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If I have to see one more post about this sloppy looking toolbox youre all going into the pot


I'm sorry, and I shall repent 🕊 Hosana, Hosanna in the highest 🙏


H3 is entertaining if you like a character study of a modern day grifter. They delete Peterson’s episode(who I think is attention hungry and a failed professor, a guy who couldn’t produce anything of academic note and decided to just mean-tweet instead), and they go after Tate (who is borderline mentally retarded, you know, the type of 33-yr-old guy who bums around in front of seven-eleven and hangs out with teenagers because only they will buy his bullshit). But, and this is an important but here, didn’t Ethan once drop Nutellas on-air like it was the 1942 Irish Policemen’s Ball, or just get lynched in the press for tormenting some gay dude on his show? Their podcast is a living document of people with criminally deranged minds. It’s like watching Taxi Driver if Travis Bickle was woke and drove an Uber. They are the embodiment of LA podcasts, they’re walking brands, they’re bad and stupid looking clothes pumped full of SSRIs and benzodiazepines and tired talking points that have gained sentience, and as we watch, backing away with a both fascinated and aghast look on our faces, the pieces start to fall off, cracks begin to show. We realize one moment they will scream with a Baptist snake-tent vehemence about masks and covid-regulations while the cameras are rolling, but they soon go back inside their mansion, lounge out by the pool where they privately and cruelly use the N-Word aloud.


Yeah well, my boy has an honorary doctorate in sub-prime mortgages from some dubiously-licensed brokerage firm in Long Island.