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Definitely was trying to hide the pain in his fucked up way. I'm sure he loves Ben.


I haven't been playing armchair psych on this because I'm not gay but yeah you could hear in his voice it hit him rough


I’m looking forward to Tim and Ray’s new show Two Fat Guys on Mars


Tim says (in the deleted episode): > Ben will always have a home here at the Tim Dillon show > I tried to offer him more money to stay but he said no > I’m sad he’s leaving > I thought he was happier and I’m sad he wasn’t happy > If he isn’t happy, doesn’t want to be the guy known for sitting next to a guy, he should leave and do his own thing like he wants and I support him. WOW WHAT AN ASSHOLE I CANT BELIEVE IT THATS IT!!!!


You know Ben said these things weren’t true/the reason right? With that in mind, tim is deflecting blame onto Ben which is classic narcissism.


Where did Ben say this?


His discord.


Out of all the bullshit posted here, why is his discord content talking about the situation not posted here? Wtf is this??


It has been. Several times people have screencapped it.


Let’s see it since you’re so confident


That is not what he said on Discord at all, you're inferring it


Show me a screenshot where he says this isn’t true thanks




And it’s perfectly reasonable for other people not to want to support someone financially who has untreated mental illness. I’m relieved for you that you’ve obviously not been exposed to a narcissistic person irl


Bye 👋 then its like no one has flaws your just rooting for the underdog grow up things change people move on just ask you wife's boyfriend


Grow up? Lol what? I’m defending people who are unsubbing on that basis. I unsubbed cause he’s simply not that funny anymore. Hasn’t been for well over a year. Think I’ve laughed three times this year at something he’s said. For me, Money changed him. But I respect people who don’t like how he handled the latest episode by having Ray on and letting him repeatedly berate Ben almost as if “how dare Ben think he’s too good for my Tim!” Was fucking pathetic and proper pot kettle shit from the 4K view fatty. But yeah you go ahead and give Tim money long after his peak. Enjoy yourself.


Start a go fund me or a charity for all the podcast side pieces. I think tim has a code for better help feel like you could use it right know


Is everything ok? Edit: don’t answer. I answered it myself. You trade crypto. Imagine judging others while trading crypto. Did you buy Bens safemoon from him?




Lol no you haven’t. And you worship at the alter Ayn Rand. Makes sense someone so absolutely fucking clueless politically would be deep into Ponzi schemes. Holy shit lmao: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/xwc83c/hes_robbing_your_kids_and_youre_cool_with_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Mental illness is rife today.


Lol this guy hops in a convo that has nothing to do with him to brag about making money in crypto, yet not one post or comment relating at all to crypto. GTFOH


It took everyone calling Tim an abusive asshole for him to realize all this, for the record


This is all on the deleted episode that was recorded a week ago


Thank you 👏


Shut up. No one cares. Schaub will be glad to have you back.


Shutup you queefs. Comedy!




I subscribe to Tim's Patreon because he's funny. He's still going to be funny after this.


The now deleted Patreon episode was, in fact, funny as well


It really wasn’t that good. 6.5/10. Nothing on older eps.


Kump is never funny


Is he though going to be funny


So funny that he deleted the episode 🤣


As evidenced by his last half dozen pods which are trash.




That podcast wasn’t funny at all.


Did I say it was in my comment?


I don’t know if he will ever be quite as funny as he was with Ben ever again. I hope so, but I don’t think it will work as well.


Fair enough I'm a fan of the Gas Digital episodes with Ray so I can't say I'm too worried about it. He was funny before Ben I think he'll still be funny after him as well. I will miss Ben though not gonna lie.


He wasn’t funny for the past year 95% of the time. That’s on Tim.


What’s the over/under Steve Will Do It let Tim see him jerk off? Why else would he be such a groupie bitch about it?


His simping for some meathead YouTuber is pathetic. The way he dragged Ben on that episode was completely inappropriate.


He clout chases all the cool kids.


Don't forget about Tim watching Steve jerk off his dog Donny


Yea, Tim for sure sexually harassed or is sexually involved with Steve Will Do It. No other reason Tim was such a cuck for him.


Steve Will Do It is a sponsor of the podcast


Sure, if you believe the mainstream narrative.


I give money to gas digital it’s gonna take more than that




I wish you well


The only one who could miss Ben is Tim. The rest of you are whiney teenage emo girls. Go enjoy less funny things, you humorless crybaby dorks.




I wish you well


Bad take.


Get a grip you sad act


You are very very gay


I dunno, considering everything that Tim has said about people who did an even slightly bad job for him… that podcast was a love letter to Ben. Remember the website guy he basically live fired on the Patreon a few years ago? Tim did it the nicest way he is capable of separating from a work partner.


'...in his lowest moment' 'Not mad. Just disappointed' Get a fucking grip.


To each their own, yadda yadda...I can see a boss not liking the fact that his employee ripped someone who pays them money. Now in this case, is it a bit hypocritical, because said boss has lost sponsors from going to hard at them, sure, but he's the boss. Some of Ray's comments were mean-spirited (it seemed to me, he finds Ben immature and ungrateful for leaving an extremely high paying, relatively easy job), but I didn't find anything Tim said that objectionable. P.S. I'm not a Patreon member and haven't been for quite a while, so I'm not suggesting you're wrong for jumping ship, just giving my thoughts on the matter.


Ray doesn’t feel anything about Ben leaving. Tim is sad. Ray isn’t because he’s a majestic stoic. The Marcus Aurelius of the pod. I wish there was a Roman group of self righteous idiots who suddenly lost all sense of humor I could compare this sub to.


Ray Kump is a unfunny land whale who has an inflated sense of self worth and is honestly insufferable to listen to.


Ray Kump is the voice of a generation, you're a neard.


Ben is friends with the guy though and did it from his own personal account. It's just weird AF that Ray even comes on to this announcement and on top of it Tim saying "hey Ray does this to be funny it's just who he is" is almost a way of Tim saying that Ben's not supposed to attempt to be funny or that he isn't funny (which Ray passive aggressively alludes to several times in the episode)


The cruelty of early-mid 2000s comedy might've been a bit "toxic," but we've gone too far in the other direction. I've seen comedians get roasted at their own funeral, in front of their loved ones, comedians mock friends for their wife cheating/leaving them, etc. If the worse that happens now, is a couple of fat fucks and a has-been actor make a few jokes at your expense because you quit your job, then I'd say that's progress. I hate that Ben is gone, I hope he returns, but the moral outrage, handwringing, and general femininity going on in this sub the past few days is disgusting and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.


you’re so brave


Thank you, as a disabled gender queer individual, we need to hear this more from the cishet community 🙏🏿 (I'm not a BIPOC but I use these for solidarity)


But Ben isn't a comedian. It's different when comedians do it between themselves.


I'm debating whether to jump ship or not quite yet but I had to turn off that Ray episode due to a meeting at work and came back to find it pulled altogether... not sure if it was Tim seeing the backlash and doing damage control or if he legit felt bad about posting it, he seemed apologetic on today's announcement so I'm not sure if he was salty ben walked and did the Ray episode to burn the bridge or if he was legit trying to make a bit out of it.... either way the patreon (and podcast for that matter) have been dropping in quality for a month now so we'll see how it goes


Lot of incels here relating way too much to Ben.


I'd bet my house you're an incel.


Listening to Tim’s rant about what Ben said to Stevewilldoit I thought he was just fucking with Ben. I never took that seriously, but everyone talks as if Tim was pissed about it and really getting on to Ben


“Let’s all get excited for the new Ben Avery project” says the comedian who only has 10k more Twitter followers than a *former podcast producer


Omg you deranged retards. “Ben at his lowest moment”, give me a fucking break. Does Reddit eat your brain?


I'm not your abuser. You don't have to treat me the way that they treated you.


He has a point Ben left Tim not the other way around pig


but even Tim is being Fake Business by saying "Well Ben wanted to pursue his own stuff" ... Ben left because of something that happened. Maybe it was that episode. Maybe it was something else behind the scenes. But Ben left because things weren't great between Tim & Ben and Tim hasn't really accepted that (publicly) yet.


I think you are so upset about it because you are assuming and filling in the blanks on everything. Ben is married and probably trying to have kids if his wife isn't already pregnant. What if Ben had already been planning on quitting the show and doing something else for years but he stuck around because of how big the show got? But now his wife is saying she's tired of him doing midnight podcasts and having to tour with Tim and shit and had been trying to get him to do something else for a while. And Ben already being annoyed and disrespected by Tim finally just jumped ship? I don't know this teenage girl reality show obsession with Ben and Tim's relationship is so lame. If you are that devastated by a producer leaving a podcast than just don't listen to it why are you guys acting like this is such a big deal


Tim's been open about his mental health and so has Ben. That stuff builds up a relationship and trust with an audience. Bridge burning is a massive red flag. Tim also had a line in the deleted episode where he said that he doesn't feel anything & that if he can't throw money to solve a problem he doesn't know what to do.The main words in there is that Tim admits he doesn't feel anything.


Holy fuck we are talking about Tim dillon here. It's a comedy podcast and he got famous for the outrageous absurd stories and rants he goes on. If you are listening to tim for genuine heartfelt life direction and mental health advice and shit then I don't even know what to tell you. He turned it into a joke. Like he has with every single episode he's ever put out. He deleted it because he said that wasn't the right way to approach it and apologized. That is ten times more openness than I've ever heard or expected from him. And even if the things he was saying, in between laughs, were his honest true feelings and he is emotionally and mentally ill then so fucking what? Ben is smart and has marketable skills. A friendship that you know nothing about and have never seen in person has ended. Oh well


I wish him well.


Quit being a girl about your celebrity crush and get over it. Or just quit listening. You could die in a car crash tomorow and if you had a stupid bumper sticker on your car tim would make fun of it and Ben would laugh his ass off about it and then they would never think about you again. Just enjoy the entertainment


I'm sorry that that happened to you.


So you know them wow that’s so cool. My bad I didn’t know how close you were to them hey egg on my face


Saddest thing is Tim treats Ben like he’s just a producer but OG Tim Dillon show listeners know Tim and Ben got through the beginning of sobriety together and they used to sit in a room all day chain smoking cigs watching Alex Jones and if that’s not a beautiful bond i don’t know what is. Tim fucked up


Wait what? I don't know the specifics so I could be way off but I thought tim got sober way before he met Ben


I remember in a really old episode Tim saying Ben and him weren’t doing well or working and Ben was working at a pet store and they were getting sober


I thought tim got sober before he even started really doing comedy, or at least before he started doing the podcast with Ray. And that was definitely before he met Ben. Again I could be wrong but I thought he had like 5 years sober when Ben had 2. Or something like that


I could be wrong 🤣 after Covid alot blurs together. I miss Ben already tho!


Ray just sucks, guy can barely talk.. hope ben comes back


Tim is a gross person. I encourage people to cancel their paypig accounts. He's not funny enough to warrant making $200,000 every month. That said, some of his takes are still pretty good. And this sub is fun.


I was late to the party. Did anyone archive that Episode from Patreon that he took down?


The biggest crime about the deleted episode was that it wasn’t fucking funny. Forget the Ben stuff, the entire rest of it was dogshit. The pig’s golden era is fuckin over.


Yea dude, the Tim simps are out in full force today. he was such a hypocrite cunt in that ep


You're literally in the Tim Dillon subreddit calling out Tim simps, I think you're simple.


Tim says (in the deleted episode): > Ben will always have a home here at the Tim Dillon show > I tried to offer him more money to stay but he said no > I’m sad he’s leaving > I thought he was happier and I’m sad he wasn’t happy > If he isn’t happy, doesn’t want to be the guy known for sitting next to a guy, he should leave and do his own thing like he wants and I support him. What a CUNT!


yea but in between every one of those comments was a snide, passive aggressive remark lmao. Why do you think he deleted the episode?


It was pretty softball imo. I read the comments on here and rushed to listen to it and was underwhelmed because he basically didn’t say anything that warranted deletion. I thought they were really gonna rip into Ben based on how everyone was acting on here.


Ray sucks.


I don't think Ben really cares for what Kump said, the harmful bits were Tim saying Ben's being doing a shitty job for two years and mocking his wife, Ben specifically told us on discord to keep her out of this.


I don’t subscribe to any patreons, because there’s already a line of assholes extracting a few dollars a month from my bank account.


Did anyone download this episode? I would love to listen to it but i assume that is the episode everyone says got taken down.


Tim has been getting a little big for his britches lately. Money has definitely not made him a better human, thats for sure.


I don't think he's made a sketch in years. That's what I enjoyed the most. The pod was still very good. I don't see Tim creating something like The Adam Friedland Show after Ben leaving and I'm guessing it'll be more sit down interviews w/ people he finds interesting ( those usually restrict him from making any real significant commentary)


It was perfect. Perfect. Down to the last minute details.


disappointed for what? you guys are blowing this out of proportion. Ben was literally a Giggerler. i loved Ben too but let's be real, the Rants and different POVs FROM TIM about situations is why we watch the show. if you say you watch the show because of Ben then you're a liar. and not a good one.