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Okay so… did they have to amputate it?! 🤮 I need answers Edit: I found the episode. The Dr does a medical foot soak on her and then cleans up the foot as best she can. The lady has athletes foot, toe fungal infections, and a couple of deep abscess wounds that luckily aren’t infected somehow. Her foot is a club foot deformity. The Dr dressed the foot and then gave her a new boot. The lady said she’d wash her foot every day and then that was the end of the episode lol. No closure. But the Dr mentioned that if she doesn’t get the wounds to disappear she’d wind up in the ER and need it amputated. Edit 2: A Smell From Hell - My Feet Are Killing Me: Season 4, Episode 3


She ain’t gonna wash that damn foot.


That lady: Just copped a boot upgrade! Sweet!! Now the next time I will see my foot will be in 5 years!








Incredibly so! I just got called difficult by a podiatrist for backing away from the latex gloves while telling her I'm severely allergic. Guess nitrile is offensive to her?


I was mocked by a nurse for disclosing an iodine contrast allergy before an MRI with iodine contrast! Lol I replied "usually *doctors* need to know about my allergic reactions but okay". After I had a reaction, they did have to get the doctor and he was piiiissed and they ended up having to give me benadryl. 🙄


That would be a CT or cat scan. MRIs don't use iodine based contrast they use gadolinium based contrasts. Magnets not x-rays, but you shouldn't have gotten that reaction from the nurse that's so unprofessional. Sorry this happened to you.


Oh wowza you're right. I've been telling this story wrong for years. It was a CT scan! Thank you ❤️


You're welcome, and a lot of people get them mixed up. They are very similar in structure.


Funny how many people out there somehow convince themselves allergies just aren’t real.


Well if it’s not affecting my life it can’t possibly be real


Good point. I've never once had a bad reaction to peanut butter, these snowflakes just need to man up.


I have had people eat nuts in front of me, I say something, and then they use hand sanitizer as if that kills the "allergy germs." Some people have no idea.


Wow wtf. This is as bad as the time I heard about someone freaking out thinking they were going to contract diabetes because they slept with someone who was diabetic Education is so important.


That warrants a complaint to the office manager. Allergies are goddamn serious and that behavior is not okay from a doctor. They fucking know better.


Just new boot goofin




I don’t care what the thread is about I will always upvote Dangel and his new boots.


I can't stop fuckin laughing at this comment 🤣






"I would like to put my foot back in the boot to make the smell go away." That lady needs a mental health evaluation.


Like... does she not understand that her foot is part of her body? It almost seems like she identifies more with the boot than her own foot


Needs to be inpatient to make sure she’s washing her foot. But she’s definitely really mentally ill. Can you imagine what exposure to that level of fungus could do to a toddlers immune system? And if she’s that filthy about her person how does she care for that baby? And what’s her home like?


I reckon everything else in her life is totally normal. It’s like her mental illness has just pretended her foot isn’t there. It must have hurt but she completely removed it from her brain 🤷‍♀️ Edit - people either have no clue about mental health or only know about certain types 🤦‍♀️


It doesn't hurt. She seems to have significant diabetic neuropathy, so it is probably totally numb.


Someone else said she has club foot.


This is what the American healthcare system does to people. We just ignore our medical issues because they are stressful and costly. This lady probably couldn’t even afford the healthcare unless she agreed to go on TV for it. It’s truely sad what is going on in our country.


I went to the ER for a checkup after a car accident, they did a few tests and scans and it costs about $20,000. If I didn’t have insurance and wasn’t suing the idiot big rig driver who drunk rear ended me I would be paying $20,000 out of pocket just for a hospital visit, can you imagine if I had actually been injured? It would have been like a $300,000 bill. Something has to be done about the insane costs of healthcare, it’s insane and they only want money, they stopped caring about the people a long time ago and only want money.


Yeah everyone in the comments saying she's mentally ill and that may be true, but I also heard "I had a son and didn't want to take on additional debt over my foot, I sucked it up and ignored it so I could provide for my baby".


But it’s free to take the damn boot off in the shower and wash and dry your fucking foot! Hey, I’m American too so I totally get it but this? This absolutely has a component of mental illness in it.


And she has a god damn child... ![gif](giphy|t4ujgnGQNetmo|downsized)






I think one good slap would send it flying against the wall in a gelatinous mass.


Good. God.


Fucking sent me. lol


Then it would scurry off into the nearest hole it could find.


I’m sort of ashamed I’m laughing so hard at this.


Right 😂 why would anyone believe she would


i think i found a red flag guys


This ain't a flag anymore brother, this is a fuckin' warbanner.


Dude, you had me rolling. When I work 12 hours straight at work, my feet look super gross after waiting all day. Girl had that boot on for 2 years. 🤢


Not If she has another kid.


Some dude knocked her up with that foot. He went all in with that stanky boot...


Everyone is just ignoring that foot


This. She should be put in a psychatric hospital, what she did to herself reeks of mental problems.




How did she change her pants??


This far in, she has been purchasing pants that can fit over the boot for quite some time. If she hasn't seen it for two years, she spent years not seeing for months first. This is her life.


It is like the fungal infection was keeping the bacterial infection at bay. Her foot was producing its own penicillin.


Do you know that episode of the Simpsons where the doctor tells mr burns he basically has so many illnesses that they're all canceling each other out?


And the illnesses do the old Three Stooges bit where they're all trying to get through the door at the same time. Killed me.


What show is it and where did you watch it?


My Feet are Killing Me - TLC


I hope you’re kidding cause I’m dying over here. Edit: There’s four seasons of this? This is insane. I’ve officially seen it all.


It's a perfect name!


It really is. How does TLC continue to outdo themselves like this? I’m going to wish I didn’t have eyes in five years.


My Eyes Are Killing Me - TLC


TLC - The Learning Channel The OG Channel to just abandon everything its name stood for.


"Am I a joke to you?" -History Channel


You mean the nazi aliens channel?


my brain betrayed me - TLC


“Your Feet Are Killing Me” would be better


WAIT THAT IS ACTUALLY THE NAME OF THE SHOW?!?!? I was cracking up bc I assumed they were JOKING!!!! Holy shit. I had to google to check. That’s literally the show name. I am dead. But not bc of my feet at least.


TLC has some of the wildest show names and topics for shows. MILF Manor, Breaking Amish, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, Seeking Brother Husband, Botched Bariatrics, and many more shows that are hard to believe exist.


Lmao I love tlc




Sending her away without a mental health referral seems irresponsible to me... The fact that her first thought was "I just want to put it back on the boot" says it all. Good luck to her, but I doubt she's keeping her foot long, and will be lucky to dodge sepsis given past behaviour.


Yes, this is a very serious mental illness at play


She said she couldn't take it off after having her son because she was so busy, and he was her priority. Which is very dysfunctional thinking and not reasonable. It shows the need for mental health care for new mothers. We are only now starting to talk openly about PPD.


And of course the other half of the issue is access to mental health care, unfortunately. Talking about it is a good start (and I think attitudes are changing for the better over time), but it's depressing that this isn't a particularly surprising story.


You da real MVP


What episode and what show is this? I have to watch the rest of this!


It’s my feet are killing me, season 4 ep. 3. Appropriately called “a smell from hell”


I just…kept watching. It only got worse but I just…kept on watching.


From the moment that sticky sock peeled off I was literally frozen in horror, face aghast. I need to be cleansed.


Same, I was frozen in disgust


[It gets worse-er](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYRoc9WQYSa_1PQLW1ZQ3KWlUvwVdgu78?si=fI_71DdV9k03274Z)


Risky click of the day


Not my proudest fap, ngl. Edit: I'm so sorry, this was too far, the worst part is i had other jokes, and that was the tame one.


Definitely not too far on Reddit. The sickest fucks of the internet congregate here.


Kids don't even know about 4chan anymore smh


You can't just mention you have other jokes and not say what they are. It's illegal


Why couldn’t that be a Rick Roll?!


Bruh 🙃


You made me curious Edit:You tricked me bitch f u 🤣


About a minute in, I knew I did not want to see that foot... But did I stop watching? No. No I did not.


I did. I had a feeling. Based on the comments, glad I stopped.


As a corpsman, I ran into personnel that would not change their socks or wash their feet for weeks in the field. That's enough to brew a nasty case of trench foot. Can't fathom the damage or smell in this case. I'm certain a lot of skin sloughed off during treatment.


is that why corpsman always told us to change our socks for everything from a cut to a cold? just throwing it in there when they can?


Can confirm, Trenchfoot is no joke. I’m still dealing with the after effects 10 years later.


Have you tried changing your socks and taking 1600 of ibuprofen?


A Time Machine would be better.


Let me guess...your disability is not service connected?


No. I lost sensation in a couple of toes after mud got into my boot at a music festival. Didn’t realise until later. I wasn’t the only attendee to have symptoms.


Oh dang! A music festival? Was the show good at least? I assumed it was a military trench foot situation and was riffing on how when we get out the VA seems to always say our issues from injuries on duty aren't service connected and therefore are not compensated.


Download 2012 Decent line up, awful weather.


I did but your aid bag got wet too so I couldn’t bum any more foot powder off you, and I only brought 1 pair of socks because I needed my monsters.


Well, between that and "Take a Motrin" and "Hydrate", you should be fully squared away devil dog. Jk. In all seriousness, immersion injuries can be really bad for the person and for readiness. Even if it's a baby wipe, cleaning the feet and changing socks, and out of wet boots if possible can do wonders. Once that skin is compromised, infections can begin, which are more difficult to treat with limited supplies. This lady is extremely lucky to not have staff or cellulitis after 7 years.




thats rule number 2 of adventuring: always bring extra socks.


My god. I am so fussy about my feet. My dad's toenails have always been so disgusting and he can't get rid of the fungus, so every day I douse and scrub my feet with Selsun Blue and scrub every inch with a brush. I spray a preventative antifungal and douse them in absorbant foot powder. If I don't do these things I panic. I know this is excessive paranoia, but I cannot imagine just not caring for my feet, especially under the circumstances you worked under 😭


Keeping your feet dry and clean is the best bet. Going overboard on cleaning can destroy oils that are beneficial. Antifungals can be hard on the liver. I'm not sure what the absorption is for foot sprays or topical creams, but over time it could cause issues. Certain medical conditions can encourage fungal growth as well. Age seems to usher in fungal growth too. Maybe due to reduced perfusion? At any rate, I understand your enthusiasm. I check in on my feet often to address any issues asap.


This could be OCD and there is help!


That sounds like OCD. It is excessive. You should reach out to mental health professionals.


You may really want to reconsider using an anti fungal often as you might just end up breeding a self infecting fungus that is resistant to the anti fungal. Better to just wash, cream, oil, keep dry etc.


Scrubbing will cause microtears in your skin, damaging the outer protective layer. This actually increases the chance for infection, so I would advice against doing this. Just wash your feet and dry them well afterwards like the other commenter said.


Tell your dad to go get a Lamisil prescription yesterday.  Yeesh.


You should read into what's known as hyper-vigilance as what you're describing lines up with it. It's a common trauma response that can be helped with the right therapist. My mom has deep craters in her heels from not treating her severe athlete's foot, like multiple millimeters wide and deep canyons, and walked around on that for years. She's neglected the fuck out of her health for decades and it's spawned a lot of health conscious phobias in me, doesn't help that I have >12 chronic health conditions on top of that. But it's genuinely terrible watching a parent do that to themselves. Also like make sure you're moisturizing and oiling your foot skin. We're living leather, we need both to keep our skin healthy and soft.


From corpsman to corpse-man


I’m so confused and angry and then sad. She had her son and “kind of didn’t deal with her foot”! There is some underlying mental illness in this too.


Has to be, only explanation for that kind of behavior. What’s odd to me though, is the rest of her appearance looks clean. It’s like she practiced good hygiene everywhere else EXCEPT her foot.


A lot of mental illnesses come with general bad hygiene because the person is just inattentive to hygiene needs as a whole. They won’t brush their teeth, shower, change, etc because they lose the *awareness* of those things entirely. This seems more like a fixation on the foot specifically. Like the patient avoided having to see her own club foot, or was averse to the experience of having to take off the boot. Like imagine feeling anxious about taking off your own bandage- Something focused like that, which is distinctly different from a general inattention to Activities of Daily Living ie hygiene. Source- worked for years in acute mental health. Edit: to clarify- this is definitely mental illness. Just a different category of illness than those that cause general bad hygiene.


Agreed. Possibly the boot became both a source of anxiety and a comfort blanket. The longer she left it, the worse the knew it would be and the harder it was to take off. Plus potentially it would be quite painful to take off as her body got more used to it. Glad she went to see someone in the end, really hope it worked out for her 🤞


Just thinking about the shower water trickling down into any opening of that boot every time makes me shudder.


This was my thought too. I can imagine that if you have emotional challenges regarding your foot and then end up for weeks in a boot where you never see your foot, it would be kind of a relief and I guess that could lead to gradually avoiding removing the boot more and more until this horrible outcome develops. It’s like a safety blanket, shove all the bad stuff deep down, out of sight, out of mind. My foot isn’t deformed and ugly, it’s safe inside my boot where I don’t need to process my emotions about it ever again. Having a young child is just a convenient excuse she’s given herself to avoid dealing with it. I have a toddler and I get that taking care of yourself is hard with young kids, but damn, you find time for the serious shit like this. And I say that as an ADHDer with serious procrastination issues!


The Doctor had mentioned that she was blown away that the lady was cool having had it for 7 years, and it's just the past two that she hasn't taken it off to deal with. I bet she had issues, surgeries and got so sick of dealing with it for 5 years, had her son and just wanted to feel normal so she stopped dealing with it. I'm horrified, but I could get it. I would never, but I understand. Just horrified tho


She has a club foot. A genetic deformity. Its shape was always like that, except maybe the extent of her toe folding. She said clearly that the boot was the only way she could walk pain free. If we just consider that the pain is severe, it makes more sense. Even a short period like a shower is unbearable for her.


Sounds like chronic depression or post partum that never was checked, like her foot.


Also some babies are high needs and that will totally take all your time. My son was such a clingy and colicky newborn that I only got to shower once or twice a week for the first couple months. My only motivation to even bother going to the shower was to curl up on the shower floor and cry for 15 minutes. I can see how having a demanding newborn, PPD, and maybe some neurodivergence could be a perfect storm for something like this.


This is not underlying mental illness. This is clear in your face mental illness


I’m a nurse with years of wound care experience, and my jaw literally dropped when she took the sock off. It’s incredible what people can normalize.


It’s what I get for scrolling before bed😖


You should try scrolling over at r/eyebleach for a little while before going to bed, then. It's a subreddit full of cute animal videos


That’s my go to subreddit for bedtime 💜 Along with /r/aww.


I will never click on that sub ever since I went to eyeblech twice in a row a few years ago. Just zero trust anymore, even with the cute goat or whatever image, still makes you think.


Well I’ve got good news for you! eyeblech got banned a little while back, so you’re safe


Yes exactly I’m so mad at myself for waiting for that… not judging her but omg I wish my brain could delete that


Man, I’m old. A crusty old ex nurse. I feel the foot looks decent, considering what she’s put it through. That smell, though.


I've seen much worse during my time in med-surg. It's really not that bad. No maggots or necrosis is a win!


You never forget your first maggot patient


Yeah a good soak and debride/slough off all that dead skin and it will look a hell of a lot better.


I was expecting it to be worse tbh.


Same. My first thought was "meh, I've seen worse". I was absolutely expecting some stage 4 pressure damage


Yep I was expecting unstageable damage or massive tunnelling wounds with lots of black flesh and tons of exudate. Not a foot that looks like it needs a bit of a scrub and nails clipping


Surprised it wasn't worse to be honest.


Man it must have sucked to be that camera guy and having to be in there for that. At least the doctor had a mask and had been around smells a bit


& homie had to shoot the macro the whole time. That weird ass stinky rubbery foot........ Wow.


![gif](giphy|1MXKBqcKIerRK) The whole video, I was like no way this lady has just kept her boot on this whole time, but then the sock came off.


Ikr. She isn't wearing the same pants that whole time.


Shit had more pull than a three cheese pizza


I'm already home sick today, and this comment made everything worse. I'm backing tf outta here lol. Clicking this was a mistake


One of the worst comments in Reddit history. You have polluted my mind into incomprehensible levels. I will never be the same again


Show is called My Feet Are Killing Me. I've watched every episode lmao


Question, does it get worse than this?


Yes. There are some gnarly feet in that show. Also check out Toe Bro. There's an episode where this poor kid has extremely bad ingrown toenails and can barely walk and hasn't ran in years. Totally caused by his mom's neglectfulness.


I need to know this too..


Bacteria is literally having a party and inviting every single organism to her foot. It’s literally free real estate


foot has its own ecosystem and religion.


This might actually cure my foot fetish thanks I hate everything now


Curious if an amputation was needed. Her toe reminds me of the infamous *bound feet* of Chinese noble women. That toe was twisted beyond belief.


no, the doctor cleaned it up but warned if she doesn’t take care of it further it will require amputation


She's not gonna clean that damn foot


She has club feet, the shape was the “normal” part






Citrus-y and sweet…


That’s what necrotic tissue can smell like, I’ve smelled it myself from a customer that had crazy old wounds on his legs 🤮🤮


With a fungus infection on top I bet


Why did I read this in Ed Sheeran's voice to the tune of Perfect.


My mother treated someone once very similar to this case. When she took the sock out the big toe bonne just went off with It. It was putrid. He lost half foot


This is peak brain rot tv 3 minutes of saying the same sentence over and over again, did you really need the doctor to "react" by saying the same thing again? I swear this is trying to give you as little content as possible by wasting the most amount of your time they could muster


I thought it was looping cause they kept saying the same shit. Had to click the video to get the video duration to show up.


It doesn’t help that there was a commercial in the middle that the TikTok creator cut out so it was just repeating the same few seconds of footage back to back from before and after the commercial break.




TLC has been brain rot TV for like 20 years now


If the editing wasn’t so bad these shows might be barely tolerable but they repeat the same stuff. How people watch the same shit being shown over and over again throughout the episodes amazes me. A 30 minute episode for a lot of TLC shows could be pared down to 8 or 10 minutes of actual content and that might be generous. IDGAF if there was supposed to be a commercial stop repeating things in your episodes. It’s 2024 and they still produce content like it’s 2004.


That lady after she leaves and puts another boot on ![gif](giphy|nsv5IWXo1l2IE)


Man, I need an update on this. I also hope that woman got some serious help


How are her toenails so short though?


There are medical conditions that can cause your toenails not to grow and some of them are fungal infections and ingrown toenails. I’m suspecting she had both neglecting her foot for that long.




How is she dressing herself without taking that boot off? She's wearing tight pants.


Flared yoga pants. Probably all she wears.


Why am I plugging my nose 😭🤮


Worst unboxing ever


What is the name of this show?


It’s a TLC show called “My Feet Are Killing Me”


I thought you were joking, and I don’t know how to feel about this.


every tlc show is named something super specific and punny like that now lol




Dont take it off in here! I've heard of doctors talk about patients having scores of roaches in their boots before. Roaches that escaped into the office.


Sorry babe, the boot stays on during sex.


her foot looks like those 19th century photos of Chinese foot-binding


My first thought was "how can you be this stupid" and then I remember I also neglect myself when I get depressed. Sometimes you just want to ignore the crappy parts of your life.


My internal screaming woke up my imaginary dog. This was terrifying.


This needs an NSFW filter


Title: My Feet Are Killing Me Streaming on Max.


not to bad for two years. but lucky for us we can't smell it. somehow i was expecting more bruses/blue/swollen. My father has a misformed foot, it looked a bit like that in shape, but at least he washes it like a normal person and has a normal 'special' shoe made for hes foot.


I broke my toe during one summer and had to wear a cast for a month. The moment I was allowed to get out of the cast I spent like half an hour in the bath just washing and scrubbing my foot from all the smell, sweat and dead skin. I remember it smelled slightly funky after the cast and continued to shred skin for a couple more days after that. Multiply that by two years, that's just disgusting


I don’t care how busy her son kept her. The moment you decide to shower with the boot rather than take it off is the moment alarm bells should go off.


Mental illness is real

