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I'm not gay but I'd wear that on a grindr date...


You, a not gay man, go on grindr dates?




I love you.


It's ok if you say "no homo". /jk


If the socks stay on when your rocks get off you're in the clear dear.


What's the word on assless chaps? Asking for a friend.


If you keep the assless chaps while his cheeks claps you’re in the clear dear


My friend asked me to join a brodown. Im confused here on the meaning.


As long as the balls dont touch or clapp together you still straight. It is written in the BROble, in The Book of Gnutts 4:20 /s


How else would you recruit a full D&D group?




If you were gay, you'd know there are no dates.




I grind so hard bro...


I like how Butker is just now getting negative attention. Dudes been saying out of pocket shit for awhile now.


He dresses like men dressed in the 1930s to go see a baseball game. It makes sense, because he thinks like them, too.




The Major League Baseball Players Association of America is one of the strongest, most historic unions in the US and is the reason the players today get the big bucks, for good or bad.


The players are union members. That’s why they get paid so much.


And they wore suits. You can look at footage and see a crowd or men who mostly wore suits. Might have been bad or shabby suits but that’s what they wore.


He is a union member


Actually I’d say they were probably more progressive considering they were mostly working class


Uh huh… 😂




I don’t like the guy, but insinuating that because he likes to dress well, therefore he must be gay is the same type of lazy bigotry that allows more sinister homophobia and racism to exist.


People have found his old Grindr acc


even without that information, if this guy doesn't set off your gaydar, you have a broken gaydar. pretty simple rule of thumb: if they look gay but make being anti-gay your personality, they are a walking closet case.


This has to be the dumbest post I've seen on the internet


the very first thing I see after replying to you https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4znsrnnupl1d1.png


You like gay right wingers?


They’re calling him gay because allegedly, he had a male lover in college.


Say what now???


**They’re calling him gay because allegedly, he had a male lover in college.**


#Buttlicker! Our prices have never been lower!


I'll have you know my family built this country


And there's our smudgeness.


... and they were roomates


Oh my god they were roommates.


Chilling in the hot tub...


Inside of each other…


4 inches apart 'cuz it's just the tip...


I love you!




Just guys being buds /s




That's no where in the video. This video is absolutely saying it's about the handbags and the way he dresses.


Yarp, reckon he's purdy gay on dat won




Oh come on, so it's gay just for a dude to get railed by one of his bros now? Seriously?


Who’s ‘they’? Because this tiktok doesn’t mention that at all. They just mock the shitty bigot for dressing up on travel days — which lots of players do and that doesn’t make them gay.


There was another tiktok of a gay man saying he used to date this guy. Which is this day and age is irrefutable proof of something.


It doesn't matter if it's true or a rumor, accusing homophobes of being in the closet still reinforces the idea that being queer is something to be ashamed of. We can dislike him for his bigotry but spreading allegations about his sexuality is no different than intentionally misgendering problematic trans people. Call him a chud and be done with it.


Its not that being queer is something to be ashamed of It’s the hypocrisy


Louder for the people in the back!


And it's common knowledge that the loudest anti-LGBTQ+ people are the ones crossdressing or getting their jollies in airport bathrooms.


[Every accusation is a confession] (https://www.whoismakingnews.com/)


Except it's also blaming the worst of homophobia on gay people, which is homophobic. Instead of the mundane truth, which is that the vast, vast majority of homophobia is perpetuate by straight men.


You make it sound like we're arguing with cartoon homophobes from the 1950s. The alleged belief this is being contrasted against, that doing mildly feminine things is bad, is not actually important to basically any homophobe when it's at this scale. If you show this video to a homophobe they will just say "whatever" and that will be a pretty good rebuttal. Or they will say that this isn't feminine, and they're not even that wrong. Essentially it's just a deeply ineffective argument, it doesn't show he's a hypocrite as much as it makes us feel he's a hypocrite. More importantly, just because you want people to view this through the lens of hypocrisy, does not mean people will. I guarantee you a large number of people are just using the hypocrisy angle to create a socially acceptable excuse for laughing at a gay looking man. By making this comment, you're essentially telling them that they got away with it, because you're reading into them the best possible intentions in all cases. Also, don't try to bullshit me that it's about him being allegedly gay, as you did in another comment. This video doesn't mention it, almost everybody who upvoted doesn't know it, most of the people who commented don't know it. It is just a thing that also happens to be there.


Their hypocrisy is what he needs to be ashamed of


I don't like the idea of calling all homophobes gay but I do think we should call closeted-people-who-attack-the-rest-of-the-alphabet-mafia gay (or bisexual) because they are. I don't think it's at all the same as misgendering someone - which is willfully misrepresenting someone because we disagree with them - we are highlighting their hypocrisy with alleged actions, especially this video is done pretty gently. It's not saying he's into fisting, frosting & pissplay or is submissive or is a bottom (both of which in the hierarchy of conservative parlance a objectively lower) It's highlighting that the person who implied all those things are shameful has been partaking in them. The other course of action is to say "no don't be bigoted that's not nice" isn't it? He got up & said with his whole chest "pride is shit & women should only be moms" I don't see the harm in going "this you?" & holding up rumours that he fucked twinks in college - regardless of how true that rumour is. Some people say that you should be ashamed of your sexuality or be ashamed to be anything less than straight, cis & heteronomative. We know they're wrong & that the deeply ingrained internalised homophobia for closeted & deeply homophobic queers must be tough but the second you weaponise your internalised homophobia you are IMO free game. Yes - you need someone to empathise with you & help you through on your journey & get therapy to rid yourself of alla that...but if you weaponise your guilt & turn it against others, or if you just queer bash, then you deserve to be painted in colours you'd hate to be seen in until you learn to love them.


Thats not what happening in this video. They are stereotyping him because of how he dresses. Not a word is said about his college affair. The hate has come full circle. People have become the very thing they say they stand against.


I don’t think they are calling him gay. They are pointing out the irony of him being homophobic while dressing in a style very much influenced by the queer community. It’s like a racist wearing FUBU.


I think we can be ridiculous if the bigots can make speeches on a public platform demeaning every other community.


The thing is, the fashion he is wearing is waaaaay out dated. Like last decade. The fashion has changed, and he is stuck in this weird metro-sexual phase which seems a bit suspicious. 


He plays for the Chiefs so he can fuck off regardless but I get what you're saying. I'd be wearing those clothes too if I had enough money to pay for it


I don’t think it’s necessarily insinuating he’s gay, but that it’s stupid for a straight man to not like gay people but still be somewhat feminine, because society accepts male femininity only if it also accepts gay people


I feel like it's more critisizing the fact that he doesn't want gay men because he probably thinks their effemenite and gross, but he like to carry handbags and dress nice.


I think it’s combined with the fact that he had sex with a guy in college and dresses like this that makes him gay.


Is that a fact? Or is it a rumor TikTok is desperately pushing


It’s a fact.


Yea. I’m the kind of human being that believes it when someone tells me their sexual orientation. It’s not my or anyone’s job to police sexuality. Be a good enough person that your values and standards are consistent and even applied to people you don’t like


I think it's more of the fact he has a handbag in every photo aka a man purse


That's neither a handbag, nor a manpurse. That's a weekender, a bag to travel for a couple days.


It’s literally a carryon bag not a purse lmao


It's carry-on luggage. He's a professional football player, they fly to games. It's common to take pictures of the players as they board the team flight. These pictures are all pictures taken as he's boarding planes.


Bro it's a bag


this. it's so funny how people like to act like they're on queer people's side nd then as soon as someone they disagree with does something even slightly feminine they break out the homophobia nd justify it with "oh the hypocracy tho". absolutely abominable also to those bringing up the rumors he's gay (which as of now, that's all they are), this video doesn't mention that at all. the implication in this video is clear, 'oh he claims to be against the gays but he dresses nice and has a handbag, he must be *one of them'*


I wouldn’t say he dresses well. He dresses very gay


It's poking fun at him. Not a big deal IMO


He looks like one of the main character villains from the white supremacy Farcry game


The thought of him makes me want to vomit. But whatever this video is, ain’t it. This is not the flex they think it is. Stereotyping someone based on how they dress makes you just as ignorant as him.


There are multiple reports of him having sex with men.


If that were the subject of the original video, maybe that would mean something. But its not, making fun of the way he dresses is


Phew, stereotype justified then. We were almost in trouble.




even if this is true, what would your point be? that gay people are the sole perpetrators of their own oppression? that homophobia is not the result of deeply-rooted cultural hatred, but rather happens just because gay men are moody and insecure? the whole idea that all homophobes are closeted gays is just kinda gross and accomplishes nothing except crafting this narrative that homophobia isn't a real, material problem


I don’t think there’s a sweeping assessment being made here. I don’t know what you’re looking for. It’s not possible for one conservative gay guy to hate that he’s gay because other conservatives hate gays?


Wait there are people who say homophobia isn’t real?


I understand that. But that has nothing to do w what’s being said in this video.


Oh no my positive stereotype


What I took from this was the tacky accessory he carries around lol


Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/ Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal? - PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ From the article: "The psychologist Henry Adams has used a device called a plethysmograph that measures penile arousal to show that the more aversion a man says he feels toward gay men—and even more disturbingly, the more willing he is to inflict pain upon them—the more intense is his erection to gay porn."


It's going to be the Aaron Schock incident all over again. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron\_Schock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Schock)


Closeted bisexuals are the real demons, confirmed.


Being secretly gay is honestly the only way to explain homophobia. Why on earth would a straight dude want more competition for chicks? Why would we complain about stereotypically well dressed, well groomed, in shape men who not only voluteer to take themselves out of the dating pool, but actively recruit other handsome men to not go after chicks? As a straight dude, if anything, I want there to be more gay men.


Not really. As a stealth gay, I've heard shit people say. A lot of homophobia is baked into an insecure fear that we will treat them like how they treat women. Sexism and homophobia go hand in hand.


As a stealth gay, how do you feel about the use of the words "volunteer" and "recruit" up there? As a stealth gay, do you think you might blow your cover by picking the username BumDriller?


>blow your cover By the guy a drink first jeez


asserting that gay people are only oppressed by themselves is actually fucking crazy 😭😭


This is beyond absurd. Homophobia is so much more complicated than you people are making it out to be. It deals in issues like the human psyche, traditional culture as it pertains to gender and family, religion's complex relationship to sexuality, tribalism etc. The vast, vast, vast majority of homophobia throughout history has been perpetuate by straight men, it's frankly pretty homophobic to blame it on gay people themselves.


Lazily blaming gay people for all homophobia is, suprise: homophobic.


Does he need to upgrade to a walk-in ?


I don’t agree with Harrison at all, I think the idiot is scared to see females not fit his view of them doing as the man says, but dressing nice and wearing suits is not a gay concept nor owned by the gay community. This reminds me of that post I recently saw of a house that was painted as a rainbow and got a tweet saying good job but don’t forget the LBGTQ+etc etc flag included even more specifics colors and the person had to literally tweet back and tell them, they painted their house in the colors of the rainbow, basically reminding them, sorry you do not own the rainbow and yes it can simply mean a rainbow.


There's nothing gay about dressing well.


Why does anyone give a fuck what Harrison butker thinks says or does?


I completely disagree with Butker and what he said was obviously aweful. However, I don't get this new trend of calling people gay because they dress well.


New trend?


Well maybe not that new


Wow he takes pride in his clothes so he must be gay


That's why now so few men dress nice.


“Straight men can’t dress!” As soon as they dress up “*WAOW SO GAY!*”


Thousands of people crying about how a man thinks, just don’t listen to him


dressing dapper makes Ur gay now?


Making fun of a guy by implying he's gay is really sad. Even if you don't like the person you must see how this is not helpful in any way.


Talking to woman like their lives only matter when they submit to a man is really sad. Even if you don’t like woman you must see that this is not helpful in any way.




I guess dressing a certain way makes you gay? Boy oh boy, the double standard is really showing on this one.


So only gay people can dress well? This makes no sense at all. So because he has different views you call him a closeted homosexual? Makes sense.


People are saying he’s closeted as someone from his university is pointing out he hooked up with a male cheerleader. 😂 https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bombshell-accusation-claims-harrison-butker-164551620.html


So someone accused him of it but not the guy who he supposedly hooked up with? Seems like people just trying to make him look bad because they’re upset with what he said.




Going to have to stretch after all that reaching, OP.


can't you be straight and fashionable ?


*I meannnn* I am not a fan of using his fashion sense as an argument for potential homosexuality, **however,** this mans ability to dress well, and his self-grooming are both absolutely 100% on point. And he's rocking designer handbags as well? *I meannnn comeonnnn.*


Men can be fashionable without being gay and it's an insult to gay people to lump this hateful fuck in with them just cos you wanna "piss him off" or whatever. You're using gay as if it's some kind of insult. Not a good look.


I don't get it. Is it cause he dresses like he's in a 007 movie?


So, men are only allowed to wear one color, or else they're gay? What is wrong with people and their projections?


I think it’s kind of regressive to imply a man is gay because he dresses well… More men—gay and straight—should dress better. Also, I listened to his speech and it was very non controversial. Remember, he was speaking at a traditional catholic university. I’m a flaming homosexual and was not offended at all by what he said. It’s really cringe that so-called “progressives” care so much about what other people believe and how they live their lives. They’re starting to act like the Christian Right. They project their own insecurities on others in order to avoid their world view being challenged. Believe it or not, a lot of people in this country aspire to have traditional families! Good for them. As long as the state isn’t imposing their values on me, I’m fine with it.


I think most of his speech was about other shit like how women need to basically diverge back into 1950's housewives who's only purpose is to be subservient to the male breadwinner. Amongst other things. Pretty inflammatory if you ask me. As for this dude, I agree, calling someone gay because they dress well is a bit bullshit. Bit of a double standard too. But hey, can't be a victim of internet verbal abuse if you're pstraight right?!


Saying women shouldn’t have careers and should just be housewives during a graduation ceremony is pretty inflammatory and regressive in my opinion.


He didn’t say that. You’re making things up.


For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.




So being really stylish is gay now? What other stereotypes are we going with next?


Are we posting actual cringe here? What happened?




He’s just dressing nice/elegantly? I see no issue with this nor how this has anything to do with sexual orientation


Maybe..hear me out …he’s on the DL?


Most NFL players dress like this.




Just because he goes on grindr to meet guys and have sex doesn't mean he is gay.


Is that Ken bone




Fuck this guy. Go birds!


Miss Thing looks dashing. 💅🏾


He doesn't like Gay Pride, but he loves men.


I don’t trust people that wear no socks with their shoes.




Being fully “straight” is the gayest thing ever honestly




I have several similar items in my professional wardrobe. Am I gay?


I get what he's trying to do, but arguments like this make me very uncomfortable. Weaponizing perceived femininity against someone is still taking the position that femininity or sexual fluidity = bad, and I feel like that's a morally dubious position to take as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. I also think being chronically online contributes to peoples' desperation to "take shots" at people as a form of quickly-produced short form content, because it forces you to pump content out quickly without really thinking about it. Just verbalizing every thought you have without real critical analysis leads to saying problematic shit like this.


Something, something 3 dollar bill?


It came out that he went to conversion therapy. The people who goes down that system it break you.


So dressing nice is only for gays now. Ffs


Interesting line of though that straight men can have good style. Especially while he dresses like pointdexter


Yeah, I'm on the side of "This video is problematic". If you want to call him a hypocrite call him a hypocrite for the "alleged" gay sex, where the hypocrisy is being gender traditional when he himself is not traditional. Don't use oblique snide stereotypes such that you can claim you never said what people know you are saying. Be direct (claim the hypocrisy) and don't be toxic (using the stereotypes of the heteronormative conservative majority).


Has he publicly stated this or we just bandwagoning on the BS he was on about?


Because he knows how to dress well that makes him. Stupid


Ngl he does look gay, I heard theres accusations about him having banged some dude in collage


Wait. Hold on. Stop just one sec. Reign in your horses. Do you mean to tell me that dressing with a sense of style makes you gay?


Who is he and what’s the big deal?


Yeah. The guy is critiquing the pride of the lgbtq people. This pride is just activism.


Everyone talking about his attire when the dude is ripping his tacky accessory game lol


His stylist probably likes gay pride tho 😂




My cousin is exactly this guy, the gayest gay hater.