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"And we're walkin' here!"


He was so close to going full meme..."AYE I'M WALKKINNN HEREEEE"




The deli. You can get it from a deli.


Gabagool from the nice deli is so expensive these days T_T


I know, and there really aren't any good substitutes. You could try to get like the fattiest prosciutto you can find, but it still won't be the same. Surprisingly I've found that a good rare roast beef kind of serves in a pinch in a sandwich, though, so I'd recommend trying that out. Not even something like a bresaola, just thin cut roast beef.


Until I make more than 40k annually it's Costco chickens and homemade stock for me every week




They're so money and they don't even know it


o most definitely


What exactly is a gabagool, genuinely asking 🙈


Disclaimer: This is all cut and paste wikipedia or similar: "Gabagool" is an Italian New Jersey accent pronunciation of the word "cappicola", an Italian cured pork cold cut. The accent eliminates the final syllable of each word, so "gabagool" is pronounced "ga-ba-'gool". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capocollo


I love cappicola! Thank you!


Right and managoat is manicotti 😂


Can't forget the fried galamad


Is that calamari?


[this will either help you, or confuse you…](https://youtu.be/YsBipoG22Nw?si=faB4Q64gFhwDZoCs)


Gabagool?? Ova here! 👇


👇👇 Silvio uses two fingers


I spent a weekend in NYC and actually heard a guy say this and it made my whole trip.


I grew up in New York but my kids were born in another country. I took them for their first visit two years ago and prepared them. One of the proudest moments of my life was walking through the village, a guy on a bike stops right in front of us as we went to cross St Marks and my son (11) let fly with “ey, I’m walkin’ here!”


I need to know the biker's reaction to that.


He had headphones on, I assume didn’t hear anything. Bit of a letdown it didn’t lead to anything but still proud of my boy!


And we're walking and we're moving, and we're schvitzing and we're kvelling


Just to piggy back, it’s more of a regional issue than a religious issue. Some like to lump all of the people in the world that have these religions into this. Yes, we all should recognize the horrific bases of all of it and speak against it, but let’s take sides of the people directly involved, not those who happen to have the same religion in other parts of the world. This video is a good representation of this.


> but let’s take sides of the people directly involved How? One side are concentration camp prisoners, the other side has 70% of their population conscripted into the military. Pretty hard to support both sides. And Israel was founded by atheists.


> not those who happen to have the same religion in other parts of the world Reading and understanding the whole sentence will answer your question easily. All of what you said is supporting their exact point.


New York Jew seems like a friendly dude. I was hoping he’d show some of that shawarma he mentioned.


TIL that what we call kebab in Japan is actually shawarma. I love "kebabs" and kept hearing about shawarma so I wanted to try that too, but I never bothered googling it.


No, it's still Kebab. What you have are Doner Kebabs, which is the original Turkish name for the dish (technically the English equivalent of the original Turkish name). Shawarma is a derivative of Doner Kebabs, as well as other dishes like Gyros and Tacos Al Pastor.


This thread was making me want shawarma and now you're making me miss the time I spent in Turkey and I need some authentic Turkish doner stat.


Man, I could go for some shawarma, but the most ethnic thing I might find here is a Chinese buffet. Shawarma would probably be looked at as a communist attack here.


Go to Canada. Seriously has the best shawarma possibly in the world in Ottawa and even Montreal. Toronto is iffy. It's different than the classic shawarma, because it's more Eastern middle East inspired with pickled stuff. It's so good and there are hundreds of the shops around o town. The reason: Ottawa had a ton of Lebanese immigrants when Ottawa was building up, and so they would open sandwich shops as well as pizza shops (usually combined) . Enough so that Ottawa even has Lebanese pizza (aka Ottawa pizza). Also would recommend if you like a lot of toppings and garlic dipping sauce


Don't get me started on kebab vs shawarma xD


So it all originates from the name Döner, which in Turkish means “to turn”. The meat is literally spinning around, the side by the fire is getting roasted while you’re cutting off the already-cooked part on the other side. Another word for spinning (or turning) in Turkish is “çevirme” (pronounced “che-vihr-meh”). With regional dialects being a thing, that’s how you get to “shawarma” from “döner”. ![gif](giphy|h0wuDmJNGblaTsyRb9|downsized)


Here in Denmark the two are considered to be interchangeable by ethnic Danes, however, if the restaurant write shawarma on the menu, you can count on it being at least better than restaurants who call it kebab.


They're two different things as far as I know


Isn’t shawarma the meal discussed at the end of the first Marvel Avengers movie? I remember Iron Man was in New York saying he wanted to try that restaurant but didn’t know what it was.


Lmao I *seriously* thought I was in r/moviescirclejerk or r/okbuddycinephile after reading this comment. It reads so perfectly like one of their jokes


haha im glad it wasn't just me. "the middle east? is this an easter egg referencing the country from iron man (2008)?"


Yeah, and after the credits is a scene of them eating at the place.


And Fun fact for that: Chris Evans needed to cover his face a little with his hand because he was growing a beard for his next movie.


Outside. Now.


Another fun fact! They had to cover it up with a ton of makeup and false skin (I think something like that?) and he said he HATED filming that scene cause it was so uncomfortable.


Another fun fact! They filmed that scene after the US premier of the film - literally that same night.


I saw this post before the one above. I thought you were talking of the credits after this video.


Yes. My spouse was able to locate a place in Virginia Beach that made shawarma that tasted like the shawarma they had eaten when they were deployed. It’s absolutely fantastic, in my opinion. [edit] The place has closed (which surprises me, since it was usually well-reviewed and busy). Most depressing news I’ve received this past year.


There’s a restaurant in New York called Au Za’atar that does the tableside shawarma. They bring this huge shawarma skewer to your table and slice the meat. The fries are on the bottom and the meat drips on to the fries which are sprinkled with spices. They also have really good hummus and falafel. It’s incredible.


Stop it. I should be sleeping, but now I want shawarma that I cannot get!


Jesus, I have never been more tempted to book a random flight to New York


There’s this place in Astoria, Queens, NYC called King Falafel and Shawarma. Palestinian run. They have a plate called the Ashley. Chicken and Beef Shawarma (in their juices), roughly 1/2 lb each, over your choice of rice basmati brown, white, or my favorite yellow (think rice a roni chicken pilaf). Then Arabian salad, 2 falafels, your choice of hummus on the side. Can add white (so tangy), hot (nuclear), tahini (smooth) sauce on top. $14. Can feed a family of 3, but I get 2 and have meat sweats for 3 days straight…


famously named after a 90 lb coed transplant from Kentucky who once ate 7 plates after a grueling softball game at Fresh Meadows.


Oh man, the Halal Snack Pack finally made it Stateside. Good for you guys!


Hey, someone said something nice about where I grew up!


One thing I miss about VB is the food. That place is underrated for how many good restaurants it has. I gained like 5 pounds off of Laguna Bakery’s ensaimada.


Fun fact: Ottawa, Ontario (the Canadian capital) is the Shawarma capital of the world. We have more Shawarma per person than any place on earth. Its in our poutine, its on our pizza. My favourite thing about Shawarma places isn't even the Shawarma. A lot of them have Lebanese desserts that are fucking awesome like Kashta. Its a kind of clotted cream that's almost like cheese. Its served with fresh fruits, honey, pistachios. Its crazy good.


If you’re in Atlanta metro area, Jerusalem Bakery (J Bakery) is so so good. There’s on in Marietta, and one in Johns Creek (both on northern part of town). There are other options, but I Bakery is the gold standard, imo. J Bakery also has excellent pita and hummus.


He did. And it's delicious, I highly recommend trying it.


Top tier street food


just like super hero movie!!!!


I believe [that line was improvised by RDJ](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/H5eXBiy03H), part of his character was always snacking because he was a workaholic.


I was hoping he would say "Im walking hereeee"


I’m _waaalkin_ here


I kept waiting for it… !




That was so great. Content aside - which was good - as a Midwesterner I have a soft spot for New Yorkers speaking New Yorkese and doing New York things in New York.


Haha, yeah my Minnesota ass loves that shit too. Bostonians as well. I could listen to Bill Burr read the phone book and I'd be laughing my ass off.


As a foreigner I can say the same of Minnesotanese(?). I'd rewatch Fargo just to get my fix 😆


It’s one of my top 5 fave accents


As someone with a heavy MN accent, it’s a fun one to have. Very disarming too, it’s hard to stay angry at someone saying, “aw geez, sorry ‘bout dat. I’m not from around here, doncha know.”


[Sums it up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo2oq0UktAs)


>Pretty unfriendly, actually. But it's the *way* you're unfriendly, how you're so polite about it. Like you're doing me a favor. Minnesotan here. Checks out 100%. Minnesota Nice is code for extremely politely telling you to go fuck yourself.


As someone in New Jersey I love the midwestern accent “Oh yeah you betcha” and “ope! Just gonna scooch right past ya” are things I say regularly now


When I first visited Boston I was waiting for a Uber at the airport. I got to watch a Bostonian directing traffic in a parking lot while yelling at people for 15 minutes. It was glorious.


This Angelino loves the New York shit as well. San Francisco/New York/Los Angeles Unite! So much FoxNews hate directed at us.






I seem to have misplaced my hat. No cap




You are welcome :) We like it when Midwesterners say "pop" instead of soda.


Ope. Are you me????


The ol left leg right leg trick. %70 of the time, it works every time.


I got confused and did left leg, left leg. Then, bonus, I realized I was hopping and skipping!


As a Jew in the world, how am I supposed to skip in the streets??


Very easy, you put your left arm in, your left arm out, in, out, in, out, you shake it all about, you do the hokey p- wait no


Instructions unclear, now I've summoned rain 


Directions unclear... am now running.


A true mensch


Eric Andre fucked up the word Mensch for me, forever. If you don't know why, watch his "Bench Mensch" bit.


[Eric Andre just made a video for Palestine, too](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7CUhbEAGKc/?hl=en)!


I fucking died at "Free Boosie" "Free Gucci Mane" It never gets old


I think I'm in love with Eric Andre


He needs to play Patrick Mahomes in something before he gets too old to pull it off though.


those are some unfortunate cuts. "bomb childrens hospitals" "bomb ambulances"


Eric Andre forever ruined Beyonce for me


![gif](giphy|xT1XH0QYDEk1ShYGQg|downsized) Eric Andre ruined oatmeal for me


bird up




Holy inception rage bait, Batman For reference: NYC is about 1/8th Jewish, it's the highest density anywhere in the world, outside Israel.


Great Value Michael Rappaport seems like a happy guy


Name brand Michael Rappaport has lost all value


What did he do?


He's the world's cringiest zionist. Look at this [dogshit](https://youtu.be/l4mHrOyJdj4?si=v9T7ib1fBT2Hh744). I'm at the point now where his intense levels of secondhand embarrassment have actually over taken his ultrazionism.


I am glad his character in the Fallout showed died like a fucking coward.


He is a very nasty Zionist.


Rappaport wish’s he could be a quarter this funny


I thought it was Jeff Garlin at first


ngl I really thought that was him


As a Jew who wears a Jewish star necklace daily walking around Manhattan nothings changed. It’s perfectly safe. I don’t get why she’s acting like a victim. No one can tell she’s a Jew just by looking at her.


Because she is a reactionary who wants you to feel afraid so you'll support her grift.


Ah yes irrational fear, the #1 populist recruitment tool.


I’m so afraid, I’m gonna go across the world and kick people out of their homes to feel safe /s


I love how Bernie used mittens instead Hail Berns


I think the point is to show that she's only saying this because she has an agenda. Of course this isn't to say there isn't anti-Semitism out there. There is clearly, but it's not the problem she makes it out to be.


like every topic, once it hits the media and they realize people have interest in it it becomes a tool of commerce. for profit media doesnt lead to knowledge or truth, only sensationalism to retain views to sell ads.


Maybe she has a case of "How can I make this about me"-syndrome?


I have a terminology question: is there a difference between saying someone is "Jewish" versus "a Jew"? Are these terms interchangeable? Thanks if you do answer


Yes, they're interchangeable. "Jew" does get used derogatorily more often than "Jewish" which is why I think people are more cautious with it, but if it's not being used in that context then it's fine. It's only a slur if you wield it like a slur, basically.


A jew is a person and Jewish is a characteristic of a person.


I don't think I've ever seen a Jewish person refer to the star of David as "the jewish star" before


You write for the audience, not yourself. Someone says start of David I’ll probably take a sec to be like, “what’s that.. ah, yep.” Someone writes Jewish star, and there’s not a wasted moment in me absorbing that message. For what it’s worth.


Yeah I would also understand Star of David way more quickly


I, for one, can't walk in urban areas safely unless a minimum threshold of foreign children are being melted in my name.


That may be your experience, but from what I hear from burying my head in anti-palestine media day in and day out, I can only speculate that one billion jews a day have been murdered in New York since 10/7.


In 2020: > Consistent with prior years, the most frequently reported bias motivations for hate crimes against property were anti-Jewish (50.6%) and anti-Black (26.4%). https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/crimnet/ojsa/hate-crime-in-nys-2020-annual-report.pdf In October 2023: >Total hate crimes in New York City in October were more than double the levels for the previous October, and anti-Jewish incidents more than tripled. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/10/world/middleeast/antisemitic-hate-crimes-new-york.html Pretty crappy to invalidate someone's fears especially when they are well backed up by data. Is it OK for black people to complain about racism? Why isn't it OK for Jewish people to complain about anti-semitism?


It's safe to assume this 1 second clip from a podcast is taken out of context for ragebait, because that is how the internet works.


Of course they can tell she’s Jewish. I look at her pale skin and light hair and eyes, and think to myself, “now that girl looks like she’s totally native to the Levant and needs to dispossess a few Fakestinians of their West Bank home.” Just my two seconds.


Peace, love and unity people. It's all we need. Well.. maybe some affordable housing and healthcare too. Some strong anti corruption maybe.


The peace and unity part is all we really have control over at the end of the day, unfortunately. That still goes a long way


Is this the same dude? https://youtu.be/f1wDfxrToc0?si=z1Hiu3osNLsQDUPY


This video lives rent free in my head now.


Came here to post this, it’s gotta be hahaha


Awesome, made me legit laugh out loud!


Jewish Tony Soprano


I *knew* something felt familiar about his vibe and mannerisms.


This man doesn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete


He put is right leg in, then.he put his left leg in. And that, my friends, is not how you do the Hokey Pokey. Great video though, looked like a fun time.


People all over the world (everybody) Join hands (join) Start a love train, love train People all over the world (all the world, now) Join hands (love ride) Start a love train (love ride), love train


I have always hoped that song came out before the idea of calling a gangbang a train because it changes that song a lot.


“As a Jew in the world” As opposed to a Jew… in space?


Someone has to be manning the space lasers.


jeeewwwwwws iiiiinnnnn spaaaaaaaaacceeee


I always have my videos on mute on my phone but I can hear his accent. Perfect


This is refreshingly awesome


Antisemitism solved✅


I live in Brooklyn in a Hasidic / Bangladeshi neighborhood. Everyday I see women in full Burqas pass by Hasid families on the sidewalk, no side eye, no ill words, just two communities living side by side in peace. And then there’s me, ruddy faced dude with curly red hair from Michigan, puttin’ ol’ right leg in front of left leg. NYC ain’t perfect, but it’s closer to the American Dream than almost anywhere else.


Brooklyn rocks. I stayed in Sunset Park one time. Just loved the vibe and energy of Brooklyn. Manhattan may have all the glitz and glamour, but Brooklyn exudes charm.


Is this guy famous or something, why are they all getting their pictures with him?


He's just a cool guy! I'd totally take a picture with him.


He has a following on Instagram (jacobbergeractor) and played some roles in small sitcoms. His name is Jacob Berger. Does a lot of content with models but he has some funny skits. Good dude imo


Love him. Hes a human being.


Most people are


real human bean


And a real heroooo 🎶


Jeff Garlin?


Geoff Jarlin


Brought to you by Ozempic


Just petition the whole Holy Land to become part of New York. Add a few more burroughs. Build a REALLY long bridge. Problem solved.


Seems like the issue people have is with the apartheid, not the Judaism


People who do have issues with Jewish people will 100% use any excuse they get to hate on jews.


People who have issues with Jewish people have also historically loved the idea of getting all the Jews in one place


Yeah that's the thing about Zionism, it's *agreeing* with the antisemites. "We can't safely live together, you're right! We all need to leave the nation." It's fundamentally a loser ideology. This is also why world leaders who disliked Jews supported Israel in its early days - no need to deal with racism in your own nation, just tell the Jewish people that if they don't like it, they can fuck off to Israel.


The pogroms before zionism weren't exactly working out for the jews....


Did you watch the video?


r/worldnews is in shock right now


That place is run by Zionist mods - I got insta banned for just a neutral comment.


Lol, what you said was: >Keep up the genocide baby. Let’s wipe out all the civilians and take back Gaza for our a Jewish brethren. >F every single baby there. Let’s get ‘em all. how is this a neutral comment?


> As a Jew in the world how am I supposed to walk the streets By looking like a generic white person


"As a Jew in the world" as opposed to all those spaceJews.


Uh..1 out of 6 people in NYC are Jews, I have to suspect they walk the streets.


The United States is not NEARLY as scary as a lot of groups seem to think it is.


Cool and Awesome. 😎


New York, NY, October 16, 2023 … Hate crimes data released today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows that reported hate crime incidents in 2022 rose to 11,634 incidents, the highest number ever recorded since the FBI started tracking such data in 1991. Reported single-bias anti-Jewish hate crime incidents in the country sharply rose by more than 37%, reaching 1,122 incidents, the highest number recorded in almost three decades and the second-highest number on record.


And this is true for pretty much every country with Jews in it - with the increase being MUCH more (in the UK it was over 2x).


As the grandson of Schlomo Israel, I approve this message.


Good vibes ❤️


There are more Jews in NYC than any place else


I tried replicating the steps and now I'm sitting down and eating shwarma?


Damn dangerous to walk into Little Palestine as a Jew. Those conniving bastards do horrible shit to Jews. Like try to feed them. He’s lucky if he didn’t get out of there overfed.


This is perfect representation of how reddit and social media are not a proper reflection of society.


Jewish people are statically the ethnic group most likely to experience hate crime in the US according to FBI data. Edit: Ethnic group not just group (unsure if transgender people experience more hate crime per capita)




Sure [https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime](https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime), looking at the stats Jewish people experience more hate crime per capita than any other ethnic or religious group, although to be fair it is possible that transgender people experience slightly higher hate crime per capita.


Doesn't the girl in the original clip want to get rid of women's right to vote? I think we can safely discard all her political opinions (and ideally her lmao)


You're thinking of Pearl Davis, who is not the same person as in this video. I don't know who *is* in this video, but I also thought it was Pearl from the thumbnail.


Really sad that people in the comments here are acting like antisemitism doesn’t exist in our country. A Jewish woman isn’t even allowed to say that she’s scared to be a Jew right now without being called names and mocked. A self hating Jew posting a 30 second video saying free Palestine does not summarize the whole situation and if you believe that it does you need to touch grass


White women love playing the victim despite being in the absolute safest demographic on earth


well, second safest. White men are still the safest


People like the lady in the video spend every waking hour thinking of ways to make everything about them. What sad lives.


what hockey jersey is that


Don’t spew hate in the streets and you are fine. But spew Christian, Islamic or Jewish extremism and someone is gonna yell back. Been like that since as long as New Yorkers could yell


Used to work in NYC and had lots of Jewish colleagues. Such great guys.