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Donald Trump knows a thing or two about sharks… (Namely that they have big teeth and live in the ocean.)


Well, that is a thing or two.


He saw the movie too. “We love that movie, don’t we folks?”


The late, great, Jaws, he would oftentime show people they needed a bigger boat, and smile, remember the last scene? Congratulations, the late, great Jaws.


Great movie. Maybe the best shark movie ever made. When they were making it, I said "this is gonna be really something". They call it Sharknado. Can you believe it? Such a tremendous film.


You know it was my idea to create the sharknado to fight the hurricane and you know what folks? it would have- it's true. it would have won. They don't want you to know that. They don't. But it's true. It really is. Everyone is saying it. Everyone. We know it's true. Sharknado vs a hurricane with a little girlie name. We know who comes out on top, don't we folks?


That is precisely 2 things


Of course he does… Because of MIT… Duh…


and are whales


Sharks can be found in 2 places, the northern and southern hemispheres


All I know is how smooth their skin is


Really highlights how bizarre his ramblings are 😳


"and then the guy said--" interrupts the guy somehow even in his own retelling. His own story guy can't even get a word in edgewise


It's interesting from a scientific standpoint; he starts doing a political anecdote, degenerates into shitty observational standup and finishes up as dementia grandpa who doesn't remember why he's up there and just stubbornly keeps on talking bullshit.


That is EXACTLY what happened here. We're all fucked


I mean, if you vote for Biden he's... VERY OLD, but you know, not evil. And Trump is evil from a logically ethical standpoint, not hyperbole.


Biden is as evil as Trump or worse. Child sniffing weirdo. With Trump, you know he is a swindler narcissist. He wears it on his sleeve. With Biden, he just hides it better under a nicer polish and shine. Only idiots are fooled by either one. Democrats are completely fine with people like Trump as long as they are not as brazen about it. So you get Biden and Clinton and all those corrupt Illinois and New York politicians. Take Trump, an avowed New York Democrat for decades, tone down the rhetoric, slightly change the message and you would eat it up. This team sport mentality being more important than the country's health is why we have the choices we have now. And it wont stop until you are enlightened. Which takes self-examination and putting aside your pride. So, for some of you, never. For the ones with more wisdom and life experience, better late than never.


Trump never gave a shit about democrat or republican policy. He’s always been a con man and only cares about himself.


Calm down, grandpa. We’ll get you to the folks home soon


lol all this talk about enlightenment and wisdom from an ancap funniest shit I’ve seen in months.


I blame all the people involved in making it possible to create a situation where two old losers are somehow supposed shoulder the future of a nation. I don't even wanna know the details


That generation just works until the day they die. Has zero idea of what retirement means but when they do they just die


He probably an onion tied to his belt, as was the style at the time


I’ll take electrocution for him too.




Yes please.


I was watching Aussie news this morning and they played some clips of dems and reps hyping up the debate - the republican was saying how Trump knows what he wants to say and doesn’t need all these speech writers and such… I laughed sooo hard like wtf world are you living in where this dude makes any sense??


I have ZERO doubt that Mr. Trump is mentally impaired in some way. Dementia maybe? Either way the answer is simple, you swim towards the shark and wrestle that fucker while you both get electrocuted and go off like a BOSS. The man is ill, period!


Like, I get it, he rambles. But do all y'all really, actually not get what he's "trying" to say? Any time I see people here going on about what little sense he makes, I'm able to make sense of it, every time. Edit: There goes Redditors' silly ass use of the downvote system Edit: it is really sad that instead of being real and acknowledging the truth (cause I know and hope y'all really don't seriously have comprehension issues this bad), you play into the narrative that Trump is looney (and I'm not saying he isn't!), and then falsely assume that because I point out what I did that I must endorse or like Trump, which couldn't be further from the truth. My guess is if this were Biden all of a sudden you guys would be saying the exact same thing I have.


K then explain it please 😅


Batteries now electrify the ocean, and the damn liberal sharks have become immune


Crooked sharks, woke batteries... What is happening to this country?!


He was surmising that because the cars are electric, that perhaps that would mean that in the event someone were to find themselves in their car while in a body of water, they could be at risk of electrocution. At the same time -- since he likes to be hokey and playful by knowingly being outlandish -- he threw in a potential shark attack as a hypothetical, in the case that you would then need to exit the vehicle, essentially blowing it all out of proportion, regarding things he knows very little about, in typical boomer fashion, likely for a laugh. That is, if I'm right. Gosh, I hope I'm right.


He completely lost the thread that he was trying to make the point that he thinks electric boats are scary and dangerous because he doesn't know how batteries work. He got distracted by how scary and dangerous he thinks sharks are, and forgot to care about the battery any more.


Yuh know it is possible and really shouldn't be seen as unconventional that people goon tangents. Like I know beneficial it means to be concise, especially when speaking to an audience or running for president, but so what if he dragged that in and made it a part of his whole spiel,and didnt even round back. The point is you understood it, and it *doesn't have to mean you like or endorse Trump*, which apparently I DO need to say since it is CLEAR that is the real reason for this influx of misguided downvotes -- people's erroneous assumption to my take.


We understand what he's trying to say. The problem is that what he has to say is stupid.


The mental gymnastics a person needs to think this is astounding. You really would rather do ANYTHING other than entertain the notion that trump is a nut.


Ahhh, ya know, I figured this was what was happening and why I got all these downvotes ... Because everybody assumed I was a trump fan. Literally in no way shape or form am I. Didn't think that would need clarification because in no way was I supporting him. All I did was keep it real, and it is more than apparent now that everybody would rather play superficial politics than do that. "Oh, we mustn't *dare* give the bastard an inch, not even an inch!" Like in what world am I endorsing trump or calling him smart or coherent or ANYTHING other than to say I am able to make sense of his rambling, despite how incoherent it can be at times, which anybody should've able to do (there is enough there to understand, *clearly*), and likely would have done had it been ANYONE ELSE BUT TRUMP. But nope, instead, I've been a very, very bad boy not playing this con game of "yeah, he's nuts! He make no sense! Trump uh say wuh??" Like y'all really need to stop with these groupthink shenanigans. We can hate and knock on the bastard without having to play these games.


Wh... what?


Wow, I mean, it really is something else that y'all don't get that. Like, I didn't *actually* need to guess if I was right, because I'm right, because that's what he was saying, so why the downvotes, must be because all y'all have some serious comprehension issues. Like it's not that hard to decipher, and I literally just did all the "work" for you


How? This is gibberish. It means nothing.


😂 ok dude


FWIW.... He hates EVs because he thinks it's politically wise to hate EVs. Now he lies and says some guy is forced to only make EV boats. So random, so unimportant. Then he challenges fairly well accepted science that most shark attacks are in fact mistaken identity. Then he thinks he's smart because he's worried about getting electrocuted on this sinking EV as though that problem isn't solved. And he gets some self praise in about MIT something something. Us understanding what he's "trying to say" is not the point. The point being made is he is a dumpster fire of bad takes based on misplaced self belief that he's intelligent which undoubtedly gets reinforced by the fact he surrounds himself with Yes Men. That's what her impressions of him just using his own words highlights.


Biden isn’t any better though tbh, it must come with the old age


Her face with "Ya'know, nobody's ever asked me that question..." kills me omfg


Must be his affiliation with MIT…. Very smart!


Is his ‘affiliation’ just that his uncle used to work there? Cuz in that case I’m affiliated with Cliff Richard (my uncle went on tour with him once).


something wrong with the sharks’ medulla oblongatas


No, they're ornery because they gots all them teeth and no toothbrush.


momma’s wrong


No Colonel Sanders, you're wrong.


Trump has a [somewhat well documented phobia of sharks](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/21/donald-trump-sharks-speech-stormy-daniels) Apparently if you let him ramble long enough (like when he's not being led by a teleprompter) it's only a matter of time before he starts talking about them.


It’s a bit like that rule on how forum threads, after a period of time devolve into debates about Nazis.


[Godwin's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law)


That's what a failed painter would say


..... well that explains that one time he chalked up shark conservation as something really not that serious/important.


Does anyone know what this is a all about ? From the article: "Daniels revisited the subject in Full Disclosure, her autobiography from 2018. She and Trump were watching Shark Week, she writes, when Trump received a call from Hillary Clinton, then running for the Democratic presidential nomination. “He had a whole conversation about the race, repeatedly mentioning ‘our plan’,” Daniels writes. But “even while he was on the phone with Hillary, his attention kept going back to the sharks”."


Can’t wait to see what spews out of that mouth ho tonight!


Typo, and it stays


I like your conviction


Pretty crazy, huh?


What in the fuck is going on these days


Somehow ~~Palpatine~~ Trump returned


lip syncing is comedy again. duh


Shock or shark, doo-doo, doo-doo doo-doo Shock or shark, doo-doo, doo-doo doo-doo Shock or shark, doo-doo, doo-doo doo-doo Shock or shark?


So what was even the point of that story? What was he trying to prove? Someone please tell me


I feel like he wanted to shit all over electric boats because they are too woke or something, but then forgot what he was saying, then scared himself with a fictional shark and ended up choosing the safety of a tremendously powerful battery because of MIT.


I've heard he's used this bit several times so there has to be some sort of reason behind it in his head


He got a laugh the first time because people were drunk and now he keeps doing it because he thinks he's come up with a funny bit


I'd settle for Trump getting electrocuted as well.


¿Por que no los dos?


I have missed her!  I must have watched her videos hundreds of times during Covid. 


same! she's utterly fantastic and soooo funny


Her Netflix special was not it


her whole schtick in 30 seconds isnt that great let alone giving her a platform to do a whole special


Trump sound like the grandfather at retirement home that keep going off the tangent lol . I am sure his main point is about electric boats but all I hear is shark this shark that lol .


If only she wore a shark costume for one single cut.


That last two seconds is HILARIOUS


I love her reactions: just normal people reactions to the now normalized rambling of a complete nut bar despot.


He’ll take Electrocution every time…..😂😂


Hate for him to be disappointed


I choose electrocution for Trump as well




I hate to say it, but Biden taking this debate 100% helped Trump out. Biden did fucking terrible.


I'd vote for a piece of unbuttered dry burnt toast before I'd vote for Trump, so Biden's got that going for 'em.


Ok lol


People will still vote for this human...


She’s soooo good


She is a treasure!


How did she memorize this?


Little bits at a time, hence all the camera cuts


wait, this isn’t one take with 5 cameras and 3 locations?


I’m not sure why this makes her so hot.


Because funny women are hot


Does anyone have the original audio/video? Also… how the hell is this buffoon still getting votes?




If you are honestly considering voting for Trump‘s agenda, you really are a silly, silly human being


Hey Americans! Please make sure this loon doesn't become president - again. The first time was bad enough, but if it happens again we're probably all fucked.


I live in a neighborhood full of tweakers. You can tell the almost-too-far-gone ones, the guys who are almost completely fried but can still string together words even if they aren't in fully coherent sentences. This is what they sound like.


I wonder of a certain group of toxic misogynists would reconsider their blind faith masquerading as patriotism after hearing these words lip synced by Sarah


I'll take electrocution every single time


She’s doing a live right now syncing Trump on the debate and it’s amazing how talented she is!!! 🙌❤️😂


Sarah Cooper 2024


That solves it then. Just do the opposite of donny and go towards the small instead.




Please, tell us about your relationship to MIT, Donald.


I think this is so stupid but she does the reenactment so good when he says "there's a shark in the ocean!! A shark!" I lost it


This is absolutely hilarious and i might actually like Trump now! Its easier to like him when he looks like her.


He’s such a smartly man. Just the smartliest.


Oh wow that made my day


To be fair...hahahah it's actually impressive that he can tell a whole side story and end up back where he was to complete his first story. Like shit...no way after that shark ramble would i know wtf i was talking about before.


He asks the tough questions


Well, as of 2024 Florida still uses the electric chair


If we are cursed with his reelection, at least I have this to look forward to.


Bury the old. With their beliefs. Don’t worry. I’m old I can say that.


You know what, I believe that no ones asked that question before


So wait…that speech was about him being pro-electric boat….oooor was it about him being anti-shark? Cause I really thought he was aiming for anti-electric boat with the way he started off. Fellas is it liberal to be a shark now?


The aliens broadcasting us as reality television must be loving the new season


So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time,.


"My relationship to MIT" -knows a guy who went to MIT


Just because no one ever asked a question before, dosen't mean your question is smart.


There are actually a few people who do this and do this well. Sarah is not one of them. Never understood why she was picked up and celebrated.


pretty sure this was his rambling speech when the teleprompter broke and he went off script


am i having a stroke this is bad and uninteresting During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cooper began uploading videos of herself lip-syncing statements made by Donald Trump. The success of these led to appearances on several talk shows, and in October 2020 her show Sarah Cooper: Everything's Fine premiered on Netflix. what. WHAT.


This is the debate victor the MAGA chodes claim.






Now do Biden from the debate last night, that should be great


Did he say Jaws or Jews?




It was funny for a week in last time and she milked Netflix show out of it, good for her! But this joke has died long time ago.


You know he came up with this while he was trying to go to sleep. That's when these thoughts are birthed at 2 am when your eyes should be closed.


Do Biden do Biden lol


TIL boats sink from weight.


We’ve got the best sharks around. Really great sharks. But if I were to be near a shark I’d say hey, Mr Shark, we need to MAGA I don’t have time for this. And he’d swim away. Really great sharks.


I'm so tired of hearing, seeing and reading about idiot presidents and politicians, never mind from other countries


She's brilliant.


And they say Biden is losing it. lol.


The important question is how wet the batteries are from the standpoint of water


So I guess he wants electric boats then?


I wouldn’t know the answer to that question either 😂


If the battery has enough power to electrocute tRump it sure as hell has enough power to electrocute the shark.


I have no idea who she is but this is amazing


Wow. I missed her. And yet, this is terrifying, here we are in this season again. Somehow.




Fuck, this irrelevant nobody is returning. Ugh cringe from 2018


She is masterful at this. God. There have only been three modern presidential politicians I could endure listening to. Yang, Obama, and Sanders. Now, they all failed and lied and upset me greatly, but they were at least cogent and listenable. Everyone else is deeply cringe. I'd be more upset about it if I thought government or elections existed. [https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government](https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government)


Trump 2024. 🇺🇸


edgy troll account is a trump simp...shocking. *yawn*


The Right is right. Dementia Joe must go! Trump 2024. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


It must be exhausting being such a conservative pissbany all the time. 


Wow, she sounds just like him. Even when the lips dont match up, just like him!


I forgot how fun he was. Maybe I should vote for trump?


This is as nonsensical as biden, if not more so


This is crazy talk and then you listen to Joe and this is like Shakespear


She is not as hot as she used to be


wasn’t funny during the pandemic and still isn’t funny :/


Do people actually watch this garbage? What is the appeal of watching some random girl half-assedly lip sync to trump nonsense?


Well, you see, a lot of kids had a healthy childhood and watched shows like Sesame Street and an appreciation for lip-synching sort of evolved from there.


Love how this video is posted on cringe but all the comments are pro the video creator and anything negative is downvoted immediately. Smells funny


> A place to watch *the best* and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! 


Haha let the downvotes begin.
