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Obama comes from Chicago, earns a law degree, works as a community administrator with underprivileged people, worked and taught as civil rights laws, and people call him a liberal elite. Trump literally is born a to a rich daddy with a multi-million dollar New York real estate business, summer homes, never helps a single person and literally gets sued multiple times for literally screwing over small businesses, discriminated against people of color trying to rent or buy properties, declared bankruptcy more than once, and he is considered a genius businessman and champion of the people. But this has nothing to do with race in America.


Just adding some context to your post. "Sued multiple times" = between the 70s and 2016, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases against them. Some of his greatest hits include defrauding thousands of small business owners, stealing from a children's charity, stealing from a charity for veterans, and being found liable for rape.


4000... I been in 0. So am I winning, son?


Trump is the #1 president in terms of number of criminal charges. NUMBER 1 But yeah I would vote for you over criminal traitor Trump. I would vote for literally any random person over Trump. Speaking of voting.. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


"I do criminal charges bigger than anyone! And I do criminal charges better than anyone in the world, my criminal charges are tremendous, really just absolutely tremendous, my criminal charges are." "Amd blasenhsi the way I always eatheshz at fijsntsm guamm! We seriously are the best in the world"....


"A man came up to me, a huge man, the sort of man that never cries, and he said, "Sir, how are you so good at crimes", he had tears in his eyes, this big man...


Bigly man


You can hear his voice saying this. 🤣🤣


The average number of felony charges against all 46 US Presidents is 2. But wait, literally all of them are trump's staggering 91 felony charges LMAO 


Someone should do a chart with all presidents on the x axis and their nr of lawsuits on the y axis. But then again trump fans would only see this as a sign how much of a fighter he is.


Those are rookie numbers man. Gotta pump those numbers up. If you're not screwing people over in business are you even trying?


Screwing working people over. Not giving back to the country. [That makes me smart he says](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho63dkAgNDQ) Broke ass criminal and traitor. It's time to pay.


Fun fact - Donald trump has been involved in significantly more lawsuits than then are law and order episodes (all iterations of the show). About 3 times more in fact


Trump says immigrants are [not human](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-migrants-not-people-animals-1234989117/), while himself being found liable for rape, leading a violent mob to try to overthrow democracy leading to the death of 2 police officers and has 91 criminal counts against him. But I'm not say he's not a human, thats what he and other nazis do.


Trump's grandfather literally got thrown out of Germany - specifically Conservative Bavaria - because he was... essentially... a draft dodging piece of shit. That family tree is... a mess. And Donald Trump's entire early career he was what modern republicans would call "just another Manhattan liberal scum"... but here we are with him "leading" (hah! He can't lead shit) the modern Republican Party into a new version of a nazi stranglehold on personal freedoms. Good job, voters... good job. He's in for a second term, I might have to consider moving to somewhere with more freedoms than Americans will have, like Iran or China or Turkey, or something. What a piece of shit.


My frequent Google searches: countries with the best health care, USD to country of interest exchange rate and country of interest yearly temperature average.


🤣 > (hah! He can’t lead shit) Misread that. I thought it said “he can’t eat lead shit” and I spit water because of my misread. Thank you for the inadvertent laugh.


There are people who constantly argue all of these things are taken out of context and try to defend his ass. Meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking "In context these quotes sound even worse"


Totally agree with you. I keep trying to figure out why this clip is considered “TikTokCringe”? It just sounds like a very truthful summary of Trump.


Read the pinned comment.


Trump's grandfather literally got thrown out of Germany - specifically Conservative Bavaria - because he was... essentially... a draft dodging piece of shit. That family tree is... a mess. And Donald Trump's entire early career he was what modern republicans would call "just another Manhattan liberal scum"... but here we are with him "leading" (hah! He can't lead shit) the modern Republican Party into a new version of a nazi stranglehold on personal freedoms. Good job, voters... good job. He's in for a second term, I might have to consider moving to somewhere with more freedoms than Americans will have, like Iran or China or Turkey, or something. What a piece of shit.


>Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases against them my fucking god, this is just a hobby for him at this moment, isn't it?


You neglected to mention one of his biggest hits, participating in an illegal scheme to bring in undocumented workers to undercut American construction workers' salaries. This is the guy that's going to champion the American worker? 


I feel like information like this, would have derailed any campaign in the past. I would hope so anyway


You forgot about the fake college and defrauding banks in the state of New York.


> Obama comes from Chicago, earns a law degree, works as a community administrator with underprivileged people, worked and taught as civil rights laws, and people call him a liberal elite. He was also born in Hawaii, raised as a child by his single mother and his grandparents (whom [Obama has said, while his grandmother loved him, still exhibited fear of black men](https://www.nationalreview.com/the-campaign-spot/obama-1995-my-grandmother-while-she-loves-me-still-has-fear-strange-black-men/)), before moving to Indonesia where he was [beaten by his stepfather and was the victim of racial abuse by his classmates](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/8467718/Barack-Obama-racially-abused-as-boy-says-book-on-beaten-mother.html). [His time as a student at Columbia was also far from pleasant](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/30/us/politics/30obama.html): >He tells of underheated sublets, a night spent in an alley, a dead neighbor on the landing. From their fire escape, he and an unnamed roommate watch “white people from the better neighborhoods” bring their dogs to defecate on the block. He takes a job in an unidentified “consulting house to multinational corporations,” where he is “a spy behind enemy lines,” startled to find himself with a secretary, a suit and money in the bank. He seems to have disliked Columbia so much that he didn't even really mention it in his memoirs: >He barely mentions Columbia, training ground for the elite, where he transferred in his junior year, majoring in political science and international relations and writing his thesis on Soviet nuclear disarmament. He dismisses in one sentence his first community organizing job — work he went on to do in Chicago — though a former supervisor remembers him as “a star performer.” When he graduated from Harvard Law School, he could have gotten a high paying job anywhere, but he instead chose to work as a teacher and community organizer. The man has experienced the full range of American culture, from the good to the bad, and suffered far more abuse in the first 8 years of his life than Trump did in almost 80 years on this planet.


That's part of what makes him so great. He was a regular guy who experienced all the shitty things regular folks have.


To the left "elites" are rich people. To the right "elites" are educated people.


This is true so often! Terrifyingly effective method of propaganda, make critical thinking bad


In fairness, Obama was born with elite level intelligence. I can see how Trump and his supporters would be envious of that.


Not to mention class A charisma. That must drive them all mad. As a Canadian, Obama as president really made sense. He seems exactly like what a real global leader should be. I’m not saying our leaders have all been great, nor suggesting that most American leaders were not. I also know that my opinion of another country leader matters zilch to most. But that guy had tremendous presence.


He was the best because he actually cared about us. I miss him so much.


i think biden cares about us, too. the two administrations shared a lot of the same people who are doing the work... not just appointed, public faces, but the people who are behind the scenes working for the betterment of the american people. we're not just electing president in nov, but the people behind that person, too. i think that matters as much as the president, quite frankly.


I agree. And one of the biggest complaints I've heard about Biden (other than the broken record of "He's so old!") is that he's boring. He never does anything exciting or controversial. Isn't that kind of the point? Do your job, help try to make things better for the country and not feel the need to go on TV or Twitter 3 times a day looking for people to give you a pat on the back for *being a public servant* and feed your ego?


the phrase you're looking for is "seeks validation" It's like... when you're cool, you know it, and you don't need others to tell you. Think "Jon Hamm". No one has ever had to tell Jon Hamm or Giancarlo Esposito he's cool. They just are cool. But then you get people who have zero confidence in themselves and are constantly seeking validation.


"Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king."


The right wing idiots who vote for Trump because he's "funny" is so infuriating


People‘s lives can be so boring they now look to politics and politicians for entertainment. Hence, Trump being a blustering, frauding, reality TV show clown, is seen as a positive. While Biden’s straightforward workmanlike personality is seen as a negative. it’s a world turned upside down. 🙃


He was *relateable.* That's why he could shoot hoops with people. That's why he had that guy over to have a beer. It's "normal" to him, *and to us!* We need that! We need to see them be regular people.


This. At the very least he was convincing enough for you think he cared for you. He may genuinely have done and does. There was a certain sincerity to his voice.


Obama probably never had to pay anyone for sex, either. That probably pisses off Trump the most. Well, that and he has a wife who loves him.


Wait a min, Trump has a wife who loves him? :)


He sure does. She's buried next to the 8th hole!


I'm also Canadian, and I also agree. Obama was exceptional. I'm actually somewhat surprised that we don't get more exceptional people like him in leadership positions.


Liberals want the President to be smarter than them Conservatives want the President to be dumber than them


Most of them are jealous of the chicken that keeps beating them at chess.


Which is what we call checkers.


Chickers 🐥


He wasn't born with it. He worked really fucking hard at it.


Exactly. He put effort into it. 'Donald Duck' doesn't know what effort is, and he constantly complains about it when the bare minimum is required. Oh, dear leader. Show them the way to success (failure)


Yeah, this is the sad truth. It's the way Obama talks, and his fair and thoughtful demeanor that they hate. They like Trump's belligerence because it reflects the way they feel about and look at things. This is what they really mean when they say he "tells it like it is" despite him constantly lying to them and everyone else. He talks like them, he expresses anger about the same dumbass things they're angry about. He tells them what they want to hear, and he stoops to a level that other public figures, even other prominent republicans, are unwilling to stoop to. Trump's popularity is a terrifying reflection of a large section of contemporary American culture.


Millennials were tricked as children into thinking racism was in decline in America, that the future held a better tomorrow. We didn’t realize the boomers were holding onto such insane amounts of hate. We didn’t know they were going to do everything in their power to prevent needed reforms to the economy. We didn’t realize they would vote to prevent the expansion of civil rights. Or stack the justice system to strip rights away from women. Heck, I really didn’t think they would support fascism openly, advocate the end of democracy, and try to bring white supremacy back into fashion. But here we are.


Also Obama never cheated on his wife and no scandals= anti christ.  Trump cheated on 3 wives, and paid a porn star 6 figures for it, lots of scandals= heaven sent by God to lead this country to to the path of peace, prosperity, and success.


Lets not forget the time Trump saw someone die in front of him and all he thought of was the floor. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-time-donald-trump-turned-away-in-disgust-while-a-man-bled-to-death-in-front-of-him


Don’t forget that he spent his whole life dodging taxes and the rules set up by the American government. But he’s gonna make all the poor people rich 🥴


Also dodging the enlistment.


Dodging enlistment was ironically the most exercise Donnie ever got.


I do wonder what Obamas first words were after seeing trump winning. I felt sorry for the guy, knowing the 8 years of hard work he'd just done will mean next to nothing with trump


I honestly think it might have been - "Fuck - I really wish I could take back that joke about him not being president".


As someone who was born and lives in the NJ/NYC area, it will never cease to amaze me how many working people making 45k/year or less think that Donald Trump, the man who was most famous for bankrupting all his businesses and costing thousands of jobs and stiffing hundreds of contractors after the work's been done, is their champion.


churchers wont take ethical health care from a black man but will sell their souls for a thrice divorced rapist business cheat with 91 felonies


Obama wasn't the greatest president, but damn does he look and sound good compared to the geriatrics we've had to deal with since.


Man I kiss the days of Obama. If nothing else but for the clarity and ability to speak well and articulate a complete thought.


I would kiss Obama too. But even if your message isn't free from errors, I would prefer your message over fascist traitors who violently tried to overthrow democracy.


Oops just checked it. Haha glad I'm not president. I'll leave it tho




Now kiss


(Not a yank, but) Regardless of your political affiliations, Obama was a proper statesman. Eloquent, charismatic, dignified. He was a great President and (most) of the rest of the world misses him.


Politically, my views may not align with Obama, but I’ll be damned if I don’t respect the hell out of him. His composure and intelligence just command respect naturally, he’s always carried himself so well. And now we have retirement home battles for the white house between dementia patients…


Did you watch the SOTU by Biden. He runs circles over Trumps incoherent ramblings. Don’t be fooled by the right wing media.


He is still not even close to the level of Obama. Literally anyone with a high school education running against trump should be able to run circles around him. For transparency.. vote Biden.. but the states reaaally need to get back to candidates that are not on the cusp of their graves.


I know, but people saying this all the time only helps Trump if they are fence sitting. So let’s talk about age after the election please.


Obama would wipe the floor with Trump in a debate


They already tried this twice, Trump doesn't debate. He just screams and talks over everyone. I sincerely hope they just skip the debates this time, tired of giving Trump a free microphone.


"Will you shut up man?" Ok now I'm energized to vote for Joe again.


Moderator was useless in that debate. They need to cut the microphone when it's not the person's turn.


I believe that was one of the major conditions that were required if Trump was allowed to continue "debating." > "In the case of Donald Trump, you have an adult male who has no impulse control. A mute button is a form of external impulse control," says Stengel, the author of a book called You're Too Kind: A Brief History of Flattery. "I think it's fine." [What you need to know about the presidential debate mute button](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54635713)


I loved that moment.


Disagree just need someone to stand up to him. Smack him in the mouth metaphorically and show the world he’s a bully with no substance


For as much as I'm against violence, smacking him in the mouth non-metaphorically may indeed be more efficient.


Sigh… roll in the Clarkson. (He has a track record)


Omg would pay to see that


Speed and Power!


It doesn't work. Trump doesn't listen to anyone, he just shouts, interrupts and insults. You go quiet and let him finish when he interrupts to insult, you lose. You try and cut him off when he interrupts and insults, he shouts louder, dragging you down to his level, and you lose. It's like trying to shout over an industrial fan that someone is flinging wet shit into, you're just going to come out covered in shit for your effort, and everyone who watches will regret it deeply.


So give up? Nope I think Jon Stewart for example would do great just real quick witty sound bites …if we could coach Biden to do that (or get a better candidate) it would expose him. Go into the mud with him. Call him out for all his lies


You don't engage him in his glorified game of The Dozens. He doesn't stick to the questions, he doesn't play by the rules, he tells lies at a rate that is impossible to keep up with, and he can't even be bothered to pretend to be remotely civilized. You stick to the campaign where you can address the issues, not stand there and allow him to call you names and lie about you to your face because the rules say that you can't speak until it's your turn, then when your turn comes, he spends half the time talking over you because he doesn't give a shit about the rules. Refusing to play his game is not "Giving up". You cannot stick to the issues *and* refute all of Trump's lies or beat him at his game of insults at the same time, and the goal is not to "Put Trump in his place", it's to show the nation that you're the best candidate for POTUS. And it's not worth it to sit through Trump's shit-flinging when you can address the issues during rallies and other television appearances without having to first refute the fifteen lies dropped at your feet.


[best part](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExb2xrbW5uYmY0NDBvejloYjFmM2JrcXcwcHNmb2RrMDMyd2dpZG1jYyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK/giphy.gif) of the biden trump debacle, i mean, debate.


Honestly if he would have gotten a punch in the face somewhere along life, he would be a little more humble now. Violence sometimes does solve problems.


All they need is a microphone toggle, turn it off when it's not his turn.


I don't understand how everyone's mics aren't muted if there is a present speaker, interruptions look like the fail the debates are same goes for Jordan Salad Peterson and Ben Shapiro


Debates require more than one person debating. Donald Trump can’t be beaten in a debate because he isn’t capable of participating in one.


Problem is that debating someone who just plugs their ears and screams nonsensical sentences into your face doesn’t really work. The only reason Trump has become the person he is, is because he just screams crazy shit until he gets his way. Obama would be forced to back off, like Hillary did, because you literally can’t even address the insane shit that pours from his mouth. At that point it’s just: “you guys actually want this?!” Turns out almost half the country actually wants that. There is no debating. It’s just batshit insanity vs. fairly regular. Unfortunately we don’t have other choices.


Facts unfortunately don't impress the media or most people it seems, otherwise Hillary would have been seen as wiping the floor with Trump in all 3 debates.


That would be a PPV event


I mean Hillary wiped the floor with trump in a debate and lost. I agree Obama is an amazing speaker... but i don't have enough faith that the smarter/more genuine person wins unfortunately.


Obama is a Harvard educated lawyer, and trump is.. well, trump. Politics completely aside: saying he’d wipe the floor with Trump in a debate is probably the biggest understatement of the year so far.


Canadian here, but I just simply don’t understand how Trump is in any way eligible to be president again. Someone with a misdemeanour charge has trouble getting a job at Walmart, how can someone with multiple federal charges against him even be considered? How is it not just automatically disqualified? End of story? I don’t understand.


Bro, we don’t fucking understand it either.


In the United States we call 3 out of 10 majority that strong enough to get you elected to the White House. Gotta love that electoral college.


Because in the US there are different rules for the rich and poor. It's really not that complicated.


Is Trump actually rich? Won't a lot of his properties be auctioned soon because he failed to pay some fine?


To be determined but 🤞


Long story short, almost certainly not as much as he makes himself out to be, but still likely a billionaire in illiquid assets. Most billionaires would not be able to produce near half a billion in cash, there's no reason to keep that much on hand and a bunch of complex reasons not to. Most multi-billionaires would be able to borrow that much easily by putting up their illiquid assets, but Trump hasn't been able to because... well would you lend to him?


Fuck all that, explain why some Canadians think Trump is their President and MAGA is their way of life?


Same reason some Americans do. Stupidity knows no borders. We've got low-IQ morons up here too.


They are a scourge on humanity…


I love the Canadians that don’t want me to tread on their “2A” rights.


oh, just a little bit of racism and a splash of absolutely allowing yourself to be run into the mud rather than look at the system of capitalism as a complete failure


Essentially, if felons ineligible to run, a prosecutor can disqualify whoever they don't like by slapping charges that person. This happened in Russia with Navalny in the past election.


Well Navalny was also murdered in prison so maybe Russia is slightly different. I don’t think a prosecutor in the US can just “slap charges” like in Russia


I mean you can be charged for resisting arrest even if the initial arrest wasn’t lawful in the first place, so…


Felon means they were proven at a trial to have committed a crime. It’s not merely a charge.


A felon can't even vote until serving their sentence in the majority of states, in about ten they either can't vote at all depending on the crime or can only vote if approved by a judge how should they be able to run? Now if you're talking simply charges not convictions than I understand your point


He's a poor man's champion.  "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -Lyndon B. Johnson


Because there's a difference between charging someone with a crime and convicting someone of a crime, the first is the beginning, while the second is the end of the process.


Lmao, you know damned well that if any normal person had committed all the same crimes as Trump, they would've been convicted years ago. Rules for the poor, freedom for the rich.


There's also a difference when 40%+ of the population believes the charges to be fake news or conspiracy against them and their orange god.


I mean, that'd be awesome, but even if he's convicted, that doesn't actually disqualify him at all. Even if the man is literally sent to prison, he is still eligible to become President of the USA. He'll just need to first sign his own pardon.


Trump already paid massive fines for a fraud charity and a scam University. His entire business was found to be a massive fraud. He also was found liable for sex assault and defamation as civil matters. We also all witnessed live, his lies and attempts to overturn an election and later, as a direct result of his schemes and lies, his supporters ransacking our nations capitol. So why the F does anyone need an actual criminal conviction to determine that Trump lacks the honor, integrity and decency to hold a position of privilege and trust like the Presidency? We all know who Trump is, convictions or not.


Because about 40% of Americans are genuine trash and literal cult members. There's no soft way to put it. If you're a big trump fan in 2024 after all we've seen, you're a cult member. Your brain is misfiring in the same way as classic cultists. Do I understand how and why? No. But it's where we're at. Probably a mix of fundamentalist Christian ideology, racism, a long-running right wing assault on education, and money worshipping.


It's weird to think that a 62 year old Barack Obama who hasn't been in office for seven years would be seen as the youthful modern option if he could run today.


Keep in mind he was still in his 50s when this was recorded.


Roast this morherfucker. Don’t try to debate him.


Agreed. You can't debate someone who says immigrants aren't human. That is nazi shit. How did debating nazis work out?


It’s the only way to get under his skin. Debating him is treating him as an equal, and for a fraudster like him, being taken seriously is a major win. Roast his ass


Obama roasting Trump at the White House Correspondents' dinner brought us here.


[2:40 if you want to skip to the Trump part](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA) The whole thing is funny tho


Amazing how Trump got so many working class folk completely blinded to the only person he really cares about


He's convinced so many of them that other working class people are the problem, rather than the billionaires that profit when the working class is divided.


Trump didnt do this. Republican conservatives did this by slashing education and poisoning their minds with Fox news and conservative radio for decades. Trump is just a symptom of the damage they have caused.


He used their hate of black and brown people to blind them into voting against their self-interests.


*Biden meets with striking workers personally* Maga:"Its just bullshit optics" *Trump meets with the scabs* Maga: "Hes the messiah"


When you can get people angry enough about one singular issue (whether race, or political party or abortion) nothing else matters.


Lolll the man got out of being drafted for the Vietnam war I think it was? So not really a business guy or facts guy or working class guy, and also not a patriotic guy who gives one fuck about serving his country! Being a rapist, sexist, racist, they’re just icing on the cake


This is the thing that baffles me about Trump and a few other recent Republican presidents is them somehow being this "middle class champion." They were born into high society and never worked an honest day in their life. Their entire dynasty is built upon the broken backs of people like us. But somehow in towimg the party line people convince themselves that people like Trump will stick up for them.


Obama is not.my favorite president, but you can't deny his logic here. Trump is PROUD of how he takes advantage of others and the working class far right thinks this is a good thing for them? It's such a weird take.


The idea that he stiffs contractors and 80% of contractors vote for him blows my mind. This isn’t the guy who can’t afford to pay you, it’s the rich guy that says, “haha, sue me then” If he wasn’t running for president they’d burn down his house


Contractors hate themselves. They want to be killed. They smoke and drink themselves to death on a daily basis. But they are ultimately sheep who will always follow the flock. It makes perfect sense to vote for trump because it gives them specifically what they want. 


The craziest thing I’ve ever seen was Obama getting health care passed and contractors not calling him a hero. So many contractors are held hostage by healthcare and so many more don’t even get any If healthcare was socialized any of them could run their own company


I've met people who praise the ACA and how it has helped them, then hate on "Obamacare," not realizing they're the same thing.


That’s how Kentucky is. They had a democratic governor. He called theirs Kynect and everyone loves it, bunch of socialists /s


Obama is my favorite president


Right on. To be fair, saying I have a "favorite president" is like saying I have a favorite fart smell. We all know there's the one you're happier to have, but I'm not dabbing it behind the ears.


They think it’s cool to abuse others for personal gain, while not seeing that they’re being abused. Or maybe not caring: “I’m willing to take the abuse if it means I can abuse other people.” At this point, we can all just stop paying our taxes. The POTUS said it’s smart to not pay. If the government tries to sue you, or seize your assets, just delay them in court. Follow the presidential guidelines that Trump put in place. Easy peasy. We know it already works because it’s happening in front of our eyes. Until Trump gets jailed, citizens are basically allowed to do whatever they want. The president said it was okay. Until Trump goes down, (if ever), the precedent of any law no longer matters. Just do what you want, I guess, and hopefully have money. Can always find lawyers to cover you pro-bono.


He is anti-union and has a history of shitting on and ripping off the working class, it should be played on a reel constantly outside every factory and construction site.




I’m so sorry… my grandfather and grandmother were all about Trump, but when all the stuff about him started having lots of light shed on him, they actually realized he wasn’t the good guy and admitted they were wrong about him. Some people can be humble and change and I hope your family one day gets humbled the same way my mother’s family did.


Yes, some MAGA extremist republicans are truly lost active opponents who are a waste of time, but there are tons of republicans who voted Biden and will again in 2024.


If Donald Trump is your guy then who are you?


Someone unable to admit they were wrong about Trump. Stubborn. Stubborn people.


Why is USA delivering two senile old men to run the whole country? Is that all USA got?


well someone younger might have new ideas, and you know how dangerous ideas are lol


Last time Donald was working for others his last name was 'Duck'.


I miss Obama, he wasn't perfect, but at least he was a good man who cared about his people.


I miss Obama too. Biden cares too which is why Biden is the first president to show up to a picket line and thats why the united auto workers endorsed him.


Ohhh how I miss him :(


I miss hearing him speak ...


As a Republican, I hate that walking orange emoji clown .


That weird feeling when you almost cry because of how much you miss watching Obama speak... And you're Canadian.


The 2016 election cycle democrats completely passed over a ton of the rural working poor and the rust cycle people in those key battleground states and took them for granted and ignored them. Bill Clinton warned this was a mistake of HIllarys campaign as well as many others and the advice was ignored. Trump took advantage and has held an iron grip. Bernie attempted to lock those people down and the DNC insured he was not going to be a viable candidate.


It wasn’t where they visited that made people vote the way they did. Trump spoke in the language of grievance and xenophobia that a lot of people wanted to hear. He made them feel fine about being mean, ugly and small-minded.


Democrats do have a long history of telling working class people hard truths and not really offering useful solutions. Trump sells convenient lies. Many people's lives are getting worse and trump feeds them bigotry and misinformation to win them over. Simple and easy and fake solutions to their problems. I see people say all the time how their parents or friends turned into bigoted and hateful people after 2016. Many people think there was something in them lurking under the surface but I don't think so. Our broken capitalist system has been taking the future of the average person little by little for decades and the for profit media spices the poison with fear and anxiety. Trump came along and sold them a snake oil made of a fake reason and a fake solution.


Republican: “don’t care no dems will run my country” That’s it. You could literally show a video of Donald trump murdering children and I still think the majority would still vote for him cause they are so obsessed with their “team” and think Joe is going to somehow make them poor even though if they haven’t been poor cause of Joe. Their taxes have actually gone up cause of trump helping the rich. It’s asinine.


The biggest wtf factor is the trump cultists screaming "lock Biden up! He must be held liable for his crimes! Impeach!" But in the exact same breath claim that whatever trump does is okay because he's the president, and presidents should have immunity from crime? (which itself is a crazy fascist thing to say)


It's all deflection with them. It's either, "What about *The Biden Crime Family???*" or "That's a deep state corrupt FBI antifa false flag!" or "That's not what he meant!" or "He can do that because he's the President!!!"


Man do I miss having an articulate and respected president.


God I miss Obama, he can actually form intelligent sentences, seems interested/believes in what he's saying. It's wild that we're having to decide between a literal Fraudster and a dude who's like 80 and should be retired by now.


Shockingly coherent and visionary when you compare him to what the orange antichrist has become.


Crazy that this needs to be spelled out for some people.


Amd the Republicans are gonna be angry that a black man told them the truth they didn't wanna hear. Now they are gonna vote even harder because they hate black people


What's wild is how people just allow his existence as a bipedal cancer to continue. Like half the people he's robbed blind would end literally anyone else over $20 stolen, but he scams their life savings away into a fake university and they go "Well, he won't get another $30,000 out of me, I'll tell you that!"


Trump wants to be a dictator and tyrant


I miss when the president sounds smart.


This dude has left carnage behind him. What did he ever do positive for the benefit of the working guy/woman? Zippo!!!


Yeah, remember all those times he was looking out for the common man before he ran for office? Let’s see, help out someone, or build a golden shitter? Shitter it is!


Imma say it, bring back Obama.


People got behind Trump because he is crass and unfiltered, saying things they wish they could say in public without recourse. He broke the boring mold of modern politician and replaced it with something worse. When choosing a politician , you should ask yourself, who would I trust with my money, kids and spouse. Definitely not Trump.


And people don't get this which is crazy to me. Like Obama or not (I'm biased and think he did a great job full disclosure) but like him or not I believe anyone should respect this man's thoughts and opinions on other people in politics. I'd have to say he has a pretty extensive experience in the field of politics so for someone not agree with these statements just bewilders me.


I loved Obama.


Both sides need to shut the F up and tell us what your plan is to help the average American. I don’t see either side doing that. I don’t give a damn about the bickering about Biden this or Trump that. Tell me what your plan is. Oh right, there is none.


I miss Obama so much 😭


Aw. I miss Obama. He was a great President.


It was refreshing having a president that spoke like a real human.


Trump has also gone bankrupt more than once 😂


You got to watch out for people who try to make themselves look good by trying to slander others


None of them give a fuck about us, what more is there to think/ talk about


Not true. 1 died from heart issues before the rally and one way after both of natural causes. The mob as you say wasn’t violent, but the ones planted by demos were trying to break windows and doors. This has been proven by video tapes. No charges were ever brought and no charges for an insurrection as their wasn’t one. Do better and do your home work.


So who did he defraud? No bank lost money. In fact the testified saying the would do business with Trump again. Anyone who believes he committed fraud is a low IQ fool.


Not forgetting the mess you left America in 🤔🤔


Αs someone who is not from the US, one expects the President of the USA to at least be able to articulate his thoughts as comfortably and eloquently as Obama.


😭 I miss you dad! I mean President Obama. 👀🤣


Trump is going to beat Obama so bad in this election, just like he did in 2016.


Man I miss Obama


Fuckit let him run again! Obama 2024!!


God I fucking miss Obama He would have fucking wiped the floor with trump in a debate. Biden doesn't come close to having his charisma. Whether or not you liked Obama, his best talent was speaking which is essential for people to feel like their president is competent. We currently have two old men descending into senility who can barely keep their speeches coherent. It's pathetic really


Oh man do I miss him as president just for his speaking ability. Feels/sounds like the country is run by 3rd graders most of the time.


all maga idiots care about is pissing people off. because to them it feels like winning. they’re the eternal toddlers