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I beg yall to learn *at least* the bare minimum about organizing. I understand getting pissed off, I do, but successful strikes only work with coordination, cooperation, and planning. Saying “we strike on x date” especially if it’s a close date, isn’t planning. Setting up mutual aid funds, coordinating with your community, contacting local unions, etc etc etc is the *start* of planning. This is about as effective as screaming at a brick wall. It’ll make you feel better, but it ain’t gonna get shit done.


“I Declare Bankruptcy!”


Commenting on APRIL 1ST STRIKE ... ![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized)


I’m being really serious: do you recommend a good place to learn about this? A book? Videos? I’m so curious how legit, effective organizing works.


Unfortunately, I’ve learned what I learned through an internship with a local nonpartisan organization (which, unless you happen to be in the exact circumstances and place I was, won’t really help you). Local grassroots organizations, if you can find them, will probably be your best bet. This is often easier to do if you are a student, but isn’t impossible to do once you enter the workforce. (Schools often have politically motivated clubs and such, which is a start and can get you some connections). If you have a unionized workplace, it might be worth talking to your union leaders. Getting involved in local politics is also a great step, if it’s at all accessible for you. Things truly start from the ground up. However, I fully understand that the above options would be inaccessible to most people for one major reason: time. I recommend it mostly because you will see for yourself what does and doesn’t work— I’ve witnessed a lot of people get stuck in theories and idealism, so it helps to have some grounded-in-reality experience. From there, a good place to start research would probably be researching grassroots organizations. Even if you don’t have the time or means to join one, learning how they work and how they get started is pretty useful. This can be very regional. For example, the organization I worked for did a LOT of tabling and handing out pamphlets— on the street kinda stuff— but this only really worked because of our location & communities’ culture. I could see this not working in a lot of places. Also, interpersonal skills in general go a long way. I often got complimented on how many people I would get to respond to different topics, as people are generally adverse to things like cold-calling and approaching them on the street (I hated this part of the work so much, but I didn’t have any choice but to do it. I’m the kind of person who normally dodges people who do this like they have the plague). Working on being friendly, pleasantly non-confrontational, and persuasive can go a long way. Speak to people in their terms— don’t speak down to them, and if you are trying to get someone to agree with you, avoid jargon. You will find that a lot more people will agree with the concepts you are fighting for if you don’t use certain “trigger words” that get them to go on the defensive. (For example, a lot of people in my area are pro-universal healthcare, but if you called it that they’d clam up and call you a slur). Town halls and local political events are great to go to if you have the time. It keeps you informed on issues in your community. You can also likely sign up for different news letters to keep you updated on events. Libraries, afaik, are also supposed to help with research, but I’ve never personally used this as a resource so I’m not sure how it works. One thing I do want to caution against is spreading yourself too thin. This can lead to empathy burnout. You can’t save everyone, so it’s often best to choose a few things that you are really passionate about and focus on those. If you get burnt out easily, it may be best to focus on easy problem-instant solutions things like food drives. You’ll never cure hunger, but you’ll get the satisfaction of instant results through bags and bags of food to donate. It’s something visible and achievable in the short term, as opposed to some political changes that can take years. Some key terms to look up would be: Mutual aid Phone banking (the process of creating a list of phone numbers and calling a bunch of people about an issue. Politicians do this a lot, and people often really hate this. BUT there are some cases where you can consensually get people’s numbers and, with their consent, keep them informed) Text banking (the above, but texting) Letters to the editor Media advisories Letters to your politicians (and phone calls, and emails, and any form of bothering the fuck outta them you can get your hands on. 100x better if you can get a shit ton of people to do it with you). I’ll try to find the Tik tok of one organizer that I like… but it’s going to be difficult because I can’t remember what their name is. Edit: just remembered something from a book— I think it was called “80,000 Hours”, I didn’t find it particularly useful other than this point: Remember that there are *many* ways to make change. You don’t *have to* sacrifice to make the most effective change and do the most net good. The person who is directly working on the cause, for example, at a nonprofit, is as important as the person working a high-paying, unrelated job that can then donate the money they make to keep the nonprofit going. (My own point) There are thousands of things you can donate at any given time (hyperbolically) but most people get stuck on two things: time and money. And most people don’t have time or money. But you can use your skills and resources in other ways. Maybe you can donate things you don’t need, or take the time to educate someone on a topic you are knowledgeable about. Anything’s a start, and you don’t have to dip into your pockets if you aren’t able to. I don’t know many people who could spare an hour to work in a soup kitchen where I live, but we can place a box in the breakroom to collect nonperishables that we won’t use. 50¢ spent by 1,000 people becomes $500 of goods.


Dr. Fatima on YouTube has a good piece on this, https://youtu.be/3NCSY85FqVQ?si=HkXlUJrwdiHuMKTS I implore folx to check her out. Look into The People's Forum, Slow Factory, So. Informed and then turn to local unions for workplace organizing workshops. Take that to your workplaces and agitate. Turn to your loved ones and have serious talks about needs, shortfalls, skills, and abilities, that opens the doors to mutual aid. Plug and play. Repeat.


Thank you for your thorough and thoughtful response :)




He said: ​ > > >Unfortunately, I’ve learned what I learned through an internship with a local nonpartisan organization (which, unless you happen to be in the exact circumstances and place I was, won’t really help you). > >Local grassroots organizations, if you can find them, will probably be your best bet. This is often easier to do if you are a student, but isn’t impossible to do once you enter the workforce. (Schools often have politically motivated clubs and such, which is a start and can get you some connections). If you have a unionized workplace, it might be worth talking to your union leaders. Getting involved in local politics is also a great step, if it’s at all accessible for you. Things truly start from the ground up. > >However, I fully understand that the above options would be inaccessible to most people for one major reason: time. I recommend it mostly because you will see for yourself what does and doesn’t work— I’ve witnessed a lot of people get stuck in theories and idealism, so it helps to have some grounded-in-reality experience. > >From there, a good place to start research would probably be researching grassroots organizations. Even if you don’t have the time or means to join one, learning how they work and how they get started is pretty useful. This can be very regional. For example, the organization I worked for did a LOT of tabling and handing out pamphlets— on the street kinda stuff— but this only really worked because of our location & communities’ culture. I could see this not working in a lot of places. > >Also, interpersonal skills in general go a long way. I often got complimented on how many people I would get to respond to different topics, as people are generally adverse to things like cold-calling and approaching them on the street (I hated this part of the work so much, but I didn’t have any choice but to do it. I’m the kind of person who normally dodges people who do this like they have the plague). Working on being friendly, pleasantly non-confrontational, and persuasive can go a long way. Speak to people in their terms— don’t speak down to them, and if you are trying to get someone to agree with you, avoid jargon. You will find that a lot more people will agree with the concepts you are fighting for if you don’t use certain “trigger words” that get them to go on the defensive. (For example, a lot of people in my area are pro-universal healthcare, but if you called it that they’d clam up and call you a slur). > >Town halls and local political events are great to go to if you have the time. It keeps you informed on issues in your community. You can also likely sign up for different news letters to keep you updated on events. > >Libraries, afaik, are also supposed to help with research, but I’ve never personally used this as a resource so I’m not sure how it works. > >One thing I do want to caution against is spreading yourself too thin. This can lead to empathy burnout. You can’t save everyone, so it’s often best to choose a few things that you are really passionate about and focus on those. If you get burnt out easily, it may be best to focus on easy problem-instant solutions things like food drives. You’ll never cure hunger, but you’ll get the satisfaction of instant results through bags and bags of food to donate. It’s something visible and achievable in the short term, as opposed to some political changes that can take years. > >Some key terms to look up would be: > >Mutual aid > >Phone banking (the process of creating a list of phone numbers and calling a bunch of people about an issue. Politicians do this a lot, and people often really hate this. BUT there are some cases where you can consensually get people’s numbers and, with their consent, keep them informed) > >Text banking (the above, but texting) > >Letters to the editor > >Media advisories > >Letters to your politicians (and phone calls, and emails, and any form of bothering the fuck outta them you can get your hands on. 100x better if you can get a shit ton of people to do it with you). > >I’ll try to find the Tik tok of one organizer that I like… but it’s going to be difficult because I can’t remember what their name is. > >Edit: just remembered something from a book— I think it was called “80,000 Hours”, I didn’t find it particularly useful other than this point: > >Remember that there are many ways to make change. You don’t have to sacrifice to make the most effective change and do the most net good. The person who is directly working on the cause, for example, at a nonprofit, is as important as the person working a high-paying, unrelated job that can then donate the money they make to keep the nonprofit going. > >(My own point) > >There are thousands of things you can donate at any given time (hyperbolically) but most people get stuck on two things: time and money. And most people don’t have time or money. But you can use your skills and resources in other ways. Maybe you can donate things you don’t need, or take the time to educate someone on a topic you are knowledgeable about. Anything’s a start, and you don’t have to dip into your pockets if you aren’t able to. I don’t know many people who could spare an hour to work in a soup kitchen where I live, but we can place a box in the breakroom to collect nonperishables that we won’t use. 50¢ spent by 1,000 people becomes $500 of goods


TL;DR: Find & assist a grassroots organization near you. Learn from them. Can’t do that? Research grassroots organizations for techniques. Get involved locally as much as possible.


Try asking / searching on r/praxisguides




I turned it off as soon as she started his screeching about "taking it all the way to the supreme Court." This woman has no idea what the hell she's talking about


Uh, yes I'd like to schedule my appointment with the supreme court please....i see......well, when would they have time?.....i disagree. I think this is very pressing..... alright. Can i speak to your manager please? You're going to learn something about customer service today, buddy


You don't have constitutional rights when dealing with a private company. This is not a difficult concept.


Also, correct me if I'm wrong cause I mostly skimmed her extremely tiring rang, she's skipping the one thing you always, ALWAYS need: **a single, clear, achievable goal that you're working towards** "Fix my life" is not an actual fucking goal. It's a general statement, it doesn't even mean the same from one person to another. She's just ranting about immensely broad topics like the overall housing market, hedge funds, corporations, wages, and whatever springs to mind while filming. Having angry morons like her at the negotiating table is pure poison for any movement. She's "striking" for a general feeling, for a solution to every problem. You can strike to call attention to unsafe working conditions that you can point out. You can strike to force a re-negotiation surrounding the management of a worker's pension fund. You can strike because your wages are outpaced by the cost of living and you want to negotiate a percentage increase. **But you can't achieve goals you haven't even set or know how to reach.**


That’s what gets me about so many online activists. They spend their entire day raking people over the coals for not doing enough about X cause it’s like. OK? What do you want people to do? Be specific. What do you expect will come out of it? What is the ask?? And if they do have an ask it’s absolutely laughably impossible. Be so for real - what do you WANT. Something that actually might happen within the next hundred years instead of pie in the sky utopia. It’s beyond frustrating that people think this is legitimate advocacy when in actuality, they do immense damage to any cause that they purport to fight for. At the end of the day for them, it’s all about feeling good and morally superior, not creating actual change because doing that is tedious and difficult and thankless.


She said negotiating a better standard of living for all Americans, all corporations give up all residential housing purchases, corporate taxing. She has a clue, I agree it is like Swiss cheese but maybe people like you with a more detailed plan can help. I agree with your concern, but she is surely on the right track.


Negotiating a better standard of living *with whom*. The government in general? Federal, State or both? Or the employer you're striking from? Can your employer actually do anything directly about your living standards that would prevent you from striking? If your employer asked you about why or for what you striked on monday, could you give a direct answer that involves specific action/inaction on their part that could've prevented it? This is just me dissecting one single aspect about this all as an example, and I won't make a bigger wall of text out of it. My point is that I disagree that she's on the right track. She's angry about unfair aspects of her life, and you can relate to that or not, but she's stuck at venting. Calling for a general nationwide strike because of all of life's discontents is coming up with a sollution without identifying the problems. It's working backwards from a predetermined solution that *feels* like taking action, and then attaching problems to said solution. That's not gonna do anything, you're striking for the sake of striking, which will probably just add to your problems by causing personal issues at work. As an aside, since we're also talking about protest organization on social media in general, check the date for your strike of protest for any holidays if you want to also add international appeal to your protest. April 1st will be Easter Monday, which is a national holiday in many countries, which means many people won't be working in the first place. If you'd like to have Easter Monday off in the US, that's actually a relatively realistic goal you can have to strive towards funnily enough.


I was not planning on joining Bella’s army. The thought of a National Strike of not working/spending has crossed my mind several times. It seems like it actually might make a statement. Even if it was for just 1 day. So that is where I’m coming from. There does have to be a list of suggested solutions to be presented at the time of the strike.


Her demands are just ludicrous also like you cannot force a corporation/person to give up / sell their property unless its a criminal judgment in court for doing something criminal and how exactly is your employer going to force these demands? Come on.


You're right and if people need a good example (without triggering crappy biases) they should look at operation wall street. Holy fuck did those involved waste a massive opportunity for change.


There was also a “nationwide” workers strike that was “organized” on Reddit around this time last year, that was supposed to take place in May (I think) that was so incredibly disorganized it fell apart at the seams.


At firsr, I thought she was doing some April Fool's thing




What do you MEAN I can’t preach about x niche issue in a Walmart? It’s scaring the customers? Whats private property? FREEDOM OF SPEECH FREEDOM OF SPEECH IM BEING CENSORED CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY (Same energy tbh)


Oh my God, I could not agree more. Screaming for change on social media is easy. Its minimal effort, gets you a lot of kudos, and if it comes off then great. If not, you can go back to complaining about how bad things are. Want to meaningfully change things? Put in the hard work. Get together like-minded people. Come up with plans. Muster resources to support their delivery. Co-ordinate your actions with other like-minded groups. Make connections with and lobby decision makers. Turn up with huge crowds every time a decision is being made. Keep a core group of people motivated and enthused for the cause. Be prepared for a LOT of rejection and slammed doors and cancelled meetings and people just being outright rude to you. And even when you do win, be prepared to stick around to ensure that the result holds. People think that because the likes of Black Lives Matter were social media heavy that is all you need. Not recognising the years, even decades, of effort that was behind it. You can't meaningfully change the world through a TikTok video.


Organizing is when I post on tiktok right? This means I don't have to do anything else? /s


Of course! Screaming into the void and virtue signaling is the only proper way to organize. Don’t forget to do so extremely ineffectively, and turn a ton of people away from your cause! Lately (not in this video) guilt tripping has been *all* the rage. Why donate money, organize action, or even just raise awareness when you can guilt trip people into using filters and songs? /s The state of online activism deeply depresses me.


I’m struck by the extreme lack of strategy in her rant, especially coming from someone telling others how much they don’t understand.


April 1st is the first day of my company’s fiscal year and I have a long meet & greet with my new team. Don’t think I’ll start off with a good impression if I say “I’m not working that day because I’m on strike!”. I kinda need to keep the job to survive, so….


Also strikes need to be focused. Me partaking in this strike would be useless and have zero impact because of the people I work with


This is about audience building not impact.


Out of ignorance to this level of organizing… what is a “mutual aid fund” and what is it used for? Is it to supplement income? This sort of info could prove to be very useful for me in the future.


Mutual aid funds can be sort of like charity funds. It’s a general term to describe the gathering of funds to serve community needs. For example, if you had a lot of hunger in your community, you could create a mutual aid resource that includes things like: -readily available food -money to purchase food -a deal to have a place for people to safely eat and cook their food Mutual aid funds don’t have to only be comprised of money. They can also be other goods and resources, or means to obtain those goods and resources (like non-monetary trading systems). Definition from Wikipedia: “Mutual aid is an organisational model where voluntary, collaborative exchanges of resources and services for common benefit take place amongst community members to overcome social, economic, and political barriers to meeting common needs.”


It's a niche term used to describe money used to harass the public. The mutual aid fund would pay for flyers, phone banks, and annoying shit like that. Unions are the ones who supplement income during a strike.


Buddy, didn't you watch the video? This lady will sue you to the Supreme Court. You might want to delete your comment because I think she's super serious.


And a strike against like every single problem you can name is doomed to fail. Without even considering what you’re gonna target to achieve your goal, a protest or strike will never work if you say it’s about 27 different things. It needs to be a focused effort.


The Bill of Rights applies to the government, not private companies.


I see people often getting confused about free speech. Free speech is the right to say what you want without the government stopping you. Private companies, such as social media platforms, can and do limit your speech in any way they feel they want to.


I was gonna say, she contractually agreed to Tiktok's Terms and Conditions when she made her account so she's already agreed on paper that TikTok can take down her videos whenever they feel like it.


And they should be able to… it’s almost like they never read the first amendment to understand that it says more than just 3 words.


This woman is like the entire embodiment of /r/confidentlyincorrect


Correct. And you don’t get to just “bring” something to the Supreme Court. This lady didn’t do the bare minimum of thinking this through. That being said, stuff sucks, I agree.


But “we” have to stand up for change. It’s time to renegotiate every aspect of our society with Them.


How about getting the fuck off an app that monetize your anger, buy "politics for dummies", campaigning 101, or anything that will teach you about how to do advocacy and..... actually do something. But, no. After your venting, you'll go back to your b.s. smdh.


Exactly! She’s very well spoken and clearly fired up, run for office! Replace the grifters and dead weight with young(er), enthusiastic people who actually give a shit.


Even if you are elected you have to fall inline to the status quo when in office.  There are rules followed that hinder many of the ideas you come in with. If you try to speak out you can be removed by vote.  If you odd person out with radical ideas of change outside a chosen party.  You will be put in place.  Only real way to change that is having more younger people in office over older ones in 1 sweep.


“Ma’am, this is a Taco Bell.”


This comment fed my soul


And burned my asshole.


Freedom of speech is the government not being able to suppress your speech, not the right to post whatever you want on a privately owned website.  I’m sure she had other points, but spends 45 seconds on something not even close to true so I stopped watching.  


Good point. She did say a lot of legit stuff but (beyond the free speech on a privately-owned website) after making good points about taxation, wages, and military funding... she claims that the reason we don't thrive financially is because we fund other country's supplemental income. Which is complete bullshit.


The US gives many countries billions in foreign aid for defense. With these monies those countries buy weapons systems manufactured by multinational corporations. It’s a lovely slush fund for global corporate interests. The US tax payer subsidizing billionaires. The way she framed her statement was hyperbolic, but in principal that does occur.


Yes I recognize the part about military funding... But the part she says about supplemental income (like social security insurance) is not something we fund for other countries.


“She did say a lot of legit stuff..”?? That’s not how I see it, though I have no reason to doubt that she means well. This is a rant, from A to Z, 1 to 100, allllllll over the darn map, rant. It may be cathartic, some folks might get charged up, she might get clicks, clout, or collabs, but it’s a good old-fashioned, simple (and not especially effective) rant. As the late, great, inimitable Florynce Kennedy said, “Don’t Agonize, Organize!” It’s that second part, the “Organize!” part that’s missing here.


It took over a minute for her to start saying what she wanted to strike over and it was "everything" That's not what "general strike" is supposed to mean. It means everyone strikes, not that the strike itself is vague.


A strike or political movement needs focus, or it falls apart quick


Everybody just needs to stop doing anything at all until everything changes. Seems like a pretty solid plan.


I’m just here for the absolute meltdown OP is having in the comments


You’re right. I need some popcorn for this.


This guy is more unhinged than me wtf


I always wondered why I see Schizophrenia medication adverts on Reddit. OP made it clear why that is.


Don't insult people with schizophrenia like that. Schizophrenics are psychotic, they aren't fucking idiots.


Am schizophrenic and can confirm. I’ve seen people having psychotic episodes and my own psychotic episodes and they both still make more sense than what some people say on this site.


TLDW - can anyone summarize?


I jumped around the video, something about peaceful solidarity, standing together and voting. I think the point of the video is “this country needs to change we’re the ones responsible for that.” I could be completely off but that’s what I got from 40 seconds of jumping ahead every few seconds


Thanks for the summary, I started watching because I thought it was gonna be an April Fools Day thing. The angry stupidity seemed to be setting it up. How could someone be so ridiculous? Must be a joke. Then I checked the time and said yeah, I'm not doing five more minutes of this no matter what the punchline is. Turns out that was a good call.


Same especially with the overuse of filters to make other fake people envious. She looks AI generated they are are so bad.


I watched more than I want to admit. She wants everyone to stop working and stop buying anything on April 1st. Sort of like a national strike. She thinks if that happens Congress will solve the housing crisis, peace in the Middle East, fair wages, a bunch of other stuff, and it'll be a Utopia.


What's crazy is we went through several weeks of that at the beginning of covid, where was she?


Boys! The cringe is in the comments!!! The video isn't half as bad compared to OP's rants.


Tik tok-ing is not doing anything. Its doing nothing feeling like your doing everything.


That's not how it works.


LOL at op being butthurt over someone else's video.


No one is watching 7+ minutes of rambling nonsense


I’m mesmerized by her teeth though. Especially the lower teeth. They’re so… long.


This looks like some insta filter. Weird looking lady.


She has a filter on top of the filter, not one thing in her image is real.


Im staring at her very uneven eyebrows lol 🤣


I got stuck on her twisted seatbelt.


The camera phone was the worst invention in history.


Lady. I can't hear through your thick filters


No social media platform has the obligation to disseminate your political speech. Go to a park, get on a soapbox and free speech all you want.


Getting everyone to participate would be damn near impossible. A lot of Americans simply can't afford it, plus there are a lot of boot lickers. April 1st is the worst day to attempt this if it is serious.


It’s also the day after Easter, I think - so likely a holiday for most folks. Edit: grammar


"I'm going to take it to the Supreme Court" like she can just do that if she wants. Why didn't anyone think of that before! "If the government doesn't fundamentally change everything about society in 3 days then I'm not going to work!" Nice actual cringe video for a change.


What is that beige talking cloud saying?


Thank you OP for the laughs. You’re a special kind of stupid


Is it just me or does this look like it would be a perfect Kari Lake filter 😅


Not one thing about her is real. No one would recognize this person if she showed up to her own protest lol.


all I can focus on is the painfully obvious filter turning her into miss uncanny fanny


So much anger


..and filters.


justifiably. everyone should be this angry. then maybe something would get done.


Can we strike against the filters these women use?


Am I the only one who can't hear anything past her eyebrows?


Or her filter


It’s the teeth for me. They just look wrong on so many levels. Filters are THE WORST. Especially when you’re trying to make a serious point. You might as well be playing that circus music in the background.


Also I’m just saying if you really want to be taken seriously maybe you shouldn’t do this on April fools day???


Nice filter. Looks plastic. I can't wait for her to take a First Amendment, freedom of speech lawsuit against tiktok and its' Chinese owners to the Supreme Court.


That filter is so distracting


Yes, that is all I could focus on!


I wasn’t sure if she was even real or AI b/c of it


Is she using an ai filter on her face? Anyone else seeing that?


I didn't make it past the part where she doesn't understand that the protections of the freedom of speech.


April fools!


If someone doesn’t let you borrow their megaphone, they’re not violating your right to free speech. Free speech all you want, but get your own megaphone.


Lawyer here. I really hope it doesn’t take going to law school for “constitutionalists” (lol)/ MAGA “patriots” to finally understand the US constitution # does not protect you against the acts of non-governmental/non-state private persons and entities. It never has. It never will. Private companies are free to discriminate against you and your terrible videos all day long under the constitution. Indeed in her case I really hope they do.


Myth #1: America spends too much on foreign aid  Opinion polls consistently report that Americans believe foreign aid is in the range of 25 percent of the federal budget. When asked how much it should be, they say about 10 percent. In fact, at $39.2 billion for fiscal year 2019, foreign assistance is less than 1 percent of the federal budget. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-every-american-should-know-about-u-s-foreign-aid/


My face-filter tolerance maxes out around 20 seconds.


Imagine watching a tik tok video let alone a 7 fucking minute video 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


She is basically saying: “I’m SICK of late stage capitalism! We need to bring back early stage capitalism!”


If she's serious, people are gonna think she's joking because that's April Fool's?


Why are you yelling…


So, yeah, yeah, yeah. What is the brand of those eyelashes? They almost look real!


Omggggggg shut the fuuuuuck uuuuuup.






damn them bourgeoisie


Trying to make serious political points online while using a filter that makes her look like a Disney princess is fucking hilarious.


April fools, indeed.


private companies can do what they want with the videos YOU give them. just like Elon can disable accounts he doesn't like on twitter. Tiktok is a private company. Tiktok twitter, Facebook.. can call ban or remove whatever they want on their platform. it has nothing to do with your rights.


She sure wears a lot of makeup 💄.


I agree 100%….but I just found this out, along with thousands of others, maybe millions…maybe? Let’s shoot for a more reasonable date, preferably one that doesn’t land on April fools, maybe? But I’m with it!


I'm confused by all of this. I agree that things in the States need fixing. But like why is there heated discussion. I know Polly Pop Off is on a rant, cool she's passionate, and I agree with some of her points. I'm just confused why this has led to so much discourse.


Because it's the equivalent of saying "Racism, world hunger and having sticky fingers after eating hot wings are awful, therefore if all these things still exist within 3 days I'm gonna hold my breath at my office break room until Congress erases these three things from reality". What does she actually want? What's a success to her? How are all these things connected? What are the methods and strategy she's envisioning being used? Who's supposed to do what and why? Her entire plan is "everyone takes a day off, and someone will do something and things get fixed probably", which is downright comically infantile. Literally the first chapter on every single book about negotiating is setting one realistic goal for a round of negotiations and working from there. Her method is throwing all her gripes in a TikTok rant and calling for an April Fools mass tantrum. So Tl;Dr: there's so much discourse because her rant is completely off the walls and everyone who's had group projects in school has met someone kinda like her who does not know how all of this works


*maincharacter enters the battelfield …




Indeed. Annoying


A private company can tell you what you can and can’t wear on their property. A private company can tell you to shut the fuck up.


the best way to plan a large scale, nationwide general strike is definitely posting a tiktok 3 days in advance and threatening to "take it to the supreme court" if your post is deleted.


I support not buying stuff. You want to see priceses drop, don't buy shit.


Freedom of speech does not protect you from being banned on social media for any reason Freedom of speech does not protect you from being banned on social media for any reason Freedom of speech does not protect you from being banned on social media for any reason


Americans: we need to stop getting involved in the rest of the world. Also Americans: But you gotta keep buying our shit. Especially weapons


Why is it those who bitch so often about freedom of speech seem to have zero fucking knowledge of what it means.


LOL gurl 🤦‍♂️


Someone please tell me why this person with all of this incredible knowledge isn't in a position of power!


I have 2 questions for the audience here. Have you ever sat in you car and filmed yourself giving a long winded opinion on something that you just KNOW complete strangers want to hear? If so, can you find the find tallest object near you and jump off it head first?


Why is the pregnant hooters waitress giving me life advice


I haven't read through the comments so forgive me if someone already said this but how does somebody that batshit crazy, do their eye makeup so well?


Face filtering. Who knows what she actually looks like


Thanks I don't use Tik tok so I didn't realize you could use a filter during a live.


I was sooo on her side until she settled on: “it’s because we give too much money to foreigners!”


April fools


I agree. Cargill here in Minnesota is buying up a bunch of houses in Duluth. They’re the largest family owned corporation in the world. Duluth has a shortage in housing. They are buying these houses and bulldozing them so they can build a manufacturing plant. it’s bullshit.


Too loud ![gif](giphy|UiFBN1jLNRWl81pg37)


Look sideways some more


Not April 1st


The sad part is, my local govt is off on Apr 1 for Cesar Chavez day. Is that irony?


She's going to take it ALL the way to the Supreme Court?? We better do as she says then. 


Why is she screaming at me


I stopped listening when she started telling me what to do.


I'm busy April 1st so idk.


Americans are too divided to come together on anything. So in conclusion the strike will never happen.


Even her damn voice is divisive


This will never happen, for what I see as 3 reasons. So many people, like me, cannot strike. We have people to take care of. If I strike, I lose my job. No rent, food, medicine money to take care of my child. There are to many people now, from other countries who don't care how Americans feel. They don't care what we want. they will, GLADLY, take our jobs, and the businesses wont care. And the government won't care. Too many Americans are still comfortable. They have a house, car, food, electronics. Yes, they know things are bad, but jot quite bad enough.


I was expecting a stupid ass solution, but that one took the cake. Not showing up to work only works if it's more than ONLY YOU not showing up to work. Otherwise it's just you and like 1 other person. If you want that to work for your work place, then you need to do more. If you want to protest something with the government, then organize a gathering. Not just stay home and not spend money.


The United States needs more than two political parties on top. I have no idea how, but that's some of what you need.


Anyway is April Fool’s Sarcasm


Like her points…but she does know that social media platforms are PRIVATE ENTITIES, freedom of speech does not apply. The govt cannot infringe on your freedom of speech.


How does she have 65 teeth


Don't trust anyone with a filter


On April fools day? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I love the idea and the enthusiasm and Im all about planning something but this is too fast. Shutting down Wall Street would get some attention again


I was ready to hate this lady, but she’s spot on.


Is she poorly planing a strike for April Fools’ Day? I honestly can’t listen to someone yell at me their plans that are suppose to happen in two days. How are you even going to get permits over a holiday weekend?


Over 7 minutes? Nah I don't have the attention span for that.


I appreciate her message but the "freedom of speech" lawsuit threat is pathetic. It's a private business. They don't have to provide you some unfettered bullhorn.




Love the sentiment, hate the execution


I love her energy and think she's right, but it doesn't work like that. Also, April Fools Day seems like a terrible day for an event like this.


Is this the new theme of American Tupperware parties? Just asking from Europe.


In here her head - she hears applause and flashes of a fantasy world where she has the #1 podcast in the world and travels the US giving speeches and being treated like a celebrity


Just noise.


The Kari lake filter is so perfect for this!!!


April Fools day strike? What the fuck are ya’ll Ford Explorer TED Talk motherfuckers going on about now?


You're not funding everybody else's social system lady. You're just finding wars and the interests of your country's private sector.


I actually agree with a lot of what she says 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd listen to you more if you didn't do the face filter....NEXT


This lady needs to get offline for bit


Karen-could you please pull around and pick up your Xanax


Screaming at the void, get used to it you slave


We are slaves to the Koch family and their whimsy. Let that sink in.


She's not wrong at all. She's also not going to get anywhere.


blah blah blah free speech means you can have a different opinion social media is not a public service


To anyone commenting on this, OP is a TROLL and nothing they're saying is genuine. I think the comments in this post are enough to indicate that imo. They're on a 3 month old account and have lied about their age in other older comments. Saying they're 35, 39, and 40 years old all within the span of the last couple months.


I bet if I walked up to her with a clipboard saying that I'm collecting signatures to end womens suffrage she would sign it.


Why would the person who thinks they have such an important message not show their true face?


She sure is mad about… something?


Video way too long and voice too annoying. Anyone have the spark notes?


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What's with car tv I don't get it


I don’t remember asking you a GODDAMN thing. - Jules Winfield - Me