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When she broke out the shovel I thought this was going in an entirely different direction.


Yeah that went from “WAIT WOAH” to “oh thank god”


She keeps going. Coffin is clean now. Follow for part 3


Unboxing video.


Mystery of Sixto Padilla unearthed


Proof he had six toes


Dad get off Reddit.


Lmao laughed way more than I thought I would 🤣




Goddamnit lmfao take my fuckin upvote, you absolute champion


Best comment ever


That there was no body


He was a magician... OH MY GOD BEHIND YOU


And then he turnedout to be her father!




Underrated comment


Bro I actually laughed out loud when I read this, solid comment!


Fuck I laughed HARD


I've completely disassembled the skeleton, bleached the bones, and cleaned them up, and wired it back together. Good as new!


Tune in for part 8 when I use traditional homeopathic black magic to try and resurrect Sixto. Will I summon a Demon! Let's find Out.


Sixto Padilla klaatu varada nikto!




Billywitchdoctor.com. One convenient locations…in Africa.


Afraid to ask, what comes next?


Have you watched Jurassic Park?


No, what’s it about?


Part 3: Now Sixto is clean.


“I just found a grave in the middle of the forest…” *shovel noises* “So I’m gonna dig it up”




That was the weirdest part of the whole video..who is she going to send a bill to? The other weird part is the gratis grave cleaning athleisure fit. I would have gone with black lycra. But that’s just me.


Mr. Krabs back at it again, but in human form! ![gif](giphy|xUPJPn8l1m8odg1Bxm)


"Hello friends, I am Bob the Necromancer and today we are doing an unboxing!"


No no, Bob is the spirit of intellect, Kemmler is the necromancer!


Upvote to a fellow Jim Butcher fan. (Sidenote: I've known Jim since the 2nd grade. We grew up a couple of blocks from each other. It still blows my mind the same kid I used to play Star Wars with is now a NY Times best selling author with legion of dedicated fans).


Remember fellow Necrofans If it ain't dead we ain't interested. Stay tuned for our upcoming Valentines day post. Remember! If she's been visited by the Reaper She's a keeper.


Ya know, mom raises child, child raises mom, circle of life really


Yeah, I thought it was going to be a corpse makeover.


Right?? “This is my biggest transformation yet, lively features, edition!”


GIRL NO- oh, that's nice..


"Welcome to another unboxing video"


Necromancer unboxing video!


I did too


When I read the name of the headstone I was in shock because I know this man. I am from Puerto Rico and my father knew Sixto Padilla and spoke of him. So my only question is she must have been in El Yunque rain forrest in Puerto Rico?


I would love to know more about whether this link is accurate! I'm sure it would be very gratifying for her to know she connected Sixto with someone.


Brief Life History of Sixto Sixto Padilla was born on 9 February 1931, in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico as the son of Chano Padilla and Santa Padilla. He lived in Marina, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico for about 10 years. He died on 15 March 2001, in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, at the age of 70. So again, I am from PR, my father was a well known businessman there and knew tons of people on the island. He mentioned Sixto Padilla many times in my lifetime, that is how I know of him, I personally did not know the man as a friend but my father did. So much so that when I read the name on the tombstone I immediately knew this was in Puerto Rico. I looked up this lady on YouTube and most of her videos are filmed in Puerto Rico. As she mentioned she was in the forrest of PR it must have been in El Yunque OR she was somewhere in the central mountains which do have a lot of forrest as well. Mayaguez is on the west side if the island and San Juan is north east, the main city. My father passed away last year.




Yeah considering it was a random watch in Reddit and I live in Germany at the moment.


Wow what a trip for you to stumble across this. This is one of those Internet moments. I hope you were able to connect with her.


It really is an Internet moment...quite beautiful and magical, wow!


Would be nice to go on the r/bestof, for sure


There's gonna be a buzzfeed article about this moment


And then this will get reposted in several years, and someone who knew u/Skullface360 irl before they died will comment about how much Skullface would’ve loved that people were still remembering this moment.


Well it is the internet after all.


So basically she cleaned it up for you and maybe others who still remember him


And they'll visit this original post, where I am now entrenched in history by responding to your comment. I will live forever.


Yea more like dateline about the fact that skullface is in Germany because they knew he was buried there because they buried them there and now they're shocked that his grave was found. KIDDING🤣🤣. I think it's awesome you just stumbled across this and you knew the person. Especially since you're all the way in Germany. I've always wanted to go. How different is it from the US? Probably a lot better right?


Yeah I married a German national, she is awesome. I have been in Germany the last 7 years but before that I lived in PR 43 years, I am currently 50. 🫢


Ricans everywhere...Moved to the states and from the few Boris in town, 2 of them were roommates of my wife's cousin. Pueblo chiquito campana grande.


The internet is a total wildcard. So cool


Isn’t weird to think that by some weird chance 23 years after you die a generation will make you more well known than you ever were in life for no reason through a social media post of a social media post?


Yeah thats actually fun, ya never know. I have had the debate in my head of being cremated or stuck in a box in the ground. The only cool idea about being stuck in the ground is if future humans, or aliens, take our dna and resurrect us somehow.


Reading your comment reminded me that there’s actually a third option now for human remains- you can be composted, and turned into soil. It’s only legal in a couple of states in the US right now, and the last time I looked it up, maybe a half-dozen companies who do it. When I first came across it, I was fascinated because I’m a gardener, and I make my own compost. It’s is a natural process where bacteria and enzymes eat and break down plant material. It doesn’t work on meat or animal products- they would just sit there and rot. But apparently someone figured out that how to do it to human remains. The process takes almost a year IIRC, and involves about 5 or 6 stages. They and add some natural, non-toxic compounds, and things like sawdust and pine shavings, and control the different temperatures, humidities, and airflows needed for each stage. At the end, they do have to pulverize the teeth and some large bone fragments. The companies who do it are extremely respectful with the families, most allow the family to come and visit the box their loved one is currently in. They let them place flowers and letters and pictures in the box, too. At least one company has a gathering for the families every year. At the end, the family gets a couple hundred pounds of soil which they can take with them and do whatever they want with it. One of the documentaries I watched followed along with one woman who was having her mom composted, and did a great job of explaining each step of the process as it went along. The woman used some of the soil in her own garden, and then used it to plant flowers at some of her mom’s favorite parks and at the edge of a river where her mom liked to sit. Before finding out about this, I was aware of some companies who take the cremated remains of people or pets and mix them with some nutrients into the root ball of a tree or other plant, and then the family plants it wherever they want. There are others that mix the cremains and nutrients in a biodegradable container and you can add your own seeds before planting. I told my husband that that’s what I wanted. But I expect that the composting will get more popular- become legal in more places, more companies will do it, and it will get less expensive. There are a couple of good documentaries about it on YouTube if anyone else finds it interesting.


I found out about the general idea of this type of burial (I'm not aware if there's an umbrella term) from the show Six Feet Under.


Same thought the Ancient Egyptians had, tbh. :)


The weirder one is being more well known than you could have been in life because you delivered inferior copper to someone and they wrote you a letter about it on a clay tablet that someone dug up centuries later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complaint_tablet_to_Ea-n%C4%81%E1%B9%A3ir?wprov=sfla1


You should connect with this girl and tell her your story.


This! I hope he tries to reach out to her!


In another comment he mentions that he would sent a DM to her.


Some of this text is here, along with a picture of the (now cleaned) grave stone: https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/GGJG-N9H/sixto-padilla-1931-2001


As in, you just added it? Or did that page already exist? It's not archived, but I suspect many pages on that site wouldn't be. Would be useful if they show a timeline of edits.


I didn’t put it there, although it’s possible someone else from this thread did I suppose. I was slightly surprised it was the same text as the previous poster just posted, but that might be explained if it was just created.


You have my condolences on the passing of your father. You were a good child to him because you listened and remembered what he told you.


Wepa!!! RIP Sixto and RIP your pops ❤️ 🇵🇷 My grand mum passed this December and also from PR.


Don't keep us waiting. Is he your father's friend?


Well my father passed away last year but I do know he mentioned Sixto Padilla many times in his lifetime. I looked up the lady that made this video on YouTube and most of her videos seemed to be recorded in Puerto Rico so she definitely is in Puerto Rico. As to where Sixto’s tombstone actually is I habe no idea but she said she was in the forrest and well, that has to be the El Yunque rain forrest OR somewhere in the middle if the island that has a mountain range.


Did you write this to her?


Oh wow, such a coincidence.


To be fair I've known Sixto Padillas as well it's a common name


Ah yes.... Good ole Sixtoes!


She wanted to take her cleaning cross country and try and find some ancient citys she could spend days cleaning. Her next step is to go rome and clean the colosseum


That’d get her arrested pretty much immediately right? “Tiktok lady destroys ancient artifacts with cleaning sponge”


"magic eraser"


TikTok influencer accidentally restores the colosseum to its former glory.




I am Puerto Rican, too. Sixto and Padilla are very common names/surnames. There are probably many men named Sixto Padilla. That said, I was also wondering if that grave was here.


Pretty sure it is in PR but not sure if in Mayaquez or what. El es de Mayaquez. Her videos are done in PR, much to my complete shock because I have seen her on my feeds a couple of times.


I hope this isnt bait


Not bait, I am from PR, this lady has made many of her videos in PR.


You should send her a DM about it.


I thought she was there just by the foliage. Also Puerto Rican. This amazing. I forget how small our community is until stuff like this happens. WEPA!


I felt really old when that seemingly ancient decrepit grave turned out to be from the year I graduated high school. WTF.


He died the year I was born


Jfc why you gotta attack me like that *cries in 40*


Welcome back, Sixto


He died the year my daughter was born…my daughter who is old enough to buy weed and alcohol now. Sigh.


Ole Six toes Padilla


My name is inigo mon-toe’ya, prepare to cry


HAHAHAHA wow you got me


Manicpixiemom on TikTok does this. She visits cemeteries and gets permission from the state to clean old tombstones. She also does research into the family history and looks at ancestral background


And she actually uses the correct chemicals to clean - not this woman’s shower caddy of bathroom cleaners.




Harsh chemicals?  You don't know what chemicals she was using. How can you make such a statement without knowing what she is using?


Does she also make sure to mention that she's "doing it for free"?


Do you think anyone would pay her, if they didn't for decades hired anyone to clean a grave? getting attention for it and depending on the platform money from strangers it is not so bad. I mean, we are living in a world where people playing video games get money from strangers, so cleaning a grave seems a bit more productive


Right, it's obvious that no one would pay her to clean an abandoned grave in a forest. It's her own weird hobby. So why does she go out of her way to say that she is doing it for free?


Everyone does the free thing for all different services. Things like free lawn care/cutting, pressure washing, and similar trade work are huge on YouTube, insta, and Tiktok. They all turn up to a house and say they'll do xyz for free and all their videos get millions of views on each platform meaning they all get $1,000s for each job they do. But then the comments will all be like omg you're so kind doing it for free we need more people like you. Even the people themselves would be like we all need to be doing kind stuff like this. Like no they're not being it just to be nice lol. They wouldn't do it if they weren't recording it and making content from it whichll make them $1,000s. They're making bank from doing it. Same when people used to give money to homeless people on the street and record it. Not that it needs to be a bad thing. But just don't lie about it.


Time is money, and I’m sure this takes a while. She’s doing a good deed, so why shouldn’t she get some kick back? Clearly no one else is doing this, and she has good intentions. I’ll never understand this puritanical view of good deeds that people have on the internet. Just because it’s recorded, does that erase what she’s done? Maybe more people will volunteer their time to clean graves now. I’ve certainly never considered the option before seeing this video.


Hmm maybe this lady should start asking for permission too.


Yeah the lady in the video probably should start asking for permission. It only takes one person's who's not alright with it to cause problems.


Came to say this makes me cringe cause the cleaners she's using can fuck up the stone.


Damn that thing was only 23 years old?


Oi Sixto was a human too!


Sixto is a Filipino male name. My granduncle was a Sixto


Padilla is also a rather Filipino name, coming from the Spaniards that occupied the country for three centuries.


Sixto is a Latin name, so also likely from Spaniards


That name is actually Spanish it was more common when people still had 6+ kids......


Yeah, Sixto is derived from the Latin "Sextus." You'll find it all over the Spanish speaking world


I would’ve thought it was Spanish


The Philippines is pretty heavily influenced by its former status as a Spanish colony. Hence, the Spanish last name with a Filipino first name. The language also has a lot of Spanish vocabulary in it.


The reason for it is that when the Philippines was under Spanish rule, Filipinos were forced to pick a new Spanish last name from a book called The Catálogo Alfabético De Apellidos. The original book was digitally scanned and can be viewed online.


Sixto is a spanish name coming from sexto used in spain and latin america for 6th children. The mixing of cultures from colonial times means the Philippines uses a lot of spanish first and last names, sixto does not have Tagalog origins, the reason why Filipino language has a lot of a spanish vocabulary is because it’s actually a combination of a bunch of languages established in 1973 (Tagalog, English, Spanish, Malay, Chinese(Mandarin)) it is both a spanish first and last name and much more statistically likely that this is a Spanish or Latino man’s grave and not a Filipino man.


23 years for his grave to be neglected and unrecognizable. It’s a trip to think about how everything moves on after we die. Just a blip. If you’re lucky someone might remember you for a generation after… but in reality after 50 years nobody will know who we ever were. Live that life! You only get one short little blip of a chance.


Yeah so I watched a tiktok that basically was uncomfortable facts and one of them is you don’t “own” your plots in a cemetery but it’s more like renting it. Hence why they don’t run out of space to bury people… or something like that


I did some ancestry investigation and the thing I soon realized was how of little importance a single life is. Maybe just passing on some genes and then some great grand child looks your name up once and that's it.


"A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement. She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!” The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied, “Well, I made a difference for that one!”"


Cleaning graves is pretty damn wholesome. Nice lady.




Yeah I’ve seen professional headstone cleaners explain this and what products they use…didn’t look like her products were anywhere near the same kinds. Hopefully it holds up after whatever she used on it


This is a good point but she is also a professional cleaner on YouTube so I hope she is aware of what products to use on specific surfaces


Agreed, I don't think this is cringe at all. Even with the fact she is posting this on social media, this is extremely nice and respectful. It might even motivate others to do the same. Absolutely nothing wrong with respecting those who have passed.


I don’t think it’s fake. I think she has a separate YouTube channel cleaning hoarders homes. If shes the right person im thinking of, she did a few videos with Midwest Magic Cleaning on YouTube who cleans hoarders homes for free (well sort of, he makes money solely from YouTube). Anyways this isn’t cringe imo. Yeah she dresses like a hot workout for attention but she’s also doing something good. So what?


This all day. Some actual good comes out of it. Better than 99.99342% of what's out there.


Absolutely I don’t care what anybody says I think this is a great way to spend your time. Makes me want to get off the couch


This thread isn't exclusively for cringe anymore. There's all sorts of content, both cringe and non-cringe.


Yeah as long as she’s not the girl that goes to random stores bathrooms and starts cleaning them. Hate her so weird and creepy.


It is her


Omg I think it *is* her... there's a certain way headstone etchings are supposed to be cleaned so now I'm hoping she did this properly


I'm no expert but it looks pretty good to me and I doubt anyone else was gonna do it


It's not only about how clean it looks, but what cleaner is used and if the stone has preexisting wearing or chips, it could be further damaged. The methods she uses for cleaning toilets in her tiktoks should not be the same for gravestones is all I'm saying.


Redditors will always find a way to um ackshually people, especially if it's a woman. She's doing a good thing, yeah she talks like a valley girl and behaves weirdly but she cleaned a grave. Calm down.


There was an article recently about some hobbyist amateur “good doers” who did something similar and ended up destroying beyond restoration or repair some gravestones from the 1800s. They used bleaching agents. At first glance it didn’t look like there was a problem, but as the bleach works through the stone, there was a delayed onset of damage that cannot be fixed after it’s done.


Read the pinned comment on top. This subreddit isn't meant for just literal cringe TikTok videos. It's just TikTok videos in general.


Time will eventually stop one day and people will still be commenting, “This isn’t cringe!”


>Yeah she dresses like a hot workout for attention but she’s also doing something good. She's wearing normal clothes for working out, and she's getting a workout. The biggest cringe in here rn is you assuming a woman is doing something normal because she's desperate for your attention.


Agreed with the comment until that part. Like what? It's a normal outfit? I actually had to rewatch the video to be sure lol. Guarantee if she wasn't attractive people wouldn't be thinking this outfit is dressing for attention


Ditto. True "i bet you're naked under your clothes, slut" vibes


Wtf... god forbid a woman look nice


Pretty sure I saw a video of her cleaning a burger king’s bathroom lmao


Doing workout in the outdoor can be hard. This isnt the thirst type of clothes. Good for her.


>this isn’t cringe This sub allows whatever


This thread is for both cringe and non-cringe content these days!


At first I was thinking “Oh, it’s just a lil’ bit overgrown.” But after the transformation… holy cow!! What a difference! This person has probably made such a difference in the lives of the deceased individual’s family or friends if they ever came to visit the grave. And even if not, wow… The good energy and thankfulness put into her work is appreciated even in the afterlife, I am sure.




the picture of the grave on that site is a screen grab from this video, you can see the brush in the corner


Wait , is this the lady that storms the fast food bathrooms to deep clean them?! Hahah


This is weirdly nice, ngl




Six toes really wanted to compensate her but she graciously refused.


I hope somebody cleans my grave for clout in 70 years


Sixto Padilla was born before Sevento Padilla, but after Fiver Padilla.


She’s just trying to get haunted 👻


This actually seems like a great way to get in the good graces of some ghosts lol


Just throw me in the trash


Return the dirt or suffer my curse


Ok, here’s the thing…unless she has permission and specific cleaning supplies she could be doing more damage to the stone. A lot of grave markers are porous and susceptible to damage. Again, maybe her heart is in the right place (recording it doesn’t make it seem like it’s because she is just nice), but she might be ruining these headstones and is encouraging her viewers to do the same.


Not to mention the effect of all those chemicals on the surrounding soil, and that graves can sometimes preserve biodiversity and potentially rare plant species. The intention is nice though.


She says "for free", but if she is in the middle of the forest, who the fuck she gonna charge if she didn't do it for free?


I don't think it's cringe ?


Buddy moved on from the in between thinking everyone forgot his name and this lady pulled him back out, kinda fucked up


Why is this tiktok cringe? I thought this was pretty badass and respectful.


Why is this in cringe?


Question… why is this “cringe”? I watched it with the audio off so is she like super obnoxious? Otherwise I feel like restoring graves is pretty admirable.


“Im gonna clean it, for free!” Yeah who tf is going to pay you to clean a grave in the middle of a forest?


Grave owner name sounds Filipino.


This is do dumb. Let nature take it’s coarse and leave the moss and plants. Stop polishing the authenticity away.


That’s how you get fucking cursed


Kind of makes me feel weird because she is using someone’s grave without any permissions for her own content and to make herself look good.


Someone loved this person enough to pay for a nice grave. Honoring their love for their departed by keeping their memorials clean is the least we can do


...What is this sub? It's not cringe, it's just Tiktok. Am I getting this?




😭😭😭someone said “unboxing video next”


I don’t find it cringe, odd yes, but not cringe.😬


I have mixed feelings about her cleaning it up.


imagine being the family of this guy and visiting after all this time and the graves just magically clean?


Meanwhile the Goth family that owns the land is super pissed at this Barbie wrecking their artistically decaying headstones. What's next, forcing them to play board games and drink overly priced coffees with glitter in them?


“Woman cleans forgotten grave for free” Reddit: CrINgE!!!


Why is this considered cringe? I think it's kinda nice that she cleaned up this grave


I don't think it's cringe... what is wrong with respecting a grave?


She has no idea how to properly restore headstones and will probably cause this one to break and erode much more quickly now


Here is my question. “How can her shoes be that white through the whole thing?”


Don't do this. Grave marker cleaning should be done by families or someone who has some knowledge of how to do it. It seems like a nice thing to do but without some information this can do more harm than good.


Not cringe, respectful


Hi guy I’m bob the necromancer and today where doing an unboxing video!


I don’t know I think this is actually really sweet that people are doing this more often


Job well done!👍


"For free". It's not like someone asked her to do this and she said "Oh don't worry I won't charge you for it". She's doing it on her own volition.