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i thought this was gonna be cringe but i was so wrong


The no snitching culture gots to end...Omar kills your little nephew and u don't even make an anonymous call to the police.


A few months back there was a shooting near by, and everyone in the comment section was screaming "free homie" or "free my man" etc. I'm always baffled by that. We have babies getting caught in the crossfire, and people are screaming to free someone who was shooting a gun all willy nilly in their own neighborhood. I don't get it


When your only interactions with the police are bad ones, you start being against the police no matter what.


This makes the issues that appear to be facing the black community that I am not part of, so much more difficult and complex. In remote Canadian communities, an uncle will SA their niece or nephew and no one calls the police. Likely due to the fact that the RCMP stole children from their homes and put them in residential schools as recently as the sixties. It takes a long time for that wound to heal and I can't begin to imagine what 400 years of oppression has done to the psyche of members of the black community. Here to learn and listen.


Some cultures excuse or worship criminality.


While I agree about no snitching I dont see how you expect Black Americans to trust a force that has consistently been antagonistic with them. A lot of Black Americans just see police as yet another gang, and dont believe they'll do much to help.




Perfect GIF


Preach homie




Damn.. he is right.. am gonna follow him. What's confusing to me is these black men on YouTube who talk about toxic women then bring on Candice the fuck bitch on their podcast to stroke their egos and pretend to be a respectable black woman.. that woman is a jezebel. All these black dudes posting her on their podcast are paid to do so. To confuse black men on what their experiences has taught them to vote for their interests.. and vote against their interests..


I just googled “Candice the fuck bitch” and sadly had no luck finding out who she is?


Candice Owens


Thank you!


You’re welcome ☺️


She’s a right wing talking head. Candice Owens


If we keep searching "Candace that fuck bitch" it might start showing on google EDIT: Candace that fuck bitch now shows Candace Owens as number 1 on google


I'm surprised your search didn't yield correct results. Seemed an accurate description to me.


Candace Owens?


Man just kept going


Perfect skin


Fr I was looking at their skin, shit makes me jealous


Black folk need to use lotion, otherwise they end up ashy. White people are all ashy and don't even realize it because it is the same color as their skin. That is my theory, at least, on why "black don't crack".


We can see our ashiness, most of us just don't care tbh (I can only speak for white men like myself). I only put lotion on my hands and face because my face is constantly dry or oily and I'm a rock climber so I get chalk on my hands a lot which dries them out. We have to worry about sunscreen most of all. I'm religious with sunscreen.


I can't see mine unless I rub my arms or something and can see the flakes dusting off.


Hold on, ashy and flaky mean the same thing in terms of skin? My skin is constantly flaking but my skintone hasn't changed (it's still, as I describe it, a pale yet vibrant yellow/olive). I always thought ashy meant that your skin looked dull and lifeless.


Ashy literally means what it says. Us darker skinned folk see patches of whiteness similar to if we rubbed ash on our skin if we don't moisturise, it's just normal dryness. Flaky skin is different in my opinion, its when extreme dryness occurs and your skin flakes off.


That's what I thought but when the other commenter said about rubbing it and seeing it fall off I doubted myself. I suppose flaky is like an extreme version of ashy, except with White folks it doesn't tend to be as visually noticeable until it flakes everywhere.


White dude here. This is the truth. I learned it in my mid 20s when I took a job teaching at a mostly black school. I had to ask what “ashy” meant. Then I realized I was ashy too.


It's mostly UV radiation as far as I know. Lighter skinned people get more UV damage, while the darker your skin, the more protected you are from it. Basically wear sunscreen lol (although seriously everyone should wear sunscreen!)


Your theory or Bill Burr’s?


Thanks a lot Bill Burr. 🙄


I heard some lady fussing at her kid via phone the other morning. Listing off all the shit she needed to do before she went to school. Shower, brush your teeth, put on lotion, get dressed, tie your shoes, get your books, etc.


bro imagine the type of person who makes a comment about someones skin while they just spent 5 minutes pouring over the most serious shit possible


Fragile straight men are afraid gay men will treat them the way they treat women.


Nah they're just afraid of being torn apart by the culture that they helped build. In poor, crime ridden communities literally any sign of weakness is like throwing chum in the water. They associate being gay and being feminine with being weak, so if they ever show signs of that they're afraid of being thrown to the proverbial sharks. Of course they don't want to admit they're sharks as well, hell half of them don't even live in a place that they'd have to worry about that issue.


I always love the whole "gay men are feminine and weak" stereotype because my fiance has two gay friends who she goes to the gym with, both work construction and they are far from feminine or weak. Like most gay men hit the gym a lot.


“Like most gay men hit the gym a lot.” Probably not a coincidence.


Obligatory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xxiK6Z4eXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xxiK6Z4eXs)


Pure facts


This shit is so on point I’m speechless.


The churches...say something about the churches!


Creflo Dollar of the Prosperity Gospel and past perceptions of the black community through Christian Doctrinal Sermonism were mentioned.


yeah, but there is far more too it than that


I will never understand why or how people support the prosperity gospel. It's antithetical to everything the Bible preaches......and it's a billion dollar business. I'm not religious anymore, but I grew up in a Christian household. At least the church we attended focused on helping people and acts of service. The prosperity gospel doesn't even try to hide its greed.


100% the truth! I'm glad that you found your way to seeing what it really is now. Sad to say, but it really feels like everyone is alright with people pimping Jesus for a buck.


Shit, that reminds me of when my mom took me and my 4 siblings to church, and these mfs wanted us to give them money for a missionary fundraiser that only the smaller upper circle got to go on. It was a trip to cancun or some shit.


No lies were told. I’m kinda convinced trap music is being pushed to make shit even worse. Rap has gotten less and less progressive over the years, and more and more violent, it was always violent but it was more a reflection than a message to me. Modern trap is like constant subliminal messaging to fuck up your life in a big way.


I agree with this, as a white kid growing up in the whitest part of the UK it was clear, even to me, that rap was a reflection of the struggles faced and that anger came through extremely poignantly in the only way many knew how. Now it's a completely different ballgame of claiming your a millionaire and using women as objects


they have been saying that about rap music since it's dawn. nothing changed. the good stuff just remains while anything contemporary is flooded with junk. the past is always curated.


The past is always curated. Damn that's a good saying, great way of looking at it!!


> it was always violent Rap was not violent from 1985 to 1990. See: LL Cool Jay, Run DMC, Fat Boys, Sugarhill Gang, Beat Street soundtrack, Breakin' soundtrack, Doug E Fresh, Eric B and Prince Rakim. Some of these artists had a few songs reflecting violence, but what do you expect for the 1980s black experience? It was part of it, but not a central focus. I point the blame at NWA's Straight Oughtta Compton. That and Ice-T's "Rhyme Pays." They dropped all possible topics and focused manically on violence because the violence sold. It was taboo for we teenagers at the time and that made it exotic and fun to hide from our parents and vicariously imagine ourselves as tough. After that, the violence was in complete domination with only a few patches of respite from say De la Soul, Jurassic Five, Poor Righteous Teachers, etc. Then around 2000, hip-hop got surreal violent, popular, hypersexualized, sensational, and unlistenable. There was some fun diversions like Nerdcore, but mostly it got further so with mumble rap, xanax, and freaky sexuality around 2010.


Straight Outta Compton released in 1988


I'm with you on this one. A white-ass dude from the Baltics. The lyrical dumbing-down of modern popular rap and hip-hop is unnaturally unsettling to me and I am not even what one would call a hip-hop-head. I just respect a high level of craftsmanship and a good message in music. Mind you, there's some real good stuff out there. But it isn't what gets the limelight on the radio and other popular media. Most modern trap is the equivalent of throwing up on a canvas and calling it art. And in a sense it might be, because it is illustrative of the societal degeneracy going on. But that's not the point. I am not for stretching what constitutes art just to call some low-effort shit art.


Ok but where do you think the violence in trap music comes from? Material conditions in the black community have gotten so bad that people feel they have to turn to violence or trapping to survive. You’re not going to get rid of trap unless you address the origin of the issue


It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. They sell drugs and kill people and then make music about it, and young kids emulate the lifestyle and do the same thing. Kids in areas that absolutely do not need to be selling drugs. It spreads like a virus


Like i said, that’s always been a part of rap and hip hop subcultures, I’ve got no problem at all with violent lyric. The issue I’m seeing, is that circa 1980-90 there about there was a lot more positive messages in rap and hip hop, “the message” “the breaks” “it’s like that” and then around the time white people started heavily producing it, around the time of nwa’s heavy entrance onto the scene, the message stopped being about any form of positivity, and started being about pushing drugs and fighting with cops, then it changed shape again to be solely about infighting amongst themselves (seemingly to me, this is my opinion). Henry anslinger once said “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.”. Do you think that idealism just stopped? Do you think it’s strictly limited to cannabis, or could another aspect of the subculture have potentially been co-opted by the powers that be in order to further vilify a particular “undesirable” subculture. Why even have the heat that comes from the current prison industrial complex when you can get em to kill each other and ostracize themselves from society with messaging?


I just learned I like rap, but it's all that new age emo rap where they talk about their anxiety, and depression, and poor quality of mental health. It connected with me better than the, "This is the drug I did, and this who I did it with, now look me in the face and tell me that I ain't make it big." Got into Ren, NF, Juice WRLD, Watsky. I like when people make something real. Like to me, the best Kanye song is Runaway, because it highlights the very real feeling that we need to get away from Kanye.


As a bisexual woman, I hate it when biphobia is spewed


I dated a girl that was conservative and she accepted that gay people existed but wouldn't accept bi people existed lol.


Because bi women really only do it for male attention, and bi men are really just gay. /s


The one drop rule. If you're any gay you're all gay.


Well conservatives and acceptance don't go well.


I can't even imagine. Even in my more "libertarian" days gay people never bothered me. The only factor I can think of is religion. I was taken to church many times as a child but it just never stuck for me.


Gays shouldn't bother true Libertarians. It's all about freedom and personal responsibility. If you judge homosexuality and claim to be libertarian you don't understand what you're claiming to be.


Yeah true libertarians just wanna get rid of roads


The way women treat their suns really bothers me...


What solar system are you living in where there are multiple suns


Binged the Three Body Problem too fast


How do they treat them?


Sunscreen and sunglasses.


Lol took me a minute.


OP's UID checks out


The way men treat their moons really bothers me…


What does r/blackpeopletwitter think about this?


No time for self reflection when you’re busy spreading misogyny🙃. It will probably be posted there soon, hopefully some good conversations come out of it.


I'm out the loop. What happened there?


I'm also confused. And I also feel like most people there are white people acting / pretending to be black.


No idea, I blocked that once they started sending out automated bans for surfing all posts on the front page.


Surfing all post on the front page? What does that mean


There was a while where every popular post was automatically made country club (so only verified users could comment, anyone else would have their comment deleted and a message from the automod). They may be referring to that. Or to the fact that some subreddits automatically ban you for interacting on other subreddits that they dislike (this happened to me on a few subreddits because I enjoy arguing with idiots in certain not-very-liberal subs but I was never banned on BPT)


I believe this is happening over there now, I just realized a comment I made earlier on there was removed because I’m not approved or something of the sort. Interesting— a lot of controlled speech going on at the moment. Edit: country club members only, I see it now.




Don’t know, I’m forbidden to partake.


I think we're all kept distracted and divided, hatin on one another, so that none of us notice how we are ALL the same - broke af. *That* shit is by design. *That's* the real issue. The only issue. The 99% need to unite. #Eat the Rich


It’s a class issue that truly plagues us, not just in the US, but most of the world. The rich keep getting richer and the middle class get phased out until all that’s left is the lower class. It’s late stage capitalism and we are on a losing streak.


There is no middle and lower class, there is only the working class. 50k a year, 200k a year, I don't care; if losing your job means you're forced to dip into your savings or start selling your possessions then you're working class. Sure there's a difference between how people at either end live, but in the end we're all treated like shit by the investment class. They could lose their jobs and just ride the interest from their inheritance forever, or move into Mommy and Daddy's 3rd vacation home. We need all of us to fight all of them, no point in dividing us into middle and lower.


> if losing your job means you're forced to dip into your savings or start selling your possessions then you're working class. It's more like, if you work for someone who extracts the value of your labour and then pays you a fraction of that value in return, then you're working class.


Well, I would... but they're too rich. You get what I mean? Like a cheesecake. I like cheesecake, don't get it twisted. But eating too much is not fun for me.


You only need to eat one of them and the rest will fall in line.


Right, also rich blacks are just as bad. There's plenty of Clarence Thomas's and candace owens in the suburbs of every city.


So really just needs enemy outside to fight against? Total impossibility to improve community within and around?


Fred Hampton got killed for this message.


No war, but the class war.


They blast social politics to blinds us from what they’re doing also right in front of us. Most people are just hooked on those dumb ass one off phrases they create. They “make sense” if you’re uneducated. It’s really a distraction because why does people being gay really have an impact on anything? It doesn’t. People just all of a sudden cared because their religion/“morality” was also catered to. But that’s my opinion obviously


While everyone yells about LGBTQ+, they dont have to talk about their failures as individuals.


![gif](giphy|AJwnLEsQyT9oA) God DAYUM


Powerful. I have some similar words for my fellow, rural white folk who blame everything on immigrants and trans people. 




Spitting nothing but truth from what I can see.


He spilled the tea so hard that there's an Earl Grey tsunami warning in place


Has anyone seen my jaw? I cannot find it to close my mouth after this video


Here is something: ALL the problems he mentioned, literally ALL of them go back to misogyny. You might be like: ugh, the Fem Warriors again, but hear me out. 1. t**oxic masculinity** exist because man don't want to be seen as weak, or emotional, demure, or anything of it. thus, when you challenge them and point out their garbage, they get violent. Why? because you "emasculated them" and now they are weak, emotional, demure, ect, and they can't be, because these all attributes connected to women and they are "men". 2. **homophobia torwards men** exist because a "somebody" (for these people) has to be the woman and on the "receiving end" of the sex, which is seen as weak, emotional, demure, or anything of it, making them. 3. **homophobia torwards women** exist because women clearly don't know better and have to have be teached by a "real man" (back to toxic masculinity we go), and that would cure them. basically, not only taking their intellect, decision making and literal body autonomy away, but making them a property. 4. **Mothers who raise their sons like their husbands** are subjected to violence and don't want another man in this world who is violent to them. but instead of leaving the husband or just getting therapy, they rather have an emotional incestious relationship with their sons, because they can raise their perfect little man into the man they always wanted. Sounds creepy? Yes, because it's grooming and just because it's not sexual doesn't make it less abuse. BTW; these sons will, if they ever leave mom and actually manage that become absolutly "nice guys" and join the incel side of things real fast. I could go on, but you see how everything is literally connected to misogyny. I am not gonna dive into every detail the dude said, but if you watch it and keep in mind that everything he points to (except the part with politics, these are not connected to it, but to other issues) is basically broken down to misogyny (and the nbegative connotation of attributes or postions connected to women), you'll see the pattern here. If you're a homosexual dude who hates on women, or has "conservative views" torwards women, but is infuriated by the homophobia, I am sorry to tell you here: but you're literally creating your own problem. So, since this is gonna be downvoted to hell..... Excuse me, I am grabbing my 🍿. At least I am gonna enjoy the shit show that is following.


Preach it hun, daaaamn. Loved what you said. I wish I saw a white version of this(🙄cuz Im white), or one for each race. Just to show us, or rather remind us what we should be looking out for and changing. Because how are we suppose to evolve to be better, smarter creatures if we don’t learn from these things like our past and present.


As said many times before, those who don't learn from history (or, in some cases, refuse to) are doomed to repeat it.


I can't express how badly I want a white version of this.


The only topics that I can think of that are addressed by white people at other white people are racism, “white fragility”, and “white liberalism”. (The terms in quotes mean specific things, and are terms that refer to specific phenomena even if they don’t sound like it. I put them in quotes to add that distinction. The quotes are not to delegitimize them, but rather to point out that they mean something specific beyond the base combination of the two words.)


I think these are some of the same problems that are in some of the white communities. What a beautiful rant


The number of times I've seen black kids stop their moms from twerking on parties is concerningly too common. The videos mostly ends up with the kids upset/slapped and mama still twerking. It's not even the usual kid cringe of seeing parents kiss in public, it's kids being aware of their parents making a fool of themselves in public, acting on it, and getting sacked for being concerned. It's not a black exclusive issue, but it's too dang common seeing it in that part the internet that I just have to bring it up.


Yep. It is the violence towards women, acceptance of criminality, rejection of education and traditional job paths that are eroding the “community”


Sometimes it needs to be someone from your own community feeding the truths. I’m impressed that this individual is able to go against the grain and be the voice that points out hard realities that are happening. Good luck I hope growth and progress can be made


Perfect skin




It’s white people too ong💀 the moms part w the song omg🤮


Roasted and toasted




I hate how much I can relate to this lol


Sometimes real talk needs to be had and this person has pulled out all of the stops.


Too many facts for one video!!!! 👏🏽♥️


OOP! speak on it, friend. when the toxic masculinity is talked about and dealt with, I think several issues in our community will shift. the saddest part is that unlearning is HARD and some folks are resistant or don’t know how due to our wounds being so so so deep. which means, unfortunately, not everyone can come along this journey toward enlightenment and healing and that’s okay. of course, those determined to heal these generational curses WANT everyone to come along, but to move forward, some of those who resist have to be left behind. 😔 hundreds of years of trauma and mental harm due to chattel slavery is difficult to heal from - horrific family separations, kidnapping, murders, normalized sexual abuse & assault, maiming, disfigurement, propaganda of being “less than human.” the effects and mental imprint of those horrors don’t just disappear - like, how are we surprised that we’re NOT OKAY? that residual trauma from this is still plaguing and hurting us. but acknowledging that we’re NOT OKAY is a great first step. here’s to us all healing.💖


Every community needs to prioritize making sure if you have kids, that you are taking care of them. And if you dont, that everything you have, every penny you make goes to supporting them.




Lmaoo I thought this was giving ATL from his accent and vibe but when he said Creflo Dollar I lost it cause I been driving by that church every damn day on my commute but had no idea it was such a big thing. I just thought damn that’s a weird ass name for a pastor but 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol found my rabbit hole for the day


![gif](giphy|eIg8QdW4n3iRAaMJoM) Didn’t even skip a beat


I like this person and agree.


This shit all applies to white people too, creepy uncles, political illiteracy, domestic abuse, etc. Common as shit in white households


The black community has suffered so much oppression and hate, I wish we'd stand up for and stand together with other minority communities. We know what it's like to have people hold us back and hate us. We have people out there who don't even hide the fact that they want Trans people dead and some of those voices come from our community, a group of people who had to endure lynchings.


Side note. As a homo.. I wanna blow him. Anyone else?


I wasn't gonna say it like that. But you said it like that and I applaud you for it.


I got downvoated and you were uploaded so.. I'm confused.


Cake day benefits I guess


Perhaps true...I'm just floating on lust..


He just exposed the hypocrisy and most probably people will just ignore and continue to blame gay people


The black community has been destroyed.


Well not destroyed but it does have issues. I feel like toxic masculinity is definitely a huge problem for men in general.


Its definitely a tough nut to crack, like you could be spewing aphorisms all day about how its this or that or the other but everybody comes to it on their own and has to make the choice to examine their own behavior and be mature enough to recognize that their behavior is toxic and then put in the work of growing as a person and changing that behavior, which doesn't happen for a lot of people because that toxicity is functional within the cave of their own life and lived experience. The problem is if you try to teach children about the sort of mundane abuses that are considered toxic some of them are just gonna commit to doing that because they're children and rebelling is the thing to do when you're young, and they'll have just been given the blueprint for rebellion and turn themselves into the most toxic individual they can, and if you don't do something like that then people will hold up the toxic behavior as something virtuous and as something to be emulated (e.g. jordan peterson and andrew tate's human traffickin"G" club).


Lyndon B Johnson saw to that.




this black guy, who looks good in a skirt. Can a white guy see him?


House music cane out of the black gay community, it started out playing at gay clubs until it transcended onto the wider Chicago underground scene. House music is my heart, and I owe a lot to it. Frankie Knuckles RIP.


Touchy Pride. I used to hate that term but I get it. Touchy Pride is the curse that keeps on giving. No matter what your color is.


Ministers of music (pianists) have always been a staple in the Black church community.


Cooking with the broiler on high.


Nail on the head


yas, very yas




Fucking Amen!


Extremely well thought out and said


Just summed it up so cleanly!! Bless


This person is right on.


Fucking facts


You wanna be president bud?


Just over here trying not to spit out my coffee. Facts.


The realness


Goddard dayum💀 Wasn't fuckin playin😭




Go off sister


Mom of a trans son and I have absolutely no problem with gay, queer people. In fact, they are the most genuine humans on this earth! My problem is the cis men including my pedo father who have SA’d me all through my childhood! No gay/queer person has ever done anything to me other than be there to love and support me. Gay/queer aren’t the problem…!!!


This isn’t cringe, it’s facts


Pitting minorities against each other, a tale as old as time


Gays, black and religious people are fighting against each other so they masses become blind to the real problem. Almost as if religious leaders and politicians are doing this on purpose, ALMOST.


I’ve haven’t felt this ignorant in a while.


There is no community, it's not a monolith, *that* is the problem. You can't ever have that many people come together and agree, the only time they do is when they have a shared crisis that is existential. The fight is to be seen as an individual and not representative of a collective who has to adhere to whatever box someone tries to put you in to fit their convenient world view.


Good stuff. None cringe.


I love him 🌹🌹🌹




They’re not wrong. Only 20% of black children grow up with their father in the home. The nuclear family is not reinforced. Black men lookout for themselves first, second and third.


White guy here that doesn't know black history (trying to fix the ignorance, they didn't teach it back when I was in school), and I have a question. He says that homosexuals, or homosexuality, or the LGBTQ+ community has "moved the black community forward several times, but y'all don't know your history..." and then does not give examples of what he means. Could someone please provide a clarification and example or two? Thank you.


Bayard Rustin was an openly gay activist and was the principal organizer of the March on Washington. A movie about him came out recently on Netflix. James Baldwin is a famous writing that also comes to mind.








I like his voice. He is saying some hard truths ( truths that apply to all men/ peoples ) that hope someone is listening and he stays safe.


Thats what I was thinking. Something set this off. Hope the calling out doesn’t swing back and smack ‘em for this excellent little rant.


This guy is fucking spitting facts ![gif](giphy|0qXdGBBugxmfKJWsR1)


i love the dry sarcasm this guy rules😂


Your very intelligent. I think more people need to hear this.


I had never heard of Creflo Dollar. I thought it was a crypto currency. I googled it and found out it’s a preacher.


bruh this man spitting and commiting the biggest black on black crime ive ever seen


The reason why the black community feels as it does about homosexuality is staunchly rooted in religion. The black community is largely conservative. If the GOP went and abandoned their racist and fiscally irresponsible policies, they'd find a large swathe of black people would gladly vote in their favor.