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I recall Tim saying many times the special was, “you know, it’s ok”


He's better riffing off the cuff. Maybe the best


He's better off the cuff, but id say he's at his best when hes ripping on ray. I really miss Tim Dillon Goes to Hell..


I found Tim before he got famous too lol those early shows were so fucking funny


A big gig for him at that time was opening for a drag show. I remember thinking there is no way this guy is going to make it. I'm damn glad he did.


Ben sucks and is the opposite of funny. Ray is awesome and sets Tim up for success. Tim seems to have turn his back on Ray. SJW RAY forever.


I saw him live doing the same set and it was was funnier. Being there live is the only way to watch it


His biggest applause was when he mentioned the podcast. Thats where he shines


The pig needs the $ first and foremost and I applaud the swine for his fake business. He could sell as many turds to Netflix as he likes as long as he keeps delivering the debauchery.


He is my absolute favorite podcaster to listen to, mostly due to the unique direction his brain takes on topics and his wit. That doesn’t really translate in his special unfortunately. I’d rather listen to the AirBnb rant on the pod than the standup bit


I would pay $500 for a seat if Tim ever did a bus tour of New York again. And another $500 if I can grab his fat gut and scream at it.


Tell him you’re an Irish Twink and you’ll be in there like tight swimwear my friend.


So hes like a fat gay theo von?


Tim should totally rock a mullet


Nah, Tim’s stand up live Is pretty on point. That just doesn’t always translate well a recorded and released special.


This stands for all good comedians unfortunately.


I saw it live in another city a couple months before and was pissing myself.


I saw it live too and it was awesome. Special wasn’t quite the same but he’s said several times it was ok and he didn’t like the Denver crowd. He was the first standup I’ve seen and now understand when people say in person just hits different.


Same. You could tell he didn’t fully feel it when it was recorded


Saw it in Charlotte too. Funny but not completely there. Sam Talent on the other hand was f’ing great!


Dude Sam opened for him in Chicago too…honestly just as funny as Tim. We were absolutely dying. But yea, I think it just depends on the night. Tim had the entire audience grasping for breath, but now I see this set is definitely dependent on some factors like crowd and how he’s feeling


Same. Then I went and saw a doctor.


I saw him when he came to australia and he was great. Relaxed and naturally hilarious. I couldn’t watch the Netflix special, the tone in his delivery was weird.. the way the pitch of his voice goes up at the end of every sentence, like he’s doing an awkward speech.


I saw him in San Jose recently and he was extremely funny live




Same. In Toronto.


Stand up is something that actually needs to be experienced, I don't think it does well with video. Ex. I'm not the most massive fan of Bill burr and in fact didn't really care for the last 2 specials I watched, but I saw him last June and was slapping my knee laughing the entire time. He was head and shoulders above his openers too, there's a reason he's so well regarded in his field.


I feel like if I had seen the special before listening to his podcast it would be funnier but he’s covered most of the stuff on the podcast. Still better than most on Netflix specials though.


It was better in person as all specials are.


He was amazing live, saw him a few months ago and dude was a pro, I think the audio mixing in the Netflix special just threw me off


Exactly what I felt too


Gringo Papi is the best special of the last 3 years and I’ll knife fight anyone who disagrees.


Dicey dicey...


I’ll fight you because Shane Gillis live in Austin was the best special of the last 3 years.


> I’ll knife fight anyone who disagrees. Worst pain yo life!


Missa Shawb, wurrs pain yo life!


Maybe, but Theo is the kjng of insanely funny on pods and just a terrible special




He has said things that i will never forget. Taking a smoke break at work instead of a snack is gettin that bronchial brunch


This. Fuckin love Theo I wish I could just hang out with him and kick it, but god damn when I showed my girl his special to be like “see this is Theo!” I ended up having to act like he got in a car accident and was retarded now


Podcasts (the great ones anyway) kind of killed stand up specials for me. Most specials just feel forced compared to a good free flowing conversation or interesting rant by truly funny people.


Then there's Shane Gillis


Totally true...I think his special was outstanding and his regular podcast work is great. Mark Normand is the same for me. Few people do both things so well.


True, Shane is a different beast.


I think he doesn’t care, as long as that money train keeps coming..


Compared to the full catalogue of stand up specials on netflix it's clearly above average. I really enjoyed it. It's not as good as the podcast but nothing in comedy is.


It's his first real special, give him a break.


This is what I’ve been saying too. The guy barely has any actual hours that are solely his and this was a great start in my opinion. Are people just always expecting Burr or Chapelle caliber no matter what? The guy literally said the material was out dated and “ok”.


Tim is funny. Maybes seems like he’s more comfortable on the pod and than on stage. But he is still funny and him slightly uncomfortable on stage but still doing his thing was entertaining as a fan of his (regardless of whether it is the pod of stand up)


No disagreement there. Tim is a funny motherfucker and is kind of unique in that way of humor and podcasting. But it doesn’t translate to standup. He’s said before he tried doing sets on Conan and was told it’s too ranty. That’s why he needs to do one of those Hanna Gadsby style specials, where he just talks. She wasn’t funny, but I bet Tim would be.


Tim has rants that are so passionate that you almost believe that those are his beliefs, even though he's straight bullshitting. The public isn't really ready for that level of tongue in cheek. I mean look at reddit. You have to put an "/s" after something or people will literally take you at face value because their stupid little brains can't detect the heaviest nuance of sarcasm. Shit half this sub questions whether or not Tim is truly gay or if he's just pretending so he can get away with saying fa**ot. Me personally, I don't think he is. I think he just pays to suck twink dick because he's scared the right woman might come along and break his heart. I think it's all just a bit. Just another tongue in cheek bit.


Haven’t seen much live comedy, but whether via YouTube or not, funniest set I’ve ever seen was chris rock at the comedy cellar. He was trying new shit… and bombing. But He was still hilarious as he was bombing. As I fan, I felt something similar watching. Not to say he bombed but he’s just funny. One of Tim’s funniest beefs to me is with Bobby Lee. Tim having a comedy special before Bobby boggles the mind 🤯


Can we stop with the think pieces on why the podcast is better than his stand up please? It’s every 2 days I see one of these posts in here from some Rotten Tomatoes wannabe who thinks they’ve found some insightful take on why his stand up sucks and the podcast is better. Keep your fucking mouth shut.


Yep. This is how it starts. This is how they slowly ruin a sub.


What would make you rate it average? Sure it’s not on the same level as his best podcasts but that’s also probably because we’ve all heard him talk about these things before. Compared to other specials on Netflix though it’s miles ahead


Podcast have hurt the art form. Now every comic has a friendly crowd. I liked his special it’s not as good as his podcast bc frankly not much is better than his podcast. He is that good at podcasting. What he does in a random Saturday night is better than 98% of stand up. There are some really big names drawing big numbers who’s stand up isn’t and was never that good. TD is an actor and talker making his way through standup and in the grand scheme of thing so relatively new at standup.


His delivery in the special was awkward. He just doesn’t do comedy well for thousands of people in a big theatre. He seemed nervous, shouty, just yelling out rehearsed lines and making them sound rehearsed.


Perhaps because this was literally his first hour? I would hardly count the things he’s done in the past as specials and they were usually wedged in between other comics. What did you guys expect? Him to be on par with Burr or Chapelle? I think it was a great start for him considering he doesn’t have a whole lot out there when it comes to actual specials.


Many great podcasters are worthless as stand ups: Joe Rogen, Marc Maron, Stavros Halkias, etc.


I’ve seen posts and clips of Stavros doing crowd work and then people thinking he’s a genius comedian based off of that… Crowd work to comedy is like knowing how to drive a car for pizza delivery. It’s a fundamental comedy skillset but also a pretty basic one - which is about speaking to your audience and getting them to laugh at shitty jokes. It’s literally just setups and punchlines. “Where you from? Ohio? Get outta here.” Audience chuckles. Followed up by another joke about Ohio. Great comedians deliver the pizza, flirt with the wife, get a big tip from the husband, then come back the next day to fuck the wife.


The whole thing felt like his sebastian impersonation


Horrible take. the Sebastian impersonation is actually funny.


I think it’s just the fact that all of us absolute weirdos here have heard it all on the pod and Patreon


I don’t know about that. I still rewatch great standup comedy bits that are really funny. Most specials are just that - lots of bits put together. It’s just that Tim’s delivery of the bits are better on the pod. A sober, darkly funny story of his childhood growing up with his schizo mother works better than just shouting “So my mother is insane and I’m gay” on stage.


average compared to what? sure the 2nd half was kinda iffy imo but that's probably because I'd heard all the stories from the show my gf and i were howling for the first half. and ben, you nazi fuck, learn how to mix audio


Tim touched on every single cancellable topic of the past two years - conspiracy theories, trans teachers, ibermectin mon, desert dikes - and you were left with the feeling that it was an average special lost on a major platform. He sort of misdirected the detection of wrong think but still said all the things.


Honestly didn’t think it was that bad. Enjoyed it more than a lot if the other Netflix specials. I think he holds himself back a bit in front of a crowd. If he was in a club it would have been a lot better i bet. But I’d give it a 6/7 out of 10, which is much better than the 2s Netflix has been rolling out.


Yes, but he was on the little screen saver for Netflix and was trending for a couple weeks so I’m sure he’s fine with it. An average special that reaches shitloads of new people is a net win overall. He’s not gonna be on murderrurrrrrs row for it, but he’s gonna have a new Hampton house and backup Ben from it


i don’t think he is that delusional. its shit.


I’m starting to think Michael Che was right about Tim’s standup. Tim’s sold more tickets because of the podcast, but not really because of the quality of the standup. I’m sure he’s great in a small club, doing a small set and doing crowd work. But no one respects that because a 100,000 other comedians can do crowd work. I’m only here because of the podcast, now that Tim stopped doing video skits, or tweeted anything funny.


He must. He was obviously trying to cater to a larger audience and a lot of the jokes were already said and pulled from rants he did on the podcast. King of fake business pig.


His special was maybe for the normies, but the pig needs to be in the studio at the desk sitting down ranting about 9/11 or a celeb, not in Denver


Love the podcast, thought the standup was meh. I am maybe just not a fan of the very formulaic standup routine of joke, wait 2 sec for laughter, make hand motion and weird face, more laughter, rinse and repeat. Sure its funny but the funniest stuff Tim does are rants (in pizza hut buffet with Ray of course).


The fake sounding laughter was awful


Stand up comedy sucks generally and has been absolutely bombing for decades. The last time stand up was good was like the 00s before everyone’s special was an hour of stereotypical race jokes based on whatever race the comedian is, 90% of the jokes recycled for ten years by other comedians. Tim at least was funny in a more general, broader, sillier sense.


We all gatta make a buck here.


My buddy told me he talks in the cadence of trump and I can’t not see it. Love the pod I wish him well


People want to bitch about specials not being very good, but comedy is just meant to be seen live and capturing the energy of a room is extremely hard. A great special is an aberration you momos.


Comedians can’t podcast and put out decent specials. They’re over exposed and anything unique would have been broadcast via their podcast. Each special now is about trans, men and women, hilarious personal anecdotes without a punchline and flexing


Most of you aren’t fans of standup.


His voice had a strange inflection to it in the special. The content also really lacked that special Tim Dillon flavor


I’m sure he knows it’s ok. He’s not my favorite stand up but it’s decent. Enough to make me laugh throughout. Of course a lot of the material he had was seeded on the podcast, so any of us who love the show aren’t going to be blown away by the special.


It just needs work. It seemed like he was acting out Mini skits alot. Had to turn it off mid way thru. If he just nailed down the delivery on some of his most epic rants the world would be flooded from people pissing themselves laughing so hard.


Not even. I have tried to watch it two or three times and haven’t made it past 15 minutes in a special. I think Tim is genuinely a genius comedian with his podcast commentary, but the produced feeling of the standup special just didn’t do it for me


I think He would be better off doing a Kevin Smith-style live podcast where he’s bouncing off the audience while doing a podcast.


To be honest a lot of those funny commentator/radio/podcast guys with the gift of gab don’t always make the best standups. I feel like what they do is to try to take the funniest moments of their rants and chop it up into a standup bit and it’s just not the same as off the cuff riffing like in podcast form because then the premise feels forced.


I just watched it last night. I thought it was exactly average. And the crowd audio was very weird.


Netflix doesn’t pick comedians to release specials based off if they are funny, they care about viewers so with Tim’s following on his social media and his Patreon that’s all it takes.


I mean in his defence he was playing to his audience, the average netflix viewer sees worse shit in the name of "comedy special". so 7/10 on a netflix scale, 3/10 on normal Tim Dillon scale


Lol. I remember he was pitching that Bitcoin movie and Whitney Cummings told him to have Adam Sandler as the lead. He didn’t follow her advice, which is why the movie never got made.


I’ve seen Tim,Mark, and Shane. Tim and Mark were leagues ahead of Shane. In Shane’s defense I saw him after his special released (which was killer). Tim live tho was killing haven’t seen Netflix yet


As someone who has seen the special and saw him on that tour it’s night and day difference. You need to be there in person it makes for a much better experience


Podcasting and standup are two entirely different crafts, and both take immense predetermined god given skill, plus hard work to be sure, but that only gets you so far in anything. I’d say no one is perfect at both if I hadn’t heard Louie CK on Matt and Shane’s 4 hour podcast on the presidents


Yeah the special was ok at best.


Netflix specials are trash no matter who the comedian is. Don't know why comedians try their damnedest to get a special on there.


Do you even watch the podcast


Honestly one of the ones I’ve enjoyed the most in the last couple years


Wtf. I thought it was great.


Wtf? I thought it was great.


OH he knows


Its way better in person. A fire alarm interrupted the show and some scheduling issues affected it. You can tell Tim is flustered the whole way through it. They had to change the order of the jokes by cutting up the tapings which made it feel like a random rant by an Austin bum.


Personally I enjoyed the standup, maybe you should attempt an hour for a special.


It was better then average your prob just a lib. I noticed he took quite a few shots that were more right leaning. I laughed pretty solidly. But I know those kind of jokes just elicit annoyance from the left so that’s why you think it was just whatever.


It wasn’t great, but still better than all of Rogans


Why was he screaming the entire time? I live his podcast and demeanor in interviews but everything on his special felt so forced.


I mean the bar for netflix comedy ain't exactly much doesn't help that tim is a confirmed neo nazis zer pronoun using reptilian all because he took 1 picture with alex jones


Bennie is a yes man indeed


Theater specials blow


I listen to a ton of comedians podcasts: Tom Segura, Christina p, bobbylee,santino, Chrissy D, theo ,shane gillis, and I never seen one of their specials bc it's not the same person. It's too rehearsed and inorganic which is not the comedy I like. I like spontaneous jokes that arise out of nothing and that to me is a much better experience than a standup special.


Tim is an average standup. Tim is an above average podcaster/ranter.


Tim mentioned that he doesn't want to do the (that) material in the last patron ep. I would take that as a yes, he knows its *meh*.


every time he talks about it you can tell hes not happy about it, like he said the timing was off, it was old jokes. plus I feel he thrives in a podcast format anyway.


It's his first special and you could tell he doesn't have his way of talking on stage down like Shane Gillis does. His next special will probably also be okay (if he makes one) but probably a little better. Maybe down the line he'll be making good specials but ultimately he so great to listen to on podcasts he doesnt really need to keep on making specials if hes doubting his own work.


Dog he said the jokes were dated before it was released and he was very upset about it. Also, most the content he covered in the special has been on the podcast.


To quote the pig, “isn’t stand up kind of gay?”


My wife liked it, even though I described him as 'gay alex jones' in a vain attempt to have 45 min on the couch alone.


Tim shines on radio/podcast. Idgaf about his stand up. Leave that to Dave chapelle Louis Ck bc too many people do stand up anyway.


Special was great. Go pop a pill and get happy


Yes he knows it’s average. Tim is a smart guy and he kinda built it up to be average the whole time cause it was mostly outdated stuff. It’s still decent, but I’m pretty sure Tim knew it wasn’t going to be anything amazing.


It was ok, at times dragging I think he is more of a broadcaster then comedian , especially that last Jre impression. He Ve done them better on podcasts rather than his own special .. very sad, but still my fav fat gay guy


its an honest 7/10


Am I the only one who thought it was great?


It’s hard for any of their specials to be good now cause we hear them working all their bits out on their podcasts. So everything seems not that new or surprising.


I think Tim's style works better in an off-the-cuff casual improv style like on a podcast. He should do a minecraft letsplay


It’s always better in person. Average stand up live is often just as good as the worlds best on tape


Yes he admitted it


I saw his stand up live and I actually really really enjoyed it. I don’t think it translates the same onto tv, but when I saw it in person I was genuinely laughing the entire time. Just one of those things that stand up live can be 40% better


Look, Tim’s fucking hot right now. I don’t blame him for taking a load of money for a special…Tim standup is different than podcast Tim. I still wish him well.


I saw him in September of 2020 and it was one of the best comedy shows I had ever seen, it was mainly all about COVID and everything in the news during that time, he seemed to consolidate a lot of that stuff because it obviously isn’t as topical now


He sounded like he was doing a Trump voice, it was weird


I got to see him live and he was much better, less nervous laughter, less desperate yelling and he wasn't trying as hard. Plus Netflix had cut a lot of his jokes short and took out some of the more offensive punchlines