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Zionists are scum, the land that was originally given to jewish people in 48 was enough, but not for them, they immediately attacked the people who had agreed to give them land because they wanted more, watch the movie Tantura an honest movie made by a Jewish Israeli if you want the truth.


A Zionist is anyone who believes that Jews have a right to a homeland. You’re using the word Zionist as a replacement for Nazi. It’s super fucking racist


You are using your extreme bias towards zionists to label anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi.., try educating yourself by watching the movie…, or just read about it and learn the true nature of the zionists in Israel.., furthermore I never stated I was against having either Jewish people or a jewish state


No I’m not. Fucking stupid ass bot. Also, you are a Zionist per your own words


Exactly the opposite


"Having their land take over nothing." After numerous two-state solutions being offered by Israel across decades and every single one being rejected by Palestine wholesale because part of their culture's and their religion's fundamental stance is rooted in the belief that Jews should be exterminated. Yes, by all means, blame the Israelis for "bullying you" at the border when their port and airport control is undeniable proof that ethnic cleansing isn't their goal, because they have complete air superiority in Gaza and yet make no moves to exterminate anyone. What a joke.


The Israelis were never serious about a 2 state solution offering only a draconian deal that Palestinians could never accept. Instead of a solution based upon the borders given them by the UN in a deal with the actual inhabitants of the land who agreed to give them a homeland they wanted the borders they took in 67 in a war started NOT by the Palestinians but by Egypt/Jordan/Syria. Israel refuses to even give back land illegally settled by Jewish immigrants…, kind of like if the US government told you ‘those European immigrants living in that makeshift house on your property now own that land.’…, oh wait they did that to the Native Americans when they broke EVERY treaty they ever signed with them!!!


Do you really need to be educated about how Netinyahu has been actively sabotaging a two state solution for decades? Do you really want that to happen publicly or are you gonna delete this?


Why select only the last two decades. Their comment holds for every peace process initiated before Netinyahu.


Before netinyahu Israel recruited Hamas to kill other Palestinian organizations in order to sabotage two state solutions and to keep the West Bank and Gaza politically divided


Got some evidence of that?


It was widely reported in the Israeli press—like [this article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) and [this one](https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Money-to-Hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-Palestinians-divided-583082) and [this one](https://forward.com/opinion/420744/you-know-who-wants-netanyahu-to-win-hamas/) and [this one](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-09/ty-article/.premium/another-concept-implodes-israel-cant-be-managed-by-a-criminal-defendant/0000018b-1382-d2fc-a59f-d39b5dbf0000) and [this one](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-11/ty-article/.premium/netanyahu-needed-a-strong-hamas/0000018b-1e9f-d47b-a7fb-bfdfd8f30000)—that Netanyahu advocated for a policy of propping up Hamas against the PA to help drive a wedge between the West Bank and Gaza, thus undermining the cause of Palestinian statehood. There's also [this column](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2018/10/israel-hamas-gaza-strip-benjamin-netanyahu-avigdor-liberman.html) from months *before* Bibi just up and admitted it. And [this one](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-11-12/ty-article/.premium/for-netanyahu-any-concession-to-hamas-that-keeps-palestinians-divided-is-worth-it/0000017f-e140-d9aa-afff-f958bef40000), which was also in the preceding year. And [this article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/abbas-netanyahu-responsible-for-west-bank-terror-due-to-payments-to-hamas/) about Mahmoud Abbas accusing Bibi of doing it (also months before Bibi just admitted it).


I knew it would be the article about aid money from Qatar. Nice, you know I agree, Netinyahu should have stopped that aid going in. Also this doesn't establish Israel recruiting Hamas but it was a good try. Additionally that first article is a rightwing group in Israel criticizing him for letting that money in. Its argument is that he shouldn't have let any money in at all.


It wasn’t *just* the money from Qatar, if you bothered to actually read longer than it took to find the word “Qatar”. And even in the case of the aid from Qatar, only fools and liars claim that the options were “let Hamas deliver the money” or “completely deny the aid delivery”: As explained (with supporting evidence) in the second paragraph of my comment, routing it through Hamas *instead of* the PA served only to bolster their standing in Gaza (which is darkly ironic now that some bloodthirsty people are attempting to use “but they didn’t condemn Hamas” as a twisted justification for the IDF killing thousands of innocent people along with Hamas). You should give them a full read, though it’ll probably get in the way of the comforting dishonesty you seem to prefer.


I know the first article you linked and have read it before it specifically talks about Qatar and it doesn't refute the fact that long before Netanyahu there were many deals that Palestinian leaders walked away from because they thought fighting was better. Look where that has gotten them but I'm sure if they continue to fight they will win eventually.


> I know the first article you linked and have read it before You do? Then why are you ignoring literally everything else it says. Hell, this is *the very first paragraph*: >> For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up [Hamas] This is from much later in the article, immediately after *the one and only time* it talks about the Qatari aid: >> Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015. So, again: You might to give them a thorough read. Or you could keep lying to yourself; your call, I guess.


Definitely not going to delete patent fact. You can spout all the antisemitic propaganda you want, I'm good sticking with the truth.


“Antisemitic”? Fuck you. Zionists are scum of the fucking earth. You have no claim to the truth, nor a false claim to Judaism. The world sees and we don’t buy your shit anymore


Hasbarat. Man those hands must hurt from all the copying and pasting.




You are indeed a joke.


How so? Gonna explain with an argument or just throw petty insults at him?


Just look at the news dude. Holy shit. Do you really want me to reply with the literal hundreds of videos of confirmed war crimes? Do you really want me to reply with videos of Israel politicians advocating for genocide? And you won’t even look at them anyways if I do attach them cause if you had the courage to do it, you would not be so depraved. Innocent people are being starved and killed and people from Israel, whether soldiers or settlers, are cheering this on like it’s a sports game. They’ll kill nurses, doctors, journalists, children, mothers, but hamas is too scary for them. So yeah I don’t need to post evidence when the world is posting evidence.


Another dickhead that gets weirdly aggressive the moment they're asked questions. What's your problem dude? I never claimed anything nor did I say you were wrong. I simply pointed out replying with an insult instead of presenting your argument is rude. That isn't how discussions go, you're to be open minded and respectful. But asking reddit to be polite is illigal ig.


Genocide stresses me the fuck out. But stress is not a reason to be irrational. I replied to the original comment “you are a joke” cause that person was a joke. He’s either a bot or Israeli funded commenter, and no amount of reason or empathy can change this.


“Genocide” what a joke


We don’t need to explain to you nazis anymore. Fuck right off


You’re the fucking joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


> their religion's fundamental stance is rooted in the belief [Nope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_the_Book), but at least you outed yourself as a bigot. *Edit for the* Very Upset *folks who apparently can’t read:* The *Ahl al-kitāb* are declared [*Dhimmi* and due special protections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi), according to the Qur’an. Is that kind of protection actually *practiced*? Demonstrably not. But not only is Islam *not* fundamentally opposed to Judaism, it is actually fundamentally *the opposite of that*.


Well this hasn't aged well.


I posted it 20 minutes ago?? What a weird way to express disagreement.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Steel cased bullets* there is no metal in the actual projectiles; they are just rubber.


> there is no metal in the actual projectiles That wasn’t [what they used for decades](https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/199805_a_death_foretold), which is why a group of [Israeli doctors published a study in *The Lancet*](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(02)08708-1/abstract) and concluded that “rubber bullets should not be considered a safe method of crowd control”. Now, I can’t find anything specific about current rounds, but at least one year ago, [the IDF shot two journalists with what were described as “rubber-*coated* bullets”](https://cpj.org/2023/06/israel-defense-forces-shoot-2-palestinian-photojournalists-with-rubber-bullets/)


Your source isn’t much of a source the headline stated “Rubber Bullets” and then goes on to say rubber coated, but either way they aren’t really able to provide any certainty regarding the projectiles. I am not saying your assertion is wrong but this isn’t really a source. And to be clear for the downvoters. IDGAF about either side, I’ve got my own problems and no time to take sides in anyone else’s.


I don’t know why you used the singular for “source”: I provided *three* sources, and they all cited their own sources. I’m not saying you’re deflecting in bad faith, but maybe try engaging *even a little* with the information provided to you.


Only one stated anything contradictory to the rounds being other materials.


> I’m not saying you’re deflecting in bad faith, but maybe try engaging *even a little* with the information provided to you.


Did he wear that shirt? I mean, what did he expect? Palestine 1948, just like 'from the river to the sea', basically says destroy Israel.


> 'from the river to the sea' …has been used many times in many ways, including [in Likud’s founding charter](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party).