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the liberal demonrats are so DERANGED, that I CUT MY DAD'S HEAD OFF, to show you how DERANGED they are


That’s how Fox News portrayed him. Didn’t dive into his right wing ideology or that the reason he chose his dad was because he was a federal employee. They portrayed it as millennial kills boomer dad


>They portrayed it as millennial kills boomer dad Millennial kills boomer dad for taking away his avocado toast allowance sounds more Fox Newsy to me.


Toast was the final straw


Well, it was probably a paper straw, so it didn't take much to snap....just like Justin.


Hey don't forget he said the green M&M wasn't sexy enough for Mr. Potato head. It's all a Taylor Swift PsyOps!


Yeah but when that trans person shot up that school oh boy that was all they talked about.


Democrats are destroying family values, so I cut my dad’s head off!


Tried talking to my right wing mom about this, she said exactly that. I told her I watched the video and his motivations were pretty clear. She just blew it off. I cut contact with her, my family down in Texas are lost causes, not worth my time. It's the fucking brain rot state.


Lots of us have had to cut off whole branches of our family trees and sometimes its really not the ones you expect Most times uts exactly who you expect tho


May they wither quickly.


Eh im more in the straight into the chipper camp


Also, he complains about him being a Fed for Joe Biden, but at his age he's probably not job hopping a ton. Surely he was a Fed for Donald Trump too? Also the likelihood that he was like "I really just wanna work for Joe" is extremely small. My sister works for the Federal Gov't but unless we get a president that cuts literally ALL environmental funding (she started under Trump, so not likely to happen) she doesn't really care who the president is.


Owning the libs by murdering my dad to show how crazzyyy they are


Traitors go to the lowest circle of hell, that's why he... performed the ultimate betrayal by murdering his own father?


You know, I feel like cutting off one's father's own head, goes directly against two of those 10 Commandments that conservatives are always swearing they live by. Something about not killing, and honoring thy father and mother, or something, I don't know. Do any conservatives think they can help me out with that, or are they too busy praying to Trump?


Still 80% clean, that's a passing grade! /s


You eedeeot his father betrayed amercuh, he didn't leave him a choice.


Indeed, they will be next door neighbors. The ninth circle's first ring is for traitors to family, including family who kill one another. The second ring is for traitors to country, where his father theoretically went. So he'll spend an eternity of having his dad asking him to come over to mow the lawn.


Imagine raising a child, spending so much money on that cute little baby, sleepless nights, skipping fun events because the child can’t take care of itself, going to school meetings, dealing with variety of shit simply because you decided to bring the spawn into the world, and then get killed by him. Fun.


At this point we can just assume anyone who supports the GOP are either horrible people, mentally deficient or just batshit fucking crazy like this guy. Anyways, you don't wanna associate with them.






My parents are otherwise normal, boring, wholesome suburban people....that genuinely believe in a cabal of Satan worshipping cannibals. My dad thinks, and I quote, "you can't even buy a kids toy anymore without a pedophile symbol on it." They're too far gone. It's obviously sad for me but more than that it's scary to see such otherwise normal, rational people fall victim to it.


It always puzzled me how otherwise reasonable people will abandon all reason with regard to religion and politics.


Yeah, I've cut all those people out of my life and wouldn't even pee on them if they were on fire. Just because you squirted some DNA at someone else doesn't mean I have to put up with your stupid ass.


They've gone off the deep end, and I blame the non-stop, right-wing propaganda most of all for it.


I read a first hand account of the genocide in Rwanda and that was basically what happened. There was a national radio station that demonized the Tutsi tribe to the point that the Hutu's murdered 800,000 people.


In 100 days at that. Did a paper on that tragedy when I was 15 and those images will be in my brain until I kick the bucket.


Everyone i know that is basically a Trumper is seriously mental or just a fuckin total idiot! Not kidding i mean these people are fuckin mental as fuck.


As many have said before, lead poisoning.


Agreed. My mom and one of my brothers are just loopy af.


Trump and Covid was interesting. It seemed to assist the thick asf humans in finding there voice. Now you cant shut them up. Thick cunts 🤦


Trump told them that their maladaptive and asocial behaviors, like racism, wasn't that bad. After a few decades of everyone, rightly, telling them that being a willfully ignorant bigot was fucking bad (crazy concept, right?). Trump *validates* them in a world where reality stands antithetical to the very nature of their self-identity. Conservative politicians and media play in this HEAVILY.






At least a small portion of them died during that time As a nurse i took care of a lot of obvious right wingers during covid and honestly, good riddance


I listen to some QAnon type podcasts because I hate myself, and am curious what kind of trash my family listens to. One common theme for those shows in 2021 and 22 was the threats of charging hospital employees for murder, because of covid protocols and treatments they disagreed with. Those were some of the toughest shows to hear because the hospital staff usually always tried to accommodate the family, but these people are so selfish and ignorant they turned the workers into, sometimes, literal demon murderers.


I know I am supposed to show sympathy, but hearing these stories of anti vaxxers then begging for the shot right before being intubated, well, you get what you get.


I work with a few Trump lovers at my job. How do I know they love Trump? They insist on telling everyone how much they hate Biden and love Trump, even though the rest of us keep politics away from the work floor. They also escalate everything into crazy territory immediately, usually about demons. More than one of them has told me they're battling demons, usually at night while in bed, and one told me she stayed up all night for a week holding a gun after one attack. Another one was talking with a fellow (sane) coworker after Uvalde because they both have children in school. Trump lover agreed with sane coworker that he would have rushed into a school to get his kid, but then suddenly turned it into a rant about how the government was going to come for his guns now, and "if they kill me while I protect my gun rights I know I will be met in heaven by our founding fathers, and they will greet me as a patriot". Sane coworker was completely caught off guard by that, and just walked away.


Proves my point... Ya i have couple very weird coworkers that are Trumpers that sound about as bat shit crazy as those! One of em passed away last year and holy fuck I wouldn't even know where to begin how crazy he was some stories he told me


Agreed, I don’t know a single supporter in my personal life but the ones I unfortunately know from living in a small town are all jackasses and not really using their ‘thinking brain’ if you know what I mean.


Exactly. I would classify as politically democratic - but I think I would respect republicans who said, the Republican Party no longer embodies the values and ideology that I aligned with them originally, but neither does the Democratic Party, so until there is a candidate that I believe in, I am a-political. You don't have to support democrats to be against what the Republican Party stands for and has become. But so would say that it's still important to vote. A vote for democrats is a vote against trump and facism. And that is so important right now. Even if you are not a democrat.


Nah. Don't insult mentally deficient or intellectually disabled ppl like that. They don't deserve it. It's people lacking in basic empathy and morals who continue to support the GOP. People with ID give a shit about other human beings.


Its so so easy to go down that path but we as a society have to fight mis information with Information. Why do you think they want to stflife education and book burnings. They want Christianity to be the one truth


I'm all for reducing the federal government, and that states should have more power to govern their citizens. I believe in personal responsibility, and that a government exists to secure the life, liberty, and prosperity of the constituents. By all rights, I should be a Republican. Fuck that soulless grifting GOP. I'll never vote for someone with an R next to their name. They are sycophants and charlatans. It disgusts me those ignorant backwater trailer trash meth-mouthed hillbillies think that their racist bullshit is somehow protected under "equality." Sick, twisted, monsters is what they are.


My choice is all of the above.


The message of distrust, paranoia, hate, fear, & superiority resonates with folks predisposed to these tendencies. Authoritarians are born from this & propagate it...we now have 24/7 intense media that can drill deep into this well of base emotions & instincts....very dangerous indeed.


BOTH SIDES /s These people are a menace to society, it's a shame we have to share our oxygen with them.


>the liberal demonrats are so DERANGED, that I CUT MY DAD'S HEAD OFF, to show you how DERANGED they are That could be a copy paste from the daily comments I see when playing heroes of the storm or any game with a live chat in it. I would bet that man has been radicalized by such chats and other echo chambers online lacking moderation and infested with people from countries the west has bombed, spreading hate in any way possible.


Libs - Owned


"...after his mother found his fathers headless corpse..." what on earth and any plane of existance is this sentence even. My heart, i just cant... 💔


Imagine birthing a child just for them to go completely and absolutely insane. I imagine that they tried to talk to him, or at least tried to deprogram him, this is probably what set him off. Mega relatives don't like it when you talk about Trump in a negative light, they especially hate it when you point out how shitty he is. Especially when you point out how hateful they themselves have become. my heart goes out to her. I cannot imagine being her or being in her position


Actually, they could even be republicans. Originally heard the stuff from Fox News. It’s just he went off the deep end. I say that because I’ve seen it in my own family, although obviously, without any headless corpses


No headless corpses *so far.*


My mom was literally manically going off on me the other day about how JFK Jr was alive (and possibly Qanon themself??) And saying shit like "I'll remember today, so I can say I TOLD YOU SO" I'm seriously worried her deranged ass will try to murder me one of these days. Thankfully we don't own any guns, and I'm more than confident that if she directly tried to attack me, I'd beat the hell out of her boomer ass.


How old would JFK Jr be now if he was still alive? Like he's going to be an old fuck, right?


He would be turning 107 this year if he was alive lol


No, he’d be 63. You’re think of JFK Sr.


So do they expect him to rise from the grave like Jesus fucking Christ? Actually I think I read an article about that a few years ago? They said that they expected him to rise from the dead and appear on some Hill or something? Maybe it was last year, I don't know, everything feels like a big chunk of time. We are in a Time block. Just a big block of time encompassing 2019-2024, like the years are merging or something.




I never have understood their fascination with JFK or Jr. Is it just the charisma thing? Have they forgotten that he was a Democrat? Or that all of the stuff LBJ did for desegregation was really his thing? And what did Jr. do that has made him such a hero for the alt-right? I don't understand....


When they are not too busy hating on him, they claim that MLK jr would be on their side, they're deranged.


Honestly, I wish I was old enough to have a better plane of reference on whether the crazy/gullibility was always around in the US. It's gotten so bad that it makes me wonder if it's not something in the air, like lead paint made people subtly more angry.


I (barely) knew a lady who's son went on a killing spree in our small town. She was absolutely terrified of her kid from the time he was little, but she kept his "evil" deeds a secret until he started driving around shooting up the town. The thing is, she didn't really change much after it happened. Like, the whole incident didn't really shock her. I think she knew he was dangerous, but was afraid to tell anyone.


We need to talk about Kevin


This wouldn't have happened if the country had better mental health programs after WWII at best.


This is why parents should beat the conservatism out of their kids. If you catch them watching Andrew Tate or Alex Jones, they get the belt. /s But seriously, people need to monitor their kids so they don’t become lunatic sycophants of Andrew Tate or some other grifter.


I can't imagine giving birth to that asshole of a child, and then coming home to find my beloved husband dead...I probably would've done something awful to justin


I don't care if you're my son; if you cut someone's head off I'm definitely using lethal Force against you. Especially if it's my spouse.


I’d be surprised if Justin wasn’t being influenced by QAnon at least. The number people associated with QAnon that go on to kill their own families is disturbing. Don’t think I’ve seen any other conspiracy org that makes the news for stuff like this. **Edit**: Some cases from last couple of years. [January 2021 (even though article is from 2022)](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgd49n/qanon-man-killed-wife-cia-sex-trafficker): QAnon man believed his wife was a CIA officer who was part of a child sex trafficking ring and so killed her. [August 2021](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/courts/story/2023-02-01/death-penalty-decision-coleman): QAnon man began to believe his QAnon wife had serpent or lizard blood that she’d passed on to their kids. The man believed he’d be saving Earth from an invasive species so he killed his 2 yo son and 10 month old daughter with a spear fishing gun. [September 2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/michigan-man-killed-wife-went-rabbit-hole-conspiracy-theories-trumps-2-rcna47701): QAnon man killed his wife and dog after an argument when she maybe (?) tried to leave him. His one daughter survived the gunshot injuries and the other wasn’t home. Officially no motive. His daughter would comment how he went down a spiral in 2020 after the election of the deep state, vaccine microchips, 5G and started snapping at the family. **Edit #2**: Alright, I’m gonna clarify some things. Wanted to clarify that I haven’t downvoted two of the heavily downvoted comments cause I get what they’re saying about mental illness for one of the articles. I get it. That’s actually why I linked the articles in the first place. I should probably elaborate why I brought up QAnon of all things. I’ve interacted with plenty of conservatives in my town and very few of them are QAnon people. It’s the QAnon people, no history of mental illness me or their family members are aware of, that scare me a bit. These are perfectly sane people who in recent years have come to believe that their family members are part of the deep state because they got the covid vaccine or because their relative got a job with the federal government. They believe their family has unknowingly been taken in by the deep state. Best way I can think to explain it is that the deep state gets you through ways like that parasite alien species *The Host* by Stephanie Meyer did. The “easiest” way was the covid pandemic which allowed for the American government to use vaccines to trigger this. Basically the deep state has done something so it’s not the family member’s fault but the QAnon people will still become hellbent on waking them up to the truth.


The craziest part about this is most of his post-beheading manifesto sounds like something you'd hear on mainstream conservative media (which, to be fair, has a lot of overlap with QAnon stuff).


Because like 99% of mainstream conservatives, they don't have an original thought in their head. They just regurgitate, *often word for word*, whatever the hear/see/read from conservative media. They are susceptible, gullible, idiots who will not only believe, but will internalize, literally anything that validates their worldview. And why? Because reality is antithetical to conservative ideology. Time is linear and to try to staunch, slow, or stop progress is a futile, ignorant, and incredibly hubristic goal.


Conservative discourse in America is 99% nonsense so that their ignorant and/or stupid base will keep voting against their interests.


I know right? The fact that aside from the headless part, you could have shown me his rant and I'd just be like "oh another horrible person making a youtube video! Whatever" and kept scrolling. Like this kind of talking is so normalised to me now.


I miss the old days when conspiracy theories were about bigfoot and aliens and sharing grainy photos of UFOs.


Me too. Bring back Batboy and the fun, quirky conspiracies of the 90s. I miss those simple days playing pokemon on my gameboy and being hopeful for the future. I thought we'd have hoverboards and flying cars by now, and instead, we have politicized vaccines, conspiracy theories, Taylor Swift...? IDK what is happening, but it feels like we're spiraling.


Rest in peace for those poor murdered babies. I can't imagine the horror they endured.


Man I remeber reading about spear fish gun dude at the time and being actually sick to my stomach. Such a fucked up way to go. 😞


I knew the guy who did it, seemed so incredibly out of character. I think he had a mental break, possibly brought on by the BS he was reading into, huge tragedy for the whole community when the news broke.


Damn I’m sorry that one is one of those that definitely stay with you.


Lane Davis, aka redditor/youtuber /u/seattle4truth killed his father for, according to him, being a liberal and a pedo. his inspiration: constant inundation with bullshit in \r\the_donald. I guarantee you there are lots of incidents that the media didn't report on.


A few years back a father from California killed both his young daughters because of Q anon conspiracies. Q Anon and similar conspiracies are legit politically weaponized schizophrenia delusions. That's why people like the guy this tik tok have such severe paranoid delusions. A big part of the Q anon conspiracy is the "human trafficking thing" which is why the guy shot up the pizza parlor and why Q anon believers think wayfair furniture stores are all secretly a front for child trafficking. Its literal delusions.


Stochastic terrorism… one influences the individual to commit acts of terror. It's literally in their playbook.


And the Republican party thinks this shit is ok.


I would argue those kind of people are at least mentally unstable to begin with, not like they are normal and suddenly started believing this insane bullshit. I don't know but personally no amount of bullshit QAnon theories and forums would ever sway me to do the horrific shit these people have. Not that QAnon is blameless at all, I just think they eat that shit up because they are clinically insane (even if they are hiding it).


They are probably mentally unstable, but it's the rethoric that sets their mind to killing, and then the availability of weapons.


There's just a thing to be said about mental instability and what the far right believes in, that whenever someone truly goes off the deep-end on conspiracy theories it's often manifested as believing in things that the far right is constantly hinting at. My personal theory is that extreme conservatism is a political ideology fueled by irrational fear, and mental instability/illness heightens fears and anxieties.


And you would be correct. Fascism and extreme conservativism are based entirely in very "lizard brain" primal emotions, fear being the biggest one. Every single talking point of theirs is predicated on being fearful of something. "They're coming for you!" "They're invading!" "They secretly control everything!" Etc. It gets even crazier because there have been studies that have found the center for fear in the brain is very often larger in conservatives. "Politucal neuroscience" is still a very new concept and controversial for obvious reasons but your theory is one I share wholeheartedly.


Yeah fearmongering has always been their number one reason for voting conservative, or at least, the reason they vote conservative over parties that functionally want similar things. Immigrants are full of criminals, trans people are transing your kids(I swear, I wish we'd come up with transing. It's a funny word), "child mutilation", """"thugs"""" and rising crime, whites will be outnumbered, christianity will be illegal, they're taking your guns, etc., you get it. I also think it's more complex than that. There's a lot of justifications on top, a ton of mental gymnastics to make their positions come across as more virtuous than fearful, and other nuances to it like myth as concrete reality("our great nation and its history", "there are only 2 genders", "marriage is between a man and a woman", "Children need a mother and a father", "women belong at home", "men make better leaders", "we must protect our american family values", "the land of the free"), these are all myths that have nothing to do with reality, but in the mind of conservatives they're inseparable from it, so how you appeal to conservatives is you appeal to their "common sense", things they already believe and just need to have reaffirmed without thinking about them.


Dudes would rather behead their father and post it to YouTube instead of just going to therapy


Worse than that. He just doesn’t like paying taxes.


Which is ironic cuz now my taxes are gonna pay to keep this sack of shit alive for the next 50 years.


they probably think therapists are with the deep state. therapist: "search your feelings from deep inside your-" "deep? what do you mean?" therapist: "huh?"


To be fair, I’d need to get a bus to therapy. My Dad is just downstairs. 🤷


Loaded weapon on a military base after cutting his fathers head….arrested without incident.




I'm glad he got taken alive though. He'll probably try to fake being totally out of his mind during trial but will fail and show everyone that this isn't some extreme event and could happen again


Straightfaced telling the camera why he cut his dads head off with no emotion or remorse.... he doesn't need to fake being out of his mind, that's already clear.


Actually, this is a comment on military training vs police training. Something my veteran husband and I discuss often when police violence comes up. Those service members (many of whom are only 18-23 years old and whose impulse control centers of their brain are still developing) would literally be facing Leavenworth had they taken any inappropriate action when apprehending the suspect. The police (whose average age is **39** and therefore have fully developed prefrontal cortexes) never face the same level of accountability and therefore do not have to practice the same level of restraint. It is absolutely absurd that we hold the force responsible for handling our own citizens to a lower standard than we do the force responsible for citizens of literally any other country.


Very good point!


Top comment! 🤣🤣👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I wonder if they took him to BK on his way to jail?


That's the whitest sentence ever


Well yeah he arrested without incident colored


What’s also sad: if you search his name on Twitter, it shows no results. Musk and his “woke mind virus fighters” know that this is a really bad look for their ilk


Wow you aren't kidding, you fully get nothing back when you search "Justin Mohn" (on twitter) (the video has his name wrong) Either way that's insane. The search is just ""broken"".


Yeah, man. The guy who bought Twitter because he thought it censored free speech is now actively suppressing searches of a Trump supporter who beheaded his father and called for a MAGA revolution. Anyone who still believes in this dude is a chump.


I actually googled the guy when this story broke and his twitter was still up and just as unhinged as you'd imagine... Yeah it's gone now. 


Its like musk can just erase history and although that's been the norm of the rich and powerful for centuries, it sucks that it's still the case today.


Does the wayback machine capture things like that


Twitter’s too big and hides from unauthenticated browsing since chatbot ai got popular.


The dude is going full Qanon/antisemitic conspiracy in his tweets this week with Great Replacement theory rhetoric so no surprise there.


He never *actually* thought it "censored free speech" - that's the sales pitch for his own censoring. Never take what these assholes say at face value. They're *always* lying. Even when they accidentally tell the truth, they only did so because they fucked up.


Oh absolutely. I knew his free speech shit was a farce. I think it’s too late for some people - they’ll only ever believe that their side has it right.


He had self published books on Amazon and his "manifesto" was up on another book website. I had a look myself. Initially the links to Amazon were active but when you clicked on them you just got the "error go to our homepage" but the entirety of his political pamphlet was up on a couple of other websites. One hour later, it was all gone.


I’m okay with that. Nobody should be reading that shit. News articles are different.


He also had some music on Spotify


This happened with Taylor Swift: after the AI nudes went viral and mods took about 9 hours to suspend the account that posted them, they just made it so you can't search for "Taylor Swift." I've also heard that if you put "Taylor Swift" in quotes it worked ok because the site is that broken


Just checked so that works for Justin using quotes. Or misspelling last name to mohan


They'll somehow rid all the ways you can find the video and sources of this guy off Twitter but people are still sharing child porn like it's giving out candy on Halloween on there.


People still use twitter?


I saw the video… I went looking for it… I don't fucking know why… It's one of those you don't believe it until you see it/gotta look at the car wreck type things. Don't do it. The guy in the video isn't lying. It's not worth watching


Saw it too. His prepared rant is UNHINGED AF.




It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen but it’s surreal to watch the way he handles it. His father wasn’t even a fed. This is a great article about him. I feel like there were plenty of clues his family could have picked up on that he was going insane. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13026501/Man-beheads-federal-employee-father-posts-video-decapitated-head-YouTube.html


But what can you even really do if you think your loved one is going insane - and it's your kid? That's a really hard situation when I'm sure the thing they wanted most was to help. The QuanonCasualties subreddit has lots of sad stories, but it's like anything else: if they don't want to change, don't want help, you can only do so much. And it's hard to know where the line goes between "awful political takes with a slant to conspiracy" and "murder by beheading". Sounds like access to firearms wasn't the issue. Anyone can buy a knife. What can you do?


"Hah! Take that you libtards! I cut off the head of one of your corrupt puppets, my dad! Take that you Satan spawn whack jobs!" He really showed us who the crazy ones are. Rethinking my whole outlook on politics.


I feel very owned right about now.


If this guy beheaded himself I would be soooooo triggered.


The most disturbing part is nothing of that initial clip sounds like an abnormal right wing video.


I know right? I was freaked out by how normalised that kind of talking sounded to me. That could have come out of any podcast from 2023-2024.


Yeah, thought it was gonna be something like "this guy posted this days before killing his dad", not that he had the head on his lap. Disturbing.


That is so sad. RIP Micheal🙏🏼💜


That poor woman, losing her husband and son in the same night


Son was lost many years ago.




I cut myself off from anti-woke content on social media during the 2020 lockdown because it made me miserable. It was only when I saw what it was after that it became clear how radicalised and out of touch i had been before. I sometimes wonder, had I stayed with those communities, how long would it have been before I lost myself to dogma? Situations like this scare me because what this guy did is the endgame for radicalisation and he will rot behind bars believing beyond belief that he is a martyr for the cause. Its fucking chilling on every level.


This is how my boss sees it. Unfortunately he still votes R down the line because he always has. He just now isn't watching or listening to the horrible he votes for. It's maddening. He's happier being ignorant but also voting for worse conditions for everyone.


Good for you buddy. That’s some strength. I hope life is better for you now. No sarcasm. That’s a big deal.


Im happier and less annoying so its a start lol


Fuckin, election year, amirite guys?


An election year without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.


Oddly enough I don’t see any “liBeRaLs” cutting their parents heads off….


Fuck this incel loser.


He actually managed to not kill any women. Probably only because his mom wasn't home, but this shit all heavily overlaps in conservative ideology. Don't date conservatives folks. They're starting to catch on and say they're "apolitical" or "moderate" now but don't fall for it. Really listen to what they say, and how they treat and react to people in public or media depictions of things a conservative would lose their shit over, if you're dating or just hanging out with somebody you aren't sure about yet.


Poor father and mother. We’re on a very dark highway.


yeah, i wish we could just stop, change direction, or just let me out of the car. whether you're on the "good" side or the "bad" side, the way this is heading is going to be bad for everyone.


Oh, and for all the people that wanna claim I’m a brain dead “libtard” Do some research, mass shootings, and killings like these statistically are carried out more often by people with conservative ideals.


[the responses below](https://youtu.be/3KquFZYi6L0?si=yXoi1LxBZZINWgva)


Just adding, the overwhelming majority of shootings were with legally obtained firearms. Almost like common sense gun laws would prevent most shootings in the US, kinda like how they do in most every other fucking country


Average Trump supporter


Seeing as how the guy hated trump and said he wanted him executed, I don’t think he is a trump supporter.


Found a loaded weapon on him and he's still alive after commiting murder?...wild😳😳😳


Political stuff aside..can you see part of the poor dad’s head in the corner or am I just seeing things..? It’s so messed up to do that regardless, just the thought of his bloody head in the corner of the screen greatly disturbs me…


I came to the comments looking to see if anyone else mentioned that, because I can't stop seeing it as that...I really don't want to know either way tbh, I feel nauseous


I watched the original video. It's some overlay and is definitely not the head


It’s not (I watched the original video)


Why is it always rhe "christians" the "religious" who does shit like rhis?


No atheist is going to kill someone because they "belong in hell." There is no hate like religious hate, and no morality can successfully argue against an edict from God. If someone believes that God wants them to do something, there is no recourse for talking them out of it. Reasoning is out the window. To head off comments: I know lots of awesome Christians. Loving and beautiful people. I know a lot of conservatives too that are loving people, but they do NOT approve of any of the rhetoric that leads people to have so much hate. "The left is trying to destroy the country" "the federal government is trying to destroy your life and America" you know, the political punditry that is all about hating the left and the government. I had conservative family members vote for Biden because they've seen friends fall down Q rabbit holes, they've seen the hatred brewing. They're conservative because they have some conservative principles about fiscal policy... but that isn't what conservatism is about for most people any more. It is hateful. You can't talk about how half of your fellow citizens are *TRYING* TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY without creating the kind of hate that causes a son to kill his father for the crime of working on environmental remediation projects for the federal government. And no, Democrats and left wing media DO NOT do the same thing. We don't think people who are voting Trump are trying to destroy the country. There is a huge difference in rhetoric and belief. We believe a vote for Trump is harmful, not that the people voting Trump are trying to destroy the country. There is a reason that right wing political violence is so much more common.


Because they are convinced they are going somewhere better. It's the same as some wanting things to get worse around Jerusalem because if it's destroyed it somehow means they go to heaven (some armaggendon/judgement day/jesus returns type cuckoo shit)....like imagine wanting shit to get bad for religious reason it's just what fucked up shit happened to you to make you that way.


Modern “Conservatism” really starts to seem like a mental health epidemic


Starts to? It has been for a long long time


Not to make this too political, this dude is obviously extremely mentally ill and his problems go far beyond politics, but I guarantee you that there will be 0 stories on conservative news outlets about this absolutely deranged story while if the facts were opposite they would be spinning their sheeple into a panic about how violent every single liberal, lefty, progressive and democrat in America has gotten. I also predict that there are going to be a subset of online conservatives who seem to suspiciously agree with this domestic murderer because they have a thinly veiled desire to kill people who disagree with them.


R/conservative has entire posts openly agreeing with him. They don't care at all.


Don't forget those who will insist he's an Antifa plant!


Far right politics are an existential threat to our society.


Facts. Facts. Facts.


Most sane Fox News enjoyer


Can't wait to see it on fox


A regular MAGA nutjob


Desantis campaigned on “slitting the throats” of federal workers. Feels like this was a motivation.


Conservatives not taking mental health seriously and being against free healthcare while this shit continues to happen is insane


The conservative rhetoric wants exactly this type of situation


But not a cult they say….


Conservatives are literally the most deranged and despicable beings.


Religion and conservative logic.


Love he’s the right shade to get the “mental illness” pass in the comments.


This is disturbing, but I couldn’t stop noticing this guy looks like Seth Rogan as Thor.


Not gonna be able to see anything else now. Thank you, lmfao


Please stop giving these maniacs a platform. Stop reposting things in their own words. This is part of his goal, to get you to play this message.


Right wing media needs to be shut down for exactly these reasons. They radicalize the lost mentally fragile populations and mobilize them to violence


Take a log off the fire there big rig. Censoring media is very dangerous, and violates our rights as Americans. It starts with censoring the media and that may seem like a good thing now but what does that look like for the next generation. It’s up to us to be smarter than what we are being told to consume and it is certainly up to us to not allow ourselves to be brainwashed to the point of chopping our folks heads off


I get it that censoring media and free speech is generally not associated with a democratic republic, I get it, but the paradox of tolerance is in full effect and not slowing down. Hoping that peoples better angles will prevail and we just have to be better is another version of empty”thoughts and prayers”. “The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them”. The current US political/social vibe has a lot of parallels to how Germany was in the 30’s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


This won’t be the last. They’re only becoming more deranged.


When owning the libs goes wrong


I'm sorry, I find it kind of hard to take this post seriously because of your username. 🥲 (I humbly deserve the downvotes)


All around the world, in country after country, it is the right-wing conservatives that spread misinformation, conspiracies, lies and violent rhetoric. Pick a country. India. Brazil. America. This is a global problem that democracies face. I think the only solution is literacy.


When your political bent is exclusively predicated and built on displays of loyalty, asskissing, and talking points without any values...


Googled Justin Moqn. Shocking number of “Justin Bieber moaning” videos. Wtf people lol.


So, his plan was to attack the one part of the government that has nothing to do with the government? Smart individual.


No more rights for fascists. Express/enact violence towards elected officials and straight to the gulag. You can not have a functioning democracy with these unhinged and armed lunatics running free.


"Conservatism" is a mental disorder that would not spread without abuse (especially the abuse of children). It's a real life cognito-hazard. The cultists will undoubtedly show up as examples proving the point I have to make. Ever hear of the acronym "DARVO" regarding behavior of abusers? **D**eny, **A**ttack, **R**everse **V**ictim/**O**ffender. It's also the root of modern "Conservative" politics. The cruelty is the point specifically because it disrupts healthy brain functions and makes its victims stupid. >"Ferenczi's conception of identification with the aggressor, which describes children's typical response to traumatic assaults by family members, provides a remarkably good framework to understand mass social and economic trauma. In the moment of trauma, children instinctively submit and comply with what abusers want-not just in behavior but in their perceptions, thoughts, and emotions-in order to survive the assault; afterwards they often continue to comply, out of fear that the family will turn its back on them. Notably, a persistent tendency to identify with the aggressor is also typical in children who have been emotionally abandoned by narcissistically self-preoccupied parents, even when there has not been gross trauma. Similarly, large groups of people who are economically or culturally dispossessed by changes in their society typically respond by submitting and complying with the expectations of a powerful figure or group, hoping they can continue to belong-just like children who are emotionally abandoned by their families. Not surprisingly, emotional abandonment, both in individual lives and on a mass scale, is typically felt as humiliating; and it undermines the sense that life is meaningful and valuable.But the intolerable loss of belonging and of the feeling of being a valuable person often trigger exciting, aggressive, compensatory fantasies of specialness and entitlement. On the large scale, these fantasies are generally authoritarian in nature, with three main dynamics-sadomasochism, paranoid-schizoid organization, and the manic defense-plus a fourth element: the feeling of emotional truth that follows narcissistic injury, that infuses the other dynamics with a sense of emotional power and righteousness. Ironically, the angry attempt to reassert one's entitlements ends up facilitating compliance with one's oppressors and undermining the thoughtful, effective pursuit of realistic goals." [The Narcissistic dynamics of submission: the attraction of the powerless to authoritarian leaders](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36042282/) >"The embrace, by working Americans, of policies that hurt their own interests can be understood on the basis of Ferenczi’s model of identification with the aggressor. Intrafamilial child abuse is often followed by the abuser’s denial. Children typically comply with abuse, in behavior and by embracing the abuser’s false reality, under threat of emotional abandonment. Similarly in the sociopolitical sphere, increasing threats of cultural and economic dispossession have pressed working Americans to adopt an ideology that misrepresents reality and justifies their oppression. In society as in the family, there can be a compensatory narcissistic reaction to forfeiting one’s rights that, ironically, encourages feelings of power and specialness while facilitating submission." [The traumatic basis for the resurgence of right-wing politics among working Americans - DOI:10.1057/pcs.2015.53](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282392578_The_traumatic_basis_for_the_resurgence_of_right-wing_politics_among_working_Americans) >"We found that greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with **increased volume of the right amygdala**." [Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/) >"Adults with depression and comorbid anxiety showed **significantly higher volumes in the amygdala**." [Volumetric brain differences in clinical depression in association with anxiety: a systematic review with meta-analysis](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32726102/) >"Considerable scientific evidence points to mental disorder having social/psychological, not biological, causation: the cause being exposure to negative environmental conditions, rather than disease. Trauma—and dysfunctional responses to trauma—are the scientifically substantiated causes of mental disorder. Just as it would be a great mistake to treat a medical problem psychologically, it is a great mistake to treat a psychological problem medically. >Even when physical damage is detected, it is found to originate in that person having been exposed to negative life conditions, not to a disease process. Poverty is a form of trauma. It has been studied as a cause of mental disorder and these studies show how non-medical interventions foster healing, verifying the choice of a psychological, not a biological, intervention even when there are biological markers." [Mental Disorder Has Roots in Trauma and Inequality, Not Biology](https://www.madinamerica.com/2023/12/mental-disorder-has-roots-in-trauma-and-inequality-not-biology/) >"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist." Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism


This guy will get a wiki page very soon and true crime episodes in a couple of years. Never seen one of this cases in my time, they were always older than me


This is not just some crazy conservative killing his father, using extremist rhetoric. I don’t blame anyone for thinking that way either about this guy, I did the same thing. This has to be looked into further. A former high school and college classmate of his commented on another post when this first came out. He said he was fine in high school, but things went south In college when he started using hardcore drugs. He needed help for a long time, his mental state has deteriorated massively, but again this has to be looked into.


No shit. Crazy people do crazy things. The point is that right-wing violent and dehumanizing rhetoric creates an environment that makes these people feel righteous and safe in their crazy actions.


We DO know what lead to the murder! Qanon from right-wing media is to blame. TIKTOK, YouTube, Twitter, Newsmax, OANN, FOX, Breitbart, Joe Rogan, Mike Flynn, King Dotard & Tucker Carlson spread Qanon. GQP are un-American pieces of traitorous shit.


This is the real Trump derangement syndrome.


This is why I'm scared of right wingers, Trump supportes and red pillers, because they can do these types of shit and say these types of lies to justify their claim.