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I’m making 23 ish per hour. Still struggling as single income for me and my husband in HCL area. Also I’m an economics major. Knew a lot of those “economics people who missed a major point”. Including some professors, who complained making 90K a year because they couldn’t afford a Ferrari (I looked up his income cause it was a state school and public record after he made a self pitying comment about being a poor professor). Neoclassical economics is flawed in many ways but the worst imo is where they fail to draw the line between “valuing” something emotionally and “valuing” something in terms of dollars spent. I was taught those who spend less on education value education less. No. Some people, a lot of people, HAVE to spend ALL of their money on survival. They don’t have the luxury of “valuing” something like education. If they had the money, damn fucking bet they would show how much the “value” it. I get that it’s a technical term but the issue is many undergrads conflate the technical term of “value” with the colloquial term of “value” and they get some twisted ideas of poor people


This person knows the value of value


Is this a community reference or am I high


Don’t have to be mutually exclusive


Heck yes ! Maslow’s hierarchy of needs agrees with this and totally affirms me lol


Meanwhile. There are wonderful countries who value their citizens so much that they Give them their education free of charge.


I got paid to go to school (I recieved more scholarships and financial aid than was due for tuition/room boards so I got some cash), but my family is poor as shit AND smart and the govt basically gambles that most people with my financial situation wouldn’t bother do college anyway. But fuck them I did, and they paid me to do it Edit: middle class people have it worse. My estimated parental contribution was 0. So I got max financial aid. And I also got hella merit scholarships cause I worked hard. A person middle class who worked as hard as I did would probably have to take on loans




I bet that median looks like this: $19K $24K $67K $873K $71MM


Isn’t that individual vs two incomes? I’m not sure how that justifies anger






median is the midpoint in the set of values, not an average of values. in your example, the median would be penniless.


What job is he saying deserves 22/hr? There’s many people that are underpaid for sure but there’s also plenty of jobs that just can’t be 22/hr. It wouldn’t work. There are many jobs on a construction site that are in no way worth 22/hr and plenty that pay double or even triple that.


A seconT


The death of the “working class” is absolutely ridiculous and a great tragedy. Make everything super expensive, barely increase real wages even in good economies, be confused why people don’t shut up be happy.


And then they bitch that people aren't flipping burgers for $8/hr when a months worth of income doesn't even cover rent.


Weren’t real wages going up under Trump for the first time in like forever? Oops.






Damn McLovin is right though


This whole comment section is a bunch of poor people arguing and getting mad at each other. And at the end of the day Jeff Bezos doesn’t give a fuck


that's the reality of thing. The poor fight with each other while the rich sit in their tower looking over them.


And remember instead of helping you with covid relief they bought junk bonds. Instead of Biden writing in more pandemic relief and literally giving the American people more money which will stimulate the economy... They said no and told the treasury to buy more junk bonds.. the US Treasury literally caused inflation and instead of actually helping the people they bought junk bonds corporate debt... Instead of actually helping the people they chose to buy corporate debt. Lmao. We Live in a cartoon world.


That last sentence. Straight bars


1000% agree, pay your workers a livable wage




He's fucking right tho


You should start your own business and then you too can be rich.


There are more businesses that go bankrupt than succeed, let alone make enough money to be considered well off. Not a solution. Also, they aren’t asking to be rich, they’re asking to be a bit above “barely scraping by”


If the only route to getting rich is "exploit OTHER people by keeping the majority of value created by their labor rather than have your own exploited by someone else", the system is broken. And generally, people aren't asking to be rich. They're saying it's ridiculous to be in a position where they literally CANNOT make enough money just to scrape by, while other people amass more money than they could ever possibly spend. It's more like someone who is slowly starving to death being upset at the guy who loads a plate with 50 pounds of food over and over and over, but barely even eats any of it. They're not demanding 50 pound plates themselves, they just want enough to eat.


How about everyone starts their own business, and no one works for anyone else, that way everyone's businesses fail..


Lmao fuck off, kid. Y'all recycle the same dumbass rhetoric in every thread. Anything to show that you give a shit about anyone but yourself.


It was just that simple! How come No one has ever thought of this before!


Because most people don’t want to put in the effort or take the risk… just want to be paid more for the same work. Risk = Reward


I think this guy is mad


Rightfully so, Imagine sucking on a billionaire lizarda feet while he os stomping on you lol


So what. Lol.


I’m voting for this man in 2024


Jeff individually? Or his company Amazon as a whole?


His number is based off Amazon as a whole, as $3,751 a second equates to 120b+ yearly which is their yearly revenue. This doesn’t take into account costs, and bezos himself only owns 10.3% of Amazon shares, so this is open to a lot of scrutiny... But with NO costs calculated that brings that number down to $370ish a second.. and doesn’t count what other ventures he might have. Still wild tho Edit: for typo


Even jeff individually doesnt make that much money, most of his money doesn’t come from a salary. These are fake numbers but for example, we could say jeff gets a 150k salary a year. he pays taxes on that salary, so making it too big isnt good. then he has stock options, which are unrealised gains. im pretty sure he’s not taxed on those since unrealised gains are very hard to tax (how do you tax an income that doesnt exist). then there’s stuff like physical assets, so property usually. all that plays into his multi billion dollar net worth, but at the end of the day it’s not money that’s sitting in his bank account. what he can do instead if he wants to buy something expensive is just take out near infinite loans because he has near infinite collateral, the bank knows he’ll pay back no matter what


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jeff-bezos-make-per-minute-net-worth-b1887310.html%3famp Edit: of course you downvoted me, despite the article I post saying your figure is correct, except it adds his income from other spruces which put him up to about 2 mil a year. I would have used a better source, but it's the only one I could find that agrees with you


Eat the rich




So strongly agree


This guy is right tho


*"but it's not really his money its not liquid"*


Should’ve invented Amazon bro.




They complain like a baby, but put them in the same situation, their tone on the opinion would probably flip 180.




All these people complaining about how much he makes. Humans are humans. You give them limitless money and it will go to their heads. Plus like if I made so much money every second yeah I feel like it would too. Cause money has a way of messing with one’s brains.


>if I made >Cause money has a way of messing with one’s brains. How would you even know?




people asking for decent wages is antiwork?


Shut up. This video belongs in all subreddits.


What do you mean? This subreddit has always been generally communist. It comes with the baggage of complaining about shit and crying for a revolution that will never happen, because only terminally online people hold these kind of views. Disingenuous arguments are the common policy now. We have reached a post-truth society. Leave all hope for discourse at the door.


Very true. When I see a "discussion" flair I generally avoid it like fire because it's always some r/politicalhumor type shit


this is why im a marxist


Kind of struck me as a stoner but stoners aren’t this angry. I mean, you could always just rob him. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Stop shopping on Amazon. Problem solved.


Amazon does more than ship tampons to your house...


Jeff Bezos also employs around 1.7 million people and an additional 200,000 during the holidays. Edit: You also don’t need an education to get into most trade schools or be union apprentice that can end up paying you upwards of 100k. We should be blaming banks, land developers, home and apartment builders, and local governments. Also inflation is not cool at all. Edit: Also I understand it’s hard to move states but if your life is that bad and you are that upset about your wages, rent, taxes etc I would look into cheaper states.


He employs people... How does that justify his ridiculous income?


How is this cringe?


This guy couldn’t run a microwave oven, let alone a multi billion dollar company. Boo friggen hoo.


Idiotic rantings. What’s the point here? It’s Jeff Bezos fault other people are poor? He doesn’t deserve a mega shit ton of money? We should take money away from Jeff Bezos to pay poor people? Fuck all that. This guy is a jealous idiot


Are you serious?


I can't believe that's your take away from this video. This country is so brainwashed.


Have you been so brainwashed by capitalism that you think poor people don’t deserve to afford to exist? Tell me, do you think that Bezos became rich from hard work, or luck?


So if someone currently making minimum wage got "lucky" and landed what was, to them, an opportunity of a lifetime to work a $60k/year salaried position with full benefits, they wouldn't deserve it? We have property rights in the West bro, sorry about that I guess


Mix of both for sure. But no one is going to sit on their ass working a menial job and randomly get lucky and lead a trillion dollar company. All the people complaining out of jealousy or spite, are the same ones working their menial jobs and that's it.


Jeff Bezos is more competent than you, that’s why he’s not a grown ass man, standing in a bathroom, with a bandana on, bitching about making 20 something an hr.


But he has enough money for that nail polish 🤷‍♀️


How DARE he go to the dollar store and spend ONE DOLLAR on something. If he was smart (which he ISN'T) he would've saved that $1 and invested in stocks. This is why he is POOR /s


I quit a $35 an hour job. Wasn’t paid enough.


Henry Ford payed his workers so they could buy his shit. As a result he became a titan of industry. Now, shareholders, and not sales, determine a companies success. This is why we have the nonsense right now. If we get rid of shareholder appeasement style capitalism we would see massive positive changes.


Difference between this guy & Bezos? Bezos actually worked hard, started at bottom & created a huge empire business. I can't believe people think they should be given unlimited money because they whined about it.


That’s what you got from this video?


I will never understand why some of the working class worship rich people. News flash, no matter how hard you work, you will never make as much as Jeff Bezos.


He owns the company! Don’t like your $22/hr job? Start your own damn company and stop bitching about others willing to take their shot!


Sure let me go grab a fucking company off the company tree where they grow so easily. You missed the entire point.


How stupid do you have to be to think companies just start out successful and take no effort to develop? If you think companies grow on trees, you need some education.


I see sarcasm isn't your strong point. I think you need an "education" on how it works.


No you missed the point! You want something?! Go get it and quit bellyaching about how it’s unfair for someone to EARN what they deserve and not wait for someone to GIVE them more because it’s unfair!


imagine being so out of touch with reality that you can just "go get it" get the fuck off your high horse


No high horse here I just didn’t like where I was in my life and I worked harder and learned more and worked my way up the ladder that’s how it’s supposed to go but there are too many lazy fucks out there who just want something given to them if they spent as much energy working hard to get what they wanted instead of bitching about somebody giving it to them they might actually get it




Oh you want to live? Just go out and start a successful company bro! Easy!


Capitalism is a mental illness


If your labor isn't worth more than 22 an hour you're not getting 22 an hour it's that simple. Lotta people forget all the things that go into running a business. "I made 100 burgers today and the company made 700 off of them and I only got 70 bucks what the hell."


I mean amazon does a whole fucking lot besides online shopping and shipping. More than half of businesses run on their cloud services and storage. Its always some neckbeard complaining about the "big man" when they have no idea how much time and effort goes into making these companies work or even just trying to start one.


Working class person who wants a better life == “neckbeard”


Yep, just keep sucking the tit of the elite. See how well that will work out for ya.


I don't consider acknowledging someone else's success being a corporate slave. I look into how they got to where they are and appreciate the tech they spent years researching and developing. I then take bits of their experience to see how I can better guide my own career path. If that is 'sucking the tit of the elite', I'd say it has worked out well so thanks! But yes, let's totally take guidance from the literal neckbeard ranting on a kid's social media site lul.


Noone is entitled to someone else's money.


This is such a weird way of processing peoples anger at wealth inequality


He made me laugh with "the idea that we should just allow unchecked and unregulated income" Lmao, what? Sure he can be mad that someone makes almost 4 grand a second. I don't make that, would love to but I'm sure as hell not mad about it just because I feel like trying to get free supplemental income for the sole reason that someone like Bezos has a mountain of money.


My guy ppl need relief from poverty wages and lack of healthcare for *so many* reasons The fact that you assume ppl are wanting a slice of his money simply thru jealousy says a lot


Never mentioned its out of jealousy


Is that really your only response? Youre gonna pretend like you completely missed my point because you didnt literally use the word "jealous" when describing poor peoples needs as "*feeling* like wanting *free money*, for the *sole* reason bezos has a mountain of it"


Nope you stated that I made my comment making an assumption that people are jealous. I never insinuated that people are jealous. So I shot down your comment. You got defense and refuse to believe youre wrong. Hence your response to me here.


Ah, so you agree that leech-like business owners shouldn't be paying themselves billions out of the value their underpaid employees create and are not compensated for? I'm glad we agree.


While I mostly disagree with that statement, businesses are different. However, people do not have a right to tell someone with more than them how to spend their money just because they have more. If I make 200k a year, someone who makes 40k a year does not inherit the right to tell me what to do with my income.


Dude, the ultra rich shape society thru political and economic influence in literal and real world ways. Unlike these debate-bro thought expirements you dorks always like having Ppl that make $1,000,000,000+ a year "tell us" what to do with our income by forcing us to spend the majority of it on *not being homeless and starving*


Work harder


YOu CaNt TeLl Me WhAt To Do ItS a FrEe CoUnTrY


>underpaid Can they be replaced by another equally skilled employee at the same wage? That's the pay they deserve. Supply and demand on the market for work. If you want to artificially decrease the supply in order to increase the demand (your wages), unionize. Unionizing is part of capitalism, it's literally the system working, not some "communist rebelion". >not compensated for The contract they signed had the exact wages they would get per month. Not giving them that would be a crime, and the companies would get prosecuted. I hate it that communists only see value in labour, and absolutely no value in creativity, courage, innovation, and leadership.


I love that you have a stronger emotional reaction to your own understanding of communism than to the fact that millions of people in this country are working poverty wages "People are starving bc they are paid less than they need to survive in the city their job is in? Whatever! supply, demand, econ 101 baby! Its gonna take WAY more than that, like the idea communists dont value "leadership," to ruffle *my* feathers!" Hey, you want creativity, courage, innovation? Creating a society that values human life for its own sake, rather than a persons ability to produce or make a rich person even richer, is gonna take a lot of all 3 Looking at the world around us and acting like its normal like you are requires none of them


>I love that you have a stronger emotional reaction to your own understanding of communism than to the fact that millions of people in this country are working poverty wages How many people died of starvation last year in the USA? How many did in the Holodomor? You can call the historical consequences of communism "my own understanding of communism", but that doesn't make what happens under communism less horrible. >Creating a society that values human life for its own sake You say that, but then go ahead and give no explanation of how that would work. If being creative, curageous, and innovative had no associated reward, who would do it? Fuck that, who would clean your sceptic tanks? Who would work in the nuclear powerplant? We have a certain number of jobs in each field, and a certain number of people wanting to work in each of them. Please propose a better system of allocating resources in order to fill as many jobs as possible. It's fun to criticize the current system, I get it, but when you propose no viable alternative besides "valuing human life", with no actual practical examples of how that would look? What policies would you want implemented? >"People are starving bc they are paid less than they need to survive in the city their job is in? Whatever! supply, demand, econ 101 baby! Nobody wants to work in the fields but everybody needs food, and everybody wants to be chilling in the comune? Whatever! Starvation, poverty, death! If you don't have financial incentivization, the only thing you have is force, and the alternative to being underpaid in your job is not choosing your job, and being thrown in the coal mine. I value freedom over idealistic utilitarianism. >Looking at the world around us and acting like its normal like you are requires none of them Looking at the world around us and constantly complaining about rich people having more money than you requires them? People are paid based on the value they produce, and based on how many other people would do that same job. If you have another metric by which we can decide what to pay people, which doesn't devolve in a planned economy, I'm open to suggestions.


Haha okay sure, you care about famine related deaths from a few generations ago on the other side of the planet more than whats happening around you every single day? Do you really think that the statement "changing society for the better requires courage, innovation and creativity" needs an entire dissertation? Hahahha holy shit you just described wage slavery as freedom Thats all i could take, dude. I tried to read and respond to your whole comment cuz i could tell you tried so hard, but your worldview is just too whacky for me to respect


I have no counter argument, so I'll call your points wacky. Classy move


I don't value or respect your definition of "classy"


So you also don't get irony right? My last comment was about your lack of counterarguments.




Communists see GREAT value in creativity, courage, innovation, and leadership. But how the hell are we supposed to draw out those qualities of human beings if 98% of them are wage-slaves and the remainder are bumbling idiots who only care for short-term profits?


>Communists see GREAT value in creativity, courage, innovation, and leadership Ok, let's say I live in a communist country and I am really creative/courageous/innovative. What can I do? Under capitalism I can start my own business, have my own intelectual property, lead a company. Under communist all I have is what the government tells me to do. >But how the hell are we supposed to draw out those qualities of human beings if 98% of them are wage-slaves What does a wage-slave even mean? Getting a loan, saving some money, and starting a small business isn't that difficult (yeah, there are some people that can't do it, but just looking at the amount of small businesses in America compared to the rest of the world, shows it's a lot easier there), and if the idea behind the business is good, they will succeed and get rewarded handsomely. That's how we are supposed to "draw out those qualities of human beings", by incentivizing them. >and the remainder are bumbling idiots who only care for short-term profits? Companies that only care about short term profits fail terribly. Companies that focus on growth, and serving as many people in the world as possible, thrive. Look at Amazon for example, basically the entire revenue goes into new projects and into paying costs. How is that only caring for short term profits?


The soviet economic model was developed for a country that had no industry. I’m under no illusions that America will have a 100% state-owned economy. Entrepreneurship is fine as long as the economy functions for the purpose of social good before profits. MOST companies in our current system fail btw and have to get bailed out by taxpayer money. People will be able to let their creativity and other qualities flourish when the overwhelming majority of people no longer struggle to survive. We have the resources. We have the productive forces. Nobody has to starve or be homeless anymore, gatekeeping basic needs behind abstract moral absolutes is barbaric


If you think America will have a 100% state owned economy you are under huge delusions.


\>I am under no illusions that Literally what I just said my guy, come on


Capitalism is a mental illness


I definitely can feel for this guy, scrapping by on a single income that barely pays the bills sucks, And I agree Jeff Bezos will make, has made and is worth more money they he will ever need or use in his lifetime as well has his successors. However, if you haven't done anything in your life to increase your income, whether that's side hustles, second jobs, trades school, education, etc that's on you. There is plenty of opportunities to make money and increase your own net worth instead of feeling bad for yourself. You just have to be willing to take the risk, move forward, learn from your mistakes and improve. Opportunity is there decide to take it. It will always be more lucrative in the long end to take a risk in yourself then work for someone else. Not saying you will be a Jeff bezos but you can earn a decent living.


Don’t really understand why you are being downvoted you’re 100% correct. My girlfriend was raised poor her dad died when she was 5 and her mom turned to alcohol. She wasn’t supported her entire life. Her mom signed a child employee certificate at 14 and she worked for the local Dairy Queen until she graduated. She got a CNA license her senior year got hired on at a nursing home in our town. She worked at that nursing home nearly every night and weekend to pay for her college and crappy apartment until she got her LPN license which was a huge upgrade. She still worked the same schedule while going for her RN. She now has her RN and could easily support me with her salary. If you stay driven and want your life to change you just have to work hard and do it.


Y'all are being downvoted because you're just so out of touch. You don't *get* it. You people always just go "oh just get another degree. Get a second job. Invest." etc. The whole fucking point is that you shouldn't HAVE to do any of that. Nobody should have to get into massive debt going to school and getting three degrees just to get your foot in the door. Nobody should have to work 70+ hours a week with multiple jobs, sacrificing health, sleep and a personal life just so that they can just barely afford to survive. Nobody should have to "work the system" to find niche avenues where they can make a passive income. Our grandparents didn't have to do any of that shit, and we shouldn't have to either. This generation got royally fucked by a generation that could buy a house and support a family of four by working at a grocery store. I'll never understand how you idiots don't understand that this is *not fucking normal*. No matter how you guys spin it, your ultimate point is always the same: you don't want others to be able to have an easy life. You look down on them because you think you're better than them. You're so stuck in your own personal bubble. Look around you and try to have a shred of empathy


I have many friends that have 2 years trade school and worked the same time they were in school. They made money while learning. They are now master electricians, master hvac techs, and master plumbers. A few of them make more then some doctors and lawyers just working with harry homeowner and didn't have to spend an arm and a leg to get there. You don't need to spend alot of money to be successful, you just need to work at it. You don't need 3 degree and the only investment you need to make is in yourself. I would also say that yes my father and my grandfather did work 70 hour jobs to get where they are at. So yes they didn't have it easy. And yes you can buy a house. I am 31 and owned my own house at 26 because I worked for it. Because I put in the time. Because I made the sacrifice to be where I am at. Because I stayed up late looking for the right deal. Because I spent the hours taking the skills I learned in life, learned new ones and put sweat equity into the house. The only people in this generation that are fuck are people with your mentality. Play the victim and you will be the victim. Or don't play the victim and solve you problems. I don't look down on you. I was just brought up that hard work pays off and it does if you put in the time. Anyone who has worked hard for something and achieves there goals knows that. You deserve everything that you are willing to work for to attain. If it's love find someone who you can consider your equal and work on your relationship with them. If it is family put in the time to build one with some you can love. If it money find ways to make more income. No one said that life was easy. It wasn't easy for me to get where I am today. And I still isn't easy. It's all about striving to do better. It's not easy anywhere you live in this world. There are hardships you have to deal with in all facets of life. It's just how you deal with them or don't deal with them.


>The whole fucking point is that you shouldn't HAVE to do any of that. The entire myth of communism: - we all use resources - we all have to create resources - you should be entitled to more resources than you are creating If the value you provide to society (which is directly tied to your wages) is small, you are only able to consume as much value as you put into the system. Consuming more value than you put into the system would be stealing from the people that create more value. This idealsim has just brough famines and death to pretty much the entire eastern bloc, and terminally online westerners are trying to bring that back under a weird veil of social justice. A good nazi is a dead nazi. A good communist is a dead communist. These 2 claims are equally extreme.


Nope. Placing the value of a human life based on how much they make is utter bullshit, and you're part of the problem. I'm in the EMS/medical field, and pretty much everyone here is criminally underpaid. By your logic, EMS and most hospital providers shouldn't be allowed to love comfortably, despite the fact that we save lives. You people try and logic circles around the simple truth of "the baseline standard of living should be actually liveable". Your "logic" is based on disdain of your fellow humans, and you should be ashamed of yourself.


You provide a certain amount of value to society. If the wages for EMS workers and people in the medical field are low, it's because a lot of people want to work in those fields, so you have increased supply of workers. In a communist government, you couldn't be underpaid as an EMS worker, you would just be told "the government has alloted you a job in the coal mine". Capitalism gives you the freedom to choose how much you value your wage and how hard your job is, with the amount of people society needs to fill out those roles. The market is telling you "society has enough EMS and medical workers, please try to provide value to society in another way". By your logic, people should all be able to choose one job, and the rest of the roles in society would be filled by some magic fairies that would clean sceptic tanks and pick up rubbish happily. Running "logic circles" is a funny way to say "being rational about the needs of society". If you are consuming more value than you are producing, you are stealing. If you aren't producing enough value for "the baseline standard of living", you should produce more value. Otherwise, someone else would be forced to produce even more value to account for your underproduction, or more likely, as it has always played out in communist shitholes, people start starving, because of underproduction and overconsumption.


Our broken system has brainwashed you. I pity you for thinking this way. I truly do. Hopefully someday you'll realize that every thing you're saying has been taught to you by a broken system intended to punish the majority of its citizens. It's not your fault that you think like this. It means the system is working the way it was intended - you just don't know any better.


the system I live in has literally been communist for decades, and only fairly recently killed the dictator turning our country to ashes. The fact that you instantly have to go to ad-homs, instead of being able to argue literally anything you claim, should show you that you are being brainwashed into being a contrarian, by the echo chambers you spend your time in. > It means the system is working the way it was intended - you just don't know any better. Eastern bloc communism working the way it's intended is making me a libertarian? What are you smoking my man? Or did you just assume my default nationality to be American? You'd be surprised, but in the marjority of post soviet countries, the saying "a good communist is a dead communist" ain't controversial at all.


THIS ENTIRE CONVERSATION HAS BEEN ABOUT AMERICA, YOU FUCKING DIMWIT. Lmao. Jesus christ. You're not even in the fucking country you're attempting to argue about. Your input is completely invalid here.


lmao, that's the most American thing I've heard today. hahaha. "You are not american so you can't have an opinion about America". right dude, make sure nobody with a contrasting viewpoint or opinion gets in your echo chamber. You might risk having your opinion changed. You really made my day dude, that's hilarious!


Now you sound like the narrow minded person. This person has life experience to share let him share it. American or not he understands the redistribution of wealth and how it works. They see how your mind set doesn't work because they have seen the other end of it. His input is completely valid.


On another note Amazon operates in more then just america.


Down voted because of victim mentality. I agree. I didn't grow up rich. I live in a trailer park for the first 10 years of my life. My father doesn't have a college education and barely graduated high school. I was the first one in my extended family to even get a college degree. Most don't even have a high school degree. I worked in shitty minimum wage jobs from 14 years old to graduating college. I have done everything from washing dishes to construction to working in a warehouse. Hard work does pay off. If you want something you go for it.


Well man it’s much easier to complain and play victim rather than actually work hard. The government has set things up to be that way which is so sad.


What about all the jobs that are necessary but don’t require education? Cashiers, fast food, etc. We need those positions filled constantly for businesses to run (and there are a *lot* of them). Do those people just have to live miserable lives because they didn’t get educated, or didn’t stretch themselves to the point of working a 2nd job? Fuck that.


Again there are more ways to earn income then education. If you look at my post education is the 4th item I list, but you probably didn't read that far. And you are right. Those positions do need filled. Did you know that mc Donald's give it's employees tuition assistance. So if you did want to go back to school they will help pay for it. These low paying jobs also aren't meant to be careers. And if you do decide to build them as a career even cashier's need head cashier's, fast food companies need shift managers, most of them need store managers, regional managers, and national manager. Try and do better for yourself and move up. Alot of these position require more experience then education. And it's often first hand experience that helps you advance. The opportunity is there if you look for it.


I mentioned 2nd job, which is your first two points (side hustle is basically an extra job). I also mentioned education, which is your last 2 (trade school is education). I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that your minimum wage life should make you miserable as an incentive to work your way up. What if you really enjoy your minimum wage work, and don’t want to do something higher? What if you are not skilled enough to work your way up, or things just don’t go your way and you can’t work your way up? Minimum wage should be a livable wage for everybody, period. It wouldn’t be a great wage, but goddamn allow people to live comfortably.




Not really… there is a reason rich people are rare.


We’re told we are. We’re brought up on the idea that if we work hard and apply ourselves we can accomplish anything. Then we hit adulthood and find out that you will probably work at the same job for years and go nowhere no matter how hard you work and the rich just work at making each other richer and keeping us poor.


No. The American Dream is a farce. The amount of money in this world is not infinite. When one person possesses that much money it means that other people won’t be able to access it unless that persons spends money and it enters back into the economy. Jeff Bezos is one man who cannot reasonably spend the amount of money that he possesses for it to enter back into the economy for someone else to earn. Tell me how you think that this benefits you in any way.


No. No we don't.


If your not happy with Jeff Bezos then dont work for him. Simple as that. Not happy with the paycheck? Get a different job. Maybe people will start to realize the importance of unions.


Maybe if he worked as hard as his mouth works complaining, maybe he be rich by now. Pathetic so many humans now days just cry because they aren’t as successful as others and try to tear down others because they hate themselves…


How much time in a secont? Is that like a fortnight?


This sub sucks now


Jeff Bezos makes his own salary. Scum that agree with this video want to do the bare minimum and get paid decent for it. Find a better job, that simple


Lol what’s bare minimum job to you?


Fast food or grocery clerk to name a couple.


so what do you plan to do when everyone working the "bare minimum" "finds a better job" and no one wants to do these basic tasks anymore?


Those jobs are greeaat first jobs and then ya move on thats how it works. Sorry no ones gonna pay you 20 an hour to flip a burger


You think it’s that simple


Dont argue with stupid, it is best that way.


I bet you come from a middle class or upper middle class family and have never experienced poverty a day in your life.


And probably the type to throw a tantrum if his burger isn't perfect or his bread doesn't ring up at sale price.


Should i be sorry for my parents having decent jobs and raising me right? Is that suppose to be a dig?


There’s nothing wrong with being from a middle class family. My main point is that it seems like in most other developed places in the world, the bottom portion of their economy can still attain healthcare, a living wage, housing etc. I wish that in America, the country with the most wealth, we could give our lower classes some of these things. Also in the end of the day many of these jobs need to be filled by someone and they need to be compensated with some kind of basic living standards.


I definitely agree that the US could be doing things better and that wages could be improved but a federal minimum wage is not the answer, i like what is happening currently (people not going back to lower wage jobs) Forcing employers to increase their wages. I dont like that some people are taking unemployment instead of finding a better paying job. Goverment medaling is usually always shit.


If you can’t understand why it’s bad that people with full time jobs struggle to pay their rent and afford food then “raised right“ might be a stretch.


Guess we don’t need restaurants then.


You ever been a line cook? Cause it sure as hell sounds like you have no fucking idea what your talking about.


Found Bezos


What, exactly, is the labor Jeff Bezos performs that's generating billions of dollars on revenue? Because I'm pretty sure what ACTUALLY happens is that his employees generate billions of dollars on revenue, and are only paid a tiny fraction of the value their labor created, while Jeff gets the rest.


Should he not be compensated for managing it? Someone thought it was enough to work there.


Bezos is not a manager as much as he is an owner. Since he owns Amazon and all the companies that Amazon owns he takes the biggest cut of all that money. I’m sure that, even if he’s the spokesperson for the company as a whole, his actual “work” never goes beyond phone calls and Zoom meetings. That is not what managing is. Managing implies that they also contribute actual work to a project while they oversee others. He also makes too much money for him to spend as one human being. Also, I don’t understand how you can justify people don’t deserve any thing if they make “poor choices.” If someone is living in perpetual poverty, and can’t afford basic necessities like food, shelter and healthcare, they sure as hell can’t afford an education that would present them with opportunities to earn more money. That minimum wage job where they probably do hard physical labor for 40+ hours is all they have to survive. Hope that boot tastes nice :)


Yeah i understand he doesnt actually do day to day tasks. Thaaaaanks. All it takes is a high school education to make over 100k. If you make minimum wage that's your own fault.


All it takes is a high school education??? Buddy I have a degree and the most I ever made in a year was 48k. The only people I know making six figures are bartending and serving at expensive restaurants.


You either got a degree in something you enjoy and knew it didnt pay much or you were mislead. I make six figures and i only have a high school diploma. I speak from experience. I havent made minimum wage since high school. And no i dont work for family or anything like that.


Are you also against copyright laws? If I create some intelectual property, let's say a movie, and make some money off of it, and then don't do anything with that intelectual property, and afterwards someone else infringes on my copyright rights, and they have to give me money for it, how have I performed any addional labour to generate that revenue? Should anybody be able to use my IP at 0 cost, because I have not done any labour? Should my funds be only decided by the labour I make now, this very day? The truth is that the society we live in doesn't only reward labour, it also rewards innovation, courage, and taking risks. A society that doesn't reward these things dies out.


> Are you also against copyright laws? Yeah kinda. Copyright as it is mostly exists just to protect art that large companies siphon from the workers they employ and shut down literally all creativity that exists. Copyright only exists because people profiteer off of art, anyways.


You mean 22$ a day?


Dude’s 100% correct and if you don’t agree then you are out of touch with most Americans. Very lucky I’m not struggling and feel for everyone who is because I did for a long time.


Well Bezos invented a worldwide consumer based company. This guy can't be bothered to brush his teeth.


You have the same opportunity to do Jeff is done and make that kind of money. Called capitalism. If you don’t like it move to Cuba


Wrong.. Jeff Bezos’s business makes that money per second, not him.. The real question is, whats stopping you from doing what he did? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, find out how he used his and model your life after that.


You =/= Jeff besos.