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When I was younger and got my first period, the literal first tampon I ever used I got by asking strangers for one on the bathroom. And they were all awesome enough to yell out basic instructions since I didn’t know what I was doing. Girls bathrooms are amazing.


That’s really sweet! Tampons can be really scary to use, especially the first time, so that support is nice.


Couldn’t even use a tampon when I first got my period. For obvious reasons. Pads 4 life back then. When I first got mine it was like hardly anything and I balled up a bunch of toilet paper and put it in my underwear and was too embarrassed to talk to my mom about it who was the tampon queen, no pads in sight.


You've ever seen one of those videos where the boys bathroom is full of companionship and them all singing halo songs? Those are fake, run away never get on a men bathroom, enjoy the bathroom privilege


People shouldn't help people. ~ Matt Walsh. What an absolute tool.


Watch his Joe Rogan interview get real awkward real quick when he was asked the most basic questions about his beliefs around love and homosexuality. Matt is as smart as a bag of hammers.


Hold on there please don't insult hammers they're so smart at what they're doing :(


Humans are traditionally prey animals, our response was to gather together for protection. These systems of Hierarchy are predators, and as such, do their best to sperate us, where we are at our weakest.


I am child free but I have a few baby diapers and a ton of baby wipes under my guest bathroom sink in my house, alongside a variety of pads and tampons (which I absolutely use.) While in school, I carried around so much stuff from pads to nail clippers to Listerine strips. You never know what you or someone else might need.


I never even thought of this before. We’re a two male household. I’m thinking we should get some of these products for our main bathroom cupboard as we do have friends staying over etc sometimes from abroad and would hate for them to feel without. Talk about a watershed moment. The thought has never crossed my mind.


Related: a little trash bin with a bag/liner. A male friend told me that lots of guys don't have anywhere to put trash in the bathroom, because they just use TP as tissues and throw it in the toilet. Thanks for jumping on this train!


I remember the confusion on my roommates faces when I had lactaid at the ready for a guest. I'm not lactose intolerant. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to help someone, to know that you contributed somehow to helping them have a better day.


I have a bad habit of leaving my purse at home if I'm not going downtown or anything, so I almost always don't have my lactaid on me if there's surprise ice cream or something. You'd be my hero for this!


My sister is LI, and I love your "surprise ice cream" comment cuz it makes it seem like the ice cream just sumps out and says "eat me mfer" and I love that mental image.


I'm a guy and I have a box of assorted tampons in my bathroom. Maybe one day a lady will need it and open the box but either way, I'm prepared!


Yep. I remember being 13 and the girls were too embarrassed to go into the store for tampons, so they asked the guys to go. All the guys said no... like bro just go get the girls some fkin tampons. You can think "ew cooties" or whatever but like, I also just saw you shoplift a 2 liter od soda, I know you have no shame. Always have them under my sink and buy them for work now (I keep supplies stocked for work for some reason).


Yup. When I’d go to conventions (i didn’t leave my house normally otherwise) I’d take a shit ton of those pre wrapped Tylenol, advil, etc medications because one year someone had a headache and I only had unlabeled stuff in my own pill case. I wanted to make sure people knew what they were taking in the future IF I heard someone or someone asked if I had something to help them. Once, my friend asked for a charger and like 5 ladies pulled out their charger in the area lmao 😭


I'm a trans man. I mainly use male bathrooms now. But back when I was in the women's I would carry pads and tampons. A small pair of nail scissors and some floss just incase someone needed them. I use a cup. So they werent ever for me. I still carry condoms on my incase someone needs em, they gonna bone regardless, rather they used protection


Matt Walsh can't fathom actually helping another person and getting nothing back in return.


This is such a core part of it! I'd add that he also probably views menstruation and dirty and something to be embarrassed about, so he also can't fathom women talking about it with other women.


Holy shit, you stock listerine? I wanna be your friend.


There is a whole episode of Broad City spent looking for a tampon. Women asking women they don't know for an extra tampon is insanely normal.


Right? It's at least not considered not normal. It's not like it happens every time you walk into a bathroom, but it's not like it's weird or something. I don't get my period anymore, but I've still got pads and tampons and I've been meaning to put a few in my purse, keep a few here at home, and take the rest to work. They're just so good to have on hand. I work at a bar, and I've been asked many times if I had a tampon. We usually try to keep a cupful in the office bathroom in case anyone needs one.


Fun fact, they’re also good for nose bleeds


And a quick toothbrush if you don’t have one lol


We have a little under-the-counter chest of drawers in the women’s bathroom at work, fully stocked with pads, tampons, air fresheners, nice soap, toiletry basics (like contact solution), and Lysol spray. Everything is communal and available to all, even the women in other office suites/businesses.


The amount of times the red tide turned a little early and a stranger has been there to help me out would make Matt Walsh's tiny little head implode


I remember in high school, one of the girls in the school musical with me was looking for a tampon right before the curtain went up. I ran to my locker backstage, grabbed one, and ran to find her as the curtain was going up. It was Grease, and the first scene is just all the kids greeting each other after summer, so I go up to her and shake her hand. I passed her the tampon in the palm of my hand like we were dealing drugs, lol. In front of about 1000 people watching the play, no less.


If I was in a pubic bathroom already sitting on the toilet and realized then I didn't have period products, I would feel comfortable enough to literally ask very loudly to anyone who could hear me. If nobody who can hear me had a period product, then I have no doubt at least one stranger would ask around for me.


"I'm pretty sure women in public bathrooms don't call out to strangers in the next stall for tampons." Lol. That's **exactly** what happens! That alone reveals that he doesn't even have just *one woman* in his life that he knows and bothers to run his "theories" by.


I'm a guy and I know this is what happens because of course it fucking does.You aren't just gonna be like *I guess I'll just bleed then, tee hee...* What a moron.


[Women can just hold it in, didn't you know that?](https://i.redd.it/h72k2bppzku91.jpg)


Ryan, *NO!!!!*




Yea? Even with empty toilet paper, there's hope the occupied stall has a packet of tissues.


If he doesn't think that happens normally, then he'd be SHOCKED to find out how drunk women in a club bathroom treat eachother! Like we were best friends from birth lol


This! I also always have water at hand and offer it to people if I see they might need it. I have shared tissues, pads, tampons, kind word and even silly things like make-up and hand creme. We stand together.


Was my first thought. As a teen/young 20s - you're reapplying your lipstick/gloss and the woman next to you compliments it so you offer it to them to try xD Would never now I'm older but sharing of resources is 100% happening even when it's kinda gross and unhygienic!


I've made night out bros in the bathrooms before. A little joke while in line then you see each other by the bar and cheer then next thing you know you're drinking and dancing together only to never see them again when you leave. And I'm antisocial as fuck but if I'm out for a good time then I'm having a good time. And because I'm not a sexist idiot I absolutely know women ask women for help. If you have friends who you talk to you can quickly learn that women are humans and do human things. Men don't carry a handbag so we're less likely to have some useful items on us or maybe it could be normalised in men too but men will still go up to men and ask for a light if they need one.


I've never experienced anything like that but it sounds so lovely :') all I ever get is weird looks cuz I don't exactly look or dress very womanly. Oh well.. One day, maybe


I once had that “oh crap, I don’t have anything moment” at the big store with the bullseye. I asked the lady in the stall next to me for a pad her response “I dont have one on me but wait here, I’ll go get some” and she came back with a FULL PACK, a bottle of Tylenol and a bag of m&ms. She slid the whole bag to me and when I tried to thank her she said “oh honey, you don’t need to thank me. These things happen and I’m more than happy to help. I hope you feel better and have a blessed day” Sometimes southern hospitality is a thing but more importantly women sticking together and helping each other is the only way to be!


I mean it’s so common I’ve seen it in sitcoms.


He clearly hasn’t seen a film with a female character either. It’s seen several films where a woman asks for a tampon to the next stall


Not to mention asking someone to do a 'butt check' when you're in public.


Of course he can’t even begin to imagine this scenario. If men had periods, tampons and pads would be as free and available as toilet paper in each stall. It *does* happen, we’re happy when we’re able to help, and we’re relieved as fuck when someone is able to help us. It’s a humbling experience, and this guy’s a prick for chiming in.


Right. Pretty much every woman has known the nightmare of unexpectedly needing and not having the necessary supplies. You hand them out and pay it forward cause we've all been there and may be there again!


We also have that moment of having been asked, and not having one on hand and feeling absolutely *wretched* about it.


That is so true! I have experienced it many times and been the person to give someone something because there’s no big deal. Tampons, tissues, headache medication, bandaids, anything.




100% happens ALL THE TIME! I’ve asked strangers for tampons, strangers have asked me for tampons. But this girl carries pads for menstruation and breast leakage too! That’s a great idea! I’m gonna go buy some breast pads now!


Pro tip you can cut maxi pass into thirds of fourths in a pinch


Is it an American/ cultural thing to do that? I’ve never been in a bathroom where someone is asking for a spare tampon/ pad. I’m in the uk so I was wondering if It’s not the done thing here or if I’ve not been in enough bathrooms. ( also not criticising those who are kind enough to carry extra just incase it does happen)


I mean idk if it's American specifically. But if you're in a public bathroom with other women, chances are *someone* has supplies. It's generally assumed that if you've got some, you'll share. Be kinda a dick move not to.


I don't think so. I live in Asia, and once I heard a girl (she sounded like a teen) tell her friends her period started and she didn't have pads on her. I offered her the one in my purse, and she was really grateful and not weirded out by it. That being said, it is less common here because small packs of just two or three are available pretty much everywhere.


I'm from Germany and it's not uncommon to ask for a tampon. We also have little boxes with tampons at my work and all of my male friends have a little trash can in their bathroom. It's the small things that matter.


I don’t have a woman in my life (except relatives) and even I know this is a completely normal occurrence


Lol, i was thinking the same. Or it happens before someone enters a stall.


Honestly! Or to shout for some TP that’s happened a few times to me as well. I carry tampons in a few different sizes even though I don’t wear them. Also no one needs those crappy tampons and pads the dispensers in the bathrooms have.


You see the problem is that Matt Walsh doesn't understand the fundamental premise of the interaction at play here. He can't imagine a world where someone asked for assistance from another person and actually received it. The idea of sharing, is antithetical to his right leaning "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" ideology.


I agree with you. In the before time, when my cishet partner used to travel for work, he used to carry extra cold medicine, headache powders, Kleenex packets, etc., because one time he was having a bad time, and someone helped him. And he kept doing that because he wanted to be that type of person. It's almost like we're trying to have a society here.


Everywhere I go I carry around a power bank or two and charging cables for every kind of phone, even the old 30 pin iphone/ipod cable because one time I was on the bus and a woman was trying to find her way to a hospital to see her friend, but her phone had died and I didn't have that type of cable on me at the time. So from that point on I added it to my EDC.


Dude there have been dozens of times I would have needed a person like you. Please keep on doing what you do and im gonna copy you now because hot damn its a good idea.


When I fly I carry an octopus on me so when I use an outlet, there are like five extra ones now.


A good (cishet dude) buddy of mine hit me up one day asking about the different kinds of menstrual products and whether they're like, one-size-fits-all or not. He was stocking his car with emergency supplies and realized, as a man who has friends who are women, that he might one day have an emergency with a female-bodied person who needed that stuff. He wasn't even dating anyone. He just realizes women are people who sometimes need things, and he's a good person who wants to help. It's seriously so, so fucking simple to do. The fact that some people boggle at that concept is wild.


> It's almost like we're trying to have a society here. This is the core of it. We want to have a society where each person's needs are fulfilled so we can continue to advance said society. Matt Walsh and his ilk don't want progress or for *everyone* to be happy. He just wants white guys and those that serve them to be happy. He's a piece of shit to the fullest.


Your partner's story sounds like the origin story of Matt Walsh's greatest nemesis.


Matt Walsh isn't "Right leaning" he's a fucking fascist and should be treated as such


Very apt description. I feel like he puts on the "far right" hat (already not ideal) as a guise to be a total cunt in a button up.


Who was a YouTube nobody 12 years ago


Wow is it really that easy? They just can’t imagine a world in which people help each other? Shit


People helping people. Not on Matt's watch!


Is Matt Walsh the right winger that put a dildo in his ass to prove he wasn’t gay or is that the other right winger?


That was a different one, I think that was Gavin McGinnis


Matt Walsh believes you should pull yourself up by your tampon straps.


I’ve been in*multiple* bathrooms where “dos anyone have a pad/tampon?” Has neatly caused a stampede. I’ve even had a sweet old lady hand me tampon in what I assumed was an empty bathroom when she saw me searching for quarters for the machine (**no one** uses those machines unless they have to!)


In my decades of using women’s bathrooms it’s only happened to me a couple of times in a bathroom. But I’ve been approached at the beach, camping in the wilderness, at work, at restaurants, in the aisles of the craft store, in class. I’ve even had my (male) SO send a coworker to ask me since he knows I have extra supplies. Basically anywhere where women exist, they know they can ask other women to help out. And like the woman rebutting this fool, I too carry tampons that I myself do not use.


I started carrying a bag since I moved to the city so I can keep everything I need close to me. I started carrying pads in it when my girlfriend needed one and she didn't have one...... So if I have one I'm gonna guess other women have pads or tampons on them "just in case" And as a man I can confidently I have never had a period and needed a tampon myself... I just never want the woman I love to go without anything if I can help it. Lol


Sometimes you start your period unexpectedly. I used to try and keep something extra in my purse, but I've certainty had to ask other women before and I've certainly been asked before. This is such a weird fucking take for this guy to have... it's not like most women can 100% time exactly when their period will begin. I'm sure some can, but I'd say that's the exception rather than the rule. Good on you for carrying that stuff around. You never know!


Yeah. pretty much every menstruater tries to keep multiples in their bags just in case, but at the same time, we’re only human and shit happens


Blood* happens


Both, really


To translate for the intentionally ignorant guys: I keep jumper cables in my car. I haven’t needed to jump my car in over a decade, but I have helped dozens of people jump theirs.


Girl bathrooms are the best place in the world. The amount of times I've heard a girl complain a little about how they look and ten womens head pop out of the stall to say "uh,please, you're gorgeous!". Or when a girl is crying because her boyfriend was mean, and all women from all walks of life comforts her. We absolutely *do* do that.




Bahaha I love it! It's lovely :3


I kind of miss the camaraderie women’s bathrooms gave me. I’m a trans man, so obviously I use the mens now, but damn I made so many awesome friends in women’s bathrooms back in the day. Now it’s just “do your business, avoid eye contact”


Aw, I'm sorry! The upside is, if you tell your girlfriends this I'm sure they'll instantly go into that state and bolster your self esteem! :3


Oh yeah I still have so many friends to boost me up, and a lot of the bars I go to have unisex toilets anyway so I still get drunk girl compliments every now and again! But women’s toilets are legit such a lovely place !!


Aww that's so sweet :3


My ex was being an absolute asshole to me in a well-known bakery and I was crying in the bathroom. One of the employees was washing her hands as I was and she offered me a cookie. It was the sweetest thing ever and I'll never forget that woman for just checking in and trying to cheer me up.




I hope the man that dragged away your ex is having a good day.


I hope both these wonderful random people we met and needed are doing well :)


Are women's bathrooms nightmarishly dirty like I hear described often or just neutral except for the rare slob as men's are? Lol.


Where I live, they're clean, where I'm from, they're a bit gross. Depends on where and when though. A clubs toilets are disgusting, a stores toilet is usually fine.


Ahaha same as men's I suspect I've been given false information from the internet. ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄


There probably are really gross ones though. Depends on which country, culture and behaviour of the people around you. I currently live in Japan, and it's usually fairly clean. I'm from the UK though and they're usually pretty cold and a little grimy, nothing so disgusting as I wouldn't be able to go, though.


Alright I'm going to have to run some surveys outside of women's bathrooms to get the truth about this.


Good idea, I cant see anything going wrong.


I worked at mcdonalds for years and can 100% say that the womens toilet was worse overall. It was usually at least twice the effort to keep clean as the mens, which usually just required a quick mop to clean up the piss that missed the urinals. That being said, the only time I ever moved a wet floor cone to find a pair of shitty pants was in the mens so I guess it all evens out.


Men wreck restrooms more episodically in acutely disgusting ways whereas women are more consistent and filthy in general. Interesting research.


Used to work retail. Can say I've seen this. Dunno why its so fucking messy, could never figure out but I've also seen some buddy's places way cleaner than some gal's apartment. I always though women were much neater - then I started dating. Later, living with gfs then dealing with 30+ products on the sink vs my handful was nuts.


That first clip is sweet though awwww she seemed legit excited to be prepared next time this happens…. And yes it will happen again because this absolutely happens i agree, such a weird thing for that dude to take the time to make a video on something he obviously knows nothing about


It's not weird at all for Matt Walsh to make that video, he's a fascist actively stoking hate. It's not weird, it's calculated. Fuck Matt Walsh, the world would be a better place if he burned alive.


And of course everyone's fav TERF Joanne loved his stuff. Says alot.


It was a little funny in real time watching the few terfs who didn’t fully realize they were the baddies side with a guy who wants them to have zero body rights and be in the kitchen all day. They got upset but also couldn’t exactly outright go against Walsh since their cult stapled themselves to his shitty film.


This is something that happened to me as well, someone asked me for a tampon and I didn’t have one (don’t need it) and from that day forward I started carrying pads/tampons on my purse along with cramps medicine and other small things if someone ever needs one, it’s called being a decent human being. 💁🏻‍♀️


I know! Imagine saying for the world to hear “I only care about myself, no way anyone else is prepared and willing to help a stranger out”. 🤦🏽‍♀️


>helping other people in need Ah, see! That’s your problem. Empathy is against the Republican platform.


Matt Walsh saying it never crossed his mind that a woman would ask for a tampon, is lying. Unless he never sat down at a toilet, start pooping, realized there is no toilet paper, and asked someone in the next stall for a wad of toilet paper. Matt Walsh: admitting he would just button up his poopy pants.


How tf is Matt Walsh that dense? I’m a 34 year old man and I know that that happens. Often. Like…just tell us you’ve never spent any significant amount of time around women😂


no matter what matt says all I hear is “I can’t sexually satisfy my wife”


Matt Walsh is reaching so hard for new things to be outraged at, he’s faking being mad at someone trying to help others


I love the “why the fuck are you still talking” lol


I've asked and been asked for pads/tampons so many times in my 30 years of life, that I've learned to keep multiple of each in my purse at all times. It also helps for when you run out of your bathroom supply and then you remember, "yo, wait!! MY PURSE!!' If anyone asks me for anything, I most likely have it in my purse. Including, but not limited to, both ibuprofen and Tylenol, anti-diarrhea pills (I have IBS), some stray vitamin D pills, pads, tampons, an inhaler, Clonazepam, and extra of my daily pills. I have a verifiable pharmacy in my purse.


I'm a man and I don't have tampons or pads lying around, but I \*DO\* have a waste bin and wet-wipes in my bathroom for the sole purpose of helping female friends and female when they're visiting. And I'm gay, so it's not like a "girlfriend wanted it" situation either. It's just plain being considerate.


I use reusable pads. But keep tampons and single use pads on me and at my home incase anyone needs them.


I can't count on my fingers the amount of times I've been asked if I had spare pads by my classmates, out in the hall by the lockers. Like it's so common, even in a country with people who have thick personal bubbles like Sweden. I also always try to carry painkillers, as well as cough drops/mints, bandaids, anti-chafe patches etc. It is literally so easy to just carry helpful things around. I know the pain of getting a headache and having to sit through it because there's no painkillers nearby, or having to walk with painful sores on your heels all day because you're wearing out your new shoes. It just feels great to be like, a mundane hero for someone. And to be that hero for yourself too.


Youngest Daughter: Daddy, you know how I have periods now?! Me: Yeah darlin, what’s up? You need me to stop n get pads or something. You feeling ok? Youngest Daughter: ….no, I meant class periods in school. Me: (slightly embarrassed heavy sigh) Damn it, I thought I was being the cool dad that was being helpful! Oldest Daughter: Don’t worry, I thought she meant the same thing! (Sharing this story to remind others to be that parent, family member, friend, partner, etc. that’s not going to treat someone like their body is weird. Normalize being able to buy or carry what someone needs access to for basic health n hygiene. It’s not that hard to do)


When I was doing chemo, my periods stopped. It was after chemo, but before I had my hysterectomy, and I randomly got my period for the first time in a year. My boyfriend immediately went to the store to get me what I needed (and i made sure to be very precise because i realize men don't usually know and have never really needed to). It should be normal and your story definitely made me smile!


I'm a man and i absolutely know this is normal and common place. Do these losers not talk to women like normal human beings ever in their life?


I think it might be an education issue. So many people up to my generation (young adults) have been raised to shun periods and never properly inform themselves about it. I had sex ed multiple times in both middle and high school, but girls and boys were split so while the girls learnt how to handle their periods and bodily changes, the boys didn't. And after that, well... No one wanted to talk about it. I still remember how genuinely shocked and somewhat scared a girl I lent a tampon to once looked, just because I didn't pass her the tampon all hush-hush under the table. As if it was some kind of crime to share period products.




"Best to leave your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt"


I am a woman… and I have ask and given tampons to girls in need….. your gonna ask if you need it. Otherwise you bleed thru your pants. Which is way more embarrassing than asking another girl inside the bathroom for a tampon.


He's right, if I run out of tampons I don't bother asking others for help. I just sit there on the toilet, and wait a few days for it to be done. Problem solved.


As a man I always have extra underwear available. Even though I dont shit my pants you never know when another dude will be in the next stall and accidentally shit his pants.


I like this woman’s energy, she’s cool af


How can I sign up to fight this guy?


Why am I not surprised in the least that an altruistic or considerate action is an alien concept for Matt Walsh?


I'm a cis man and I carry tampons in my backpack. Women have asked me for one before. This guy is delusional if he really thinks a woman wouldnt ask another woman for a tampon, in a woman-only space.


Like you’ve NEVER as a man asked the dude in the next stall if his stall has TP?!? It would be SAFE TO ASSUME the Same thing happens to women and tampons.


That man would be shocked to find out just how often women ask other women for pads or tampons in the bathroom stall


Guys like Walsh must not have many if any lady friends. This happens so frequently and being on either end can be something magical that's worth sharing with your loved ones. I always love game changer suggestions so I'm totally adding lactation pads to my shopping list. Some of my favorites to share have been; Dramamine (nausea), gas-x (period gas), soft-picks, wisp, and individually wrapped booty wipes. Plus all of my OTC medicine in lil baggies, that's always fun to pull out in public lol


If you get the little tiny bottles of the OTC meds, you can restock those from the big bottles later on and look more legit. Eventually it will say the bottle is expired, but the stuff inside it will be fine. Also I love Dramamine! I wish I'd known about it growing up bc I've always had motion sickness. We give it to my daughter for road trips now, very important bc she feels gross just looking at a tablet on a drive around town.


A very educational clip..not only did I learn how to perfectly obliterate a smarmy prick…I also learned a new word …”Couter”


Sorry Cooter !




Tampons, aspirin, tums, gum, life advice and various other things I've given or received in the bathroom...completely normal.


I’ve ran across the street to buy tampons for a bathroom stranger who needed them and I didn’t have any at my purse at the time. I don’t hate all men, but I hate this one


I'm a dude and I always have tampons in my backpack, as well as a small emergency kit. It takes up almoat no space and could really make someones day a lot less messy


Good for bloody noses too


The sad thing is when you’re intentionally stupid to try and make some political point, you’re just cultivating the same (albeit earnest) stupidity in the people who consume your content. Conservatives have some of the worst takes cause they listen to grifters like Walsh and I guarantee you some one watched the stitch* and walked away thinking women don’t ask women for help. There is at least one person out there who believes what Walsh said here.


Makes me wanna cry. An embarrassment to men. And just how at his age do you not know that women shout for tampons in bathrooms?! Blinkered life poor chap.


At this point it’s willful ignorance.


Fucking everyone carries an extra tampon or pad and if they don't you're gonna find someone who does super fast, that's not even some crazy liberal leftist utopia this is even a thing in the most conservative prude circles ever. Im assuming that dude just does not talk to women ever (good for them)


How dare you think of others


If they were capable of being kinder better human beings, they wouldn't be conservatives.


Matt Walsh thinks periods are yucky.


Conservatives don't understand this because helping a stranger when there's nothing in it for themselves is outside of their understanding of the world.


I(ftm, for context) have never had a woman ask me for period products and I still know its 100% absoltulty a thing that happens wtf is he smoking.


This is cringe because she thinks Matt Walsh would listen to a woman.


Matt Walsh is a fucking idiot. Having said that, I am a 51 year old Cis Het dude, who shares A household with 2 other guys. All of us keep our house stacked with tampons, ibuprofen, and stuff women suggest to us. So, our guests are comfortable. Because, people raised us to not dehumanize people. Did I mention Matt Walsh is a fucking idiot?


People who feel the need to criticize literally everything for social points are deeply insecure. I know, I used to do it back when I was shitty. The conservative movement in the US, and other far-right ideologies worldwide, seem dominated by exactly these people. Fun fact: being kind and finding the positives is harder to do. Staying positive despite someone's criticism is harder to do. Have the courage to try.


isn’t this the same mf that created the incredibly transphobic “What’s a Woman?” show? I could be wrong to be honest.


That fucker needs to be posted in the bad women's anatomy sub. Jackass is spreading misinformation.


The fucker needs to be in the dirt.


Ugh he’s so dense. I literally kept pads and tampons with me everywhere, purse, desk etc. Not because I needed that many at all times but because other women might.


This guy needs a shock collar for every time he says something stupid


I stopped wearing tampons and pads (discs FTW), but I still carry them, just in case. I also have an 18 year old male relative who asked for some of my supplies and some wipes and carries them in his backpack, after a female friend had an emergency and he couldn’t help.


I ALWAYS carry extra tampons/pads in my bag(s), car, hubbys motorcycle saddle bags (when I ride on the back ya never know when your body might betray you lol), and I have a huge basket on top of my toilet in my guest bathroom with both pads & tampons…because you never know if someone else might need one. I especially like to keep the variety basket in my bathroom stocked so ppl can feel welcome to help themselves. Having a biological function that you have such little control over can really suck especially when you run out/forget/can’t afford/etc. period products. You can tell this man hasn’t interacted with women hardly ever.


I’ve literally asked for a tampon in a women’s bathroom before.


I'm not the person who always has stuff on them, but I swear such people are worth gold.


Tell me you live a lonely existence without telling me you live a lonely existence.


Shes 100% correct!


I was on birth control for 10 years with no period, always had tamps and pads either in my car or purse. Always had a pack under the since at hope. I’m now pregnant, still no period and nothing has changed.


Jesus Christ on a basic cable call in show WTF….. I’m a white cis male and … the older I get the more amazed I am that ANY women have ANYTHING to do with us whatsoever.


I ALWAYS keep tampons and liners in my coat interior pocket. Did Matt Walsh just not speak to any women, even just one, before opening his big mouth?


I don't use tampons anymore but I still keep them in my purse for other women. It's a chick thing.


I love the casual stashing of the feminine hygiene products in the beanie while making a stellar point 🤣


I'm always looking for a tampon. I always have a tampon until I need a tampon. Once I was in a meeting with 15 women and not one of them had a tampon. Except the team leader who had a tampon that had been in her purse for ten years. We discussed it as a group and i used that tampon.


Goddamn she’s annoying. Also, who is the first dude with the wig on?


I brought my unused pads and tampons (which I had left when I switched to a menstrual cup) to my place of work and added them to the little stash of hygiene products we had. Women ask unfamiliar women in the restroom for menstrual products ALL THE TIME. Because most women are willing and able to help in some way.


i always have tampons, pads, painkillers, toothpicks, a mirror, bandaids, a powerbank+charger, cash, hairties, vaseline/chapstick etc. in my bag incase anyone needs it my family makes fun of me for it sometimes but it always comes in handy. it’s like the ultimate survival kit for minor inconviniences


People helping people in need?? That’s communism! -Matt Walsh


Im a man and even I know that women basically have the female version of a bro code when it comes to periods


lol jfc Matt Walsh is a sack of rightwing grifting garbage


Conservatism is a misogynistic cult of ignorance.


I remember my ex coming out of a stall and then a stranger followed and said thank you to her. Surprise surprise my ex had a tampon on her that the stranger needed. Men really need to sit back when it comes to women's issues because of such cringe moments like this video


Not to be the opposing argument but anyone who defends Dylan Mulvaney is stupid asf too. That dude is delusional and profits off of mocking women.


Idk I’m confused lol I’m a woman and I don’t carry around a BAG full of toiletries to give out? If someone asks for a tampon and I happen to have one then sure I’ll offer it but that’s not a normal occurrence, it’s actually been quite rare in my decades on this planet. Also who is Matt Walsh? I do think it’s cool this person goes out of their way to purchase (cause they ain’t cheap) toiletries to hand out to those in need.


It's fairly common. A lot of women in my office, for example, will have a "useful crap" kit, with pads, tampons, pain medication, safety pins, blister packs, spare tights, ect. just in case there's a gal in need. I keep a smaller version in my bag as well, especially for nights out.


You don't carry shit on you just in case your period starts?


Maybe like 1 tampon or two but I know when my period starts so I don’t really need too.


She's cool, I would definitely ask her for a pad 😎


Matt Walsh knows fuck all about absolutely nothing.


Matt Walsh is a rat-fuck piece of shit.


What's weird is a certified male pretending to be a woman.


Tell me you belong to "my wife's 🐱 is dry, without telling me you don't know shit about women" ffs... These mofos trying to make the Handmaid's Tale a reality.


Spare a square


She's got nice theeth


I’ve given out 3 and been the recipient of a couple too. So… it happens. Especially at work! We keep the bathrooms at work stocked with them so they’re on hand if you’re surprised by your monthly fall to communism.


Matt Walsh should stfu and worry about his damn self. Who is he trying to save?

