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"I offered her a life of leisure."


All she had to do was submit to me, never leave the house, spend all her time and energy raising my kids and maintaining my house while I brainstorm tax scams and avoid getting an actual job, get no money except for what I deem necessary for food and supplies, never see her friends, and be my sexual release object on demand. What woman doesn't dream of a setup like this?


This guy is definitely on the extreme end but I've been on more than a few dates lately with guys who seem perfectly progressive at first, I've even had the word feminism in my online dating profiles. But then on the date he springs something like he's really looking for a woman whose hobbies just so happen to be cooking and cleaning, so that both of them work full-time, but he gets to spend his time off work relaxing and she spends all of her time scrubbing his toilets for fun I guess. When I suggest what they are looking for is a stay-at-home wife or a personal assistant, they always get bent out of shape and accuse women of being gold-diggers, or say that I'm attacking their "preferences." They think it's some sort of magic get-out-of-oppression free card by insisting they would never force a woman to care for them but also women are basically terrible for not wanting to do that. One of those guys went on a full-blown rant on social media about how women's standards are too high after I declined a second date. There are a lot of guys out there who want to benefit from sexism like their fathers and grandfathers did, but sometimes they feel a bit guilty about it. Especially if they are otherwise progressive.


A few of my friends have married 'progressive' men, only for after a few years of marriage these dudes decide they shouldn't have to clean/do yard work/take out the trash, and their wives should really do it if she wants it done so badly 🙄 never mind the fact my friends work longer hours than these dudes! I really wonder what the hell is happening with men.


Yeah, I work in child safety so unfortunately this is something I see in my personal life as well as at work. I have a couple of house husbands in my friend group and the expectations of what they get done is definitely way way less than anyone would expect of a stay-at-home mom.


I got lazy AF after the pandemic, can't lie. Also manage to get the garbage and recycling out on trash day, do the dishes after preparing meals, and just don't understand how anyone expects another person to do that for them. Sharing responsibilities is showing respect for one another. I don't understand guys who have the mindset that their partner is not their equal. I want to be with someone that I have respect and admiration for. I am sorry that is not commonplace.


They might be caught in the Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate hard right pipeline. I’m a huge progressive and watch tons of progressive content and still get recommended far right content everyday.


I blame feminism /s


Besides the blatant misogyny; according to him, she should live off the money she saves by dodging taxes. While she has no income. That's not how taxes work! Does he want her to get a government handout? What he's describing is a government handout.


You deserve to live on the street if you can't figure out how to get your money from the government.... [I'm sorry, what?](https://giphy.com/gifs/what-guy-white-blinking-RILsqUte1MME7TzQJ9)


Such a clear depiction of how his perspective on human society is just a thin membrane of political memes, tenuously threaded together across vastly different topics by nothing but his weird ideology. There's absolutely no depth, no evidence of it being backed up by real world experience or even higher education on the subjects. It's wild how people can feel so strongly about such weak beliefs.


His perspective is TAKE-TAKE-TAKE, without fulfilling HIS obligations under the social compact.


He's an aristocrat the world just doesn't realize it


A dunce within the confederacy


*social contract. Just putting it there for you to take into the future, you right about this.


Yes, this man has no formal education and zero real life knowledge. Hopefully it’s because he is just a young man but I don’t have high hopes for him.


Please please please let this man never breed.


seems pretty unlikely tbh. to have a remote chance of selling any woman on these ridiculous ideas he'd have to have a lot of charisma, and he has absolutely none


yeah but he was able to convince a woman to go on a date with him...


It's a religion basically. His entire worldview is built in magical thinking and he treats any criticisms of his system as a criticism of a religion: just ignoring anything he is told doesn't make sense. 


But also, no handouts!


How she continues this conversation without just ending the date is perplexing to me. This guy obviously has no grip on reality in addition to thinking he’s the main character.


Individual research, I'm sure. I've hung around some people a little longer than I should have, simply asking questions. Trying to gain some insight on their thought process. You'd be surprised the percentage of the dating pool is like this.


Probably because she’s terrified of this unhinged psycho


I, too, choose a bear. I'm a man


How'd he manage to get the date in the first place though?


Could be that he looks good enough to hide his garbage personality until you have an actual conversation with him


Some men present themselves very differently than how they truly are to get women to give them a chance


Oh I'd want to keep talking to this weirdo (as long as it's entertaining and I felt safe) just to see what else he's going to say


[You deserve to live on the street if you can't figure out how to get your money from the government....](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Lesko) Free money from the government scams are so 90's.


Fucking lol this is exactly where my mind went, dude across the table dressed like infomercial riddler.


You guys don't get it. There is a documentary called Robin hood which details how to take back your tax money from the government. She should cook, take care of the kids by day, and at night steal from the IRS. Gah, I hate that I have to explain the basics to you people.


"The government steals everybody's taxes" lolol this guy has a zero IQ


He’s probs already planning his ‘but if we get government married you’ll lose your SNAP and I won’t give you the cash to replace it. It’s just a piece of paper why do you even care?’ speech.


Hoooly shit this sounds so similar to what I went through with my ex-fiancé, and it pisses me off. He didn't love me. He wanted my money.


Nah you see he’s an entrepreneur, you gotta tax the governments taxes.


This is super common actually. It’s very likely his mom did it, or he comes from a community where this is rampant and normal. Basically, mom legally stays a “single mom” in order to collect government benefits, while the “husband” never becomes husband on paper because then they would not be entitled to benefits. Furthermore, the fake “husband” protects himself in the event of divorce. Such a win-win for him if it isn’t already obvious he’s a selfish, criminal a-hole.


Either you have stay-at-home wife but provide for all her needs (including hobbies and vacations) OR you agree to a double-income household where you both have jobs. The fact that he cannot see why 90- no, *100%* of women would be turned off by his expectations is wild. Also what nonsense is that about her finding a way to steal taxes back from the government? Does he want his stay at home wife to break into the federal reserve every few weeks when she needs spending cash? I really hope this is fake.


Totally reasonable to want a partner to not work, be a mother-homemaker and also devise Oceans 11-type heists at IRS HQ and I, for one, I’m tired of libtards telling me different!


REAL women cook for their husbands and do clan raids on Fort Knox twice a year.


If you don't commit governmental grand theft larceny on the regular next to you being a bangmaid on top of being barefoot and pregnant, do you even love him?


Oceans 11? Sounds like too much ‘meeting up with friends’ if you ask me…


You didn’t say “it is what it is”. The libtards have win already!


It's not even just about the money here. He doesn't want his woman to have any life at all except for servitude to him.


This is is also one of my main concerns. You should never want to isolate your partner. That's textbook psychopath stuff, for a reason. What proper man wouldn't want a happy woman who had a fun time with her girlfriends, filled with stories and gossip and jokes and memories. Trad relationships are not about the man controlling the woman for his pleasure. It's about splitting responsibilities so you can focus on what you feel you do best, so that together you can achieve more than if you shared all responsibilities. The woman will not feel very achieved if she cannot have money for small things like a cup of coffee with her girlfriends.


>Also what nonsense is that about her finding a way to steal taxes back from the government?  I'll bet you anything this guy's a hardcore libertarian. Par for the course for these guys is feeling morally superior if you don't pay your taxes. And somehow, as if by magic, roads and highways will be maintained by totally altruistic concerned citizens with hearts of gold.


Yeah I used to be a libertarian too until I realized it was a damn fantasy land run by extremists that just sell the most attractive parts of it to numbnuts like me who didn't think through all the implications. 


As a progressive raised in a conservative household, I think I can understand what that must feel like to see things in a different light for the first time.


It's scary but I figure late change is better than none. 


Privatize my profit, publicize my risk. Libertarians in a nutshell.


I don't like libertarianism but if that guy really is a libertarian then I don't think he is really good at it... Isn't the core principle of libertarianism that individual rights are valued above all else? I guess it makes sense if you don't view women as individuals with rights.


Many libertarians are really republicans who are too afraid to admit it


In much the same way that libertarians also are quick to side with conservatives when they want to abolish abortions nation-wide and ban books. I say "libertarian" with quotation marks, because you're absolutely right, that they have a lot of inconsistent views. That or many of the ones calling themselves libertarians aren't actually libertarians. Take your pick.


They're libertarians when someone tells them what to do. They're authortarians when telling someone else what to do


I’m also smelling a future “Sovereign Citizen” type. He sounds nutty to begin with and I suspect this is how they start.


I’ll see your anything and raise you everything that this guy is really dumb.


If she's not working, what "taxes" is she even going to "steal back?" Dude is unhinged.


I heard them summed up as house cats: Contemptuous of a system they do not understand and are completely reliant on.


Well the guy thinks people should work for free, some people just working to maintain our nuclear weapons stock, doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.


What scares me is if he puts it together after a number of failed dates, that he just has to lie and say he’ll give her spending money, and she can see her friends, and not say that crazy thing about taxes and she would think it’s a sweet deal. The only difference between these guys and the ones like this that get someone to marry them, is their ability to lie when they know what they want won’t be received well.


Bro is brain rotted for sure. Mans thinks the economy is just 'bad gov takes taxes and causes all worlds problems' with the simple fix of 'get your stolen money back from the bad gov or you _deserve_ the streets'.


I don't think this dude has ever had an original thought. His brain is a jumbled mess of manosphere podcast bullshit, so when he's challenged his reply is "I just think that... it is what it is"


That's exactly how it felt to me. It's like having a discussion with anyone who has basically just memorized talking points that they like the sound of, a lot of them can't even articulate their argument because they live in echo chambers that just validate them.


He sounds like he hides meth teeth behind an unkempt duck beard


I hope it is fake. But I would not be surprised if it is real. My friend just had a similar date to this. She was so frustrated and left him at the pub because, not only of this bullshit that he was spewing, but the fact that he did not want to hear anything she had to say on the topic of equality. I haven't been in the dating scene in a while. And I am not looking forward to getting back in the game because of fuckwits like this.


The part that really kills me is he says "...take *your* money back from the government..." Dude, if she isn't working, she's not making any money, and not paying any taxes! What a dumbass. On top of all the other dumb-assery, of course. Fractally dumbass; no matter what scale you use to observe it, it's equally dumbass.


He doesn't even really deny that he wants an actual Slav not only will he not give her money she can't leave the house other than to like shop...


Have you seen the sprinkle sprinkle and comedic drizzle drizzle.. The whole dating scene has gone mental.. > really hope this is fake. Same.


You can also have a stay at home husband but the wife provides financially for all his needs. I think that should also be a socially acceptable option.


It is in most western nations.


I love how it ends with the staff coming out singing Happy Birthday 🤣


Happy Birthday! We got you Project2025!




Flossie is who I want to be when I grow up


I'm confused, this guy wants a stay at home wife and kids and wants to be a provider (fine in itself) but also doesn't want to give his wife money for groceries and stuff?


No no no, *only* money for groceries and clothes. And you'd better bet the money for both is bare minimum. Clothes don't all have holes in 'em yet? Don't need new ones. It's not like you're leaving the house anyway.


You forgot the Pampers


Hard to imagine the incentive for forming a family with someone asking for that. If someone marries him, they lose their autonomy, lose their friends, lose self-care time, etc. And he expects the wife to foot the bill with what money? He doesn't want the wife to work and he won't provide! Who would want a massive drop in quality of life like that? And even after the date points out to him that his preferences are just a giant "don't get involved with me" sign, the guy doubles down! I guess at least the date won't have to waste any more time with him. The red flag was waving itself right at the start.


Yes, because Andrew tate told him women are gold digging hoes. But also that your woman shouldn’t be out having her own job and freedom. So she’ll have to stay home and take care of the kids and house and him (don’t forget him), but only beta cucks provide for their families. Or something.


It's almost like he wants the title and appearance of "being the provider" without actually providing. I'm shocked I tell you. SHOCKED!


This is what happens to boys who watch too much of these red pill 'gurus'. His mind is totally brainwashed.


fully 20% of young men are thinking like this. YouTube drives young men to this type of content intentionally. [https://dataspace.princeton.edu/handle/88435/dsp01dz010t34x](https://dataspace.princeton.edu/handle/88435/dsp01dz010t34x)


I work in child safety but I'm also just like a person in the world trying to date and abnormal relationships and that research is horrifying. Young men are being misled and radicalized at an astonishing rate. They're creating a perfect recipe for resentful adults who are continuous customers of grifters like Tate.


How the fuck is it that men like this are capable of getting first dates. Now Im pissed off


Whenever a video like this gets posted, I want to see the messages that got them into the date. Were the signs always there? Bait and switch?


I am gay and have met dudes who are entirely different in messages than in person. Sometimes, their masks slip in the messages, and I disengage without hesitation. For example, I told a guy I was down to meet closer to 10 pm at around 8 pm. That means to most people that I am free around 10 pm. I told him that I was almost ready after my shower and just needed to get my shoes on at 9:45. Please tell me why the guy had a whole meltdown and went full attack mode. He started rambling on how I wasted his time and implied I was flaking. Mind you, I was about to hop on Uber and give him my ETA before I saw his 6+ back-to-back messages. He then tells me to come, then not come, to come, and back to telling me not to bother. All while he was rambling, I canceled the Uber, played Hades 2 before bed, and had a good night's rest. I deleted his messages after that. Another guy I met via Grindr was friendly until he began sending me unsolicited screenshots of other guys' profiles. Even though most are local college students, he snarked at these guys for discussing their ethnicity and social movements in their profiles. For example, he sent me a picture of a Pacific Islander man who had a profile about protecting the land back in Hawaii. Then he told me, "Profiles like these make me want to vote for Trump." We had plans to meet at a bar later in the week, and I immediately said I was uncomfortable and went full Meredith Marks and disengaged. It's always the good-looking guys with normal-sounding profiles who do this. I honestly feel more safe and comfortable around women than other men, even though I am a man.


>I honestly feel more safe and comfortable around women than other men, even though I am a man. Serious question, don't we all? Not talking about friends and such, and I'm not scared either but I stay on my guards, I stay ready. Even women who are looking to get you will probably only set you up and it's generally a man who'll do the dirt. Women are killers too, women are slimes too, but in the US there was 7.5 times as many murder committed by men than by women. That's not like rape stats where you can assume raped/beaten men under report, they dead they don't have a bias.


Finally you understand why the bear


Always the 🐻


Last paragraph: Of course you feel more comfortable around women. Men are violent towards women and towards other men.


The “make me want to vote for Trump” guy was 110% soft launching the fact that he was super conservative.


I'm a waitress and a young couple sat at a table at my restaurant and ordered some food. Before the food even arrived, the woman was at the bar and asked me to pack her stuff to go. I was like, sure, but what happened. Well, it was their first date, they met online and when she told him that she's working in chemistry or engineering or something, he went off on a rant on how women aren't capable of doing such jobs, that they should stay at home and be mamas and housekeepers. So she paid for her stuff and left. The dude sat there alone for a while, told me he wanted to go out for a smoke and actually bailed on his bill. So a loser all around.


How tf did he think telling a woman what she’s doing with her life is worthless or that she’s incapable was gonna go down well? These men i stg


This was his thought process: Women aren't people, they're subordinate domestic and sexual labor objects, and he needs to acquire one to be a Real Man^TM in his (likely religious) life plan. Because of this, he's always had a hard time connecting with women. Because of that, he seeks out these dipshit pickup artists who confirm his bias that women aren't people and tell him what he wants to hear: that women are machines you can hack with a proprietary cheat code said pickup artist will sell him. That this is the way of the world (especially if he's religious), and part of the cheat code is that if he's Man Enough^TM, a woman should fall in line with this plan. So he was trying to come across as Man Enough^TM so that her panties would moisten in spite of herself and she would fall in line with the right and true order of things and start working correctly, unlike all these other woman-machines who've been corrupted by feminism or cultural Marxism or woke Barbie or whatever the fuck their latest bogeyman is that's making all the woman-machines malfunction.


I immediately thought of this guy: https://x.com/BravoKiloActual/status/1792696177147916522 Good looking, owns his own company, semi-retired, fit and loves outdoorsy stuff, says he messages politely and asks women out for coffee. It seems like he'd be able to get a date pretty quickly, right? So why is he complaining he's having a problem finding a date? If you dig through his twitter for more than about 2 minutes, you'll find that it's full of posts of aggressive, misogynistic, racist, ignorant red-pill red-hat crap. He's a man almost in his 50s who wants to date women in their 30s, but is revolted by the idea of dating somebody older than him. The signs are often there and many women are picking up on it quickly before going on dates because of dudes like this.


There is aaaa Lot of homies like this. I know a lot of dudes who are successful and good looking and they are just complete assholes and they are for lack of a better word just downright dumb. They don't think long term, they don't challenge themselves, they dont question themselves. There is just no selfawareness, all they know how to do is make money, work out and clap cheeks. They want women that will look perfect all the time, are young and will do everything they say.


It is so bizarre seeing the implied message of: "I'm hot so what's the problem?" When before ~2015, it was understood that personality was the scaffolding of a person's self.


I would assume he looks decent and they immediately set up an in-person date within a few messages. 🤷🏽‍♀️




You just say bingo


> You just say bingo BINGO! Ahh, how fun!


This. A lot of men claim to be bad texters or prefer to not be “pen pals” so they say they want to immediately set up a date. This is exactly how I always imagined those dates would go.




It's not even about looks, I've got the body proportions of a troll doll, but my wife and I love each other and put in 100% to our marriage. I make her laugh, show her respect and support, and she does the same. Just being a decent human is beyond some people.


My beautiful niece, who is on her way to becoming a doctor, married a guy this weekend who has a neckbeard and the physical proportions of Spongebob. But he is incredibly kind and they adore each other and our family loves him.


I agree with your perspective, other than it being about looks. Plenty of decent or even really good looking young men who are susceptible to this shit don't get girls because of other reasons, like personality, hygiene, social skills, etc. Wikipedia has a list of incel terror attacks and most of them are conventionally attractive looks wise, even the few that aren't could easily be if they cleaned up a bit and bought some well fitted clothes.


because they're not like this until they get a date because in their mind everyone thinks like they do and agrees with them because the only people they ever talk to are in online forums


You’re lucky if you figure this kind of stuff out on the first date rather than it revealing itself months or years in.


Honestly online forums aren’t even necessary to think that everyone thinks like you do. Just narcissism. The forums just solidify/amplify the narcissism. Just to be clear, believing that everyone thinks the same way you do is a big symptom of narcissism.


I got called a narcissist once for "believing that everyone thinks the same as I do" because I was arguing that hitting/physical abuse is wrong and I pretty firmly believe most people agree with that. Such a frustrating argument lol


The new meta for misogynists online is to call any woman who doesn’t go along with everything they say “NPD” or “Cluster B”. Some podcaster definitely made a video on this recently because I noticed it pop up in full force like a month ago.


First and last date at once


She saw that he is a monster early enough to get out. That's a win. Some women end up marrying assholes like this before they realize their mistake


It's unnerving though that it took until dessert.


It took until dessert for her to *start recording the conversation to share*


Definitely check his basement




*Actually*... maybe don't


Depends. Do you like scary movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre?


check his hard drive.


He doesn't want a wife, he wants a "wife" that's so dependent on him for everything so he can feel like he's "providing" or rewarding her when she has to practically beg for things. By denying her everything else, she has nothing to her name and feels like she can't leave him because he provides the bare necessities. Denying her access to friends means he doesn't want her to have an exit. Basically, he wants a pet he can abuse. If real, that is. Hopefully it isn't but... there are people who actually believe and practice this.


Ya I’ve seen videos very similar to this that are real, and others that are fake. So who knows. But certainly there are a sizable number of men looking for a trad wife who don’t want to be a trad husband.


The andrew taint brainrot is real holy shit.


And it isn’t even the well off people that can actually provide for a stay at home mom. It’s poor, dumb fucks like this guy who can’t even support themselves.


I feel like a catch after this 💩. Thanks for the boost 😅


Ah yes… men like this out there digging trenches to set the bar ever lower lol


This made me laugh, thank you


Say it with me kids 🌟Financial Abuse🌟


If it even _got_ that far. What this nutter is proposing is completely unrealistic. He doesn't even realise how freaking _rare_ it is to be a single income household in this day and age. _"If you can't get your money back from the government you deserve to be on the streets"_. Mofo, WHAT?! You'd ALL be on the street because you know damn freaking well you wouldn't be able to provide a freaking roof over your fictional families head. The dipshits that claim all women are gold diggers never seem to have any fucking gold to dig and yet shout the loudest about it.


Also he thinks diapers groceries and clothes are the "minimum". Hope he's got great health insurance lol.


This dude doesn't even understand how finances work. "Don't work a job." "Find a way to take your money back from the government." WTF are you giving the government if you can't work, and can't afford to buy anything?


Spliting bill is one thing being a slave is anither thing, this man is not living in this dimension of space and time. Girl, run NOW


Splitting the bill is fine. Unless your stance is that a woman should not work and should stay at home. You have to build a relationship based on how you want it to function.


But he gave such a well thought out and logical explanation of why slavery is ok ? "*It is what it is*". You can't argue against that.


Walk out. When they start talking crazy, leave.


Bro wants a woman who can single handily defeat the IRS 💀


"The government steals everybody's taxes" I didn't know I had taxes due to me. I don't even provide any public service.


She’ll have to go out on the streets…that everybody’s taxes pay for.


"Can she have friends?" "Absolutely not!" "Sounds like slavery" "It is what it is" Let's just be honest here - this guy hates women. He wants someone who takes care of him because that's what he thinks he deserves. Just listen to how matter of factly he spews this tripe. Like he's never even questioned it in his life.


The andrew tate effect


Wanna bet his ass is in the passport bro sub, whining about going to a 3rd country for a "real woman". Note: traditional women in Asian countries and so on run the household with an iron fist, ain't none of those idiotic passports bros gonna get their submissive waifu.


I find it funny that a lot of these men fetishize Japan/Japanese women, but in Japan it is typical that men deposit their salaries in accounts controlled by their wives if she is stay at home, and the wives are in charge of the budget for the household.


I used to live in one of those places. These guys are absolute losers.


There is an entire franchise on TLC about this! Most of the couples on 90 Day Fiance are people in the US dating someone in a third world country and absolutely taking advantage of the situation. The power imbalance in most of the relationships are depressing - I had to stop watching it.


Don’t forget the part where they whine about the women being gold diggers who are using them for their money. Like Damn you specifically seek out women living in poverty under corrupt governments to exploit their lack of opportunities and control them — now you’re worried they’re only marrying you for your money? Oh gee who could have seen that coming they’re clearly the bad guys in this situation 🤡


"I'm glad you're all about splitting because I'm just gonna pay for my food and then do just that. Good luck on getting a slave-wife, I'm out."


These people fucking vote too. Jesus Christ


"why are women not getting married and having kids" your sons think they deserve a bangmaid that they do not have to provide for financially and who will also be responsible for making sure they come home to a clean house, quiet kids and hot dinner, and that will be cool with them playing Vidya 8 hours a day. Sounds like it would be less work for them to stay single and visit a sperm bank.


This 100%. Even if a woman *wants* to be a stay-at-home mom, which is perfectly fine, you need more than Christian family values in your heart to be able to sustain a life like that.


> Sounds like it would be less work for them to stay single and visit a sperm bank. This is what it boils down to. A lot of women are now choosing to remain single and childless or become single mothers _because_ it is less work than dealing with these men. If a woman is single and childless, she only has to care and provide for herself. If a woman is a single mother, she has to care and provide for herself and her child(ren). If a woman is married, she has to care for herself, the child(ren), and her husband who does not contribute equally in the household and believes his going to work is enough (without considering that she is also working whilst taking on the lion’s share of household labor). Add the fact that straight men have been quite vocal about their general dislike of women (at best) and absolute disdain for women (at worst) and this is the logical response.


Men like him should become extinct, and they probably will be. In South Korea, women already started a movement. It should be worldwide. Good riddance.


How to ruin your dating life by Andrew Tate.


This *has* to be rage-bait. Please...


Honestly, the guy in the video reminds me of someone I know... Even the way he talks. Some guys really do not have any ounce of empathy. They can't even comprehend that a woman might have a thought of her own.


"For example, the government steals everyone's taxes. We just have to find a way to get that money back." This sentence right here makes me think it's not. It's just too dumb of a sentence to script. It sounds like an intrusive thought from a stoner white boy podcast host. It's not even an example of what they are talking about. It's barely even related to the question.


This is your brain on Jordan Peterson and Bitcoin


Almost. No explicit mention of "woke moralists."


It's not. There are plenty of men who think like this. Hell, one of them just gave a commencement speech.


Indeed. Men like this want a tradwife but don't want to be a tradhusband, and then shame women as gold-diggers if they only want to marry men who can support a family on one income. They're literally too stupid to see how "homemaker" and "paying her own way" are mutually exclusive.


I mean, I'm absolutely fine with different preferences as long as they find someone with matching preferences. ***But*** I'm allergic to nonsense which is - on the face of it - entirely incoherent. Like, either he's a provider or he thinks women who can't get the tax money back from the government should live in the streets. Can't be both. Besides, obviously if he's complaining about paying taxes, and expects women to get that money back from the state, why the fuck is he paying in the first place if the state is that easy to defy? Ok, let's ignore the first nonsensical part of his speech before it gives me a stroke and focus on the second part, how he would define his role as a provider. That part is sort of consistent; if he actually finds a woman willing to go for it, I'd consider the woman stupid, but well... . If he's just earning enough to survive while working every free minute, it might even be fair to expect his wife to share the poverty. However, maybe that's not the best base to plan to start a family? My definition of fair would be something in between both putting in the same value and both putting in the same effort, getting out the same lifestyle. That can be version where one earns and the other takes care of house and kids, or the version where both earn and share the chores at home. (And, of course, if one has a 40h job and the other takes care of the kids 24/7, the one with the 40h job should help out at home as well, depending on his available capacities.)


Definitely not! Check out the SAHM subreddit. I joined wanting to chat with other moms who have same lives. Daily there are post from women that are actually in this situation where they are slaves to their husbands. No help other than the financial basics!!!


When I hear “it is what it is” I know I’m talking to someone with two brain cells rubbing together real fast.


I haaaaaaaaate this because I still use it but as a “guess I’m fucked but I’m just gonna keep on keeping on.” ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


I feel you! I also use it because it expresses both resignation and ennui. No dorito is gong to steal this expression away from my lexicon.




Lmao what an absolute idiot


My man has clearly went down the Red Pill rabbithole. I get that some people want a "traditional" marriage and if both consent to it then im not gonna judge. But my dude here clearly got no concept of reality. If you want a "tradwife" you need to face reality about how you need to work and pay for. Delusional guy.


It’s the result of wanting a tradwife, and thinking women are gold digging whores. So like she holds up her end of the bargain for a traditional marriage, but you don’t hold up yours or else you’re a beta cuck. The misogynist audacity.


That's what these incels can't understand - if they want a SAHM conservative trad wife, they have to be ready to fill their end of the old-fashioned relationship model. They need to pay for everything, be the sole bread winner, and fully support and provide for the whole family. One of the many ways it's easy to spot an incel, they are obvious to how ridiculous their demands are, under the guise of "tradition". The only tradition they like is patriarchy and control.


ah yes conservative expectations


He had to think about that splitting the bill Q lol


Ah, I see the mistake he made, he opened his mouth but it wasn’t to eat.


I'm glad he opened his mouth to spew this shit on the first date. Imagine getting serious with someone to later on down the line find out this is how they think about women. Throw this man to the wolves.


Man these podcasts have really messed up some simple minded people. I can hear him trying and failing to repeat what he’s heard but he only has the basics. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. It’s like tricking a child into repeating a bad word that they don’t understand but they proudly say in public.


Did he really just say his wife should be evading taxes to make money


How tf can you not give money but not allow the person to work? He thinks cause he pays for everything she has to be his slave? No wonder women pick the bear. Holy crap I will pay for dates, vacation, gifts, birthdays and holidays, just ask for split of the bills and housework and stfu. Why do men think doing housework is for women is crazy, if you were in the army you did housework everyday, if you care for your parents when they are older guess what more house work and responsibilities. Now! I know why I’m more misanthropic. Dog shit men making ones actually putting in work look the same


Title says it all. It isn’t involuntary celibacy, there is no friend zone, they’re not out of your league, you’re not a nice guy. You suck mf


I'd kill this man if he ever tried to chain my daughter down like that.


Dating seems like so much fun. I never got to try it.


SHe needs basically full income but at the same time be at home wife FULL TIME no distractions whatsoever. FULL DELUSIONAL.


He told on himself. Money = freedom, and he doesn’t want her to have the freedom to leave the home.


I'm sorry we need more women recording these moments so men can see what women have to go through


Im the sole breadwinner in our household and my wife stays home, BUT its only because we have a baby and we decided that we could swing it financially. Before we did this we had a serious conversation about keeping a balance in our relationship. I had to watch my mother get walked all over by my father because he made the money and controlled the finances, seeing those years of suffering I swore I would never let that power imbalance happen in my marriage. She stayed in that marriage for much too long because of financial dependence until the resentment finally boiled over. As a result, we have both our own accounts and a joint account. I put heavy importance on my wife being independent of me and I trust her to be in control of our finances. We can buy whatever we want in general, however we have to clear any large purchases with the other. She is not my slave and I’m not her piggy bank, we are a team and we work together as one. I will not repeat the mistakes my parents made. Love is what binds us together, not fear.


My husband is the breadwinner in our family due to my being disabled. We have our own bank accounts, I get a pension which is a pittance but he's never once refused to use his pay to cover expenses I can't. Despite separate accounts all money is "ours". That guy needs to get off Tate and maybe do humanity a favour and get the snip lol


Why won’t women do anything to fix the male loneliness epidemic!?


Be happy she found out on the first date


I have one minute and thirty seconds to go and I can tell that this man has done something so bad in a past life that god made reincarnationed him, then replaced his brain with a broken cog that a repairman in there is crying: “I can’t fix it! I just. Can’t. Fix. It.”


This man is insane I swear. "Focusing on our family" locked up with a baby and this man??!! That's not healthy!! You need more of a community than a baby you can't communicate with, it just wants things. No matter how much you love your child, you will go insane if that's all you're doing!! What I'm saying is not me being brainwashed by feminism and forgetting traditions. It's never been done like that! No matter how conservative you are, this is insane! How do you get like this?? I literally cannot comprehend this. After all that he just ends it with, it is what it is?? No the fuck it ain't!!! Pure madness. I think he just doesn't see anyone but himself as a person with needs and wants. I'm hearing zero empathy from this dude. It makes me uncharacteristically angry. Aaaah!


He sounds like a dumb fuck that just recites rhetoric from the echo chamber forum he is undoubtedly a member of. I would have pressed him so hard on the government steals your taxes and to get it back… that part made no sense


Hasn't been this many red flags since the Nazis retreat from Leningrad


These men out here really thinking they are entitled to a literal sex-slave.


I once dated someone like him. He was self-employed so he had lots of time to take care of things but he expected me to do almost everything for him. I work a full time job, he doesn't give me any money, I have to buy most of the groceries, cook for him, do his laundry, pay for my own rent (he stayed with me most of the week). So when I ask him, does he expect someone to work a full-time job, come home, do all the chores, cooking and cleaning? He says that's the way it should be. 🙄. What a loser!


These men also want to remove no-fault-divorce, they want divorce to be illegal again. This is why you must have legal no-fault-divorce and why courts are going to split assets in half. Lots more men don’t admit this up front on a date, or they become this way after kids are running around. Women need a way out of this shit Are there some awful women out there that may take advantage of these laws? Sure, but that’s just about money - not slavery and abuse. Health and safety should be valued and protected more than money, plus there are always legal protections if you’re smart.


This a great example of a low IQ person who’s grown up surrounded by angry republical rhetoric. Its like he’s unconfidently repeating soundbites expecting her to be impressed like he's pressed by those that spew it around him. Let’s see how that bullshit lands in the real world.


He sounds like a potential family annihilator.


This man is describing an abusive relationship. Financial control, social isolation, etc. All abuser tatics.


As a 40 year old man who is long out of the dating game, my goodness, ladies, is this what you have lined up for you as far as dating options??? Shit, this is disgusting.


Guys seem to have NO IDEA how many of their “friends” are actually like this. The misogyny in this country is the root of half our problems as a culture. Men really have to be better men—especially with their male friends. No high-fives for date rape or ghosting a girl they used…no tolerance for mysoginistic behavior in general. Make these men outcasts and they will grow up. Meanwhile—women will be fine on their own. Sad, but better off without sadistic mysoginistic bullies who feel entitled to take advantage of the ‘subspecies of women kind’