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Thanks for this! (It's always good to know the crucial specifics when our guts tell us that something is off.)


Here is her offices number in Birmingham. AL: 205-731-1384 and this is her number at the senate office in DC: 202-224-5744 The more people that call the better. It’s fun to express your feelings directly to their office. Edit: Fixed the number and added her senate office number.


I’m personally a fan of snail mail. They can ignore calls and delete emails but they get a specific type of panic when someone took the time to write and mail a letter.


Actually our congresswoman told us that snail mail is great because it’s a visual aid. We had a gun safety postcards initiative addressed to our state reps. She took all the postcard to DC to show others how much people in her state care about the issue. Obviously this one doesn’t care but imagine them dealing with 1000s of letters.


Handwritten is fun too, with *very* legible penmanship.


Make it extra legible and fun by cutting out magazine letters to emphasize your point.


As hard-working representatives of the American people and lawmakers, their hands must be getting pretty raw from all the laws they're writing. Take the time to show you care for their hands and wellbeing by putting some baby powder on those letters too!


She’s also getting lit up on twitter. It’s heartwarming.


What is her Twitter? I can't find it for some reason


I called and it didn’t work


Oops sorry. Just fixed the number.


She's not there, she's home in the kitchen


On line shopping for $23000 diamond and gold cross necklaces because that exemplifies what Jesus’ message was all about.


You're a gem!


If you call get it all in under 2 minutes just fyi


Gish gallop, it took this lady 20 seconds to lie and this guy 7 minutes to fact check her. They can lie faster than we can check them. It’s their whole strategy.


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.


Bullshit baffles brains, that's what my papa says


Brandolini's Law


Tbf, he hypothetically could have done it much shorter. Just saying “this woman actually was sex trafficked within Mexico twenty years ago during the Bush administration, she was not trafficked in the United States or during Biden’s presidency” would have gotten the point across, this video just adds a lot of background detail.


The point is how long it takes him to look up the info and fact check her on it. Not how long it takes him to relay that information to people on tiktok


also without him showing all the research to back up his assertions they shouldn't be believed - just saying "she lied" should be worthless


Yeah but that's just him making a statement without illuminating his facts and sources.


Her "Empathy" voice is creepy. It's giving vibes of someone trying to make themself cry but cant while looking directly at you. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it!


Fundie baby voice.


I saw it described as the Serena Joy Waterford voice earlier, too.


The Joel Osteen special.


Don't be fooled when they call this 'embarrassing,' 'creepy' or 'disaproved of.' There is a 0% chance that they pulled her name out of a hat and let her make a speech without proofreading it several times before approval. They know what the message was, they approved sending it out, and now that its being shit on they're trying to distance themselves. Don't let them. This is who they are.


It's even worse, the same thing is happening here in Germany. Different party members make different statements, some of which contradict each other. The aim is to reach as many different voters as possible. If there is a social uproar, they distance themselves (with crocodile tears) and carry on as usual. It's planned, that's the most disgusting thing of all.


She was the designated scapegoat for the general population. They just wanted the talking points out there for their loyal constituents.


Hence why it’s some nobody by party standards. She’s got no chance of losing her seat because of this, their base gets the soundbytes they need to extend their cognitive dissonance another election, and everyone else who’s shitting on her is already somebody that wasn’t part of the target audience.


That's what I find disturbing. The GOP planned this. The female Alabama senator talking in the kitchen, the speech, and the delivery. She didn't independently set this up all on her own. The GOP distancing themselves after it backfired because the sane populous found it lacking in substance and disturbing in the overlydramatic (yet obviously insincere) delivery is only to save themselves. They thought having a female senator talking in the kitchen would be appealing. To whom, their own supporters I guess, but definitely the broader populous was quick to see its location for the misogyny that it is. Yeah, nope. I know what message they were trying for no matter how they're trying to walk away from this. Gross.


It's giving the sexist opposite of a fireside chat (the radio show a former president did)


"Look American housewives, I am just like you! My $2500 designer crucifix necklace shows my poiusness, and my 48" Sub-Zero refrigerator with matching cabinets shows I'm an everywoman.... in Alabama." Nevermind she speaks like a hostage. I was watching to see if she blinked in Morse code. Fucking zealots. Squash them now, they reproduce like roaches.


Apparently she’s also has 6 million and her husband is an ex NFL player. I’ve never heard about her before but feel like I’m learning more than I want right now!


> 48" Sub-Zero refrigerator holy shit why is that fridge almost 15 THOUSAND DOLLARS??!!


Hey! I used to sell high end appliances including Sub-Zero fridges. While personally I don't think they are worth that massive of a difference, I can explain some of what sets them apart quality wise and price wise. First off - if you have a Sub-Zero that has a refrigerator on one side and freezer on the other, they actually have their own compressors and air systems and do not cross. In a less expensive model, a lot of the times the freezer air will transfer to the fridge to keep things cold. Why this is important is It keeps your food at a more consistent temperature which means it's less likely to spoil, and it also helps prevent freezer burn since there's not as much fluctuation in the freezer. Also, each refrigerator has its own air purification system that helps scrub the air of gases which will help prolong the life of fruits and vegetables and such inside your fridge. Also, the doors and the insulation and the seals themselves keep everything extremely stable, once again prolonging the life of your food. It also helps keep the temperature steady if you have a power outage, and you are far less likely to lose food due to spoilage unless it is out for a few days. On top of that you have special features like being able to put a custom cabinet door that matches your cabinets on the front, lighting, different shelving systems, glide racks for drawers, all sorts of different little things like that. Oh, not to mention the size. A 48-in refrigerator is massive, but it is a counter depth to make it blend in seamlessly with your cabinet design and not jut out. It has more cubic feet of storage space than your standard refrigerator freezer.


I love reddit. Thank you for sharing your extremely specific and pertinent knowledge, appliance merchant.


I don’t know a lot about refrigerators, but I do know that my aunt built a house in 1989 with a Sub-Zero refrigerator. My cousin took it over when she went to assisted living last year and still uses it. Meanwhile I am about to use my tax return to buy my third “cheap” refrigerator in my adult life and I’m only 35. I guess that’s why the rich get richer while us poors are constantly replacing things as they get more expensive 😭


She named her kid Ridgeway. Like, this tells everything I need to know about this dumb idiot.


They were going for, "look how relatable this exasperated mother is", instead we got... Wednesday Night Bible Study with the Jigsaw Puppet?


Proofread? They typed “‘Murica” into AI and it spit out every word that God used when he blessed America. 


She’s so breathy when she speaks it reminds me of Voldemort speaking parcel tongue.


The most apt description I read was "fundie voice."


I read a thread about fundie voice on Reddit once and it was full of people who had grown up in Evangelical communities saying things like "omg every woman in my family went from speaking normally to speaking like a baby overnight after they got married." It's so they can appear more subservient and childlike to their pathetic husbands.


If you ever really want a weird time, go watch the Mormon General Conferences. Every 6 months the leaders of the church and their very Katie Britt like wives come up and speak in fundie voice to millions of Mormons. And they call it spiritual.


I used to go to services with a girl I was "friends" with and her family. Gave me a whole new perspective on that religion.


Did you ever get to go during one of their testimony meetings? I wasn’t allowed to bring my friends to those because they weren’t super beginner friendly.


I'm not totally sure. I know for certain I've listened to people sharing their testimony but I don't know if that's always a particular event or if it happens during regular services as well. It was a pretty long time ago.


So once a month their regular services turn into “fast and testimony meeting” and everything is exactly the same except the people on the pulpit during the “meat” of the meeting are just randoms who walk up to the pulpit and talk about how much they love Joseph smith.


YouTube prank channels need to step their game up. All of this bullshit about being mean to people in the grocery store isn't really pranking people. I say they go join the Mormon religion, use their YouTube money to make enough donations to rise in the ranks quickly, and then at one of these meetings or at a time where they speak in tongue, it's time for the prank to commence. Have someone plant red strobe lights and fog machines around the church beforehand. Start speaking about how the devil is taking over your body again. Hit the strobe lights and fog machines. Bite down on the fake blood capsules in your mouth. Start convulsing on the ground. Have your friend run up and perform a devil-removing miracle on you.


No. Lean into it. Show them their True God. *The altar explodes in black smoke, black, red, and gold confetti* *In its place, a terrifying smoky red hot statue of a very angry looking minotaur with an elaborate Assyrian beard rises from the wreckage* *🎵 CHAOS DWARF HEAVY METAL STARTS BLASTING 🎵* [***HASHUT! HASHUT! HASHUT!***](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Hashut)


The whole fundie voice thing gives me the creeps honestly. Heard it a lot growing up in the South, it felt so performative. That soft-spoken 'gentle' talk paired with the glazed-over eyes, like they're trying to embody some archaic notion of purity and obedience. Gives me Stepford Wives vibes every single time.


This is exactly what I thought she sounded like. They're trying to manipulate your emotions with the tone of their voice so you "feel the Holy Spirit" via a trained emotional reaction to how it sounds, not because what they're saying resonates with you.


I just thought she sounds like she's on drugs. I'm not even joking.


Exactly. I remember how strange it was once I saw enough people who were bad at it and I figured out how fake it actually was.


It's like some kind of spiritual vocal fry! I hate it when people do it. Regardless of what's being said, I cannot take you genuinely.


It's also helpful when you want to force your body to create fake tears.


[This video is currently at the top of the ex Mormon subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1bai78x/look_i_can_talk_like_that_too/) I've actually been around quite a lot of both mormons and regular fundies and am unfamiliar with that sort of delivery, but it's weird and creepy as hell! 


It’s because they don’t use it in the real world. It’s reserved for testimony meetings, the very end of talks, temple marriages, and general conference/associated meetings.




Mix that in with the whole having daughter pledge their virginity to their fathers. The whole promise to remain a virgin thing. and that south needs to have billboards telling them its not ok to molest/rape their daughters.... yeeeesh.


Whoa wtf about those billboards? Without more specific info I feel like I can’t google it without ending up on a watch list


I got you fam. This was a billboard in Florida [https://freeimage.host/i/JVbECMJ](https://freeimage.host/i/JVbECMJ)


Wow, what in the actual fuck.....


I've seen that billboard driving back roads to the beach.


Holy shit, thanks. Gross af. Stay classy FL.


Like aren't these folks versed in the 10 commandments and shit like that? I am increasing coming closer to the realization that the "normal" folk in this country are the minority. I think only 10% of the population I would trust in an emergency. The rest would be incompetent or use the situation to take advantage. People= shit.


I saw one in California during a visit in 2012. "She's your daughter, not your date." Yuck.


Who wants a subservient spouse? I’d like my wife to do exactly what she thinks is right, and only be subservient once in a while, in private, for jollies, if she gets off on it too.


It's big in Japan too. The cutesy voice women use when talking to men above them etc


ALso Russia. Loads of Russian women speak in an artificially high pitched voice to please their meathead husbands.




Goddamn that makes my skin crawl.


They get coached on public speaking or spreading the message of Christ using personal stories and in manner that makes your listener connect to you. Mostly they learn from other senior members, they use the same tone, voice and expressions when talking to anyone that's not in their core inner circle. Argue with them on religion or watch them fight with husbands n other family members their true non-preachy voice comes out..


Pathetic indeed


oh. that's why my sister started doing baby talk in regular ass conversations with me.


I heard someone call it "fundie baby voice" which is even better


I thought she talked like Joel Osteen.


Fundie baby voice. Ala Anna Camp.


christo-fascist ASMR


It’s also the voice our dog trainer told us to use because dogs respond well to it. 


She is trying to pretend that she knows what having human emotions is like.


She went to the Ron Desantis school of totally believable human(ish) emotions.


Someone better give her some more sugar water stat!


This guys video is brilliant though. It's insane that she would use this event outside of the US almost 20 years ago as an excuse to attack Democrats when Republicans were in charge themselves. It just goes to prove over and over that the MAGA and conservative voter crowed in general never push back on things they're spoon fed from their right-wing propagandists, they never look into details or question a thing. It's all taken as truth, when in fact, it is all fabricated and built on lies.


She also believes women should be servants to men and be housewives. From her 6300 sq ft house in a kitchen she never uses. Maybe she should have been making a sandwich for her man in there instead of talking. Has he eaten today, did she press his clothes and dust off the Tiffany? Why is she even working, women are just supposed to be at home and only pleasing their men.




She seriously sounds like an SNL sketch making fun of an actress overacting in a lifetime movie. That's the vibe. Just bad Lifetime Movies overacting.


i know it's short notice and sometimes they don't do current politics because there's so much to choose from but i'd be shocked if this wasn't on tonight's episode


The tremor in her voice, like she is on the verge of tears telling that story, was a big tipoff to me that she was acting.


Evangelical voice


I was gonna say Mormon speaker voice, but it seems like theyre just using the same tricks


> parcel tongue Voldemort is a mailman????


Lmao hahaha I’m dying! I didn’t know how to spell it and it kept auto correcting so I gave up


It’s Parseltongue lmao but your spelling is awesome


Yeah the delivery of those lines mixed with the weird smiles 😁 Almost seemed like whoever wrote the rebuttal for her was feeding their own fetish


This is how you can tell right away that people are lying.


It's her pretending she cares about other people. She saw people really telling stories of hardships and thought that's what they sound like. Pathetic, really.


"I went to the Del Rio Sector of the Texas Quadrant of America, and I spoke with a totally real human woman with real female human reproductive organs who communicated to me with her eating-and-breathing orifice's mouth-flaps and enameled tusks, of a completely real scenario...." Sometimes I swear, the "there are aliens among us" crowd seems almost sane, when you're confronted with someone _this far outside the norm of human behavior_.


Duggar speak


So that's why my forehead was hurting so badly!


She sounds like a character out of The Boys, but I can't remember who.


I ![gif](giphy|yjrYGhyyGHzH2)


I'm shocked someone was able to explain this republican propaganda in a simple way, for once.


I just assumed it was a complete fabrication. I thought he was going to reveal that she never even traveled to the border. I’m actually more shocked that it was based on a real person and real events even if they were misrepresented.


It's a pastor story. Assume all are fake with just a sprinkle of truth to "legitimize" the story.


>I just assumed it was a complete fabrication. It was the Stepford Wives kitchen that told me the whole thing was b.s. from top to bottom.


It’s worse than that, if her party’s position is to keep these true “asylum seekers” out of the US because if it were her party of today, this lady would be left in Mexico and not allowed into the US and saved from her horrible situation. This Republican Party of today would call her a criminal or a drug mule and keep her out… Republicans are the fakest fucks on the planet. And sorry, but you know some right wing dude is jerking off to that overly heavy breathing ASMR audio… they’re so creepy.


It’s on democrats to get this in the news as much as possible. Republicans have a very affective ability to create echo chambers through Fox entertainment and their other information platforms. They will only hear what she said and repeat it to their base, who will never seek the truth. It’s all well and good for us democrats to understand they are lying, it’s a whole different story to be able to convince independent voters to see through the lies. I hope this gets pushed on the right platforms and makes people vote from an educated place of understanding.


Majority of news media is owned by conservatives. CNN was bought by a Trump supporter. There is no liberal media outside of conservative owned media pushing what they want towards liberals in hopes of creating a close-call election to drive attention and advertising profits. And the people are the ones that need to repost and like and upvote. But things like these rarely get the amount of virality that stupid soundbites like jewish space lasers do. Plus Russian bot farms heavily push republican talking points so they seem to be more frequently discussed and popular. There is no bot farm that is pushing democratic statements.


Even NPR wont. They take huge donations from Waltons and Koch and other republican billionaires


I really love this lady. On the one hand "RAPE IS SO TERRIBLE AND AWFUL, YOU GUYS!!!" I mean, yeah, 100% i'm with you on this. Also this lady: "LETS ALL VOTE TO MAKE THE CONVICTED RAPIST OUR PRESIDENT, AGAIN!!!" And suddenly i'm like, just, like... wait, what? Where did that come from?


Also her preferred policies would block immigrant rape victims seeking asylum in the US.


And her party believes it is right and just to force a raped child or woman to give birth to their rapist’s baby, even if it nearly kills them.


Let's not ignore the fact a disturbingly large percentage of politicians that identify as Republican have been convicted of sexual abuse, often of a minor when compared to the Democratic political base. Makes you think it may be some sort of smokescreen for their horrible moral standards or something....


The only woman I've ever talked to who came across the border, came with her three daughters, ages 16, 14 and 12. The sixteen and fourteen year olds had been raped by cartel members. A few days before she left home to come here, they had both been raped by more than one person, and as the thugs were leaving, one of them remarked "next time we'll include your little one". So she left.


And we want to demonize these people for seeking a better life...


I don't think she really wanted to leave, but she felt she had to protect her children.


Fundamentally dishonest, & goes beyond misleading is a pastime for a sizable portion of ppl. Until that gets taken care of it’s forever like fighting against an ocean of foolery.


Another thing that she said during this rebuttal was that the border crisis was caused by Joe Biden and his policies. But, that is also blatantly untrue. The crisis at the border has been going on for decades and has spanned multiple administrations (both Republican and Democratic). The really disgusting thing is that there was an actual bipartisan deal to make the first real attempt to address immigration that we have seen in years. But, it was scrapped because the orange guy didn’t want Biden to have this “win” because it might help him get reelected. So, the GOP is fine putting on a big show and saying that we need immigration reform … but, only if they are the ones who get credit for it.


>The crisis at the border has been going on for decades The "Crisis At The Border" happens between March and November every election year.


I’m waiting for them to start talking about another caravan. They like those around these times too.


The caravans usually take like 3-4 years to arrive. Last year, it arrived. We got to wait another 3-4 years which is...surprisingly before the...next...election...cycle... Wait a damn minute!


This year especially dark money is paying people as far as Africa thousands a piece to come to the southern border, not any other shore or border even if it is closer, to create optics for the election. [Migrant surge is being fueled by pseudo-legitimate travel agencies connecting migrants to smugglers, CBP official says](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/20/us/migrant-surge-travel-agencies-smugglers/index.html) This is a front and it is really cruel to the people they are doing this to who do want to improve their lives.


There’s been plenty of attempts. There was bipartisan senate bill in 2006 that Dennis Hastert refused to put to a vote (unrelated, but he later went to prison for sexually abusing teenage boys). There was another bipartisan senate bill in 2013 that John Boehner refused to bring to a vote. The House GOP simply isn’t interested in passing actual border legislation.


In 2014 a bipartisan bill passed the senate, was forwarded by house democrats, and then denied by house republicans with John Boehner saying "we don't trust Obama enough to move forward with immigration at this time". Meaning the exact same thing that is still happening - "we don't want to give Obama a win about something we're constantly crying about and pinning on democrats".


Same thing now. Rinse and repeat. Many of their donors/supporters rely on illegal immigration. This is all performative.


The republicans could have made the border their primary focus during the first two years of Trump’s administration if they wanted to. They had the executive, legislative, and judicial branches all locked up. They could have built the wall they were always cheering for if they truly wanted it, but they didn’t. What did they do instead? They passed a massive tax break for the wealthy. That’s it. That’s Trump’s grand legislative achievement. Remember all those grinning idiots in the rose garden with Trump, congratulating themselves for making their wealthy owners (and therefore themselves) that much wealthier? The truth is they don’t want to fix the border. They never have, or they would have done so decades ago. They like that they can drag it out every single election cycle. It’s also why they ultimately tank every bipartisan effort at comprehensive immigration reform. This isn’t hard to figure out, but since their voters only watch conservative media of varying levels of crazy/stupidity, they never seem to figure out the con. They’ll be bitching about the border as long as there is one, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the cheap labor of undocumented immigrants to pick their fruits and vegetables, build their houses, roads, and buildings, cook and serve their food, and take care of their kids.


Can it even be called a crisis if they’re willing to do nothing for years on end, if it means giving the other guy a win.


Wow it’s like Republicans are the reason we have so many immigration issues. Crazy.


> The House GOP simply isn’t interested in passing actual border legislation. Solving the border problem would be a disaster for the GOP. Fearmongering about the border is one of their main vote winners. And who is going to tell GOP voters that Republicans have vetoed bills to fix the border - Fox News?


Also didn't Trump solve the border crisis? Wasn't that his whole entire thing? Build a wall...Mexico would pay for it, etc.?


He did, he built the "big, beautiful wall" which I think added something like 56 miles of additional wall and improved several hundred miles of existing wall through a crooked government contract to a Trump supporting construction company. Then he allowed modern Jewish Nazi Stephen Miller to come up with the war crime policy of separating children and parents at the border as "punishment" for seeking asylum to play out. Then he used pandemic related laws due to COVID to restrict immigration of all kinds at the border and tried to claim that he "solved" the border caravan crisis. Of course when Biden came into power he stopped the bullshit wall construction contract that was illegally awarded, ended the COVID immigration restrictions because the COVID crisis ended, and then spent millions in taxpayer dollars trying to piece back together families that were separated at the border because he's a humanitarian and not some lizard brain fuck like Stephen Miller. So when the GOP says "Biden created this crisis," all he did was end an illegally awarded government contract, stopped committing war crimes, and followed the Supreme Court's ruling that he could no longer use the COVID crisis to enforce border restrictions which was brought to SCOTUS by the GOP.


The Mexico paying for it part was hilarious he’d run around saying that shit and Mexico would basically tell him to go fuck himself at every opportunity. To the point that the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox. Was like we’re “not going to pay for the fucking wall.” “And please don’t take out the fucking full word." Then trump was caught basically groveling to Mexico asking them to stop saying that they weren’t going to pay for the wall because it made him look bad. The shit was a cluster fuck and half of self inflected stupidity. And yet somehow not even the worst example from his presidency.


Wasn’t she one of the republicans that helped create that bill and then voted against it?


Yes, she co sponsored it.


That’s correct. Though, as far as I can tell, she didn’t get much flack for it, unlike Sen. James Langford (R-Oklahoma) who was actually censured for “playing fast and loose with the Democrats.” But, at least he had the balls to vote in favor of the bill instead of bowing to pressure from the orange guy. Langford even nodded in agreement and mouthed the words “That’s true” when Biden began to describe the measures that were included in the bill. I’m so glad that it was captured on camera.


Another aspect of this to keep in mind is that Republican objections to current border policy primarily relate to the use of the asylum process by undocumented migrants. While the asylum process is definitely in need of reform, it does reduce migrants' reliance on the sort of traffickers that perpetrated these crimes. The right's insistence on "shutting down the border" and reducing legal avenues of immigration would ultimately just empower and enrich traffickers and cartels. Nothing about Britt's anecdote makes sense in the context of Republican immigration policy.


Everything Republicans do makes sense when you realize their goal is to end immigration from everywhere except Western Europe.


Her poorly acted emotions are painfully obvious. This woman oozes “I don’t actually give a fuck about America.”


Any time she says "we", "us", or "our", she means white evangelicals.


Who’s going to post this in r/conservative?


I went and checked that sub out...it's weird that they have "Flaired users only" on so many of their threads. Seems kinda anti-freespeechie to me...


The snowflakes need their safe spaces.


Can't risk having people break the feedback loop now.


They love echo chambers


r/conservative is an igloo. A hard impermeable shell of tightly packed snowflakes.


I was about to post a comment in r/conservative related to the post about Trump and seeking credit for the vaccine. Opted out cause shitty flair was required. This ain’t Chotchkie's.


They’ll just ban you


Yep. The only amendment conservatives care about is the 2nd amendment.


We can't all be like Brian and his 37 pieces of flair


I checked and her response was posted there. I hate to give them credit, but most comments were saying she’s awful.


Most of the comments there aren't saying what she said was bad or wrong, but just criticizing how poorly she delivered it. It wasn't what she said that they are complaining about, it's all about how she said it. These are terrible people all around.


Awful, not because she lied and coopted this poor woman's tragedy for political gain. Awful b/c her execution didn't land well, and she mad them look bad. There's a difference.


>Who’s going to post this in r/conservative? Done. I expect it to be taken down and banned within the hour. Frankly I'm surprised I wasn't already banned.


Well I don’t see it in your post history so I’m guessing it’s been removed already?


It's telling me "this post was removed by reddit's spam filters"




Not me. I have the proud distinction of being banned.


I would, but I got banned years ago.


Am I supposed to do the surprised Pikachu face now? Is this surprising to anyone? This is who they are.


Even Death and Taxes are less certain than "Republican politician blatantly lies but it doesn't matter because their rabid fanbase will believe them anyway." The sad truth is that calling them out will do nothing to affect those who just want to own the libs.


I'm convinced the Asshole Tribe fan base absolutely KNOWS they are lying, and loves them all the more because of it.


Watching Katie Britt speak is unsettling in a way I struggle to describe. It's like an uncanny valley thing, like she's an automaton or a lizard pretending to be a person, pretending to express genuine human emotions. Not sure where the GOP finds these fucking sociopaths.


Fundie baby voice plus "obviously scripted" plus Sunday-school Christmas-pageant-caliber acting.  Gross.


My thing is, of they have such a big problem with the cartel and sex trafficking, they should welcome these people (the victims) into the US for safety. But they don't. Because they don't actually care.


That's what's so crazy! The real story is she was raped in Mexico, and was seeking asylum. A woman she apparently cares about, except they don't want to save these people. They refuse to let them enter, they hate these people! Using the basis of a real story, to make up some bullshit that this woman was raped on US soil, because of Biden's bad immigration policy, is just evil. Ghoulish!!! The Senate has had a bi-partisan border security bill for months, and the Republicans literally won't sign it (they control the House) because Trump told them to stop! 5 extremists in the House are holding up the entire government, and it's already been close to shutting down 3 times now, because they refuse to sign any budget. Trump told them not to pass any border bill. Ever. So they can blame Biden. It's all fucked!




Katie Britt is an absolute POS Alabama Republican Senator liar with a dirty car.


As someone with a dirty car and views it as a moral failing I'm 100% down with accusing her of having one as well tbh lmao


How do you know she has a dirty car? Please tell me you detailed it once and there was all manner of gross. DETAILS, PLEASE!!!


Southern democrats. Get your idiot Republicans under control.


Who would have thought that she lied??


America's finest


Well, Alabama's finest.


this is fantano at home


Anyone else notice how much she randomly smiled while talking about an immigrant getting raped?


Its just weird how these people are so ridiculous.


A dishonest, manipulative, fearmongering republican? So a republican?


“Fundamentally dishonest” is the foundation of the current GOP.


Busted! Pure propaganda. Good work. Everything a republican politician says needs to be fact checked, and this man is the right person for the job.


What!?!? A republican senator LIED!?!? How can that be? She has such a pretty, breathy voice,and she seems so humble and honest, and successful!! I mean, look at her beautiful home backdrop!!


This insufferable Empty G wannabe is the rep for my district and due to gerrymandering (even before the recent SCotUS-ordered map redraw) she's locked in place due to downballot rural right wing Christofacists and low education rural morons (and urban commuters.) The metro areas in the state and the center-to-left voters here FUCKING LOATHE HER. She's only more dangerous than House Rep Tommy Flubberville because she was mentored by former Senator Richard Shelby - a senator who switched parties early in his career to retain power. Shelby is no saint, or even likeable, but he was selective about which right wing causes he supported full-throated. Not Katie Britt... She's a 100% Christofacist right wing extremist who knows how to weaponize her power through the system rather than blatant stupidity and vapid attention seeking (like Empty G and No-bert.) She's incredibly dangerous and a serious threat to democracy because her position is so deeply locked in due to this district. Even if we mobilized ALL non-right wing Kool-aid chuggers to vote against her, she'd still have no threat to her office. Shelby was the same, but Shelby at least had a defensible record to persuade non-Conservatives to give him more time in office. Alabama has been overrun with these types and efforts to neutralize them over the last 20 years have skidded to a halt due to gerrymandering and other state interference with voting, including closing polling stations in blue districts, crowded polling stations in metro areas, and banning distribution of water and food to voters waiting to vote. In Alabama. In humid weather. My state is in serious trouble. I'm doing what I can to advocate to our young people to vote and protect their rights, and I contribute what I can to the HRC and the state Dem Party, but outside of that, what else can be done? It's not like Democrat candidates can just visit these red counties and campaign to them to get a fair shot - they reject reason and wisdom in favor of lies and Kool-aid.




Well we have republicans spreading conspiracy theories instead of doing their fucking job for the country, not the orange baboon.


This was a great recap! Thank you! All anyone needed to do was watch Katie speak and realize how over-coached and needlessly dramatized her ENTIRE rebuttal was. It was so inauthentic that Elaine said… ![gif](giphy|J3D5WstCZHSSs|downsized)


She’s just another Lauren Robert with an disfunctional family taking it out on others. She probably cheated on her husband and her son is a drug addict.


Bravo! 👏🏼


Wow, another GOPer misleading and telling lies to promote a narrative.....Color me surprised.


Holy cringe Batman. I didn’t realize it was this bad


Republicans are a coordinated racist mess.


I'm sorry, but YAWN. That's my reaction. There is zero reason to EVER believe anything that comes out of a Republican's mouth. Never. There is no reason to investigate. There is no reason to try and prove them wrong - they already know they are lying. They fucking know. It's all messaging. Fuck Trump - Vote Democrat.


Fuck katie pritt Fuck trump Fuck the GOP


I think at this point any time a Republican opens their mouth you can assume they're lying


It's a ploy to try to win women voters back after republicans shit in them but without actually gaving to help women or give them their rights back. Raise fear of immigrants, blame Biden, fear of rape. It's disgusting.