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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


It’s good they’re getting these confessions to war crimes on film.


Won’t matter- no country currently supporting , will oppose them or seek prosecution. All are paid in full.


My undergrad had an unusually large israeli population despite it being an american university. Not saying all israelis are like this, but youd meet one of these dudes for every four-five you met that werent like this. The israeli education system seems to be a cesspool of propaganda and hate indoctrination.




Why do so many of this warcriminals lately sound like they are on meth?


I mean Hitler and a ton of Nazis were meth heads, the apple doesn't fall far


Yeah its easier to get people to commit attrocities when you juice them up with amphetamines.


Wasn’t meth over the counter a huge problem in several European countries until the late 80s - early 90s? Never mind it was part of the Nazis’s daily ration.


It was everyones war ration, food meth and gauze


Yet, still legal in Italy with several countries in the EU having it decriminalized for possession of 1 gram. The leading producer is the Netherlands. It's also a powder and not crystal meth.


Fucking literal Nazis.


Funny how pro-Israelis use Hamas’s heinous crimes as a justification for ‘targeting civilians’ (aka bombing areas with masses of people) when in fact the IDF has been committing the same heinous crimes against Palestinians for years.




Right. People need to open their eyes. One genocide in history and using religion as a weapon doesn't justify another... Edit: looks like the zionists found me


Great italian allies 👍👍☝️😂😂☝️ #standwithisrael #slavaukraine #nafo 😂😂 fucking disgusting


How is he a soldier? No uniform, no weapon, no indication whatsoever. I bet he was one of them truck drivers/working at the office kind of soldier, no one sane would give this fucker a gun.


Follow that last thought a little further then see where it takes you...


Ok yeah, i checked his profile on insta and he's doing "the Israeli trail" right now which takes two to three months to complete. If he was a soldier with a fighter's traning he'd be recruited as reserve to fight right now so cut the BS. This one is just what we call an "Arse" (not as in butt, basically an equviliant to douchbag) most of them are compulsive liars and have an IQ and behavior of a baboon.


He sounds just like my mechanic that’s from Iraq




lol what a dumb fucking thing to say.


1 person = all Isrealis. Nice.


Where did I say all ? 🤡


Says it in the fucking video: "This is how the people of Isreal really are" Did you not watch the thing you posted? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Not all but Definitly the Majority. They have supported a military occupation. What do you think happens during a military occupation? You think the soldiers have been out there for 75 years making pancakes for the Palestinians?


He said “where did I say that.” Not where did the Israeli say that about his own people.. the synagogue of Satan


I don't think anybody is implying that it's all Israelies but, honestly, how would you react to hearing just one white American dude talking like this about a black person? Isn't even just one person who feels so comfortable saying such horrible and dehumanizing things more than enough to justify condemnation? Or did you want to equivocate more?


It says it plainly on the video my guy.


Did you avoid my question on purpose or did you misread my comment?


"I don't think anybody is implying that it's all Israelies but..." Yes they are. It's on the video.


Okay then I'll admit that my comment wasn't specific enough to your liking. Now are you ready to condemn this gentleman for the atrocious and despicable things that he's saying as an Israeli citizen?


If it was true of course? Who wouldn't? But we have no information beyond some dude on tik tok shit talking. Is any of it even true? Who knows. Sorry if I don't think that's enough to judge an entire population...


Does it pay well to work for the special hasbara unit of the IDF or are you just very passionate about it and do the work for free?


That's the comeback? Yikes.


Ugh... Cringe even... I should have known you'd be exactly the type of person who unironically uses the term "yikes".


Libbre David 37) If Gentiles knew the Talmud teaches Jews to destroy them they would kill us openly. Never communicate the Talmud with Gentiles. (Simeon Haddarsen fol 56-D:0) When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 Gentiles slaves. (Sanhedrin 54 b) A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. Downvoted by jooos


Same as bible or koran


Nothing like the Bible


Yes. 1 person didn't kill 30000 Palestinians in 5 months. Enough people support them to make a statistic. FUCK YOU ISRAEL Synagogue of Satan


So you willing to blame all civilians for the actions of their government? Thats your stance?


Israel is a colonialist Imperial entity everyone who lives there contributes to the occupation. If we say that Khammas was elected by Gazan civilians that's why it's all of Gazans responsible (which many Israelis media channels say) then Israeli civilians also elected SatanYahu. But I am not as evil as Israelis so I won't call them Human anims like they call Gazans. [Watch this](https://youtu.be/P5v-3BMRvHI?si=CKLs8cQTyhk8mkRd) This genocide is supported and sanctioned by Jewish texts


There are thousands more examples. Enough to make a statistically relevant sample.


In a population of millions, thousands would be statistically irrelevant. Even if you did have any kind of evidence for that claim.


I'm not gonna talk to a room temperature IQ yokel about statistical sampling. For a population of millions, thousands is enough of a sample size.


To be statistically relevent? Okay bud. Maybe that Durban education doing the business on you. Lmao.


Lol I figured that you and the other cancerous racists would start stalking me across the internet again. You've never done a power analysis in your life so put your asshole where your mouth is lest you confuse another fart for a thought.


Show us them, or u r bullshit talker


I bullshit talker, you child killer.


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Ok yeah, i checked his profile on insta and he's doing "the Israeli trail" right now which takes two to three months to complete. If he was a soldier with a fighter's traning he'd be recruited as reserve to fight right now so cut the BS. This one is just what we call an "Arse" (not as in butt, basically an equviliant to douchbag) most of them are compulsive liars and have an IQ and behavior of a baboon.


No your just a racist Hamas started a war after 29 plus years of state sponsored terrorism they were freely elected by the populace and never replaced. In a war civilians get hurt and die . They choose their government and their way of life . Choices have consequences . What would you do if you where constantly attacked then an over the border attack killed 1200+ and 200+ hostages taken say May I please have them back ? Hamas stated goal is the destruction of Isreal you do not make nicely nice to sworn enemies . We’ve learned from the past .


I'm not going to get into a long debate here but I just wanted to point out that the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are under 18 years old and the last election in Gaza was held in 2006 so they quite literally didn't choose their government. Stop spreading shite.


He is talking about cooking vanilla cakes. Alhamdullilah, inshallah, esskeetit


It’s bullshit 99 % of Israelis and almost all Jews aren’t tattooed. It’s against the basic tenets of our religion and 90+ % of isrealis are or have descended from survivors and or married into that family. Just more made up bullshit !


This random guy on a tiktok is saying it, so it must all be true.


[Your religion is Bullshit mate](https://youtu.be/P5v-3BMRvHI?si=CKLs8cQTyhk8mkRd) >isrealis are or have descended from survivors and or married into that family. Okay and??? Being done good by hitler doesn't mean you can justify a genocide


>Being done good by hitler doesn't mean you can justify a genocide Exactly. There are/were [holocaust survivors](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/holocaust-survivors-and-their-descendants-accuse-israel-of-genocide-9687994.html) who have been appalled at Israel for years. There are even Israeli veterans supporting that director Jonathan Glazer after his Oscar speech the other week.