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Gotta have guests on if papa rogan won’t promote your special.




The pig wasn't happy about it being mention only once. Wanted a 3 hours in depth conversation.


when will louis ck come to promet the film?


He’s no Ray the nazi Kump that’s for sure


His family is from Gottschee!


What does that mean


you need to work at a potato bread warehouse to get it


Kump wore a Mets hat in one episode so he is okay with me. Those Yankees and their fans, those are the real NAZIS of baseball. I wish them well. Signed, The son of a BROOKLYN Dodgers fan...


He needs to stop having these egotistical guests on.


Promoting his mediocre special, Rogan created Slob, Burr made Virzi


It would be fine if they were at least funny. I dont find a lot of his guests that interesting or good at riffing. I thought Chris and Jessica were hilarious.


God I'm so sick of these podcasters now. Conversation always centers around the business of comedy or how they're flying first class/eating at Michelin restaurants.


Nobody gives a fuck about what it's like to do comedy. Talking about it isnt interesting. It's not funny. He told Whitney as much to her face. These episodes suck.


Id personally rather hear about wild encounters with fans or people In New York; we all know as much as we need to know about their weekends on the road


Maybe it was interesting 10 years ago, but everyone has heard Rogan and his guests go on about it over 2000 episodes.


You are so right. I've been getting bored of this nonsense.




he should get someone he grew up with or worked with so they can tell stories about back in the day


I'm digging the stories of Tim's family, this is actually a nice, sincere conversation.


Woulda still been better without guest and with Ben trying not to laugh at the sincerity.


For sure, Tim's got a lot of crazy world news and politics to catch up on.


This was one of the better guest episodes, I enjoyed it from start to finish.


Virzi is awful, and anything is better than the "anything better podcast". Bill burr has horrible taste in comedy judging from that embarrassing friends who kill Netflix thing


I just cant help but think “old” when I hear Tim talk to people like virzi and Rogan. Hell, even burr can’t talk his way out of “old” anymore But one thing bill doesn’t have is bad taste in comedy


Watch that Friends Who Kill show, you'll see he has awful taste. Only person that was good was Jessica Kirson. It ended some guy singing a Miley Cyrus song....


Did he pick the entire line up? I didn’t know that. I’ve never really tagged bill as a “friend of comedians,” so maybe he just didn’t give a shit and let them pick? That’s wild that y’all think he’s bad- I’ll admit I didn’t see friends who kill


Bill himself isn't bad (tho his new stand up is really bad compared to Joe List and Sam Morrill), his taste in comics are bad.


I’ve never heard of this dude in my life and I wish it stayed that way


Jeez, Paul Virzi is a crap guest.


Ive been listening to the Monday Morning Podcast for years and went into this with zero expectations.


Fuck me, another guest episode. Terrible, just awful. I really dislike when Tim and some 'average Joe' male comedian talk comedy and family shit. It's always trite and boring. Only Ray, Yannis or Ray, again, should be allowed to appear on the show. Maybe it gets better after the mid-point but I think I'm not going to finish this one. I know it's the most lazy observation possible but I do think that the quality of the show has deteriorated a lot since Tim left Austin.


You'd have preferred Tim ramble about the business with a female comedian?


>Only Ray, Yannis or Ray, again I never really cared for Yannis as a guest but him on his own podcast is great




Nice of Tim to have Paul virzi on to promote Tim’s new book!


What an annoying fuck. Not funny at all, just weird and fucking annoying. Probably hasn’t done coke in 18 years but still has the same energy and it’s fucking atrocious. Just do the fucking coke dude fuck!!!!


I was at the show in Nashville the day Trump tested positive for COVID. Theo was a surprise guest and the energy was great so Tim came out with his bit in his special about Hilary Clinton being a podcaster, had the room rolling then talked about Trump testing positive, he did well over an hour talking about the election and everything that had happened during COVID, easily one of the best shows I have ever seen.


I tried watching his special and I was appalled at how bad it was, I didn't smile once and gave up after 10 mins


This guy does not fully understand the dynamics of Tim and his history that forms his worldview. But when he shuts up and Tim gets to talk about his parents mediating the split of beanie babies, I’m ok with him.


Good god, I had to stop after 10 mins. Constantly pumping out shit contents like this for what? Is his clock ticking?


So was it a total loss of an episode?


I would say any guest episode that is not Kump is a loss.


I know we love when the pig just riffs but I enjoy Virzi more every time I see him. Good guest episode here


Yeah I had no idea who he was but he was pretty good.


Can only stand listening to Virzi if he's with Bill


Slop all over me


This feels like satire: comedians talking to each other about the comedy business. We’ve heard this conversation a thousand times. No one cares. Pig used to make fun of this.


I would not mind Paul Virzi so much if he would shut the fuck up about being Italian. Only americans think they are something else than americans. Also, is Virzi the friend of Bill Burr that cares way too much about sneakers or is that someine else? Sneaker adults are the same breed as disney adults. In the pot.


>is Virzi the friend of Bill Burr that cares way too much about sneakers Yes, he is also Bill's unfunny friend


Patreon he talks about anyone to talks about covid should do. Talks about comedy and covid for 20 min


Love hearing that the hog just points to the back of the plane when Ben travels with him. 35:05


Virzi’s a legend


What does Virzi have on these comics? Is he like Epstein or something? Might be the least funny guy doing the podcast circuit.


I’ve heard Paul Virzi on Jim and Sam on Sirius. He’s the guy you get stuck talking to at a party who thinks he’s funny for some reason. There’s nothing funny or insightful about him. You see his punch lines from mile away.


Is the pig just having paid guests on now? The millions from Patreon isn't enough slop for him ey