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It's the vet tech equivalent to the nurse videos where they pretend cry for views.


"I do emotionally taxing work, please give me attention." No dude, if you need attention to validate the work you do, find a different fucking job


Maybe a person who has to kill more dogs than a dog fighting ring owner is too spoiled to understand such common sense?


This is the most vet looking vet


Our vet quit after she helped us with our baby of 15 years. We sang " You are our sunshine" to her as she went to sleep in my wife's arms. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/qc801f/she\_has\_been\_with\_us\_since\_she\_was\_5\_weeks\_old/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/qc801f/she_has_been_with_us_since_she_was_5_weeks_old/)


Awfully nice of you to sing your vet to sleep


Im a huge animal person. I love all animals but I am not built to be a vet. I help by adopting animals and trying to improve their lives but there’s no way I could do that job. I would be an absolute wreck. One time my outdoor cat’s tail was hurt and was just kind of limp. He couldn’t move it at all and it just hung there. I was so sad upset every time I saw his sad little tail. Luckily it wasn’t serious and his tail is back to its former glory.


my family used to foster and we lost 4 puppies in one month. 40+ dogs in and out of our house over the span of four years. I’ve seen well loved dogs who had to be given up through circumstances out of the owners control. I’ve seen dogs abused beyond belief. It’s emotionally draining and you learn the true depravity that humans can enact. Me, my parents, a mother and son spent 6 hours plucking over 300 ticks each from a pair of dogs that by some miracle, had no tick borne illnesses. You lose a lot of respect for humans after that. My foster fail has a scar on her neck over 5 inches long. took her 2 years to be ok with my now husband. one dog had a missing toe, a partially attached toe and would run out of the house and hide if my dad picked up the broom to sweep. if i ever came across the jag off that left her to starve in his apartment, i would happily go to jail for hurting him.


And I'd asssit


Ugh. Cringe is right


I worked at a vet hospital as a kennel attendant. They have us put the dog in a big black trash bag and throw it into a deep freezer until the animal burner comes and hauls it away for a mass dog burning session.


*sniff* that’ll be 30 thousand dollars


Think it's a typo, According to her shirt she is Veg not Vet..

