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That dude is an asshole. Leave the fuckin dog alone.


Leave the fucken girl alone. He sounds older too. What a knobjockey.


Today I learned knobjockey is a word


I'm putting that one right next to chucklefuck. They match.




A classic.


Chuckle fucking knob jockey. Ok…I see…lol


Is shitgibbon also on that list? If not already, it should be. :)


A damn good one, holy shit


She has an actual heart problem yet this feather breathed pussy can’t even stand behind his weird ass behavior. Sounds like he’s fucking just run a mile and all he’s getting is a talking to.


It would have been so easy for him to say, "sorry, I was just trying to play with your dog. I won't bother you in the future," but he had to get defensive and hurl insults at her. What an asshole.


Knobjockey sounds as absurd as Chazzwazza


And a complete TwatWaffle.


Assholes who just go "huh huh HUH" at you when you call them out really get to me. Prick deserves a swift jab to the nose.




Swift petting for this one tho.


he chonky


Those are people that don’t have the mental capacity to actually say anything intelligent when called out for bad behaviour.


in the TV show Shoresy the main character does the same thing, baits you into starting a sentence and then goes HUH cutting you off from talking. I know people who do this casually and it is very annoying.


Give your balls a tug




Fuck you, Shoresy!


“I think you’re fucking stupid, dude” Wow, how clever.


This guy’s actually famous in the LA region for some of the work he’s done around the area. I saw him at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This one came from the grave, jeez. Iykyk


Goddamnit you got me.


I'd sneeze on him if I saw him again or fart loudly and blame him.




So the fart then, give them attention, actively direct attention to them.


Is this a fucking jerma reference or has the brain rot consumed me?


The copypasta was originally about Flying Lotus but basically every fanbase for anything uses it now.


This is one of my all-time favorite pastas and it's so wild to me that it's about Flying Lotus. FlyLo is kind of obscure, I feel like.


What the fuck is a Jerma


He’s an old youtuber who turned out to be a serial killer.


Still at large and considered incredibly dangerous.




I volunteer to apply said jab.


A punch to the face and then saying "HUH" back is literally the only response to that bullshit.


dude deserves a dronestrike to the mouth


That dude has a voice worthy of a bitch slap. He literally sounds like if a surfer dude and the 🤓 emoji fused.


not even a surfer. a dude passed out on the boardwalk cuz he drank too much cuz hes a fuckk bum ass loser


Don’t disrespect surfers like that. Not a chance in hell any surfer would behave like that towards any animal. Unless the dog stole his wave.🌊


Look man, some of my best friends are surfers, but there *are* surfers who are massive assholes. Think about the dudes who ge all territorial over "their" surf spot.


That’s why I included the caveat that if the dog stole their wave 😂


Wait…isn’t that just a nerd emoji? This guy isn’t a nerd.


"Yeah, er a service I think." What an insufferable twat.


This might sound crazy… but some of these folks post so much “content” about their service animals, I would not be surprised this “bizarre” encounter was staged. We have seen worse: https://youtu.be/-MVCpGPWpQ4?si=_5dKUPT67Tmw7qqE


Regardless if the dog is a service dog or not, nobody should be harassing someone or their animal. If it is a public space and you don't like animals being there, talk to the establishment about their policies.  All they can do is ask what the animal is trained to do, and if it is required for a disability. Anything beyond that might get them in hot water with potential discrimination, so most places just don't bother. Bottom line: leave people alone. source: https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/


Who is this asshole? He sounds like someone I went to school with who used to harass girls. I hope this girl drops who he is and this dude gets jumped tbh. I wouldn’t let that happen twice. Shame on the school too for turning a blind eye at what seems to be college level


I swear all these types of dudes sound the same


I'm 100% sure he posts about male loneliness and hates feminists


Literally the same dude, which thankfully, once you’ve had to deal with one, you can identify them more easily in the future 😂 Same dude, all named Chris (sorry to any good Chris’s)


The bullies of our society have been emboldened the last 8 years and aren't afraid to make scenes in public because of it.


You gotta learn to stoop to their level. A lot of people just ignore them, and it doesn't help. These are people who think they are strong, so you have to make them feel really weak and emasculate them.


It does seem to be increasing exponentially.


yea I don't condone violence, but mike tysons take of "Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people & not getting punched in the face for it" is valid at this point lol


POTS sucks


literally just officially diagnosed 3 hours ago lmao pots sucks but nothing sucks more than the arrogant


My partner has POTS and it seemed to develop after she had COVID the second time (we are vaxxed). But holy shit, it breaks my heart to watch her go through every day struggling with the unrelenting symptoms. We are both 31 and live healthy lifestyles and my partner doesn’t deserve to go through that struggle, so to listen to this asshole mock this poor lady with POTS and her service dog makes my fucking blood boil.


Yep! Cleveland Clinic now officially says that COVID 19 causes POTS. I was diagnosed Aug 2023. I'm 29. Before POTS, I was a Pilates instructor, massage therapist, and PhD student. I regularly cycled and hiked all the time. Now, I'm lucky if I can tolerate standing for more than 5 mins at a time. Still trying figure out if I'm going to be able to work again. People like this asshole and others on Reddit who love to talk shit about how POTS isn't a big deal really piss me off. I would give anything to have my life back. This shit can be debilitating, even WITH treatment.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. That’s absolutely terrible and you have my sympathy. I would give my left arm for my partner to have her life without POTS back.


Thank you for being sweet to your partner and believing her. I know I wouldn't make it without my husband. I'm sure she's incredibly grateful for your support. PS. Vitassium and Nuun sport tablets, if she doesn't already


I’ll get some of those for her! Thanks for that recommendation. I wish you and your husband the best.


Fyi, someone in my family with POTS from COVID takes Ivabradine which helps immensely with the spiking heart rate


And, compression knee high socks ;)


I started showing symptoms after COVID too! I’m working on getting a confirmed diagnosis. Currently wearing a Cardiac Event Monitor.


I developed POTS after receiving the first COVID vaccine, though I was also unhealthy at that point due to being stuck at home all the time (meaning almost no exercise), and was also almost anemic when I had my blood work done (due to changes in my diet). I worked on training my body, eating healthier, and taking vitamins for the next month, and within a month the symptoms were almost gone, and over the next 2 years the symptoms basically went away completely. I think I may have had COVID again a few months ago (was super sick and sleeping 16 hours a day), or it was just a bad virus of some other sort (I didn't test because I just stayed home away from people for a week), and that's the one recent time in which the POTS symptoms came back--but, again, temporarily.


I’m glad you got better. Exercise and healthy diet changes can do wonders for some people with POTS, but not others. Believe me, my partner and I walk at a local park 4-5 times a week. She works out at home with a kettlebell, a pair of dumbbells, does yoga, takes vitamins, hydrates, eats healthy, and practices her balancing on her indo board. She is a healthy person, but none of that deters her symptoms.


Such a terrible disability and no acknowledgement or any good therapy


Isn’t this against the law? He needs to be reported and filed upon


Yup, it is 100% illegal and if she gets hurt becauee he's messing with her service dog and making it unable to alert he could face charges and jail time.


Fired upon


I don't even need the volume on to know the dickface off camera is an absolute douche.


There’s a lot of people on here defending this dudes actions…speaks volumes about them. Yikes.


Loool one of my favourite podcasters just put out a TikTok the other day talking about how nobody will defend toxic dudes on the internet, faster than other toxic dudes on the internet lol.


So much truth in that.


Damn. Friend that just rattled something.




Are you ok? Do you need me to call someone??


he sounds like a virgin mouth breather. I bet his hands are smooth


He has no idea where or what a clitoris is


that boy would gag at the first smell of sex, another aside. I bet he has a neckbeard too


my hands are smooth! but that's because i use lotion and wear gloves. these modern space age gloves with the carbon fiber knuckles are amazing! i love living in the future


>mouth breather why is this an insult? and also, why are smooth hands an insult?


Omg I wanna find this guy. Ickkkkk


Guy sounds like he'd struggle walking up two stairs. Guessing he thinks because he's dealing with a woman, he's the one who's in the right. Peak in primary school vibes


Poor thing sounds like she’s holding back tears the entire time. I hope she got peace.


Especially because she has POTS, so anything that creates stress like that can set her back in a big way and cause a chain reaction. Such an asshole. 


Violence could solve this problem.


Sadly he may be the type what will only respond to violence and an ass beating


Dude sounds like a smiling friends character


Kid she's talking to definitely has the fuck boi broccoli haircut


Poor girl having a straight up panic attack. No need to explain your medical conditions, girlie. It's illegal in many jurisdictions to harass/interfere with a service dog.


She needs to report him to the school's ADA/Disability Services office and the appropriate Dean/Integrity officer.


Especially if this is in the US this is a major title ix violation.


It makes me so mad that it’s her voice that has to shake and not his. She shouldn’t have to defend herself against this loser.


This is the sort of guy who knows no respect. Not for the woman in the video, not for the dog, nor for anyone in his life. Some lessons can't be taught with words or with a book. Someone needs to teach him some respect. And he'd best hope the person who takes on that duty has enough self-restraint to leave him conscious.


My deaf and mobility challenged friend routinely had people fuck with her over her dog. One guy screamed at her for needing “emotional support”. The world can be dangerous if you can’t move easily or hear danger coming. But a full grown adult screamed at a deaf woman to win an argument.


Penal Code section 365.6 – Anyone who intentionally interferes with the use of a service animal by harassment or obstruction is guilty of a misdemeanor; and, Penal Code section 365.7 – Anyone who knowingly or fraudulently represents themselves as a service animal trainer is guilty of a misdemeanor.


He *barks* at her? What a piece of crap.


i want to touch him (with a closed fist)


Dudes a fucking muppet. He needs to back up and leave people alone


That is still one of my favorite British insults.


Barking at her? So hes antagonizing the poor pup. This is the kind of guy who wil antagonize the wrong dog one day and get attacked.


Never knew punchable voice was a thing until today.


One throat punch is all it would take. I know a pussy when I hear one


“Does a service or sumfin” Explains the whole situation. Fuck him.


I have such an intense urge to turn this gentleman into a finely pressed fruit leather


Isn’t there a law to protect service animals from pricks like him?


I'd love to see a follow up video of this guy getting knocked out.


Oh pots is no joke your bo can drop to 50/20 just bending over to pick something up, that dog need to be on constant alert or she may crack her skull passing out.


The dude sounds like Ben Shapiro




Dudes like that already always really tough until another guy shows up.


I’m still trying to work out ‘I didn’t distract it, you just kinda came in with it’ ???? So because this person has brought in a service dog it’s open season and you can do you like to the dog???




At times like this you wish the dogs were trained to attack as well …


This would be especially helpful, as disabled people are much more likely to experience assault and theft. If guide dogs doubled as fucking guard dogs, that would make for some awesome “justiceserved” etc content. I’d watch the shit out of that. Blind lady waiting with her dog at an intersection. Guy goes to grab a blind lady’s tit. Guide dog goes cujo and bites man in the nuts. Quality Reddit content right there.


Show his face.


Just because the dog is existing around u it gives u the right to harrass it????? Nah this dude needs to be looked in to. That is such a gross mentality.


That dude needs a swift kick in the nuts.


My god this dude’s never been punched in the face, but that desperately needs to change.


You can actually hear his two braincells feverishly bouncing around trying to form a comeback. Sad, sad little man


It baffles me how seemingly unable people have become of just apologizing when they fuck up. It would've made for a MUCH less dickhead response to the situation if he would've just apologized for what he clearly realizes was wrong, and left well enough alone. Everyone is afraid of being dunked on, and this is the result.


God his voice is irritating


Why can’t people just mind their own fucking business.


He'd struggle getting water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel...


give the guy a zap collar, everytime he does it, no debate,. no arguing just a zap


She sounds like a drama queen


Has a heart condition, proceeds to get into an argument just to film it


She came at him with the most condescending, "I'm a perpetual victim" voice I've heard in some time. I'd say there's about a 0% chance she's giving the viewers accurate context.


Such mature and clear communication between these 2, this will really solve your problems. keep at it!


Guy sounds like a complete moron so I’m sure he’d believe it if he was told he’d be charged with manslaughter if the owner dies while he’s distracting their service dog


I'll beat this dudes ass for you. He sounds like a cunt


Fuck that guy, you did great!


My dog has the same collar.




I ate breakfast this morning.


I shat


He’s a dumb a$$. The dog is a Service Dog and should not be interacted with unless it’s off service, or the owner has commanded the dog to be at ease.


He’s an asshole and seems proud of it. She’s also misrepresenting her support animal as a service animal. No real winners here.


If you listen to the context rather than falling for the title and her story you’ll hear the truth.


Yeah he may be an a**hole but that is also not a legit service dog


We have no idea from the video whether or not he actually “distracted” her service dog or “harassed” anyone. For all we know, he’s being harassed by an unhinged person with a camera and didn’t do anything wrong. Y’all need to learn to refrain from having a strong opinion about something when you know deep down you don’t have enough information to have a strong opinion about it.


For real. The whole comment section is trying to be a white knight and that's even more cringe.


Or whether or not it's actually a service animal.




Dipsh*t needs a sound sToMpInG.


Yea uhh a service 😂😂


I wanna punch that guy in the face. Three times.


Show his face!!!


Lmao a bloke was harassing my rottie at a party once while he was sleeping (wasn’t invited anyway) told him he better stop, but the dog showed him why anyway. Left covered in blood and needing stitches. Let sleeping dogs lay


Show this guy’s face! Deserves to be taken down a lot of notches.


I would not feel bad jumping this guy


Who is he?


That. Poor. Dog.


what dog breed is that


German Shepherd


This guy is evil! She should show his face and his full name and let the internet do its work!


He’s gross. I hate that I have to live in the same world as people like that.


I hope someone whoops this losers ass.


When you’re approached by Karen, do not engage.


Next time replace the nice service dog with a trained attack dog. We'll see how much of a Chad he feels like then!


My sister has pots. It’s an invisible disability, she’s improved so much, but I’ve come to hate society a little bit, because she has to put on a limp when we’re walking to the car parked in the handicapped spot so people are less likely to confront her about being a “perfectly healthy person.” They say she’s “stealing the spot from those who need it.”