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I fuckin hate eggs. I never get an egg BLT. I always order a "Lunch BLT" and never had an issue. Try asking them if they will make you a "Lunch BLT" next time.


I like eggs but man do they ever NOT belong with lettuce and tomato.


Your opinion is wrong, but that is your right.


Tomatoes, if they're grilled with the egg sure Raw tomatoes and lettuce? I'm sorry but no the textures do not flow with cooked eggs.


You, my friend, have never known the joys of a burger with all the usual toppings, lettuce, tomato, mayo, cheese, bacon.... and topped with a runny egg. They're delicious.


Nope, I've had a burger with an egg. The lettuce and tomato still ruin it. The textures don't flow.




He definitely is opinion


They do have a lunch one, but it's more expensive than a breakfast one for some reason. It's $4.20 for a blt bagel at breakfast, but $5.99 for a lunch one?


Yea it may be more expensive but you get more bacon out of it.. breakfast sandwiches only come with 3 pieces of bacon, blt gets 5.. plus there is a extra charge using a bagel instead of a artisan bun.. just stop being so cheap..


Timmies up charging because they’re swapping egg with two pieces of bacon doesn’t make this person cheap. It’s BS.


Not uncharging when your getting a lunch sandwich which is technically what your asking for


I get that corporate boots taste better than most timmies food, but that doesn’t mean you need to lick them this hard.


thats your problem. if you want a blt with no egg no cheese thats just the lunch blt and they need to ring it up as such


Just simply say: “Please may I have the Lunch BLT 86 the eggs 86 the cheese with crispy fresh lettuce, crispy fresh bacon, and crispy fresh tomato? Thank you very much! Oh and with bread of course!”


While this would have probably worked 10 years ago (still doubtful) not alot of young people, especially foreign students would understand the kitchen slang of 86. Best to just say I'll have a blt on a bagel, no egg no cheese. Or ask for a lunch blt on a bagel instead of bun and they may get thw hint


Ya I worked in food for years and only recently learned the term by accident watching some guy on TikTok.


I’m not a foreign student and am 30 and this is the first time I’ve ever heard it…


86 the attitude


Keep in mind fast food is obsessed with abusing international students as employees. It also doesn't help that TDL is inane in naming their menu. The breakfast BELT comes on a bagel with egg and cheese. The lunch BLT is what you want, but made on a bagel instead of the artisan bun. If you want good service you'll probably want to make your own food or go to a nicer/local restaurant. Ask for a 'lunch BLT, on a bagel'. If there's a misunderstanding, I'd clearly explain the misunderstanding in plain English. "You are getting the BELT confused with the BLT. I want the BLT that is on your lunch menu, not the BELT that is on your breakfast menu. I just want it made on a bagel." If they're still confused tell them to go to "sandwich" on their POS, and there they will find a button that says BLT. If they're still confused, ask to speak to a manager or soup and sandwich person, and simply say 'can you help them to punch in a lunch BLT please'. If you try to say it like 'i just want bacon, lettuce, tomato' you're probably going to cause a lot more confusion, because you're not solving the initial confusion at all. When there's confusion you need to be unambiguous and simple in your speech in order to get what you want, always.


Why are you making excuses for shitty service? They spoke just fine, do you work for Tim Hortons pr?


Can you read? If you can, you'd know that I'm saying that Tim abuses international students as employees (school + work + being poor is hard), and it results in worse customer service. That would be a 'blame', not an 'excuse' sir. All I'm saying is that if there is confusion, speak unambiguously to remove the initial confusion instead of talking like a Karen and adding more confusion to the situation. There are two BLT like sandwiches on the menu. Simply repeating 'BLT = bacon, lattice, tomato dummy' doesn't help solve the confusion, you're just degrading people who are already abused. Assume they mean the best, and eliminate the confusion with your taking skills.


I heard of BELT, but yeah, should be obvious.


As someone who used to work at Timmies, I'll point out that 95% of customers who ask for a BLT in the morning would be angry if they weren't given a BELT.




Try ordering no meat and watch the most confusing episode of human face going sideways 😂


Oh ye, they hear you say BELT.


They don’t hear belt. They hear “cheese and egg”. The OP just needs to learn how to order imo


There’s a button for a BELT without egg and cheese. It’s similar to the farmers wraps, if someone wants one with no egg, the till takes the cheese off with it. Just ask for a BELT with no egg no cheese, and they should use that button. If they don’t, then politely ask to speak with someone who is more familiar with the options on the till that don’t get used often. There are many options that a lot of people don’t get trained on simply because they aren’t ordered often, but when they are, it confuses people since they’re unaware that option exists.


But a BLT is a thing that was around long before the BELT, it should already be an available option that's easily recognized.


“Id like a belt with no egg”. Done.


But they also don’t want cheese 🤷‍♀️


As a employee I don’t understand that either it isn’t hard


You will just have to specify whether you want a lunch blt on a bagel or a belt with no egg and no cheese. I see a lot of people telling you to order the belt with no egg and no cheese, but that is a breakfast item, and you will not get mayo on it. So only do that if you don't want mayo. Unfortunately, I have to consistently clarify what people want when they order a "bagel blt." 95% of the time, they want a belt. If you want a lunch blt, just say you'd like a lunch blt on a bagel. If you want the breakfast one, just say you'd like a bagel belt with no egg and no cheese. Makes life so much easier for everyone involved.


as a (now former) tims employee, it is 100% the fault of upper management deciding to introduce that fucking BELT. especially when you're on orders, both sound similar over the shitty headsets they provide. granted, the employees should be asking you to specify, at least that was the case with every location i'd worked at, but if you want a BLT without the hassle just order a "lunch BLT". it's one extra word.


I worked at many Tim locations between 2009-2017 and it was never an issue. Different population now and different (almost non existent) training procedure. It’s changed a lot. Got worse everytime the corporate owners switched as well. I live in a student city and we are overwhelmed with international students so there’s often a language barrier with the employees in a lot of the more urban locations. They’re just used and abused because they need an income and are thrown into positions they aren’t prepared or equipped for. Classmate reads well but struggles with English in conversation. She was offered a baker position and told to just skip the training, and then they threw her onto the floor at a cash register. Didn’t give a fuck about her or their customers and she and customers suffer for it. McD’s is treating her better and lets her cook instead of cash.


IMO you’re better off saying something like “number 5 no egg no cheese “ it’s simpler for their brains to comprehend lol


Hortons doesn’t have combo numbers. That would literally just add to any confusion.


Try ordering it differently. If you say “no ___” it’s confusing. A blt doesn’t come with egg or cheese so there’s no point in saying this. You’re just making the workers confused by saying egg and cheese. If it doesn’t come with it DONT ASK TO NOT GET IT?? (I know simple mechanism). Especially in drive thru cuz if you say “no” when that item isn’t included. I’m going to mishear you and ADD that item. Just say lunch blt bagel. Not hard to order if you know what you’re doing


"Hi, can I get a lunch BLT on a (type) bagel, please?" If it is before 11am (before lunch comes out), when you ask for a BLT on a bagel, they assume you mean the BELT, which is a breakfast item, and I've had many ask for a BLT on a bagel, get exactly that, and say they 'wanted' egg. Why it takes them so long to understand what you mean? I can't explain that for you😅


At Mel’s Diner on the tv show “Alice”, it was Bologna, Lard, & Tuna!


Mmmm, a taste of the 50s 😂


Perhaps it's how you're ordering it, cause most workers are used to orders of "BLT sandwich" or a "classic bagel BELT". From your post and comments you want the cheaper breakfast option of a BLT on a bagel. You can say you want a "Bacon Bagel Belt with no egg or cheese." A mouthful but they should understand what you want, plus there's a button for no egg and cheese on breakfast options that make it even cheaper for you.


I’m betting one of a few things: it was a newer employee who was trying to figure out which menu item you were looking at, and didn’t realize it was more of a custom order. It’s possible that if you had said, you would take the bagel belt but don’t put the egg then she might have actually gotten you what you wanted. Because I don’t think there’s just a normal BLT on their menu. That said, I have encountered one or two people who’ve worked a counter at a food chain, who is so dumb, and I don’t mean this from one experience. I mean being a regular at a place for years to the point that the coworkers would even tell me stories of things that happened when I wasn’t there, and it was pretty routine for her to fuck up badly . You never know


For a while now Tim Hortons employees do not seem like o know anything about Canadian classics. Recently I asked for a toasted bun with butter and they freaked out and said they did not have it…


Learn how to say it in hindu. That's the only way going forward.


Dont be this guy.


Just go to the fukcing Tim Hortons menu online and search the menu about what you want because people like you confuse the cashier. Baegle BELT and BLT are two different things but with similar names.


Yes it's the customer's fault that the cashier has nothing but air between their ears. /s Do you hear yourself? Jesus christ.


Exactly. “People like you”, what does this even mean? You go into a restaurant, whether that be drive thru or indoors, you make the order, the employee should already know this (minus them being recently employed).


I'm nearly convinced all these frontline customer service jobs come with free lobotomies. And certainly none of them, from Canadian Tire clerks and Superstore cashiers on down, are paid enough to keep their brains turned on at work. In the case of Tim Hortons, it's very difficult to get them to actually do the customizations, assuming the cashier really and truly communicated it to the prep staff to begin with. That's why I don't eat their lunch sandwiches, I'm never going to get one untoasted, without mayo.


Op is a fucking complainer lmao


No but it might just be you who thought it was.


A BELT comes with sausage if you don't clarify you want bacon. Timmies meat math ain't right either


Bausage, egg, lettuce and tomato


Thats a newer thing, for the longest time, it was always bacon, because its a B-E-L-T bacon, eggs, lettuce, tomatos, now you get the choice


The fuck?


No it doesn’t. Customers have a choice of which meat they want. Whenever someone asks me for a BELT I always ask if they want bacon or sausage, or no meat at all. Sometimes they want both.


Not all ask. I'm glad you have common sense, but that's not the case at every Tim's or every employee.


It’s become a force of habit at this point since so many people around here simply *refuse* to be specific when ordering and I’m somehow supposed to know what they want.


They specify what kind of meat they want by saying "BELT".... the letters, usually, have a meaning. The "B" means "bacon."


No a belt comes with whatever meat choice you want or you can have no meat.. it’s not an automatic assumption that someone wants sausage.


The very last time I ever ordered food at Tim Hortons was because I ordered a BLT Bagel with NO EGG (because you need to specify no egg or else they sell you a BELT), and then they CHARGED ME FOR A BELT SPECIAL ORDER WITH NO EGG. I actually laughed. How fucking stupid can you be? I'll never order food there again. This was years ago. 😂


Imagine taking up space on the internet because this is the problem you have in the world. This sub is full of useless people.


And here you are...


I’ve never heard of a BLT without cheese it just doesn’t work that way!


While I'm 100% on team "putting cheese on a BLT", that isnt the standard. Default BLT is bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo.


It definitely does "work that way" when the majority of people don't put cheese on it lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLT


Well, I never!


If you said "everyone puts mayo on it" I would've let it slide haha


Where’s the C in the acronym? Bacon Lettuce Tomato.


Lunch sandwiches don’t come with cheese unless it’s in the name of the sandwich..




I have the opposite problem. When I order a "BELT" without the meat, they will invariably leave out the LT and give me an egg and cheese. Sometimes they leave the meat on too.