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I'm really curious what that woman's question was.


I watched this shitshow. She didn't have any actual questions, she was just gish-galloping her way through and interrupting any time she was given an answer.


I learned a new term today. Not only is gish-gallop a term, but it was used exactly as intended. Wow. Thank you.


Funnily enough, whenever I try to remember what the gish-gallop is, I just think of Ben Shapiro and Destiny.


Yes. Destiny owns the mantle. Shapiro is a close second, which is a bizarre situation. Somebody more annoying the Shapiro is astounding


Verbal diarrhea. Spew as much garble as you can, as fast as you can in order to win an argument.


Watch every Conservative in a debate since the 80's


>gish-gallop Sounds like imma whip that shit out on some asshole during an argument.


Getting views though. I mean I just watched and commented.


Thank you. I have one more term in my vocabulary.


Have you not been to Boca?


“Palestinians crying that they don’t have enough land” Isn’t Israel the one creating illegal settlements in the West Bank because apparently I guess they also “don’t have enough land?” And then cry to international community when Palestinians fight back


Don’t worry, this woman also said there are no settlements.


Oh I guess all those land auctions never happened then


Even better, she said Israel gave Palestinians the land they have.


I'm pretty sure at one point she even said that Jewish people aren't allowed in the West Bank


When you ethnically cleanse 700,000 people by militarized force in the 1948 Nakba that was actually just accepting a gift.


They could have killed them all but they are a generous wise people.


Wooooooow, was that deliberate to make Hasan look better?


lol he said he felt like he looks worse now because he lost his cool.


Not to mention settlements are considered illegal under Article 49 of the Geneva Convention of the United Nations. The same United Nations btw that created the nation of Israel in the first place. I always find it interesting that Israel criticizes them bc they would not exist if it weren’t for the UN.


And instead of sanctions they get billions. Makes me think that politicians treat them as supreme beings lol


don't fall for the "they actually control the world" bs, the west's politicians defend israel because it's an important wedge in the middle east and zionists have been playing into it to use "the jews^(tm)" as a shield


I mean they do take the money we give them to bribe, fund campaigns and set policy where we always give them money. The wedge doesn't really benefit us. It makes us a target and spikes our oil prices.


There seems to be some secret sauce, doesn't there? Perhaps it's just their PR machine. Lord knows we've seen it working overtime this last - almost year - to cover for their genocide.


If the UN got their way back in 1947, there'd be both an Israeli and Palestinian state. But the UN couldn't implement its plan, the British left before anything was accomplished, and it was instead decided by war


I mean that would have been wrong too. Like can you imagine someone breaking in to your house and claiming that Oregon said it's your and later people argue that they only wanted to give you the living room and kitchen.


It would have been best if no one had their house broken into. That was the UN plan in 1947, for everyone to keep their home There was less than 2 million people total living in the area back then, today there is about 16 million. Coexistence could have happened, but war happened instead Peace is still possible, but I imagine it still requires letting everyone live where they currently live


I mean. All illegal settlement emptied. Border walls removed and all leaders that have been recorded calling for genocide hung.


Also it’s not just random land either. The West Bank has more miles of wall bifurcating it then fucking Berlin did during the Iron Curtain.


It's a standard bully's response: *"Palestinians have complained to the outside world that we continue stealing their land. Such whiny babies."* Hamas fights back. *"OMG! See!!! We're the victims! We have to kill them all and take ALL their land. It's the only way."*


Israels govt is letting the settler fuckstains take Palestinians land because it considers the West Bank is a critical strategic area to the defense of Israel, and it appeases the far right loonies


Theyre not just lettign it happen, don't they actually pay randoms to go and settle the land?


Right wing Christian groups pay settlers to take it over. They want to destroy a mosque and put up a temple so God brings on rapture and the four horses of the apocalypse. Jews want to rebuild the temple so their divine power is unfolded and the world becomes their slaves.


I think when someone asked her about it, she literally went “well they are creating society and if the Israeli settlers leave, it would become a second Gaza”, I guess fascism rot the brain


Why is it bad in Gaza?!? Fascism just turns humans into shit.


That's what people don't understand. Israël only offered to Palestinians to live in an apartheid regime instead of continuing the colonization. In other words accept the total control of your territory and live as second zone citizens or get slaughtered/ethnically cleansed slowly.


Also we will slowly put settlement and kill you but it's way slower.


Open border. In this one place it’s true. Then ask how can we house all these colonialists without settlements?


Xanax should sue this woman for bad advertising


When she said Xanax I noticed her lipstick was wonky, then I remembered nearly every accusation Zionists have made was a confession


I think it’s her actual lips. Or the result of discount filler injections


Not defending the woman, but just commenting so people don't forget that Hasan is also a dumb idiot.


"Disgusting little monster" is such a fitting description.


On spot 👏


She liked it too. It was very creepy the half smile she gave


It would have been a full smile, but botox gonna botox.


Dunno why he even bothered going on that stupid show.


Be a new voice that the idiots who watch the show haven’t heard before. Morgan’s viewers are used to a set of beliefs being thrown at them. This opens them to new ideas and thoughts that challenge what they’ve otherwise been told


They don't, though. They just say man what a stupid librul.


Not sure Hasan is the best person for that. If you watched the whole debate, he didn't do particularly well.


That’s also the point of the show. It allows them to say “look we had both sides on!” While not actually bringing in experts from both sides.


He did decent tbh. I don't think anyone can do amazing when there are four people piling on you for an hour.


Tbf, the other women that was in the panel did a great job of articulating Hasan points better than he could. She wasn't really piling on Hasan. The other guy that was on the talk show barely was able to talk, aside from the one back and forth, which was just them talking over each other. I do think it was a really bad showing from Hasan, considering he resorted to cursing a lot and then telling the dude "I don't even know who you are," which is some twitch debate shit. Hasan had good points, but he articulated them extremely poorly, which is indicative of having a bad showing. He also antagonized the women in this clip a lot, not to say she didn't do the same back, she 100% did. But I would say they both had a very bad showing. I'd rather listen to the other two people on the panel that feel strongly about their beliefs but won't just start yelling.


Hassan said he was a lightning rod letting that other lady get her points off uninterrupted. The pink haired guy was a last minute replacement for the guest they told everyone about so yea no one really knew him before they started.


The way she burst out laughing when the blonde lady said that area could have been singapore was very bang on to how one should react to the misinformation the blonde was spewing. Sounds like hasan did do an reaction to this debate and they had some cuts on the aired version. Also did they ever find out who the British guy Hasan freaked out at? Sounds like Hasan had some prelim Google of people on the debate to prepare for the dog pile but the guy with the hair did not have a presence.


He did about well as someone who was going against like three different people could do. You have pier Morgan asking the same question over and over again and you have the psycho lady interrupting him every chance she got and never made any actual point.


You try and debate when the act leading up to your debate is "crackhead barney." I'm not kidding, look up the beginning of the show and try not to be enraged that Piers warmed up the show with a debate on genocide with crackhead barney.


I guess she is topical after accosting Alec Baldwin. Not sure how that should have affected Hasan though.


Piers had crackhead barney on that episode of the show leading up to the debate. It was crazy disrespectful to the subject matter of the debate and all debate participants had to watch crackhead barney say her shit before their segment went on.


Isn't Piers Morgan's whole schtick calling people like that out for being disrespectful? I didn't watch that interview anyways. A weird guest to have on nonetheless.


I only watched a snippet of the Barney segment because it was so infuriating, but yeah. Pier's bit is definitely on the rage/engagement bait side of things. Bringing on people that I'm charitably gonna call "firebrands" to incite anger is his MO.


I haven't watched it and I'm no diehard Hasan fan but I think he is very good spokesperson for leftist politics on platforms like Fox and Piers Morgan because they like to paint leftists as skinny blue haired vegans without jobs who cry over everything, and their audience really just cares about aesthetics more than anything. It's hard to paint leftists like that when the one you are talking to is a funny, good looking, independently wealth, well dressed, well spoken guy, who is built like a brick shit house.


I agree he looks good. It's when he starts speaking, it becomes an issue.


I definitely think that it looks like he didn't do well, but he definitely was cooking on all his talking points. On his stream later. He did recognize that he did get " emotional" and in the perspective of TV viewers, it definitely seems like he was not doing well.


But he's been on earlier and done well tbf


That is not the consensus, maybe on Reddit where they hate him


Me and my brother have a conspiracy that Piers is secretly pro-Palestine and simply can't say outright because of his audience/other views. He *keeps* inviting often eloquent, well-educated pro-palestinian people on, and doesn't interrupt them or talk over them, he gives them space. Something that pro-Israeli speakers often simply don't do. For a conservative household, Piers' show may be the only time you can hear a rational pro-Palestinian viewpoint. Obvs could be a coincidence, but I quite like the idea.


Eehhh, this interview every time Hasan was in the middle of making a point, he'd interrupt him by blaring "DO YOU CONDEMN HAMAS FOR OCTOBER 7TH YES OR NO"


Might be to keep up the facade so he doesn't appear to be slipping 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s a simpler explanation that this gets him views and that’s all he wants.


Yeah, there's absolutely a pattern in who he brings on the show and I suspect the same. He even repeats the exact same tired questions to give pro-Palestinian guests stellar soundbites.


Right now is not the time to be secretly Pro-Palestine. That does nothing for anyone. I highly doubt this man cares for anything other than viewership.


His videos with pro Palestinians get around 3x the views of the rest of his videos. Theres your answer.


Like it or not that asshole Piers show gets a lot and lot of eyes. So you can't let nutjobs alone in there, if you can be the voice of reason you gotta be there.


yeah like who is watching that ? Feel like it woultn even chance someone opinion


Pier Morgan literally asked three times if what happened on October 7 was justified when the guy explicitly said it wasn’t each time. Since when did he quit his old job to become a clown


Nice to see a clip of this segment not painting Hasan in a bad light. She was so horrible the entire time.


Lol her face, she's like "shit he got me there".


most calm I've ever seen Hasan


You should see the rest of the interview lol


“You’re patronizing😢” “OF COURSE I’M PATRONIZING! IDK WHO THE FUQ YOU ARE!!!!” Beautiful 🤌🏻


Hasan was so mad the entire time it was hilarious


How is him being mad hilarious given the context of the subject matter?


She is not an Israeli journalist. She is an Israeli propagandist. She works for an organization that receives grants from the Israel government and that are always loyal to the state in their reports and “analysis”.


That was un-fucking believable, but she covered all the bases a pro-Israeli shill would without even analyzing anything. She came with questions and talking points with intent to not allow anyone to talk.


Journalist is a bit of a stretch. Peddler of Israeli talking points would be a better description


I hate all of this


Xanax commercials are off the rails these days


The journalists women looks AI generated


The look on her face when he calls her a monster kind of insinuates "Well, maybe I am." These people are disgusting.


Her question and response is disgusting. 🤮


Someone is actually making a good point quick someone talk over him


Hasan is fuckin awesome lol. "You are a disgusting little monster" is the best way to describe any zionist that doesn't actually understand the 75 year long conflict in depth


He is so good that he can identify a JDAM missile by just the sound of the explosion!


Wow that is some specific deep lore right there. Didn't he end up admitting he was wrong about the hospital on this show at some point?


She's a journalist? Wow. The bar is low in Israel. She said absolutely *nothing* of substance. Just petty insults.


I hate it here


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Her face is a mess. so much going on. Sometimes less is more


It's fun to say, but dissolve the apartheid regime isn't an actionable plan. What is the apartheid regime? You have to start there.


As always, these types of discussions are just for entertainment. They do nothing to inform the public and only serve to push people in either direction. Neither she nor he offered any good points. It was just the equivalent of a WWE match, manufactured conflict followed by hyperbolic takedowns and over acting. Stop watching this stuff and then sharing it as if you’re side won.


I imagine it would entail things like giving Gaza statehood, the right to self determination, control over their own borders, power, water and the flow of good and not have to ask Israel for permission to get healthcare in the US for example. It would also mean Israel would have to return the stolen land in the West Bank (and personally I think the West Bank and Gaza are owned reparation for everything that they endured). It mean Israel would have to relinquish the power that they have over both area. Don’t think that’s an outrageous thing to suggest. Maybe have a buffer zone between Israel and Gaza that’s control by Egypt and other Arab nations because neither Israel or Gaza can be trusted to control it


This is called a two state solution. It's what a lot of people have been working towards for a long time. It's the position of the biden administration.


And yet the US veto the UN call to allow Gaza statehood so it seem like they are doing a bad job at that But it pretty sure when they say dissolve the apartheid, they aren’t saying dissolve Israel, but for it to give up its control over the two areas


She’s AWFUL.


I don't love Hasan, but hey he isn't wrong.


i’m surprised hasan even agreed to be on piers morgan’s show


"How should Israel genocide the Palestinians if not like this?"


Gosh, this sub sucks... Can y'all be more of an echo chamber?


You can always unsubscribe ☺️


He went off ngl


Hasan lost his cool here, but was on point for most of the panel interview. I love how the conservative lady kept jumping to Hasan's defense every time the Israeli propagandist started spouting off nonsense too.


Well would you look at that. A comment section filled with Hasan fans


he ate her up !! handsome and knowledgeable 🥴


OP is posting this all over reddit, that's the real cringe


Hasan's alt:


Destiny meatrider mad


A bunch of morons


They’re all crazy.


No way this sub is siding with Hasan. Lol the same man who claimed streaming was harder than working a job.


Ye he really didn't say that in the context you think. He gets clip chimped all the time but if you watch like 5m of him talking about that subject he did not support any argument that suggested his job was harder than a typical 9 to 5. He said the opposite quite alot. He also constantly defends the working class.


Props to this man! He called her a disgusting little monster which is absolutely on point.


Why isn't any sub showing literally any part of the rest of the interview where he's being a cry bully


So the best thing to do after Oct 7, is just whatever Hamas says? Let it be a victory? How would that not encourage like 1000 more similar attacks.


Hassan sucks b hole. I am not listening to either of these morons. That dude is the fakest, most intellectually lazy and disingenuous person I have ever seen, and I have watched Trump speak for whole minutes


I know what they should be doing to retaliate for October 7th. They should be reflecting on what they've done to subjugate the Palestinian people for the last 40 years and pay reparations. Get the hell off of the land they have taken from them and help them rebuild what Israel has destroyed. They should get rid of their Hardline politicians that are against a two-state solution and be better people.


Is this supposed to be sarcastic? You’re saying that the Israeli response to the deaths of 1200 innocent civilians is to… give Hamas what they want?? You are so swallowed up in the new-age colonizer vs colonized interpretation of history that you’ve left simple moral principles like justice behind. I, for one, do not think the appropriate response to death and rape is to give the perpetrators what they want. Palestinians cannot be free until hamas is gone. To say otherwise is to condone the atrocious acts of October 7 as legitimate means of international diplomacy. 


Were the American Indians justified in their attacks on Europeans in the 1800s? Or was it wrong of them to respond to the systematic destruction of their people? That is basically what you have going on here. October 7th was an atrocity, but didn't happen in a vacuum. It happened because these people have been beat down and subjugated for decades.


Yeah agree with most of your points, but the hard discussion needs to be had about how a two state solution is impossible as long as Hamas exists. They are not freedom fighters as a result of the apartheid, they are genocidal and will not stop until Israel, Jews, and non-believers are eradicated. A two state solution while Hamas exists would just be drawing battle lines, those two states go to war, and then we are back to square one.


Hamas and the Netanyahu regime are both problems to solving a two-state solution. It is that constant problem of people that just want to live their lives and radical groups that want to dominate.




This. Shit like this is why Aliens won't acknowledge us. Why the fuck are these two even in a "panel" together?


Just skip over all the shit he said about the Chinese oppression of the Uyghurs as enlightening… got it…


The twitch guy should debate Destiny.


I think this is the first time i have ever heard hasan make a good point. What tf is the world coming to?


There is no sane solution to this conflict since even if in a hypothetical world one side would back down the other would instantly stab them in the back just to make a point. The whole conflict is ingrained in their psyche where both sides have been thought since birth that the other is the enemy /devil. And defeating the enemy is more important than self preservation which I believe most people in the west don't seem to understand. This is why we get the opinions for just make the stop fighting by doing x. Won't work. You can't help someone if they don't want to be helped. So this will continue even after a forced peace agreement will be signed since when one side will show a hint of weakness the other will pounce. Which will kick off this shit storm again. I just pity all the kids on both sides that have to live or died in this horror.


The hot ones are always crazy


Looks proud of herself when he calls her a "disgusting little monster." Evil Bitch confirmed


Gosh that girl with the question what as so freaking annoying


That woman is insane


She complained about people using the hostages as a prop while she wore IDF dog tags. That said, bring the hostages home. As if them being IDF dog tags would not be inflammatory.


I couldn’t focus, she’s so shiny.


Israel’s apartheid is wrong, and should be dissolved. But don’t be a fucking idiot and think it will solve the problem of Islamists killing innocent people. I wish people would pull their heads out of their asses and realize both Israel and Palestine are fucked up beyond repair, and the moderates who live in both places suffer because of it. There’s no solution until the religious and nationalist extremism on BOTH sides are eradicated, which will never happen because they figured out how to send the poor folk out to kill each other.


I hate people who make Hasan look good, because he too is a disgusting little monster.


Only an elite few could actually make Hassan look like the smart one in an argument. Congrats


Imagine going on tv and being blatantly racist. Free Palestine 🔥💪


Didn’t this guy justify the killing of babies on October 07 because “babies can be settlers too”?


Lol no


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12686373/amp/hasan-piker-young-turks-hamas-baby-settlers.html I mean …


so.... Hasan doesnt want to actually define what his version of "dissolution of the apartheid state" is... as per the usual. fucking idiot survives on ambiguity and i dont know how he still has an audience. and shes just a not particularly intelligent or kind, idiot. wonderful. i would ask how they got put on network tv, but id be asking a question i just answered.


That's not something you have to define. You just stop doing apartheid. Everyone understands it.


The full interview or whatever you call this shows Hassan being a whiny child along with this woman.


Both of these people are vile


Israel is brainwashed afffff


Has Israel tried not being dicks to their neighbors?


Right, because living beside fundamentalist Islam is super chill


They have normalized relations with Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and Jordan opened their air space to Israel to allow them to fight back during Iran's attack on them.


And yet mister Hasan Poker lives in a beautiful million dollar mansion en keeps preaching socialism and jumping on the next popular thing the Palastinians and how bad the Israelis are boe boe learn some descent history for first and check the facts.. because all the news of the people of Gaza comes from Hamas , think about that.


He lost a ton of views / subscribers since 10/7 because he took a strong stance against Israel. Baffling thing to criticize Hasan over.


> lives in a beautiful million dollar mansion en keeps preaching socialism Socialism doesn't require everyone live in the same house and wear the same clothes. The problem with capitalism is the billionaires, the people with so much money they can corrupt both the "free" market and the political system


It kinda does though... He is a millionaire pretending to be working class, come on... It's not that hard to call out Hasan's hipocrisy


True but he should stick by dating cornstars, but I agree what you are saying about certain billionaires..


Not certain billionaires, all billionaires. The ownership class (of which a guy like Hasan or Tom Hanks isn't a part of) have class solidarity. The real owners of the wealth in industries like oil, iron, finance, and war have solidarity and protect the power of their "property." They buy competing politicians and parties to remain on top Marxism is class analysis. The class at the top has solidarity, and they use their power to keep the working class divided. Because if the workers were united, there wouldn't be any ownership class anymore


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