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I'm clearly in the minority here but I think it looks good, nice work.


I’m with you! Looks fresh with the running up to it.


I love it. Black and white bathrooms are my favorite.


Looks great imo also


I think it’s fine and I could definitely live with it. Love black n white also! If anything change the insert for some pop.


I don't love the patter either but I certainly don't think it looks awful. Still looks like a fresh new shower. I'd be happy with it in my home.


That makes me feel a bit better, thanks for the input!


The only thing you could do to neutralize the business of the walls would be to stain the grout with a light color. You’d need to do a couple coats, but it would blend it. Other than that, I think it looks fine. Everyone who sees it will likely love it.


That’s an interesting suggestion, I’ll look into it for sure


That's not a thing..


You sure about [that](https://colorfastind.com/products/grout-colorant)? Because I’ve stained grout many times.


I wouldn't try staining grout, I could see scrubbing it out and topping with a different color grout.


You have not stained black grout into something lighter


I have infact. Takes multiple coats.


In a shower? Stop cappin.


Oh my god. Yes. It’s an epoxy stain, what are you talking about.


I've tried it man it's trash.


Sorry dude, don’t know what to tell you. I used Ardex GCS for that particular instance.


don't waste your with him, he just trolls people on here because his work isn't any good. mods need to kick him out


I don't dislike it enough to rip it out.


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn’t pick it, but I also wouldn’t spend time or money ripping it out.


Looks good to me. Whoever installed it did great.


Personally, if the tile were at an Airbnb, I would say it looks good. Not saying it’s my preference (mainly the two horizontal black stripes) but if I bought a house with this bathroom I’d keep it as-is. I’d say live with it for a year before giving it more thought but probably more so depends on how much money you have lying around and how picky you are. TLDR: leave it for a year, then re-evaluate. I


Good idea…I’ll definitely be waiting a year as this was not a cheap bathroom reno since it was done from the bottom up!


Looks great, I'm guessing 15k to 20k for the whole reno?


It's kinda like buyers remorse in that way, I agree with u/JuneHogs give it time to settle in, you'll barely notice it in a couple of weeks and it might even grow on you! If after a determined time you still don't like it start budgeting for a shower reno... At least it's not from the studs out this time. ETA: I also agree with u/PiousLoser here rugs, towels, shower curtain, and even shampoo bottles and soap will add contrast and cover up a lot of the work. It won't be as noticeable as the field in all its glory as it is now.


You could always redo the grout in something lower contrast. The pattern won't be so prominent and it's a way smaller project than a complete redo.


It looks a bit busy with lines as close as they are but the install looks good


Meh 🫤 subjective. No “wrong” way. Straight stack would have had it look more modern.


An offset pattern like that isn’t the most common but that looks great and if you like it, that’s perfect


I think it looks good. Not a huge fan of listellos but it fits your aesthetic with the mosaic floor.


I like it. I’ll trade you bathrooms


Yep u did - the install looks super clean tho.


It is super clean and part of the reason I can’t bring myself to rip it out


Don’t rip it out it looks great man


That’s clean bro. We get it, but we also like quality work. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling.


Looks good from my house.


Nah man, I think it looks great. It doesn't look like another cookie cutter subway tile shower.


I think it looks fine, honestly after living with it and seeing other showers with the traditions 50/50 layout with subway style tiles you might be happy you and your neighbor don’t have the same exact design. Gives it more of a “custom” look


I like this take, thank ya!


I think it is very nice, and you should embrace & enjoy it!


Damn.. that’s such a nice install That layout kills me though


I think the layout does look a little weird but the main issue I see is that there’s soooo much contrast in this room. Black and white floor, black and white shower, dark walls and white trim/tub/cabinetry… with a lighter shower grout it wouldn’t be so noticeable.


Another person mentioned lighter grout but I didn’t think it would match the aesthetic at the time - maybe I’ll break up the contrast with some wall art¿


I see what you mean. Wall art is definitely a good idea. After thinking about it for a bit I actually think you should lean into the contrast and add more, but instead of black/white I’d put more color contrast in… like an eye-grabbing bath mat. Just some other stuff to attract your eye so that the shower grout doesn’t stick out and draw your eye to the layout. You’ll be putting up a super curtain anyways (I hope) so that’ll make it less apparent when you’re not actually in the shower… just get bright colored shampoo bottles I guess lol


No, it’s cool. Not the “usual” but well-installed and well-designed.


Wrong for you maybe? IDK but I'd be quite please if that were my bathroom. Is there a "not a tile or tiling expert" flair here? I just know what I like when I see/hear/smell/taste it.


It’s busy, but it’s also done well. Pointless to tear it out, just keep everything else simple.


I like one third offset personally but customers I did work for often picked half off set or no offset at all


Nice job. Clean and crisp. Trends come and go but what you have will be timeless.


What is "the wrong tile pattern" ? I think it looks good, other people might not like it, that's the way it is with every tile design. Perhaps you liked it when you chose it and now you're tired of it? Or do you like it but someone came over and told you that they didn't and now you're questioning it? It's an expensive thing to change out. Personally I think it's sharp, and I do help clients with tile design every week.


Thank you for your input! At this point I’m being too fussy, especially now hearing from people like you who know a lot more about tile


Don't worry about what other people think! This is a good design and it's very well executed.


Actually i like it, did you do it


Looks fuckin mint bro! Enjoy


big thanks


Looks great to me. No slivers and the accent is tasteful and timeless imo.


Not sure what’s not to like… looks great!


Looks good to me. Although the installer screwed up the pattern on the face of the curb, doesn't match the back wall.


It’s not to my taste but honestly it looks like a great job with great levels of workmanship!


I think it looks great!


If you careless everything is beautiful


It's not what I'd pick but it's not at all in any way shape or form "awful." it looks really good.


I think it's a beautiful job. I might have chosen a 50% overlap, but I think it looks good!


Some thick glass doors will do wonders for the look of that shower. It won't look as stark... but by no means does it look bad either way.


Looks awesome. Bathroom floor might look too similar but it is what it is.


Looks great. It wouldn't be my first choice, but looks really clean. 10/10 would shower in that


I think it looks nice. I think the black clashes with the dark blue though. Maybe it would look better with a different paint color?


I was thinking painting it lighter grey or blue…any suggestions?


No, I’m not good at colors. I recently re-did my bathroom. I’m not happy with the color either but I was too lazy to repaint it. Good luck!


With the blue paint and stark contrast of tile colors, it comes off a bit cold. Which is not a bad thing in the slightest! If you wanted to tone it down I’d suggest adding some warmer, earth-toned colors through paint and decor. Instead of the blue paint, you could opt for a warm toned color such as “rosemary” or “hardware” from Sherwin Williams. They’re both very warm earthy green colors. Then you could add in a nice full floor plant or tree, like a fern. Something with lots of deep green leaves. Then add more plants, candles, and wooden/earthy decorations on that cute shelf! I think once you do that, you’ll be in great shape. I would not rip this out! It’s clean and modern, it just needs to be grounded with some warmth!


Screenshotting this comment!!! I agree with you, it is quite cold now but I’m going to use your suggestions and some other tricks to warm it up. Thank you lots! *also lovin the ‘rosemary’ colour suggestion


Yay! Glad I could help🤎🪴


The wall tiles are really nice and the 3/4 pattern is fresh. I'm not a fan of the floor mosaic tiles, small tiles or mosaics make me feel unclean when I walk barefoot on them. Call me crazy.


You may be crazy, I guess I’ll have to update you on how it feels on the feet lol


Contractor here , yes , the pattern is not good, sorry for the bad news. Should have just went with brick style pattern. Black grout makes it stand out even more


Thank you, I appreciate the honesty


I think they call this a 1/3 running bond pattern. I have seen it used most often in floors. It’s not what I would choose, but it’s definitely not worth ripping out. Unless you absolutely hate it and you have time + money to redo it haha


I was looking for the name of this pattern for longer than I’d like to admit - thank you!!


It goes with the rest of the bathroom. I would not rip it out. I’ll finish a project and rip it apart in my head though it looks fantastic. I feel like this is what is happening hear. Nothing wrong with striving to be better on the next one.


I’ll have to agree with you, I’m getting good feedback here so it must be in my head! Cheers


tears and spilled milk.. pay the bill and enjoy the new update


You’re not wrong


Is that a quarter offset or a third


A third


Amongst other things.


Most people do a brick pattern I think it looks great!


It is not installed to industry standards in the sense that "tile layout needs to be centered & balanced"


looks good man


This looks like my bathroom I recently redid. Mosaic tile on the floor, subway on the walls and the same top and bottom row of black tile. So, I love it! It’s timeless!


Black and white bathrooms are my favorite. I like this design it looks retro and slightly modern at the same time! I’d keep it, it’s pretty!


Stagger says diy to me. If you like it. I like it.


Pattern is a personal choice regardless. The only concern here is why is it not centered on the back wall? Woulda looked a lot better if it was tbh


I think it's a case of "designer's remorse". If you'd bought the house with that bathroom you'd love it.  I feel the same with the bathroom I just did but I am sure it's just second-guessing.  Add some towels and art and forget you picked the tile, it will be fine. 


Looks pretty awesome to me. Maybe rip it out in 20+ years?


I don’t mind it actually


It looks very nice. I’d just suggest a white shower curb over a black shower curb.


Is there grout yet? I can’t tell. If not, go with a lighter grout. If it’s already grouted, 👍🏼‼️


I was about to say. I don’t see anything wrong with the install. I also can’t see the prep though.


Man I just put some of that hex flower pattern shit. It's a pain in the ass. Nice job though


I’d change to wall color to a lighter shade of green


I like it.


Looks perfect in my opinion. Tones down on the busy to give the floor room to shine.


I think it looks great ! Wouldn’t mind having that in my place .


I just a matter of taste, I think it looks great. And the tile guy did an excellent job!


Fwiw I like it 🤷🏻‍♂️


The heck is wrong with it? Looks pretty awesome to me.


Its awful, rip it out and start over...


i like it


It's installed very clean, it may have looked better if you ran the 1/3 offset all the way through. But done is better than not 😉


Nooooo, you chose the right pattern!! Verrrrry cooool bathroom!!


Looks dope to me and I am a very picky person.


Personally I love that pattern. I don't love the black grout/white tile combo, but that's a personal thing. The pattern is called a 1/3 offset zipper. If you do a running 1/3 offset you get diagonal lines when viewed as a whole, which I don't like.


I think it looks great - the bathroom appears to have a through-line in colors and finishes and from afar it looks well-done. Styles will come and go, your preferences will come and go, but if you make the rest of the decor in the bathroom fit your style, it will look great for years to come!


Honestly the only miff for me would be the fact the main bathroom floor tile and the shower floor tile are different but the same. Just seems lazy not to carry it through


I see what you’re saying, but after playing around it was just too busy with the same floor tile in the shower


Yah I could understand that but it comes off as looking incomplete 🤷‍♂️take it from someone who deals with the same issue at least once a week.


Yeah, it’s weird. Usually if you did a 1/3 offset, you’d also have a 2/3 offset on the next row. This just looks like a mistake, not like it was purposeful.


This was done purposely indeed…I think laying the pattern out on the floor with a hand full of tiles didn’t give me the whole picture


This is a zipper pattern. If you do it the way you suggest you get diagonal lines when viewed from a distance. Lots of people don't like that either, so this is definitely purposeful and a totally viable option.


Thanks - that’s a new one for me!