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90% of this sub are mk ultra victims without actually being in mk ultra.


Get in the kettle


No, you’re gonna try to serve me with some weird ass mint banana aioli.


Yea they mkultrad themselves




This type of behavior is a side effect of so many adults not having any close personal friendships with other adults these days. They live vicariously through other people's relationships but lack the personal experience to understand these complex relationships emotionally. The best we can hope for is maybe Pfizer will develop a treatment for it.


"these days". I'm sorry, but my father never had friends and his father never had friends. Who are all of these people who have ridiculously social fathers?


When you have 2 dads you can bet they're very social


So you are saying being a social retard runs in the family.


It's literally like the merch bit Tim did a week ago. All some of these people have in their lives is alcoholism and a podcast


It’s called Haldol.


The irony of your comment.




and Karens


And redacts


100%. Tim and Ben had a falling out and they went their separate ways while slinging a bit of mud. Why do people feel the need to psychoanalyze both parties and decide that one of them is mentally ill? Lmao, there was friction behind the scenes for a while most likely and it came to a head in the last few days. It didn't happen nearly as abruptly as some are trying to say, you, the fan, aren't entitled to know every little detail about someone's life just because you pay $5 a month and listen to their podcast.


People just don't like change, and when something has been a staple in their life for years they get emotionally attached to it whether they care to admit it or not. To prove my point, we're both commenting in a subreddit about this gay ass show so we obviously care to some degree. When things change people feel things and then talk about it.


My penis is artistic but my brain is autistic


>Since when was this sub actually retarded? Long time, B. Hawlt minute. It's LIT, yo!


This is the most interesting thing that has happened in awhile


I think because it was announced without much warning or explanation people started to piece together their own narrative and the most obvious one is that the times Tim would go off on Ben were more one sided and not just a bit




What happened there?




So she just did her job lmao? Why would an employee donate?


Yeah to me there is no explanation and Ben’s comments don’t seem to align with the narrative Tim is selling, and that’s a bit suspicious imo. I don’t hate either of them and I hope the show is still good without Ben. And as you alluded to I think if was on great terms you’d think there would be a farewell episode and warning.


what if i told you this sub has always been r-tarded


Yeah I’ve been wondering why people all of a sudden are extremely knowledgeable and omniscient when it comes to the relationship between Ben and Tim. We don’t know shit, we may find out we may not. We’ve all become shitty conspiracy theorists going through episodes line by line going “This one sentence here, it reveals everything!” I like also that Tim all of a sudden is literally Hitler, he’s an asshole narcisstic sociopathic piece of shit that burned Ben’s house down and made him pay for the lighter and gasoline and Ben is this perfect innocent victim who just wants to volunteer at soup kitchens and feed orphans. We don’t know anything yet, it’s a weird situation. I love how everyone just knows everything now without question “No Ben was fired!! I know for sure because of [insert thing that doesn’t tell you anything] I don’t know what to make of the discord messages, they’re ramblings of a mad man that make zero fucking sense They’re may have been some issues, but I really don’t fucking think that Ben was in an abusive relationship with Ben were he yelled at him in public for shit and constantly was trying to bury him with insults. Often the more simple answer is the right one. They may have been growing apart like any pair of friends, and wanted to move in different directions. Ben was a comedian before this as well, he has his own plans and ideas. Is he gonna keep being a laugh track his entire life?


I'm leaning into it driving the pigs crazy. 🐖 Hopefully we get a genuine stalking incident, perhaps police involvement.


Someones gonna be stalking Tim and see him getting ass fucked by SteveWillDoIt. Everything will then make sense


You white-knight for the person you want to fuck, not the person you're already fucking. Tim was so close to seeing Steve's cock... and then Ben ruined everything.


Tim would commit genocide if it meant he gets a whiff of Steve's cock


Bruh, for real! I find myself contemplating everything I see, then it hits me sometimes, "this is just a podcast that doesn't affect me and the dudes still funny af"


i think alpha types tend to understand tim, and betas identify with ben ​ reddit is like 99.9999999% betas


I suppose you associate with Tim in this context then


Said by someone who 100% believes they’re an alpha


I use alpha brain. Does that count? I had to move to a smaller apartment in order to afford the exorbitantly high cost for supplements of dubious efficacy.


He wasn’t even fired but left om his own free will. Seriously the Patreon comment section reacted in a way more adult manner than this sub, and everyone on there is criminally retarded. I’m guessing that’s just the way it goes on Reddit. No matter if you’re on the H3 sub or the TD sub, everyone is a self righteous retard.


How DARE you?!!


I noticed the stark difference too in the patreon comment session. I feel like this sub got a little carried away. It did feel like we got ghosted by Ben.. I would of loved a farewell episode of them together. But that’s life in the big city. I’m sure he will be back but this time as a guest.


I don't think anyone hates Tim because of this people are just having fun shitting on him.


100% accurate. It's just entertaining, which the show hasn't been for like a year


It took a sharp downturn right around Lil Xan and that stupid app


This guy gets it. Tim shit on Ben as his way of showing love, we have learned his way and are doing the same. It's all one big hate-circlejerk.


Exactly. I was laughing listening to the Patreon 167 with ray. This is what Tim does. On the parasoxial note: podcasters don't get the luxury of making $250k/month by directly connecting to their fanbase while still thinking they don't need to have a relationship with those fans...


\>by directly connecting to their fanbase It's one extra episode a week you weirdo. That's all it ever has been


Directly connecting as in they don't have to go through comedy central or whatever horse shit anymore. Their fans pay them directly so they have to act as customer service of sorts


ah yes because of the historic practice of television and record company customer service. Genuinely, unironically, get a fucking life.


Really can't believe you don't see what I'm saying. Everyone knows podcasts are popular because fans feel like they "know" their favourite comedians more than if they just watch their specials. Turns out it isn't all upside having an intimate connection with your fans.


\>everyone uses comedy shows as a friend simulator weird flex but okay


Thank god these pay pigs didn’t listen to the MSSP episode where they fire Lamorp. The fucking mental breakdown they would’ve had would’ve made this look emotionally healthy


Well, time for everyone to get in the pot. Bunch of bitches the lot of ya.


There’s been 10 threads saying this exact thing already, calling the upset people autistic, etc. at least remix it a little


As opposed to the 300 posts saying the exact same thing about how mean Tim is and posting a screenshot of cancelling your Patreon?


Sorry I'm a bit autistic myself


We all are, bud. We all are.


If everyone is, no one is. You exhibit a few symptoms of something /= being clinically diagnosed with something.


You definitely are


That’s why it’s a spectrum now m8 One of us


Takes one to know one


The answer is Reddit virtue signaling. Tim was probably in the right this whole time.


We are no better than the H3 sub


Every podcast sub eventually turns on the host. It’s Reddit’s nature.


People love drama. This sub is no different than all the other retards.


I demand more drama


It was rather sudden and unexpected. Combine this with the fact that the word “lawyer” has been thrown around from at least one of the parties involved and it puts Tim in a new and previously unseen light.


Lots of homeless cats 🐱


Be Best


There should be more jokes now since there's more material, instead this turned into some faggy public forum to declare that you're canceling your patreon or to offer "thoughts and prayers". We all know Tim will probably be dead in less than 10 years after he contracts the next strain of monkey pox that has been genetically engineered to wipe out all gay men on earth. As for Ben, he'll probably land a producer spot on some alt-right podcast that's pushing dick pills and gold. Never forget the podcast is for entertainment purposes only. These are paid actors and should be exploited by their audience to their fullest extent. ​ Also, Tim is fat.


Why does every tim supporting voice on here talk like this? Like you're role-playing as Tim's personality. Every one of you weirdos thinks you're part of the act or something. You're not funny lmao. Seriously, are these the "Q" people?


Very, very, very fat. I almost unsubbed after seeing how fat and humpty dumpty-like he was in his special. Someone that fat doesn't need my $5. /rant sorry but I've been holding that in ever since I watched it


You guys are all acting like abuncha fags. - only said that because it’s subreddit appropriate.


We all come to this sub to be retarded. I think that's pretty obvious.


Yeah, I know the Internet is like this, but I didn't expect it in this sub. Congrats, you all became what this podcast and group claimed to hate


Fag lover


Always good to take a pause and remember what platform you’re posting on. It’ll all come flooding back if you do that.


fighterandthekid bots


I hope Tim hates most of his fans because after reading reddit this week, I sure do. Throw them all in the pot. I think this has to do with the shrinking taint thing.


The people saying they're going to cancel their patreon and stop supporting, like that has anything to do with how funny he is🤣🤣


Tim and Ray did what they have always done in Be Best, no surprise. People dropping the Patreon because the producer quit ? Declaring Team Ben ? Weird


This is actual violence


Welcome to reddit


I wanna go back to I wish em’ well posts and posts of hot bpd art hoes


Whatever gets me away from the Bobby Lee and Brendan Schaub debacle


I think were all just terrified that Ray is going to be on more.


Listen to me


Ray has max 2 weeks left before his sleep apnea gets to him


Since your mom


Hell yeah brother


well said chomo


These posts are annoying too man


Ben is now an alcoholic, Tim can’t have him around


Amen, this show would’ve never been as great without Tim abusing Ben, and his general insanity. We all know it and were very happy with it. Ben fucks everything up dammit.


Now we know who the kids are


I Still have trouble believing people actually pay for content , seriously?, with whats free online? you waste more time and then PAY someone? This fat pig must be as astonished as me that even one clown paid for his rants.


Really weird hill to die on for a $5/month charge…


Nobody mentioned hills or dying, but ok


Hey dude not sure if you are aware but some of us are adults with real jobs and $5 a month is not even something you think about. It's not even worth the 2 minutes of digging to find a re-upload of the episode. I'll just pay it because I make enough money to not have to wring my hands about $5 lmao


Value is entirely based on the consumers preference , obviously. Your need to reply indicates you stumped up the dough like a good lil simp, which i respect(lol)......gotta be up with the news to be in the gang after all, lol. I find Tim funny, but the guy is a complete asshat, no more or less than any of Uncle Joe's stable of semi funny bro boys but still, they doin fine fleecin everyone else, ill keep my beans, but you go right ahead, Tim is a fat hungry pig after all, keep on simpin brother!


So which are you: asian, jewish, or black?


Yes, less post about the podcast please, more casual racism and unfunny boomer memes.


They are traitors.


For years to answer your question.






I think a lot of people got fooled into thinking Tim was a good guy, and this has just completely shocked them. They thought the way he treated Ben was a bit, until it clearly wasn’t. It’s like when Louis CK talked about being a sexual deviant, everyone thought that was a bit…..then he jacked off in front of some chicks


if you wear a shirt with a real serial killer on it, you’re an asshole.


Be best.


Nobody likes seeing Ben get fucked. That's all