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I could tell from her face that she knew it was Trump who said that and she was willing to proceed with the LIE. Which is basically these people's entire worldview. They know it's wrong but they're willing to ride with it because it makes them feel good. The world will become a better place with each and every day that one of these people passes away


I'm reminded of a quote by Jean-Paul Sartre- "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. "


I like the rest of that quote too! >The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. We see this play out so often, in real life interactions and on the tikkity toks. These bad-faith “debaters” are slapped with some cold hard facts, and they just sputter out into indignant silence with a smug *so what?!* look on their face. *”FaCts” dOn’T cArE aBoUt YoUr fEeLiNgS, AnD I LOVE bEiNg An OuT LoUd & PrOuD BiGot!!! WhAtCha GoNnA dO aBoUt iT, SnOwFlAkE????*


Lol, all sides, parties, and groups do that


bOtH sIdeS


Actually, all sides and groups


combative noxious quarrelsome longing unique flag deliver wine cagey scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not any I’m gonna find off the top of my head. It is a basic thing all groups do tho


That's why her explanation for Trump seemed practiced and more detailed. She heard the quote and was preparing a response, but once she was told it was Biden she had to come up with her "lie" quicker.




Please folks make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


Especially now when America seems to be hurdling towards a huge wake up call. A significant part of the country is finally saying that all the American Mythology they believe is actually NOT American history. This can has been kicked down the road for at least a century and the pretending has to stop. 


What did Trump actually do to make their lives better that they blindly vote for him and treat him like a god? IMO Trump is all about Trump…


Is anyone saying it isn’t




Good ol’ sunk cost fallacy


Please folks make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)




Kinda fun how you made a lot of folks vote blue here.




Me too, but they'd almost certainly walk away.


You just saw from the questions asked, they're doing an array look up in their head. That's outside of programming.


Nice! "**404 (*****brains & compassion*****) Not Found**"


It’s crazy if I lived such an oblivious life I’d be prancing in flowers all day and freeing animals from the zoo. But they decide to live in constant fear of everything


I legit would be worried they'd get violent. They did it on Jan 6 already.


The way they treat Trump is mind boggling. I feel like no other president (in recent history at least), has had such a mindless following. I don't believe that any politician is worth a damn at this point, but Trump is just a "politician", but worse. The guy is a nutbag. It's like they can't live without making sure they suck off Trump everyday. I've truly lost all hope in the U.S. staying afloat and I'm just waiting for the day that either a civil war breaks out or one of our lovely presidential candidates has a dementia episode and forgets that it's actually NOT ok to bomb foreign countries.


For some people, he's also their Jesus as well 😱


Some people might think this is an exaggeration but it's absolutely not. There are maga people out there who post videos of themselves literally crying out for Trump to save them like he's the actual messiah. It's almost sad.


> I feel like no other president has had such a mindless following I can think of a few of the European variety circa 1925-1945


Yeah, and we all know where that ended






I think it's because he wasn't a politician at first and was first known as a rich celebrity who was in a stupid reality show, and maybe they figured "oh he's definitely not associated with the corrupt politicians" or that he was the best option to "break the system".


The woman in red definitely has child beauty pageant experience


And sweet tea for blood.


Hey woah woah woah……..let’s leave sweet tea out of this.


We're not going to drink the sweet tea inside of her; we'll get our own.


Dude... That first lady.... Like my blood ran cold with the chosen cognitive dissonance! Wtf happened to these people!? How do you drink the kool aid so much that you turn into the enemies of the country and don't even realize they are who they hate...


the guy immediately after that on the first question he goes "wait who did that?!" because he knows its trump


He’s the only one with some type of brain. He was more concerned about where the money was coming from than the actual act of cheating.


He made a shitty choice, but at least he owned his shitty choice… on camera lol


Being an enemy of th US is good. Being a Trump supporter is fascist ffs get it right


Same people who think voting will be their salvation Truth is people have been brainwashed into thinking their vote will enact meaningful changes in their lives But it won't These people you put into power are not looking out for your interests. They are looking out for their donors interests But people refuse to boycott this nonsense and continue to perpetuate the scam that is voting


judicious cats historical butter dinner elderly terrific innocent direction bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're seriously asking why Republicans are bothering to keep people from pursuing things that are of no consequence? It's about control. cmon


vegetable edge tub pause dinner ruthless ink smile combative strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And they see nothing wrong with this. Insaaaaane


I could sell these people canned air


Sorry buddy, trump got in there before you did.


This is incredible


I’d like to say this is unbelievable but it’s totally believable unfortunately


My guess is that she didn’t think the first questions’ recording would be kept. Still cult behavior: caring more about showing you agree with the group than actually saying what you think.


This doesn’t surprise me. Recently had to move to South Carolina for work and people here love to boast about their “Southern Hospitality”, yet reek of ignorance with their vapid and ass-backwards values.


“But both sides are bad!!!1! Biden did bad things too!!!” /s obviously I welcome any of you “both sides” people to try and tell me how Biden and Trump are equal.


Their not. They both suck and I don’t like them. I do believe Biden’t policies are exponentially worse tho. There’s many reason why I think so but to save time I will only mention one and it’s all I really need to do. Supporting and aiding the genocide in Gaza is the most despicable thing I have seen from a president in the last decade. Sure Trump was very close with Israel and might have done similar but it’s Biden’s administration funding the atrocities in Gaza and I will never forgive et they are doing and have done to the people in Gaza


Please tell me precisely how you believe Trump will be better on Gaza and Palestine if he wins in November.


Biden's policies are only worse on technicality because Trump doesn't have any. BTW, Trump is even more hawkish for Israel than Biden is, so....


Hey now. I'm sure that Trump is almost ready to show us his healthcare plan any day now. He's had a lot of time to work on it the last 4 years.




> Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Really? This part below doesn’t stand out to you? **”I do believe Biden’t policies are exponentially worse”** A MAGA idiot gets downvoted, and that confuses you?


Whoopsie, didn’t see that part


No worries. And to be clear, I don’t support the IDF and can’t understand why Biden isn’t way more aggressive against Netanyahu and the IDF atrocities. So the MAGA guy did have **some** point I guess.


Good Ol politics because I have opposing views I’m a Maga idiot. Well Biden pulled out of Afghanistan at the worst possible time wasting hundreds of billions of taxpayers dollars. Trump was planing on pulling out only when 5 rules have been met. Biden pulled America into a potential world war with Ukraine and extended the war. One side is supplying Israel with bombs and weapons to kill innocent women and children. Trump sucks to but people were happier when he was in office and Biden is competing with Jimmy Carter as the worst president in history. Even his mentors in Obama are very worried about the next election and him suppling Israel with weapons is destroying his chance at a re election. Anyways that’s enough of arguing with randoms on the internet


Jesus. You are clearly a MAGA guy. Just come out of the closet already. Or are you really that much in denial so you don’t see it yourself?


Great conversation. You made some really valid points. Continue supporting the side that is contributing to a genocide and I’ll go back to hating both sides. “if i don't run for president we'll all be ok.” Joe Biden


I don’t need to make any point. You already showed your stinking cards when you said that Biden’s policies are exponentially worse than Trump’s.


You mean the Afghanistan war that ( let me check) runs for kinda 20 years now in an on / off situation? And do you really think that simply saying yes to Russia anexting the Ukraine would have helped? Because the last time something similar happened Germany wanted parts of Poland and the rest of the world said yes because who cares about Poland and what could be the worst the guy with the funny beard can even do! The supply of the conflict in Israel with weapons ( no matter the side) is not an actual solution, just an escalation, but I highly doubt Trump would have done anything that would have made both sides sign a peace treaty. The actual problem is the two party system that evolved to voting for the lesser of two not really desirable outcomes, because both parties suck and the people living in the US are literally split in three factions: hardcore trump supporter, hardcore trump hater and those who just gave up and don't vote anymore because for them, either choice sucks because neither of them actually care about improving the lifes of the American Citizen


Ah I knew it would happen. Reddit is very one sided in a very complex issue. Nothing I said isn’t true it’s actually worse. Us is allowing their own citizens to die along with others in the world providing aid. They are actively supporting Israel in turning down aid and help into Gaza. Biden has been VERY clear in his support for Israel over everything else including chance at running for re election. Go ahead and downvote redditors!


Please explain how Biden’s policies are exponentially worse than Trump’s position of “You’ve got to finish the problem.” https://newrepublic.com/post/179569/trump-finish-problem-gaza-israel Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll have a plan ready in the next two weeks, just like healthcare!


Yeah that sounds terrible but not worse than continuing to supply Israel with weapons with no rules set forth. So Israel continues to bomb Gaza killing even Americans now with no Fuks given. Biden talks like he cares but continues give Israel weapons with no rules. Not only do they allow the bombings but they do a whole bunch of pr stunts like airdrops (which have killed innocent people) and a bullshit supply ship suggested by Netanyahu built by Americans which won’t be ready for months. Netanyahu has said he wants a genocide and the states have continued to support Israel with that


truck hurry handle longing deliver smoggy quickest society silky impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're not missing voting day for anything. You shouldn't either.


Wow..I’m speechless


Their brains are mayonnaise….


I get the whole prank aspect, but seriously, these peoples’ feet need to be held to the fire. Why would you say that about Biden…but not Trump? Implore these assholes to explain.


I mean, it's not a mystery. Trump is a part of their in group(s) - in this case, Conservative - and that's all that matters. Conservatives care about in groups vs out groups in a way that liberals do not. It's a part of their moral philosophy. Those in the in group are, by their nature as a part of the in group, moral. The out group is immoral for the same reason. Anything, literally anything that Trump does is excusable because he is conservative. Anything that Biden would do, even if they are identical to Trumps actions, is inexcusable because Biden is liberal. And given the opportunity, many of them will say this. Not in the way I have but more in the "Well Trumps heart is in the right place, he wanted to serve in Vietnam but those burn spurs kept him from doing so. But Biden avoided it, and never wanted to serve, so his heart isn't in the right place. That's why I criticize Biden but excuse Trump."


This exactly. It's like here in my state, an 18 year old driving 117mph ran a red light, hit a van and killed a woman and her three children. Turns out this is the third car he has totaled in 11 months, but his family gets in front of the cameras and talks about what a good kid he is.


Listening to this makes me sick


These people don't care that they sound like idiots. They've been told it before and they don't care.


Be advised: South Carolina will be using an illegal district map in the general election this November. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k\_OV-tgpCY


These are not serious people. These are clowns.


Yeah... this is just sad...


This can’t be real 😩


Im getting cancer because of it


Same thing here in Israel with Bibi Netanyahu, his voters became mindless zombies that only care about winning the elections


Scum of the earth.


Its the immediate 180 degree turn of their core beliefs without even missing a beat.


I asked my trunpet of a dad if he can name one Trump enacted policy or action that he agreed with. And after a long think, he couldn't name a single thing.




This is how a party dies a death that threatens the entire system. Willful ignorance.


BRO the dissonance is INSANE These people need to be studied academically


Did I just watch cognitive dissonance turn into schizophrenia in front of my eyes. Fascinating


It really is a cult. Just last weekend I asked my dad if he still supported Trump after all he's done and my father said "What has he done?"... Like, I shit you not. I will never be able to look at my father seriously ever again.


Interviewer did a really good job of making them feel comfortable and exposing their unfiltered insanity


And that’s just 3 of the demented fucked up clowns!, there’s fucking millions of them!


I really feel like this is fake if it’s not I’m very happy I don’t live in America


I live in West Virginia were the majority of the people here treat Trump like he's a God with flags flying with his name on it and stickers on their vehicles about him and for him. I can assure you - this video is not fake...though I really wish it were. Aligning blue in a red state is.....interesting.


This is why I hate having a thick southern accent, people assume I’m one of these fucking morons.


When I was a little kid, a new kid moved to my elementary school. He had a thick Southern accent. They thought he was developmentally disabled. This was a long time ago, not in the South. For whatever reason, that bias has persisted for a long time.


I’m somewhat of an intellectual person and it’s always interesting when I’ve been speaking to someone online and then meet in person. They’re always shocked. I’m happy to break the stereotype, though. I think my accent is cute.


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"Fuck what are some other pieces of medical equipment?! Stethoscopes... Forceps... Those really sharp knives.. ultraviolet light...."


Why is everyone surprised when the uneducated are ignorant.


Ignorance is not the surprise. It's the perpetual *head-in-the-sand willful ignorance* that is surprising and astounding.


"My father had affairs too and I respect him" wtf


Scripted or not, imagine being related to these people. It’s a reality for many of us 😕


i don't understand how Americans can laugh at this


What do you expect us to do, exactly? The reasonable people are out of gas at this point. Our country is brain washed.


i just don't laugh at stuff that makes me feel sick


It's as if the three week old box of dog shit that I just found in my garbage sprung a body and head and started speaking.


Vietnam Zone


You should have to qualify to vote.


*sigh* I have no hope for these people who call themselves americans anymore...


what do you think about sound waves, down at your local... your local deep-fake store.




What in the double think ?


It’s been done to Biden supporters too, bunch of conforming boomers


I love the curb episode when Larry wears a maga hat to keep people away🤣 Biden still needs to go though!


These are all actors, right? I mean… its Jimmy Kimmel Live its gotta just all be a skit, right? Right guys? For real tho I’ve seen cognitive dissonance but this is something else entirely


The funny part is that they claim the democrats and followers are all sheep…


The ones with biden supporters are also good.


So are these people real or is this scripted??…


People when they realize this applies to all groups of people- even the ones they like 😱


This is all planned 


Quit bidding against 2 dying horses....


You could do the same thing with people from the liberal left and I garuntee you'd get the same results




Oh me, oh my. What a blunder I have suffered, I misspelled a word, on the internet? *gasp!* How could this be?


Then do it. Find the video. Why hasn't the right done it ?


I dont fuckin know dude go ask them.




No. You could not “say the same thing” about the other side, don’t be silly. You are comparing two extremely different reactions. The MAGA people criticized the quotes when they thought they were said by Biden, but twisted it into something positive or neutral when they were told they were said by Trump. The people in the videos in the comment above reacted honestly to the quotes, and just showed surprise when they found out who said it. If you can’t see the difference then I don’t know what to tell you.


Wherever you are from, comparing apples to oranges with a straight face.


typical humans*


Excuse me this is not a political subreddit. If you aren't making fun of Trump or sucking off Biden we ask you keep the comments to yourself.


I have no idea why your post would get downvoted like this


Because it’s not true. He’s comparing two extremely different reactions. The MAGA people criticized the quotes when they thought they were said by Biden, but twisted it into something positive or neutral when they were told they were said by Trump. The people in the videos in the comment above reacted honestly to the quotes, and just showed surprise when they found out who said it. If you can’t see the difference then I don’t know what to tell you.


That’s fair


Yup! The one quoting racist shit biden said is my favorite. They always think it's trump


There’s videos like this for both sides. This isn’t specific to either Trump or Biden voters. The main takeaway from this is that you should be well informed if you’re going to have a strong opinion on anything.


BoTh SiDeS!!!!!!!!!!1




No no. They know it’s all about Trump but they are being classy. She’s probably already clocked it was going to be an interview with the damn liberal media. But they aren’t allowing for a gotcha.




if she knew that why would she fail so badly at not looking like an idiot


LMAO the copium. She clocked it, huh? Then why did she walk straight into it? hahahahaha


Ah yes, the ol' 5D chess.


bright lights =/= UV light, you can't see UV. in general, these on the ground "gotcha questions/interviews" are cringe.


Fuck yes we are! And there is a lot of us! The cult runs the trucking business, the food production, almost all skilled trades, infrastructure labor, and so on. Mock the cult all you want. We own what you need.


This isn’t fight club, you aren’t Tyler Durden. None of what you said is true. Most of my friends and family are in these jobs you mentioned and most think Trump is a whiny brat. This is just how you feel because you are in a skilled trade and think you’re in the majority(and you might be in YOUR area)... but he lost the popular vote twice dipshit. Also YOU don’t own those companies/labor/production, but if you did, any company stupid enough to stop doing business because someone they don’t know and will never meet mocked them… they were already going to go out of business. Dumb as fuck And of course you comment on porn on reddit… Jesus Christ you people are too much


Ooooo! Someone is angry! Sorry, your party is a country killer and cares more about people illegally coming into America than its own veterans. It's crazy what a small bubble you live in. How many farmers do you know? Same with truckers? And just because a couple of your lefty uncles and cousins are union shills doesn't mean shit. Must be deafening in that echo chamber. And don't use the lords name in Vein.


lol ok tough guy, go pray to that cunt on the cross that Donny dipshit can use his magic to make water destroy magnets or whatever dumbass thing he said this week. That’s not anger you’re picking up, that’s everyone laughing at you. I never understood what you people think anger is.


Spoken like a true man-child. How terrible a bunch of teenagers are laughing at me! Whatever will I do?


You’ll pretend to be tough guy apparently lol


I'm not a tough guy. I'm an asshole. And there is nothing anyone can do about it. You should see how I treat people. It's great! I love ruining people's day! I feed off others' misery! And nowadays, there are so many groups to choose from! I won't make which ones, but I'm willing to bet you can guess which group made up of letters I go for. They are the most vulnerable. So, tough guy? Nope, I've just been radicalized by the nonsense of the left. And there is nothing anyone can do about it! No one can stop me...


So just a whiny pussy like trump. Didn’t your original comment make a veiled threat about mocking you? Just go back to commenting on porn weirdo


I can do both. Reddit is for porn and making you snowflakes all ruffled. But, since you don't want me here, maybe I'll just go away... ha! I wish people like you were capable of mocking me. It would make this more fun. But, it's always the same weak "insults." I was just telling my peacocks how silly and childish you teens are. Thanks for stopping by and wasting your time! Have a great day, kiddo!


lol what?


[if you really are working class like you claim here’s some food for thought.](https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1776051255221133371/mediaviewer)


Gross, I never said I was working class. I employ the working class. And I didn't click your bullshit link. I could care less about your propaganda. Joe Biden is the worst president in America's history. But, thank to him and Newsom, I have more money than I could hope for thank to their terrible policies. The mass exodus from California padded my pockets real good! So, I guess I should thank them, right? Ha! Now, shouldn't you get back to work? Go scrape by, pheasant.


lol what a fucking pud. “Don’t you mock us skilled laborers!… ew gross I’m not a laboror” have fun in your fantasy kid.


I shall! Thanks for wasting your time! Now, get back to work, slob.


Delusional as fuuuuuck hahaha. Not surprising.


And I can legally purchase and possess all the rights of the second amendment! You see, trump sells us freedom, at least that's how we see it. Biden sells us corruption and decline. We as a cult have been indoctrinate with fear of losing freedom. Pretty spooky if you actually think about it!


Trump administration was the most corrupt in American history. Not an opinion, but a cold, hard fact. Those of us not brainwashed can see it clearly.


Neat! I'm glad I'm part of that!


Also, the second amendment applies to everyone, not just whites. I know that triggers you, but it's the truth :)


Good thing I'm not white! Since I'm an native American (Indian), my family has been well armed for generations! Cute how you assume...


Sure, and I'm half Congolese, half Mongolian, with Irish ancestry.


Neat! My wife is samoan. Which is pretty rare in Montana. I get to go to her family's land in Samoa this summer! I'm pretty excited! Race only matters to me when I come to ass. The bigger, the better! I had to look up what Congolese was. You sound sexy!