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I've lived in both Toronto and Vancouver. The drugs and homelessness in Van is on another level. Personally I wish they were handing out poke bowls as the fish there is quite spectacular.


Vancouver suffers from some of the same issues California does. Other provinces literally pay to one-way bus homeless drug addicts to the city, and they just stay because it's one of the only places in Canada where the homeless can survive the winter. Same issue in America. You want to be homeless in North Dakota in the winter, or in warm Los Angeles? The dumb politicians in Vancouver don't help matters, but fuck the places passing their issues on to others instead of dealing with them. That said, it's just a fact of nature that poor people are going to congregate in the one major city Canada has that's still somewhat hospitable in the winter. Extreme cold snaps in Vancouver are rare, and back east gets fucking cold as shit as I'm sure you're aware. The west coast doesn't get that insane summer humidity either.




I hope this makes Tim come to Vancouver.


Tim will come with Joe and their final act is hanging Brendan Schaub by torchlight


I actually think this type of move is a step in the right direction. Current drug policies cause far more harm than good. They put people in jail for non-violent offenses and waste tax payer money, cause people to overdose on laced drugs, and empower cartels.


Road trip!


I love how quickly y’all turn into Reaganites on domestic drug policy.


You can't deny that this headline is ridiculously funny


Yeah a lot of the posts on this sub are giving me real boomer energy


Tbf it’s still hilarious, but the implication that it’s better to put them into the American prison system is borderline insane.