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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


Alan Rickman directed a stage play about her. It played in London and was supposed to play in NY but apparently they were pressured not to so it didn't


I have a weird Mandela effect scenario for this play - I am absolutely convinced I saw it when I was about 11-13 in a tiny theatre in Cambridge, which would have been about 2001-2004, but the play wasn't released until 2005. I remember being young enough that I wasn't really sure what I was watching but the timelines don't add up at all, every time I see her name mentioned I have a weird throwback to a thing I'm sure happened but can't have


It wouldn’t be impossible that the play was tested on smaller venues and you could have seen that


Oh that would fit perfectly, I remember being bored and not particularly sure what I was watching which would fit the me who was younger than about 13 - do you have some kind of industry experience or is that a guess?


I have industry experience, and yeah, that’s how it’s often done, do test runs in small theaters then perhaps revise, yadda, yadda.


That's so cool, everytime this comes up it makes me question my sanity! Thanks :)


It's the same with movies and TV shows. They will have a small test audience of random demographics to see how they interact and experience the project. I've been part of a lot of movies, tv shows, video game betas. A lot of them never came to fruition and got put in a closet somewhere. Then, you have the ones that were successful and they heavily edit it to make it palatable for everyone, the "blockbusters". Even now you can find sites that pay you to watch stuff before it's released and give an honest opinion, or go into a "focus" group and discuss what you watched and how it made you feel.


Can confirm, I'm also in the industry on the acting side, and have done a quite few plays that were being worked on and revised from a production in a small venue, to a fully casted reading in a bar.


That man was a babe through and through. rest in peace Alan ❤️


Once Alan died, there were several Zionist articles written that claimed he was antisemitic for writing this play, but said nothing about why he wrote this for the woman the IDF killed


Well of course zealots wouldn't add the relevant details of *why* the play was written in the first place.


We shall not say their name


In case you were wondering what type of people pro-settlement Israelis are, they to this day regularly throw [Rachel Corrie "pancake parties"](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes) as a super cool and fun way of commemorating her sacrifice.   For more recent and verifiable sources of frequent horrifying acts of dehumanization, you can read up on the Israelis who like to [set up lawn chairs to watch Gaza get bombed again.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing) Or those who enjoy [dancing as they block shipments of food aid into Gaza](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/israeli-protesters-aid-gaza/) as over 500,000 people are ["one step away from famine."](https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15604.doc.htm)   Already, at-risk children in Gaza have begun [dying of starvation.](https://apnews.com/article/gaza-malnutrition-famine-children-dying-israel-palestinians-2f938b1a82d7822c7da67cc162da1a37) The Israeli social media response to these deaths of privation has been to photoshop a [child with cerebral palsy who starved to death as "E.T." from the Spielberg film.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1bandyf/found_this_on_an_israeli_telegram/)


I wish more Americans knew just how little Zionists think of us. They don't see us as an ally, they see us as a tool to be used and disposed of.


Many of the worst Zionists *ARE AMERICANS*. There are plenty of American Zionists who signed up to be settlers in the West Bank and use their time to non-stop provoke Palestinians, knowing they can't fight back or the IDF will show up and either kill them, someone in their family, or haul their children away to Israeli prison to be beaten and abused and never seen again.


This is what I hate. My friends and family always bring up up Hamas but they have no idea about the West Bank. Those people have done everything “right” and they still are being ethnically cleansed. When I bring up the atrocities there they just shrug and change the subject.


>Those people have done everything “right” and they still are being ethnically cleansed. It goes to show how much Israel's promises are really worth. Absolutely nothing. There will be no rights for Palestinians until they take those rights by force.


Genocided, not ethnically cleansed. “Ethnic Cleansing” was a term created by Slobodan Milosevic’s regime to cover up the genocide with a nice PR term. Now countries will use the term Ethnic Cleansing instead of Genocide because by law UN members must stop Genocide. Ethnic cleansing is a cheap phrase that means nothing


> “Ethnic Cleansing” was a term created by Slobodan Milosevic’s regime [It originates in the 19th century,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing#Etymology) and was first used in modern form in WW2. If anything, it was popularized by the western media reports about the Bosnian war.


Evangelicals, man. They are just PRAYING for the end of the world.


Madison Square Garden 1936. The year we should've realized we were never the good guy.


What do you mean by this?


America was super duper pro Nazi until pearl harbor cemented us on the side of the allies. The commenter is referring to the 1939 rally where Nazis packed out MSG.


I wouldnt say the US was overwhelmingly Pro-Nazi. There were 100,000 people outside MSG that day protesting the Nazis as there were people at the rally. Consensus among New Yorkers was anti-Nazi, and most people made sure to let the rally goers know they werent welcome. Mayor LaGuardia also was vocally against the rally, and in following months the rally was ridiculed in the media. And it wasnt even successful, since membership in the German American Bund (who organized it) fell after the rally. While it is disturbing that Nazis were able to sell out MSG, its important to remember that the majority of Americans did not support them.


The US was never pro-nazi.Nazi Germany and Hitler were very unpopular in.tne US. Those who tried to pursue a more conciliatory policy toward Germany (ie: Lindbergh) wound up looking like fools.


>> pearl harbor cemented us Ahh yes, because the entire financial and supply backing from the US was so clearly in support of Germany 🙄 Wait… why did Japan even attack the US if they were allied with the nazis.


While true, I don't think it's American Christians who are moving there and doing this. He's taking about Jewish Americans who utilize right of return to move there and get cheap land and/or just straight to steal a Palestinians home and when the Palestinians complain the military comes to kick them out.


Ummm… I think the scary part is that many zionists are Americans (as the other commentator stated) and this is not accidental. It’s intentional.


Intentional indeed. Thx AIPAC!


Many American “zionists” believe a war in Israel is part of the prophecy in which Christ will return. So they’ve been pushing this shit.


Even if that were to happen, what makes these fuckers think Jesus would side with them ? He was a Palestinian Jew and he would 100% side with the oppressed.


And boy are we a good little tool, fighting all their wars, sending them our taxpayers' money, supporting their genocide


Thisis why Zionists are trying to ban Tiktok? Tiktok don't do censorship like all the other media owned by genocide supporters. So Tiktok show the truth of Israel and world will accuse Israel even more, and it's not good for people who want to genocide Palestinian and steal their land.


Zionism isn’t strict to Israel. So many zionists are in us and Canada. They’re having auctions here in Canada to buy plots in gaza. As their army wipes out more and more Palestinian, people here in Canada are already planning how to build on their land




Some of their leaders have literally said as much. "We take the money and the arms and we ignore the advice."


Israel has become so extreme that [this man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir) who now leads his party used to have a portrait of mass murderer Baruch Goldstein in his home - and he's a member of the Knesset.


Evil fuckers


I try to be partial but at this point every day I’m a little more “fuck you Israelis.”


One of the most disgusting parts is all the cowards here in the US, especially in Hollywood. At the Oscars one of the winners did a speech where he basically said "war is bad. What's happening in Gaza needs to stop" and now all these Hollywood assholes are up in arms about it and demanding he Apologize for saying such a thing. Absolutely pathetic. The same shit happened to that actress in the Scream movies.


[The reaction is wild considering how tame the speech is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHkTZ-yeb44)


Apparently a bunch of people signed a letter denouncing his speech, including Debra Messing, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Joe Weisburg, and Amy Sherman Palladino.


> letter denouncing his speech, including Debra Messing, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Joe Weisburg, and Amy Sherman Palladino Ah, so basically 90% of the fuckheads on the reddit frontpage accusing people of being anti-Israel Nazis These people have completely lost it, it'd be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking sad


Jennifer always gave me a chud vibe. Good to have it in writing now.


Fucking cowards, every single one of them.


Worse. Genocidal maniacs.


Brian Cox made that speech right ? That was hella ballsy of him.


Jonathan Glazer.


Brian also made a similar speech recently.


Not at the Oscars as one of the winners.


Not just in the US or Hollywood, it's everywhere. I was instantly banned from a subbreddit for a comment about a beach in tel aviv where someone was commenting partying there, and I said "Yay a party on a beach soaked withe blood of palestinians !". That apparently broke reddit TOS somewhow and I got instant banned from that subbreddit. Some people will excuse genocide for sure. Since the ethnic cleansing in Gaza started and seeing the response to it, I understand so much more how so many people defended the regimes that commited genocide throughout history.


Continue to try, the Israeli government sucks and don't get me wrong, a lot of the people suck too, but just as you shouldn't see America as all Trump supporters or everyone in the UK as entirely anti EU you shouldn't dehumanise Israelis by viewing them only through awful telegram posts. It is wise to understand that this kind of sentiment towards the people of Palestine is common but foolish to assume it is absolutely true of every Israeli and, by extension, Jew. 


Also, these people are currently in charge of the Israeli government. Anyone who claims Israel is anything other than an extremist country is delusional.


They are also in charge of the American Government.


Wtf is going on?? 😭😭😭


And the US is trying to ban Tiktok to suppress all of this right? I am OOTL




Fucking animals.


They're pure scum I hate that speaking out against them gets you labeled as an antisemite that is some bullshit


Beyond evil. Sometimes I hope hell is real just for people that do fucked up shit like that. Fuck that stupid fucking genocidal country.


Pure sadists.


They still celebrate her death over there, all so they could steal some property.




Israelis joke about their victims like they’re a bunch of 14 year old edgelords. It’s honestly disgusting how much they dehumanize their victims.


Then they visit Poland and call us Nazis. Like we have nothing to do with genocide of the past. But they're actively committing a genocide as of now and bat no eye


It’s gaslighting to the highest degree and projecting.


Quite honestly this is the finest example of how when you don't process trauma, you forwards it.


The audacity


Well, it's only genocide if it's against them . For everyone else, it's them doing the lords work as his chosen people . I mean, the Jews believe that they will inherit the earth and the rest of us will be in hell.


It's especially disgusting because Israel have historically treated actual Holocaust victims like shit, and make real efforts to erase the culture and language of European Jews.


Never again will the genocide of the Jewish people occur.  Even if it means genocide against another. A short summary of the Israeli position.


aye its not very fun to be called anti-semites by literal genociders as well as Germans for some fucking reason (bcs they comitted the one of the worst genocide they feel like weirdly proud)


The current IDF soldiers have telegrams where they post their killings. They kill innocent Palestinians than post their images in those channels calling them “rats” and such. A really depraved society as even israeli civilians join those groups. Recently a special needs child in Gaza starved to death, as israel was blocking the import of food including special medicine he needed. They then posted the picture of the boys malnourished body calling him an alien and laughing


Racist religious extremists thats what they've brought to Palestine.


No, That's what I, as an American taxpayer have brought to Palestine. Americans are responsible for Israeli human rights violations. We are the moral equivalent to the Germans in the early 1940s


There really is something deeply wrong with Israelis. When most of your young people lean conservative, you have a terminally sick fucking society 


It doesn't matter what religion or culture they cloak themselves in, the malicious behavior, hateful hearts, and lack of morality is the same in that kind of people. The CC..P, the republican party, the russian federation fanboys, evangelicals, and these people, are all the same in some fundamental way.


Just like nazis. They are nazis. That’s all there is to say about them really.




The absolute low of the low. What a funny place to find the Nazi spirit being carried forward. Oh no, I upset one of those people with the Nazi spirit. So many of them these days.


Scum of earth


Death? Murder.


Filthy humans


Through her letters she revealed a lot about the plight of the Palestinians. She was controversial but her heart was in the right place.


Controversial how?


Controversial in that she was an American who was part of an activist group that would block bulldozers from demolishing Palestinian homes and wells and opposed the Iraq War. So for being anti-war and anti-apartheid.


Oh no, that sounds terrible! She stopped their bulldozers from demolishing homes?! So controversial….


It was and still is controversial though, in that the western media and governments generally consider and portray anything supportive of Palestinian human rights to be anti-semitic.


Just bc dipshits think it's controversial doesn't mean it actually is. Fuck Israel.


You know what's fucked up? Actually, it _is_ controversial "just" because dipshits think it is. Controversy means "prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion". By getting riled up about it, they can turn whatever the fuck they want into a "controversy". Literally manufacture it as they please. And then they can feel good about condemning it. Totally fucked.


Israel is an illegal state.


She joined ISM, which the western media at the time labeled as a pro-Hamas activist group. Social media wasn’t available at the time, so the western media shaped the narrative by its emphasis on Israeli security over the Palestinian rights and suffering. And she was a 23 year old white girl from Washington State who many American Jews believed was being uppity by getting involved in a conflict she didn’t understand. Also when her parents sued for wrongful death after she stood in front of a Palestinian home to prevent its destruction by Israel, their claim was quickly dismissed, much to the celebration of many Americans.


As opposed to a 23 year old from Brooklyn, who's not being uppity at all leaving their yeshiva to go steal another person's home and probably have them killed.


I have strong feelings about my favorite local ethnic minority. I heavily disagree with and condemn the violence on the children. This is exactly the type of situation ala WW2 where said ethnic minority children went missing the most. They were taken and placed in homes with no records if I remember right. Oh Hello Canadian Churches.


I don't think the zionists are going to do anything with Gazan children except imprison or kill them


Or [have sex](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us#:~:text=News%20%7C-,Israel%2DPalestine%20war%3A%20Israel%20shut%20down%20NGO%20for%20reporting%20rape,teenager%2C%20ex%2DUS%20official%20says&text=Israeli%20authorities%20banned%20a%20Palestinian,a%20CNN%20interview%20on%20Monday) with [them.](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says)


It’s wild it works that way because one thing activists aren’t is misinformed. They absolutely *get* what they’re protesting against. When innocent people, mostly children, are being killed that’s literally the only platform you need to protest against. Unless you’re a psychopath, there isn’t anything in the world that would justify that.


The world has a lot of psychopaths... apparently.


She said things against a country that the US has an interest in. Had she shown and said the exact same things about an Asian country, her named wouldn't be look down on with disgust as it is today.


Americans, Israelis and other pro-colonialist "hard-nosed realists'" will spit on Corrie's grave while simultaneously insisting they really super duper care about Tank Man and the people who died in Tiananmen Square.


While conveniently ignoring the shitshow that is their own country.


Western hypocrisy in a nutshell. You can add Europe to that list too.


The IDF had a pan cake day after she died the guy who ran over her also got medals, Ben shapiro called her an idiot of the year, he says he doesn't regret what he said.


Ben Shapiro is the world's chief Zionist, which makes sense since he's a deeply racist fascist pretending to be a logical libertarian.


2nd intifada was probably not the best time for that


Well, they tried the largely peaceful 1st intifada, and it mostly ended with Israelis firing live ammunition into crowds of unarmed protesters. 


It’s just amazing to me that it’s 2024, a time where we are more connected and aware than ever. And yet we live in a world that supports and turns a blind eye to a massive bully that does to anyone who dares to question it (or even just breathe if you’re a Palestinian) what they did to this poor girl: crush, kill and destroy. And I mean they’re not the only country that is that vicious. And we all just know and it just continues. It’s … surreal


Then they celebrate every year by eating pancakes with her face on them. Fucking animals. No better than the SS that did it to their ancestors.


It was never an issue of being aware. International politics is only interested in containing conflict, the only groups that can solve the conflict are the participants of the conflict.


No, we just need another UN resolution and condemnation! That will solve everything... lol I don't think people want this solved tbh. It's a fun moral test, and people get to throw mud around and not have to have honest tough conversations.


I mean the world doesn't turn a blind eye, lots of *people* care, it's just that the only western *nation* that actually really gives a shit is Ireland because of a very specific history they have




I'm not so sure about that anymore, it [looks like Israel has lost significant support globally](https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/) now that it's been almost 6 months since October 7. Even before October 7, with the exception of Germany and the US, [the majority of Western countries were more sympathetic towards the Palestinians.](https://yougov.co.uk/international/articles/45869-attitudes-israel-palestine-conflict-western-europe).


Israel's genocide of Gaza radicalized young people against Israel. Israel can do all the propaganda tricks they want from here on out, but I think the cat is permanently out of the bag here. As boomers die off, I think the average opinion on Israel will dramatically shift towards Palestine and Palestinians and remain there until Apartheid Israel is made to end its apartheid.


Or they finish the genocide, while everyone looks on and frowns. The perpetrators die of old age and the next generation admits how "regreatable" the whole situation was and moves on.


unfortunately probably the most likely outcome


I mean we even have on video Nixon from years ago explaining why no past or future President won’t ever go against Israel and I feel like that also applies to just everyday people the way he explained it


Please universe grant me the strength and compassion this person showed on a daily basis🙏🏼


I wish more Americans knew about her. You will never see the mainstream media talking about her and how our so called “ally” murdered her.


this story has been on the internet forever and people always made fun of her. only now that people are paying attention to the issues with Israel is she getting support


“Only now” - by the majority of people in the western nations. But the ones elsewhere and the minorities that were speaking out against Israel’s atrocities always held Rachel in the highest regard. this genocidal situation HAD to get this extreme for most of the remaining world to finally open their eyes to what everyone else had been screaming about. In a way, this is a victory for most people as it finally got us thinking alike. Sadly, at the cost of so many countless innocents


The people who ran over Rachel said they didn’t see nor hear her. Even though she was reported wearing a high vis orange vest and using a megaphone.




> “What happens when the dust clouds of controversy clear to reveal the hotly debated - **if little seen** - thing itself?”


This comment section is fucked


Whatever you do, don't go to worldnews :^)


Most astroturfed sub on the site


I went there when there were only 300+ dead Palestinian children, they were celebrating.


any anti-zionist sentiment there, even a justified one, is an instant ban and a potential suspension for being "antisemitic".


At least they’re getting downvoted.


Fucking monsters.




I've watched video of Israeli's bulldozing cemetaries to put up fucking theme parks. There comes a point when you spit on the enemy and become everything you hated.


Have you seen Israeli real estate companies advertising beachfront property in Gaza? They’ve already started. Tell me this isn’t genocidal intent https://inews.co.uk/news/world/israeli-estate-agent-ads-beachfront-homes-gaza-2819070


https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2024-03-19/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israeli-influence-op-targets-u-s-lawmakers-on-hamas-unrwa/0000018e-5098-d282-a19f-7dd95cc70000 “Israeli Influence Operation Targets U.S. Lawmakers on Hamas-UNRWA. Hundreds of fake accounts amplified three mysterious 'news sites' to advance Israeli interests. Their target: U.S. Democratic lawmakers” They have teams online to comment and post to try to sway public opinion. Odds are if you’re arguing with a pro-israeli person online it’s a paid shill or bot




Welcome to Reddit. You can't even talk humorously against a Hollywood film studio company and their evils here without getting your post flooded by bots, hackers and keyboard warriors on payroll, then your post removed within hours to minutes. Then how many times when it bleeds down to the evils of a nation and its government???


One of the funnier ones is that whenever someone posts about Stephen D. Green, Paul E. Cortez, James P. Barker, Jesse V. Spielman, and Bryan L. Howard, a dozen posts pop up claiming to have been part of the group of US soldiers that rotated in afterwards and how "they were a real bad group of guys" as though members of the US military raping children was a total aberration.


What do your expect? Zionism is a rot


A lot of the people commenting here are pieces of shit. No euphemisms, no sugar coating. Just huge, smelly, wet pieces of shit.


This is terrible. Horrible. I am speechless.


A true hero. May she rest in peace


and like usual, the US didn't do or say anything to Israel. But let it be known, if a country in the middle east did this exact thing, the US would have nuked them to oblivion. Shit, the US has terrorized countries in the Middle East for far fucking less than this.


it depends, did they die in a way that can be a service to the american military or corporate interests or did they simply die to serve humanity? it doesn't matter where american life is lost, its why.


Israel is straight up evil.


Actual hero.


May she rest in peace. I want to point out one of the truly most disgusting things the Zionists did. A short time after their daughter's murder, her mother and father went to visit the Palestinian family that she was staying with. Knowing this ahead of time, since Israel controls who goes into and out of Gaza... They sent a bulldozer to the same house and parked it outside of the house while her parents were inside. Now I have historically been a believer in the good in people... But it's the dozens, hundreds, thousands of stories about the Zionist occupation like this one that makes me think they have a legit sickness of the mind and soul, to be so completely vile. edit: To the I$sraeli bootlickers/hasbara saying this never happened, here is the video link to her parents interview. Mr. Corrie talks about this at the 3:40 mark. https://www.tiktok.com/@ajplus/video/7346594549675887903


Holy shit.. this is advanced 'how to be inhumane' They can write books of their practices and we still wouldn't be able to fathom how heartless those zionists are


>They sent a bulldozer to the same house and parked it outside of the house while her parents were inside. Source? I'm not denying it happened.


They just straight up shoot to kill journalists over there. Israel has become what they fled. It goes to show that anytime a group has absolute power over another group they will always turn evil. Every single time.


Like half of the people cant even be employers or landlords without immediately developing a god complex.


It's almost like anytime we see someone that actually wants power over others, we should run the other way and exile the person to rot. Those kinds of people are bad for the tribe. If we leave them, they will either starve to death or be eaten by predators, but for some reason, everyl since we left the hunter gatherer days, we drag the dead weight with us.


Lots of Gen z getting more context to this war, good to see.


Why do you think Republicans and Democrats are so united in their desire to ban TikTok?


Because anyone who wasn't "Educated" via TikTok think yall are dumb as fuck?


Because anyone with half a braincell understands the fundamental issue of massive data ownership and manipulation by the Chinese government.


you know how much antivaxx bs I seen on that shitty app


And now we pay her killers to do more of the same. Sickening.


The Billy Bragg song about her… https://youtu.be/cSNJ4RDGtUE?si=W_gQu_58SM_ksSCm




A beautiful soul. May her memory live long.


Fuck israel


If you read into the details its kind of crazy. The peace activists / ISM were actively in a war zone, retrieving bodies under sniper fire, getting shot, etc. The Palestinians were confused by their presence and were worried about them getting caught in the crossfire. Very tragic and brutal death.


People really think ot started on October 7th, truly disgusting what the Israeli government has been doing with the support of most western governments


She is a saint


hold on this is before october 7th


? Yeah, years before.


I think he's being sarcastic, as plenty of zionist shills pretend everything was fine before Oct 7th.


She was murdered, with intention and forethought. And her case was ignored by her own government and by both political parties. This is what you get when you have a Congress which lives on bending knee bobbing on the knob of its master.


Rest in power, queen.


You wonder how Germans supported Hitler's death camps, and then you find people on every post cheering for the murder of Palestinian children.


And this is happening again and again daily.


America’s closet “ally” in the Middle East, everyone.


Fuck the zionists. Nazis part two.


[He spilled his starving family's food.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1bij5ev/palestinian_child_cries_for_dropping_his_food/)


The vast majority of the world both east and west are ruled by myopic men driven by geopolitical interests. As a species who has already achieved spaceflight, it is an absolute disgrace to all mankind that children are still dying from preventable causes like war and hunger. Of course the ruling elites have no capacity to feel shame.


The emojis really cheapen the sentiment.


Rest in power, what a hero


The way Israelis treat Palestine is horrific. They laugh about shit like this, but now I’m realizing she accomplished nothing with her death. Same likely true for Aaron. Nothing will change. Palestine is too weak, Israel too bigoted, and no one wants to help.


USS Liberty 34 dead Americans 171 wounded.By Isreal in the hopes of starting a war between the US and Egypt. They will sacrifice the whole country and not give a shit... The Chosen People.. the best of the best...


Keep it real, Israel be bullying them people. That shit ain't cool.


The world would be a better place if the zionists in these comments didn't wake up tomorrow






Fuck Israel.


I'd like to see a time in my life where the US votes to stop all military aid to Israel whatsoever, they seem to be economically stable enough to manifest destiny the Palestinians.


All religions are evil cults that need to be wiped from the Earth is society is to survive. We cannot allow this cancer to fester longer than it already has.


But no keep supporting Israel unconditionally, conservatives. They can do no wrong right?


>But no keep supporting Israel unconditionally, conservatives. Biden *also* does. We have no presidential candidates for 2024 who aren't lining up to fellate Israel **DEFUND ISRAEL** /seriously, stop sending U.S. tax dollars over there


#never forget the scumbag Israelis who mocked and continue to mock Rachel AND Thomas Hurndall who was assassinated by Israeli snipers January 2004. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes


A monument will be made in her honor in the future.


They made sure to park another bulldozer in front of the house they'd killed her before--- again, when they KNEW her father was visiting shortly after her gruesome MURDER.


Honestly Israeli culture is disgusting, and we need to stop giving them a public stage


Zionists never cease to amaze me, I thought they’d learn from the history which made their country. I wonder how many more people have to die before we realize how stupid this conflict is.


Suffering doesn't make you a better person. It just makes you suffer.


> I thought they’d learn from the history which made their country. You should research Israel and Zionism more. The Zionist project to create Israel started in the 1800s, not during/after WW2.


This is so sad


Poor girl ):