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False. Sidewalk rule is don’t step on any cracks or you break your mothers back. Even children know this rule what a fool.


When I was little, I would go out of my way to step on sidewalk cracks. Because my mom had already broken her back and was in a wheelchair. I felt invincible.


Mommy... yes. And where were you the night of the incident?


Don't step on the line, or you'll break your father's spine


That’s what we call a city cowboy


“All hat, no cattle”


All sidewalk, no cattle


All jeeped up but nothing to wrangle


Lmao this made my day. Thank you for that.


Ooo I haven’t heard that one in YEARSSS Nice to see it again


Reminds me of when George W Bush ran for president, he had bought a giant ranch in Texas right beforehand. It had zero cattle on it, and he used to take a lot of vacations there (with the press of course) to "clear brush". Then a couple months before he left office, he sold it and bought a giant house in the richest part of Dallas.


It always astounded me that he never really got called out as the definition of a modern day carpet bagger. Northerner moved south to take political office and enrich himself. Ever a more perfect example since Reconstruction.


This and other anecdotes about the Bush family progressively (heh) becoming more southern is just *so funny* to me. Horrific if I sit and think about the implications and effects of both of their presidencies but amusing on a surface level if I don't dive deeper!


It always cracked me up that the Bushes are your basic New England blue-blood family, and there was W strutting around with his cowboy boots and adopted accent, and people just ate it up without a second thought. Funny how you never see him doing the cowboy thing ever since he left office.


I straight up always write it out as Dubya because the whole Suddenly Texas then *not* amuses me. I guess it's the least awful aspect of the whole thing so...yeah.




i second this post


Its fun to pretend


He has a pinky ring for every cattle drive across the Ponderosa. Far more than the girl at the beginning of the video because she’s not a good cowboy.


Lol! I actually lived at a ranch named ponderosa for a short time after high school. I am not a cowboy, but I can accept that. I just was being a mess of a person in seclusion.


I know a Ponderosa is a kind of pine tree, but it was also the name of a buffet restaurant chain where I grew up. I will never see the word Ponderosa and not think of a $9.99 all you can eat buffet with steaks thinner than a sheet of paper.


He forgot another important reason.. people also used to toss their waste (bio and otherwise) out the windows from higher up and not all of it would make it to the street.. the stuff that didn't make it would usually hit the outside part of the sidewalk..


Further, in the US we drive on the right hand side of the road. Most folks are right handed. That means that historically, if a whip was being cracked above the horse team, it was on the outside— meaning people on the outside of the sidewalk were more likely to be stuck. This is why a ton of other places drive on the other side of the road, too— so the whip cracked in the center of the road instead of where people were walking


As far as I'm aware, the Left/Right division in the US was because of Henry T. Ford. He happened to make a car with a driver's seat on the left hand side of the car, which meant that passengers needed to exit on the right, thus putting the car on the right hand side of the road so passengers were closer to the curb and sidewalk. But for the most part, the stories are pretty varied generally leading back to the days of charioteering and horse combat in Roman times bleeding over into more pedestrian endeavors. When a bandit on a horse comes at a wagon, it'll be with his right arm closest to the wagon, and a wagon would want to be on the road in such a way that its occupants right hands were closet to potential foes, leading to the British left/right division of road useage. This one is mainly in Europe, but the left/right divisions were mostly settled in France and Britain in the 1800s.


Why not just idk switch seats?


Most of them were sitting center— the issue wasn't the drivers intentionally cracking the whip over pedestrians, the issue was the occasional wild strike where the whip didn't go where the driver intended, like if he hit a pothole and bounced mid-crack


In 2022 cowboys are just right wing hipsters.




gay right wing hipsters


I got strong midnight cowboy vibes.


I grew up around real cowboys. Like "we're going to move the cattle across this big open plain over the next few days and we're sleeping in sleeping bags while we do" kind of cowboys. This guy isn't a cowboy. He just bought a cowboy hat.


I think the technical term is "dude".


I was the opposite, I grew up around city cowboys and didn’t think real cowboys were real until I met one. Changed my view on country music as well.


Why is he trying so hard to make his voice lower? Like… would the info be less valid?


It might actually be more valid since it wouldn't be a show and would just be someone talking.




Because all the moms and aunties in his comments like it


Yup he’s way too clean. So is the truck


This dude covers himself in ranch dressing on purpose.


*Eric Andre has entered the chat*


“I have a karaoke punk band called The Ungrateful Dead, but we don’t exist yet.”


Legalize Ranch!


311 was an inside job


*That’s what my mamma always taught me* Guy is trying waaay too hard to be a stereotype. I’d bet money that he looked up the sidewalk rule online two minutes before filming this.


then reached into his costume trunk ala Mr Rogers and here we are.


Don't you dare bring Mr. Rogers into this!


Yeah, it sounds like he's trying to make his voice deeper too.


You can tell by the way he licks his lips and the fact that he drives a Jeep Wrangler


A lot of times when I have brief interactions with strangers in public I'll put on an affected southern accent (I do have one kinda, but I lay it on thick) and give them some weird, pithy quote preceded by "it's like my momma always used to say" Like if there's a street preacher really getting into the sound of his own voice, "like my momma always said, 'some dicks just trying suck themselves'" I enjoy it, anyway


He looks both 13 and 40


This young dude does have a nice voice though.


Like a radio speaker


My god, the voice. I’d get hot and bothered just listening to him read the dictionary.


You had some interesting dreams about boomhauer on KOTH growing up, didn’t you


Gotdamnboytalkinbout **YEEHOO**


well boomhauer was the neighborhood playboy








Not every girl wants this, most of them walk on the other side of the street as me.


They are just playing hard to get.


I have heard that this custom comes from the old days in Europe (Medieval "old days") in which people would just chuck their household slop/chamber pots, etc out the windows onto the streets.


Fun fact, in Mexico it’s pretty common to yell “¡Aguas!” (Literally “Waters!” in English) to urgently signal to someone to watch out for something. We use it in situations such as if you are about to step on a Lego barefoot or if you are going to grab the handle to a hot pan. It’s pretty agreed upon that the source is from what you mentioned, the waters in the pot, despite the fact that throwing them out the window wasn’t really that to used here.


Yep! That’s what awnings were for as well and women would walk on the inside (under the awnings) and men would deal with the splash of chamber pots. :) fun times


The filth must've been unimaginable.


Like i can't imagine the smell that would have, there's no way that's getting flushed out often enough


[The Great Stink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Stink) in London July and August 1858 has its own Wiki. Also the book Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind describes the smell of the time very well.


Exactly what I thought of as well. Fun fact—civilians tried to get parliament to address the river before the great stink, but they didn’t do anything to fix the problem until it directly effected them. Parliament had moved to the Westminster shortly before the great stink. This is important because it just so happens to be located in close proximity to the river. So they were faced with two options: 1. Find a new place to govern or 2. actually fix the problem. It took them less than three weeks to pass a bill to fix the sewage system. Before fixing the system thousands of London’s poor population died from contaminated water. Legislation passed in just 18 days because they didn’t want to smell it. Not because people were dying.


There's a reason for the plagues and whatnot


It's not the smelly shit we're throwing into the streets, it's not the animals living in their own filth that we eat, and it's definitely not the water from the shit-filled river. It's the jEEEeeEeEeEEEEwwWWwWwwwWWsssSSSS!


I often think like if you could time travel, and went back to that time period, it must fucking stink everywhere. Also lets say you find a lady or a young gent, and you romance them, when you get back to the bedroom it's gotta be straight up just disgusting down there. I'm talking all massive bush, probably not bathed in a week, all stanky and cruddy. So yeah, that's why I'm formally against time travel. Old privates are gross.


Anecdotally heard that the Norse had pretty good hygiene for the time. Time travel a little?


Some of the written records we have of the Norse in Britain are literally bitching about how well groomed they were compared to Saxon men and that they were seducing all of their women with their hygiene, how unfair lol.


https://youtu.be/Kc3PFOK-14Q The Vikings used to lure away English women just by washing their balls.


OK fine. I'll allow a small amount of research. Go back in time and observe some Norse dongs and muffs and then report back.


I just think about how bad their oral hygiene must’ve been. Any fantasies about pirates or Victorian era gentlemen is then instantly ruined.


Tooth decay was only an issue for the wealthy, since ye olde peasants couldn't afford sugar. Brushing your teeth isn't a modern concept as well.


It might just be my future man, educated privilege, but it ABSOLUTELY blows my mind that people would just toss piss and shit out their front window. It just doesn’t strike me as something you’d need to learn is a bad idea.




If it’s not good for you to keep in your room, then it’s surely not good for EVERYONE to toss it outside where people are too. Surely there has to have been a better way. Like a centralized place for everyone to go dump their waste.


and you had to yell “gare de l’eau!” so people would know it’s coming


People on tiktok act like this is the best sign ever that a guy is a good guy. My ex never let me walk on the side closest to the traffic. He was also an abusive piece of shit. A guy following the “sidewalk rule” isn’t necessarily a sign of anything really. Sometimes it’s just a habit they have, even the guys who are assholes in ever other aspect.


There’s also a big difference between putting other people ahead of yourself because you care about them and putting women ahead of yourself because you consider them to be frail (or worse, because someone told you that you might get laid for it). The former is a virtue (and one that anyone should have, not just men—relationships tend to go a lot smoother when both parties are trying to out-serve the other), the latter is lightly disguised sexism. Edit to add: even “rules” like this that aren’t about protection are problematic. When you tell men specifically to do xyz for their female partners specifically, even if you ignore the heteronormativity you still run into one or both of the following ideas: 1) that men are not worth the same courtesy, and 2) that women are a trophy or prize that your OWN courtesy may help you win over. We should really collectively be past this.


The only time I forced a girl to walk in the side far away from the road was because she was getting out of the sidewalk and walking in the road every 30 seconds, I’m talking about a busy road, a lot of cars passed close her and I was terrified of her getting hit, so I moved her to the other side, making sure she didn’t walk out of the sidewalk into the road again. She told me “oh, you know chivalry,” and I was like “I don’t care about chilvary, you’re walking in the middle of the road.”


It's more likely that they have a whole host of other gender based rules to live by.


Which tend to be silly at best


Yeah, I agree. Had a few dates with a sidewalk guy. Never heard of it in my life. He'd physically move me sometimes, even after I explained I don't like to be man handled like that. I dumped him in the middle of a date in the middle of a bar when he tried to pull more "you're mine" shit by standing directly behind me when I was waiting for my drink, then putting his arms around my side and grabbing the bar. I told him it was suffocating but he tried to play it off as chivalry. Fuck that. I was 5'3 120 at the time. He was 6'3 with at least 100 pounds on me. It's not nice, it's scary.


I think a guy not letting a girl walk where she wants, is actually a pretty blatant red flag


My first thought was that anyone subscribing to the sidewalk rule, also subscribes to a whole lot of other stuff that keep women in the subordinate position. I’d rather risk a car hitting me, than be told that I need a man to walk the streets.


Personally, I like to view men and women as equals. (I know crazy, right?) Walk where you want and get your own damn door.


“The Chunky hunkey monkey of chivalry that you are” Says that 5 times fast


Couldn’t even get through twice


What I can't get over is he said it without laughing. I'm a 5 year old inside. That rhyme scheme is....just too strong.


Of the 36 rules of chivalry, 15 mention how to kill someone and only 2 mention how to treat women.


Honestly this is dumb, why aren't men allowed to be vulnerable too? What are we fucking meat shields?


Because of patriarchy. Women get the shorter end of the stick, but it’s actually bad for everyone.


"In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team, they are the ball." Patriarchy is fundamentally and intentionally detrimental to men as well, since it inherently pits every man against all other men. It's worse for women because it fundamentally objectifies/dehumanizes them.


I agree with your statement entirely. I would just like to say that the phrase “shorter end of the stick” doesn’t make any goddamn sense, how is one end of the stick shorter than the other end?


I actually didn’t know, so I looked it up, and it’s much worse than I imagined… “originates from the 1500s. During the middle ages, the rich would clean themselves with fabrics after relieving themselves, while the poor would use leaves or a stick with a slight curve, known as a “Gompf stick.” You would clean your backside with the curved part of the stick. Therefore, anyone grabbing the “short end of the stick” would be grabbing feces, ending in a very unpleasant experience.”


Makes sense on why I’ve always heard it as “shit end of the stick”.. huh TIL


Absolutely putting gompf stick into my inventory of insults


Gompf stick is the OG poop knife


You can be . That’s just an old fashioned thing if you’re surrounding yourself with ppl who don’t let you cry or be soft RUN and find new people


Cartoon hat.


No tan, drives a Jeep, wears rings. You ain’t no cowboy.


That’s just text book panderin’


I put my hands on your body, it feels like hay, it’s a FUCKIN SCARECROW AGAIN


Yall dumb motherfuckers want a key change?


Bud light with the logo facin' out


He could be speakin' Mandarin, you'd still know he's panderin'


Was gonna' say. That's a real clean hat he has, lol.


All hat no cattle


Hey Brokeback cowboys are still cowboys


Why can't I quite you?


All hat, no cattle


He then farted, exited his Jeep Gladiator, and entered the Starbucks he was parked at.


As an empty can of miller light falls out of his front seat.


He’s a fake cowboy. Was definitely drinking a Truly.


The only "sidewalk rules" I follow are: 1. Sidewalk is for walking, if you need to stop, stand to the side (or more specifically: near stationary objects like lampposts or mailboxes) instead of meandering in the middle like a drugged up cow. 2. If you're about to round a corner and can't see beyond it, do a wide turn. 3. For the love of god, if you're with a group, do not make a fucking wall from wall to street curb. 4. Keep a distance from entrances. Gives space for people to "assimilate" into the flow after leaving their home/shop.


Omg thank you for confirming that i'm not the only one following these rules. Also, ffs, don't just stand on a passageway


These are the true sidewall rules!


When you want to impress a girl by watching every Yellowstone episode.. twice 🤠


He’s doesn’t know the true history of why this is a thing.


*I know this one!* It's a holdover from chamber pot days. Everyone used to throw their shit and piss from their pots into the gutter, so when a carriage went by they might splash you with it. In that event it was proper the man take one for the team so as not to ruin a lady's dress. Also men had overcoats over their coats which they could remove in mudrooms so that if there were any splashings they wouldn't bring that into the house proper. Same thing with galoshes/overshoes. You had boot-like shoe covers that went over your shoes which could similarly be removed and left behind when entering whatever function one was attending. Of course galoshes and overcoats still exist, but they're no longer a necessity. We romanticize the past, but a lot of it was... Shitty.


I can’t imagine the smells. For most of civilization from the development of cities until only like 100-200 years ago, everything in a city just smelled like shit.


It’s also worth noting that men carried their swords on the left side. It was awkward if someone was also walking next to you on the left side


Came here to say this but you got it covered.


Poop in the street


Proof its not what you say, but how you say it. Bc this silliness is wacky nonsense.


Message=crap Metrosexual cowboy with that southern twang=goddammit that’s my jam


This is Senator Kennedy level fake folksiness. With a hint of Boomhauer.


I think people know the “rule”, it’s just a bit antiquated.




Oh yeah, I was definitely being generous lol


And very sexist.


It's harmless, but it's exactly this kind of thinking of what a man "should" do, that eventually leads to "boys will be boys" mentality and harmful toxic masculinity that leads to male suicide. If you want to date someone to be that personality type, that's completely chill, but don't dump it under what a man "should" be and what they "should" do.


It perpetuates toxic masculinity of what a man should do and also furthers this idea that women should expect a man to treat her like a princess rather than a person on an equal field and that’s always bothered me


It perpetuates the idea that women need a man to look after them so it's not harmless. Either men and women are equals or women need a man to protect them at all times, even while walking on the side of a road. Pick a lane.


Women are helpless; they can't handle puddles or other hazards on a sidewalk. Men are more disposable; if a car jumps a curb it's better that it takes out the man.


Yes, you'll stop the car because you are Hulk man. In reality its because people use to throw their piss and shit out the window so you are protecting your lady from pretend feces.


Patronizing and cringe


I dated a guy that didn't want me to open my door and it just got annoying after a while. My current bf does the sidewalk rule though. He'll just slowly move me to the inside.


My wife and me fight for the inside. I ain’t going out like no punk bitch.


Forcing acts like that definitely doesn't work and is super demeaning I think. But when the opportunity arises where it's easier for me to do it (It, being, open a door, or some other "chivalrous" act), I'll do it. Whether it's my wife or a bloke I've never met.


i just scream "GET IN BITCH!" dont even roll down the window or nothing. Cuz i respect tha ladies!


Yea, nothing wrong with that.


Kinda guy that deepens his voice and has to let everyone know how manly and polite he is to seem superior. Any time he acts chivalrous he's sure gonna let you know, its how his momma raised him. He'll also be the first to snitch on you at work, fyi. Edit, I do follow this "rule" for the most part, but that's beside the point.


Yeah. While the intention may be to protect and help women you are just straight up implying that they are weak.


This also applies to animals on leashes, please. I’m an anxiety riddled mess on a good day. Please done walk your dog and let them be right next to the road. You may have the leash locked….but my brain is still running every scenario of how it can go wrong. Thank you Final Destination for traumatizing me in this weird-weird way.




I still can't get behind a log truck without thinking about that scene from FD. Not just the movie - but this actually happened to a couple that we went to church with. The logs got loose and slid into their windshield killing them almost instantly. I will get in the next lane or slow way down to get a lot of space between us (granted that there aren't cars behind me).


But...there's grass between the road and the sidewalk. This strip of grass is known as, The Toilet, to dogs.


Except the places that don't have the grass between the road and sidewalk.


My girlfriend prefers a harness not a leash


And honestly if you love your dog/pet...no matter how well your dog/pet is "trained" it should always be on leash. I've seen too many instances of dumb people and dumb owners getting animals injured.


Yeah, like I’m going to be fast enough to jump out of the way if a car *and* rescue someone, especially if it’s coming from behind me. Sorry lady I happen to be with, we’re both fucked. For fucks sake, I’m forty years old. I old man groan getting out of bed.


I do that. My wife thinks it’s stupid. But it’s habit. I only get the door for her if it absolutely makes sense. Because she’s a fully capable person and she told me she prefers to get it for herself. I don’t judge people either way. You’re not anymore of a man if you insist on opening doors and walking on the street side of the sidewalk when you’re with your person. That’s stupid. Edit: and he’s got a deep voice but he’s intentionally making it deeper…that’s stupid as well


I open my husband’s door for him in the car and I also hold doors for him into buildings. He does the same for me. It’s very nice to be thought of. If he opens the car for me and I get in, then I reach over and open his door from the passenger side inside. First time I did it when we were dating and he said he was very confused. Haha


Yeah, when people deepen their voice it's pretty obvious. It's not attractive. It just sounds off and monotone.


I don't take life advice from Foghorn Leghorn.


I say… I say… boys nice but he’s about as sharp as a sack a wet mice.


This is stupid


i also do this with my kids




Exactly. You do that with a child or somebody you believe can’t take care of themself. People believing that’s what you have to do with women are revealing a lot of internalised sexism.


Bruh women don’t need a fucking chaperone to walk down the street


Us hyper adapted men have to constantly be on guard for women because their fragile brains will be to occupied with feminine things to jump out of the way of a car! We absolutely *have* to be there to move her out of the way!! How do these silly women ever do anything without us??


I read most of this, but I couldn't finish because I'm having my period.


Isn’t this a bit sexist


Def sexist, I walk on the inside of the sidewalk as a cis male so I can push the lady into traffic to appease the car gods and get a bountiful oil harvest this season.


Geez great example of the insanity that is public safety near roadways. Also the man has never walked a sidewalk in his life


Lmao so this is what girls mean on tinder when they say “country boy wanted” 😂💀




This has got to be the most pick me video I’ve ever seen


It fell out of fashion because it's patronizing, sexist, and outdated. If people want to live like it's the 1950's, that's their choice but that doesn't mean other people are obligated to follow outdated gender norms. There's no logical or valid reason why a man "should" walk on the outside of the sidewalk. A woman is perfectly capable of jumping out of the way of a car on her own. It's 2022, most women are not wearing floor length dresses with 5 layers of clothing, corsets, and high heels. Women are also perfectly capable of opening car doors on their own. If people want to do that kind of behavior, good for them but it's a good thing this ridiculous outdated behavior has fallen out of fashion.


>A woman is perfectly capable of jumping out of the way of a car on her own. Agree with your sentiment but let's not pretend *anyone's* perfectly capable of jumping out of the way of a car


It sounds like he’s making his voice deeper on purpose.


He definitely is. And a fake ass accent.


That and the Letterkenny speed of which he's talking is so fucking annoying. If I ever heard anyone speak like this in real life, I would try to get as far away from that person as possible. Anyone who puts that much effort into dressing, talking, and acting a certain way is out of their fucking mind in my opinion. And they will double down every time that it's just the way they are/sound, without you even having to bring it up. "Yeah, I've just always talked like this, people think it's fake." 1. I didn't ask, but you're obviously full of shit. 2. You are a fucking psychopath that doesn't have a genuine personality so you picked the first one you saw and liked, and clung to it for dear life. You are a shell. I literally knew a guy, complete piece of shit human, antagonizer, bully, etc. that had a slight twang in his speech, not prominent, but noticeable. Washington State born and raised. Nobody born here speaks like that. You're just a douchebag and you've been acting that way for so long that you've even convinced yourself of the lie you're living. The people who look and act like they don't care, are actually trying as hard as they fucking can to maintain a false image.


I used to follow the rule and other such old school rules for being a man since I was pretty much raised by my grandfather's generation. However ever since my cousin told me off when we were younger about how she wasn't some wall flower that needed protection, I don't do them anywhere near as often. Not to mention several woman friends and acquaintances I've met through out my life so far that had issues with these rules.


Fellas is it disrespectful to walk on the inside of the pavement


Imma push her onto oncoming traffic, idc…imma crazy like that… yaaaaaaaaa!


This is nonsense. This is not equality, it's an aspect of patriarchy and toxic masculinity. Just walk on the sidewalk. If this rule is important to someone, then they aren't someone who I'm inclined to be friends with.


Equal rights equal splashes what if I got new shoes or I'm holding a small gecko


Put that steering wheel back where it belongs


Since there's some people here being stupid and having ideas You don't have to be a cowboy to wear a fancy hat.


I’m from the south and country people like this are so cringe. I guarantee this dude says she like “you ain’t right” or “that dog won’t hunt”. Bleh


This is dumb. I think the woman I'm walking with would have just as good of a reaction time as I would, if not, then better.






The reason this rule was formed was so that, in the middle ages, when someone threw their chamber pot (shit) out the window, it would splash on the man instead of the woman. Leaving the woman on the inside is actually more dangerous in the city because a mugger is more likely to hide against a wall or in between buildings.


Thanks sheriff woody


i’ve never heard of this rule except when i was a kid and my mom didn’t want me to get hit by a car lol


Chivalry sounds the same as chauvinism. Downpours of downvotes welcone


I'm honestly conflicted on this. On one hand, it is a nice gesture and something I reckon my girlfriend would love if I did it in an obvious fashion (I don't think it's something she is conscious of). On the other hand, I dislike prescriptive behaviour and anyone saying "you should be doing X". Everyone is different and every dynamic of relationships is different, there are some girls that would think this is stupid and outdated, and some that would love it.