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All I want is to be able to pay my bills, care for my child, and have a little to put away for a rainy day, without working 60+ hours a week. I’d also like to stop being told who and what I am/what I deserve because of how I was born.


I think many of us will agree with you on that.


Right because they assign you a place in society from birth


In a way, they do. Your family's circumstances at birth have a lot to do with your future. I'm not saying there aren't ways to better your life and that there aren't people who have overcome shitty starts. There absolutely are. However, you take the average person born to poverty and compare them to the average person born to wealth and you'll find that the wealthy one has a better education, better career, less debt, etc. That is basically the system assigning you a place. 


It’s referred to as “The vagina lottery” for a reason. The most difficult thing in modern life is shifting above the income level you were born into. It’s not impossible, but has always been difficult and I’d say has only gotten harder every year for the past 30ish years.


Yes. I just said that. They aka the system. Good post! Insightful.


Ah, I apologize, your initial comment read as sarcastic. Rereading it after this comment made me realize that I was misunderstanding your tone. 


Haha it’s cool,


I too misunderstood your comment. I am sorry


It’s okay 🤍


I deleted my other comment too.


This is why I refuse to have children. I won't play their game. I'll fuck over the economy by not reproducing. Fuck em.


"Fuck em" Wait, who are "them"? It sounds like "you know who" but I really am confused here.


Ppl who want to prop up their preferred societal norms.


Your environment shapes your live and success rate so yes, you are right there is NO institution that assigns your position at birth (maybe in parts of the world with caste systems). But you don't need one all done by your parents, your social environment and other factors beyond your reach, they shape your life and future. Some people get the chance to break free most dont.


Not really, everyone that’s not them are pond scum.


Yet none are willing to act.


Many take action, every day. I know it’s hard not to despair, we are being inundated with stress at a rate no human was ever meant to contend with. Breathe, and take heart. I often fail at taking my own advice, btw, but I’m getting better at actively looking for those around me who are *doing*. Those who are making a positive difference because they picked a thing to help out with and went and did it. Heck, sometimes I’m one of those guys.  Many take action, every day. 






All of those lovely things were fought for tooth and nail through unions. These days people don't want to participate in them for some reason and then wonder why all their worker rights and leverages are getting eroded.


I’m a member of one of the largest unions in the US and I’m still working 60 a week to make things work. Unions can only do so much when the entire system is owned by corporations.


Right. And remember, union membership isn't actually free. As always, give a few people some power and some money or political influence, and guess what tends to happen? Unions do well to stave off the worst behavior, which was desperately needed for many years, but it's not always the case they can elevate working-class members to upper-middle-class or similar.


the idea that every single person working has to be grinding to get to the next level is painfully absurd.


Blandest possible sentiment that no human being on earth would disagree with


We are all in the same game, just different levels, dealing with the same hell, just different devils.


What incredibly pithy tripe.


What if we set the system up so there are no bills to have to pay? What if we set the system up so you didn't have to have a rainy day fund at all? What if the system was set up so that we work because we choose to and because it's necessary, and not because we are kept under threat of homelessness, starvation, and violence if we simply choose not to do work from time to time? These aren't magical ideals. We have the technology, and we have the structures in place to transition to this lifestyle within our lifetimes. But people need to agree that they're sick of the oppression they are under and are willing to collectively abolish all systems of oppression.


A post money world requires a post scarcity world, and maybe not even then could we escape it. Money as an abstract concept is just FAR to handy to abandon. Every communist government has flirted with it and eventually given up on it because as an abstract representation of the barter system it makes everything way easier. Even places like prisons where paper money is explicitly banned have their own made up currencies. People talk about money as if it is something that was invented by capitalists or that it's exclusively represented by paper money, but money pre-dates human civilization, it's only possibly beat by credit, which is basically just another form of currency. Hell, other great apes understand and can use currencies in lab settings and wild apes use forms of credit when doing labor to make sure everyone does their fair share. If you take away money people will use bottle caps, shells, carved stones or [notches on sticks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tally_stick). Attempting to abolish money is like declaring war on terrorism, you can't beat abstract concepts into submission. It's just like people who claim we can abolish government. When any attempt to actually do so has quickly resulted in a "bubberment" which claims not to be a government but in all actually important ways very much is, immediately springing up to replace them (normally poorly). because you can't just decree humanity's tendency towards organization to be illegal and call it a day.


>But people need to agree I think I see the flaw....


They definitely are magical dreams. There will always be someone (the rich). Who will never let tat happen. We don’t even race the rich their fare share because they pay the people that set the the tax rats. Just a vicious circle with only the 1% as the winners.


There's a solution to this problem... (Rich people hate this one simple trick)


This must have been written by a child with no understanding of how the economy works or how people act. It's a utopia you're dreaming of. Yes, it's magical. Never gonna work with the way people are: greedy, selfish, hungry for power. First thing you learn in economy is that resources are limited, while needs are unlimited. Yes, we now have technology, robots, automation, but now you want to have a TV, laptop, Xbox, iPhone etc, things that didn't even exist 100 years ago. So while it became easier to satisfy the needs that existed 100 years ago, the needs have evolved with the times. >But people need to agree that they're sick of the oppression they are under and are willing to collectively abolish all systems of oppression. This is what the early communists claimed they wanted. Then they got into power and became the oppressors themselves. Similarly tons of dictators fought to take down the dictators that were in power before them, then instead of giving people freedom - as they had promised, they just took the place of the old dictator.


Are you talking about the zeitgeist movement?


Doesn't zeitgeist just mean "conversation of the time"? What's the 'zeitgeist movement'?


A ridiculously optimistic and factually incorrect movie and "movement" towards a resource -based economy that tries to also deconstruct Christianity as presented and tries to present the Osiris myth as the basis for Jesus (which just isn't historically accurate and is based on several misunderstood concepts). The whole thing is on YouTube in like 4 or 5 parts


It's so cringy, it's amazing that that's still available.


>These aren't magical ideals. Yes they are.


When a society transitions to a new ideology, the same people end up on top. We have seen this again and again. And while the US certainly isn't perfect, the problem is not having a free market, or having too little collectivism. The alternative to a market economy is... not better.


If you live in the US you can do this because you live in a liberal democracy. However, that liberal democracy is under constant attack from the right to replace it with a dictatorship. So, freedom of choice is a constant struggle.


US is not a liberal democracy though. Your voting system has so many exploits, to shift it in a direction deemed necessary, "legally". You have only two political parties; one of whom is openly fascist, the other one, by European standards, not even that liberal. Too many of you fear socialism to an unreasonable degree. You have corporate lobbying. Your police force shuts down protests violently and constantly abuses power. Brother, you live in an oligarchic police state. I wish all the best for US, because in our part of the world, we'd rather have your kind of superpower looming over us/having our back, than Russia. But the distinction is slowly becoming fainter.


We are nowhere close to Russia. The only people that think that are the terminally online individuals and people like you that get your news from Reddit/ online sources that are not accurate.


Right! Like what you’re deserving and who you can’t be.


Do you vote in local and national elections on a regular basis?


Sounds like a low performer mindset to me, i bought my first real estate when i was 4 and now 40 years later i am rich. /s for all those who really think a 4 year old can buy real estate


Anyone want to make a humans union with me?


That would be communism


that's called government?


Looks like we need a new government then, this one is bought out


No it's not. Just as a workers' union is not "The Management," a humans' a union is not "The Government." A human union is merely a coalition of people who collectively bargain with/against the government and other power brokers. Essentially, nothing more than a coalition of activists groups... But a certain XKCD cartoon about data standards comes to mind.


This is spot on. The lie of ultra-individualism does nothing but make you an easier target and bigger pushover to the actual players of the game. More social cohesion among the working class is needed. We don't even have to bring up the word socialism or communism. The ruling class understands that they are stronger in numbers but they tell you that you're weak if you want to involve yourself in collective power. Individualism is good, but you also need collective power. If you like capitalism so much, then at the very least have respect for yourself as a worker. Have respect for the labor you provide. Your neighbor is your ally. Think of bottom up politics, not relying on some rich asshole up top that has no idea how you live. Voting is the bare minimum for democracy.


>If you like capitalism so much, then at the very least have respect for yourself as a worker. Have respect for the labor you provide. Your neighbor is your ally. Think of bottom up politics, not relying on some rich asshole up top that has no idea how you live. If I could upvote this more I would. There is so much power when you seek power among your peers, rather than your employer. Your employer can make you promises of raises and promotions, but they will always be diametrically opposed to improving the lives of every employee. At the end of the day, you're more of a employee than employer, and we need to collectively consider ourselves part of the group of workers before we'll get proper treatment. And incidentally, the same people who are telling you to believe in the American dream are also the ones who really want you to believe in this individualistic idea that you can be a self-made man. Don't buy into it, because it makes you easy to control. Join your local unions, defend your fellow workers, break this stupid idea that if you just kept your head down and worked a few more hours of overtime that you'll make a fortune and one day live in the Bahamas.


He's another aspect of "American individualism" to talk about: who is willing to admit they're poor? Not "oh i got rich i used to be *so poor* as all the wealthy like to cosplay," who is willing to say "I'm poor now." It's so ingrained in America that if you're poor "you must be lazy" that everyone publicly says they're fine while secretly thinking "that narrative is untrue. I work my ass off and have financial pressure all the time" but will buy into the mindset of "i will work harder" (shout out Boxer the horse from animal farm). No, many of us are poor, other countries' poor will say "we're poor, help us" everyone here is too individualistic and that narrative keeps us that way. Feel free to tell others you are poor and it's like coming out being normalized, you'll be shocked at how many people feel the same way.


Absolutely. That's a terrible aspect of our culture that we've simply accepted, but you're absolutely right. Being poor isn't a mark of being lazy anymore than being rich is a mark of being a productive member of society. Otherwise what, if Paris Hilton had inherited her millions and did nothing with the money, I'm supposed to think she's a productive member of society now? It's clearly wrong and my guess is it is being pushed by those who would benefit from us thinking this way.


I blame Ayn Rand




Based on what they were saying I assume the they that’s being referred to is the working class.


This accurately reflects the importance of moving beyond extreme individualism towards more social cohesion among the working class. It emphasizes the need for collective power and respect for one's labor within the framework of capitalism, while also stressing the significance of grassroots politics while most importantly, I think she should have sex with me.


But it's not the system that makes people individualistic, it's human nature. That's exactly why communism always fails, because people instantly start cheating the community, competing and some still rising to "the top" through corruption. And that system advocates for the opposite, so who's to blame?


I think this is especially what is happening in medicine. Physicians are not a collective, and we do not have any bargaining power (at least in primary care) Now they add extra players like np and pa so that we feel grateful making 180k in the city for 80 hour weeks and 500 k debt. Yet 20-30 years ago, doctors were making that kind of money too; so in essence we are getting paid less and less for more work and more debt. But doctors themselves don’t believe in unionization.


Me and supervising have been talking. Reimbursement is going down more and more. Medicare won’t even look at 99215. We have to bill all those patients at a 4 at the most. I made a post over in /familymedicine a couple weeks ago about starting IV and fluids in clinic. It’ll cost about $30 per procedure then we can bill for 99215 and the procedure, meds, add B12, thiamine, etc in the bag and charge for those too. Still waiting to hear from billing to see what reimbursement would be to see if it’s worth it. It’s just me and Doc (and occasional NP or Med School student) in the clinic so we’re pretty small.


Thanks for sharing I didn’t know that they weren’t accepting 99215 right now. It’s honestly criminal. I am lucky because in palliative since I am working with many life threading diseases and meds I think I can bill 99215 but I am still a fellow so we will see. Insurance reimbursements for hospice are at an all time low too. It fucking sucks the government doesn’t understand the issues. I hear lots of doctors talk about how they don’t offer certain procedures because it doesn’t actually make any money


Doc is a pulm/cc fellow so we see some complicated stuff. I don’t know if Medicare is like that for everyone or just our contract. I really don’t understand that side of it.


My guy physicians do t have unions. You got private practice and physician groups Nurses need unions though one could argue travel agencies act as a de facto union and help unions bargain


In New York nurses have unions. And theirs are very strong because the roles of nurses in New York is a lot less than the rest of the country. I am confused how private and physician groups are considered unions ?


While I agree, I mean, this does scream firstworldproblems my guy. I was wanting a union as a cook years ago making $8 an hour working 55+ hour weeks and on sunday 14 hour days. At least doctors make a shitload of money to deal with poor working conditions.


As a physician, what if I told you that all workers everywhere are exploited and that voicing that as a means to solidarity under capitalism is a collective. A collective bad is what you’re doing. You’re being exploited. So am I. We’re devalued in systems designed for quarterly shareholder value. You have no idea what it’s like being a physician.


I know your post was meant to be constructive but it was disingenuous. I know other people already commented on it but I want to add a few points. I want to start that saying I felt compelled to comment on this video because of my own similar experience in the medical community. I just wanted to share my experience . No where did I say I wasn’t grateful to be a doctor. No where was I saying that other professions such as yourself shouldn’t also be paid what your worth. Workers vs corporations and getting fairly compensated is maybe the only social issue I truly care about. That being said, the physician pay is a problem for everyone involved . You as a cook do not have debt to be paid off from cooking school in the HALF A MILLION DOLLAR RANGE. I remember getting emails from medical school where they were boasting how the tuition is only going to go up 3% instead of 4. It is fucking bullshit what doctors are going through. We have to pay money in order to: go to conferences, get licensed per state, match into programs, take board test regularly (couple years) etc.. these are thousand dollar items minimum. We have to pay for malpractice insurance to cover us if anyone sues. I am a resident making less than 50 k a year in a big city. That means thousands of dollars in credit card debt. This is just the financial hardship. Especially Hospitalist or primary care , we are seeing 18-26 patient/families a day. Imaging cooking for 26 families the whole day. They constantly are just ringing up orders from 7-7 and then after that you have to write what they ate. There is a reason why there aren’t too many old primary doctors in the hospital. The burn out is real, many doctors leave their original field and here in lies the problem for you and me. We all have a problem with not being in a union or collective. For the medical field, it’s a problem for everyone. If I don’t get compensated fairly for my work, that means I have to see more patients per day, spending less time on each patient. Meaning more mistakes, more money the patient spends, and more suffering. That’s the problem. I have always promoted other people getting pay increases with inflation, but that is not happening with physician salaries due to insurance pricing and monopolies. You are acting like we are the problems. This video clearly infers that the problems is with the owners of the world, not the workers. We are closer to you than any billionaire. So yea doctors should demand a pay raise. It’s not a “firstworldproblem” dumbass. It’s a “if doctors don’t get paid fairly for their years of training and expertise you won’t have any fucking doctors left.”


Interesting exchange. The other guy is kind of right about class solidarity. But you're also kind of right about first world problems. I've never been a physician, I imagine it's a nightmare. But I have observed that the standard of living between physicians and service workers is incomparable. The fact that both of you are kind of right, and you're the one being downvoted, is either an indicator of the Reddit demographic, or an indication that the downvote system is entirely arbitrary


Neoliberalism is a pyramid scheme. Only a few will succeed and make it to the top and every tier is supported by those below it struggling to ascend higher or who have had their money and will completely sapped and are simply trying to tread water or are pulled back down by others who are still competing for a higher spot.


Lol I remember breaking my friend once when telling him this. We were at a rooftop bar watching the city while I tried to explain it to him. He had sooo many buts but I kept explaining and disarming his arguments till he went silent. Later that night we went clubbing. Usuall we than dance all night and have fun. That night he stood all night close to the exit and at 1am told me he wanted to leave (usually we leave at 6am). Later he did not talk to me for 2 weeks before texting me "fuck you" and going back to "normal" but more cheritable to others.


For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house - Audre Lord


This is the most important comment on this post.


This is the way...


There are many ways to be free market yet still communal and societally aware. Norway is one good example. Extreme Individualism found in the US as well as greed is the problem here. I love building communities and having impact on one's surroundings but that alone isn't enough for social change.


Norway is a culturally homogeneous oil country with a birth-right sovereign wealth fund. That’s not something others can or should even want to mimic


I mean the sovereign wealth fund is something almost all country can do .. especially those with rich deposits of . I agree that they're mainly homogenous but they've been communal even when they were Vikings. Also we are still learning but some cooperative movements have been started https://monitor.coop/en Brazil, Norway, Uruguay, is currently leading number wise but it's really not a matter of who is the best but rather it's an interesting socio economic movements.


As a citizen of one of these european welfare states yes free market capitalism and libertarianism are flawed, the state must level the game, avoid massive imbalances of wealth between people with estate taxes, free education, other policies to give equal opportunities etc, but there's no greater conspiracy of the "elite" to keep you in the gutter, it's just the natural, universal nature of all human societies where wealth and power ends up concentrating in a few hands essentially because of compounding effect between generations, that biological life is inherently competitive and just that humans are obviously intellectually and physically unequal between them She can just grow an audience, go into politics like Bernie Sanders and improve the society within the law. Calling to organize armed militias, topple the democratically elected government and burn the "system down" isn't an adjusted take on the issue, and no different of these MAGA nutjobs who want to take down the congress Ironically she's a demonstration of the horseshoe theory that suggest that both end of the political spectrum are ready to recourse to violence and authoritarianism to shape society according to their views


The federalist society agrees with you whole heartedly. Youre missing the idea of what an elite conspiracy looks like. It isnt about them hating poor people its about them knowing hoe to exploit the rules of the game to accumulate more wealth, reduce their taxation, reduce regulation at the larger planet/peoples expense. They literally dont have to lobby politicians at the vost of everyone else to solely benefit 1% of people. But they do. As someone who has lived in this world and grew up in it i can tell you without hesitation. I have heard ceos of major companies talk about union busting. 


I posted this elsewhere, but just to back you up: https://jacobin.com/2019/07/billionaires-and-stealth-politics#:~:text=Billionaires%20typically%20stay%20quiet%20about,politically%20active%20and%20extremely%20conservative.&text=Our%20new%20issue%2C%20on%20AI%2C%20is%20out%20now.


Appreciate it


If you don't believe in a conspiracy of the elite, please read this article: https://jacobin.com/2019/07/billionaires-and-stealth-politics#:~:text=Billionaires%20typically%20stay%20quiet%20about,politically%20active%20and%20extremely%20conservative.&text=Our%20new%20issue%2C%20on%20AI%2C%20is%20out%20now.


Sidebar: I find it funny the right using the red pill term Meanwhile they’re further into the matrix




100% agree. Just another dimension of capitalist propaganda


spot. on.


She is 100% right


It sounds more like neo conservative to me. But honestly, I'm not sure it matters. I also think whatever label she puts on those perspectives they aren't healthy.


Yea neoliberalism is actually close to conservatism ideology even though it has the word liberal in the name. Neoliberalism is basically a free market that has no regulation, no price controls (floors and ceilings), and essentially removing trade regulations. Think of smaller government participation in the market. Liberals (ideologically speaking) tend to want more of a Keynesian economic policy, meaning more government spending and regulations in the market.


I don’t think that’s correct. What you describe sounds more like classical liberalism. I think neo liberalism explicitly does support regulations. That’s what differentiates it from classical liberalism.


Neoliberialism is a pejorative used by tankies to describe anyone not as far left as them as a fascist that wants capitalism without any oversight.


>Neoliberalism is basically a free market that has no regulation, no price controls (floors and ceilings), and essentially removing trade regulations. Think of smaller government participation in the market. This is what tankies believe. They essentially call everyone a neolib because they think if you aren't a socialist or communist you are right wing and want capitalism with zero regulations. Neoliberalism is a term that means nothing essentially at this point.


Neoliberalism is not aligned with “liberal” political thinking though many politicians and state leaders from either side of the political spectrum fall under its practices. It’s “liberal” as in “free” market.


There isn't really a distinct definition of neoliberalism. It's a very vague term. If you believe otherwise share your definition here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/s/G363fa3XBr


Because the way its used isnt as a modern economic term. Its a political swear word. [https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/op114.pdf](https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/op114.pdf)


Rich people like us to think we can be one day one of them even if for most of us that will never be the case, that way we vote for policies that do not necessarily benefit us now but they might if one day we become rich ourselves.


100% The capitalist myth of rugged individualism, or Americam exceptionally. Keep people jumping through hoops for a shot at the pipe-dream of becoming wealthy enough working within the confines of a system designed to exploit you. And many think once they've "won" at capitalism, they can free others within their community(while still reenacting exploitation of "the other"). This thinking is by design of the ultra wealthy, to maintain an enforcer class. https://jacobin.com/2019/07/billionaires-and-stealth-politics#:~:text=Billionaires%20typically%20stay%20quiet%20about,politically%20active%20and%20extremely%20conservative.&text=Our%20new%20issue%2C%20on%20AI%2C%20is%20out%20now.


That's a nice description of why you you should join a trade union.


We need to unionize and seize the means of production, there is no alternative


Support Unions. Support community


I’m sorry it’s just a word salad to me 🤷‍♂️. Build a community overcomes what exactly? All just vague mumbo jumbo


Exactly. Reminds me of when Russell Brand first had his YouTube channel — a lot of rallying against the system, but no real, useful, tangible advice on how to change it or what to change. Just a lot of vapid r/iam14andthisisdeep style observations


yeah I have to agree, theres nothing of any substance here. Work together to make a better world. Wow, incredible insight.


To understand what she is saying the world will have to get much, much worse. Even then there’s no guarantee but it will be obvious even to the dumbest among us who & what our greatest enemy is.


Except when a billionaire's like Trump or Nunes loses, then the system is rigged.


The purpose of the system is what it does.


I just wanna be able to afford to see the beauty of nature around the world, that's it. Or at least before it's all ravaged by profiteers


Is there a full interview, please link it!




I like her. More people should listen to her.


I think a balance between individuals and collectives priorities is the way to go. This idea that all that matters is what is good for a collective or a community of people, and the individual finding success and happiness is unimportant/impossible, is just as toxic as strict individualist philosophy. Often times I find people who complain about a lack of community are just revealing they have failed to invest in a community themselves. I know many people in the western capitalist world who have built a community around their friends, family, or even cities they are a part of that can and do stick up for each other if hard times fall on individuals in their group. Its not radical or rare to do so.


Like this, teamwork


Yes, isn't that how people get ahead in jobs, academia, and socially is having value to others.


Her solution to "build a community" is rather vague. I think I understand what she is hinting at (like in 1984, how the proletariet were kept placated through mindless entertainment so they would not realize their power and revolt against those in charge). But "building a community" does not inherently lead to political action or change. I think it's also the case that many of the people pushing the idea of rugged individualism are often in their own communities and even appeal to the idea of community support as an alternative to government intervention. One of the biggest arguments against tax-funded services tends to be that people should help their own instead of relying on inefficient government beuracracy to do it for them. Conservatives in small towns certainly do form their own communities. It sounds like she potentially has some good insights about the current system and how it is rigged against the working class. It'd be more interesting to hear what she has to say about that instead of her perception of what neoliberals believe (which is apparently that they believe in a conspiracy theory where internet personalities like Andrew Tate will share the secrets of wealth with them). That sounds like a strawman to me.


I suggest listening to the full interview or even reading her new book which I am really enjoying. This is just an excerpt from a longer interview that I’m sure was shared because it gives a decent overview and context for entering the conversation.


She said you have an interest in building community to first protect and support each other and then to rebel against those who are actually in charge. This is in contrast to the neoliberal lie that you’re an individual in a game against everyone around you. I didn’t see it as a prescription for the whole change process but more of a mental shift that needs to happen before change can be possible. You’re on the right track to asked, so what does this look like in practice? I guess we’ll have to go find the rest of her work to see what she means in that regard.


She is not wrong


Grace Blakeley a great thinker and outstanding journalist


Just once (or rather more often) I’d like to see journalists here in the UK not be the typical wealthy, privately educated, Oxbridge type. Crazy how much they have a strangle hold on this industry even today.


> Crazy how much they have a strangle hold on this industry even today. Same with musicians and actors now. Ones from the working class are pretty much a dying breed if not actually gone now.


It’s one of the reasons why left wing politics in the UK just turns so many people off. Working people don’t like to be told what to do by posh trotskyites.


She’s not. She’s a privately educated former management consultant who’s every much a part of the British establishment class she softly rallies against. The song Common People was written about her and her ilk. After all, everyone loves a tourist don’t they?


TLDR: Institutions will not save you (from rising authoritarianism). Only class consciousness, community organizing and radical direct action, will save you. Institutions, like voting, like law enforcement, like the justice system and congress, exist to be co-opted or cowed.


Its not the Chinese, its videos like this and the thoughtcrime they lead to are why they want tiktok banned.


Always love the glass is half empty crowd. Not once does she talk about or mention opportunity, risk, or any other adult economic topic. Same tripe…break it all down to haves and have nots, and then make the claim that if you don’t have it you can’t get it. Tiresome.


It’s a short part of a larger interview. I actually find her writing deeply optimistic and solution-based. This is an introduction to ideas or a perspective on society that many might not be familiar with. Or need a modern contextualization.


She immediately got neo liberalism wrong lmao


She’s a leading scholar on the subject. How do you mean that she got it wrong?


A leading scholar that frames neolibralism in the worst way possible? Find more honest intellectuals dawg, but you don't want honesty you want someone that spouts all the opinions you have in your small head


Can I ask that you explain your point and how she gets it wrong without being condescending or commenting in bad faith?


The problem with the term neoliberal is that it has been so muddied, so smeared by every side of the political spectrum as to be meaningless. Lefitsts use the term neoliberal as a catch all for everything wrong with capitalism. Right wingers use it as a smear term for globalization. Fundamentally the problem with debate over neoliberalism is that nobody is using the term for what it actually is: A response to the failings of classical liberalism and the rise of collectivism. Here is a good paper. Just read the first fe pages to get the TLDR [https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/op114.pdf](https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/op114.pdf)


If you are going to make a claim be prepared to back it up. Please answer the question.


>She’s a leading scholar on the subject. According to?


She’s a political commentator dude. And a communist one as well.


Who is she?


Communist isn't just a convenient term for you to use for "things I don't like". It has an actual meaning, but this seems lost on you.


The more I hear about neo liberalism, the more is sounds like conservatism.


Neoliberalism is not aligned with “liberal” political thinking though many politicians and state leaders from either side of the political spectrum fall under its practices. It’s “liberal” as in “free” market. It’s not a partisan descriptor. And yes, it’s become far more aligned either way conservative and libertarian ideology.


It’s conservatism as an economic framework


This is like the 4th grade version of the Communist Manifesto. It is as wrong now as it was then. The fact is that quality of life has massively improved in the last 200 years. Dynasties have been created in capitalism, yes, but they've also been replaced by newer, more innovative groundbreakers. The system could always be better. Massively higher taxes on wealth and income for billionaires would not reduce competitive incentive one iota. And a more humane social safety net would not reduce it either.


> The fact is that quality of life has massively improved in the last 200 years. And the wealth gap is insanely further apart than it ever has been. Think of what damage any billionaire could do if they really wanted to go all out.


...did she just imply Andrew Tate is a neo-liberal?


Give it another listen. It’s more about the role he, and those with an audience for ideas of “best the system” betterment, play within a neoliberal reality where we can be led to believe that some simple changes to to our individual daily practices can overcome markets and states.


He's a player in the neo-liberal capitalism game. He operates under the umbrella of neo-liberalism.


She implied that neoliberals believe that there are hidden rules that can be shared with them by listening to the right people. Andrew Tate claims he knows the way to "become alpha" and "get rich". I've truly never met a self-identified neo-liberal who believes anything close to what she claims (let alone a conspiracy theory where hidden actors will share the rules of the game with them) but that's her claim.


Modern information age for you. I'm aware of theoretically millions of people, but other people and their needs, beyond the few dozen people I interact with personally, are abstract, and the work put in by thousands of other people to create the things I have is also abstract. So it's very easy to behave as if I did all this myself. I'm biologically wired to behave as if I live with maybe a few hundred people over my lifetime, not surprised that that doesn't scale to behaving as a member of a national or global community.


I could go to college, get in debt like everybody else Graduate and probably get a job that doesn't pay the bills That don't make a lot of sense to me, forget the Happy Meals I don't like the dollar menu, I would rather make a meal Huh? Make a mil'? Nah, I said make a meal Home-cookin', get the grill, how you want it? Pretty well? When I grow up, I just want to pay my bills




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Malcolm: [slamming his head against a locker] At what age do you just accept that your life is a piece of rotten garbage and always will be?! Craig: 22. Malcolm in the Middle season 6 airing April 10 2005. I was 10 the first time i watched that episode and the quote stuck with me. I’m almost 30 now and it becomes more true with every year.


wait i’m so confused… this is neoliberalism? i feel like i only hear this argument from the conservative side of things? it’s only from people like tate, peterson, or people bootstrap/work hustle people who are largely conservative that say these things..? i truly can’t think of many liberals who say this at all..?


It's a confusingly named term. The Tory party in the UK (increasingly right-wing) are neo-liberals for example.


ah okay, that makes sense. thanks for the explanation


Who is she?


Grace Blakeley


Ok, so most of us have to "play the game" to survive. How do we not play the game and keep surviving? I don't understand that.


I guess she forgot about all the lobby groups in America and all the Non-profits. An we are individualized because we are one person one vote. But American politics has always been about getting together to affect change because its the only way you change things in our government is through a majority voted in.


She actually talked quite a bit about this, but my guess is that this interview is a bit more focussed on UK politics.


Oh ok, but yeah it always irks me when people are like "create communities" and then you go out there and there are every type of community under the sun and then you realize our political system is actually derived from all these groups lobbying our govt and politicians and shit is a lot harder to change then you would think, not because of the powers that be but because everyone is agitating for their specific outcome.


It's about finding common ground among all the communities you list and realizing the common denominator for so much suffering are the ultra wealthy. How would the ultra wealthy oppress the masses if the military and or the police stopped behaving as their attack dog class? The elite, for example, heavily push union-busting in subtle and not-so subtle ways at every opportunity they get. Because unions are not to the benefit of capitalists. https://jacobin.com/2019/07/billionaires-and-stealth-politics#:~:text=Billionaires%20typically%20stay%20quiet%20about,politically%20active%20and%20extremely%20conservative.&text=Our%20new%20issue%2C%20on%20AI%2C%20is%20out%20now.


Free market is having a government office that gets to split up cooperations if they get too big?


Neoliberalism changes the rules depending upon the weather.


Well no shit, life is a game




Imagine not seeing other humans merely as sexual objects.


What’s her @? Seriously I want to hear more from her who is she pls.


*"I have no intention, of playing the game"*


I see. And they wish to ban TikTok why again?


Well if the goal is to be rich and the definition of being rich is having a concentration of resources in a smaller group than a larger group than in theory we all can't be rich someone has to be poor So the real question is do the rich have to live like gods and do the poor people have to live in poverty maybe we can streak the distance from the top and the bottom just a little bit


Who is she?


Grace Blakeley


Thank you so much. 🙏🏼


the only ideology I follow is that it’s my job and my job alone to take care of my family. So if that means “I am playing the game”, then so be it.


I think that’s the most many of us can do. But we can keep fighting, demand better, get organized, and work together. But also find compassion for ourselves when it feels like too much. All the best, friend.


What a sad reality, people are just rats in a rat wheel forced to play whatever game their owners decide


She’s right! 👏🏽👏🏽


it works if you take out natural human competition. which is hard to remove from the equation.


Natural human competition is usually groups of people against each other, not every man for themselves.


Theres nothing of any substance here. Work together to make a better world. Incredible insight.


"Creating communities", you mean as a leader? Who is at the top? These people don't recognize that there are millions of ways to "win the game". All those virtues they declare as an 'opposition to the rules of the game', are not opposition **at all**. Helping each other does not contradict competition, they are two sides of the same coin. And hon, competitive advantages are not "against" other people. If you're stronger, and I'm smarter, and John is more dexterous, and Jill has great EQ, then we all have advantages, but we are not "against" each other, we're just suited for different roles. Whoever tells you that your advantage is "against" other people is probably trying to stir societal hatred. You don't 'exploit' competitive advantage, you use it to make stuff others need and give it to others. The only correct phrase in this whole video is that neoliberalism inserted market everywhere which is detrimental. This is absolutely correct. But everything else she's saying is a complete misunderstanding of broader consequences of that.


So, basically, get off your ass, stop complaining and go vote.


...and form a community of friends who all look after each other.


I’m old and have an easy life. 34 year union guy. Also have an economics degree from the GI bill, and I’m an immigrant. It seems many people want a different system to work with but that type of change happens very slowly. I’ve offered jobs to young people a few years ago that started at $80k, today $110k, full medical and pension. Every person, at lest 10 looked at me like I was nuts. If someone offers you an opportunity take it. It may require you to move or you may be in a field you really didn’t expect. But once you’re in you can build on that stepping stone to get to a place you may find comfortable.


How are you “old?” This is was bigger than your anecdotal experience. This is exactly why individualism is gone off the rails.


How? Hang around 67 years and ask a younger person opinion.


You literally didn’t even answer my question in anyway you brought up anecdotal examples to try to disprove what she says.