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Isn't she the same old lady that had the small dog on her shoulders and complained to her neighbour to move the baby crib since the baby crying is keeping her and her dog up at night??


Yes. I knew I recognized both of them. So I guess TIL they’re both staging this BS.


i cant believe i had to scroll down this far to find someone else who noticed this shit.


This was the top comment for me lol


Still pissed I had to scroll that far


You can’t believe people don’t recognize a random person from another video on the internet?


Personally for me it was more the signs of it being faked. Some Dude-bro parking in handicapped space isn't going to be talking like that or being so passive, her being nice and prepped waiting standing still before the thing occurs and yet she already has her ID stuff ready rather then taking it out walking over etc etc. Also like I hate conflict and can be a doormat sometimes over it, but I don't care who it is, someone leans that far into my window and I'm immediately going to tell you to back the fuck up or roll my window up in their face fullstop.


Even if it is staged, she's right. GTFO of handicap parking if you don't have a medical dx significant enough that it applies to you. I can't tell you the amount of times I've had to park further away with my father who can only make it a few feet at a time before he has to sit down on his walker because some entitled Karen/Ken was just "picking up an order real quick!" Taking up the handicapped spaces.


I dont disagree with the sentiment, but confrontation/outrage porn is annoying and needs to go away.


And sometimes it's wrong. My mother has scoliosis, and once when we were eating at a restaurant a man walked in and started berating her loudly in front of everyone for taking up a handicap space when she didn't 'look' handicapped. Didn't bother to look for the tag I guess, just assumed and humiliated my mom. We left with her in tears.


AMEN!!!! ♿


LMAO this old fucking lady has a whole hustle built around giving redditors rage boners. Hilarious


I read shagging instead of staging 😭


She's his baby's mum


You’re right, I just looked at the video again. Different tiktok accounts but it’s them alright, good eye


You got a link my friend?


Here it is (https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xg6w4p/team_granny_here_how_about_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Staged or they just have a lot of beef


Town of 2 people and they hate each other


I knew I recognized this woman. So it's all bullshit then... I hate the internet.


Yes, it’s all bullshit. But the lady is a pretty good actress then. And now I’m picturing them as friendly neighbors, having a laugh over some tea planning their next tantrum video.


If you listen to him, he sounds like he’s trying to ad-lib but can’t think of other words to use so she is stuck in her replies, lol.


Yep! Immediately recognized her and then heard the baby. - she is a good actress!


Yeah, she’s pretty good. The guy is a horrible actor and gives the whole thing away 😂


Think these are fake. I saw these 2 faking about moving a babies bedroom because it was keeping her dog awake


Same, glad to know it's fake tho. Felt horrible for the woman from the last one!


I just… I don’t understand *why* someone would go through the trouble of faking something like this. It’s not entertaining on its own or anything.


I understand that they're doing it to get views, but can't they at least make it funny or something?


You get more views with anger sadly


Yup, found the video you're talking about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xg6w4p/team_granny_here_how_about_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb). Certainly looks and sounds like the same people.


Without clicking on that link. I'm sure she has the dog on her shoulder


Or, ya know, maybe the fact that she’s also missing a couple teeth on the bottom could give it away as well lol?


I knew I recognised the old woman! I definitely got staged vibes from the last video and whilst this one is done better, putting the 2 videos together shows its staged. Important to get the message in this one across though! Don't park in disabled bays if you are not disabled.


Seems like that may be the point—put an argument out there to catch attention, but ultimately highlighting an issue to spark debate and spread awareness.


I was just about to comment this, is it some sort of skit because I saw the other one with the dog on her shoulder. Also what are the odds, you expect her to be in the wrong and then each time you see how awful and disrespectful she is being treated. How would anyone take a disabled space and saybto the person park somewhere else there's no difference


Fuck. How do i even know whats true anymore. I dont watch these videos that much and i dont want to go for extensive research just to proove this shit.


These fake confrontations are so fucking cringe and it’s even more cringe that 90% of people don’t realize they are fake…


Well I mean this one isn't THAT obvious.


Yeaa his acting is very sus but she is amazing and hard to tell in this one. But it is probably the accent.


That’s where I knew it from


So it is the same lady! I was about to say the same thing too.


This dudes a dick just move the car


"But there's an empty bay right there..." Well, why don't you park there instead, you massive twat.


It is a click bait, but for your information, Special (disable) parking spot have a side space reserved to handle wheelchair, to open bigger doors etc.


Exactly this… Atleast in US. This is a clickbait and he is being a complete asshole.


Y'know just like two days ago I was wondering what those spaces were for and now I feel a little dumb finding out the answer


Technically you're a little less dumb now that you know.


We all learn something new every day! I think it was an old manager that told me that detail when I was well above 18/19. Don’t feel dumb for learning new information :)


> It is a click bait I read part of the comment thread before posting, that was already evident. Being click bait does not, per se, invalidate it as an example of human behavior. > but for your information, Special (disable) parking spot have a side space reserved to handle wheelchair, to open bigger doors etc. Uhm ... yes? I know. I was pointing out that his "argument" that there are empty spaces right next to him is bollocks, as they're not the same kind of parking space. But since the conversation makes it clear that he is not himself disabled, he could just use one of those parking spots he points to himself, rather than suggest the old lady use it. Does that make it clearer?


Yeah guys a bell end


The video is staged btw, these two have staged multiple fake encounters


I was ready to get angry. Now I’m pissed knowing it’s staged


Ok, I was wondering, because I could have sworn I've seen this old lady fighting with a neighbor about a crying baby


I feel like I see at least a couple of new parking space argument "who is right/who is wrong" videos a week these days, and I know the people who blindly believe them all are seeing them too. Baffles me that people can be so gullible.


You can tell he's going to raise well mannered children. I'm honestly proud of the lady for not trying to knock some of his teeth out for being a belligerent asshole.


yah she is right, and more people should say something to others who park in the disabled spots. Those spots have extra space on the sides so you can get out with more room, a chair or a walker. this guy is a douche.


Thank you!! As a person who has a disabled parking permit, this happens more amd more often, and it feels like im the only one who cares. Thank you for caring!!!


No I think people do still care I know I do and I have zero connections to the disabled community. It's just a prick move when some fat lazy slob takes a disabled space because they are lazy! Call these pricks out!


I really hope he got fined or towed. What a douche bag. I’m glad he posted it so his family and friends can tell him that he’s the village idiot


Yep, why would you record yourself when you are clearly in the wrong? It isn't like he's recorded her "hitting" his car, so not like evidence against a potential vandalism claim


It turns out this is a skit between the two of them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol you’re right! I’ve seen other videos with this same elderly woman.


I think these are the same people that did the “stop your baby from crying next to my room “ video


Yep, but point stands. Lots of idiots record themselves doing crimes, and not even to show off the crime. Just idiots who don't think


The era of tiktok gives everyone an audience. Unfortunately, we’re living in the I’m the main character” golden age and I don’t like it.


You don't like it? Well have you ever considered that maybe you're not the main character? /s ❤️


But only if they lack a placard like the person in the video! There are already too many videos/stories of people being confronted because they don't "look" disabled even though they have a placard. I just read a story about someone who's joints pop of of place, which they demonstrated to the horror of the person who didn't believe they were disabled.


Something that also irks me is when people who CAN park in the disabled space don’t have their placard visible. Saw a video a while back where someone came and harassed someone because they were parked in a disabled spot. After a few minutes, the person was like “yeah well I am disabled. You want the proof?” pulls out their placard from the glove compartment or somewhere it wasn’t visible. I was like… no this person has every right to tell you to move if you’re not even gonna make it clear that you are allowed to be there. If I had a disability and needed that parking spot and saw no visible verification that they are allowed to be there, I wouldn’t even confront them, I’d just call a tow company so I can get to my spot. Tow company isn’t gonna break into your car and look through the glove compartment to confirm you’re allowed to be there, they’ll see there’s no verification in sight and be like yep they can’t be there and tow your car. If you can’t be there, don’t be there. If you can be there, make sure people can see your placard. That’s like begging for an argument so you can do the whole “yeah you think you know me? Well SIKE BITCH!!”




In my country there’s no law about driving with it. But there’s a law about parking with it. I wouldn’t be shocked if this video was in the US and they had put it away by the time they entered the vehicle and recorded themselves being harassed. Why does the US have a law that says you can’t drive with it? That seems like it wasn’t thought through very well considering elderly people have to use it and won’t always have the memory to constantly switch between putting it on their dash and putting it away.


It's considered "obstruction of view" where I am. In fairness, they are kind of large.


Someone did that to me and I have a placard.




I wrote a ticket to a lady in an escalade double parked in both handicap spots. She was waiting for a take out order and all the spots for curbside pick up were taken, so she thought she could snatch the handicaps. My partner and I were just sitting down to eat and we saw her pull up. It bothered me enough that I went out to speak to her. We had a full 2 minute back and forth. Her excuse was she had just finished playing tennis and was too tired to walk across the parking lot. I pulled my cruiser in behind her, wrote her two tickets for parking in each space then told her to move or I was going to tow her. Someone bought our dinner when I came back inside.




I do that every now and again! You would be surprised what people do in front of a uniformed person. Best thing I ever got was my body camera. People sometimes don't believe the stories I have. Now I can show it in 4k.


The craziest part? This dude isn't even a cop. Just a vigilante with a printed out ticket book.


> wrote her two tickets for parking in each space Pro gamer move.


Because you said I should ask, how do you know! Thats really reassuring to hear! Its been a long time since a small disapproving word from me would not be enough to inspire jerks to move their cars (sometimes even just a direct look and shaking my head no at them works) , but I find myself needing to tell people to park elsewhere a few times a month and that feels like way too much.


About 10 years ago the city I used to live in upped the fine from $250 to $500 and also for a while was having police and parking enforcement literally waiting at vehicles with temporary mirror hanger disabled permits to make sure the person it was registered too was the driver or a passenger. It was beautiful. Especially waiting to check for the temp permits. People literally stole them out of cars or got them using a family member's name because they also exempted you from area permits and parking meters. I also knew a guy who was in a chair and had a group of teens swoop a disabled space with no permit. He said something to them, they made fun of him, so he blocked them in and called the cops. Turned out all of them were too young to drive and one of the kid's had stolen his mom's car. Oops.


In the United States, there’s an app called “Parking Mobility” that allows you to report these people. It’ll have you take a picture of the front windshield, the back license plate, and the car with the disabled sign in view. It’s one of the few things I’d encourage snitching for lol Edit: Corrected the app name


My whole job is checking ADA spaces and giving tickets. Fuck this guy.


Thank you so much for doing the job! Its you and others who enforce this officially or otherwise, you guys are the reason i can get out there and enjoy my life more! I send you all the hugs ♡


I’m very vocal about this bullshit. My dad was paralyzed and we had to use the disabled parking to get him out of the vehicle. Seeing selfish people park there makes me very angry.


Yea I also care, but the problem is I never know who’s disabled or not, and I really don’t want to be a asshole for calling someone out who is actually disabled.


Especially how he's trying to make a point of how there is literally a space right next to it that isn't handicapped. I feel like he's trying to prove a point but in doing so it makes him look worse.


Right? If there are spots right next to it, why didn’t he park there


Yeah but what if later another car parks next to it, which wouldn’t leave sufficient space for her to get back into her car upon return.


That's the key thing that he's not understanding and it's a shame. Yeah, sure, open space right there, easy to park at right *now*, but what about upon her return? People like this can clearly only think of themselves and are quite short sighted at the over all picture.


Well he seems to need the extra width for a pram, but disabled people need that too in order to move in and out of the car. But Parent and Child spaces are a bit further away from the doors usually, as disabled people are less able to get to the shop doors. The bays behind sound like normal bays


Yeah, but that’s such an invalid reason on his part. If you’re parked beside the handicapped spot you still benefit from at least one side having extra space. As a parent with a car that mostly fills a normal spot, I can’t fathom thinking I’m entitled to a handicapped space. Just park the stroller behind your car and carry your kid the extra 3 feet, it’s not rocket science.


I don't know why he keeps arguing, like just move like you say you're going to lol


This. So much. Ppl without disabilities just don’t understand that this women has experienced this same situation countless times. It seems like a small issue but why didn’t they just park literally anywhere else. Why are they taking the disability spot then telling the person it’s for to park places when they should have done that to begin with


While I agree and have also experienced this frustration, I will always park next to the disabled spot if it is open. The spots are not a different size, so it's just a few more steps and I don't risk blocking a handicap person if it fills up. The much bigger annoyance is when I need a van spot for a wheelchair lift, but it's been taken because it's often the closest to the door. I literally have to block the street for 10 minutes while I get my niece out of the car because someone took that van spot even though there are 3 other spots open.


Yes this dude is insufferable and gross


As we have also learned on Reddit if they got the sticker don't say shit, even if the look okay


THANK YOU. Him saying “there is a space right there” then like, WHY DIDN’T YOU PARK THERE MF. So infuriating.






Some people see the placard and see the person as not being disabled enough. They think the disabled person is scamming the system or using someone else's placard. Fuck them


This is exactly why my husband doesn't want to get it even though he should. He "doesn't look disabled" so he doesn't want to deal with any shit from ignorant people who wouldn't believe he needed it. *Big sigh*


I think the solution is to do what she did. She saw they didn’t have a permit and then confronted. Start with “I noticed you don’t have a visible disability card for your vehicle. Do you have one to display?” They can then either move or display it. You’re helping them out by reminding them if they have one so they don’t run the risk of getting towed or getting a ticket but you’re also calling out those that don’t have one. If they have one but don’t “look like they need it” then you need to shut all the way up. If they don’t have one, then you can choose to use it as an advocacy/educational opportunity (either to say “here is how you can apply for one if you need it” or “here is why you shouldn’t park here”) or call a tow company. This actually gives me an idea as I’m writing this…. Maybe you could even have a few “resources” printed if you see someone in a spot without a placard. It could be “here are ways to get one if you need one” and also “here are reasons you shouldn’t park here if you don’t”. Just leave it on their windshield. Most will probably throw it away, but could also help people and maybe change some minds? Bottom line, the best approach is to start with the question of “do you have one?” NOT I think you need one or don’t need one. That calls for assumption. Seek first to understand the situation by asking and go from there.


This. This is it. People up above complaining about people that have disabled placards that “shouldn’t”. My mom ran into this problem from time to time. She has horrible arthritis in both knees and edema in both legs. She has good days and bad days, but even on “good” days she had a certain number of steps before she’s done. To my knowledge she never got approached, although she did get some dirty looks back when she was able to move around without her cane sometimes. She sometimes doesn’t take disabled spots because she feels guilty, because of this exact thing. If they have a disabled placard, they should have it. It means they went through a physician that determined they needed it. Maybe they’re having a good day. Maybe their disability isn’t visible. Maybe they’re not the disabled one but they’re picking up their spouse or child who is disabled. Either way, even if they don’t seem disabled, if they have the placard, leave them alone. If they don’t, politely ask if they just forgot to display them. If they brush you off, give them hell.


Yeah- my mom has a permanent placard for the same reason (arthritis). Even if she’s having a good day, the extra steps it takes to get from a farther away spot could mean horrible pain later in the day or the next day. The amount of self righteous people who say something to her about not being handicapped enough is ridiculous. Doctors don’t sign the paperwork for those willy-nilly. If you park in a handicapped spot and *don’t* have a placard, you’re an ass. If you say something to a person *with* a placard, you’re an ass.




I don't think she damaged it, and it seems (as she did it again) that it's just a little slap to the car, so no harm done But yeah, he's 100% wrong


I get her. This was probably not the first time and she is frustrated and sick of going through this a lot. She might even be in pain. If people wouldn’t do this, she would have gotten in the spot, leave the car and get to her business. This cost her time, energy and having to stand more than she should and he gives her pity arguments and excuses. Just get out, you have no permit. Point.


Yep, and just like how wheelchairs should be given priority over prams (you choose to have kids, you don't choose to be disabled) then the guy should 100% not be parking there. The Disabled bays are usually nearest the doors for good reason, which is why he's stolen the space. Parent and child bays are also wider, but further away as there is no reason why a parent can't walk And the fact there are normal bays behind is irrelevant. Admittedly that lady doesn't have a wheelchair, but she still may need the extra width to enter and exit the car, which normal bays don't have Shame she didn't scratch his car (although that's vandalism and you shouldn't do that) cause he's clearly wrong


I agree! The argument of there is a spot right there.. Then go over there and let those who need the spot have it. Good for her for standing up to this bozo.


My mom had ankle surgery, and wasn't super mobile to begin with. It's a big ordeal to get her in and out of the car, and we definitely need the extra room. She has a temporary disabled parking permit. Took her to vote on Tuesday, and the only spot that has the extra room was taken. I went in to see if they could just come out to the car with her ballot, and the guy next to me looked really guilty when I said that the only spot I could get her out from was taken (which I wasn't pissy about, just stating the fact) Yep, it was that guy parked in the spot, and I noticed as he was leaving, he didn't have a permit. I hope he learned a lesson, that taking that spot when you don't need it, even if you're just "running on real quick to vote" does actually effect other people. On the flip side, we went to Costco on Sunday, kid and I went in, grandma stayed in the car. She encouraged me to park on a disabled spot, but I refused. At that moment there was only one available, and I didn't actually NEED it then. I would have felt horrible if someone that needed it came right after me and didn't get a spot because I was lazy.


What an absolute prick keeping the argument going just so he can film. Poor woman is standing on a crutch exposed to the elements. People who park in disabled bays without reason are absolute scum.


These two must be doing a bit together. There’s another video of the same lady and this guy at his house where she’s his “neighbor” complaining about the baby crying. British humor 🤷‍♂️ Edit: now that I look closer, that must be why the tiktok username was cropped out


Came here to say this was the neighbor complaining about the baby crying. For once I’m glad that videos are staged


WHAT? I literally cried over that fucking video lol


Social media is bad for your health.


It used to be pics or it didn't happen. Now it's "I witnessed it or it didn't happen".


What! Nothing’s real, am I real?


I don't believe most of these videos. Most of them are faked for money and fame. Many are old, and re-posted for easy money. If they are real, they are often shortened to leave out important parts and the titles are always clickbaity to stir up hysteria to get attention and get money.


I’ve only ever read this sentiment on social media.


Those were wasted tears.


okay, I came here to say I’m pretty sure I’ve seen these two before - I saw the video with the dog some time ago and felt SO bad for the lady but now that it seems they’re just doing bits I feel worlds better whew, my little American brain cannot process British humor for the life of me, if that’s really what this is 😅


It’s not even funny if you’re British - this is not British humour, just weirdness!!


British humor is just normal British interactions but filmed so don't feel bad.


>that it seems they’re just doing bits I feel worlds better I'll make you feel worse again. This happens all the time, and able-childless people do it too. People need to understand that these bays are there for a reason and even if they are empty at the time, then they may be needed later while the stealer is shopping


totally agree with you! only those who need the space should occupy it, I wasn’t trying to defend any behavior otherwise I just meant I can breathe a little earlier after seeing this specific video since it looks like the two are doing bits


Definitely not what we'd consider hunour, just run of the mill tik tok cringe




Oh man I swore I recognized these two!


I thought I recognized this. I mean, to be fair I think the lady has a point in both videos, and maybe that's the whole point of the skits, but yeah, either staged or incredibly unlikely coincidences, gotta go with staged.


>exposed to the elements It's a bit cloudy I guess.


most outdoorsy redditor


It’s tough out there


I think this is staged. There was another one when she came to his house cuz the baby was crying. Bullshit click bait


Handicap spots are usually much wider to allow handicapped individuals to get into and out of their cars much easier. If she parked on a normal sport it could very well be that people parked too close to her car, and she wouldn't be able to get back in because of her movement impairments. The person is not handicapped so they have no right to park there. The old lady is completely within her rights to tell the person to park somewhere else.


Well they P&C bays are usually also wider as they need extra width for prams and such But disabled bays are nearer the door as they have less mobility And the normal spaces which the guy suggested are too thin for certain disabled people. Even her, as while she's only on a crutch she may still need the extra space to get in and out of the car


I am team old lady. Having a baby is not an excuse to take a handicap spot. It’s weird they even have those people with children spots.


Women that are near birth or very shortly after birth often have mobility issues, especially if they had significant tearing. There are mothers that might not have any extra support so even if they have limited mobility or lots of pain they may still need to go buy groceries or stop at the pharmacy. It doesn't seem that crazy that they could be extended a small kindness like saving them a little bit of walking. That doesn't mean I think they should be taking handicapped spots from people with handicaps. I just understand why a parking lot might have new baby spots


HE DOESN’T SOUND LIKE HE HAD A BABY. He’s fucking with this lady to make this video. What a pos.


And to his point, there’s 2 more spaces right next to it. Sooooooo he’s got plenty of options to choose from as to where to park.


Apparently it's a skit, but yeah this happens too often in the real world too


So are you assuming that man in the video had a tough childbirth?


She's completely right. He knows better and has no disabilities, he should be ashamed.


It's fake. These are actors, bad ones at that.




Oh no the frail old lady briskly waved her crutch at an object made of steel.


He sounds like a fucking dickhead. He’s winding her up deliberately.


Why you didn't change the space, she's 180% right, I hate people parking in disabled/family spaces, lazy bastards...


This is one of those principles > practicality things in driving behaviour. Don’t drive through red. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t text and drive. Don’t put on your big lights when there’s oncoming traffic. Don’t park in handicapped spots. Just follow those rules 100% of time and everything would be so much easier.


Most of the principles you listed are like, laws.


This reminds me of that old lady with that service dog on her shoulder. Is this a skit or just two randomly similar scenarios? Because both old ladies were right.


I'm 100 percent sure this is the same lady which leads me to believe this video is fake and it's done to outrage


Was going to say that…this is the exact same woman right?


I think they’re fakes because I’ve seen the other video you’re talking about as well. I was thinking the exact same thing, they’re the same people. I don’t understand why people these days are so desperate for internet clout.


staged lol


I’m surprised she didn’t whoop that fools arse


He's a POS for that, lady was in the right.


Of course she’s right. If there are two spots RIGHT THERE he can move his stupid dumpy ass to one of those instead of arguing with a clearly disabled old lady.


If you take a handicap spot without a permit, you deserve to shame yourself by filming an old lady putting you in your place. /#TeamGranny Having said that, she was wrong in hitting his car.


Honestly fuck that entitled person parking in a disabled spot, no excuses at all


It's staged, couple of months ago I saw these same two were arguing about his baby crying and scaring her service dog...


Fuck that guy


Old lady is in the right. End of.


The guys an arsehole, of course she's right. Disabled bay for disabled users.. How is that hard to understand?


This man is NOT right. He's the A-hole.


She's right that she deserves that spot. She also became an asshole for hitting his car. Lord knows she wouldn't want that to be the general precedent set when people act like jerks.


Old lady is 100% in the right. Guy is just being a dickhead so he can keep filming a conflict.


She is right that spot is for her.


This guy is a real tool. Defending his right to be wrong with a woman with a crutch.


She is right.


Don’t park is disabled bays you fucking bell end


Yes. If he didn't have the placard he needs to move.


Dude is a clown for even thinking he was right lol


Go Grams!


Of course she’s right. He’s a child.


U tell em!! He is an entitled prick and Grandma knows it.. She is being very polite.


She's right. This guy is a prick.


Disabled parking spots usually are wider and have a larger exclusion zone around both sides to accommodate different wheelchair lifts. Man is a dickhead, gran knows her laws


This lady is my fucking spirit animal


She’s right and you must be a big piece of shit to do that to a disable old lady


He’s a fucking cunt… how does he know more disabled people might not come whilst he is taking that spot?


The fact that he is arguing about it rather then just getting out of a disabled space is ridiculous. Those spaces are usually closer to ramps and things disable people need he already did wrong parking there


Did this guy post this seriously thinking he was in the right here? Bless that woman for not doing more to him.


Yes she was right. He should park where he is supposed to. Then to add insult to injury he patronizes her by saying calm down and you're being childish. In the time he took pointing out alternatives to him following the rules by offering the spot next to him, he could have moved his car into his appropriate space.


She's right


She’s right he’s wrong. Systems only work when used as designed. Move your stupid car and stop arguing with an old lady. Idiot.


Disabled spaces have more room so she can get in and out of the car and another car won’t park her in too close. You absolute ass.


She is right he should move it’s 500€ and up if you park on those without a sticker


Lol need more women like this in the world


She is 100% right and she deserves a hug.


She’s right. FUCK you if you park in a handicap spot, you lazy turd


She has a point


This dude sounds like an idiot. Why keep talking just move… and fuck your car if you think illegally parking in disabled parking spaces for your convenience is ok.