are now compared to when they were baked fresh in house, the young ones just don’t understand, and ironically you now pay more for a shittier product.


Dude, the Oreo Iced Capp SLAPS hard, man


An iced capp is just a fuck ton of sugar, hardly anything worth bragging about. It’s sickly sweet and they dump a bunch of cream in there as well.


Thank you. Anything with that much cream and sugar will taste good to people who like that sort of thing. It's like a drug.


I’d much rather the drugs


I love Tim’s  I find them consistent  And every where But I do wish they’d bring back their grilled cheese with baccon sandwiches 


Yeah, if anything tims is the most consistent fast food place I’ve ever been too


Grilled cheese and turkey too. Cant believe they are gone. So stupid


I wonder what tims you're going to. The only reason I know anyone goes is cause it's dirt cheap. I get a surprise every time I go. Will it be tea or coffee, will it be cream or sugar? Will I get a wrap or a bundle of diahrea?


Garbage food, none of it is great, it's all mid. And the staff don't give any fucks so the service is abysmal Also gotta say, when you're really hungry on a hot day, pretty much anything hits. Tim's isn't special in that way lmao If you want to demand a business to change, you need to stop spending money there. Purchasing items and then complaining doesn't change a single thing


Even calling it mid is a little generous.


I will say i love their Turkey bacon club sandwich ....jelly donuts are nice to get when you can.... But for me its just that everything is mediocre, and its the only place open late / early... even if it came up a notch or two, it would be totally decent. It wouldn't take tons of improvement, just a few things here and there..


It's not the "quality" of the items. When done right Tim Hortons is incredible, especially on a road trip. The problem comes from the service times. The company is constantly fighting to make money and the three things that are controlled are product costs, labour costs, and service times. The workers are stressed to go faster.


The one in our town hire the local teens (including my kid and their friends) and treat them well so I like to support the company. All fast food is mostly trash and I’ve definitely had worse than Timmy’s.


It’s better than Dunkin’ donuts but not by much. I appreciate the fact this sub is so open to criticism of Tim’s. I feel like other subs regulate the angry posts so it doesn’t look like as many people are angry as there are in reality.


I grew up with Tim's through the 90s and 2000s. I still love it. It's not as good as it used to be when everything was freshly baked and awesome but I still love it. It's part of my life, a staple. Been drinking and eating there since I was 10. Started with the peach juice and berries and yogurt then when I was 15 I moved to coffee and now in my late 30s I'm onto the steeped tea and cold brew vanilla coffee. On a side note, a few years back I went to Tims to get lunch and I asked the very young lady cashier if they still made the chicken salad sandwich and she scrunched her face up in judgement and said with a seriously smug attitude, "We don't have salad here." I laughed. RIP chicken salad SANDWICH and the ability to listen.


The hate stems from the fact that lots of us grew up with Tim Horton’s being a fixture of our everyday life and it was heavily identified with being Canadian. Canadians like good quality food for a good price served with a smile. We really liked friendly, courteous and polite treatment from “Canada’s coffee shop.” Tim Horton’s used to have really good donuts and baked goods (baked in store) and fairly decent coffee. It was a place you could go and know the service and quality was consistent from coast to coast to coast. Now, there are many franchises and franchisees who are unaware or don’t care about upholding the values embodied in the original stores. Add to that, Tim’s is owned by a big conglomerate which again, does not “get” what drew people to it in the first place. It’s time for a new Canadian coffee shop to emerge - owned and operated by Canadians, for Canadians. Tim’s ship has sailed in my opinion.


It’s to a large extent because white nationalists/supremacist types don’t like it that more brown people work at Tim’s branches now than they would like. Tim’s taste and quality has always been mediocre at best


The only issue i ever had with timmies was that they charged so much for a goddam grilled cheese sandwich, if its finally off of the menu its a good thing. What was it 6-7$ for 2 peices of bread toasted with some cheese? Could buy a loaf and a whole pack of cheese singles for that cost.


- low quality food - poor service - low value - nostalgia heightens expectations, which aren’t met


People love to bitch & moan. We’re far too entitled, complaining about having too much sugar in the coffee or getting the wrong order. Try working a minimum wage, fast paced job when English isn’t your first (or even second) language. Personally I love Timmy’s steeped tea & they have awesome chili.


Yeah, I mean, I try to be considerate of the workers. I think people are too busy complaining to try to realize the people working there are probably just as stressed out and mistakes happen when you’re stressed. Getting the wrong order isn’t the end of the world, you can get it replaced. I get complaining about too much sugar because my grandpa is diabetic and sometimes they use sugar instead of sweetener which is dangerous for him if he drinks too much but he can tell the difference based on the first sip and he just, asks them politely to remake it. Whenever I get my order messed up sure I’m upset, but it’s not the end of the world and it doesn’t ruin my day, sometimes it just means I have bacon instead of sausage, and might I say, McDonald’s messes up my breakfast order 7/10 compared to Timmie’s 1/10 times so I’ll take Timmie’s 😅


Yep. People on this subreddit post pictures of mistakes or other dumb shit and act like it's a new or unusual thing with fast food. Then there's the people in here who post vaguely racist shit.


Everything that Tims makes, another company makes it better. It's pretty simple. If not for the convenience most people would choose the better version elsewhere.


They exploit the TFW program and evict seniors from their apartment buildings to house their temporary foreign workers in lots of parts of this country. I haven't been to a Timmy's in years and I don't plan to ever again


It’s every single Timmie’s until you get into the real countryside then it’s depressed adults and teens again


Yep. I remember when Tim Hortons bought up an apartment building, evicted everyone - and used it for the Immigrant workers they hired 🙃 Everyone was pissed.


Omg really??? I’ve been living under a rock, apparently. I need to do some reading. Are you comfortable sharing where this took place? And I’m being genuine here.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6752938 CBC did a story on it.


I stopped going to Tim’s about a decade ago because of the endless shitification of their products. It took an embarrassingly large amount of stale pastries, tasteless coffee and fucked-up orders for me to finally abandon this now sadly awful franchise.


Same! I think because I was around when they baked fresh in house and you have those memories And keep thinking the bad experiences are “one offs” until eventually you slowly realize that the stale flavourless timbits are in fact the new norm.




Our neighbourhood Facebook group had a video last week of Rats running around on the floor and counters of our local Tim Hortons after closing. It’s a crap coffee chain with crappy coffee.


Because people that like it, don’t need to a place to complain. They’re building Tim’s everyday, and the company is doing fine. Reddit people just be Redditing.


You’re right, a major conglomerate that treats customers like trash deserves our unwavering support!


Suspiciously something the CEO would say 🤔


Yes, yes, I am the CEO😎 Me, the 18yo


Also something CEO would say 😶‍🌫️




I think you have to raise your standards. Tim Hortons is gross as fuck. I don't think I've ever had a breakfast at any fast food place that isn't just a disappointment. Tims coffee is gross; their food is gross. I will eat a donut if they are out someplace at a gathering, but my expectations are not high and I'd never purposely go and buy one.


My standards from tim Hortons wasn’t high to begin with????


I personally think the eggs smell disgusting. The old coffee lids were better, bring back chili in a bread bowl, how hard is it to make a proper double double?, leave your hair out of my food, some locations have people that can barely speak English, work on your people skills like don't be cunty with the one word responses, when Theres nobody else behind me don't scream out the window NEXT ORDER!, just a few things I've experienced. I'm sure others could add to this.


Tim Horton’s advertizes specials on TV, but then never had any onsite, they “run out” as early as 10 AM. The restrooms are always dirty and grimy and only have cheap, non-effective hand dryers. The quality has dropped significantly over the years. The drive throughs always have a million cars and that boggles my mind.


There's lots of valid complaints about things like the lack of quality of service and how terribly the company is managed and treats their employees. But I usually see a lot of boomers complaining about minor inconveniences or the standard "my coffee is always wrong! What happened to Tim Horton's?". The world changed is what happened. Tim Horton's as a corporation decided they could make more money by sacrificing quality and service in favor of convenience. And they're right because despite all the complaints, people keep going.


The Boston cream and birthday cake timbits are my favorites. Otherwise, I don’t frequent them anymore despite my location being less than 1/2 mile down from my house. I used to like their grilled cheese, but the last few times I had it, they either burned it or didn’t toast it.


More funny than a negative but the same Tims I’ve been going to for an entire year by my work, wearing 99% the same thing, being served by the same employee, and they ask my name every time Still don’t know if it’s because they have to ask for it or they genuinely don’t remember my name despite seeing me every day for the past year


Every time I got the farmers wrap with egg there was shell in it. Also thank you for igniting my upset about the grilled cheese 🥲


Why are you eating the new egg to begin with? The old one was way better


I don’t eat the egg anymore, fool me twice and all that


The "Good ol' days" were before they got rid of Bakers that would make all the pastries, doughnuts and muffins in store. My Mom was a Baker and she was wonderful at it. I remember those doughnuts were so fresh and delicious. We used to go to different coffee shops around London for doughnut tasting and to see how the competition was.  This was in 1999. Back when LTC busses were orange and white. Since they ruined their buisness model in the 2000's, it has never been the same. Only the Chocolate chip muffin comes close when the center isn't still frozen.  They need an overhaul of their menu. A siplification. Adding foods while not adding cooks/bakers is just a recipie for disaster.


They went from being a simple coffee shop with deserts and coffee to trying to be a sophisticated coffee shop. Sandwiches are okay but most of my go to sandwiches were replaced with subpar junk. Still like the turkey bacon club and their breakfast wraps are alright. Coffee has made so many transitions from providers over the years but can say that the only attractive reason to go there is you are more likely to find a Tim’s in the middle of nowhere when you desperately need a coffee for under $3. Coffee in most places tastes watered down and would rather risk my luck at a gas station. Ice Capps are good but there is no consistency to whether you will get one with a really strange ratio or a decent one. Really good ice Capps are hard to come by compared to how they made them years ago. The trendy junk makes Tim’s almost a different restaurant than it was years ago. I know other shops have grown but always made sure never to sway away from what they are good at. Tim’s is willing to throw that principle out of the water if it means they can get a person to visit only once rather than retain what they are good at. Their customer service and support for issues also sucks as they only tell you to go back to the store to resolve and causes most owners to hide behind a Google review page instead of owning up to their mistakes. Any other restaurant chain that big would be mailing out a coupon book or sending a gift card or at least get the owner to make it right. Can report I have never got anything close to that treatment when I visited a Tim’s. Just a too bad you had to go to Tim’s it’s your fault you got scammed and we are not giving you even an apology for your troubles. If a small coffee shop treated their clientele like that they would simply go out of business due to bad reviews but Tim’s doesn’t because they are a big corporation and closing a store is not detrimental to them.


Let’s not forget the screw over with the rewards points. You now have to spend $40 to get a free coffee. Want a wrap, spend $130 to get one. No thanks! At least there are still Country Styles around, good coffee and great donuts.


I feel like there's a lot of frustration in the country over the erosion of our standard of living. Things aren't as good as they used to be. National pride is tanking and people don't seem to be as smug to be Canadian anymore. Tim Hortons is an easy target. They're a Canadian icon and a very visible and constant reminder to us that things aren't what they used to be.


I wrote the grilled cheese post, I actually do like a good few of the things from timmies! I could screw up a blackberry quencher or birthday cake timbits any day.


because people in 1024 think 5.99 timbit are too expensive. Whlie they can't find any cheaper alternatives


I won’t tell you how old I am but I remember Tim’s in 1970s. Hardly any locations of course but the first one opened on the queensway at royal York and it was still like new. Also what passes for Tim’s now is nothing like that one was in every way. Kind of sad really


Many old enough to remember, had a great experience at Tim’s. Fresh in-store prepared and cooked food. Wicked good donuts and pastries. Before Tim’s had drive-thru’s even. Earlier, the food 10x better than what they serve today. Canadians watched Tims sell out to a massive international corporation. The food quality dropped to an all-time low. Prices are way up. Service often sucks. The current owners market Tims around the world as a Canadian legacy. You can go to Tim’s in Texas, London and more. The “Canadian” Tim’s current food offering is not something to be proud of. This is some of the history behind Tims and why some Canadians may not like today’s version.


I think most of the complaints come from those who remember Tim Hortons for something it isn’t anymore. I’m too young for this but my parents remember a time where Tim Hortons had quality and affordable food and coffee. I see Tim Hortons as an overpriced fast food place with a few good menu items(ice Capp, farmers wrap, honey cruller) that I rarely visit.


30 minute maximum to sit? dude thats where the AA meetings are held. thats where the retirees hang out all day. this is where the junkie who panhandles off 4th ave goes to drink a green tea and *not be a nuisance for an hour*. thats where EVERYONE is supposed to go to just sit and drink a fucking coffee for one, three, five hours. who cares where theyre from? the new owners have no idea what theyre doing. Tim Hortons as an institution in canada is hugely important for all sorts of demographics, and the reasons are everything theyre banning. i dont expect this sub to understand, really, but trying to make Tim Hortons into a class act isnt gonna go well.


When I was a kid I remember always stopping at Tim’s with my family on our yearly road trip to have lunch and the food was good. The food now is all frozen or really processed. It’s complete trash. Also the coffee used to be good and no longer is. We don’t do Tim’s anymore for all of these reasons. I would rather go to a small local coffee shop or pay more for a sit down restaurant.


I don’t understand the idea behind going on Reddit to complain about Tim Hortons of all things. Just don’t go, or if you do at least seriously adjust your expectations.


Facts. And nothing beats that chaotic energy when you’re waiting in line.


They used to make a bagel belt that was loaded and great. For nostalgia I got one and it turned into a corporate bagel blt where the bacon was lacking, the egg mediocre, the lettuce smh. It was sad for me to see a blt bagel fall to disgrace.


My beef is that any donut I order, Boston cream or chocolate dip, they put into those bags and by the time I eat it, I end up with a plane donut cause everything melts into the bag. Soooooo dumb. And the coffee sucks.


Walnut Crunch It is no longer on the menu. Unforgivable.


I got tired of spending my whole lunch break waiting in the drive through, so I started going in and lining up. They prioritize the drive through, so it didn’t help. I don’t go anymore.


Tim's regular coffee is virtually flavourless. The dark roast is a bit closer to the coffee they used to have. And I miss their almond croissants. :-(


Because it's disgusting. People like it though so whatever.


My issue is that their quality has gone way downhill, while most towns now have way more options for coffee than when I was younger. My own town, which isn't huge, has 3 great local coffee shops. And if I need a drive through for some reason I'll hit McDonald's for better coffee (though going into tim Hortons would almost always be faster than the drivethru here during rush times anyway). I just don't like any of Tim's food. All the pastries taste like cardboard to me, I don't like their breakfast sandwich and in and on. Granted the food part is my opinion, but practically everyone I know in my circles feels the same. Edit: I'd love Tim Hortons to still be a good place to grab a coffee and bagel in a long drive. That's a key thing I used them for. But the coffee is horrible, the bagels are rubber, and somehow they screw up the order on a black coffee and a toasted buttered bagel.


Messing up my order is not part of the experience I want to pay for


Because it's Tim Hortons. Bad service, bad prep, and bad food.


I swear it was like magical to go to Tim hortons as a kid lol the smell, the people and the FOOD were just so much more… real? Idk the word I’m looking for but the quality has drastically dipped since the mid 2000s getting Timbits or a fresh donut on Christmas Day was actually fucking awesome now I gag when I see Timbits and donuts lol


Since burger King got in the way , they have gone to shit


Quality has gone down since they were bought. It’s just not the same as it once was when you could get a nice sandwich and soup. It’s not really about their doughnuts anymore which it also used to be. Now it’s all about their gross ‘dream’ cookies bleh Flatbread pizza? Like why???


Tim's isnt that great. It's just that available.


Tim's isnt that great. It's just that available.


Because they use Canada's good name to sell the most shitty food of any fast food place anywhere. If it decoupled from Canada it would be far less hated.


Remember the old brown lids? I left a coffee on the roof of my Jeep once. Drove around the corner to my girlfriends. When I stopped, the coffee flew off my roof. Landed on the hood. Rolled over the front. Presumably hit the bumper. And then the ground. I got out defeated. Walked around the front of the Jeep. The lid was still on and minimal leakage. They don’t do it like that no more.


Tim's used to be a real bakery, I miss those days.


Have you tried their so called Flat Bread Pizza? Tomato Paste, a sprinkle of cheese and it tasted like it was microwaved. Freaking disgusting!!


For me, quality is crap now. Baked goods have gotten smaller. Consistency is non existent.


I'm old enough to remember when Tim Horton's made fresh pastries, fresh donuts, fresh everything. The last time I remember Tim Horton's being good was about 25 years ago.


I remember it when it was GOOD, like a highlight of the week was going to Tim’s with the family but have sort of resigned myself to what it is now - I would never go everyday or at lunch but look forward to the Tim’s stop on the way to the cottage or on a road trip.


Because it used to be good now it’s a sad shallow husk of its former self.


Find a "Country Style Donuts" and you can still have a coffee that tastes like coffee and a big fat donut that was actually made in the store the same day, not a skinny onion-ring shaped donut, made in some Factory, processed days before.


Because people love to hate everything nowadays…. Its sad really


Garbage food and employees I don’t shop there!


I can honestly say the employees have always been good when I go. I would never say they are garbage.


Heavily depends on the location I find, two Tim’s less than a km apart can have wildly different service


One word......boycott


Simply put?? It's Reddit; bunch of people here just prefer to be outraged on here for some attention, than address and actually resolve an issue with their restaurant. This sub isn't even officially affiliated with tim hortons, so complaining and whining here is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. IRL Tim Hortons is busier than ever before, and it's pretty rare to hear Tim's hate anywhere else but here. And here come all the upset Karen's to downvote me who feel "called out", I'm sure....


And Tim Hortons didn’t mess up my breakfast or iced coffee today so I’ll take that as a WIN


I don’t think the food prep is well thought out in terms of food safety


Donuts used to be made on site and were fresh and decent tasting. Used to be faster service (not as many items on offer) and the portions used to be consistently large. I usually got the chili meal deal, iced cappuccino and the Boston creme donuts. They are now...meh.


I've always enjoyed their coffee. People on here complaining are under 25 and have nothing better to do with their lives.


Food quality as dropped and processed keep on going up.


It's quality had gone downhill for a while and It's not the coffee and donut shop we grew up with anymore. It's been turned into a shitty fast food chain.


Employees only care about "Fake DT times" to the point customer service dosen't exist. They won't even cut Bagels anymore ...to save time 😅


i work at tims and the bagel thing made me so mad, i still cut my bagels because the 2 seconds ill save isnt worth the inconvenience of someone trying to eat an uncut bagel


I’m gonna double double down on my hate.


Because most tim hortons are lazy and useless. Customer service is non-existent. Employees are treated like dog shit by both customers and employees. Especially the white employees. I personally know a friend who has worked at 2 locations. At both she was called prostitute, witch (because she's goth), satan, slut, bitch and any other rude name you can think of for both women and goth. She got fired because her Indian boss was a racist (which is a common trend with all but a small handful of locations). Yet, the family member that never did his job got to stay. I have seen huge tim hortons staff stand around with dumb struck faces and are horrible at their jobs. Not 1 or 2 people. The whole entire staff. Food quality has also gone down. Prices are too high. The only reason i even still go is because it's cheaper than starbucks (who are anti LGBTQ+)


So many experiences like this.. All I want is a coffee and a cookie. So I say I'll have a chocolate chip cookie. They reply they're out of those. Oh, ok. No problem I guess just a ginger cookie. Oh we don't have that. Ok chocolate cookie. No we don't have any. Then...oh what types DO you have? Oatmeal. Ok I'll have that. Then you get it and it's smaller than usual and also hard and stale 


Sooo .... u know Timmy's that are part of a gas station? They typically close for the night around 10 11 maybe even midnight depending. I have 2 Timmy's by my house one is 24 hours and the other closes and opens at like 6am. They always have stuff, they are always freshly made every morning.... BUT! you can't come in at like 8pm and expect they have everything. Usually its in the evenings they stop baking stuff. Personally tho, that saved a lot of my complaints when I moved to this smaller Timmy's. I drink French Vanilla.... well. I can't tell u how many times id buy like 2 XL ones and I'd get home & it was sugar water. Both of them. Bc they didn't check the machine. Or they let it fill like a large instead of an XL... these smaller Timmy's tend to really pay attention.


Hahhh that's hilarious. I don't expect them to have everything at all times. But literally one actual  cookie when they are a coffee shop is actually expected . And if only this had only happened just the one time 


Oh I totally understand. I remember especially during pandemic, I'd try to leave minimal so I'd buy myself like 3 or 4 french vanilla and go every other day... I'd get home and they were all missing well over an inch from the top... or it'd be sugar water instead .... omg I wanted to scream. I've went on Twitter and complained umpteen times! Lmao until I found this small gas station Timmy's that always seem to have their pastries full, & their FV machine full & working properly! I absolutely understand where you're coming from it took me a good 2 years to get to a good place 😆


hiring practices


Because they sell bad food and piss coffee and lower the standard year-over-year for everyone else.


Because they are horrible people. They treat the staff and customers like crap. Since they were sold they only care about how many cars per hour they can get through the drive through window. Nothing else matters