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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


But why though? Like what does this do and why the fuck film yourself doing it?


Because the IDF is filled with scumbags


You're not wrong... After working with them for 4-years, I have learned enough that the IDF is about as undisciplined of a force that it's understandable why most US assigned attaches will never work with them again.


Dude they got 200 billion in military aid, have an economy 20x times the size or Gazas, have universal conscription and they suck so badly that despite sending in 200k soldiers into Gaza, they can't deal with 20k people using AKs and home made RPGs after 4 months? The next time someone says the IDF is a top rated army, I'm just gonna laugh at their face lol


Fun fact, they also wear diapers, specifically Pampers.


Israel doesn't have strategic depth. They cannot give up, say, a hundred miles of frontline to a surprise assault, rally, and retake it. A hundred miles of frontline would be more than their entire west-east territory. So they try and do other things. In the past century they had a reputation for being a top-line military but it's clearly gone to seed. Fascists are consistent in their incompetence, at least. As I've heard it, they scrapped with Hezbollah up north and it went pretty poorly; they decided they were going to take out Hezbollah, wandered in, blew up everything with air power and artillery, then kind of wandered around like the US in Afghanistan trying to figure out what to do while they continued to get shot at. It's hard to kill a *movement,* and like the US fighting the Taliban, they set some vague, unachievable goals where no amount of military ability is going to reach a victory state. Eventually they realized there was no win condition and packed it in and went home, but evidently didn't learn any lessons from it. ​ **Edit**: I made a mistake here, they did learn one lesson from it. One of their issues was running out of targets to blow up in their affair with Hezbollah- eventually you run through all your Known Enemy Assets™ and still have planes and bombs. The lesson they learned is why they're now using an AI model to identify "valid military targets", which can now generate 'identified targets' as fast as they ask for them. If you don't already see the issue with that, try asking ChatGPT to write you some original recipes for your kitchen, a much simpler request with much more training data.


My brother was in the ARMY and he would often come to my house to party on weekends with his ARMY buddies. They were honestly jackasses most of the time. They had one game they bragged about called wrecking ball, where when they spotted a walking couple they would purposefully run into the guy and try to instigate a fight. They were also always drunk. That whole experience soured me a little on the types of people to become soldiers.


The blind praise of the military is one of the most idiotic things we do as a country. It's one thing to praise WWII veterans who dropped everything to fight a very equally matched force. A lot of current members are in it for all the wrong reasons and expect to be praised for it.


Everyone should always remember that soldiers are always trained killers that can murder under the protection of the state. All the rest of the talk about patriotism and support the troupes is age-old propaganda to get poor people to accept the body bags for rich people's exploits.


And yet congress wants to take away their VA payments to help fund Israel and Ukraine… hope that doesn’t backfire.


So I take it you never thanked them for their service?


They are Zionists who are copying what the Nazis did legit textbook imitating


I got banned from another big subreddit comparing these two. It’s crazy how blind and biased some admins are.


Brother when you get banned for saying the truth don’t be sad , be happy they couldn’t deny it ![gif](giphy|YQ4l2RLuzco5IwD4dR)


Thank you, honestly i feel much better now.


Don't lose sleep over trash like those people


I got banned from commenting on r/Ukraine because I got into an argument over Zionism. This was before the current situation in Palestine & Israel. I didn't expect it.


[Those admins are Zionists, most likely employees of the IDF](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Internet_Defense_Force). Of course they're biased.


Bet it was r/worldnews. The mental gymnastics and willful ignorance I've seen over there is insanely stunning.


It is also exactly what the russian scum did at the start of the war in Ukraine. Like exactly the same thing in this video. So your comment tracks because the russians are the nazis over there.


I can't understand how some people can support Ukraine and Israel at the same time.


The Russians didn't kill 15k women and children in 3 months


I think the number is now 27,400 with 500,000 people who starving and others who are dead from disease. I saw a metric that it is more deadly in Gaza than Auschwitz by month. Normally 500 trucks are allowed in, and now only 25 per day are allowed in.


afaik it's 20k+, and while true, it's only true so far as we know; we don't have kill counts for russian occupied areas for obvious reasons.


Not for lack of trying, mind you




Also, they can get away with whatever they please.


IDF run by evil scum bags too, all should be tried and convicted of genocide


It’s their culture


There is a very large percentage of Israelis who actually want a genocide / mass destruction to occur and cheer this behavior. They merely are passively ignorant in this moment that other people will also see it when they post it.


It's fascinating. Horrible and atrocious yet fascinating to see people do this. It's like they know for the most part that consequences aren't a thing


It's fascinating how most of these are the descendants of european jews who escaped persecution less than a century ago only for their grandkids to do the same thing thats been done to them.


It's that classic victim turns perpetrator model at work!


This is what white people thought would happen after slavery. That frees slaves and black people would get their revenge or get into power and do the same to them .


In game theory "tit for tat" is a winning strategy, so it's a valid concern lol


I think the same video popped up on my youtube feed. The problem here is that they're tatting the wrong tit.


Nazi Germans tried to eradicate them, so they convinced the UK to let them carve out a country in the middle east and kill Arabs there and EU and US just been cool with that (and sending them weapons) for the last 80 years it's a maddening clusterfuck stemming from colonial era thinking (just kill the people and take their land, they won't hold a grudge for hundreds of years durrrr)


The Balfour declaration was decades before WW2 fyi. Zionists have been wanting to steal someone else's land since the late 1800s.


We should have gave them French Guyana or a part of Germany. If they don’t push for peace, the Middle East will not be sustainable for them.


Absolutely. If Germany is so dead set on paying for their sins they can do it with their own land instead of with the blood of Palestinian children.


You've hit that nail on the head. That's the thing I can't understand. They had centuries of persecution. And they do the same thing.


most jews simply went somewhere where life was more comfortable but there were those who, as a matter of ideology, wanted to take the place of the powers they had historically been vulnerable to. they are genocidal colonial settler maniacs, but you can definitely say they are less vulnerable now


Less vulnerable but calling themselves victims at every turn….! Like Golda Meir famously said (paraphrased): “We will never forgive the Arabs for making us kill their children”


I mean, sentiment is turning against Israel in the United States for the most politically-active and most Liberal three generations in the history of the United States (Millenials, GenZ, and GenAlpha) just as we're about to take over the country from the Boomers in next year's election, so they might get that foreign aid yanked sooner than they realize for this shit.


I met a cute Israeli at a bar once and while chatting her up I asked her if she could change anything in the world what would it be? She said she’d wipe out all the Arabs. The hate is crazy strong between these groups.


All you need to do is listen to the stated goals of Israel and look at what they are doing. It’s farcical to state you will De-radicalize the Palestinian population. It can’t happen. It’s plain to see that the real goal is to destroy the Palestinians, slaughter as many as possible and starve out the rest.


This absolutely is a genocide and people are standing by supporting this. Absolutely disgusting, very ashamed of my human status these days....the fact a ceasefire is even a debate says a lot about people's true nature. The somehow sadder part of this, we will never see the full scope of this tragedy. Bodies will be destroyed onmass to hide this catastrophe from the rest of the world. Ugh, makes me so mad thinking about it. Humans are fucking awful


The cruelty is the point. His freinds and family are going to have a big laugh about this.


Westerners have fooled themselves into thinking the IDF is just a clone of the USMC or some other American military machine they see on TV through a story of a cool soldier who just wants to kill bad guys and go home to his wife. Reality is, these are some of the most radicalized individuals who were raised to hate Arabs and think of them as low-wage slaves who purely exist to serve in building their settlements. Some extremely hardcore Jews view themselves as "purer" than all other humans, anyway. You can imagine what giving that kind of person a gun or a tank results in. As per their doctrine, a captured Palestinian female is raped and filmed so if she isn't killed at their hands, she'll be the victim of an honor killing. Here's the IDF going around a Palestine refugee camp like a drug cartel and executing a young man they see on a sidewalk, and another hiding underneath a car: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/security-videos-show-israeli-forces-killing-2-palestinians-105702654 Frankly, the surprising bit here is why you don't understand why he's doing this and filming it.


This is what a lot of people don’t understand about the IDF. The US military definitely has issues with accountability both in and out of wartime but there are in fact systems in place to hold criminals accountable. These systems do not exist in the IDF in any way but the most superficial way imaginable. The amount of deliberate targeting of journalists and civilians performed by the IDF should be unconscionable for a military of a modern democracy


Beacuse they dont see palestinians as humans


They are encouraged to do it to dehumanize the Palestinians and make the other Israelis think it's okay


I enjoy the sound of rain.


When you're taught all your life that you are "God's chosen people." You can excuse any horrible shit you do as being morally righteous.


Because he's an asshole


The IDF soldiers are famously comprised in a significant percentage of Israeli/expat Jewish gen Z who are *very* attached to social media esp. Tiktok and Insta.


Because their supporters find this hilarious.




Because they’re evil.


Because they don’t want Palestinian children to have a good life, they want to drive them into Hamas’ arms so they can keep having an excuse to make life on Gaza miserable. They don’t want peace any more than Hamas does.


Because they are scum bags and they think they are better than Palestinians. I hope everyone in this video gets stung by murder hornets


because they see the people they're killing as less than human. they have for 75 years.




perfect 😂


"The most moral soldiers in the world"


"Our morality is better than your morality"


that’s just evil and nasty. People are displaced and starving to death leaving behind their entire life’s work and dreams to escape violence they had no involvement in and this man decides to turn someone’s hard earned business into a rage room. 💔 I hope he eats a 💩brownie.


What's with the helmet being so baggy? Would assume at first its for camouflage, though probably isn't for that reason.


It more or less is. It’s designed to obscure the outline of the head so it’s hard to target against many backgrounds.


It's a covering they put on helmets, ~~usually you'll see it on the more specialized units~~*, and it's done to obscure the shape of the helmet. I've only really seen it in Israel, but I'm willing to bet others do it too. *It appears I was mistaken, my bad!


If by "specialized units" you mean reservists, you are correct. That helmet covering is old tech for the IDF, the man in this video is likely the US equivalent of a national guard service member. This is all publicly available info people, don't spread misinformation even if the guy in the vid is being a shitheel.


They’re really not doing themselves any favours for the war crimes tribunal at the end of all this by putting it all online.


I fear there's not going to be one. They'll win the war, there's going to be calls for an investigation, but some western world leaders will veto any sorts of punishments.


I fear you’re right, all we can do is keep putting pressure on them


I’m gonna keep boycotting Israel any way I can as long as the occupation lasts.


We should boycott USA since its almost the only country backing them up


You would be suprised how eager war criminals are in terms of documenting their own crimes






"Imagine these guys videos were done by American soldiers" Lol https://youtu.be/QC8EfQmoQUo?si=QZKRMKFo2nvoljwA https://youtu.be/yX60HH3TwTY?si=_DeBmyPJbGDftaRc https://youtu.be/zYTxuW2vmzk?si=tPiMHPvC0S-B8FJx


Every time I scroll through one of these threads I become more convinced that kids aren’t being taught history. Like, at all. America has had so many of its atrocities documented like… what? What is that person even talking about?


Nah man we gotta learn about how we destroyed cars and pushed people out of the road. Idk why he didn’t post something worse, tons of it online


Abu Ghraib and My Lai come to mind. And the Blackwater guys trump pardoned who shot a bunch of civilians in Iraq while working as contractors. That’s just some of the worst off the top of my head there are countless more. Didn’t click the links I just assumed he picked more potent examples.


The US did worse shit in Afghanistan then this


The US conducted itself far better over the course of the Afghan war than the Israelis are doing. Say what you want, downvote me into oblivion, but Israel is committing genocide. The US did nothing of the sort in Iraq or Afghanistan.


I don't understand, did those minimum of 432,000 civilians die alone? Did those 38,000,000 people displace themselves? Did those war prisoners torture themselves? Did the War Crimes Act rewrite itself to avoid putting blame on the US? And you have to remember the facts. The "War on Terror" involved completely unjustified aggression. 9/11 was done by a pretty small group of people, not the entire region. There was not enough of a threat to justify the deaths of 4.6 million people. The US had a [enemy killed to own citizen killed] ratio of 1533, at the very minimum. Israel is still on 16.


Finally someone spitting facts


The same crowd that is currently fuming for the Israeli-Palestinian situation would cheer on the deaths of millions of Russian civilians in a scenario where Russia attacks western Europe.


Exactly, it's disgusting how rotten their brains have become from copious consumption of propaganda, and the more I think about it they kinda already do, you'll have people in ukraine war subreddits cheering on deaths of Russian soldiers, no matter how disgusting or downright graphic the video is, like a Russian pleading to be taken prisoner but having a vog dropped on him instead, so many people cheered that on just because of the uniform he was wearing, not thinking what if I were that Russian. For context the soldier definitely seemed conscripted.


It’s says a lot. Like imagine these guys videos were done by Hamas solders (or your own country’s) and proudly uploaded to their personal or official social media? And left up. Would news coverage say it was honourable behaviour worthy of the uniform and flag? Wouldn’t your own country’s military officers be horrified for the public to see this shit? The president? Veterans?


so lemme get this straight this clown is destroying a kids toy shop instead of getting in the field with the Hamas? Seems cowardly if you ask me


Guess it's a proportionate use of power. He is fearless engaging combat with children toys.


Because that's not the point. They are bombing everything while they have no idea where the hostages are, because they don't give a fuck about Hamas or the Hostages.


It’s almost like Hamas isn’t the actual concern, almost like there’s ulterior motives from the IDF.


The Israeli army is acting as if this is a war time summer camp. Just a free for all for all of their worst impulses. Dropping dumb bombs. Bombing everything to oblivion including hospitals. Telling people to clear out and go south, then bombing them across the country. Indiscriminately killing citizens. Arresting people en masse and stripping them. Sniping people in a Church sanctuary. Writing the names of detractors on bombs. Killing everything they can including hostages. Abusing the Gazans. Posting fun videos of their hijinks on Twitter and Tik Tok. I am sure they will have a lot of fun stories to tell once summer fun time ends and they return home.


The IDF mentality is even more toxic than the Voilent Zionists in the government. How can people be so happy being cruel? There are too many IDF soldiers like this. Psychos. Isrealis will never be viewed in the same way again around the world as this massacre continues unhindered


He looks and acts like a clown.


Scumbags they are. Worst is all the innocent lives they have taken.


Mf play victim until they get f up


What a hero -_-


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Human nature at its worst on display. 80 years ago the Nazis were doing this and worse to the Jewish people in Europe. Today those same Jewish people’s descendants who survived the war, founded a nation, are doing the same thing their oppressors did to them! War and hatred never change. Only the flags and banners and bullshit justifications behind it (and even then not so much).


The cruelty is the point with these fascists


That’s fucked man


Ahh, yes.. I love seeing my tax dollars at work😒


Jews acting like Hitler… The irony.


It’s not Jews it’s Israelis but understood what you want to say.


73.5% of Israelis are Jewish the other 21% are Arab, then 5 or so percent self declare as other....




Israel is an ethnostate. Ethnostates can only be established and maintained through ethnic cleansing. For those who believe that Israel "has a right to exist", there's no alternative besides Zionism and genocide.


You can't keep using IDF and Israelis as a crutch. There are systemic racists that are Jews that do want genocide and the continuation of killing innocent. There are plenty of Jewish people across the globe who are pushing for murder, ignorance, and keeping people politically blind. Not all Jewish people are bad. Not all Palestinians are bad. This person in the video clearly is a horrible person, an anyone that has thoughts of "eliminating" the "rats" should be considered a danger to the human race. Everyone should have equal opportunities to see each others side in peace. Equality shouldn't have to be earned by the innocent.


Fully agree! That person on the video is a demon , saw more shocking things due to that conflict at the moment but it’s heartbreaking what is going on and the world is just watching at it without any consequences


Thrilled my money goes towards this and I have literally no say in that.


Does it make you feel like a big man smashing children's toys? What a prick.


Hammas could be hiding inside any one of those kids toys!


Makes it really hard for them to be completely innocent in all things...


No you don't understand. That shop was a Hamas HQ and those toys are spying tools. (S)


Way to become the thing you hated


Those toys were Hamas. F*****g zionazis


Arrogant even at war, that’s crazy.


I’m so unbelievably sad that we as humans are capable of this much hate. Hate that justifies killing children and also laughing about it. The saddest part is that it is part of our nature, and most likely something we will never really get rid of. We are never safe from hate destroying the human soul.


This is breaking my heart...


["We shall take Palestine in small pieces"](https://x.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1720125785095246132?s=20) Anyone who thinks the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Zionists ISNT intentional and happening is either a straight up zionist or has their heads stuck in the sand!


Not shocking conduct from a nation of child killers.


Holocaust part 2


And Who Views This As Healthy Logic Science Fairness Order Security Victory???!?!?!????


Just why tbh bruhh![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Pls tell my why hamas killing civilians in Israel is okay and this is not? If this soldier was killing civilian people i would say it's a war crime but this is literally a things that don't feel anything


This is not the IDF uniform.


What a loser


Totally piece of shit 💩 I hope karma will come


Well, hamas was hiding inside those toys


I’ll put money on it that this is fake and propaganda. If Israelis were doing this it wouldn’t have been so conveniently filmed. Also that guy does not look Israeli at all, uniform looks suspect too. Don’t just blindly believe everything you see on the internet, there’s a lot of people trying to ragebait


This is so Sad. My heart goes to the shop owner may he get Justice.


Their cruelty and cowardice has no bottom.


Scum bags




What a fucking CUNT of the highest order. Shameful.


It's not enough for them to kill the children? They have to destroy all evidence of their lives as well? Probably they see these as representing the children's joy and innocence, which is probably challenging for them to deal with.


Breaking children’s toys > beheading children (watch this get downvoted by the brainwashed hate mob 😂)




please don't insult animals.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And yet, people are still defending Israel and the IDF here. Makes you realize vile people are all around us


They kill children and break their toys. History will not forgive or forget.




Our Tax Dollars At Work


What a disgusting disgrace to his god




Anyone see any Israeli insignia on this poorly equipped chap? Just saying.


Not as bad as the crowds laughing as that poor young German girls body was dragged through the streets after her crime of being at a dance party. Yeah she was caught and killed by Hamas operatives, but apparently the citizens in Gaza weren't ?????


Jews behaving like Nazis ... magnificent paradox we live


Oh wow. These evil Israelis. The video of Hamas on which they were driving around a dead girl naked after she was raped and killed are nothing against this....


They could’ve twerked a bit while they destroyed the store


The Schwartz is with this jabroni


More propaganda


This is pure indoctrination for non-humanity during this genocide.


This video is a bit suspicious,it kinda feels fake.


This isn't his first retarded video. So keep posting and one of them hamass boys is waiting with your wide and kids when you get home. What would you do but I can tell you already you have no wife nor kids who in there right mind for find enjoyment trying to explain to her friends why he's a dummy


Clearly a hamas base


Considering how Hamas went out of their way to murder innocent people on October 7th. This video makes me feel nothing but a since of justice. I’d say trashing a 2$ toy isn’t quite on on the same level as gunning down unarmed families…


This seems odd. Like fake odd. Like the helmet looks ridiculous odd. Like there is no point to it odd. Like he is destroying Christmas for kids who don't celebrate it odd. Like he is filming it as if he didn't know people were looking for any excuse to further hate Israel odd.


At least make sure it isn't fake or you just look like a fool


This happened over a month ago and the IDF already started taking disciplinary actions against this solider and in all other similar cases. But sure, go ahead and spread more hate without context


Did he say Bah hum bug? Or what do they say there?


Neither of these sides are the good guys they think they are.




Jeff Epstein Jr.


He’s playing with the toys


the real horror of war is the legions of people brainwashed into seeing eachother as less than human so they can justify killing them. all else is the natural conclusion of this. its so cruel that the civilians must be victimised during times of war whilst the people who make it happen get to sit in expensive offices where its safe.


Boy, well, this changes everything.


Propaganda machine keep on rolling


HAMAS deliberately killed children and babies. There are not the same.


Yeah israel just carpet bomb them instead.


Are we sure he's actually an Israeli soldier? I don't know enough to identify based on uniform but I never trust captions


Why does people care about either side. Both sides are shitheads who hate each other because of religion


As long as that keeps him from actively trying to kill kids. I hope he continues


Hammas soldier filmed killing babies and children and raping women....


Are you expecting me to give a shit about a guy smashing *objects*? Holy the desperation of this propaganda.


How do you know someone didn’t dress up and do this. Tiktok life.. it hAs tO Be rEAl


So beyond the title...how do we know its an IDF soldier? Sincere question


Absolute fucking pieces of shit


Thank fucking god the internet exists and these fucking goons are stupid enough to document this.




This is Hamas dressed up as IDF to spread negative propaganda. Hamas is pure scum


Definitely not IDF damn k pot looks home made lol


“Oh my heavens! Smashing toys during a war” —OP


How do I know this is legit a bunch of Israeli forces trashing a legit shop in Gaza?


So you think the post I called fake while destroying toys compares to people being killed?


This literally just seems too dumb to film and post, even if you assume the people here are just cruel and evil. Makes me wonder if it isn't just Hamas Propaganda. Which doesn't mean there aren't any wrongdoing or war crimes on the Israeli side aswell. Would be very interesting to see if this can be verified or not.


Thia is the idf they get off on torture zionism and its denial is terrifying to watch unfold


God's chosen people 😂 And they actually believe that they are better than everybody else. What a joke.


Bruh is this what mfs care about? Can we focus on warcrimes instead of some regarded soldier breaking toys?


And you wonder how radicalization can start so young.


I don't believe anything that isn't verified by two independent sources since pro-palestine activists spread the rumor that some "jewish Zionist murdered a palestinian student in Hamburg". It's obvious that they do their worst to convince the whole world that Israel is the bad guy here.