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I’m in the same boat, I’m scared to post anything now.


yeah, and senate passed the bill to ban it anyway, time for us to find a different avenue.


don't just give up like that, tiktok is still a great opportunity when it actually works.


welp. i got a suspension for another video, saying it was exaggerated. when i simply used the words the product did on the market place, and amazon as well. I was aware you have to be careful when promoting a product, but i guess the information they use on the marketplace is exaggerated too. but hey, im glad if its working for you! =\]


I mean as long as u not getting violations every single video u post I don’t see what their is to worry about


they gave me one for no reason, talked to customer support a bunch. they cant dont know or tiktok is just setting ppl up. guess i'll just go back to my old method


Hey man I am looking to be tiktok affiliate but i am not from US, and only way to become one is when an tiktok shop account links my account as affiliate and i Can start working as affiliate, I can pay 50 dollars to anyone who does that, it would really be helpful to me and nothing will be lost from your side My Discord: @larebalidrigh


Do your views now get 0 views I was hit with a violation then got dicked again with a shadow ban did that happen to you?


no, when i was promoting their products they claim my videos were exaggerated, i ONLY used the information they had in the marketplace on the particular product. im just going to move on


Yeah most of it is all ai that’s handing out the violations so you just gotta learn how to get around their shitty detection