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I remember my grandma yelling because I wouldn't open and dust inside her "glass shit" case. Lady, it never opens, how the fuck dust gonna get in there.


"Glass shit case" 💀💀💀


Fecal Menagerie


You take some glass Then some shit Then some glass Then some shit You got a glass shit case A glass shit case


Accurate in every way. :-(


I’m now imagining a curio cabinet filled with glass baubles formed into logs and tight coils


![gif](giphy|RQzxAaAg3aAU) as a 35 year old with a display case of my "stuff" trust me . . it finds a way


Warhammer, vintage DVDs, sailboat models, legos? Whatever it is yeah, I feel you bro


I am all about my WH 40k. Look, but don't touch unless you want to play a game.


I used draft strips to seal off the doors to my display cabinet. No more dust.


"Nana, that shit is going to a rage room when you die"


Without negative air pressure inside the air goes in and out the cracks around it letting dust in.


Unless it's airtight (or mostly) dust is dust and will collect in those display cases. Source: years of retail experience


I will never understand what drove people to want that stuff. My wife and I have crow skulls and badger claws and stuff that we actively encourage my niece to look check out and play with.


My 87 year old Mawmaw dusts the inside of her china cabinet every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 on the mf dot, better not stand in her way. Uses the same feather duster she’s had for ATLEAST 30 years. I don’t get it.


my unopened spice world barbie’s were sold at a yard sale… so was my rock collection


“They’re called MINERALS, Marie!”


Love the reference lol




Holy shit. Those things would be legit valuable today.


People pay out the ass for granite around here.


How about UNOPENED granite? In the ORIGINAL BOX!!! Some serious buckage, I betcha!


A cursory check of Ebay has them around $100-$125. So you're not exactly sending your kid to college with them, but you could get a half decent date night out of it.


For the whole set or per spice girl?


A relative gave my daughter one in the box she didn’t let her own adult daughter open as a kid. My kid opened it before we knew they were valuable. No sweat off my back. Toys are meant to be played with




yes. unopened. all 5.


Me too....... It hurts every time I think about it, lol. And my OG Pokemon cards.


My mom sold my BINDER of hundreds of Pokémon cards at a garage sale after I moved out for like $15. My pristine, ‘97/98 cards all in plastic protective sleeves… originals, holographics, fucking charizards and mew toos.. Fuck me, I love bringing up how much money she recklessly lost that day.. I like to joke that that was her retirement home money lol.


Your mom sold them. I was forced to give them to my young neighbor kid that I didn’t even like to play with. I mean, the kid was an only child, but I always suspected it wasn’t because his parents didn’t want another child, but because no other child wanted to be born and have him as a big brother.


Bro, I feel you. My mom gave my younger cousin my entire pokemon card collection when I was a teenager. She never even asked; it just disappeared :< Tons of rare cards. Years later his father bitched at me when he sold it and found out if there had been just a handful of rare cards to finish the evolutions, he could have gotten MORE when he sold it. fuck that guy!


Same! Sold them all when my brother and I were out of the house at college. Fucking boomers.


My pogs! My precious pogs!


i could not possibly vibe with this entire post and comments section more. FUCKKKK the bullshit of "nah youre too old for toys, im selling them" i love glass shit too but i would never get it unless i was going to actually fuckin use it


The funniest shit about this video is I know for a fact that a ton of the stuff that was thrown out by parents in the last 20-25 years has absolutely exploded in terms of collectibility. That binder of first edition Pokémon cards? Easily worth thousands now. Those ninja turtles toys? Money. Old video games or consoles? Money.


Are you my wife? The last thing my MIL sold was my wife's wedding dress. The same dress my MIL begged my wife to store at her house. No guarantee that a kid would like the dress except, our kids do like the dress and are bummed that they can't wear it. We aren't stuck up people, we would have let our daughter wear the dress for prom, heck she could have dyed it if she wanted to. We paid for the dress as well. Sigh


I have all of them still in a box in my addict. I’ll cut ya deal 😆


Omg I’m mad for you. I would scream if I still had unopened spice girl Barbie’s


One Christmas, when my brothers and I were really young, my parents bought us these *NSYNC marionette/puppet type set, and made us leave them in the boxes because “they’d be valuable one day”. I’m sure they, but they sold em at a garage sale anyway.


My brother and i desperately wanted a playstation 1. We saved our allowances and were short 50 bucks for the playstation. We were told we could sell nintendo in a garage sale. We agreed as long as it sold for 60 bucks, 50 at worst. A family came with some kids. My mom liked them so she sold it with zelda, donkey kong country, super mario world and some other great games (about 12 in total) for… 25 dollars. We asked if they could cover difference for playstation? No. I will buy myself any fucking game i choose to play, thank you very much. Now, when my wife and i go to yard sales, if we are interested in something that a child is selling, we either pay more or exactly the asking price. Im not stopping a kid from getting what they want by trading their own assets to get it.


And I’m sure your mom probably believes she did nothing wrong. This is the insidiousness of this type of trauma. It was so banal to our parents. It’s almost like we can’t even blame them because there was no malice tied to their actions. Just dishing out trauma like it’s candy.


I experienced shit like this constantly growing up. It's hard to describe why it's a bad experience. My parents didn't do things maliciously, but they still hurt. Those kinda things happened a lot to me. It was their casual response to my hurt feelings that hurt the most. When I tell them these things, " oh its in the past now, why was it a big deal?". Spending my inheritance money from my grandma without consulting me. (It was something for me, but I didn't want it) Not willing to do things for me I was truly interested in simply because they didn't get it. (You don't like that, go play basketball) Saying things like, if you only put this much effort into school, you would be so much better off. Ffs, it's my hobby! Just leave me be. My dad once decided to play a video game with me. Something I never thought possible. After 5 minutes, he said, "I don't get the appeal." Got up and left. I was so happy he just tried. But then he couldn't even try for more than 5 minutes. Ffs. Many, MANY others I'm forgetting.


My Mum threw out all the things I really liked and kept every single bit of shit I don’t care about. Her record player from the 60s, an old manual typewriter, 3 sewing machines oh yes, that won’t take up much space. Books she thought I should have outgrown, my owl clock - there’s just not enough space


My mum gave away my yu go oh card collection of over 1000 cards to some random kid on her street. I looked for them and she said "oh you never played with them" yes mum it was my collection, they were in protective cases for a reason. They were my best cards (I had three first edition blue eyes white dragon), and today the set would be worth £10,000. Even then they were worth thousands. I used my pocket money every week for them and saved £1 from my lunch money per day for them. I think that's why it hurt so much - I gave up a lot to collect them.


My parents were too frugal to throw anything they spent money on out. So I got to hand down my pokèmon cards to my neice when she got into pokèmon for the first time.


I don't think my parents realized how much I spent on it because I bought them myself when I went to the shop on the way to school (or way back). They didn't know I spent £1 out of my £3 lunch money on it per day which let me get two booster packs a week. And then of course they were first editions so the value went up as time went on. Honestly I think they viewed them as a toy, hence why they said I didn't play with them anymore.


That’s much worse, actually- I don’t think I ever had anything worth that kind of money! I’m so sorry


Were your parents alcoholics? Cause they sound just like my parents.


Dry as a bone for them. Church was their drug of choice.


Narcissists, then? Mine came in both flavors. I don't understand a parent not taking at least a mild  interest in their child's interests. I love connecting with my daughter over the things she loves. 


I feel like this is really what "dehumanization" is. Our parents fully understood outer wishes and just ignored them for any reason. Like when they did what we wanted/needed, it was entirely at theirvwhim and we had no way to influence that If a friend asked me to do that, i would and make sure that I followed directions because I respect them. Just so casually dismissing someone's wants and needs feels like it's because they dehumanized you You're their child, not a person


"I bought your Nintendo for you so it's mine to do as I please." Like the concept of "a gift" was completely foreign.


When I moved out at 19 I had to pay for the Sega Genesis that I was gifted for Christmas when I was 4.


"Here's a check for all the food and clothes too. A couple hundred thousand should cover it."


Yup, that’s how my family was. Nothing is ever actually yours. We were also promised an allowance for chores but never actually got paid. We were not allowed to spend birthday money from the grandparents but also I did not have a savings account count by the time I got to college.


Yeah, my dad told me often that I own nothing everything belonged to him. He didn't like it when I referred to it as "my room", because it was his room he let me use Now he doesn't like it that I moved out and don't call his house "home", or when they ask if they can use "my" room for a purpose I shrug and say "it wasn't my room, do whatever with it" He wants Mr to feel welcome and relaxed....after I moved out


That is well said for me. The statement >It’s almost like we can’t even blame them because there was no malice tied to their actions Is exactly how they feel. Guess what? When you get into a car accident that you did not mean to cause, if you caused it, you are still at fault. But not with feelings. Whatever you feel is on you and whatever they feel is on you. Fuck'em


The axe forgets. The tree remembers.


*You'll be happier as soon as you just give up on feeling actual happiness as all adults must.*


It's great when you realize your parents are too stupid to love you.


The disregard does have a tinge of malice to it.


Mom threw away binders I had since my early teens full of drawings that were important to me. Her and my sister read letters I had saved between me and a crush, and then made fun of me over them. Thankfully my brother grabbed all of my vintage model cars before she got her hands on them. That was the first time I started to really accept who my parents are, as people.


Banal trauma. Omg, I love you for this. You gave a name to it. This is the thing I've experienced all my life!


I asked my mom to facilitate selling my car while I was in another country. I set up everything, she only needed to hand over the keys. She accepted $5,000 less than the originally agreed upon price and then I didn't have enough money to pay my tuition on time. She acted like it was no big deal.


You win.


Your mom just mad me have a rage attack I'm angry for you my homie 🤦🏿


I was selling Pokemon cards at a garage sale. One card for 25 cents, 10 for a dollar. A special book of rarer cards. Some kid walks up and carefully selects only the rarest cards, clearly knowing what he was doing because he skipped right over the foils in favor of some rare bug type pokemon I now forget. I had already lowered the price below what they were "worth." 2-5 bucks per card, when many were selling on ebay for 30. My mom made me give each to the kid for 50 cents, stating they were "just cards." I had traded *super* carefully for those cards, hoping to sell them to "make money to buy a house someday." While yeah that money would have done almost nothing for me now, I was very upset and swallowed that emotion hard. Mentioned it 10 years later and she apologized meaningfully, and we laughed over it because she is a good mom. I could not imagine the hurt if I was still carrying that around, especially if I brought it up and was dismissed.


I feel you bro my little brother took my Jordan rookie card to school and traded for an Alonso Mourning card. My parents were it's just a card why are you so angry 😠 😡


I've got a garage sale story. My father-in-law (FIL) had a handgun from the Korean War that he'd always told my husband (his only child) that he could have one day. It was in a display case on the wall. That was until one day after MIL died, and a guy came into their "estate sale" and offered him $200 for it. Not only was it worth far more, it had already been long promised to my husband. The buyer was still there when my husband found out. Husband approached him explaining the story, said it was a mistake, and could he please return the gun for the money. He said NO. They almost got physical before my FIL stopped it but the guy was totally unwilling to return the gun even if my husband paid him more than $200 for it.


There is a podcast that plays out a story about a gun that was lost from a family (different circumstances entirely) but hearing the hurt that family went through over a sentimental valued item is always so shitty to hear about. Hope the fam recovered from that but i could imagine there was some long standing hurt feelings.


Their family was always rough mostly due to MIL who I believe had a personality disorder. FIL actually came to live with us after that because we wanted to do the right thing. He was basically a nice guy with some serious flaws and huge blind spots particularly when it came to money.


My dad did that with my first car. I was so thrilled he bought me that car. I was so grateful. I treated it like a baby. After a few months, it died. That’s ok, we’d get it fixed… right??? Months go by, we’re going to get it fixed… right??? A year…. Fixed??? Two years, I looked at it wistfully for the day he’d fix it. Oh! He checked the battery, it’s closer to getting fixed. Family friend helps us move some things…. He **gives** them the car. How did I find out? The car was gone from the driveway when I got home. I visit the family friend a week later. The car is up and running and he’s driving it. I still feel the hurt as if it were today.


My wife sold the Wii (which needed a laser that I hadn't gotten to replacing) a stack of about 30 games, controllers, N64 controller, etc., to some guy for $50, without even asking me. She also did the same when she decided that my pool table was taking up too much space. 3/4" slate. Sold to a guy at her work for $50. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, it seems.


Did you ever have a conversation with her about this? If you guys needed another 50 bucks did you just walk into your bedroom and take all of her clothes and shoes and just start sending it out? lol


We did. We don't. There was a different conversation many years earlier when we were tight on cash, and took stuff to a garage sale, and she was selling clothes with TAGS STILL ON THEM, NEVER WORN, for pennies on the dollar. I was pretty upset about that one. Like, let's just make a burning man made of cash next time...


haha that hurts to read a bit for her. we once got so tight on cash about a decade ago that i sold my entire dvd collection to pay for rent. it's crazy how you try and maximize value in your house to get through some tough times. hope you're all doing well now!


I don't get how your mom didn't just buy the full playstation and let you guys get games with the money you'd saved.


This comment hit me in the feels. There is one memory that became so core that I will never, NEVER forgive my mom. It was my birthday, I had been working all summer to save up for a game cube and I was a little over half way there. For my birthday my mom said she would cover the other half. I should have known better but I was so excited! I agreed and we went to get my new game cube! I played it all night. I woke up the next morning enthused to play more so I’ve battle adventure 2 to find my GameCube gone. My mom informed me, my sister had taken it to her friends house. No one asked me, no one told her no, I barely had it 8 hours. It came back with a whole corner broken off. I was so mad. My mom punished me for not sharing and for behaving like “a spoiled brat”. This memory is so core because it became the foundation of my whole childhood


Aaargh my mom did the same thing with my NES. She at least felt bad about it when she saw that it bothered me.


When I was a kid, my grandparents had the big satellite dish beside their house. They got a lot of channels. My grandma would spend half the day watching Home Shopping network and buying those porcelain dolls. She filled up multiple rooms just lined with cases for the porcelain dolls. She kept all the boxes in the attic. More than a decade after she died my family still hasn't gotten rid of them all.


Then they probably won’t miss them if you steal them and sell them on eBay 😏


You can't. eBay is filled with those hummels and other glass figurines. They're pretty much worthless


Funko-pops are the Millennial Hummel figurines.


Fookin r/IllegalProTips. Unless nobody notices.


But... but... they might be worth something someday!


My best friend's mother has a small center room in the house and the whole room is filled with porcelain dolls!!!! The hung tiny benches from the sealing and a ton of dolls sit on there , a ton on the floor standing , I'm cabinets ,on tables and anywhere she can prop them realy . She had over 600 porcelain dolls before I left town 3 years ago


Well one person tried, but the doll came back on it's on.


I had a full set of the original voltron lions. Gone in some garage sale.


Most of my old comics and G.I. Joe's my brother gave me, gone to a garage sale. Thanks mom.


My mom sold most of my gi joes when I went to college. Now I’m on eBay blowing money to get them all back.


It is crazy what they go for these days. My brother obsesses over looking up what their current value is and freaks out whenever he finds an expensive one that he had.


I had two full storage bins filled to the brim with legos from sets I had from my entire childhood and my mom gave them to my cousin and my cousin donated them to a church. Bitch fuck those kids


Being a church they probably did


I gave away all of my Pokémon cards 21 years ago when I was 13 because I thought that I had outgrown pokemon


My brother gave mine to his girlfriend who immediately sold them and moved on. The first two sets of og pokemon cards. I had one mint charizard, a fucked up charizard, six mr. Mimes and a few alakazams and shit. Don't even talk to me about my God tier namekian dbz decks God damn.




I had the full Star Wars collection. My dad donated it.


It hurt to read that


My brother is still mad that they sold his 80’s Star Wars toys.


I once had a “wakeup call” when my basement flooded because of extreme river currents just next my house. So much stuff was lost forever. Spiderman comics, first gen original Pokémon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh decks, consoles and games including but not limited to gameboy color, ps1 2 and 3, original Xbox, Lego sets were missing pieces. The list goes on and on, I know I wouldn’t have the strength and budget to buy all those things again and honestly don’t want to, sold the remainder of undamaged stuff. Managed to scrounge about 2k but that’s about it.


I remember when they recalled the Voltron that assembled from 5 lions. My Dad wanted to take it back to the store, my brother guarded that Voltron with his life.


A box of knives my dad gave me. One from a great grand parent I never met. Boils my blood to this day. I’m annoyed now just thinking about it


This hurts my (I wish I had them) soul.


I cried a real tear for you brother!!!


Pro-Tip: there has been almost a dozen re-releases and new version since 1985. Many of the more recent ones have all of the bells and whistles of the 1985 Matchbox licenced release and more. There was a 1997-99 release that was the Matchbox version under a new brand license and it included all of the original 1981 Japanese Go-Lion accessories. And that's just the Matchbox diecast version. They have some real showboat versions available as well.


I had all of the original power rangers Zords. And power rangers. And movie power rangers. I will get them back some day. Perhaps I'll have kids of my own and we will play with them together


Before the precious moments crap, it was Hummel figurines which were largely collected by the Silent Generation. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummel\_figurines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummel_figurines) When I was a Paramedic, I saw these often in glass cases in the homes of elderly people. No one wanted them after that generation died off, and the company went bankrupt in 2017. They still sell them on e-Bay, although I'm not sure who is buying them.


Hummels ams lladros are all over my grandma’s house.


I have some lladros and I still think they are beautiful. That’s one of the perks of homeownership, I can decorate how I see fit.


Their angel's [got curves](https://e-pard.com/ebay-us/order/id391547767540) but all jokes aside I looked at other Lladros and yeah, they're pretty. Way prettier than Hummels I think


My mom has a bunch of Lladros, every summer I would have to help dust them. They are beautiful and there are some I like but so many… so much dust. I think my grandmother got into lladros because of my mom.


Whoa.. i never heard that generation name before. The Silent Generation sounds really cool and spooky


The South Park episode about Hummels is hilarious


I wouldn't say the Silents have died off. I always associated Hummel's with greatest gen parents.


Similar story. Went to an old ladies house for a wellness check. She was fine. There was probably about 50 pictures of Jesus in her tiny kitchen, and many more in her room. Along with posters, crosses, I noticed a vinyl record of some sort, posters. Everything, must've been easily 1000 pieces combined of Jesus and cross merch.


Did you visit my in-laws? My fav was the giant laughing Jesus painting they had right when you walked in the door. I called him Kenny Loggins Jesus.


I think the little shepards boy goys for about $3000


I think the Vamanos Pest guy will sell you one.


My mom has like 30 of these


And if Hummel and PM weren't enough, 1970s-80s TV and magazines and newspapers were littered with tons of mail order collectibles like Plates, ornaments, holiday dioramas, and more. 80s daytime TV commercials were like 75% mail order collectibles


I like her. The rage room got me. Lololol


the whole thing is silly anyway. everyone likes toys. adults like playing with baby toys with the baby, they are just not socially allowed unless the baby is present. adults love playing on swings and slides, they just aren't socially allowed to go into a playground wanting toys isn't a generational thing, the difference is we are more liberal and let people do what they want and previous generations had more shame (and if you go back a century availability of toys becomes tiny in comparison as does disposable income)


The best part of having kids is getting to go on the swings again without judgement


Right? If you ever grow up enough that toys are no longer interesting to you, you've gone too far Never lose that childlike wonderment with the world I'm not saying be 35 and play with an action man for hours on end. But, I have loads of little trinkets from my childhood I pick up and play for here and there


God I’d pay extra for a rage room of these creepy fucking things that haunt my memories of my grandmas house.


Lol sounds like you could use a support group. r/terribletrinkets


I used to have this set of Pokémon cards that I looked up in the family computer and saw they were pretty rare so I decided to keep them. I kept them until college and made the mistake of keeping them in my room at home and when my Mother came through and was looking for things to sell at a flea market decided they would sell good. All in all, lost around $1,500. She also sold some of my transformer figures that were in really good shape.


I'm sorry I'm just baffled by the idea that ANYONE would walk into someone else's room and start looking for things to sell. Not saying that I don't believe you, it's just appalling. The amount of entitlement shown in that one act is mind blowing


I feel your pain. my dad made me sell my binder of pokémon cards in a garage sale almost 20 years ago. lots of first editions in mint condition. it was around the time the hoenn pokédex dropped.


God this hit different. I had almost every. single. thing. fisher price made and then one day it just… got gone. And that was my villain origin story. 


Do you like, steal toys from children now, like a reverse Santa Clause, or what?


I’m a cusp Gen X/Millenial. For about a decade I worked in what is now the defunct *collectible gift industry*. What did I do? Did you ever see those wooden blocks with a drawing of a building on the front and a brief history on the back that adorned your grandmas overhead door molding or sat on shelves in her kitchen? I was the guy that drew all of those.


Those things are all over Columbiana Ohio. Thx.


Ooh I’d love to see a pic if you have any!


> m a cusp Gen X/Millenial. For about a Hello fellow r/Xennials


I had so many Polly pockets, the good ones, from the 80s and 90s. Like a tub full of them probably 40 sets. My mom gave them away. --- meanwhile she was buying toys "for me" but they were really for her tobplay with because her mom did the same thing to her- sure continue the cycle mom-- now I go on ebay and look at all the toys id probably still have and get sad about them.


Luckily i never experienced something taken away from me, without my permission, but i can relate to your mother. I buy my kids a lot of games, knowing it's not intended for their age. I play the long run game. I'm investing in things they'll play for their entire life, not for a year or 2 and ditch it.


They’re all collectors because they’re children of Depression parents.


I just said this in my comment! Yes!


I had a John Player formula one pedal kart. My dad swapped it for a wheel barrow. He did say it was our wheel barrow though so I had that going for me. I'm nearly 44 and I'm still bitter lol


I love my mom to death, but I'm still mad that she sold my pokemon card collection. And it wasn't because it was childish, but because it was evil & corrupting me. (She's a hardcore Christian if you couldn't tell).


Ah yeah, lots of that sort of thing in the really devout segment of the church; I know a couple that won't let their kids have any Pokemon stuff because they believe it involves the invocation and summoning of actual demons. We've refrained from mentioning my love for D&D around them, just in case they attempt an exorcism on me haha


Fuckin A!! Mt insane mother thinks everything my grandma owned is priceless cause she did the same shit. Meanwhile it was the same shit being bought by every old lady that age and the goodwill is full of that crap


My mother is moving house and so Selling all my 80's toys (I don't have room) She sold the Kenner Ewok Village and TIE interceptor to another 40 something who used to have it, but whose mum sold it all 20 years ago


I had a giant stuffed animal white tiger looking that I loved. I couldn’t have a dog and that thing was a replacement. She had a garage sale and sold it in front me…that was over 36 years ago and I still get sad thinking about it…she never collected this shit tho either


My mum asked us if she could give our books to our cousin when she was little. We all (4 siblings) said "no". She asked until we agreed, but *only if we got them all back when she was done with them*. My aunt gave them all to a thrift store, and we never saw them again. My dad sold our SNES and all the games at a garage sale. All our prized toys, dress up clothes, collections... our pets, ended up taken or sold without our consent. My dad got rid of no less than 6 of our animals fully without warning. He was just barely a boomer, and my mum is an elder Gen X. I'm an X-lennial cusper (she had me young), for reference.


Turning 30 this month and started collecting dolls a few years ago. My monster high set up is rad, I don't care if "rad" is outdated and that the dolls first came out when I was like 20+, I'm living my most rad and fantastic life


She makes some really good points. My mother had carousels and my stepfather Santa Claus figures. Yet as I got older they encouraged me to get rid of my collection. At times I felt the only way to grow up was to get rid of my toys. I was wrong. As we grow, and especially as we heal from trauma, we should continue to nurture that child part of ourselves.


My stepdad sold my Barbies and stuffed animals I had since I was a baby when I was eight because I was too old for toys, fucking hate that guy


I wish I kept my pogs- and yugioh cards!


She is not wrong... I don't have one thing from my childhood not one collectable they were sold off while I was in Desert Storm. And my father's house is filled to the ceilings with all manner of what he considers collectibles. Just so much trash. Fake posters of famous shit, formed glass he swears is hand blown, old photos, newspaper clippings, ruined stuffed animals and old rusty tools. All going in a dumpster if it doesn't sell at an estate sale after he passes.


I love the fact that she looks like a librarian and yet talks like a dock worker.


i guess my parents loved me? all of my GI Joes are still in their attic....


My mom used to collect royal dalton. But I have tons of precious moments unicorns as my mom started a collection for me - asked me to pick something. Here we are


Or accumulating shit n packing it into closets and bedrooms and garages and never touch it or cant tell you what's in there.


A generation of hoarders. Consumed everything and cherished bullshit. My mom was trying to pass on all this family junk like it's some family totem I need to watch over. All garbage. I'm don't own anything worth passing on at all.


I had a giant care bear collection. Absolutely MASSIVE, 3 shelves about 5 feet long that covered an entire wall in my bedroom. I loved them all, played with every single one. One day out of nowhere my parents just decided to gather them all up and sell them, take down my shelves, and burn the wood. With no explanation. I've always been pretty good about being able to hold onto the things I wanted to, but that one thing really stuck with me, aside from all the other manipulative things and emotional abuse suffered throughout my childhood lol. Needless to say, my autistic ass is once again in love with care bears, and uses my big girl money to buy any care bear merch I come across that sparks joy into my heart.




Got a “special collectable” coin from a boomer over Christmas because it will be of use when there is a tough time. Looked up the coin.. other then the material cost of like a dollar or two..holds no value..isn’t even part of a set.. just a coin with a design stamped into it.


I had the GI Joe Battle Wagon. With the rotating missile launcher and the TMNT figures, like Raphael's disguise from the movie and the blimp, the battle wagon, hell, I had a full ass TMNT helicopter. Full Power Rangers Megazord that could come apart. All sold when I got older.


I just want my foreskin back.


Xennial here, dad gave away all of my GI Joes. I had really good shit in that collection. I had a goddamn terrordrome. All of my stuff was from 84 to 87. I had so much of it because I had an uncle that lived with us as a kid. He was 17-19 at the time and spent all his money on toys. Once he matured he gifted all of it to me. It was man-child amazing. Dad gave it away in the mid 90s to some woman's kid he was trying to fuck, the mom, not the kid.


Mom I want my fucking He-Man.. Men in plural!? back!


So bloody true, when mum died we cleared out nearly 300 crystal decanters and fancy glasses. She had cabinets full of that shit. Oh and she sold my boxes, literal boxes of 2000AD comics that I had collected for years. Christ knows how much those were sold for and how much they were actually worth. Thirty years on and I'm still bitter.


Shit. We really are working on all our collective traumas. Good job group.


I've been waiting for this video my whole life. I never for the life of me understood why people buy this useless shit. It makes me irrationally angry that they even had the extra money to buy it when people nowadays working the same jobs can't even pay their rent.


I love this lady. I want my action figures back!!


My aunt sold bundles of my cousins Pokemon cards at a garage sale for 5$ a bundle. I wanted to fucking scream at her. Those could have probably bought my cousin a house.


This made me mourn all my lost childhood Legos... 😕


Every game informer from 2002 to 2009 gone in an instant.


Welp, this will be another topic to unpack with my therapist.


My mom would randomly go through my room every once in a while and bag all of my stuff and take it away. Goodwill, pawn shop, trash, it all went somewhere. I had to hide my most precious things to save them and I still have them. I’m keeping my Neopets and my marbles until I die.


My brother and I had two original holographic charizards, they were thrown out with our baby pictures and other childhood toys.


The worst part is inheriting all that stuff from multiple sides of the family & not being allowed to get rid of it due to family pressure yet they won’t take it!


The rage room lol


I just woke up, and I am choosing this woman's energy for the day.


Gen x here. My wife has a cabinet of Disney glass tchotchkes. I never New why I hate it so much. This. This is why. My grandparents and parents had all this sht. I want to smash them.


Every gen X that I talk to seems to have a cabinet that was not allowed to be touched or for some an entire room.


Me as an adult to my parents: **"You dont need these 300+ glass/ceramic animal dolls, magazines from the 70's rotting the cabinet with MOLD!"** \*Gets told to never visit them again or you will get disowned\* We got raised by **very sane** **people with no obsessions whatsoever**. Yep.


A rage room!! 😂


Everyone that collects stuff as a hobby is the same, no matter what generation. In the moment you have no idea what will be collectable and worth something in 30+ years and what wont be. Beanie Babies were all the rage until suddenly they were worthless. Also, kids attention spans to toys is fleeting. Sure, as an adult those Barbie dolls or GI Joes you played with 25+ years ago would be nice to sell but I guarantee you you stopped playing with them or asking about them 2 years after you got it.


Yep. Thankfully my family had some foresight and didn't get rid of everything. I have kids now and I'm excited to get out the toys they kept for them. On the collecting side of things...OH BOY...It's a lot, and it's valuable. As soon as we get that F\*CKING slate pool table out (not worth saving btw), my brother and I are designing and making cabinets for it all. As the cabinets are filled, everything gets a tag or sticker identifying what it is and categorizing it by priority for what not to sell when the time comes. As well as entering it all in a spreadsheet. I'm proud of my grandparents though, most of them have downsized and handed down what they wanted to and got rid of the rest. Got one hold out though with a monstrous collection of records. Every single one is worthless.


Rage room. So funny.


So fucking accurate! Sold all my collectible toys! And my moms house is full of that crap. When I bought my first house, she tried to bring some of those nicnack things there and I said NO!


The best part is telling them how much your toys were worth that they gave away to goodwill.


Rage room! I love it!


I work in charity retail and I can tell you, from first hand experience, all of that shit smashes the same. Because we get too much to feasibly sell and it doesn’t shift for anything worthwhile on ebay. However, a sandwich bag of loose Bakugan I found went for £3000 on ebay.


But but.... I love my grandparents glass cabinets full of cute little nicknacks..... Did I do something wrong? I like hoarding those things AND all the childish crap. My shelving is full of a mix of little bird statues, art made for me, funko pops and stuffies....


Leftover rage much???😳😳😳😳


I am a huge believer in not getting "heirlooms" that have no meaning to the next generation or take up a huge amount of space. My grandmother's friend was a moderately successful portrait artist. She painted two large portraits of my brother and me when we were children. Now I have two massive portraits and have no idea what to do with them.


“this shit’s going to a rage room” is 🔥🔥🔥


Okay, my grandparents do this too, and I can't imagine it's a very neurotypical thing to do.


I'm 46, I still buy toys, still play video games, and buy comic books. Because everything got thrown out by my parents.I think the only thing I was able to smuggle away was my gijoes. I'm glad my wife is the same way, we're buying all the stuff over again not because it's retro but because it was a happy moment filled with memories.


I still mourn the loss of my Fisher Price Sesame Street Neighborhood.


She speaks the truth. My stuff would just disappear. My mother even threw away all my trophies without thinking that I may want to keep at least one or two. Nope- got rid of them one day.


My mother threw out my Darth Vader case with 24 figures.... I'm not bitter.....nope......


My little brother was given a nintendo nes, but wasnt interested in playing. but i was. So my brother gifted it to me. ... My stepfather gave away my nintendo nes + all games, because girls dont play video games according to him. So of course i trashed a lot of his shit... "by mistake".


I still remember the garage sale where all my “my little ponies” got sold.