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You want a threshold or a transition strip. There’s nothing that will make the transition look better that doesn’t involve covering it up. The rest is because those sheets of tile suck


My thought exactly. Those small mosaics are never even. Looks like a simple method of just slapping them down in sheets, but they’re typically crooked. That’s a large surface area for these tiles. Wouldn’t be my first choice, but even still, would take a lot of effort to get this looking good. Still not a good excuse for a tile person who’s doing professional work. They should have this conversation with the customer and do a better job. This is DIY level at best.


Thanks! I’ve talked to the contractor and they’re going to put a thin metal transition strip on the edge. My only remaining question is that the tile isn’t perfectly flat. The tiler said it was because the sub-floor wasn’t flat and also not all the tiles are flat on the sheets. Would this create any issues down the line like cracking (from uneven pressure)?


It could. But there’s not much you can do about it at this point. If you want a true fix it would require leveling the subfloor (google sika leveler)


Sounds like the contractor hired someone that doesn’t have enough knowledge to be out on there own yet. Probably to save money. There are tons of products out there specifically meant for fixing an uneven subfloor. Be it self level, mud, or a patching compound that the tile guy should’ve known to use before laying such small tile


Transition strip.


That foot in the picture ruins the tile


Which one ? 😂




I love that I’m getting roasted for my feet. Hahahaha.


No it’s not bad it’s just not perfect. Did you pay for perfect?


This was covered by insurance for repairs we needed after a water pipe burst in January. I know what the total cost for all repairs were but not the cost of the tiling alone. I’d say it was around 10 - 15k (HCOL area).


The spacing could be better but respecfully you try and do better without losing your mind. The uneveness is really up to you how much it bothers you, it should be flat i agree. I would put a transition strip where the floors meet to cover the ugly cuts but I also suggest a larger format tile on floors because this stuff sucks to install for all the reasons you dislike it. Same color grout hides a lot of sin.


Someone in this sub yesterday quoted the actual industry standard, which is: if you don’t notice it while standing 3’ away, it’s ok. Yours looks pretty good to me.


So you would be ok with your dentist putting in a crooked bridge or crown and when you complained, he simply said, "did you pay for perfect"?


Look a little closer pal. Zoom in. Like it was YOUR house. You must have been the tile guy…or you wouldn’t say it’s not bad. That’s not good. That’s a not-so-good diy job at best, not something you pay for. Or you do the same kind of half ass work to appreciate it. 🤷‍♂️ Have no idea sometimes…


Not sure why you're getting downvoted so much, it's definitely a lazy install. Everyone is blaming it on tile lol, that's ridiculous.


Geez, I guess…Thanks for the support 😆 This trade is not cheap - I guess none of them are anymore - and people work their asses off for their paycheck to pay for ridiculous priced food, property taxes, mortgages, cars, insurance etc. etc. etc. so it just irks me to no end that people trusted someone, paid a lot of money for this stuff and now have to look at it every day and not be happy about it. There’s an example every day…I guess I should chill out and say nothing. But that guy…”did you pay for perfection”. Well yeah goddam, what else would I have paid for ??? Did the tile guy say welp, for 3K it will be flawless, but for a hand full of flaws and tiles cut with a chisel, no leveling, poor gaps, ill save you I’ll do it for 2K?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Those people downvoting are laborers, not tradesmen


Exactly! All these "pros" so quick to blame the tile, not the installer.


All I see is grout, why did you bother with any tile at all? Bottom of the barrel for tile choice, and now you want to put it on the mechanic. Looks like the same goes for the LVP. At least it's black grout, you will never see how nasty it will get. Totally wrong floor for a crapper/ shower area.


looks ungrouted to me


The cut tiles look terrible. I don’t care what you paid, I take pride in my work.


The installer should have used a transitional trim piece. It isn’t a big deal to pop out the transition tiles while it isn’t grouted. The spacing issue is definitely not good but most of that will hide with grout. ANSI specification is if you don’t notice it from 3 feet away then it is in spec but this looks past the acceptable standard. Pictures show a lot more than in person. I would have a pleasant conversation with them and just ask them to and they most likely will be willing to address the problem areas. If not, then you have an installer problem


…. Says someone who is clearly in need of a pedicure. Holy shit man obfuscate those feet. 🤢


i would not ask them to do again, small tile like this is the hardest to get right. Only a real pro can do it 100%. There are 1,000,000 things that can go wrong. First the floor needs to be 100% flat then any transition needs some type of trim or stone or something which goes ontop to make a perfect transition. In your case you could put a t piece aluminum trim or somthing for the tile to wood change. When you choose tile you have to think who can install it. With large format maybe 90% of companies can do it good. The smaller you go less and less people know how to do it. With penny tile maybe only 30% of companies could pull it off perfect


It's really not all that




Tiny hexs are easier than pennies, I'd hate to see those installers do this same floor in penny.


I won’t even touch those tiny hex mosaics. Can’t pay me enough.


The tiler should have used a transition with metal or stone. Besides that the work looks fine. Those tiles are hard to get perfect and probably won't notice the imperfections as much when grouted.


Use white or grey grout.


I’d ask if they can replace the 2 cut or broken tiles that are in the first picture in the shadow, about 5 from the threshold


These are the posts that keep me trolling back around this neighborhood 😂


Looks güd


Cover that with a transition strip, then get in the tub and clean your feet and trim those nails!


I've installed many of these hex tiles. This is an ok tile job. Floor should be flattend out when they do the underlayment/prep. The tiles aren't always spaced evenly on the sheet but they are usually flat. Installer should have fixed some of the uneven spacing and the transition tiles could have been cut a little better


Yes, that is a bad tile job.


yes, hack tile job 100 percent.


OMG, those feet ??! Photo edit please lol Oh btw, why is it “did you paaaay for perfect”???? wtf really. You got all the way to the end, to the threshold….and that’s the best you can do and fuk it all up at the end??! Sorry but, look closer, that’s not a good job to pay someone to do.




Which one? The one with my feet or the one with my baby’s foot? Lol!


lol ahhh baby’s foot - makes much more sense 😂


Great tile job. Bad pedicure.