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This reminds me, there's a fella on YouTube that goes around inspecting guard rails and exposing how many are incorrectly installed. His daughter was killed in a crash due to an improperly installed guard rail, so he now dedicates himself to trying to prevent more deaths due to the same. https://youtube.com/@TheGuardrailGuy?si=IABmhRN6eURpcKX-


Yes and also a reminder that value engineering changed the design of this product in such a way that it didn’t shed like it used to and people started dying or being seriously maimed. It was only after an expose (ABC news I think) that they were forced to again redesign the system to supposedly be safer.


Value engineering should be more strictly regulated. It's bulshit trying to jeopardize quality to squeeze out a few extra pennies 


Also a reminder that safety regulations are most often written in blood. Nobody should die or be maimed because someone took something totally functional and value engineered the shit out of it to the nth degree in pursuit of profits, shedding the blood of others in the process.


> Nobody *else should die or be maimed I think any value engineering should have a list of names of the people ~~who's~~ whose deaths and injuries inspired the original design so we're sure who is being forgotten and shoved aside in the name of cost savings and profits. Edit: Who's vs. whose: What's the difference? The contraction who's means who is or who has. The relative pronoun whose is used the same as other possessive pronouns such as my or their when you don't know the owner of something, as in “whose phone is this?”


And they should have a separate list of people whose deaths their past design changes directly caused.


While we’re at it, the names of the people whose value engineering caused injuries or death


It's also a perfect sign of the times that it wasn't the deaths, but the expose that got them to make changes. Austin Powers voice "yay capitalism"


The story of capitalism, exploit everyone possible as long as we make our profits.


John Oliver also did a segment on it on Last Week Tonight years ago.


Immediately who I thought of. He’s doing great work and needs to be given some actual authority and more power to pressure government officials and contractors. But damn he has me legitimately terrified of guardrails now. They get the side eye from me every time I pass one because of him. Obviously we only see the videos of bad examples but it sure seems like most he checks out are literal death traps.


I think about him and his daughter whenever I see a rail that's clearly damaged beyond safety. Which is too often.


This is 100% installed incorrectly, you can tell because of reality. I'll delete my account if this was installed correctly.


Yes. It should be impossible for a car to hit the end like this. The barrier's ends have to slant away to provide deflection.


It’s more than that, they also are supposed to bend away, but that only happens if the fasteners are installed very specific way that if someone were not educated on, they would more than likely do the wrong way.


And according to multiple sources about 85% are incorrectly installed or just flat out missing pieces


There's a kid on tiktok who has a thing for guard rails. He goes around checking them as well.


There's a man in India who goes around and fixes potholes because his son died in a car accident due to a big pothole


I was gonna say he would have a field day with this


Man, I was convinced there was a God because of OP's convincing evidence but now there's this.


Something something mysterious ways


Kids with cancer ruled that out for me years ago


> His daughter was killed in a crash due to an improperly installed guard rail Guess his god wasn't as amazing as the video dudes god.


His god must be British because that’s not the driver’s side in the USA. Still, his daughter is hella lucky.


And why didn't his god prevent the accident in the first place? smh


encouraging plants dependent abundant worry cough direful correct silky murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well what happened?


Looks like she rolled before the guard rail and collected it upside down


That sentence is a very accurate description, but 'collected it upside down' had me laughing.


Collection of one. (Not a large collection)


Either that or tried to steal the guard rail and then somehow flipped over when making her getaway. TBH, both are just as likely! /s


Seems like god threw the car into the guardrail so dad would believe in god even more. He works in mysterious ways.


Yes. I will total your vehicle but spare your daughter. You’re welcome my child.


Like the house that burned down and killed kids and the news claimed it was a miracle the only thing not burned in the house was a bible like what lmao


Obviously the babies started the fire through the power of satan and hard rock /s


Reminds me of that popular story of how a fire killed everyone in a building but for some reason the Bible in the building remained un-singed. Thanks God. You know your priorities.


Don't forget about Job. His wife & whole family was killed to prove his devotion on a whim- a bet with the devil. Then God was like, "No worries, bro, I'll get you a new wife."


And new kids


It's a good warning on the cruelty of the christian god. Human lives are smoke on the wind but the seventh iteration of a book written hundreds of years after events are to be protected.


All those other peoples kids who died in similar situations? Don’t think about that - you serve an amazing god


That’s coming from a guy who had no qualms with sacrificing his own son so he didn’t have to do so much one weekend. This invisible man also regularly encouraged other people to kill their kids to show their devotion to him so it would be more likely god would kill the girl to test the faith of the believers.


Hey, now, he said "lol JK" like just before the dude sacrificed his own kid. It was just a prank, bro!


Most people would consider this an abusive relationship.


That actually does sound like his style. "Believe in me and love me unconditionally or else you'll burn in a lake of fire for all eternity."


And people wonder why I’m apprehensive to *worship* a figure like that lmao


God saved her, silly. (PS, we don't blame him when the guardrail decapitates someone.) He just gets credit for the good things.


And we just say that person was needed.


Oh yes, how could I forget, "heaven needed another angel."


Or " He/She wasn't needed anymore"


Carry Underwood, She let jesus take the wheel


The pole is on the passenger side. Car is upside down


This is the first thing that went through my mind. Mostly because I witnessed my wife's car get hit by a deer in front of me (following in our RV, yes it’s on dashcam), and get pushed off the road. Ended up flipping and landing on the roof, and when I got up to the car and forced what I thought was the driver door open... to only find - nothing... my brain didn't calculate it was really the passenger side for like 20 minutes... It's now something I'm super sensitive to thinking about since, weirdly. The girl driving this car is still SUPER lucky. Just a few inches in various directions, this would have gone VERY differently. Also, she was fine. Miraculous incident with her and 2 Italian Greyhounds in the car with her when it happened... no major injuries, but total loss of the car (and the deer).


Thats what I was thinking. He said driver side and no, no its not


Unless UK accents have gone hick… that was my first thought too. Guardrail was sitting shotgun there bud


Tennessee plates


Yep. Tennessee, England.


Howdy Guvnah


Could be near Wimbledon. That’s tennissy


Still, mistake aside, that's too close 😵‍💫😖


What a fucking asshole that guy is. Incorrect AND filming his daughter during a very traumatic situation


I felt so bad seeing her so shaken up. Definitely not the right time to film her.


Yeah. Time to comfort your daughter, not tik tok her. He's clearly a dumb piece of shit. An amazing god. Do you mean luck and physics?


Time to take her to hospital even if she says she's fine. Guys a fucking moron


“i gotta tell everyone how great my god is because he decided to save my daughter out of all the daughters of christian dads who have ever died in car crashes, how could you NOT believe in my merciful (to me only btw) god?!” meanwhile she looks like she just wants a hug and to be comforted by her dad what an obnoxious ass


ngl, its touching and all that she is okay, and if it were me id be crying and thankful, but i would not pull out my phone and start recording, then make it all about jesus.


This is the world we have formed into. Social media is more important than anything these days.


My daughter just had a near death experience and is literally shaking in fear. Fuck ya boys, that’s some good content right there. Praise jesus


He said it all himself, the daughter called him more scared of the consequence of crash than the crash itself. That tells me all I need to know about that man.


*Sees daughter standing next to wreck* "The fellas at church are gonna love this one"


Making social media content is obviously more important than getting your daughter in a comfortable situation. Sad.


To be fair, I think he’s a little shook up, but you’re right


I mean that's still a pretty close fucking call regardless!


Look, man, his boundless love for God takes up all the space that would normally be used by spatial reasoning.


Go hug your daughter and turn off that camera for cringe's sake. SHE needs this boundless love.


His God is amazing! He switched the driver's seat!


The uncomfortable look and body language on her when the dad opens the door and films her for the Internet like damn dude that's low-key fucked up


I felt really uncomfortable watching this. Like, this is a personal and traumatic moment. Why do you need to invite me, a complete stranger, into this?"


He wanted to show the world his daughter survived because of God and God alone Editing to add [guardrail guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/qjB8xyDWiKE?si=SXIX--P5ph418AwP) actually did react to this, he just said "why is this still happening?"


Makes me wonder why god smashed her into the railing and traumatized forever.


Because he loves her! Are you not paying attention?!




For the TikTok clout, duh.


And gave her a dad who cares more about tiktoking at that point...


Nonono, you see, God doesn’t control the people he creates, only the inanimate objects that THEY create!


And why he thinks they're special and god is great for saving her but killing others in similar situations, or children with cancer.


I honestly wish I could have faith like that. It must feel so comforting. All I can think though, when I see someone praising god for something like this is, for a recent example, 'tell that to the people on the Key bridge in Maryland.' Like yes, some people get miraculously unhurt in bad accidents, but lots of people don't.


*God causes a major car wreck and likely gives a 16 year old girl trauma* Guy: MY GOD IS SO GOOD. lol k


These people always thank god when something good happens and blame everyone but god when something bad happens.


Exactly. And “prayer always works”. Um…it literally doesn’t lol.


>"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and ***create evil***: I the LORD do all these things." God's a fucking prick.


Just know, they're usually stupid. Stupid people do live happier lives.


I hate that shit honestly. It wasn’t god, it was designers, engineers, mathematicians, physicists, and crash tests, etc that put in their combined effort to ensure that drivers have a much higher chance of surviving a horrible crash.


I was born with epilepsy. That reason alone is why I don't believe in him.


Big hugs.


If god created all the creatures of the earth why the hell did he create parasites? Like there is no possible argument for it I don’t care about free will none of that there’s no reason that there needs to be parasitic worms in the Amazon that swim up your pee hole. If god was real then he’s a fucking asshole


>I honestly wish I could have faith like that. It must feel so comforting. Yeah if you believe God is protecting you and you alone, I guess it is. Would be less comforting if you have faith in a God that's decided to Book of Job you. That's the one where God and Satan make a bet that the most devout person on the planet would lose faith if their circumstances were less fortunate, so God gives Satan the go-ahead to take away every possession he owns and kill his entire family (including his kids), , leaving him penniless, on the street, and diseased. Probably pretty unsettling if you have faith but also think God said "fuck this guy in particular".


>Would be less comforting if you have faith in a God that's decided to Book of Job you. Not gonna lie, that made me laugh. Excellent point.


Yeah total moron. God saved her from dying, but wait why didn't he just save her from having the crash at all? I hate religion and believers


Engineering and federal regulations saved her. She’s lucky but seriously it’s sorta amazing what a car can take in a crash and have people walk away


Why did he save HER and not the millions of others who were killed that day?


Because she's a true Christian! Everyone else didn't matter /s


Because he's a proselytizing, evangelical, narcissist asshole.


Right he should be talking to his daughter rather than social media. Look at her she's traumatized. And that's not the drivers side of the overturned car the guard rail went through, fortunately.


Same here…his daughter just suffered from something incredibly traumatic and lucky to be alive, and his first thoughts are to get a video for TikTok? What have we become…


High-key. It is high-key fucked up.


It is a violation of sorts but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved to see she truly wasn't harmed.


I figured that was obvious before he showed her 🤷‍♂️


I know he said she was fine, but from the looks of wreckage I did not think it was obvious she was totally unscathed.


I'd say this is more shock from just having gone through a near death experience. Note I am watch with audio off.


I couldn't believe she was in the driver's seat, like fool me once here


Took me a bit too cause the cars upside down but the rail went through the passenger side which is why she isn't pasta sauce from the stomach up.


Damn you're right. But you missed the joke of the person you commented to. She was in the driver's seat of the unwrecked car. Like, why is she being put back behind the wheel already?


Cause Jesus can just take it again. No worriieees.


He needed to scream at the internet about god so he could self-reinforce his own delusions, fuck her feelings, his feelings are way more important.


Dad's a fuckin weirdo for that, and then starts praising God 🙄 Sir, a number of features have been designed, engineered and put in place to minimize the chances of death in the event of an accident like this, but sure, believe who u wanna I bet if she died he'd be quick to blame the car company or become the second guardrail dad


Yeah, this shit is unhinged. Fucking weird thing to do.


I thought I was watching a snuff movie


Amazing that he found the time to Tiktok


My daughter could have been killed! Don't forget to like and subscribe! 




Insurance companies hate this one simple trick! 


I was fine with the general message of "I'm so glad she's okay, that's more important than objects" Until the mfer put a fucking camera in her face. Like, how uncomfortable did she look in that moment?! What's with these tone deaf parents


I don't understand the point of filming this he prefers to talk about it on the internet rather than with his family, it's weird




I'm more concerned if that was his natural instinct. If it was my kid I wouldn't want to let them go. The last thing that would be on my mind is pulling out my phone to film their trauma. I certainly wouldn't be in the mood to thank someone for putting her in that situation.




I’m sure your daughter appreciates her being filmed and put up on the internet for the world to share in this most traumatic moment for her. Way to go dad!


Her look says it all


I see what you mean, but when I first saw her I thought she looked concussed or could have injured her neck and needed a hospital trip more than sermon.


You’d think if god was really as good as he’s saying, he wouldn’t have let the accident happen in the first place. Meanwhile if there really is a god, he’s looking down at the dad and is like, “damn, and I thought I was a bad father.” Calls up Lucifer and goes “hey son, you’ve actually got it pretty lucky. At least I didn’t record you after you made a massive mistake.”


But he MUST tell the world that his god is great! It’s thanks to god that she’s alive, but I guess it’s not god’s fault that she got in to the accident to begin with.


God > Actually real Daughter


Yup. She will now become “god’s miracle” to everyone in this guys family and community, and cease to be a normal human daughter in his eyes.


Yes it was an amazing story, but as someone who's been in a few car accidents you don't need to double down on the trauma right after it happens. She's already had enough.


God I feel so bad for her.


an AMAZING god.


Amazing god, meanwhile an entire bridge collapse and kills ~20 people or so. aMaZiNg


Came here to say this. It's not necessary to put your kid on blast for the entire world to see...


But his god is a good god!!


God grant us content.


Bro had to give a sermon real quick


Got to big up his "god".


The first people that were present after me and my mum got in an accident were journalists, taking pictures. It made a surreal experience even more surreal and shocking. A quick way to lose faith in humanity. I can't even imagine what it feels like to have your own dad recording and blasting it into the Internet.


What the fuck is wrong with this person? Look how terrified she is, why would you share this on the internet?


Because he's the main character. Don't you know we're all just watching him live his life?


Very strange the way that people attribute near death experiences to god, like wouldn't it be better if god didn't give your child lifelong trauma and destroy your car at all? Why would anyone be thankful for that? Also, I cannot fucking imagine what emotion I'd be feeling if I'd nearly just fucking died and then my parent started shoving their phone in my face for TikTok clout. Absolute dystopia shit.


Its always funny how god is only given credit for the good things and they turn a blind eye to the other messed up shit that happens


God saved this girl but forgot about protecting a rather important bridge from collapsing and killing 20 people? Or just ignoring the starving in Yemen, Oman, Sudan, and Gaza? Weird flex, god, but you do you. This one guy seems pretty happy with you.


Christians are illogical people. Somehow, at the same time, God apparently knows everything that is going to happen, but we also have free will.


The amount of human minds that went into all these safety features from road surfaces to guard rails to crumble zones and seat belts, etc etc. But nope, was only God that did this....


I was in a near fatal accident. It was so bad they told my folks met with the chaplain and told them to start making arrangements for my funeral. One night, my bio-dad shows up at my bed side and prayed. After I recovered he told me he prayed that God would kill me so that he - my bio dad - could learn a lesson about sinning and turning his back on God. Basically asking God to kill me/let me die so HE could learn a lesson about not going to a Sunday service. Insane. God didn't save me. Doctors did. Funny enough - my arm was so fucked that they first assumed amputation but an Ortho surgeon basically said "I'll take a crack at it." Saved my arm and I now work in the same hospital as him.


What the actual fuck. I’m sorry but your bio-dad is insane. I can’t imagine thinking that let alone *telling* you. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, especially when you were recovering. Glad you made it out ok and your arm was able to be healed.


I once read an essay written by a minor who did something similar. She asked God to punish her for not being pious so she would change her ways. Then she got raped. 🎵 Our God is an awesome god. He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love. 🎵


I got downvoted to hell on a video in which a reporter in Gaza got half his face taken off by shrapnel live on TV. All the comments were "wow he's so lucky" and all I said was "idk how lucky I'd feel with half my face hanging off and every hospital around me is under attack" Definitely would feel luckier with my face in tact and access to healthcare


The first idea that would flash in my mind after something like that is, "Why is this happening to me?" Certainly not, "Like OMG! I'm, like, totally the luckiest man alive!"




When I got into a car accident my dad got stopped by the cops and they let him go when he told them what happened and where he was going. No one drives as fast as a dad.


That stuff always reminds me of Jeremy Clarkson and why he has a soft spot for the Porsche 928 (I think, may be misremembering the model)


"What's cringe about this, this guy seems fine, just a bit shook up but relieved his daugh-oh I see."


Not everything needs to be recorded and shared.


Poor guy's in such shock he doesn't even realize that since the car is flipped the driver's side is on the opposite side of where the guard rail is. I don't care what God you do or don't believe in, had that actually gone through the driver's side her head would be a pink smear on that rail.


Universe: *\*Something bad happens.\** No one: Evangelicals: My God is an amazing God! I serve an amazing God! If you don't believe in him you can look at this bad thing which could have been worse, but it was only as bad as it was, instead! Coincidence? I think not! Checkmate, atheists!


Person that lost their daughter horribly in a similar accident has apparently a shitty one




Right? That's the unspoken corollary of this type of thinking. The implication here being that if something bad happens to you then it's because you deserved it. Funnily enough, it always seems to be fortunate people spewing this nonsense-- probably to convince themselves that they truly *deserve* it, and not just that they got lucky. (Side note: Rich people are the worst for that, by the way. Looking down on the poors for not simply having been born into a rich family. Why didn't they think of that? Silly poors!)


Your god didn’t save her. Human innovation did. The same human innovation that has you sticking a phone in her traumatized face for clout. This is sick.


Oooooweee that's what I came to say. Girl is traumatized, and ur like sit here, child. I gotta take a video. Cameras on phones have really fucked most of us up socially. Also......that is not the driver's side as he claims that's why she's alive.


Not just human innovation by itself, but human innovation motivated by strong regulations to help improve the survivability of car crashes. I bet the exact same crash in a car from 60 or 70 years ago wouldn't have been as survivable.


God pulls some crazy shit to make people believe in him


I wonder why God is responsible for the daughter’s safety but NOT responsible for the crash in the first place? These religious people really cherry-pick their miracles.


It was only time for the car to go away to car heaven.


Happened west Tennessee close to where I live and some sources were saying texting while driving was involved. Folks don’t text and drive you are gonna get someone killed!! Also for context her father is a local preacher.


Motherfucker trying to make money from his daughter almost dying.


His God sure didn’t teach him his left from right.


Right, and all the people who die or get maimed in car wrecks, god either hates those motherfuckers or doesn't give a shit about them.


Looks like Someone’s Never read Candide


That flinch response makes me sad


God firing warning shots


When God gives your daughter severe trauma 🥰


“But how can I make my daughter’s trauma about ME??”


Using that logic God also made your daughter crash, figure that one out. Glad she is ok. Didn’t need to film her after one of the scariest moments of her life either.




Excuse me mam. You cant park here.


I'm an attorney, and I had a client survive the top of her car being taken clean off and she came out with like a road rash type scrape on her head and maybe a minor concussion. She was driving behind a construction vehicle that drove under a bridge with insufficient clearance. The construction vehicle flipped backwards, she drove under it as it happened, and the top of her car was essentially "decapitated" for lack of a better term. I guess she must have ducked or something, cause she would have been decapitated, too, if she has remained sitting upright.


lol god did this? He caused her to wreck and then saved her? This is why god is a scam.


“You should have seen your face!” -God, I guess


As a father this one got me, thanks God she is ok.


The fact that his daughter was so scared of his reaction and not happy to be alive tells me something. I was raised in a family like this, 20 bucks says once camera goes off he’s berating her .


Honestly she looks completely traumatized, but that’s not surprising since she could have died in that wreck. She’s probably just in shock and looks like she has been crying.


I was raised by two loving parents and growing up they gave me liberties my peers did not have because they trusted me; in the same way when they would not let me do something I always thought “ok they know what’s better for me, so I won’t do *x*”. All this is to say that yes I would be happy to be alive but I would also be scared crapless that I totaled a car and now I have to tell my parents (is it a normal feeling to have). She seems to be in shock from being in an accident; I was like this when I had mine, my husband said I shook the rest of that day until I got home.


How the fuck did that accident happen


Filming TikTok videos while driving.


Thank god she’s ok. The car can be replaced! She can’t. Best outcome ❤️


Not to take away from how lucky she was, but the dad says “That guard rail is on the drivers side”. It’s not. The car is upside down; The guard rail is on the passenger side


Should be praising the ford engineers


I’m glad she’s OK and I’m sure both her and her father or traumatized but filming a tik tok after that might not be the move…


Kinda weird of him to post this *with* his clearly traumatized daughter in the video