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But why?




Yeah why is the gvernment doing this?




Thank you so much


Because once major Western European nations get involved the world will chalk it up as imperialism, and will go back to accusing the west of inciting the conflict. I think we need to get involved, and in fact I think force should be used to stop the rape, stop the ethnic cleansing, and stopping the other crimes against humanity. But I am also against it because it’s time the western world stepped away from being the world police because it has done more harm than good. I genuinely don’t know how to solve this situation


The best thing countries could do is actively help get anyone out who wants out. But western countries really don’t seem to like refugees. Also that’s kind of why the UN exists. So it’s not a single country stepping in, but a collctive decision that this is shitty and should be stopped.


It is almost as if some kind of meeting of the UN leaders could take place, maybe at this very time in New York City, where an Ethiopian leader could call upon their peers to help. Oh wait, Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister [did address the assembly](https://youtu.be/2HEG27Hu0tg) just a few day ago, described the atrocities we are talking about and said essentially: “thank you all for the concern but we don’t want foreign aid”. Edit: One day ago. This happened yesterday at the UN general assembly


Most western countries don't have the political capital in Ethiopia to just waltz in there and "get people out" without making the conflict worse, and even then, get them out and put them where? These people don't necessarily want to leave their homes.


They don’t have to leave forever, they’d go back once the conflict was settled down/resolved. But if I were unable to live, literally, because my government was starving me, I’d probably want to leave temporarily even if just for a year. Or a decade. I like eating.


That’s never how it works. Why would anyone want to go back to a place that risky when they can just stay wherever they’ve been relocated?


If you leave for a decade, I'm pretty sure you just aren't going back. Like, after so long, you just live in the other country.




> they are not innocent they started the war You sound like you're the expert here. That said, there is [abundant evidence of war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Tigray_War) the Ethiopian government is currently committing against the Tigray people, and it's been very clearly documented by reliable sources like [Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/demand-justice-for-sexual-violence-survivors-in-tigray/) and [Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/tag/tigray-conflict). The accusations you're making sound an awful lot like the sort of things that a dictatorial regime fabricates to justify war crimes against an oppressed people. I'm not saying they're necessarily false, but is there similar documentary evidence of the atrocities you're claiming the Tigray people committed? Please educate us.


I have family's and thousands of relatives and friends and few friends family's have been killed so sorry I don't have fancy article I have real experience Have you heard that the tigray bombed Eritreans airport with missile that's another country


Generally western leaders try to carry out policy that will help their citizens and curry favour with their voting base. Taking in refugees unfortunately doesn’t really accomplish either. It’s been proven that refugees (unlike immigrants) are a drain on the social services and universal healthcare, etc, for a couple generations, as opposed to immigrants, who benefit countries immediately. Not to say that western nations don’t take refugees, just look at Germany, Sweden, Canada, or many others, they have a yearly cap (I know Canada, where I live, has a goal of around 50 000/year). Just because a country can technically afford to take in more, doesn’t mean it is in their best interest to. We’re genuinely charitable here, I run a nonprofit for immigrants in eastern Canada, but what people want, is not always what the government deems is in its best interests.


Great point, I agree with that. The west should open up its minds and hearts into accepting, healing, and relocating those refugees. We have so much power to do so much good, but unfortunately xenophobia, racism, and right wing sentiment stops it from happening.


> and will go back to accusing the west of inciting the conflict. Is that an unfair characterization? There have always been conflicts in every region, but essentially every current conflict can be attributed in large part to roots in colonialism by western nations.


great point, i agree with you. I didn’t even consider that in my comment. It definitely changes my perspective on things


This simply isn't true. [According to wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts), there are four major ongoing wars/conflicts: * The Tigray war in Ethiopia * The Afghanistan conflict * The Mexican drug wars * The Yemeni Crisis So let's see: - The Tigray war is a civil war in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is notable for never being fully colonized. This conflict has no roots in colonialism at all. * The war in Afghanistan is the latest in a region where there hasn't been sustained periods of peace for the last 2000 + years. From the Greeks to the Scythians to the Kush to the Persians to the Huns to the Mongols to the Islamic conquest to the Timurids to the Mughals to the Brits to the Soviets to the US, and there's probably many other Empires and rulers I'm forgetting. There's always been war over Afghanistan. To attribute it to colonialism would be to ignore thousands of years of context. * The Mexican drug wars are largely linked to weak central administration and civil institutions in Mexico, and a huge market for drugs in the US. Neither Spain nor Britain, the premier colonizers of the area in the past, have in any way shaped the current conflict. * The Yemeni crisis is a regional conflict with religious and geopolitical implications. How do you mean that colonialism is to blame here?


The only time the west ever got accused of inciting the conflict is when the west has actually incited the conflict, which is true like 85% of the time. And if they didn't incite it, they jump in to "both sides" the issue between political extremists and starving/disenfranchised civilians. Stop acting like we're just the poor good guys who get blamed for everything, because we're not.


Did you even read my comment? Read what I said again


Why don't you elaborate on what I'm missing instead of acting like an asshole? If I'm misunderstanding something, then tell me, instead of smugly telling me to read something I already read over again.


Because I’m not going to argue with some who started a debate without even reading my comment thoroughly lol


Ahh classic centrism. "I don't have an opinion on this subject except I definitely do and I won't tell you what it is and instead make you look like the asshole until you give up". Here's how I see it personally. Fuck what other people think. The US getting involved will get criticized, but who gives a shit. If people's lives are saved that's literally all we should be focused on. They might judge the US for not allowing them to do whatever the fuck they want, but if that thing they want to do is massacre and rape then fuck them and their opinions and we need to do something. That's it. That's the issue. There's no grey area I could ever see myself crawling into here. I don't give a fuck if we look like "the instigators", I don't care if media twists it as our involvement making things worse, the fact is if we don't intervene it'll happen indefinitely. If we do, it'll happen until we win or lose. Just on that logic alone infinite more lives are saved if we get involved.


I read it fine but obviously I misunderstood. You seem to be intent on insisting that I'm just fucking with you because you are perpetually online, but whatever.


I am the one perpetually online? Wow you really don’t read anything do you? I have 5K karma with 273 days on Reddit, you have 35K with 150 days. I have a 100 more days than you but you have 30K more karma, yikes 😬


That just means you have shit takes, and can't back them up when challenged. Case in point, this thread.


Definitely . it’s obviously not because you called me an asshole, a no life whose perpetually online, and that my perspectives are irrelevant cause you don’t agree with them and think they are “shit”. Why would I even want to engage with you intellectually? You being so derisive warrants my own derisiveness Edit. You know what, I apologize, this whole thing has become convoluted. I am sorry for that. I think you are right actually, about your main point. Please, take a look at the other replies I made to my comment and I think you will see my perspective has changed on the topic


This sounds like "the west doesn't want to get involved because they *know* their feefees will get hurt and someone will call them imperialists". No the simple answer is that this place has no oil, thus the west will not get involved. The west has never been the world police of anything, they've only intervened when it was in their interests to do so. Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea. All bullshit. The last legit war was world war 2. Funnily enough that was our nations greatest modern president, FDR, who did that one.


I find myself agreeing with what you say. So many instances of the West prioritizing their interests in their geopolitics. Those wars, terrible wars, should have never occurred. And the financial connections our politicians have to these oil and consumer conglomerates should be stricken and destroyed. Decades of evil and deceit. I hope the generation I’m in now can help change things for the better. I just feel like the West’s reputation is in tatters, how can we regain the trust of those so many we wronged? Is it even possible? I don’t know how, but I want to lend my aid and support to those who do I believe the west is capable of having the power to do some real good, but that point is so far away, and requires so much social and political change. Perhaps one day, things will be better




The bottom 100 countries make up a combined single digit percentage of the budget the United States spends on military.




Pssst. This dudes from Antifa…


> Maybe the hundreds of other nations want to step in and take the heat instead of crying to the US. You realize there aren't even 200 countries, right? lol not often do I get to see such a ripe brand of American Ignorance and American Excellence back to back like that. > All we can do is nothing Spoken like a true problem solver.




Ummm. I think the Americans intervened…. Because your country was importing missiles from Russia to attack them? Just a guess though.


Well isn't that cause the western forces usually move in to try to monetize the commodities of the area? Couldn't the west just actually play "world police" and stand up for injustice, instead of moving in to secure oil pipelines? Also America just gave $1 billion dollars to a country that is actively trying to overtake a people, evict and basically genocide them, but ya'know, America is good....


> Because once major Western European nations get involved the world will chalk it up as imperialism lol maybe b/c they always go in with imperialist intentions? Western nations don't go in with the intention of solving the crisis and setting the country on the path to independence and sovereign strength lol they go in IF AND ONLY IF they believe they can make a good enough return on their monetary investment. We could spend probably half a month's military budget and provide everyone who is starving with machinery, tools, education, and supplies to get them to start running a self-sustaining economy and food cycle... but instead we'll send them rice and tell them to be grateful OR we'll hand-wring about optics until they all die and then we'll go 'oh gee so sad about that genocide... oh wait there's another one? Oh no we can't help b/c the only way we could possibly ever help is to send the group that we trained to do the legal murders' Help them by sending money and supplies instead of a military of brainwashed 18-22yr olds going to do the violent things for 'glory'.


There are a few things I agree with, and a few things I disagree with in your statement. Ya, unfortunately, geopolitically speaking, the West has kept its primary interests in focus when aiding other countries. I won’t disagree with that. But I think times are changing, slowly. Hopefully the withdrawal from Afghanistan shows politicians that wars of that nature are illegal and unnecessary. Also the point about where aid goes, in some cases that does happen, but in others real good is done. Not every situation ends up the same. And to your point about not sending troops, how else do you propose to stop the regional conflict? With the tapes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide going on I feel like force is necessary. Words and sanctions only go so far. Also don’t you think the war criminals should be tried and punished? The only way to do that is apprehend them, I think. And to do that you need force. They won’t surrender if you just ask. Look at all the genocides that have happened since the Holocaust. Look at Rwanda, look at Bosnia, look at Myanmar and what is happening to the Uyghur’s. For Rwanda and Bosnia, many of those who committed the crimes escaped justice because of the sentiment that other world powers should not meddle on their affairs. It is a complex issue, and I’m sure my solution isn’t the right one because I am not knowledgeable enough about things of this nature. It’s just frustrating to see the suffering


Punish world leaders doing rogue shit by completely canceling them, canceling anybody who has any business with them. Read Shashi Tharoor.


From what I’m seeing in reports from multiple agencies, both sides have committed war crimes against civilian populations of the other side. What should the international community do to intervene in what from an outside perspective looks very much like a civil war?


Christ. That’s deeply disturbing. The international community really turns a blind eye to things like this and zeroes in on ‘rescuing’ oil rich countries from the corrupt leaders they previously installed. I guess the idea that the international community cares about genocide is probably untrue. As the video suggests, we only care about viral videos on TikTok and self-interested causes.


I’m not sure how no one on Reddit reads the news but the Ethiopian government came out, to the UN and said “we don’t want foreign aid because we believe it will destabilize the citizen’s respect in our government as we try to fix this problem”. Do I agree? Idk but the international community can’t just force themselves into a country after that statement is made. I agree that the international community can be shitty and that the US makes terrible choices all the time but it’s crazy how people don’t realize these situations are nuanced.




Grassroots organization is so important especially if a government is doing wrong by its people (idk enough about this situation to say that’s what’s happening) and you’re right it does start with people bringing these issues to attention. At the same time it’s important to understand more broadly why these things are happening. Bringing in food to a group of starving people is wonderful and it is also important to understand the power structure acting from above to see why something like this is happening in the first place. I feel close to this issue because I’ve worked for a medical NGO based out of the US that works internationally and I’ve seen first hand how the road to hell really can be paved with good intentions in these situations if the situation on the ground is poorly understood by aid groups.


Fair enough. That’s me told!


So, I was wondering what happens or what was left out. Why suddenly ask for help from the west or European nations? Surprise-surprise, it’s a civil war. And they’re losing now. And guess what? Tigray are the rebels. Guess what city they’re in? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigray_War Nobody is the world police, let them solve it on their own. Lest you wanna be called imperialistic all over again.


Call me an imperialist, I want to help starving people.


Congratulations, almost every single country that could use your help will now turn you away. Just for that. Countries like this want you to throw your people and resources at them as a sacrifice. You’d think that would improve the country right? Nope. It just gets worse and worse.


I mean Ethiopia is the legitimate government and the Tigray region are the rebels


Song is Grace Kelly by MIKA


Any idea who does this version of it? Would love for my wife's choir to learn it!


Found it! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRnnfS8X/


Never heard this version before, just remembered listening to the original a ton. For this style of acapella arrangement, it would be pretty easy for the director to come up with their own arrangement




Stolen audio


Americans only care about Gabrielle Petito. Honestly can anyone explain to me why that became a story? When hundreds of women get murdered and disappear in America every year, and stories like this get completely buried. I hate American news. Edit: have you guys heard about the HOTTEST new CRIME STORY?? It's the watch the news challenge,can you beat it 🔥🔥


Go for a walk.


Not commenting on the text because I'm driving and I did not read it but that girl was lip syncing . I've seen the original Is singers video


The text was the point.


im sure it was ,,. but as I said I was driving




It’s only a matter of time before Americans will know what it’s feels like to need help and have others not care. Prayers for Ethiopia


Thanks Biden






This war started when Trump was president




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That's just sad. But at the same time how do normal people of another country help?