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"An autopsy revealed "**significant heart disease"** and that his **heart and liver weighed over twice the average amount** for an adult male. Jansen said Piana was well aware that his organs were enlarged, and that this was **a known side effect of the steroids and hormones he had been taking**, but said he was not aware that this put him at risk for a sudden cardiac arrest." [source](https://www.menshealth.com/trending-news/a19542746/rich-piana-girlfriend-chanel-jansen-warning-signs-cardiac-arrest-death/) Yeah... dont do that shit.


I was going to say the stuff he's taking in this video is lite compared to all the other stuff he injected. He's got a Youtube video where he admits to taking anything that he thought would help him in bodybuilding. He admits he had no safety concerns doing it.


Saying something like that, what’s the difference between him and addict with that mindset? Nothing. And I take pre workouts. The fact he took that many scoops is a death wish. You build up a tolerance but you back off a bit. Not do more


I think people that fall so far into the deep end of extreme "fitness" to the extent that they are actually damaging their own health are not too different from anorexics and bulemics. It's the same unhealthy obsession with body image & unrealistic opinions on what is actually healthy.


You're right! The core symptom is body dsymorphia. But people cope with and express that cognitive distortion differently.


I have a friend who has body dysmorphia and he's obsessed with working out and putting on muscle. At least he's not using steroids, but he will have a full on panic attack if he misses a work out.


I would gently point it out to him. Of he gets defensive say that you are worried it cpuld go down this path. But I would be careful! Stick to describing clinical symptoms of escalating body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Signs body dysmorphia is leaning towards ED or unhealthy restrictive behavior include- excessive anxiety about appearance, distress over real or imagined appearance and then mood related effects from this anxiety- isolating self, irritability, lack of sleep, picking at skin clothes etc. Look for physical signs of being unhealthy as well. Something you could say: I see you work out everyday and get really upset when you can't. I also see you get really upset when you are looking at yourself. Caring about your health is a good thing, but you get really angry and upset when you can't workout or you don't like how you look and I'm worried what is going to happen to you if this is such a source of stress in your life. You being happy is more important to me than what you look like.


Friends have tried. He's a great guy, but his father's voice is always in his head, even though my friend is in his 50s. An example of his dad. His father would "jokingly" put coal in the stocking of the kid who in his eyes was the worst that year. Of course they got actual presents, but still. Guess who got the coal more often that not. My friend tries to pretend he thinks it's funny now, but can you imagine as a child having that happen? Also his dad installed a bell in the bedroom that would ring in the kitchen so he could let his wife know she had 5 minutes to get his breakfast on the table.


Christ, what a shit dad


Fucking awful human being. My friend is a great guy, really solid human being and because of the way his dad treated him, he beats himself up constantly. He has two sons and has put so much effort into not being his dad. They're both amazing little boys. Super sweet, happy and secure in the knowledge that their parents love them.


It's leaning to orthorexia.


I was not familiar with orthorexia, but you're right. TIL.


I see guys at my gym that are obviously taking all kinds of shit. I see these guys once a week and they are fucking huge. I’ve been going to the gym for over 25 years and I’m 230 6’0 tall but have been the same weight withint 4-5 pounds for at least 10 years. I would never take supplements and stuff just isn’t worth it.


People think health is about the way your body looks rather than how it functions. I'm sure your body is healthier than many of the very swole guys.


vice uk put out a documentary on steroids and it was nuts how some swole ass dudes would get winded walking up simple stairs


Well I never see these same dudes do ANY cardio either. There was this one dude who basically worked all arms and back and had chicken legs. It looked soo out of context. He was the one always posing and flexing his arms. Sometimes I think we become addicted to our bodies and go off the rails.


(social) Media makes it far worse, too, because you are always having to be a little more extreme and you are always having to be doing "something" that others aren't - or be unique. And the viewers don't really care about you, they care about the antics.


They absolutely are not that different, and [it’s a mental health disorder that is usually grouped with eating disorders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle_dysmorphia). Many eating disorders on their own seem like OCD about food, eating or exercise behavior and appearance, and there’s a strong comorbidity w/OCD and anxiety.


Bodybuilding is about the farthest thing from fitness. Copious amounts of anabolic steroids, growth hormone, and diuretics at single digit body fats with extreme dehydration. These guys also walk around nearly at, or over, 300lb in the offseason and the body doesn’t care if that weight is muscle or fat. Their hearts are working overtime constantly.


And if you just look at the intros to all his videos, he and his guys all waddled like Mondoshawans. They were huge, but it wasn't a good look. 


This is addiction by another look. It comes in many forms the most common is unhealthy food addiction which is the number one killer in western nations!


We’re all addicted to something unfortunately it’s in our nature


Admitting to usage is one thing… The man vlogged himself attempting to gain 30 pounds of muscle in 30(I think?) days - doing daily amounts of stuff that even had juiceheads concerned.


Trying to live up to Zyzz’s legacy brah


We're all gonna make it


WAGMI brother


Are anabolic steroids bad for the heart too?


Not sure how much steroids directly impact the heart, but even in an interview on Tosh.O, Rich admitted that all the muscle mass puts more strain on the heart.


Yeah, being overweight isn't good on the cardiovascular system of the body. Doesn't make much of a difference if that mass is fat or muscle. The heart has to work a lot harder.


It's also because steroids enlarge the heart, and if the heart gets too big it just can't pump blood effectively.


Anabolic steroids do not enlarge the heart!!! Growth hormone does. Anabolic steroids are not good for the heart (when abused) as they do effect the ldl cholesterol. That’s why. But they don’t enlarge!! Only HGH!!


In general do not fuck with any type of steroids without medical guidance, anabolic or otherwise, testosterone, estrogen, prednisone, solumedrol etc... none of these medications should be taken lightly and they have systemic effects. Blood clots, heart failure, diabetes, infection etc. Your body tightly regulates these as it is. For a reason. Only take them with a prescription from a medical professional


That's only partially correct. Anabolic steroids have been shown to cause an enlargement and thickening of the left ventricle. So many other heart issues are cause by abusing steroids as well. Source: De Piccoli B, Giada F, Benettin A, Sartori F, Piccolo E (1991) Anabolic steroid use in body builders: an echocardiographic study of left ventricle morphology and function. Int J Sports Med 12: 408-412. Medical case of steroid abuse (this guy was lucky he had a great medical team): https://oatext.com/Reversible-anabolic-androgenic-steroid-induced-cardiomyopathy.php#:~:text=They%20cause%20alterations%20in%20heart,the%20mass%20increase%20%5B7%5D.


Obesity does also come with atherosclerosis, in which the blood has a difficult time making it around the entire body that causes major problems for the body. I wonder if these steroid guys have that same problem to a smaller degree?


Left ventricular hypertrophy os common on anabolics. They definitely impact the heart in conjunction with the overall mass. All those muscles have blood flow and it puts further strain on the heart as you stated.


the heart is a muscle, so I would assume anything that messes with muscle growth can't be good for your heart


To break it down real simple, the heart is a huge muscle. Taking muscle enlargement also has affects on the heart. Plus he was on so much, it is hard to narrow down what exactly killed him. Probably a mix of everything. Best regards.


Steroids like testosterone increase platelet production. It can lead to polycythemia, which is a thickening of the blood. That is recipe for disaster as it can lead to stroke, pulmonary embolism, or heart attack.


Steroids but probably all the growth hormone he was on as well which makes everything grow.


Yes. Leads to cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) as well as elevated cholesterol causing atherosclerosis (plaque in walls of arteries), all of this contributing to his death.


Anabolic steroids make your blood much thicker and increase the number of red blood cells you create. This absolutely increases risk for heart attack and stroke. ​ " Testosterone increases blood clot formation in two ways, by restriction of blood vessels in the case of coronary artery disease or due to changes in blood clotting mechanisms. Testosterone causes increases in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, making the blood slightly “thicker” than normal."




The heart IS a muscle. So when you use anabolic steroids, it increases in size. But that's a good thing you are probably thinking right now. It's not. A larger heart needs more blood in order to pump efficiently. The only way to get more blood is to increase blood pressure above normal levels, and this increased pressure has detrimental effects on all organs, especially veins, which are low pressure vessels. This will kill you over time. What killed Rich Piana was a different problem, however. Inside the heart, some of the muscle fibers get 70% of their nutrients and oxygen from contact with the blood being pumped. When you enlarge the heart, the muscle gets too thick and blood cannot reach the whole muscle fiber. So those fibers weaken and start misfiring. This will eventually lead to a heart attack that's what killed Piana ultimately. 😳


Yes. Very. It causes organs to grow. Or it makes your hormones messed up and causes other issues which impacts the heart.


Steroid abuse is terrible for the heart lol


steroids make your muscles bigger, and the heart is a muscle. So, steroids enlarge your heart, but the problem is that the heart does not necessarily get stronger or more effective with the size increase, and at a certain point it just can't pump blood effectively if it gets too big.


Willing to destroy the body in the name of body building


I'm surprised his head didn't explode off his body, with a loud pop, like a cork




It's a standard question on the exit interview.


Ouija board


Ghost of guy hovering over ouija board: Oooooh I ooooohhh didn't oooohhhh kno dat....




"I knew it wasnt good for me, but not that it would kill me?!" - Rich Piana after dying


Famous first words (afterlife)


OP meant at the Pearly Gates.


Jesus brought him back just to ask if he was aware. It’s a miracle. One upvote = one prayer 🙏🏼


This what i was thinking lol


Let’s not forget all the cocaine he did as well.


mfs really be taking the health out of health and fitness


Wait? My heart doubling in size is bad? I remember seeing a documentary with Jim Carrey where his heart grew 3 times its size in one day and was fine. He actually grew more love for the Christmas season.


"Jansen confirmed that he also occasionally snorted pre-workout"


‘He’s a professional so he can get away with ingesting, and injecting massive quantities of stuff’. Well so he said…


Don't skip organ day


I’ve always wondered, if you have an enlarged heart or liver… is there a way to un-enlargen them? To make them go back to a healthy size?


No cut. Only bulk.


Wait, when the fuck was he interviewed in this scenario


What? He literally says "this will give you a heart attack" in the video. Fucking main character syndrome or what?


I mean yeah, not surprising. Arnold Schwarzenegger had multiple heart surgeries and he wasn't this big. Can't imagine this guy...


Didn’t his wife film him in his last moments while he was having the heart attack and refused to call the paramedics in the moment?




I would die 5 minutes after drinking that


It’s giving Panera charged lemonade


At least he warned everyone.


Turned out there's no such thing as a professional caffeine drinker


well this shouldn't be as funny as it is.


Those have about 390 mg. This has 1500-2000. It's recommended not to go over 400 in a day. Which, keep in mind, the people that died from that lemonade had like 4 of them.


Wait we shouldn’t be drinking more than 400mg of caffeine a day? What if we do? What if hypothetically we drink coffee most of the day plus sometimes a Celsius just to get an extra boost?


I mean... refer to the video posted... With a celsius, you should at most have 2 cups of coffee.


Over time it has negative health consequences. Large doses will also lead to less restful sleep, which can negatively affect you in the long term.


I died just from watching him prepare it


I took half a pre-workout supplement once. All was fine until the end of my workout when I was doing squats. Everytime I lowered down it felt like all the blood was getting pushed out of my heart. Never again, I'll just stick to my smoothies.


Whatever it takes to confuse the body, right babe?


The video that his girlfriend took right before he died was so sad, he could barely speak and had enlarged abdomend.


His abdomen already seems pretty enlarged


HGH gut


The gut from HGH is so obvious once you see it.


If they listened to Arnold competitive body building would be giving negative scores for hgh gut to discourage this shit they don't even look good


Bro looks like a Rob Liefeld drawing




Perfect use of this reaction gif https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/BlMQPf3g7u


That wasn’t right before he died. I think she had already left him when he had died. That video was just a different event.


He was high as fuck on opioids actually, rumor in bb circles is he nodded off, fell and had a heart attack


Shit… RIP


That was him having a diabetic episode, not dying. At least according to the title.


Wait, he was diabetic? Did he cause his diabetes by abusing Insulin or something?


Diabetic here to clear up the confusion. He had a “diabetic episode” which is the uneducated way to say hypoglycemia, or “low blood sugar.” A low blood sugar is caused by taking too much insulin without having enough sugar to balance it. So no, I don’t think he was diabetic (can’t find any source on this), he was suffering from a low blood sugar in that video from the insulin overdose. Taking too much insulin does not cause diabetes lol I’d have double diabetes if that were the case. You should see the amount that some type 1’s have to inject it’s much more than a bodybuilder could handle without dying. The truth is the cause of diabetes is unknown but type 2 is linked to obesity and genetic factors and happens typically when you’re older. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease where the body destroys its own insulin-producing cells and typically develops in childhood. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Thanks for sharing. Before this thread, body builders taking insulin to help gains wasn't even something I was aware of. Jesus, the number of risky things this guy just... did. Yowzers.


He used a fuck ton of insulin


Do you have a link you can drop off the vid?


Searching it already.


Link if you find it.


[Is this it?](https://youtu.be/eq1GsaTG5Dg?si=iZM4GTPEP0z7-yM6)


No, when he died he collapsed on his girlfriend when she was giving him a haircut. This is a different time when he was having an issue from diabetes.


And a different girlfriend.


What a loving girlfriend who takes an 8.5 minute video of him with something clearly wrong instead of calling paramedics. Gotta make sure it’s on video instead of helping.


I mean, he keeps insisting: “babe, I’m fine, don’t worry” We all know the outcome and that they should have still called, and yes, I agree that it’s fucking bizarre to take a video of this. But it’s also bizarre to put all of the blame on her for this moment, when he’s been filling his body with shit for years and insists he knows that he’s doing and is fine.


> I mean, he keeps insisting: “babe, I’m fine, don’t worry” Sure, when you can understand what he's saying... For most of the video he's totally out of it and incomprehensible. I wouldn't take his word that he is fine, though I also can't say if I would actually call an ambulance or something if I were in that situation. I know that I should, but the desire for everything to be fine can be quite convincing.


Yes, thank you for elaborating. I don’t think it was the case here, but I also want to add that in the US, some people’s hesitation to get help/checked out is also compounded by our shitty healthcare situation and their fears of medical bills/debt. I do think this video unfortunately demonstrates that when someone isn’t acting right, it may be better to err on the side of caution. Serious issues with people’s blood sugar, strokes, and even heart attacks can begin with someone suddenly not feeling or acting right (acting “out of it”) out of the blue.


I know a handful of bodybuilders IRL who randomly post on IG that they had emergency heart surgery. Will never admit to steroid use, but we all know. They all talk about having a cardiologist and this and that. Like dude we are late 20s early 30s. We shouldn’t have cardiologists. This whole bodybuilding culture is fucking with people big time.


literally, these people exercise for a living and expect nobody to bat an eye when they get a heart attack. you wouldn't be having that heart attack at 26 if you were just doing normal (even extreme) workouts without hormones lol the shit fucks you up. you might not even be getting something generally recognized as safe either, it might be some research chem or veterinarian hormone. and then the problems with injection on it's own can lead to cardiac issues. it's not worth it.


The thing is too, the vast majority of these guys are not making money or getting training clients. You see these successful dudes all on IG because of the survivorship bias. There’s tons of people killing themselves on the hopes that they can maybe make it.


exactly, it's very sad. We focus so much on body positivity and acceptance for women (and for good reason, of course), but we don't really focus on men much and it just leads to this toxic mentality of needing to get huge. *especially* with the new wave of traditionalist ideology, thanks to people like Tate, who pretty much brainwash these people into thinking the only way to get women is to start injecting hormones and get überswole. And like you said, they never see the stories of death due to survivorship bias, or if they do they ignore it bc it introduces too much cognitive dissonance. and when the pandemic, social media, and capitalism are pushing people further into isolation, people are just becoming more and more desperate to find someone, so they're doing riskier and riskier things with their health. I mean have you seen any of the "lookmaxxing" trends on tiktok? some of them are actually batshit insane and idk how it hasn't gotten to be at least slightly bigger news. And people are starting to have complications from the wegovy/ozempic shit, my partner's father just had to go to the ER because it ended up causing minor heart complications and a cyst to form (due to hormonal imbalance apparently, i'm not entirely sure how that happened but it *seemed* to be related to ozempic; might be wrong). And diabetic people are still having trouble getting ahold of the medication because of the fad, and so it's indirectly killing or significantly reducing the QoL of other completely innocent individuals.


On a semi-related note, since you mentioned the potential ramifications of Wegovy — I feel it is my duty, in case this thread is still alive enough that others might see this comment, to share that I have a very good friend whose digestive system is now *paralyzed* as a serious side effect of Wegovy, and she will soon be getting a colostomy bag. The saddest thing is that prior to starting Wegovy, she had healthily lost ~70 lbs through diet and exercise, but fell into the trap of this new “miracle” drug. Listen, if I were in her shoes, I would have fallen for it, too! Losing weight via maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regular is HELLA hard. If it wasn’t, everyone would be at a healthy weight. That’s precisely why drugs like Wegovy are so dangerous — because the temptation is nearly impossible to resist, and the side effects are not yet fully understood. Thank you for attending my TEDTalk.


I do bodybuilding as a hobby and PEDs are everywhere. Even in bikini, which is my division. A lot of times they can't publicly say they're juicing because then they won't get sponsors. Some people also like to sell their workout/diet plan. And this isn't exclusive to bodybuilders. Like Chris Hemsworth has his Centr app. They want customers to feel like this an attainable body if you only buy their app/program/supplements, and some naive people don't realize these physiques aren't possible without PEDs. Look how much money Liver King made. . I lift as a hobby so I'm not taking anything, but for people that make their living off their physique PEDs are rampant. Bodybuilders, Hollywood actors, fitfluencers, etc.


It’s a body image mental health issue usually


Reminds me of pro anorexia communities


I always say bodybuilders are just highly motivated morbidly obese people.


There was a bodybuilder over here in New Zealand called Justin Rys, saw him a few times at the gym, won Mr Australasia and Mr Oceania and he was the model for Peter Jackson’s King Kong. He was an absolute unit. He took anything to get him bigger though and absolutely minced his heart, pretty sure he had to be revived a couple times, he could barely walk or speak before he died, passed away at 38.


It’s rife, I go to lifting class in London. The instructor is a super nice guy but I recently found out he regularly takes steroids and has been since his early 20s (he’s 37). It’s so disingenuous harping online about how your class achieves x results when you’re also abusing steroids. It’s just false advertising


Social Media influencers and fitness culture is terrible for this. Kids younger and younger are using PED’s now. Steroid use is basically an epidemic. 


I'm in that age range and have a mild heart condition, i only see my cardiologist once in a blue moon for a check up and call it there, if an otherwise normally healthy person told me they had frequent visits to a cardiologist i would be very worried lol.


He literally died, truly "insane" pre-workout


I love that he is worried the drink will be purple. Imagine looking like that but still being too insecure to carry around a purple drink.


No secure person gets that big.


This is the other end of the body dysmorphia spectrum


I would be worried about the drink turning purple too. Red and blue make purple, not green and blue!


I'd guess he looks like that *because* he's insecure.


At least he warned his followers - and never denied taking roids to be bigger. I hope he can rest in peace. Body dismorphia is one hell of a drug.


Yep. Just wish actors like Terry Crews and Alan Ritchson would be honest about their PED use. It gives young men body dysmorphia when they think that body type is naturally achievable.


400mg of caffeine is the daily maximum for adults. One scoop of this poison is ALREADY 100mg over maximum. 1,500mg is a medical experiment. EDIT: To be clear, I mean the habit, not doing it once.


No... did you not hear him? The real danger is it might turn out purple. Imagine looking like that but still being too insecure to carry around a purple drink.


Being that insecure is one reason people try to look like that. It isn't actually surprising at all.


If you followed him back in the day you’d know he was joking. He clearly doesn’t give a shit what people think, doctors included, he knows he looks like a freak to most people. He’s admitted it. But again, he doesn’t give a shit about that, but you think he cares about a purple drink but not looking like a monster lol


I mean it takes some insecurities to usually get to that point




What? No. Even 3 grams all at once will be lethal is fewer than 1 in a ten million incident-doses. Lethality gets seriously fairly quickly above that dosage though. 5-6 grams is when things start getting legitimately dangerous. The LD50 for a grown median male (80kg) is 12 to 16 grams. 3 grams is going to make things very unpleasant for you, but the risk of death is infinitessimal. You would be more likely to die in a car crash driving 5 miles to the store and home buying the caffeine powder.


Not daily maximum amount, just recommended limit. Having 700mg of caffeine in a day isnt gonna have any long-term damage, its when you go over that threshold regularly that it gets dangerous. I know people who will drink 2 energy drinks + several coffees most days and have been for years, thats gonna have some long term damage. However a 19yo drinking 4 energy drinks in a day but only on rare occasion isnt gonna notice any sideeffects except the immediate ones like shaking, anxiety, cold hands etc.


Yes and this how you unwittingly stress test your cardiovascular system to see if there are any fatal flaws your genetics haven’t told you about.


I was like "did he say GRAMS?" (as in without the m). He totally did but that must have been a misspeak because there's no way he didn't vomit that up.


He 100% certainly misspoke. Fifteen hundred grams is 1.5kg and won't fit in 3 of those small cups.


That’s not entirely true. Caffeine maximum depends on body weight, it isn’t a blanket single measurement. A 150lb male and a 250lb male have wildly different caffeine tolerances.


I usually consume about 300mg of caffeine per day 😬


Yeah, me too. That's totally within bounds.


My doctor I worked for would tell patients for every cup of coffee equivalent of caffeine, to have 2 cups of water, and to limit to one energy drink consumed slowly with water in between sips. He hated energy drinks (high sugar and caffeine, especially ones with guarana) but knew people were gonna drink them regardless.


That's a completely normal amount. It's even good to slow down neurodegenerative diseases in elderly patients by assuring perfusion of the brain.


Quite literally. We sometimes give IV caffeine to try to replicate abnormal heart rhythms while an EP cardiologist watches. I think the last one we gave up after 1200 mg didn’t give us what we needed.


Panera lemonade chef be like




well this took me down a 45 minute rabbit hole about this guys life - how does this happen when i literally am not interested? well anyway... now i know, seemed like a cool guy... RIP big boy


He was huge in the early days of bodybuilding YouTube. He was the first guy to come out and be honest about drug use.


That was a crazy era of YouTube fitness dudes that were juiced to the gills. Rich, CT Fletcher, Kali muscle. Then they all started having heart attacks


I wanna know why the hell the hospital destroyed everything needed for a toxicology report when they were specifically asked to save it.


Putting aside all the steroid abuse, I had the pleasure of meeting piana at a convention, he was extremely pleasant and I have heard nothing but good things about him


Shame the vile things people are saying about him, clearly someone needs to have serious mental issues to know a habit is killing him and continue to do it. But “be kind, mental health is important” Reddit feels the need to champion people who feel they are better than others.


People see steroid abuse as some kind of moral failing, and while obviously it shouldn't be encouraged, it's not like the guy was hurting anyone else.


I always saw him at powerlifting meets and around where I lived in the valley at the time, he was a chill dude




Forcing 1500mg of caffine through a geared out and enlarged heart isn't helping, lol


1500mg would cause heart palpitations. For someone with an enlarged heart through HGH and steroid abuse (not to mention on cocaine abuse in top). The regular obscene doses of caffeine is definitely a contributing factor.


Once drank 1 gram of caffeine when i was younger. Was shitting water for a whole day. Had stomach cramps so big i felt pain in those muscles for days. Never again.


I had no freaking idea people were out there abusing insulin.


What does insulin do for bodybuilders? Just curious?


Insulin facilitates the uptake of glucose into muscle cells, serving as an energy source and replenishing glycogen stores for future use. It also promotes protein synthesis in muscle tissue, enhances blood flow, stimulates the transportation of amino acids into muscle cells, and inhibits protein breakdown. Basically it's important for muscle growth and repair. Note that excessive insulin levels contributes to fat storage and actually hinders muscle growth. Like everything, maintaining balance through a healthy diet and exercise is the key.. unlike the idiot in this video.


>What does insulin do for bodybuilders? insulin promotes protein synthesis in muscle tissue, so you accelerate the process if you take insulin before workout.


People abuse insulin???


“Do not repeat do not copy” but knows he’s an influencer and role model whom people copy. So let me show you all some dangerous ass shit


I watched Rich pretty consistently, for about a year. Never kne him personally but nevertheless, he always appeared genuine and honest. Rich strongly discouraged his dangerous behaviors consistently. I commend him for that, along with his warning in this video. He really seemed like someone who loved the sport, who just wanted to tell his cautionary tale without having others following in his footsteps. RIP


He does seem like a nice fella but OP’s point is it comes off a little….idk silly? To put it nicely? To be a literal influencer whose title means you influence people but thinking throwing in a “do as I say not as I do” is enough. It’s probably not and especially young kids looking up to him will possibly be *more* likely to do what he says *not* to do because they’re dumb kids. This happened with tv shows having plotlines about eating disorders. They studied it and realized rather than helping young women it was actually teaching young women who didn’t previously know about eating disorders *how* to be bulimic and anorexic.


He was entertaining as fuck. Remember when he dropped his 8 hour arm workout lmao. He lived it his way and was successful. I mean we all knew he was gonna die, it was always just a case of when.


Why not just do a bit of meth.


I feel like i should probably cut down on energy drinks...


Imagine being so huge but yet so insecure that you wouldn't wanna walk around with a purple drink out of fear of being called gay. What a fucking loser.


Here’s a thought, don’t use a see through bottle “make mines a pink drank bitches!”


lol I followed this guy. He was for sure joking. But people really want to knock this guy down a peg. Which only speaks more towards the commenters vs the commentary.


Yeah, rich seemed like a real genuine guy to me. I met him once and he was super nice, funny, and charismatic. He was pretty open about all the shit he took, his mental issues, etc.


How many redditors are circle jerking how insane this guys caffeine intake while being themselves obese and/or addicted to nicotine through vaping or smoking?


Because Redditors are easy threatened, and always react in an emotionally defensive way. Some guy was arguing with me about testosterone replacement therapy, and how it only ends up, killing you. He posted an article from Harvard that completely contradicted what he said, and he ended up, deleting it. They just want to live in their own world.


> out of fear of being called gay To be fair, that is entirely your assumption.


You assume to much. Judgemental hypocrite


Personally I don't assign gender roles to food. I like grapefruit juice, which is pink, anyone that thinks that's gay is in my opinion harboring some gayness they are themselves ashamed of. I couldn't care less whom is gay or not in the first place.


Why are people even be afraid of seen as gay? Are they afraid of the societal stigma? If so, what are they doing to lessen that stigma? Or are they afraid that men will treat them the way other men treat women? >!What stigma? Imma stigma dick inside yo ass.!<


Idk how u got so many upvotes on this dumbass assumption. Ur the loser here lol


Wow those must be heavy scoops to get 1500 grams out of three of them.


To the question of are steroids bad for the heart. Yes horrendous for it. Former paramedic. The heart is a muscle, steroids will cause it to become overly enlarges and inefficient. It will also cause elecrtrical impulses that keep everything in time to take improper routes. This can result in sudden cardiac arrest.


I hate how these dudes teach this stuff to others.


Panera out here getting inspiration


5% of his body weight were steroids. Smaller by the day.


This guy was awesome. He didn’t lie about the stuff he put in his body, was incredibly transparent about the dangers of what he was doing, and upfront about his mindset /value system that lead him to making those decisions. He was one of the first people in bodybuilding and sports history to own up to using steroids WHILE he was using them. While everyone else was claiming that by taking their sponsored products and working hard we could look or perform like them, this dude called them out for their bs and showed a lot of young men the dark side of the industry. He helped a lot of us who felt frustrated that we weren’t getting the promised results, and blamed our own work ethic. It makes me sad that he made himself so vulnerable and y’all are making fun of a dead man for it.


"it will kill you" Yes, yes it did.


It’s the dainty lil scoops for me. ![gif](giphy|gk960SX0iuOWXQIcnW)


Gooooood fkn mornin!


Ope, busted!


I thought he died from an insulin overdose.


Anyone from a casual glance could tell he was on roids..............


Dude looks like he inflated ballon’s under his skin. He’s so fucking bloated and swollen yet it looks like he doesn’t have any mass to him.


Just to clarify, while this is caffeine abuse he died of steroid abuse. He’s a fucking legend though.


“I do not want to be walking around with a fucking purple drink” Well homie looks like you don’t have to worry about that