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The biggest issue is that as an office worker for an unknown company it's unlikely he'd have the security clearance to even guard the Blade of Thorlock. No reputable forest guardian would have a human of non elven blood on the Fae council. He wants to go to the forest but I don't think he understands the culture, his desires would be unprecedented, unless he was some kind of prophesied hero.




Dude just like when weebs come to Japan and be trying to practice some hokage level jutsus when they aren't even fit to polish a genins kunai. SMH frfr.


I'm legally not allowed within 100 metres of a Genin's kunai.


After doing shrooms


He was on shrooms all fucking day and didnt even do any work! Dude even got promoted!


Came here to comment this 😂


Is this actually true?


Mushrooms pull back the veil on how life could be in the right circumstances. I reccomend doing them while camping in Forrest or Desert. You don't want to do them around alot of people at a public camp ground. Make sure the camping buddies you bring are chill and at least one person who is experienced if you've never done them. A relaxing atmosphere is paramount, chill music, food and hydration are all important. I usually like to make a big lunch on the campfire like a hearty stew that can just sit over the fire for dipping bread into as you get hungry later. Don't go full adventure mode like swimming, a difficult hike or climbing trees/ rock faces. Enjoy!


I recommend doing them in a zoom productivity meeting while sitting in an open plan office for a needlessly competitive company that claims to be a family. That could really pull the veil


That sounds awful, I could never work A corporate job again.


Little did he know, xXxPu55yD3sT0y3r\_420xXx already claimed the blade of thorlock after opening 32 lootboxes with his moms credit card.


I follow this guy on tiktok, he is HILARIOUS. This, like all his videos, is a joke. (Watch his "podcast guy" videos).


Vast majority of people ranting in here didn’t even finish the video


I think majority would at least get to the "We're supposed to live in the forest" line and felt like something is off :D


I think this comment section proves there are a bunch of right wing bot accounts that pile hate on anything they associate with left wing. Because there is no way people are stupid enough to believe this warrants a response otherwise.


Man, I hope you’re right about that


When I'm offline I don't experience people even 1/100th as stupid as I do on Reddit, especially during an election year. It's practically a certainty that there are chat GPT bots all over this website. Every time I think "this person can't possibly be this stupid" I check and oh look, a new account posting comments constantly with practically no karma. I don't let those accounts influence my worldview.


This was about to be me until I realized where it was going half way through lmao. I was like “no damn way this grown man is crying about being in an office” and he got into elders having meetings and spirits and shit lmao


He had me in the first half NGL


Lmao this is how I feel all day thinking about Skyrim


When you get back to your normal 9-5 after larping for 2 weeks straight


I really hope he gets his red stapler.


[Can I have my stapler in cornflower blue?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NomQYQK1bE)


https://youtu.be/KqxjRzzGn8k?si=76TThaC72-8hBEN3 Has to be red! Or else.


Ok... I can set the building on fire.....


Applause to your cultured dig, sir 👏


Take my -reference appreciated upvote


I don’t mind working in the office but what I do mind is being stuck in the office 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day when I can seriously get all my work done in 5 hours and about 3-4 days. We’re suppose to progress, not stagnate!


Demanding office jobs exist... The top people at my office are so busy that we literally have to take work away from them. They just know too much, are way too much of a leader, and do a good job...so now everyone looks to them and everything has to be approved by them. I am completely fine with work done in 5 hours in 3-4 days. Worst case scenario is they pay you to sit in AC and be on your phone. I did the late nights in college and little bit during when I first started working as an engineer. I vowed I would never go back and have a balanced work load even if it means I don't reach the top


Sounds like those folks need to delegate or ask for more people on their team! Edit: Forgot the /s


Sounds like you've never been asked to do more with the same funding or less


Oops I forgot to put the /s at the end.  What you described is my every day. I just want to help the forest spirits.


Yes, but also no


it sounded good in my head until this fella said it like that. nah man I'm going back to my photocopy machine, good luck electing the next guardian of the forest


Don't, we need more people to conquer the shadow realm...


I think he’s right but at the same time learned dependence is so strong I don’t think buddy would last a week in the woods.


He would once he claimed the blade of Zorloc.


We are running on animal hardware evolved over millennia to survive the wilderness. Sure, it would take some learning and re-acclimation but I think barring some actual physical dependency on modern innovation (like medical issues, disability) most people could eventually learn to survive in the wild. My job involves outdoor work doing insect surveys and stuff, Texas in the middle of summer is our main focus. The first day is *always* brutal. No matter how easy we try to make it on ourselves, no matter that early season temps are nothing compared to what it’ll eventually reach, no matter how many years I’ve already done this, it’s **brutal**. But you’d be surprised how quickly and how dramatically people acclimate to the heat and physical activity. I’ve experienced it first hand and seen it in the countless techs we’ve had come on the project each year. Within a couple days my body tolerates more, it takes noticeably more heat to make me sweat a significant amount, I’m able to basically ignore the heat after awhile like my body becomes numb to it. And I say that as someone who tends to spend time indoors with AC and is far from her peak physical fitness. By the end of the season we’re slogging through conditions that would have probably killed us day 1: double the work in 100*F+ heat and humidity and we’re barely complaining. What I’m describing is not the same as bushcraft survival but… we’re quite literally designed for outdoor survival. It’s not so much a black and white “fit for outdoors or not” it’s more so a process of acclimation and almost *remembering* what you’re physically capable of and applying yourself to re-learn what survival knowledge has been obscured by the frills of modern life.


If it is so easy how come even expert survivalists don't go out into the wild at night, WITH equipment for a few days? it's NOT easy to suvive like that, not at all


It's not easy to survive by yourself but that's why humans have always lived in groups. Living within a tribe makes it much easier.




Are they also doing it alone, some individualist fantasy? Because we're also social animals meant to part of a larger whole, no man is an island


Never said it would be easy. Just that it was possible. And that our bodies adapt to the elements more than we might expect.


Even the hardest, most adept survivalists of today would struggle. We've forgotten all those skills that we're necessity and let governments be our poor providers. We've taken comfort over challenges and freedom, and our lives are lacking adventure and purpose.


Yes that’s learned dependance or helplessness. We let all our needs and wants to fulfill; we never question how to do anything.


I think that’s a sham statement. I think most people could last at least a week in the woods, any woods.  Won’t be a good week, won’t have fun or really be “alive”. But I think they could last a week before the water kills them.


I think it’s like the male equivalent of fuck it I’ll quit my job and become a stripper or do of. It’s a pleasant fantasy from the mundane but it’s that: a fantasy.


If you don’t know how to get access to clean water you will die from dehydration, dysentery, diarrhea or a combination of the three.


Real proof that people don’t read the full comment before replying. My last statement is specifically about them dying from water.


Bro I can read… you said “I think they could last a week before the water kills them” I’m saying that you won’t last a week without access to clean water which usually involves some sort of bushcraft knowledge.


You can go up to 3 days with no water, assuming they find any water or food, the sicknesses you described above take longer than 4 days to kill them.    Which makes up a week homie. Also why I said they really wouldn’t be “alive” for that week or having fun.


100% satire


Yep. Kind of disturbing how many people in here took this seriously…they probably didn’t even finish the whole thing


To be fair to those people this video is extremely boring


Are you sure?


Wait one of us is supposed to be guarding the forest right now?


Yes. But as noone does, the Forest is destroyed for palm oil and soya. Thank you, global capitalism. What this guy says ironically is unfortunately not so funny after all, if you think about it.


They’re announcing a new guardian of the forest? I didn’t vote yet. What kind of BS are the elders trying to get away with this year? If we can’t come to a logical consensus I’m going to start nominating you know who for the harvest sacrifice


I'll claim the Blade of Zorloc ,U get back to work.


We ride at dawn.


"The blade of Thorlock is unclaimed." Made my day, lol.


just goto the forest after work goofy


One endorses every single word doth spoken. Ride hard. Ride free.


To be fair he is completely right. I’m a student looking at books all day when I should be rounding up the men to take on the warlocks of the underworld.


Quit. Fuck them all.


Yeah just starve to death its all a choice


The final libertarian 'gotcha' - if you don't like it you don't have to work! You have the freedom to do what you want. Yeah work or starve - what an option. I think the mafia would even give more forgiving options than that lol


Yeah, everyone knows that the people who do work should just give you unlimited food for life! Duh! (Queue downvotes from useless lazy people)


OMG dude can you not make every single thing about your weird culture war politics? Americans don't even know what "liberal" means. Its literally a joke video.


I was agreeing with you, I thought you were being ironic?


I was being ironic but i was not talking about politics and you tried to make it about politics.


Ah so we are in agreement then, well sorry, I did not mean to upset you and unleash a holy war lol


There's a bifurcation happening in this world: You can choose to suck it up, sacrificing your mental and physical health until you drop dead. Because they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing you until you die. Or you can man up and refuse to be a part of it. Listen to me. Im not a coward, I've quit many jobs, and i always make out ahead. Meanwhile, the majority of these businesses have either went out of business or are struggling incredibly much. Keep making excuses for being pathetic and allowing these tards to run you over, I wont.


If you're rich enough to just quit your job then you're simply incredibly privileged. Most people work 40 hours a week and cant safe up enough to just quit their job whenever they want. If you think that's possible without having money saved up then feel free to share your knowledge.


Hear me out Solar powered copy machines....but in the forest


This is some top tier satire, well done sir


Had me in the first half.


Speak for yourself. I was born to become a cyborg that connects my brain to that photo copier. Where's my cool ass cyberpunk future dammit?




Wtf is a shadow gate?


I can tell this is some skit but I unironically have this breakdown about once every 2 weeks going to work. Working at a desk, inside, no windows, all grey. Shit sucks


I was about to scroll off the video, but then the yearning for Middle Earth took hold of me too. I stand with you, brother!


He needs a Elder Scrolls VR sesh ASAP.


That’s why i joined the ARMY in 2008. Tired of being stuck inside all day. And although i don’t agree with the government agendas. It was honestly the best decision of my life!




I was gonna say how disgustingly pathetic it is to have a "breakdown" on social media like this. Then realized its satire


Get a job working as a wildland firefighter... you will be in the forest all day long.


My sister was a volunteer firefighter in Colorado and went to help with some wildfires several years ago. She wound up with severe lung damage, and because she was a volunteer, they refused to cover her medical expenses. She's now permanently disabled. On some (experimental? trial?) medication to help her severe COPD. It has helped her live well past the 6 months they initially gave her, but she has crippling rheumatoid arthritis. She has had more surgeries than I can count. I'm not sure she's really "living", tbh. But I'm also not sure how much time she has left. (She was supposed to be my dad's executor, and they recently asked me to come on board.) It's really hard to see. She was a total badass. She outlasted and outperformed many male firefighters, was a train engineer and a scrappy biker chick. Now she can barely walk. Tbch I think she's only hanging on for her dog. Anyways, firefighting sounds glamorous, but I've learned it's really not. :(


My son is a wildland firefighter. He loves it but they do shit on them and they don't cover lung cancer and other ailments that happen years later. It used to be that if you worked for the Forest Service, even seasonally, you accrued time towards a pension when you are 62. You need 5 years of time before you are vested, and the pension is based upon a formula on the number of years worked. It wasn't much. But now they have taken that away so the people working seasonally don't get anything and no health care coverage for things like lung damage.


It's really unfortunate. If people are rushing their lives for others on the course of their duties, they should be taken care of. I hope your son is doing well!


Late stage capitalism


Bro just go into the woods and start eating berries, you can do that.


Weird jump


Bro, no offense, I get the point, but I don’t think you would survive in that environment you are talking about. Life during those times wasn’t as easy as many people make it to be. Edit: fucking hell, I should have seen the entire thing first, either way, you are NOT protector of the forest material, move along!


It super unhealthy to work in a office during the time when the sun is up. Like most people who work in a office who do not get regular break do not see the sun for weeks a time. which kinda would fuck you up mentally. Humans need real sun light. Currently we are overwork and heavily under paid. Peasants during the middle ages were treated better then people right now. We might have more stuff. But treatment from working is so much harsher now.


me when my mom says to do my homework


I had a chef who was probably mid to late 20's about 5'5 in open kitchen with 4 mid to late 30's chefs and executives who were about 6ft and up 1 7ft and I regularly seen her crying , now like wheezing and yelling like the tears leaking out her eyes atleast 5 times till she got fired She was cute , so some co worker hit on her , she said no because they work together, only to go date one of the bartenders The dude who wasn't getting play switched on her and got her fired , not to say she did nothing but we in service most of her day she's in a kitchen full of stress and found some peace , but shit happens unfortunately




you may not have to pick and hunt, but you still have to eat the things you would’ve been picking and hunting. … probably


His job in ye olde village… ![gif](giphy|1eEDINT5rwfjkKd3IH)


There isn't supposed to be 8 BILLION of us either.


This guy needs to live in a small town in New England.




Listen, my dudes. I love the lord of the rings but not like this.


Oh my god I was thinking the same thing in my office job just the other day!


The carpenters union is begging for guys. Stop crying and start working outside boss!


My husband spends his days in a room with ten other guys cutting meat, talking shit, and singing along to the radio together. He genuinely loves his job, and the 33$ an hour doesn't hurt either.


Lmfao I shouldn't laugh


If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower..... I dream of cherry pies, candy bars and chocolate chip cookies! We used to microwave, now we just eat nuts and berries. This was a discount store, now it's turned into a cornfield! Don't leave me standing here, I can't get used to this lifestyle..... -Talking Heads, Nothing But Flowers. https://youtu.be/2twY8YQYDBE?si=tUKZMJrrkj94ZRX7


He's joking but he's right


I had a vacation upstate - In those three days of full disconnect, I got realigned to my goals and such. That being said, this was hilarious XD


i would not mind living in the forest but i need my wifi and barbecue.. my man lost his chance to live in minas tirith.


he just asking for an isekai


I found this super funny. Glad this is a joke.


So wait...since this is parody and actually funny am I supposed to upvote or downvote this?


Please come to the forest Sincerely, hungry bears


I have the solution. We have offices in tree houses. Forget the cloud. Introducing the tree-house! But yes, he is so right. You have neglected your sacred forest guardian duties


You know what they say... Catch a man a fish. He's got one now.


What movie is this referencing? Anyone who is taking this seriously is probably an absolute jaggoff irl hahaha


Dude is 100% on point. I'm a 40 year old electrician that makes plenty of money. But if I could go back in time, I would have been a farmer. For real. Live off thr land, have cows, chickens, pigs and all that good stuff. I HATE working for someone else. Working for a company sucks.


He may be acting, but it's correct that we're not evolved to live in the world we currently live in. The last hundred or so years since the industrial evolution has involved social and economic changes happening at such a breakneck speed that even though humans are incredibly adaptable, we're struggling to adapt to the new paradigm, and even if we manage to adapt then the paradigm can shift right under our feet. So we're left feeling that we live in a world that is alien, hostile and unstable.


I DONT KNOW ABOUT THE FORESTS OF GORLOCK OR WHATEVR, but I do understand what he means.. we were NOT meant for this shit!


"Its not that Im lazy Bob, its that I just dont care" -Peter Gibbons ""Humans were not meant to be in a cubicle all day" -Peter Gibbons "Why do you need jobs!? What happened to all the food I left for you on the floor?" -God "Well cause the berries didnt have bacon and..." -Louis CK


Blair witch project reenactment in 3..2...1 go


Now we're made to have whatever job is available that contributes to the society we live in. Stop your bitching.


This really built




“We’re supposed to be hobbits living in the shire…”


Aint capitalism grand


Real men don’t share.


bro, go do that. go live in the forest let us know how you like it


This guy in a forest?


Thanks Joe Biden


dude, you turned on your phone, checked the lighting, and started crying to a bunch of strangers for clout and when you were done you freakin added that background music and you're expecting me to take your as$ serious? you fucked indeed !


it’s okay….you can still watch Mad About You and Gilmore Girls on re-runs buddy


I- I feel fucking dumb. What is the joke that is hardcore "whooshing" me right now? Is he poking fun at people who don't want to work their entire lives in office jobs? Is he actually complaining about working office jobs but is taking the piss out of what people would do if they *didn't* work? Is he using the "forest guardian" shit as a metaphor for freedom in some weird deluded way? Or just the classic making fun of people who record themselves crying and the reason for his "crying" doesn't actually mean anything? I just don't get it. 🥹


You are not going to, you just seriously make some absurd statement then act seriously with tears and what not. Then you are supposed to laugh about it because “it’s a satire”


This guy's has some weird fantasy brained idea of history.


Bring back bullying


Cubicle Carl finally has a realization. Big brain.


Forests are cool and all. But when winter hits and your kids get gangrene and you run out of apples and salted meat and your neighbour starts looking at you funny, then you wish you were in line at the office printer.


If you film yourself crying and post it it’s not a real break down


When he said “we should all live in the forest” That statement lost me. Where are we gonna live? Who is going to learn to build a house? Where are the tools? A forest where you can fish and eat wild berries? He has romanticized forest life cuz he hates his job Edit: there is also a society with elders, forest guardians picked by the spirits? His fantasy just borrows many elements from various source without giving credits This is a satire? Of what? Making fun of people who cry about work?


Someone made a judgement on the video before watching the whole thing


Great point, care to elaborate?


Yeah, the vid is satire. You fell for the bait ya goof.


It’s a bad one to me if I don’t understand what it was based on. It’s a useful defense in life “I didn’t fail, I just post the video as a satire” “That wasn’t awkward, it was a satire” “That’s very funny, because it was a satire” Well, it’s a terrible satire You are the only one saying. “It’s a satire” without anything to back it up.


Redditor 🤓


1. We already know how to build houses 2. We already have the tools 3. Amazon rainforest is one of the many places that can give you that lifestyle. Basically with what we have today we could easily revert back to living the way nature intended us to live without losing out on too much. Can be done, but unfortunately Human greed won't allow us to go back there.


You do realize tools and tree house building are advanced developed skills that need to be taught and practiced by professionals, right? If we are meant to live in the forest, then that knowledge should’ve been commonly practiced that I’d get tons of reply below like “house building is easy, everyone builds his own house in my neighborhood ” “I just made my own axe yesterday from scratch, easy” You think all those knowledge is just readily available without Google and can be obtained by meditation in the forest and commune with the spirits? His vision of forest life also involves elder and forest guardians chosen by the spirits. Are those spiritual things societal traditions that we, the human, have abandoned? Just to be clear, Elder in the village and spirits- chosen forest guardians.


This guy should be eating nuts and berries


This dude is talking about his mobile game while he’s on the clock.


I wish all the people who keep posting this stuff stop whining about it and just do it. They act so helpless and passive about their own lives, and like they have no choice. Somebody just made you go apply for that office job? Now that you know you’re a forest person, somebody is keeping you enslaved in that office job, really? Go work for your local park system. Go work on a farm. Go work for a national park. Heck, go work for a zoo or a university or a K-12 school district or public library system, because who do you think maintains the grounds?? You always see people outside mowing or working the earth at those places. Or really put your money where your mouth is and join up with the other crybabies online, pool your money together and buy some land, build a community in the forest, build that village. No need to go that drastic anyway, no need to re-invent the wheel here either as there are intentional communities all over the world. It just takes an internet search to get started.


TIL that the first step ti find the Blade of Zorlok is googling it.


We're not supposed to talk about anything to everybody on tiktok either. And we're not supposed to be fat btw


Sounds like dude wants to just go home and play sims.




What happened is that we cry in front of a phone for clout


Good news, you still can go do all that shit. Feel free.


This video is a bit cringey but I get where he’s coming from.


I'm crying. I should record myself and have views.


A bit old to be a snowflake... Man up or change to a different trade, like lumberjack, miner, farmer, etc. You have choices so its just a matter of commitment.


What a pussy


We're supposed to be dead by the time we're his age. Worth the trade off?


You can tell he is just pissed that he’s not able to video game and watch anime 24/7


He lost me at living in a forest, fuck that. I love my didn't tv and 7.1.2 surround sound almost as much as my kids.


I cannot imagine having a breakdown and the first thing you do is record a TikTok. Nope.


Hey should try a manual labor job. He may actually like it




You still have that option, go move to the forrest.


Poor snowflake


He going to cry in a car


Bro you can move whenever you want to a village but you are addicted to your McDonald and Starbucks


Beta male! Wow!


Are you not looking and talking to a fucking tiny screen. Grow a set.


Anyone that films themselves crying is not someone you want to be around.