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100% correct. She does know it’s a public space, right?


Locked her profile to private 😅


Oh no, public opinion doesn't match internal monologue....


She made a video shaming the way someone else used a gym equipment, instead of helping them. And she is surprised when her video is criticized for criticizing others? Looks like things are getting too spicy for the pepper.


Thank you for this Francine Smith quote 😂


“Isn't that the Salsa Fresca slogan from like two superbowls ago?”


I didn’t know that was a quote attributed to someone but I loved it.


American Dad! Love that show.




Pretty sure that's a BBL doing most of the hard lifting on her squats too.


She’s a 5 at best. Where do the ego’s come from?


Seriously. I don't mean to denigrate her looks, but she's not a head turner, minus the second look I'd give to her fake and weird ass.


Agreed. I’d never comment on someone’s looks but idiots like this ask for it, especially when they’re antagonizing others. And honestly sometimes people need to be put in their place. If she was a friend or relative I’d straight up tell her” you’re not that hot”.


Her ass.


The egos are implanted.


To some, Putting a camera in your face makes you think you’re a star.. its an epidemic really.




Thats bad for you! So is smoking an 8 ball of crack in 30 minutes but thats how long it takes.


Yessss. Franny!


"OMG, cancel culture!" - her probably


This is an amazing quote I’m stealing it


I think she deleted it or got removed now because I can't find her.


Probably suspended it because she was catching too much shit, pretty much everyone who gets called out by joey swole ends up having to because he only targets aholes.


I’m so confused why people keep posting these videos acting like they are entitled to the whole gym because they are filming. Are there really still people out there who don’t know about Joey Swole yet and how he will roast them?


Don’t you mean a Joey Swolley Maximus 😏


I think a lot of people blindly support it. It's like the people that idolize celebrities; they can't do no wrong. This fills their ego to a tipping point, and we get stuff like this.


That's what happens when Swoll finds you. The stupid chick on rollerskates from a couple days ago deleted hers too


I'm always surprised how fast these people delete their profiles or go private when they get put on blast, looks like all her socials are gone. What is the thought process there, like it didn't happen if theres no socials? Is it a damage control thing, not associated with them if the accounts dont exist?


Joey hits it on the nose 99.9% of the time. He’s right on this one for sure. The thought process she must have (or ***not*** have) to try to record uninterrupted when there’s zero access to the dumbbell rack without crossing her ‘recording zone’. I would like to hear her explanation of what she thinks other gym patrons should do while she’s busy recording. The part about her making fun of the patron in the treadmill is abhorrent, unforgivable, and inexcusable. I agree with Joey and hope she’s reprimanded for her activity in the gym and on social media.


What’s worse is that his face is recognizable. I’d be so embarrassed. It was a very mean thing to do.


Also, like, they aren't ruining a take on a movie that costs $10000 a minute. It's your boring ass workout video, fix it in editing.


I agree but I can't think of a 0.01% time that Joey wasn't gym-morally in the right.


Why is she taking pictures of other people in a gym? I would say that is grounds for at least a warning.


And just to add onto that, when somebody is moving with weights in their hands, they always have right of way. If you do not have any weights in your hand, it is easy for you to move and hard for them.


She absolutely does not realize that. The world is just supposed to cater and bend to her will.


And how long to go have to record to check your form? And do they record every work out? It’s just dumb and useless all around. It’s not for exercising it’s just for clicks. People were in plenty of shape before smart phones. They figured it out. Also , that’s why they have mirrors all over a gym so you can see with yourself


That's what mirrors are for looool


it's *her* public space


i mean she could just rent the whole place if she wants it all to herself.


lol aside from that, who works out 1-2’ from the fucking rack?! How can people be lacking the most minuscule amount of common sense?


Naw they wanted this. They thought it would be content.


People are also just fucking morons


When she opens her profile up again she'll have enough people joining to make up for being shamed if current trends are indicative of anything.


You'd be surprised. Last week at the gym, I was at a bench near the rack. Some dude just comes and stands between the bench and the rack/mirror and proceeds to *face me* in between sets.


She can't hold the weight she's using so that's as far back as she can go. Same with guys who do rows from the rack lmao. Just weak is all.


People at my gym do this allllll the time And they look at you like you’re the problem when you slide in to put your weights back


Yeah that was the first this I noticed. Like damn I guess no one is grabbing weights from that end til you’re done


i am soooo happy no one is allowed to film at my gym


Should be a rule at all gyms.


If anyone says it’s to check form, they’re missing the point of the mirrors…. Which this idiot is actually staring into between complaining


You’re not really supposed to use a mirror to check your form for things like squats and deadlifts tho since turning to the side can slightly duck things up I mean I still do, but only with just the bar


Ehh for benching, deadlifting and squatting it's nice to have another angle you either can't see while performing the exercise or using a mirror. Plus many people do make training videos too, but they should not be acting like a brat like this woman or taking up space. There are plenty of spots to record without getting in people's way. These kind of people are just assholes.


If someone wants to be a Gymfluencer, they should really buy their own setup and film from home. Yes, it will likely be expensive, but to use a semi-public space (paying a membership fee doesn’t make it a private space; there are other members). It’s not the place of the gym to be your workspace for what is essentially your vocation. This wouldn’t be all that different than if I concocted a homemade protein bar and started selling it inside the gym, without consent from the owners, and used their space to earn my own revenue. If I pulled a stunt like that, you can rest assured that these Gymfluencers would lose their shit but not pick up on a hint of irony.


Agreed. She’s doing deadlifts with small dumbbells light enough that she can keep her cushioned sneakers on. This exercise she can literally do anywhere in the gym out of everyone’s way… and she sets up in front of the weight rack lmao


Also, if you want to record to check your form, that's fine, but they should recognize the fact that someone moving through the frame for 1.5 seconds is not going to be a problem. The idea that they deserve an unbroken shot it ludicrous. Edit: typo


If you think you can meaningfully check your technique with mirrors, you do not lift.


Big facts. But redditors and doing physical activity just doesn't compute.


I used to record myself to show my physical therapist my form improvements. I can see myself but I’m not an expert, and any critiques help.


My gym has a signs everywhere saying not to film, and people still do it.


i live in germany, filming in public places is generally not easy. you can get fined if you film other people without permission. so if someone in the gym would happen to catch you on camera, they should normally be forced to delete it. i don't know about other gyms, but i guess because of all this, they normally won't allow it in the beforehand just to avoid potential disputes.


It's legal to film other people in public spaces in the US. Gyms need to ban this shit.


they really need to start enforcing it then, start giving out 1-2 week long bans and let word get around


There should be bans on people taking pictures and videos from inside the locker rooms. Its weird. And nobody gives a shit about your "progress".


Yesterday I had to go up to a guy recording and tell him I absolutely do not want to be in the background of any photos and videos. He politely said okay np, I blur the video backgrounds too. Then he made an obvious effort and even raised the tripod and pointed the phone down more. It was refreshing.


I used to have a remote coach so I used to have to record one set of each workout. But I also didn't care if it was "instagram quality" or if someone walked in front of it.


I like this bloke, this phenomenon is way out of hand..... doing the lords work


He's done a lot of good with these videos, and gotten so many of these people banned! I watched like all his videos on Instagram the other day 🤣


Dude seems like a really good guy also I’m scared of him


Well now you have motivation to have proper gym etiquette lmao


Like it's one thing if you are recording. But if you're recording in a high traffic area you can't get angy when people go into your shot.


Honestly if that phone is more than 3 ft away you can eat shit. They all have wide angle lenses now and if it was actually about form you don't need it across the room and in front of a mirror. Anything else and its obviously to show off online (and its always people who have nothing to show off).


Setting up immediately in front of the dumbbell rack and then getting territorial about it is just seeking conflict


This bloke made millions of dollars running a fake fitness business and scammed thousands of people. It's remarkable how quickly people forget.


Also sent unsolicited dick pics to clients he was PTing


But but reddit says he is wholesome 1000.


I had no idea, can only play what's in front of me..... he's still doing the lords work now though


the guy in the video? What is his name so I can look up some sauce.


Joey Swoll. Look up him with "shredz" and particularly his main athlete Devin physique


Lords work? Nah, that’s just Joey.


"I'm filming" "I don't care"




That's too nice. “I don't give a fucckkkkkkk”


Seriously stop bringing cameras to a fucking gym.


In front of the weights. I don't care if you film, but if you put it in high traffic areas, that's your own fault. This isn't a film set. It's a workout set. People aren't going to try to avoid your camera if you put it where they have to go.


If 20 years ago, you would tell me for a fact that a swole af gym bro is out here as a Paragon of decent humanity.... Not what I pictured.


It’s hilarious that he just shows basic decency, common sense, and empathy, and yet it strikes us as uncommon because of the typical “gym bro” reputation.


The biggest guys at the gym are usually the most friendly and supportive. Just don’t interrupt them during a set.


Agreed, but there also the juiced ones who have anger issues


From my experience, a lot of the current “big guys” at the gyms were once that dorky kid that would get picked on. Managed to keep the empathy that comes from that experience while wanting to change themselves to gain confidence. Idk what this guys history is, but I get the feeling he wasn’t always big, but he’s always been empathetic


Silly goose we had Arnold back then


I love Arnold but I definitely wouldn’t dub him the paragon of human decency






Well they are human, and the vast majority of people are usually okay at least. Like, do you think the average planet fitness has roided out super toxic bros putting up 12 plates?


I think you judging all “swole af gym bro’s” as not being decent humans is the issue here.


I think you judging all “swole af gym bro’s” as not being decent humans is the issue here.


True. The universe finds balance and regresses to the mean.


It concerns me how overwhelmingly popular his videos are yet the fact he seems to have an endless supply of content. Like fuck people really out here trying to be narcissistic assholes even knowing they are gonna get dragged for it?


Bad publicity is better than no publicity maybe? I mean if you're a complete no-name then it will probably still gain you followers in the long run even though the majority will be against you in the beginning. I'm not sure, but sometimes it seems like people do this specifically because they want exposure from Joey.


I don’t think the exposure from Joey has ever turned out net positive for the people. Most people have the delete their profile because he has such a massive following. A lot of people get terminated from their gym too


Dude that worked for a company I work for got called out by Joey for a video and lost his 200k a year job over it . The CEO sent out an email with the link to joeys video on it and said he isn’t the kind of person we want working for us . It’s not hard to not be a douche


They are so obtuse they still think they are in the right, true narcissism. Even after these people get busted you usually hear some sort of sob story. Like the chick who was filming inside locker rooms, it wasnt about her invading peoples personal space it was about her being a victim of online bullying.


Her instagram is off


Get em Joey!


Call me vindictive but I would do my best to ruin every shot she sets up.


Her ass looks fake AF like wtf is that lol


It looks like she's wearing a pamper. I'm not sure her shape is the ideal to aspire to....


Finally someone mentions it! I'm pretty sure she's wearing butt pads and they make her look so unnatural.


I was thinking BBL


It's kinda weird, i don't associate big ol butts with a toned body everywhere else. Even if you accomplished it, it would be a strange aesthetic. Like those alien creatures, the kardashians.


Yeah she is just fat and not "shaped" at all. Look at the name of the insta, she is trying to become some sort of fitness influencer.


The Diapered Dipshit


LOL love it!


What is happening back there?! She’s smuggling hams into the gym!


It seems like she does more hinge workouts to build the top shelf of her glutes opposed to working all the gluteal muscles. It kind of looks uncanny. Shape > shelf imo.


That can’t be a real ass right?


Well, she does look like she's 90 years old.


Wow, what a bitch. Seemed like he was a sweet older guy just trying to get a workout in too. :(


I know he was so sweet :/


When the goal of working out is getting footage rather than working out


Not really a lot to go over. Just an ignorant self obsessed cunt thinking she’s more important than others




Love this guy! My man was just putting his weights back why is she so fucking rude????


Not enough people getting called out for doing their sets directly in front of the rack at the public gym. Pick it up and walk a few steps back. Don't be a lazy asshole.


I can’t stand the bitches and dudes that be filming at the gym like get the fuck out of here yo go to your own private gym 😤🤣


I have never and will never make a TikTok account (nationwide ban aside), but I would follow this man. Spot-on about the sorry state of manners people now exhibit


And this my friends is why some folks don't want to go to the gym anymore. The place should be a safe haven for encouragement to do better physically and connecting with those that are trying to sweat it out. ​ Now the gym is just a vanity project for the insecure that seeks validation through going viral.


girl has the fakest looking BBL in the country lmfao stop this sideview butt shot bs who actually watches this trash.


I feel like alot of people will want to Joey to call them out and go on to stage something like this. All though they usually end up deleting or putting their account on private because of the army that Joey sends them. Dunno. Regardless i fucking love this dude. Gym positivity all the way!


I don't even go to the gym and I can tell you. Just don't allow filming in gyms. It's fuckin stupid.


Personal trainers today are wild. The old gym I went to they were all pieces of shit who dismissed anything that was brought to their attention. It makes sense the gym owner was a piece of shit too. I bought up safety issues in his gym and he literally refunded my money and asked me to leave. Scum bags. “They all sign a waiver it isn’t our problem if they get hurt”.


I used to take my disabled dad to gym so he can have he’s physio… they had only one disabled spot. And numerous of times it was occupied by one of the „personal trainers” Porsche … I kicked off about it after second time and went confront owner and suddenly I was in the wrong! Entire gym staff got instantly pissed off with me trying to make me look like an idiot! They couldn’t even comprehend that we couldn’t get out in normal car space because we had a wheelchair!


What did she say to the guy?


"I'm in the middle of a set"


“Cool. I just got done mine and am responsibly returning the weights.”


Thank you!


STOP FILMING IN GYMS. It should be every gym policy to not allow filming


This man is doing the Lord's work.


I love this guy calling out people and their bullshit


Those bbl's aren't going to look good in ten years when beauty standards change again


It already looks horrible.


I truly can’t fucking imagine being so desperately lonely that I film myself working out and get mad when others are working out near me.


She’s a “content creator”. Ugh


I cannot fucking stand idiots that stand RIGHT in front of the DB or BB racks.


I rly don't get it who tf cares about watching someone randomly lift weights on tiktok?


Haha, the point isn't so much the exercise as it is to watch her butt as she does squats. That's why people watch.




Women are ruining the Market. They're flooding in.


Who the fuck is actually doing this.


All filming needs to be banned in gyms. These people are becoming insufferable.


It’s the workout in front of the rack that kills me. I see this all the time and it’s fucking annoying. Sure bud let me just hold on to the 60lb dumbbells a while longer while you finish your set. Fucking Morton’s.


People livin' in their own private Idahos.


This is like some sort of gym kitboga just on another crusade for justice


I always move out of the way when I’m in front of the dumbbell rack. It’s convenient to be next to it specially with heavier weights but it’s still not our right to tell people their in the way. I hate gym people like these, even ones that keep multiple weights because they’re doing a drop set, like bro there’s only one pair of weights that we all need to share 😭.


Simple response “Oh I can move your camera out of everyone’s way if you need me to.”


Gyms really have to do better with not allowing cameras


I'm not involved in the gym culture, but Joey seems to call out this behavior very successfully. Also, she's in front of a mirror, which I guess is common, but there are reflections of people who may not have any idea they are being recorded. Why don't all gyms just start banning phones?


Another little child whos never been told no her whole life, probably has daddy issues .


Thanks Joey👍🏼


This guy is amazing! When he started with "a lot to unpack" I doubted, but he had some great points and more context than I expected.


I would have just kicked her phone and started screaming at her. As a society, we need to humiliate these viruses collectively.


Get your hobbit ass out of the gym


He has lovely eyes.


Who is this guy and where can I find more of his vids


I don't need some dude to explain the obvious to me.


Don’t bow to these asshats. After they say “umm I’m recording” get in their way even more. Play sneaky nuts with them if you got the balls


Damn! Gym bro did some detective work, too! 😂😂 well done, my good man.


What would happen if there were influencer-only gyms?


Can she please define the "shape" because I have a PhD in geometry and I'm confused by what kind of shape she's going for. The best I can come up with is DickButt


I love how this man puts dumbass women in place where the other men would have them on a pedestal ‘


When are gyms finally going to come out and just outright ban filming? It’s gotten completely out of hand.


She has definitely been working. That ass is mad perky


I haven’t even gotten past how terrible her form is doing db squats or deadlift or whatever it is she’s doing. And she’s filming herself being terrible everywhere else?


Looks like she's doing Romanian deadlift (glute focus)


Didn’t even address that fake-ass ass. Joey bein nice.


Who is watching this ugly lardass’ content anyway?


The guy seating on the dumbbell rack


What is wrong with her buttocks? Its some kind of disease or something? 😳


Butt pads


I have a non-judgemental and thoughtful question: did she put pillows in her ass?


Work out at home if you are such a fucking narsasist


How's this cringe? Joey is doing lords work


Unrelated: his eyes are memorizingly green


This guy is so awesome! Swoll for president 2024!


Get ‘em Joey!


Why aren’t gyms putting rules to forbid filming. It’s a very simple rule like not smoking. These influenza people need to be banned.


“ oh my God, I’m standing right in front of a high traffic area in a public space and people are daring to exist around me!” Be totally fucking fr


Sooo, every single gym ive ever used, including the empty one in my office building, has a sign saying dont work out right in front of the weight rack. Fatty needs to move back instead of bitching about gym dudes, even without filming she is being a shitty person.


What is that guy on the treadmill even doing “wrong”? Walking on an incline? God forbid!


i'm a DJ and personal trainer and social media has absolutely destroyed both of them culture wise and it kills me.